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E-handel: forretningsmæssige aspekter

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  • af Jakob Hebsgaard, Anders Hingeberg & Camilla Kjærsgaard Pedersen
    437,95 kr.

    Online markedsføring er relevant for alle virksomheder. Der findes i dag mange muligheder for at målrette markedsføringen på nettet mod en given målgruppe, samt at gøre brug af forskellige teknikker og værktøjer for at tilegne en brugbar viden om forbrugerne. Hvis ikke du er i stand til at påvirke de ting, som foregår online omkring din virksomhed, mister du et vigtigt konkurrencemæssigt parameter. Det er derfor afgørende, at du begiver dig ud i den digitale verden, så du skaber de bedste vilkår for, at din virksomhed kan opnå succes.I denne bog vil du lære alt, hvad der er relevant for at kunne arbejde professionelt med online markedsføring.Du lærer, hvordan du skaber positive resultater i din virksomhed gennem flere forskellige redskaber og programmer.Bogen er udformet som en praktisk guide, som du kan have ved hånden, når du begiver dig ud i den digitale verden. I bogen vil du kunne læse og lære om blandt andet:- Online annoncering med Google AdWords- Søgemaskineoptimering- Webanalyse i Google Analytics- Konverteringsoptimering- Sociale medier- Kundeloyalitet og e-mail markedsføring- Strategiske råd om online markedsføring…og meget mere.Denne bog er relevant for alle, der gerne vil arbejde med online markedsføring. Hvis du er ny på området, er bogen et godt udgangspunkt for dit videre arbejde. Efter du har læst bogen, vil du vide, hvordan du kan forbedre din virksomheds online aktiviteter og skabe positive resultater.

  • af Christian Frost
    58,95 - 74,95 kr.

    ”DU SKAL IKKE BLIVE IVÆRKSÆTTER FOR PENGENES SKYLD ...”I en ny bog fortæller en lang række danske iværksættere om succes og fiasko, og om at kaste sig ud i at gøre den gode idé til virkelighed.Der er et enormt fokus på iværksættere i disse år, og udsendelser som “Løvens Hule” nyder stor succes blandt de danske seere. I IVÆRKSÆTTERNE fortæller en række danske iværksættere om både succes og fiasko, og giver et unikt indblik i, hvordan det er starte for sig selv, hvad der har drevet dem, og hvilke udfordringer, der har været undervejs. Ikke mindst de økonomiske. “Jeg ved ikke, om man kan kalde det Løvens Hule-effekten, men der er mange som tror, at det bare drejer sig om at få en god idé og komme på TV, hvorefter millionerne vælter ind. Dem, der medvirker i denne bog fortæller en anden historie. Du skal ikke blive iværksætter for pengenes skyld, for så har du tabt på forhånd, men hvis du drømmer om at skabe noget, så har du jo vundet næsten uanset, hvordan det går”, siger forfatteren Christian Frost. Bogen skal også vise, at der er mange forskellige måder at være iværksætter på. De medvirkende strækker sig fra Mads Nielsen, der laver rom af sukkerroer på Samsø, selv om alle sagde, at det ikke kunne lade sig gøre. Danske Tattoodo, som startede med en søgning efter en tatovering og i dag har 300 millioner brugere. Biotrino, der dyrker alger og er i gang med at revolutionere den måde, vi fremstiller fødevarer på, samt mange mange flere. “Det er også en hyldest til fejltagelseskulturen, for som iværksætter er du meget bevidst om, at det kan ende med en fiasko. Derfor er IVÆRKSÆTTERNE ikke kun succeshistorier, men også dem, hvor konen stod i døren med børnene, og banken var i telefonen, fordi de ville have huset. Det var vigtigt at få med”, siger Christian Frost. 

  • - Sådan lander du din første investering
    af Rasmus Madsen
    332,95 kr.

    Funding er en jungle! Sådan lyder det fra den unge entreprenør og iværksætter Rasmus Madsen, der med bogen “Pitch Deck” vil forsøge at hjælpe andre på vej med økonomiske overvejelser. Forinden Rasmus selv startede ud som selvstændig, kunne de i hans virksomhed eManager ikke finde hoved og hale i, hvordan de skulle søge deres første investering og kunne dengang godt have brugt den viden han nu besidder. Derfor har Rasmus nu skrevet den komplette manuel til dig, som netop skal ud og søge funding. Bogen indeholder alt det materiale fra deres eget pitch deck og en optagelse fra et event og yderligere en detaljeret beskrivelse af hele processen - og endda med overvejelser om, hvad de havde gjort anderledes den dag i dag.Bogen bygger altså 1:1 på eManagers erfaring, hvor de både har rejst 1 mio DKK, men også misset en kapitalrunde på hele 4,5 mio DKK. Med forord af Lars Tvede samt en udtalelse af Martin Thorborg er “Pitch Deck” den helt perfekte bog til iværksættere, der skal ud og søge funding for første gang. Ifølge Rasmus Madsen har man allermest gavn af bogen, hvis man er på bar bund vedrørende alt fra, hvordan man skal udarbejde et pitch deck, til hvordan man griber hele funding situationen an. Og hvis det er tilfældet lover Rasmus, at han kan hjælpe dig godt på vej!

  • - Den praktiske iværksætterbog
    af Rasmus Madsen
    247,95 kr.

    Beskrivelse: ’Det lille skridt’ er bogen til dig, som enten gerne vil i gang med iværksætteri - eller have succes som iværksætter med dit nuværende projekt. Bogen anbefales af dygtige iværksættere (herunder Martin Thorborg) samt mange andre af de 2.300+ læsere.Forfatteren, Rasmus Madsen, udtaler følgende om bogen:"jeg var træt af at læse bøger fra iværksættere, som solgte deres virksomheder for 10 år siden. Ingen af dem kan huske tankerne og problemstillingerne, som opstod helt i starten. Derfor valgte jeg at skrive en bog, mens jeg endnu var ved at starte mit iværksættereventyr op. Sagt med andre ord har jeg ganske enkelt skrevet den bog, som jeg selv ønskede mig, da jeg var yngre!"Bogen er bygget op som en rigtig lærebog, der tager dig igennem alle de vigtige faser, når du skal starte din egen virksomhed. Hele vejen igennem bogen er der konkrete eksempler fra Rasmus’ egne projekter, projekter fra hans netværk samt eksempler på, hvad udenlandske virksomheder har gjort. Sagt med andre ord er ’Det lille skridt’ den første rigtige praktiske iværksætterbogMens du læser bogen, er der opgaver, du kan løse i slutningen af hvert kapitel, der gør forståelsen bedre. Enten for din egen virksomhed eller for en case-virksomhed. Hvis du gerne vil lave en forretningsplan til din egen virksomhed, indeholder det afsluttende kapitel hjælp til udarbejdelsen af denne. Bogen indeholder desuden flere af forfatterens egne forretningsplaner som inspiration.’Det lille skridt’ er skrevet på et ung og meget forståeligt sprog og er et must have for nye iværksættere samt en perfekt opslagsbog til iværksættere, som har været i gang nogle år.Rasmus har desuden startet flere projekter, som både har indebåret succes og fiasko. Fælles for dem alle er, at de har givet værdifuld læring. Senest har han været med til at sælge den danske succes, Dinero, for over 148 mio NOK.

  • - Sådan bygger du software uden at programmere
    af Jacob Bøtter
    330,95 kr.

    NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.

  • af Dorte Lytje
    297,95 kr.

    Feminin business med maskulint drive handler ikke om mænd og kvinder!Ved at bruge både de maskuline og de feminine værdier og egenskaber skaber man en business i balance. Her er dine handlinger i overensstemmelse med dine kerneværdier, så du både rykker på din drøm og samtidig har ro i sjælen.Bogen går bag facaden hos en ganske almindelig kvinde, der blev iværksætter ved et tilfælde, men som nu har været selvstændig i 20 år og gjort sin drøm til sin business.Det feminine siger: Stop op og mærk efter.Det maskuline siger: Sæt handling på og kom afsted!Forfatteren vendte tvivl, økonomisk tab og selvsabotage til succes, professionelt selvværd og 100 % ansvar for sin business ved at kombinere de feminine værdier med de maskuline.Du er ikke alene, når du oplever modgang og udfordringer på vejen vejen fra iværksætter til selvstændig.Jeg er Dorte Lytje, og hvis jeg kan, så kan du også!

  • af Ben Armstrong
    205,95 kr.

    A fun and authoritative guide to bitcoin and the future of moneyIn Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we're all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak. He discusses the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how it's commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit from the adoption of new, digital assets.In the book, you'll discover how Bitcoin operates in the real-world and how the underlying technology--known as the blockchain--operates. You'll also learn about:* The importance of decentralization, trust-less commerce and cryptographic consensus.* The humble origins of Bitcoin, as well as how it nearly died out, and how it went on to take over the world* How monetary and financial policy is being revolutionized by the introduction of Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.An essential and engaging review of Bitcoin, digital assets, and the new digital economy, Catching Up to Crypto is the hands-on and comprehensive introduction to crypto that investors, enthusiasts, the crypto-curious, and finance professionals have been waiting for.

  • - nøglen til fremtidens handel
    af Jens Dalgaard & Jesper Wagner Lund
    187,95 kr.

    e-kundeservice er et helt afgørende element for enhver virksomhed, der vil sælge på nettet.Hver dag forlader tusindvis af danske kunder en webshop midt i købsprocessen. De har allerede lagt deres varer i den virtuelle indkøbskurv, og de er i gang med at gå til kassen. Alligevel opgiver de undervejs, fordi de simpelthen mangler hjælp og service til at afsluttet købet.Gennem konkrete eksempler gør bogen læseren mere bevidst om, hvor vigtigt det er at yde god service online. Læseren får en række simple redskaber til at forbedre sin service med henblik på at øge kundetilfredshed og ikke mindst omsætning.eKundeservice er både henvendt til den lille webshop med kun en enkelt ansat, såvel som til ledelsen i større virksomhed, hvor hele afdelinger betjener kundehenvendelser. Det handler altså ikke om, hvor mange kunder du har. Men hvordan du gør din service optimal for alle.

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    105,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • af Ann Eckhart
    272,95 kr.

    The BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SELLING ON EBAY: 2024 EDITION is bigger and better than ever!Updated with eBay's newest LISTING FORM!Updated with eBay's newest SHIPPING FORM!Updated with more SOURCING information, more LISTING tips, and more ways to MAKE MORE MONEY reselling items on eBay!Making money online from home is the dream of millions of people.Whether you just want to earn some extra cash or you would like to start your own full-time home-based business, there's no better website to do it on than eBay!Millions of people around the world sell items on eBay, and in BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SELLING ON EBAY, author Ann Eckhart, an eBay seller herself since 2005, will teach you how to quickly start earning money online. Since 2019, Eckhart has been releasing a new, updated yearly edition of BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SELLING ON EBAY. The 2024 edition is the 5th edition of her guide, and it is jam-packed with information for new and experienced sellers alike.Every year, Eckhart updates this eBay guide with the latest information, both for beginners and those who are already selling on the site, including: THE BASICS OF EBAY: What Ebay is, why it's the best platform for reselling, and how to set up your selling account EBAY FEES & FEATURES: What Ebay has to offer you along with how much it costs for you to sell there RESELLING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: Everything you need to photograph, list, and ship items WHAT TO SELL & WHERE TO SOURCE: What sells on Ebay and where to find it, including liquidation sources TAKING EBAY PHOTOS: How to take and upload photos that will help sell your items fast and for top dollar CREATING EBAY LISTINGS: A step-by-step walk-through of the entire Ebay listing process EBAY SHIPPING MADE EASY: A step-by-step tutorial on how to set up your shipping settings and how to print shipping labels, including the big USPS changes that have recently gone into effect. PROCESSING ORDERS: The steps to take when an item sells including printing labels and packaging MARKETING & PROMOTION: How to grow your Ebay business through social media and networking MANAGING AN EBAY STORE: How to maximize the benefits of having an Ebay Store TAKING EBAY TO THE NEXT LEVEL: How to go from hobby seller to part-time or even full-time EBAY ACCOUNTING MADE EASY: How to easily manage bookkeeping and taxes CUSTOMER SERVICE: How to handle difficult customers and other issues that may arise Plus a BONUS chapter dedicated to RESELLING CLOTHING, which is the largest category on eBay. The title of this book may be BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO SELLING ON EBAY, but it really is the ULTIMATE guide as it covers everything you need to know to start selling on eBay and then scaling up your business to part-time or even full-time status!

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Susanne Karstoft
    652,95 kr.

    Flere og flere, både forbrugere og erhvervsdrivende, bruger internettet til forskelligartede formål, herunder på tværs af landegrænser, og teknologien, der bruges, forandrer sig til stadighed.Fokus i fremstillingen ligger på e-handelslovens bestemmelser, som implementerer e-handelsdirektivet, om end der også er »afstikkere« til andre regelsæt og retsområder. Der gives en omfattende, opdateret og videnskabelig gennemgang og analyse af e-handelsloven med udgangspunkt i e-handelsdirektivet, lovens forarbejder og praksis fra danske domstole og EU-Domstolen. Fremstillingen følger lovens systematik og er dels problemorienteret, dels knyttet til de konkrete, sproglige udtryk i lovens enkelte bestemmelser. Indholdet af kommentarerne til lovbestemmelserne fremgår af en oversigt underhver enkelt paragraf. Det har kun i begrænset omfang været muligt at tage hensyn til materiale, som er fremkommet efter den 1. oktober 2020.

  • af Marisa Meltzer
    106,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Kruz Garsiq Lirios
    601,95 kr.

    Poskol'ku chast'ü informacionnogo obschestwa i sociodigital'nyh setej, uprawleniq gosudarstwom i chelowecheskogo razwitiq qwlqetsq cifrowoe wklüchenie uqzwimyh, marginalizirowannyh ili isklüchennyh sektorow, a kiberzapugiwanie qwlqetsq bar'erom na puti k wklücheniü i preodoleniü razrywa, to kazhetsq protiworechiwym, chto nawyki i znaniq, swqzannye s älektronnymi ustrojstwami i cifrowymi protokolami, sluzhat chelowecheskomu razwitiü. Odnako social'nye razlichiq mezhdu pol'zowatelqmi Interneta ne tol'ko perenosqtsq w älektronnye seti, no i usugublqütsq, poskol'ku preobladaüschim qzykom qwlqetsq anglijskij, ili obnowleniq trebuüt bolee sowershennyh älektronnyh ustrojstw, kotorye mogut imet' tol'ko te, kto obladaet äkonomicheskimi resursami i social'nym priznaniem, hotq suschestwuüt seti Subway lines, kotorye umen'shaüt äti razlichiq, chtoby sozdat' swoi sobstwennye protokoly, razlichiq mogut byt' nechuwstwitel'nymi.

  • af Flávio Brambilla
    715,95 kr.

    Value co-creation is an imperative practice in the service environment. In some cases it is a condition of quality, but in others it is essential, as is the case in education. Understanding education as a service encounter does not mean reducing the importance of this activity, but rather qualifying its practices within known parameters and predetermined quality. Based on the Self-Determination Theory, the authors present an ethnomethodological analysis of the co-creation of value in the Administration course. The precepts of the Dominant Service Logic in Marketing are applied here using the technique of vignettes to address student perspectives and their understanding of the scenario. The results particularly highlight the role of self-determination as a central element for co-creation, through intrinsic motivation (desire to learn) in its tenuous relationship with extrinsic motivation (evaluation). It is identified that students may or may not be predisposed to co-create, which manifests itself in three behaviors to be aware of in the reading. We recommend this book to those interested in understanding the Dominant Logic of Service in Marketing and its foundational premise of Value Co-creation.

  • af Ricardo Brião Lemos
    683,95 kr.

    With the aim of providing better quality services and the well-being of civil servants, public institutions are implementing a restructuring of people management aimed at promoting quality of life at work. However, many are still only skirting around the problems they face in terms of labour relations. It might be more appropriate to follow a trend of starting to diagnose the needs of their work teams, thus providing the basis for drawing up and developing a Quality of Life at Work Programme that brings more comprehensive and lasting results. In view of this, the aim of this study is to analyse which quality of life at work factors are perceived as relevant by the employees of a Brazilian federal university, UNIPAMPA.

  • af Georges Hathry
    933,95 kr.

    Do you want to invest in a sustainable and responsible future? Then the book "Finance Verte: Démarche de mise en place de la finance écoresponsable" is for you! Green finance is booming, and it's essential to understand how to implement an eco-responsible approach in the world of finance. In "Green Finance", you'll discover how to identify sustainable investment opportunities, how to implement a responsible investment strategy and how to evaluate the performance of your investments according to environmental, social and governance criteria.But this book doesn't just give you practical advice, it also offers inspiring case studies of companies that have succeeded in combining profitability and respect for the environment. You'll learn how these companies have made eco-responsible finance part of their DNA and become market leaders.

  • af Vilson Gruber
    671,95 kr.

    The business plan model described aims to develop a detailed and cohesive structure for the development, implementation and management of a project focused on a Smartgreenhouse. This, in turn, is an advanced greenhouse that incorporates technology and sustainable practices, with a focus on energy efficiency and the production and marketing of orchid seedlings. The booklet details the unique business model for growing orchids, exploring fundamental aspects such as market analysis, marketing strategies, operations, management and finance, including SWOT analysis, financial projections and risk analysis, all with a view to drawing up a robust and effective business plan.Smartgreenhouse's primary objective is to introduce agricultural innovations and cutting-edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), which allow environmental conditions to be monitored and adjusted to ensure optimal orchid development. Sustainable strategies and effective irrigation systems will be adopted to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

  • af Jean Claude Kambale Muholu
    444,95 kr.

    Since the dawn of time, various societies around the world have experienced different types of conflict, both endogenous and exogenous, and have tried to find solutions and/or develop mechanisms to prevent, manage or simply put an end to them. Peaceful cohabitation and social cohesion remain dependent on the way in which the various types of conflict are dealt with by the community and/or other human groups.

  • af Georges Hathry
    932,95 kr.

    This book invites us to rethink our traditional approach to transactions and financial management. It provides an understanding of the benefits and opportunities offered by cryptocurrency, in particular Bitcoin, in the business world. If you want to discover how businesses can benefit from using blockchain technology to improve their efficiency, transparency and the security of their financial transactions then this book may be of interest to you!This book is like a comprehensive guide for business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals looking to understand Bitcoin's growing role in the business world and take advantage of its potential cryptocurrency benefits. It's a truly practical tool for implementing the use of Bitcoin in business. The book's case-based pedagogy makes it easy to understand the process of implementing the cryptocurrency system in business.

  • af Nadia Loiaconi
    714,95 kr.

    The challenge of contemporaneity requires us to be adapted to the new realities, needs and critical issues of today: territorial economic difficulties, health, education. In a holistic view of the universe, where everything is one and interconnected, it is not possible to separate the human being from all that surrounds him: from his fellow human beings themselves, and more generally from the social context in which he is inserted; therefore, social evolution inevitably leads to an amplification of the so-called metabeneeds, that is, needs involving the highest cognitive spheres.The human being expresses desires and feelings that are the result of a unity between conscious and unconscious reason, whose modes of fulfillment, are affected by the cultural context, in which the subject operates.In a reality undergoing constant change, the commitment of organizations to satisfy the needs felt by a society in constant evolution, places the emphasis on the need to leave behind mass marketing, in order to consolidate the direct relationship with the user, generation Z, overcoming even archaic concepts, such as those of information asymmetry. Sport is an essential element of social evolution.

  • af Pedro Carrasco Garijo
    603,95 kr.

    Le taux d'événements indésirables (EI) dans les hôpitaux a été estimé entre 4 et 17 %, dont environ 50 % sont considérés comme évitables. Face à cette approche, qui n'est pas inconnue, il convient de se demander si l'intégration de la variabilité de la pratique clinique dans les facteurs de cette équation modifierait significativement le résultat (économique, en termes de santé et de qualité des soins). Nous sommes conscients des sensibilités qui peuvent apparaître dans un groupe tel que la profession médicale lorsqu'il s'agit d'aborder des questions liées à la pratique clinique. Ce document ne cherche pas à analyser la pratique clinique d'un point de vue médical, mais plutôt à évaluer objectivement si cela aurait un impact significatif sur le budget de l'hôpital. Il ne cherche pas non plus à évaluer l'impact d'une telle variabilité inexpliquée. Il pourrait constituer un point de départ pour promouvoir le protocole/la directive clinique le plus efficace et pour introduire un benchmarking entre les différents services d'un même hôpital qui traitent la même pathologie (différents services voient la même pathologie, ce qui est fréquent chez les patients multi-pathologiques ou âgés qui peuvent être attribués indistinctement à l'un ou l'autre service).

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    601,95 kr.

    Dans le contexte de la société de l'information et des réseaux socionumériques, la gestion de l'État et le développement humain, l'inclusion numérique des secteurs vulnérables, marginalisés ou exclus, et la cyberintimidation constituent un obstacle à l'inclusion et au comblement du fossé, de sorte qu'il semble contradictoire que les compétences et les connaissances liées aux appareils électroniques et aux protocoles numériques servent le développement humain. Cependant, les différences sociales entre les utilisateurs d'Internet ne sont pas seulement transférées aux réseaux électroniques, mais aussi exacerbées par le fait que la langue prédominante est l'anglais, ou que les mises à jour nécessitent de meilleurs appareils électroniques que seuls ceux qui ont des ressources économiques et une reconnaissance sociale peuvent avoir, bien qu'il existe des réseaux de lignes de métro qui réduisent ces différences pour créer leurs propres protocoles, les différences peuvent être insensibles..

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    600,95 kr.

    Come parte della società dell'informazione e delle reti sociodigitali, della gestione dello Stato e dello sviluppo umano, è l'inclusione digitale dei settori vulnerabili, emarginati o esclusi e il cyberbullismo implica una barriera all'inclusione e al superamento del divario, quindi sembra contraddittorio che le competenze e le conoscenze relative ai dispositivi elettronici e ai protocolli digitali servano allo sviluppo umano. Tuttavia, le differenze sociali tra gli utenti di Internet non sono solo trasferite alle reti elettroniche, ma anche esacerbate in quanto la lingua predominante è l'inglese, o gli aggiornamenti richiedono dispositivi elettronici migliori che solo coloro che hanno le risorse economiche e il riconoscimento sociale potrebbero avere, anche se ci sono reti Linee metropolitane che riducono queste differenze per creare i propri protocolli, le differenze possono essere insensibili.

  • af Abraham Romero
    493,95 kr.

    The lack of real support from the sectional authorities and the ministries related to this resource and the lack of interest on the part of the inhabitants of the area, have made this much worse than a polluted estuary, since sometimes this has resulted in the population of Same being flooded during the rainy season, as well as when there is a drought with a health problem (respiratory and skin problems). Periodically, for a palliative solution, mingas have been carried out with the exclusive help of the inhabitants of the sector, however, this is a transitory solution, which is not the one that would contribute to something more energetic.

  • af Anna Covert
    260,95 kr.

    Target the right people, with the right message, at the right time.To win at any game, you need to understand the rules. The same is true when you buy online media. You need to know the strategies that will help you achieve your goals. You must understand how digital media works in order to pick the right partners, ask the right questions, and identify the best tactics for success.The Covert Code is your playbook for mastering the art of digital marketing. With digital marketing expert Anna Covert as your guide, you'll learn how to make smart, strategic decisions to optimize your marketing budget to reach the right people at the right time and achieve the right results. You'll also find tools to help you assess the cost of each new customer and to build a digital campaign designed to maximize your ROI.It's time to take back control of your online marketing. The Covert Code will equip you with the solutions you need to win every time you advertise online.

  • af Pedro Carrasco Garijo
    612,95 kr.

    The rate of Adverse Events (AE) in hospitals has been estimated at between 4 and 17%, of which around 50% have been considered avoidable. Given this approach, which is not unknown, it is worth questioning whether the incorporation of clinical practice variability into the factors of this equation would significantly alter the outcome (economic, in terms of health and quality of care). We are aware of the sensitivities that can arise in a group such as the medical profession when dealing with issues related to clinical practice. This paper does not attempt to analyse clinical practice from a medical point of view, but rather to objectively assess whether this would have a significant impact on the hospital budget. Nor does it attempt to assess the impact of such unexplained variability. It could be a starting point to promote the most efficient clinical protocol/guideline and to introduce benchmarking between different departments of the same hospital that treat the same pathology (different departments see the same pathology, a frequent occurrence in multi-pathological or elderly patients that can be attributed indistinctly to one or another department).

  • af Abdelkrim Abdoun
    878,95 kr.

    Interest in scientific and technical information began in the 1950s, against the backdrop of the Cold War, when scientific research accounted for much of the boom. It was observed, however, that research could only evolve and achieve its full potential if supported by an efficient information system. It was against this backdrop that the concept of scientific and technical information emerged as a discipline for accessing and organizing knowledge. This led to the implementation of methods and tools, with particular reference to a system of standardization, necessary for the circulation and sharing of information. The move towards all-digital technology has introduced new requirements for IST professionals. They are called upon to accompany users in their quest for relevant information, in an environment where, paradoxically with the proliferation of data, locating relevant information is becoming increasingly complex. This is the challenge facing IST as a discipline of access to knowledge.

  • af Georges Hathry
    1.151,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll discover how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business management. It explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the transformation of business management. He explains how AI is being used in different business areas, such as marketing, finance and human resources. He highlights the potential of AI to help businesses make more accurate data-driven decisions and predictive analytics. He then examines the challenges and opportunities of AI, particularly in terms of data protection and privacy. He warns against the risk of over-reliance on AI, and stresses the importance of the human in the decision-making process. It offers concrete examples of companies that have already adopted AI in their operations, and shares advice on how to kick-start a successful digital transformation. Finally, the book addresses ethical implications and liability issues. It encourages readers to reflect on the impact of AI on society and to adopt an ethical approach in their use of this technology.

  • af Mariela Josefina Romero Ochoa
    613,95 kr.

    Leadership is associated with the traits and characteristics of the leader, where in the educational and business environment a new type of leadership is being demanded: charismatic, visionary, transformative and flexible, which is exercised in a shared way with the members of an organisation. As a result, there is a greater demand for changes that tend to distribute power, giving strength to institutions and the management success of a leader in an organisation. This research focused on transformational leadership as a strategy to optimise the technical-administrative management of the management staff at the Tinaquillo UNELLEZ; transformational leaders know the emotional needs of their subordinates and stimulate them intellectually. The results showed that it is necessary to propose changes in relation to the leadership style of management staff, so that in this way they can promote more efficient and effective work and results aimed at achieving excellence in administrative management.

  • af Ganga Warriar
    496,95 kr.

    This study is based on private-sector employees of the Western Suburbs region of Mumbai and the same size is 237. This research is done with an intention to identify the problem of employees working in the private sector with respect to job satisfaction and job embeddedness as job-hopping was very common in the private sector. To determine job satisfaction and job embeddedness the independent variables considered for the study were job itself, working conditions, relations, job security, salary, policies and procedure, supervision and relations. The gap in these independent variables was identified in this research to estimate their job satisfaction levels. It was proved that the gap in the job, working conditions, job security, policies and procedure and salary determined the fit variable. Whereas the gap in the supervision and relation variables determine the link variable of the study. It is proved here that the respondents gave more importance to link variable over and above fit variable. In this research, a model is developed called as retention model where it is proved that job satisfaction and job embeddedness positively influence retention intentions of the employees.

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