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Økonomiske prognoser

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  • af Shoshana Zuboff
    220,95 - 310,95 kr.

    Enorm rigdom og magt er i dag koncentreret i nye markeder, hvor overvågning af og forudsigelser om vores adfærd bliver købt og solgt. Shoshana Zuboff betegner fænomenet overvågningskapitalisme og kalder det for en lige så stor omvæltning af den menneskelige tilværelse i dag, som den industrielle revolution var det i det 20. århundrede. Der er tale om en hidtil uset magtkonstellation karakteriseret ved ekstreme koncentrationer af viden uden demokratisk tilsyn – og prisen er vores frihed. Med begrænset modstand fra lovgivning og samfund truer overvågningskapitalismen vores nutid og vil dominere vores fremtid – hvis vi tillader det. Anmeldelser “Læs den – den er fremragende!” ★★★★★★ - Altinget ”Det hidtil mest ambitiøse forsøg på at tegne det store billede og forklare baggrunden for digitaliseringens følger, som vi oplever dem som individer og som samfundsborgere ... En fortsættelse af traditionen fra Adam Smith, Max Weber, Karl Polanyi og – tør man sige det – Karl Marx.” – The Observer ”En tilbundsgående researchet, fængende skrevet fortælling om overvågningskapitalismens opståen og dens skadelige virkninger for vores samfund... – New York Times Book Review ”... alle bør læse denne bog som et digitalt selvforsvar. Med stort klarsyn og moralsk mod demonstrerer Zuboff ikke alene, hvordan vores hjerner støvsuges for data, men også hvordan de ændres undervejs, hurtigt og radikalt.” – Naomi Klein, forfatter til Intet bliver som før og No Logo Om forfatteren Shoshana Zuboff er amerikansk socialpsykolog, filosof og professor emerita på Harvard Business School samt ekspert i den digitale revolution. Hun har udgivet en lang række bøger i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi, psykologi, filosofi og økonomi, og i 1988 skrev hun The age of the Smart Machine: the Future of Work and Power, som blev et skelsættende hovedværk om computeriseringen af vores arbejde og liv.

  • - økonomisk teori og global virkelighed
    af Karen Helveg Petersen
    313,94 kr.

    Økonomer forstår alt – undtagen kapitalismen. Sådan lyder det fra cand.polit. Karen Helveg Petersen. I 'Rentekapitalismen' undersøger hun, hvad der driver det kapitalistiske verdenssystem fremad, de politiske institutioners rolle i processen og om globaliseringen er ved at være nået en grænse i vækstens og profitjagtens navn.Den kapitalistiske økonomi har muliggjort frihed fra tvang og materiel nød, men bliver ved med at trampe naturgrundlaget og autonome sociale strukturer under fode og skabe nye former for fattigdom og elendighed.Helveg Petersen ser på den moderne, globale kapitalisme, og hun giver et indblik i den moderne imperialistiske situation: Råvarer hentes i Det Globale Syd, industriproduktionen er flyttet til Øst- og Sydasien, og de vestlige konsumsamfund bæres oppe af stadig mere hektiske finansmarkeder.Med udgangspunkt i klassisk-marxistiske grundbegreber analyserer Karen Helveg-Petersen de modsætninger og kriser, der driver det kapitalistiske verdenssystem fremad, og de politiske institutioners rolle i processen.Karl Marx' og John Maynard Keynes' teorier kombineres med neoklassisk teori og stilles kritisk op mod hinanden. Og forfatteren dykker ned i, hvordan de økonomiske hovedskoler begriber den virkelighed, de er sat i verden for at forklare og forudsige.Første del gennemgår konkrete udviklingstendenser i verden – ikke kun i Vesten. Anden del behandler grundbegreber i økonomisk teori, vare, værdi, pris, penge og kapital i alle dens mange former. Tredje del stiller skarpt på, hvordan grundrente, prisfastsætning på jord og naturressourcer kan forstås i sammenhæng ud fra arbejdsværditeorien. Fjerde og sidste del diskuterer krisen i 2007-2008 som et finansielt udtryk for underliggende dårligdomme, modsætninger i ’realøkonomien’ samt den nye imperialisme, hvor Vesten dominerer verdens produktion og råstofudvinding og skaber marginalisering og arbejdsløshed.Bogen giver en troværdig forbindelse mellem teori og virkelighed. Målet er – forhåbentlig – at bibringe læseren en bedre forståelse af det kapitalistiske samfund.Karen Helveg Petersen er ph.d. i økonomi fra State University of New York og har haft talrige konsulentopgaver i energi og offentlige finanser i ikke mindst Afrika. Hun har tidligere undervist på RUC samt været programrådgiver for FN’s Udviklingsprogram i Kenya, EU’s udviklingsprogram i Congo-Brazzaville og Den Interamerikanske Udviklingsbank.

  • af Klaus Brun
    1.355,95 kr.

    Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy evaluates the transportation of fluids required in the decarbonized energy economy. The book will help researchers, design manufacturers, and those within government and academia to understand challenges and guide the design and development of systems, machinery, and infrastructure needed for a decarbonized energy economy. The book provides comprehensive insights on the implications of the energy transition for a critical aspect of commerce: the infrastructure central to energy transportation and the economy. This practical book highlights the unique systems central to the efficient transport of various forms of energy. After outlining the need for transporting energy, types of fluids used to transport energy, and various means of transportation, the book covers the importance of understanding the energy marketplace, global perspectives, and then moves into the transport of natural gas, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The work concludes with coverage of technology gaps, research and development, future trends, and solutions. Led by professionals with decades of experience and collecting insights from expert contributors, this book begins with the essentials of energy transport, provides detailed coverage of modes of transport, considers critical questions of energy supply and economics, and looks at long-term environmentally sensitive, sustainable options for the transport thereof. A powerful tool for the energy transition, Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy offers expert analysis on sustainable energy transport and its impact on our future.

  • af Peter Schwartz
    194,95 kr.

    The world we live in today is more volatile than ever. The security of free nations is threatened by rogue states, the global economy is in flux, and the rapid advance of technology forces constant reevaluation of our society. With so many powerful forces at work and seemingly unpredictable events occurring, to many the future seems dark, and its possibilities frightening.Peter Schwartz disagrees. A world-renowned visionary in the field of scenario planning, Schwartz's startling-and accurate- predictions have been employed by government agencies and major corporations for more than twenty-five years. He argues that the future is foreseeable, and that by examining the dynamics at work today we can predict the "inevitable surprises" of tomorrow.Timely and thought-provoking, Inevitable Surprises is a book that no one with an interest in business-or the future of our society-can afford to miss.

  • af Daniel Adongo
    180,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Henrik Lund
    1.026,95 kr.

    Renewable Energy Systems: A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of Fully Decarbonized Societies Third Edition includes updates from globally recognized renewable energy researcher and professor, Henrik Lund, who sets forth a comprehensive methodology for comparing different energy systems' abilities to integrate fluctuating and intermittent renewable energy sources to achieve a fully decarbonized society. The book presents an energy system analysis methodology, providing the results of more than 15 comprehensive studies, examining the large-scale integration of renewable energy and presenting concrete design examples derived from a dozen renewable energy systems around the globe. The book also undertakes the socio-political realities governing the implementation of renewable energy systems by introducing a theoretical framework approach aimed at understanding how major technological changes, such as renewable energy, can be implemented at both the national and international levels. This is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, engineers, project managers, policymakers, consultants, and graduate students with an interest in planning, modelling, and implementation of renewable energy systems.

  • af Stefan Schleicher
    277,95 kr.

    Die in ihrer Radikalität seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr erfahrenen Krisen und deren Neuheit und Gefährdungspotenzial motivieren eine Suche nach einem vertiefenden und verändernden Umgang mit der Wirtschaft.Stefan Schleicher, Professor an der Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, offeriert unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" eine Einladung, dafür gemeinsam zukunftsfähige Spuren zu legen.Robert Coen, Professor an der Northwestern University, unterstützt diese Suche aus der Perspektive eines Amerikaners.Tex Rubinowitz liefert für diese Suche hintergründige Cartoons.Die Spurensuche erfolgt in mehreren Dimensionen. Die inhaltliche Basis liefern vom Autor verfasste Kolumnen für die Wiener Zeitung, wodurch eine enge Verbindung mit der Praxis der Wirtschaftspolitik seit 2020 entsteht. Die dazu erstellten faktenbasierten Analysen sind innovativ, sowohl hinsichtlich der gewählten Daten als auch deren leicht zugänglichen Aufbereitung.Zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit provozieren die begleitenden Cartoons. Die unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" gelegten Spuren verweisen auf neue Bausteine für ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirtschaft, auf die notwendigen Updates für die Konzepte der Wirtschaftspolitik, auf Tests für deren Praxis, auf ein neues Verständnis für den Umgang mit dem Klimaproblem, sowie auf die Notwendigkeit eines Reset für den Umgang mit Energie.

  • af Nate Silver
    179,95 kr.

    NAMED A MOST-ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2024 BY FT, The Guardian, and The Sunday TimesFrom the New York Times bestselling author of The Signal and the Noise, the definitive guide to our era of risk—and the players raising the stakes   In the bestselling The Signal and the Noise, Nate Silver showed how forecasting would define the age of Big Data. Now, in this timely and riveting new book, Silver investigates “the River,” the community of like-minded people whose mastery of risk allows them to shape—and dominate—so much of modern life. These professional risk-takers—poker players and hedge fund managers, crypto true believers and blue-chip art collectors—can teach us much about navigating the uncertainty of the twenty-first century. By immersing himself in the worlds of Doyle Brunson, Peter Thiel, Sam Bankman-Fried, Sam Altman, and many others, Silver offers insight into a range of issues that affect us all, from the frontiers of finance to the future of AI. Most of us don’t have traits commonly found in the River: high tolerance for risk, appreciation of uncertainty, affinity for numbers—paired with an instinctive distrust of conventional wisdom and a competitive drive so intense it can border on irrational. For those in the River, complexity is baked in, and the work is how to navigate it. People in the River have increasing amounts of wealth and power in our society, and understanding their mindset—and the flaws in their thinking— is key to understanding what drives technology and the global economy today. Taking us behind the scenes from casinos to venture capital firms, and from the FTX inner sanctum to meetings of the effective altruism movement, On the Edge is a deeply reported, all-access journey into a hidden world of power bro­kers and risk-takers.

  • af Howard Duryée Wheeler
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Patricia C. O'Brien
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Mejdi Jeguirim
    1.592,95 kr.

    Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy, Volume One in the Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies series, looks at the production performance of renewable energy sources and emerging production processes. Chapters cover some of the most dynamic developments, best practices, and future concepts in solar energy systems, energy storage, geothermal energy, bioenergy, wind energy, fuel cells, and hydrogen production. The book also includes recent regulations and worldwide policies. By reviewing these state-of-art advances, this book provides readers with an up-to-date source on renewable energy grid integration and its importance in aiding the energy transition. This is a valuable resource for graduates, researchers, professors, and industry professionals involved in the renewable energy sector, as well as advanced engineering courses dealing with renewable energy, sources, thermal and electrical energy production, and sustainability.

  • af G. A. Phillips
    339,95 - 1.235,95 kr.

  • af Christian Kreiß
    305,95 kr.

  • af Gaurav Garg
    127,95 kr.

    The world of finance has been transformed by the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Advanced algorithms are now routinely applied across the industry for everything from high frequency trading to credit risk modeling. Yet despite its widespread impact, AI trading remains an often misunderstood field full of misconceptions. This book aims to serve as an accessible introduction and guide to the real-world practices, opportunities, and challenges associated with applying artificial intelligence to financial markets. Across different chapters, we explore major applications of AI in algorithmic trading, common technologies and techniques, practical implementation considerations, and case studies of successes and failures. Key topics covered include data analysis, feature engineering, major machine learning models, neural networks and deep learning, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, portfolio optimization, algorithmic trading strategies, backtesting methods, and risk management best practices when deploying AI trading systems. Each chapter provides sufficient technical detail for readers new to computer science and machine learning while emphasizing practical aspects relevant to practitioners. Code snippets and mathematical derivations illustrate key concepts. Significant attention is dedicated to real-world challenges, risks, regulatory constraints, and procedures required to operationalize AI in live trading. The goal is to provide readers with an accurate picture of current best practices that avoids overstating capabilities or ignoring pitfalls. Ethics and responsible AI development are highlighted given societal impacts. Ultimately this book aims to dispel myths, ground discussions in data-driven evidence, and present a balanced perspective on leveraging AI safely and effectively in trading. Whether an experienced practitioner looking to enhance trading strategies with machine learning or a curious student interested in exploring this intriguing field, readers across backgrounds will find an accessible synthesis of core topics and emerging developments in AI-powered finance. The book distills decades of research and industry lessons into a compact guide. Complimented by references for further reading, it serves as a valuable launchpad for readers seeking to gain a holistic understanding of this future-oriented domain at the nexus of computing and financial markets.

  • af Anthony Of Boston
    237,95 kr.

    This book provides an intricate example of how to apply pattern recognition to the daily prediction of tradeable financial assets like Euro/USD and Bitcoin/USD. I demonstrate how the only way to be able to predict the price movement on a daily basis is by strictly using variations in positions of the 1. Moon, 2. Sun, 3. Mercury. & 4. Lunar nodes....and setting those variations within different parameters that call for predictions of either a price rise or fall.Using parameters that call for predictions of either up or down based on variations of the position of the sun, moon, mercury, and lunar nodes, one can find significant patterns that could lead to predicting accurately a tradeable financial asset on a daily basis for a long period of time....possibly leading to a holy grail algorithm or holy grail theory of daily trading via quantitative analysis.The book also demonstrates how the Dow Jones Industrial Average follows a pattern based on the position of the Sun and Lunar nodes. The basic gist of the algorithm decrees that from the point when the degree of the sun is 3 degrees past(or higher than) the degree of the lunar node(in any sign) all the way until the degree of the sun enters a new sign at the 24th degree mark(using western astrology), a prediction of a market upswing should be applied. From the point when the degree of the sun enters a new sign at the 24th degree mark all the way until the degree of the sun goes 3 degrees past the degree of the lunar node(in any sign), the prediction of a market downswing should be applied.The final volume contains the percentage ups and downs of the BTC(Bitcoin)/USD currency pair during times when the Sun and Mercury are in the same sign and also during times when the Sun and Mercury are in different signs. These statistics go back to 2012. My initial observation would conclude that there is a higher prevalence of a rise in BTC/USD when the Sun and Mercury are in different signs and a higher prevalence of a drop when the Sun and Mercury are in the same sign. Mercury retrograde periods, however, seem to reverse that pattern, making it to where the Sun and Mercury in different signs would drive the BTC/USD lower, while the Sun and Mercury in the same sign (during the retrograde) would bring it higher.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    657,95 kr.

    This publication highlights brighter economic prospects for Asia and the Pacific amid ongoing challenges. It forecasts growth across the region's developing economies of 4.8% this year and in 2024, up from 4.2% in 2022.The reopening of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will boost regional economic growth through supply chain linkages and demand for goods and services. Growth in the PRC is expected to rebound to 5.0% this year from 3.0% in 2022. Healthy domestic demand in India will also support regional growth: India is forecast to grow by 6.4% in 2023. Growth in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Pacific, and Southeast Asia will be lifted as tourism recovers. Meanwhile, headline inflation is expected to decelerate from 4.4% in 2022 to 4.2% this year and 3.3% in 2024.However, higher debt and interest rates have magnified financial stability risks, as evidenced by recent banking sector problems in the United States and Europe. An escalation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine could cause renewed surges in commodity prices, stoking global inflation and inducing further monetary tightening. Further, climate change and global fracturing remain persistent challenges. To confront these challenges, policy makers need to strengthen policies to ensure financial stability and actively support multilateralism to deepen regional cooperation.

  • af Abduallah Gamal
    1.487,95 kr.

    Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Renewable Energy: Methods, Applications, and Challenges brings together the latest fuzzy and soft computing methods, models, and algorithms as applied to the field of renewable energy and supported by specific application examples and case studies. The book begins by approaching renewable energy sources, challenges and factors that affect their development, as well as green renewable energy sites and the utilization of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques in these broad contexts, as well as utilization in addressing the various environmental, economic, and social barriers to ensuring the sustainability of energy resources. Detailed chapters focus on the application of multi-criteria decision-making methods for planning, modeling and prioritization in specific areas of renewable energy, including solar energy, wind farms, solar-powered hydrogen production plants, biofuel production, energy storage, hydropower, and marine energy. Finally, future opportunities and research directions are explored.

  • af Dona Diabla
    892,95 kr.

    Discover Ways To Attract And Manifest 100,000 dollars. Attracting and manifesting abundance can only be achieved if you have the right mindset. This means that you have to change your points of view and direct yourself towards attracting and manifesting abundance. Dona Diabla offers you a way of achieving 100,000 every year for the rest of your life.

  • af Mauro F. Guillen
    322,95 kr.

    Get the best from accelerating social change with the new book from the bestselling author of 2030 and "acclaimed thought leader" (Kirkus), Mauro Guillén. Adam Grant praises how the book "invites us to rethink our careers, our families, and our future plans." Find out why business leaders and bestselling authors around the world are calling the book "sharply relevant and necessary" (William P. Lauder), "insightful and deeply researched" (Richard Florida), and "A must read" (Mohammed A. El-Erian). In today's world, the acceleration of megatrends - increasing longevity and the explosion of technology among many others - are transforming life as we now know it.In The Perennials, bestselling author of 2030 Mauro Guillén unpacks a sweeping societal shift triggered by demographic and technological transformation. Guillén argues that outmoded terms like Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z have long been used to pigeonhole us into rigid categories and life stages, artificially preventing people from reaching their full potential. A new postgenerational workforce known as "perennials" - individuals who are not pitted against each other either by their age or experience - makes it possible to liberate scores of people from the constraints of the sequential model of life and level the playing field so that everyone has a chance at living a rewarding life. Guillén unveils how this generational revolution will impact young people just entering the workforce as well as those who are living and working longer. This multigenerational revolution is already happening and Mauro Guillén identifies the specific cultural, organizational and policy changes that need to be made in order to switch to a new template and usher in a new era of innovation powered by the perennials.

  • - The Danish Model
    af Bjarne Hastrup
    327,95 kr.

    The Danish social welfare model has helped place Denmark solidly among the leading countries in the Western world. Social Welfare — The Danish Model charts the dynamics between the public sector, the business sector and the civil sector. These are the three main actors in the continued negotiations about the Danish model; it is through their agreement (and disagreement) that new and improved versions of the model emerge in support of the country’s progress and competitive advantage. And – not least – in support of a society that is a decent society for all. Bjarne Hastrup (MSc. Political Science) is Managing Director and Co-Founder of DaneAge Association, and a Director of DaneAge Foundation. He is very active in the social welfare debate in Denmark and has written a number of books and articles on this topic. He also teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Danish social welfare model and social welfare economics at the University of Copenhagen.

  • af Rafael Leal-Arcas
    1.946,95 kr.

    Electricity Decentralization in the European Union: Towards Zero Carbon and Energy Transition, Second Edition examines progress in decentralization across the European Union, with each chapter focusing on developments and innovations in a specific country. Sections provide an overview of the current role and state of smart grids, the conceptualization of energy transition, and specific cases across all EU states. Across the chapters, regulatory frameworks are assessed to identify to what extent it is conducive to decentralization, with specific outcomes of decentralization covered in detail, including deployment of smart grids and meters, demand response, electric vehicles, and storage. The book highlights how specific EU member states are progressing towards deployment of these tools and technologies, along with the specific needs and regulatory barriers in each and recommendations for how regulation can be more encouraging. In addition, electricity interconnections in the EU are considered as a vital step towards decentralization in order to boost energy security and energy efficiency. Finally, the book includes a detailed examination of data protection concerns that arise from the advent of new technologies that collect personal information, such as smart grids, assessing current regulation on data protection and identifying areas for improvement, as well as innovative finance options for sustainable energy.

  • af Dr Anna (University College London) Killick
    284,95 - 822,95 kr.

  • af Felix Salmon
    222,95 kr.

  • af Delisle Worrell
    434,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Phil Taylor-Guck
    187,95 kr.

    The Covid-19 pandemic presented the biggest world crisis for generations, upending our daily lives and routines. Even as we have started looking forward to a better future once more, the worst may yet be to come.While few politicians and economists like to admit it, all signs point towards an unprecedented financial crisis, the most dangerous economic phenomenon of them all: stagflation. Caused by the worst possible macro-economic combo - rising unemployment and high inflation - it's a scenario that, until recently, experts insisted cannot happen.You need to prepare. Read The Great Stagflation to:Understand the who, what, why and when of stagflationLearn why the response offered by successive governments and economists is flawed and will not workFace up to the scale of the problem and its impact on every aspect of our livesFormulate a strategy not just to survive in this new, hostile financial environment, but to thriveAvoid costly mistakes and investments that will expose you to more risk

  • af Robert R Prechter
    427,95 kr.

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