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  • af Kjeld Hansen
    178,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Flæskfødevarer skal ikke længere produceres for enhver pris. Produktionen skal bidrage til at løse klimakrisen, ikke forværre den, vende naturens nedtur til optur og forsyne os med fødevarer uden at frembringe livstruende virus. Sundhed, klima og biodiversitet står øverst på dagsordenen for fremtidens agroindustri.Den helt store disruption af den traditionelle agroindustri kommer i løbet af det næste tiår. Vi står over for den dybeste, hurtigste og mest konsekvensskabende forandring af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen, siden de første planter og dyr blev domesticeret for 10.000 år siden.Til trods for at vi kan købe stort set alle fødevarer til lavere priser fra udlandet, fortsætter vi med at højglanspolere myten om Danmark som et landbrugsland. Erhvervet selv går til yderligheder, som når Tulip i Randers sender sine svin til Tyskland for at få dem opskåret af østarbejdere på sulteløn, for derefter at reimportere de samme svin, nu forklædt som Tulip Danish Bacon.Vi holder stadig fast ved masseproduktionen af billigt flæsk og mælk i stedet for at bevæge os opad i værdikæden, som et højtudviklet land burde være i stand til. Ikke mindst økonomien taler for at ophøre med en 120 årgammel tradition for at eksportere bacon og smør til lave udsalgspriser.At det blev netop coronavirus, der lagde en hel verden ned, betragter virologerne som en tilfældighed. Den næste pandemi er allerede under opsejling, og det bliver en influenza A-virus. Med al sandsynlighed vil den spredes fra svinefabrikkerne, og ingen kan forudsige, hvor dødelig den kan blive. Sidst den ramte verden, kostede den 500.000 mennesker livet. Prisen for billigt flæsk kan blive skæbnesvanger høj, hvis vi tøver for længe. Velkommen til fremtidens bedste landmænd.

  • af Seth Godin
    146,95 kr.

    When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere canaddress this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

  • - 50 års udvikling og forandring
    af Henning Otte Hansen
    155,95 - 198,95 kr.

    I dag – godt 50 år efter vores indtræden i EU – er det muligt at vurdere, hvad medlemskabet har betydet for landbruget og de tilhørende sektorer. Denne bog viser udviklingen i dansk landbrug, i fødevareindustrien, på fødevaremarkederne og i omverdenen umiddelbart før Danmarks indtræden i EU og i de efterfølgende 50 år, og bogen henvender sig især til læsere med interesse for denne udvikling. Bogens historiske fremstilling og mange analyser af dansk landbrugs udvikling gennem 50 års medlemskab af EU kan bruges til at forstå landbrugets nuværende position og de drivkræfter, som har ført landbruget til den nuværende placering. På baggrund af udviklingen gennem adskillige årtier i EU, forandringer i omverdenen og megatrends giver bogen et bud på landbrugets fremtidige udvikling. Derudover kan analysen af 50 års EU-medlemskab også bruges til en vurdering af, hvad fremtidige internationale samarbejder på landbrugs- og fødevareområdet kan betyde.

  • - Samarbejde om klima, migrationsforhold og bæredygtig fødevareproduktion i verdens brændpunkter
    af Ole Stokholm Jepsen
    288,95 kr.

    I den vestlige verden har vi stor tradition for at sendeudviklingsbistand til verdens brændpunkter, og det er selvfølgelig både vigtigt og nødvendigt. Men hvis du spørger Ole Stokholm Jepsen, skal det gribes anderledes an, hvis vi reelt vil gøre en forskel.Som landbrugsrådgiver har han rejst i det meste af verden, og med en finger i jorden vil han nu give sine anbefalinger til, hvordan vi kan løse nogle af de største globale udfordringer: migration, ligestilling, fødevare-sikkerhed og ikke mindst klimaændringerne.Vi har brug for et forpligtende langtidssamarbejde i forhold til ligestilling, aktivering af ungdommen og en styrket privat-sektor for at sikre økonomisk vækst, stabilitet og en bæredygtig fødevareproduktion

  • af Bent E. Nielsen & Jens Christian Huusmann
    207,50 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Maha A. Ghalwash
    708,95 kr.

    An alternative reading of the relationship between the state and smallholder peasants in mid-nineteenth-century EgyptThis book examines the rural history of Egypt during the middle years of the nineteenth century, a period that is often glossed over, or altogether forgotten. Drawing on a wide array of archival sources, some only rarely utilized by other scholars, it argues that state policy targeting the peasant land tenure regime was informed by the dual economic principles of the Ottoman, or traditional, philosophy of statecraft, and that the workings of the relevant regulations did not produce extensive peasant land loss and impoverishment. Maha Ghalwash presents a rich, detailed analysis of such crucial issues as land legislation, tax impositions, the system of tax collection, modes of land acquisition, large-scale peasant abandonment of land, the emergence of surplus lands, the formation of large, privileged estates, distribution of village land, female land inheritance, and the nature of peasants' political activity. In investigating these issues, she highlights peasant voices, experiences, and agential power. Traditional interpretations of the rural history of nineteenth-century Egypt generally specify an avaricious state, so indifferent to peasant well-being that it consistently developed harsh policies that led to unremitting, extensive peasant impoverishment. Through an examination of the relationship between the absolutist state and the majority of its subject population, the peasant smallholders, during 1848-63, this study shows that these ideas do not hold for the mid-century period. State, Peasants, and Land in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Egypt will be of interest to students of Middle East history, especially Egyptian rural history, as well as those of peasant studies, subaltern studies, gender studies, and Ottoman rural history.

  • af Samir Radwan
    327,95 - 1.098,95 kr.

  • af Vandana Shiva
    213,95 kr.

    First published in 2018 in India by Women Unlimited.

  • af Isaac Mbugua
    431,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2013 in the subject Business economics - Investment and Finance, , course: Master of Business Adminstration-Finance, language: English, abstract: It has been postulated that access to credit for farmers has been influenced by a number of factors. It is presumed that there exists a relationship between agriculture productivity and poverty alleviation, and hence the critical need to address inadequate credit facilities in rural areas that are a key constraint to farmers¿ investments. Given that the major economic function of financial institutions include addressing the restraints imposed by inadequate access to financial services; it is argued that these institutions are well positioned to dealing with these financial constrains among which include access to credit.Literature review in chapter two revealed that access to credit was a challenge facing farmers in various parts of the globe. Studies indicated that a significant proportion of challenges in the farming industry could be alleviated through the provision of sustainable and easily accessible credit. For this study, data was gathered using questionnaires and was analyzed using Ms-Excel and presented using elementary statistical techniques such frequency tables and charts. After analyzing the findings, the researcher drew conclusions and made recommendations. Areas for further studies were identified as well. Research established that collateral, basic loan requirements and interest rates on loans are key determinants to farmer¿s access to credit, deficiency in any of the above factors hindered farmers from getting credit.After assessing the findings of the study, the researcher made recommendations aimed at improving and making it easy for farmers to access credit, e.g. coming up with loan products specifically tailored for farmers and opening of rural branches by financial institutions to bring services closer to farmers.

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