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Forsikring og aktuarstudier

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  • af Lisbeth Espensen, Anne Thuen, Pernille Brandstrup & mfl.
    707,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en bred vejledning om sygedagpengelovgivningen og den praksis, der knytter sig hertil, og giver svar på de fleste spørgsmål om sygedagpenge.Denne 5. udgave af bogen er ajourført i forhold til de ændringer, der er sket i sygedagpengelovgivningen siden 2006. Der er sket en række ændringer i sygedagpengesystemet – flere af grundlæggende karakter. Der er således siden da vedtaget mere end 30 lovforslag på området.Bogen er udformet som opslagsbog med flere muligheder for en hurtig og målrettet informationssøgning.

  • - En grundbog om regressager
    af Berit Møller Lenschow & Litten Posselt Olsen
    427,95 kr.

    En grundbog om sygedagpengeregres. Bogen giver en indføring i behandling af sygedagpengeregressager.

  • af Henning Jønsson
    1.162,95 kr.

    Bogen er en kommentar til en typisk forsikringspolice inden for husejerforsikring og ejerskifteforsikring. Denne 3. udgave af kommentaren beskriver ligesom de foregående en »gennemsnitshusejerpolice«, herunder også ejerskifteforsikringen, der som bekendt har standardvilkår og forfatteren gennemgår den nyeste praksis på området. Bogen falder i 19 kapitler, der blandt andet beskriver:- hvilke personer husejerforsikring dækker- hvilke bygninger og genstande, der er dækket af forsikringen- hvilke skader forsikringen dækker- bygningsbrandforsikring- forsikring mod svamp og insekter, vandskade, stormskade, brandskade, frostskade, tyveri og hærværk, snetryk, pludselige skader, rørskader, glasskader- husejeransvar- følgeudgifter- erstatningsopgørelsen- generelle regler- ejerskifteforsikringBogen er tænkt som et hjælpemiddel for forsikringstagere og andre til bedre at forstå, hvad en husejerforsikring og ejerskifteforsikring dækker, men retter sig mod alle, der har interesse i husejerforsikringer og ejerskifteforsikringer.Forfatteren er Henning Jønsson, direktør i Ankenævnet for Forsikring, der har mere end 20 års erfaring i at arbejde med forsikringsklager.

  • af Henning Jønsson & Jørgen Gawinetski
    1.317,95 kr.

    Håndbogen til både forsikringstagerne og dem der arbejder professionelt med forsikringer.Familieforsikringen er den mest udbredte forsikring i Danmark med ca. 2. mio. policer i kraft hos de ca. 2,3 mio. husstande. Familieforsikringen er et produkt med mange forskellige bestemmelser, der kan og skal fortolkes. Bogen her er tænkt som et hjælpemiddel både forsikringstagere og forsikringsagenter og giver hjælp til at få overblik over, hvad en familieforsikring reelt dækker.Bogen gennemgår både “gennemsnitspolicen” og Basisforsikringen, det vil sige Basis 2. I tilknytning hertil gennemgår forfatterne punkt for punkt forskellige typer af forsikringsvilkår med konkrete afgørelser fra domstolene og Ankenævn for Forsikring til at forklare og uddybe.Nyt i 5. udgaveDenne 5. udgave af bogen er ajourført med den udvikling, der har været på retsområdet siden sidste udgave i 2001– både vedr. selve familiesikringen som produkt samt den nyeste praksis og lovændringerne. Ankenævnet for Forsikring tegner i dag forsikringspraksis, da forsikringssager oftere afgøres her i stedet for hos domstolene. Og da nævnets praksis i høj grad har udviklet sig over tid er denne 5. udgave opdateret på dette område i forhold til tidligere udgaver af bogen.MålgruppeBogen kan anvendes både af forsikringstagerne og professionelle inden for forsikringsområdet.Om forfatterneBogens forfattere er forsikringsdirektør Jørgen Gawinetski og direktør Henning Jønsson – begge tidligere direktører i Ankenævnet for Forsikring.

  • af Morten Samuelsson
    897,95 kr.

    Bogen er en kommentar til lov om forsikringsformidling.Siden forsikringsmæglerloven fra 1999 er reglerne om forsikringsformidling ændret flere gange. Implementeringen af EU’s direktiv om forsikringsformidling fra 2002 medførte omfattende ændringer i de regler, der gælder om forsikringsmæglere og om banker og andres formidling af forsikringer. I 2007 skete der væsentlige ændringer i reglerne om provision til forsikringsmæglere. Bogen indeholder en stillingtagen til de dele af lovgivningen, som kan give fortolkningstvivl. Derudover finder du en gennemgang af de gældende regler under hensyn til retspraksis og Finanstilsynets og Erhvervsankenævnets afgørelser.

  • af Troyen A Brennan
    316,95 kr.

    "The subject of this book is the historical evolution of health care insurance in the United States and, based on that winding path, a set of predictions about where we are headed"--

  • af Charles A. Jenney
    294,95 - 452,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Cam McLellan
    127,95 kr.

    In jargon-free language, Cam lays out a step-by-step investment guide to give you:A clear understanding of the Australian property Investment landscape3 easy steps you can use to find the best investment, every timeTools and checklists which can reduce risk and maximise your returnsUsing Cam's Straight-Line To Wealth investing method, you'll also learn:How to identify market growth cycles, before they occurTo cut out media hype & invest based on factual market dataThe 10 biggest mistakes made by investorsHow to pay your home off in 10 years, not 30Finance structuring & taxation made easyHow to keep your own home safe & out of the bank's handsWhen not to invest in propertyHow to avoid 'sharks' who circle the property industryEasy to understand trusts, contracts & prenuptial agreements5 key exit strategiesWhy a modest income is no barrier to successful property investingHow passive income from growth property can fund a life you never thought possible

  • - Being A Short Treatise On The Doctrine Of Interest And Annuities-Certain (1882)
    af George King
    213,95 - 367,95 kr.

    The Theory of Finance is a concise treatise on the principles of interest and annuities, written by George King in 1882. The book covers the fundamental concepts of finance, including the time value of money, compound interest, and present value calculations. It also explores the various types of annuities, including certain annuities, contingent annuities, and perpetuities. The author provides clear explanations and practical examples to help readers understand the complex concepts of finance. The book is intended for students and professionals in the field of finance, as well as anyone interested in understanding the basics of financial theory. Despite being written over a century ago, the principles outlined in The Theory of Finance remain relevant and useful to this day.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Thomas Charles
    332,95 kr.

    The book "Modified Complex Multiplier for 5G Networks" by Prakash, P provides a comprehensive analysis of the design and implementation of a modified complex multiplier for 5G wireless networks. The book is an essential resource for engineers, researchers, and students interested in the development of efficient and high-performance digital signal processing techniques for 5G communication systems.The author, Prakash, P, has extensive experience in the field of digital signal processing, wireless communication, and 5G technology. In this book, he presents an in-depth analysis of the existing complex multiplier design and proposes a modified version that improves the performance and reduces the power consumption of 5G wireless networks.The book covers a wide range of topics related to the modified complex multiplier design, including the mathematical background, circuit implementation, and performance analysis. It also discusses the potential applications of the modified complex multiplier in 5G wireless networks, such as in the implementation of digital beamforming, channel estimation, and equalization.The book includes numerous examples, illustrations, and case studies that help readers understand the concepts and applications of the modified complex multiplier in 5G wireless networks. The book is an invaluable resource for researchers and engineers who are working on the design and development of digital signal processing techniques for 5G communication systems.

  • af Hiram Thomas Lamey
    337,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af RetireWise
    257,95 kr.

    This book takes you step by step through the retirement planning process, simplifying complicated terms and plans, and turning them into understandable, actionable advice. Every chapter adds to your knowledge, helping you replace anxiety with understanding, and fear with confidence.With this guide by your side, you'll get answers to your questions about Social Security, Medicare, and pension plans. You'll know how to make the most of your benefits, safeguard your healthcare, and protect your financial future.Within these pages, you'll discover:The secrets of social security - unravel its complexities and maximize your benefits in straightforward stepsA roadmap to navigating Medicare, demystifying its coverage, and ensuring you're well-prepared for any health hurdlesPension Plans decoded - Insightful strategies for securing a steady income throughout your golden years; the difference between a life of worry or tranquility9 actionable strategies to enhance your Social Security benefits because you deserve every pennyHow you can find trusted advisors to guide you through complex financial decisions, safeguarding your assetsHow to stay abreast of policy changes that could impact your benefits, keeping you one step ahead at all timesA no-nonsense checklist for retirement using the top 10 tips for a worry-free life after work - don't miss this if you value peace of mindHow to navigate Social Security for people with special needs - master the intricacies of managing special cases within the Social Security system, ensuring that you and your loved ones get the support you deserve11 simple ways to stay on top of your retirement funds - lose track and risk losing it allAre you ready to sail smoothly into your golden years, free from the worries of Social Security and Medicare, and empowered with the knowledge to take control of your retirement destiny?

  • af Darren Sugiyama
    182,95 kr.

    This is the Second Edition of this book - released in the beginning of 2024 - and is the updated version of Darren Sugiyama's original book that was released in 2021. A lot has changed in the world of Premium Financed Life Insurance in the last few years including increased interest rates, a recession, the crash of crypto currency, product changes, and industry regulated restrictions put on life insurance policy illustrations. As the most transparent premium financing intermediary in the life insurance industry, Darren Sugiyama thoroughly explains different methods of premium financing he uses with different types of clients based on their unique circumstances, including several new loan platforms he developed in 2023-2024. Sugiyama also takes a deep dive into discussing how IUL policy charges and credits work, the sustainability of the 0% floor, the difference between Fixed Policy Loans and Participating Policy Loans, and IUL multiplier features. The granular details of premium financing are articulated in a way that is highly detailed, yet succinctly expressed in a way that a life insurance novice can understand. Sugiyama transparently breaks down his methods of mathematically modeling Premium Financed Life Insurance with a spirit of authenticity, consumer protection, and full disclosure. In an industry that often times paints a very opaque picture regarding how financial instruments work, Sugiyama takes a disruptive approach by dispelling the myths and uncovering the truths about how many of these sophisticated estate planning instruments are built. This is an incredibly valuable book for both clients who are considering using Premium Financed Life Insurance as an estate planning tool, as well as financial advisors and life insurance agents who are considering offering these strategies as solutions for their high net worth clients.

  • af Meaghan Dowd
    162,95 kr.

    Wealth defense is often overlooked in personal finance discussions. Despite meticulous financial and estate planning, a single unfortunate accident has the potential to unravel years of hard work and drastically alter your quality of life. In such instances, personal insurance is a critical safeguard, serving as a shield not just for your possessions, but also for the lifestyle you've created. This unique book provides a comprehensive overview of personal insurance, offering valuable insights for both personal and professional application. Whether read cover-to-cover or used as a reference guide, it equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about home, auto, valuables, and excess liability, tailored to individual lifestyle choices. Regardless of how you choose to read this book, you'll walk away...Understanding the basics of property and liability insurance from a personal protection standpoint.Empowered in knowing how day-to-day life impacts coverage considerations.Confident in the ability to make decisions around your personal insurance needs.

  • af Aaron Slader
    322,95 kr.

    Serving Health on a PlatterAre you searching for a compelling and evidence-based resource that can transform your family's eating habits and lead to healthier, happier lives? Look no further than "Serving Health on a Platter: SNAP-Ed Curriculum Analysis." This unique and insightful book is the key to unlocking the potential for positive change within your family.Unlock the Power of Family MealsWhat You'll Find InsideThe Power of KnowledgeIf you are committed to improving your family's health and well-being through the power of family meals, "Serving Health on a Platter: SNAP-Ed Curriculum Analysis" is an essential addition to your library. Join the growing movement of families who understand the profound impact of sharing meals together and making healthier food choices. Buy your copy now and embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier family life.

  • af Sanjivan Saini
    617,95 kr.

    "Insurance, regulations and loss prevention" by sanjivan saini is a comprehensive and insightful book that covers various crucial aspects of the insurance industry and loss prevention strategies. With a focus on providing valuable information to insurance professionals, students, policymakers, and individuals interested in risk management, this book encompasses the following key units:Insurance fundamentals: the book begins with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of insurance. It explains the concept of insurance, its significance in risk mitigation, and the various types of insurance policies available for individuals and businesses. Readers will gain a clear understanding of how insurance works and how it benefits both insurers and policyholders.Allied information: this section delves deeper into the insurance industry, covering essential information related to insurance companies, their roles, and the insurance market. It provides insights into insurance products, premium calculations, and the process of underwriting. Additionally, readers will learn about the importance of actuarial science in insurance and the role it plays in risk assessment.Basic rules for industry and road transport: this unit focuses on the insurance considerations and regulations specific to the industrial sector and road transport. It addresses the risks faced by industries and transporters and how insurance plays a crucial role in protecting against potential losses. Readers will gain valuable insights into the types of insurance coverage required for industries and road transport businesses.Basic rules for sea transport: in this section, the book covers the essential rules and regulations related to insurance in the maritime industry. It discusses the unique risks associated with sea transport and the need for specialized marine insurance coverage. Topics such as cargo insurance, hull insurance, and marine liability insurance are explored in detail.Basic rules for warehousing: warehousing plays a critical role in supply chain management, and this unit highlights the insurance considerations related to warehousing operations. Readers will learn about the risks associated with storing goods and how insurance can provide protection against theft, damage, or other unforeseen events.Throughout the book, sanjivan saini draws on his expertise in the insurance industry to provide practical examples and real-world applications of insurance principles and loss prevention strategies. With a clear and engaging writing style, the author makes complex insurance concepts accessible to readers from all backgrounds."insurance, regulations, and loss prevention" is an invaluable resource that equips readers with the knowledge to navigate the insurance landscape, understand insurance regulations, and implement effective loss prevention measures in various industries and transport sectors. It serves as a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to make informed decisions and enhance their risk management practices.

  • af Joseph Mitchell
    227,95 kr.

    Discover the detrimental impact of loans and expenses, from student loans to unplanned expenses, and learn how to break free from the cycle of accumulating debt. Explore traditional investment options like fixed deposits, gold, and real estate, as well as the power of the stock market and mutual funds. Unveil the remarkable potential of index funds, a low-risk investment avenue that offers guaranteed returns in the long term.But it doesn't stop there. This book goes beyond financial investments, highlighting the importance of investing in yourself through education and skill development to enhance your earning potential. Things you'll learn:Crafting your early retirement plan: learn step-by-step guidance to create a tailored roadmap for retiring early.Financial independence strategies: discover proven methods to attain and maintain financial freedom.Wealth accumulation techniques: master the art of accumulating wealth through savvy investment practices.Retire young and prosper: uncover the secrets of retiring early while living a fulfilling life.Investment planning for retirement: navigate investment options tailored for retirement success.Let me also say this. When i speak of retirement, i'm not talking about sitting around doing nothing. While that might be enjoyable for a few days or weeks, that would quickly get old. If you're ambitious enough to pursue an early retirement, you'd be bored out of your mind if your retirement years didn't include meaningful activities.

  • af Paul E. Beers
    172,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Taylor Apple
    307,95 kr.

    Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance Subtitle: A Study of Decision-Making in St. Kitts for Long-term PreservationRethinking Tourism and Environmental GovernanceBook DescriptionExplore the critical intersection of tourism and environmental sustainability in the Caribbean with "Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance." This insightful book delves into the challenges faced by the wider Caribbean region, especially in economies heavily dependent on tourism. The narrative takes a deep dive into the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental preservation, using the case study of St. Kitts.Preface OverviewIn the preface, the author highlights the pivotal moment the Caribbean finds itself in, having experienced remarkable growth in tourism over two decades. However, this success comes at a cost-the strain on finite natural resources and the resulting environmental decay. The book underscores the irony that an industry designed to showcase natural beauty has become a significant contributor to its decline.Key Themes Explored1. Closed Environmental PolicyThe research contends that St. Kitts exhibits a closed environmental policy, where citizen concerns are not adequately considered in decision-making.2. Citizen EngagementEmphasizes the importance of soliciting opinions and concerns from citizens and stakeholders to create a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.3. Government-Community RelationsAddresses the need for fostering support and trust in government actions to avoid confusion and resentment, which can impede effective environmental policies.4. Perceptions and BeliefsInvestigates the perceptions, opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of local citizens regarding the environment, tourism development, and the relationship between government leaders and citizens.5. Exclusion and Self-InterestExplores the hypothesis that specific user groups feel excluded from the decision-making process and that government actions may be driven by the self-interest of the political and economic elite.6. Recommendations for Sustainable DevelopmentProvides recommendations based on research findings, including the importance of increasing public awareness, environmental education programs, involving specific groups in project planning, and empowering the community to take responsibility for their surroundings.7. Youth InvolvementAdvocates for the involvement of young people in implementing recommendations, recognizing their role in shaping the future of sustainable development.Why You Should Read This Book"Rethinking Tourism and Environmental Governance" offers a compelling exploration of the complex relationship between tourism, environmental policy, and citizen engagement. By examining the case of St. Kitts, it provides valuable insights and practical recommendations for achieving sustainable development in tourism-dependent economies. This book is a must-read for policymakers, environmentalists, and anyone passionate about the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental preservation.Tourism;Environmental Governance;Caribbean;St. Kitts;Sustainable Development;Citizen Engagement;Environmental Policy;Tourism Industry;Economic Impacts;Community Empowerment;Government Relations;Environmental Education;User Group Perceptions;Decision-Making Process;Community Involvement;Young People;Political and Economic Elite;Public Awareness;Tourism and Environment;Caribbean Development

  • af Kirk G. Meyer
    207,95 kr.

    Risk Management is your essential guide to navigating the complex world of insurance with confidence. From health to home, life to liability, this book breaks down the daunting details into clear, actionable advice. It's not just about choosing policies; it's about understanding them deeply to tailor your coverage to your unique needs. Whether you're assessing personal risks or managing professional liabilities, this comprehensive guide empowers you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, balance costs, and secure your future. Embrace the power of being well-insured and prepared for life's uncertainties with this indispensable resource.

  • af Esteban Kylo
    297,95 kr.

    Understanding RiskRisk is an integral part of our lives, and it affects each and every one of us. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly exposed to various risks that can have a significant impact on our well-being, finances, and future. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to have a fundamental understanding of risk and how to manage it effectively. This subchapter aims to provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to navigate the complex world of risk management.To begin with, what exactly is risk? In simple terms, risk refers to the possibility of an adverse event occurring that could result in harm, loss, or damage. These events can be unpredictable and can arise from a multitude of sources, such as natural disasters, accidents, health issues, or financial setbacks. Understanding the different types of risks and their potential consequences is the first step in protecting yourself and your assets.Risk management, on the other hand, is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks, followed by the implementation of strategies to minimize or mitigate their impact. It involves a systematic approach that requires careful analysis, planning, and decision-making. By effectively managing risks, you can safeguard your personal and financial well-being, as well as the interests of your loved ones.This subchapter will delve into various aspects of risk management, including risk identification, risk assessment, risk control, and risk transfer. You will learn how to identify potential risks in different areas of your life, evaluate their likelihood and impact, and develop strategies to reduce their probability or mitigate their consequences. Additionally, we will explore the concept of risk transfer through insurance and other risk-sharing mechanisms, enabling you to make informed decisions regarding the appropriate coverage for your specific needs.Understanding risk is not only important for individuals but also for businesses and organizations. Effective risk management can help businesses thrive in a competitive environment, protect their assets, and minimize potential liabilities. Therefore, this subchapter will also touch upon risk management strategies tailored to the needs of businesses.Whether you are an individual seeking to protect your family and assets or a business owner aiming to secure your enterprise, this subchapter will provide you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complex world of risk management. By understanding risk and implementing effective risk management strategies, you can proactively safeguard your life, financial well-being, and future.

  • af Caleb Miles
    457,95 kr.

    In "Fortuitous Destiny" by Caleb Miles, the author skillfully weaves a tapestry of serendipity and fate, exploring the intricate dance between chance and destiny. Miles invites readers on a captivating journey where unexpected encounters, seemingly random events, and uncharted paths converge to shape the characters' lives.Set against the backdrop of a world where destiny reveals itself in the most fortuitous of ways, Miles delves into the profound connections that bind individuals to their unique fates. The narrative unfolds with a delicate balance of suspense and revelation, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they witness the characters navigate through the twists and turns of their fortuitous destinies.Caleb Miles' storytelling prowess shines through as he crafts a narrative rich in emotion, introspection, and the unanticipated turns that define the human experience. The characters grapple with the profound impact of chance encounters, discovering that destiny often unfolds in the most unexpected moments."Fortuitous Destiny" stands as a testament to Caleb Miles' ability to illuminate the extraordinary within the ordinary, offering readers a compelling exploration of the interconnected threads that bind us to our destinies. Through his lyrical prose and nuanced storytelling, Miles leaves an indelible mark on the literary landscape, inviting readers to ponder the intricacies of their own fortuitous journeys.

  • af Oscar W. Simpson
    137,95 kr.

    "Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Living Your Life!"For those who want to design their own destiny and path, this book may be one of the most helpful resources available anywhere!Do you take charge of your life, or does it take control of you? Which path ought you to choose? Which route will get you to your desired destination, do you know? Only a select few people are able to successfully create and shape their own destiny; the most drift aimlessly through life, hoping that one day their predestined fate will intervene and good fortune will smile upon them.This effective tool will supply you all the information you require to succeed and realise your aspiration of living a better life.Introducing... Living With A Purpose.This product will take you, step-by-step, through the exact procedure we devised to assist individuals gather all the information they need to be successful. It also contains wonderful advice about living on purpose. Who Can Use This Book? - Entrepreneurs - Internet marketers - Network marketers - Life Coaches - Personal Development Enthusiasts - Self Improvement Bloggers - Web Publishers - Writers and Content Creators - And Many More! In This Book, You Will Learn: - Living On Purpose Basics - Figuring Out What You Want Your Life To Look Like - Making Goals And Sticking To Them - How Living On Purpose Works - And so much more!

  • af Robin Schütt
    198,95 kr.

    Mit diesem Buch erwirbst du nicht nur umfassendes und essentielles Wissen über Versicherungen und Baufinanzierungen, sondern es wird dir ebenso aufgezeigt, wie du zwischen qualitativ hochwertiger und suboptimaler Beratung unterscheiden kannst.

  • af Jeff Hastings
    267,95 kr.

    This highly anticipated 4th edition is filled with major revisions tailored to equip new and veteran agents with invaluable insights and strategies to thrive in the rapidly changing insurance marketplace.

  • af Emily Roberts
    187,95 kr.

    The Healing Code: An All-In-One Resource for Health and HealingEmily Roberts is the author. In her book "The Healing Code: A Comprehensive Guide to Health and Medicine," Emily Roberts leads readers on a fascinating exploration of the medical and health fields. Roberts provides a holistic viewpoint that encourages people to take responsibility for their health by drawing on her broad knowledge and compassionate attitude. If you're lost in the healthcare system's maze, this guide will be your guiding light. Emily Roberts combines time-tested medical advice with the latest discoveries to give readers a full picture of the therapeutic procedure. Her meticulous research and clear writing help demystify the human body and give people the knowledge they need to make better health choices. Roberts covers a lot of ground, from preventative medicine to treatment alternatives to the role of mental and emotional health in achieving physical wellness. This book is a great resource for people of all walks of life since she offers concrete advice for living a healthy, happy life. When it comes to improving one's health, "The Healing Code" is more than a book; it's a road map that can provide readers newfound understanding and empowerment. With Emily Roberts by your side, you can expect to take the first steps towards a new and improved you. If you're looking for a medical system that treats the whole person and gives you agency over your health, this book is for you.

  • af D. W. Lindsey
    197,95 kr.

    Dive deep into the world of AFLAC insurance sales with this comprehensive and insightful guide, tailored specifically for agents aiming to master their craft and excel in their careers. "Mastering AFLAC Insurance Sales: A Guide to Success" is an indispensable resource, meticulously crafted to navigate you through the intricacies of AFLAC's insurance products, the essential licensing and regulatory landscapes, and the effective strategies required to build and sustain a successful career in insurance sales. From understanding the diverse range of AFLAC's insurance offerings and the specific audience each product caters to, to mastering the art of prospecting, lead generation, and closing deals with finesse, this eBook covers it all. Delve into the nuances of sales techniques and strategies, learn how to build trust and rapport with clients, and discover the secrets to managing and retaining a robust client portfolio for long-term success. Crafted with precision and care, each chapter unfolds a new aspect of insurance sales, providing in-depth knowledge, practical strategies, and real-life case studies of successful AFLAC agents. Whether you are a newcomer eager to start your journey, or a seasoned agent looking to refine your skills and expand your knowledge, this guide serves as your roadmap to success in the competitive world of insurance sales. Embrace the journey of mastering AFLAC insurance sales with this guide by your side, and unlock your potential for unparalleled success and professional fulfillment. Welcome to the definitive guide to excelling in AFLAC insurance sales, where your journey to mastery begins.

  • af Manley Hopkins
    357,95 - 467,95 kr.

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