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Data is the gold of the 21st century. Buzzwords like "data culture" or "data-driven company" are on everyone's lips.Instead of dry theory, "Data for the Tiger" conveys the path to a data-driven company in the form of an entertaining fable with wild animals in a jungle.A lively story for both data specialists and data consumers who want to get more value out of their data.Are you ready for the most extraordinary textbook the data world has ever seen?
Einige digitale Plattformen haben inzwischen eine kaum zu durchdringende Marktmacht aufgebaut. Diese ist ein Resultat ihres strukturellen Aufbaus als Vermittler zwischen Mitgliedern unter dem Einfluss von Netzeffekten sowie dem Skalierungs- und Hybridisierungspotenzial. Ergänzt wird diese strukturbedingte Marktmacht durch eine algorithmenbasierte Marktmacht, welche auf der Auswertung personenbezogener Daten und der Personalisierung von Inhalten basiert. Jene Plattform, welche die Daten ihrer Mitglieder am besten auswertet und auch die effektivste Personalisierung bietet, setzt sich im sog. »Race for Relevance« durch. Die Gründe der Marktmacht digitaler Plattformen werden unter betriebswirtschaftlichem Blickwinkel analysiert und die daraus entstehenden Herausforderungen diskutiert. Eine empirische Untersuchung analysiert die Präferenzen von Menschen zur Nutzung insb. von Content-Plattformen, welche als besonders daten-analytisch beschrieben werden können.
Established firms need to balance their current business with future opportunities. The structures and processes that foster renewal and innovation differ from those allowing the firm to maintain daily operations. This book explores how managers can develop innovation capacity in the established firm, thus enabling repeated innovation and renewal. The underlying foundation of the book is the belief that innovation is a result of the interactions among people within and around the established firm. We present eight distinct organizational solutions that enable innovation and renewal. For each solution, we describe the theory behind it and illustrate it with recent cases, most of them from Norway or the Nordics. The book targets managers and employees in the private and public sectors who hold responsibility for innovation and renewal in an established firm. It is also suitable for students, particularly within the fields of strategy, organization and management. Christine Meyer is professor in strategy and strategic change at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). Her research expertise is within strategic change and innovation in the private and public sectors. In addition, Christine has extensive experience from politics and public administration. She has been Director General for the Norwegian Competition Authority and for Statistics Norway, and junior minister in the Norwegian Government. Inger Stensaker is professor in strategic change at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). She teaches and conducts research on strategic change and innovation processes and is currently the director of the research project RaCE - Radical Technology-Driven Change in Established Firms. Rune Bjerke is former CEO of DNB, Hafslund, and Scancem International. He was also a politician within Oslo municipality. Today he works as a senior advisor and coach, in addition to holding several board of director positions. Rune is Executive Adjunct in Residence at the Norwegian Sch
Når forskning og innovation både er udfordringen og løsningenDet danske sundhedsvæsen er ramt af udfordringer. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og multisygdomsramte patienter, og hertil føjer sig et stigende problem med at sikre et godt arbejdsmiljø med kvalificeret personale.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer, når de undersøger, hvordan vi kan afhjælpe problemerne og skabe fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Potentialet ved strategisk at inkorporere forskning og innovation i forskellige udviklingstendenser udfoldes, og flere vinkler på, hvordan man kan sammentænke drift, forskning, innovation og uddannelse i praksis, præsenteres:- Missionsorienteret forskning og innovation- Udvikling af forskningskultur på tværs af en stor organisation- Det offentlig-private samarbejde- Det digitaliserede sundhedsvæsen- Forsknings- og innovationsbroen- Klinisk kvalitet som outcome- Brugerinddragelse.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan lede i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og innovation ind i driften, så det får reel impact for både personale og patienter. Bogen kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.
The purpose of this book is to equip learners with knowledge and skills of assessment and evaluation. The book explores the importance and use of evaluation to all education stakeholders. Most importantly, evaluation helps to determine to what extent the broad objectives of a programme have been achieved. In addition, the book focuses on the scales of measurement, various ways a teacher can use to estimate reliability of measurement instrument using test-retest, measure of equivalence and measure of internal consistency. Guidelines of test construction are also discussed which include test blue print construction. Further, the book highlights the statistical ways of analyzing learners test results such as measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Finally, this book provides a discussion of statistical item evaluation such as item difficulty level and the discrimination index.
Dieses Buch beschreibt Lebensmitteltrends aus den Themenkomplexen Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung. Es werden anschaulich aktuelle Themen für die Lebensmittelindustrie und dem Lebensmittelhandel behandelt. Die Fallstudien wurden von Masterstudenten des Studiengang Lebensmittelwirtschaft der Hochschule Trier im Fach Unternehmensführung bearbeitet und präsentiert.
Challenge-based research focuses on addressing societal and environmental problems. One way of doing so is by transforming existing businesses to profitable ventures through co-creation and co-evolution. Drawing on the resource-based view, this book discusses how social challenges can be linked with the industrial value-chain through collaborative research, knowledge sharing, and transfer of technology to deliver value. The work is divided into three sections: Part 1 discusses social challenges, triple bottom line, and entrepreneurship as drivers for research, learning, and innovation while Part 2 links challenge-based research to social and industrial development in emerging markets. The final section considers research-based innovation and the role of technology, with the final chapter bridging concepts and practices to shape the future of society and industry. The authors present the RISE paradigm, which integrates people (society), planet (sustainability),and profit (industry and business) as critical constructs for socio-economic and regional development. Arguing that the converging of society and industry is essential for the business ecosystem to stay competitive in the marketplace, this book analyzes possible approaches to linking challenge-based research with social and industrial innovations in the context of sectoral challenges like food production, housing, energy, biotechnology, and sustainability. It will serve as a valuable resource to researchers interested in topics such as social challenges, innovation, technology, sustainability, and society-industry linkage.
Das Handbuch digitale Gesundheitswirtschaft liefert eine qualitätsgeprüfte umfassende Übersicht zu Chancen und Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation des Gesundheitswesens. Dabei werden Technologien, regulatorischer Rahmen, innovative Geschäftsmodelle und Einsatzbereiche jeweils mit branchenrelevanten Fallbeispielen ergänzt. Sowohl ökonomische als auch versorgungsrelevante Aspekte werden diskutiert - anhand aktueller wissenschaftlicher internationaler Studien.
This book provides state-of-the-art descriptions of smart service innovations in the industry, supported by novel scientific approaches. It gathers findings and insights presented at the fourth Smart Services Summit, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in October 2021, which primarily focused on how smart services have enabled companies to adapt during and to the COVID-19 pandemic.The book includes examples of remote and collaborative working that actively involve customers in service processes, requiring a change in mindset for more traditional firms. Moreover, it explores how services can be delivered faster and more affordable with the aid of new technologies and in collaboration with the customers, leading to new value propositions and business models and thus an evolution of smart services. Given its scope, the book offers an essential guide for practitioners and advanced students alike.
In this book, a risk management approach starts off by discussing important issues related to managing supply chain disruption risks from various perspectives during VUCA times. It explores the essence and principles relating to managing these risks and provides the framework and multi-goal model groups for managing such unknown-unknown risks and subsequent disruptions at a global scale.The book explores and presents the latest developments across different emerging topics in supply chain risk and disruption management. These include (i) an overview of supply chain risk, and disruption management tools, techniques, and approaches, (ii) a review on uncertainty modeling for decentralized supply chain systems, (iii) supply chain deep uncertainties and risks - the 'new normal', (iv) emergent technologies for supply chain risk and disruption management, (v) supply chain resilience strategies for times of unprecedented uncertainty, (vi) the role of blockchain in developing supply chain resilience against disruptions, (vii) a qualitative study on supply chain risk management adopting blockchain technology, (viii) assessment of risks and risk management for agriculture supply chain, (ix) resilience of agri-food supply chains: Australian developments after a decade of supply and demand shocks, (x) prioritization of risks in the pharmaceutical supply chains (xi) improving medical supply chain disruption management with the blockchain technology, and (xii) impacts of resilience practices on supply chain sustainability.The book contributes significantly to the growing body of knowledge concerning the theory and practice of managing supply chain risks and disruptions in strategic management, operations and supply chain, and sustainability literature. It presents contemporary, innovative and latest developments in applying smart management tools, techniques and approaches for managing supply chain risk and disruption and future-proofing supply chains to become agile, resilient and sustainable.
Les sociétés occidentales contemporaines sont marquées du sceau du « jeunisme » et de l¿obsolescence rapide des innovations. Mais, à trop se focaliser sur la nouveauté, ne se prive-t-on pas de tirer des enseignements du passé ? Le passé n¿a-t-il, pour le dire autrement, aucune valeur pour penser notre présent et, plus encore, notre futur ? Quelles sont les ramifications qui permettent des innovations plus responsables en lien avec des besoins réels ? Ainsi est posée la question de la contribution de l¿histoire des techniques au développement de connaissances sur le processus d¿innovation. Quels sont les concepts clés et les principaux apports de l¿histoire des techniques à l¿innovation ? Comment l¿histoire des techniques peut-elle nous aider à imaginer le futur ?L¿enjeu de ce livre n¿est pas de retourner vers un passé. Il s¿agit d¿apprécier la portée heuristique de l¿histoire des techniques et des biographies d¿innovations pour imaginer des concepts innovants à même d'apporter des réponses inédites aux grands défis du monde contemporain. Les auteurs traitent des exemples issus de secteurs industriels variés. Invité à découvrir les innovations techniques de l'entreprise de Marc Seguin, le lecteur découvrira ainsi l'histoire du four micro-onde en France, en passant par celle du Shock Absorber de SEB ou plus près de nous du vaccin anti-covid de Sanofi.Ce livre s'adresse aux chercheurs de toutes disciplines, intéressés par la valorization de leurs travaux, aux ingénieurs de R&D qui lancent des projets innovants. Il se destine aussi à un public plus large intéressé par la naissance et la diffusion des innovations.
This book describes the groundbreaking work of Chaim Leib Pekeris and his collaborators. Between 1955 and 1963 they used the first electronic computer built in Israel, the Weizmann Automatic Computer (WEIZAC), to develop powerful numerical methods that helped achieve new and accurate solutions of the Boltzmann equation, calculate energy levels of the helium atom, produce detailed geophysical and seismological models derived from the study of the free oscillations of the earth, and refine models used to predict meteorological phenomena and global oceanic tides. This book provides a unique account of the pioneering work of Chaim L. Pekeris in applied mathematics and explains in detail the background to the rise of the Weizmann Institute as a world-class center of scientific excellence. This hitherto untold story is of great interest to historians of twentieth-century science with special emphasis on the application of computer-assisted numerical methods in various branches of mathematical physics.
This book gathers papers from the 12th Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Postgraduate Research Conference, which was held at the International Convention Centre, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa, from July 10 to 12, 2022. The conference directly addresses the objectives of SDG9: ¿Building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation¿. Moreover, the conference is designed to promote capacity development and transformation within the built-environment space by providing an all-inclusive platform to established and emerging researchers to discuss the recent advancements needed to move the industry forward.
Die Bedeutung politischer Risiken in Industrieländern nimmt zu. In jüngerer Vergangenheit dominieren geopolitische Risiken, die fundamentale Ausmaße annehmen und den Bestand des Unternehmens, ganzer Branchen oder sogar Volkswirtschaften gefährden können. Ebenso treiben zunehmende Regelungsdichte und Staatsverschuldungen die politischen Risiken. Das Buch stellt einen praxiserprobten Ansatz zur Identifizierung und zum proaktiven Management politischer Risiken in Unternehmen vor. Neben Risikovermeidung und Risikoreduktion kann dieser Ansatz Unternehmen helfen, Wettbewerbsvorteile im Umgang mit diesen Risiken auszubauen. Ein besonderer Fokus des Buchs liegt auf politische Risiken in Industrieländern. Wie die vorgestellten Werkzeuge im eigenen Unternehmen zum Einsatz kommen können, zeigen anschaulich drei fiktive Unternehmen, ein Chemiekonzern, ein Stromerzeuger und ein Rohstoffhändler, die den Leser durch das gesamte Buch begleiten.
Grußwort von Prof. Reinhard Wagner (GPM) * Empfehlung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kreativität (DGfK) * Bei Künstlern, Ingenieuren, Managern, Softwareentwicklern, Handwerkern, Lehrern und in vielen anderen Berufen gehört Kreativität zu den alltäglichen Aufgaben. Wie aber funktioniert gute Kreativität? Was geht im Gehirn vor? Was sind sinnvolle Hilfsmittel? Welche Tätigkeiten gehören dazu? Auf all diese Fragen findet dieses Buch verständliche Antworten. Es enthält ein neues Modell das sowohl für Menschen, Teams als auch Unternehmen gilt. Dieses wird in diesem Buch anschaulich erklärt. Schritt für Schritt werden die Zusammenhänge dargestellt und mit vielen Beispielen unterlegt. Dazu zeigt es die aktuellen Trends - von Scrum bis Design Thinking.
Open Strategy beschreibt die Öffnung strategischer Prozesse in Unternehmen, wodurch Mitarbeiter und externe Akteure durch Inklusion in die Strategiefindung und durch die Transparenz strategischer Prozesse und Entscheidungen in die Strategiefindung einbezogen und informiert werden. Im Zuge des Einbeziehens haben diese Mitarbeiter und externen Akteure die Möglichkeit strategische Prozesse, unabhängig ihrer formellen Entscheidungsbefugnis, zu beeinflussen. Sofern dieser Einfluss in der Strategieformulierung und in der Strategieumsetzung identifizierbar ist, lässt sich Strategy Ownership bei Akteuren identifizieren. Strategy Ownership bietet hierbei die Möglichkeit Auswirkungen auf Mitarbeiter und externe Akteure im Rahmen der Strategiefindung und Umsetzung zu erklären und kausal zu begründen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, wie strategische Entscheidungen in Open Strategy beeinflusst werden, wie Strategy Ownership in Open Strategy als theoretisch-konzeptioneller Bezugsrahmen im Open-Strategy-Kontext dargelegt werden kann und welche Implikationen sich durch das Konzept von Strategy Ownership ergeben.
A book that helps make sense of the megatrends playing out in the world today and, as a result, how individuals can future-proof their businesses and careers.In the context of work, consider two headlines that we face on a regular basis. Firstly, that the financial reality is few of us can afford to retire and, secondly, that robots and AI are destroying the very jobs we need to make a living. How are these two realities compatible?At the same time, the business landscape is full of hazards, with globalization, technology, talent shortages, changing consumer choices and politics all making it harder to create and maintain success. Competitors seemingly arrive from nowhere overnight, challenging and upending our markets.It is all up in the air, it is all happening at once and it is happening to all of us. From any perspective - personal or corporate - shouldn't we seek to understand what is happening and prepare ourselves for what is coming next?The World of Work to 2030 is a practical book that addresses these challenges. With a timeline to enable immediate action to be taken, and backed by extensive research, it is aimed at anyone who wants to know how to navigate the commercial and personal uncertainty of the future. The book considers the megatrends playing out in the world today and then through a series of lenses it explains how businesses and individuals can future-proof themselves. Illustrated through a broad range of case studies applied to markets around the world, this is a smart examination of the future of work and how to overcome its challenges.
Master the four disciplines of strategic fitness essential to executive performanceIn Strategic, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Rich Horwath delivers an incisive roadmap to help leaders at all levels think, plan, and act strategically to navigate every business challenge they face. The book offers business leaders a proven framework--the Strategic Fitness System--containing dozens of tools, techniques, and checklists to confidently master every area of the business, from designing market-winning strategies to shaping the organization's culture.The practical content will help executives in any industry improve what research has shown to be the most important leadership factor to an organization's future success--strategic competence--and use this skill to transform complexity to clarity in charting their strategic direction. The book features:* A common language for strategy and business planning* Practical tools for developing the four dimensions of executive fitness key to advancing the company's growth: strategy, leadership, organization, and communication* Techniques for designing enduring competitive advantage and frameworks for creating innovative new value for customers* Methods for evolving the business model to transform the trajectory of the business* The Strategic Quotient (SQ)--a validated assessment of an executive's strategic thinking, planning, and executionWith practical tools and dozens of real-world examples, readers of Strategic will immediately be able to set direction, create advantage, and achieve executive excellence. Be more than tactical--be Strategic.
The aim of the training manual is to develop knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to organise the human resources management system, apply methods and create technologies for the use of human resources; to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures and to develop students' skills and abilities to solve practical tasks in human resources management in organizations. The content of the manual includes a summary of the main theoretical points, topics for discussion, assignments and control questions. The manual will assist students in choosing and carrying out various types of independent study and research work. The textbook is an educational-methodical complex, which presents the theoretical course and provides materials for practical work, designed to develop professional competencies of bachelors, masters, doctoral and postgraduate students and civil servant trainees in the field of human resources management.
In this book, current digital trends have been described. This book is particularly suitable for group work within lectures on digitalisation.
This book explores the cutting-edge ideas that are shaping the future of innovation, design, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. The proceedings of the interdisciplinary Conference on Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Systems offer new perspectives on these topics. This book navigates the most recent research trends and practices, and gains unique insights on how to address innovation, design, and entrepreneurship on a sustainable basis. This book is an essential reference for anyone interested in staying up to date on the latest research, whether they are academics, designers, entrepreneurs, or sustainability enthusiasts. Get your copy now and take part in the debate about the future of sustainable innovation.
This book offers a comprehensive approach to organizational excellence based on the author¿s vast experience in managing excellence at highly innovative and dynamic organizations. It integrates various approaches into a consistent view of achieving excellence in the context of dynamic technological and societal developments. Starting from purpose and mission, it describes stakeholder mapping and analysis, and process and quality management. In turn, it sheds light on how to deal with business dynamics of various types and demonstrates how quantum-mechanical models can help to understand and manage dynamic organizational processes. The book then introduces readers to result measuring and performance management, followed by organizational learning and rewards and recognition. Moreover, it discusses (innovation) ecosystem leverage and organizational culture management as further important capabilities of excellent organizations. Best practices in corporate social responsibility and environmental, social and governance aspects are fully integrated throughout the book, which concludes by explaining how the UN Sustainable Development Goals can be applied to optimize business initiatives. The book is intended as a source of inspiration for managers working under highly dynamic organizational conditions, helping them take their businesses to higher levels. It also provides valuable industrial insights for scholars with an interest in organizational excellence.
The services provided by biodiversity are today subject to strong pressures. To remedy this situation, the ECCAS States have opted for a regionalization of efforts to ensure the sustainable management of the ecosystems of this forest massif. This involves a sectoral approach characterized by the establishment of normative, organic, technical and strategic frameworks that govern the action of institutions dedicated to the harmonization of forestry policies.
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