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  • af Martin Lindstrom
    197,95 kr.

  • - Why it might be good for your business to in-house your marketing activities. And how to do it.
    af Kasper Sierslev
    52,95 - 422,95 kr.

    I'm not going to lie to you: running an in-house marketing department is hard. I have been there before. The chaos at the start of a project, the disarray of dealing with agencies, the anxiety of a looming deadline. It's stressful, hectic, and complex.But what if I told you that things don't have to be this way? What if there was a way to bring order to the chaos? That's exactly what in-housing can help you with. By taking control of your company's content creating, social media activation and bringing essential tasks in-house, you can effectively transform the way you run your marketing activities.For the last 15 years, I've been helping organisations setting up their in-house SoMe, content, branding, and marketing teams. Building an in-house creative agency can seem like a Herculean task. It is certainly not a short or one-time process. You have to approach it like an entrepreneurial venture - find great employees, create a culture where they can thrive, and watch the results pour in.This book will give you an understanding of what goes into building an internal marketing department; what you need in terms of roles and skills and how to structure your work. By understanding the in-house model, hiring the right people, and adopting best practices, you can speed up your workflow and gain a more agile approach to your marketing. It's fair to say that though you most likely will save you money by in-housing your marketing activities, this should not be the goal. The main reason to in-house should be to get better control of your campaigns, assets and workflows. And to get the speed and agility, you need in today's world of marketing.That is what this book is all about.You will find the ideas to create and manage your own in-house setup, tested process, step-by-step guides outlined in the book. They are easy to follow, despite being the result of more that a decade of experience and research. The process is designed to minimise your risk of failure are coupled with the inspiring stories. So if you've ever thought about what it would be like to bring in more of your marketing activities from your creative agencies-this book is for you.

  • af Steven Heller
    282,95 kr.

    Dieses nach Sichtung Tausender von Werbeanzeigen sorgfältig zusammengestellte Buch präsentiert die Krönung der amerikanischen Printwerbung im Zeitalter der "Big Idea". Die bunten und originellen Kampagnen malen ein faszinierendes Bild der 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre und dokumentieren, wie die Angst vor dem Kalten Krieg immer mehr dem sorgenfreien Kapitalismus der Mad-Men-Ära wich, in der hemmungslos gequalmt und gesoffen wurde. Die Bilder, die digital überarbeitet wurden, um eine optimale Reproduktionsqualität zu erzielen, sind von einer bestechenden Schärfe und Farbintensität. Sie brachten einst ihr Zielpublikum mit der Verlockung ungeahnter Möglichkeiten dazu, alles nur Erdenkliche zu kaufen - von Hüfthaltern bis Handfeuerwaffen, Autos bis Zahnpasta, Flugreisen bis Küchengeräten. Dieses mal schockierende, mal amüsante und inspirierende Panorama eines vergangenen Marketing-Milieus ist zugleich Zeitdokument und Referenzwerk für innovatives Design und witzige Werbung.

  • af Miguel Ángel Pérez Arteaga
    274,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Fagan & Laura Dodsworth
    95,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Brittany Hodak
    215,95 kr.

    Superfans aren't just for pop stars and NBA teams.What if your customers loved your brand the way Swifties love Taylor or Drake loves the Raptors? What if they came back again and again...and told their friends to do the same?In Creating Superfans, award-winning entrepreneur and keynote speaker Brittany Hodak shares a powerful framework for transforming your business from a commodity into a category of one.Brittany has helmed fan-engagement campaigns for brands including Walmart, Disney, Amazon, and dozens of other global brands. Creating Superfans combines sharp business insights with entertaining stories from work with stars like Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, and Mötley Crüe.Memorable case studies from businesses of all sizes illustrate that customer experience, or CX, is the battlefield for wining - and keeping - customers. Brittany's game-changing CX system, the SUPER Model, is simple to learn, deploy, and measure across every organization. Whether you're launching a new business or running a hundred-year-old brand, Creating Superfans gives entire team a shared playbook for tapping into the unmatched power of superfandom.

  • af Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær
    87,95 kr.

    Musik i tv-reklamer er et stærkt kommunikativt fænomen. De fleste af os udsættes dagligt for denne musik, og vi kan ikke let lukke ørerne for den. Musik i tv-reklamer kan bl.a. fange vores opmærksomhed, skabe hukommelse og bidrage til at karakterisere det, som reklamen forsøger at sælge. Musik i tv-reklamer er dog ikke et velundersøgt fænomen, og bogen tilbyder på den baggrund en indføring i, hvad der karakteriserer musik i tv-reklamer, og hvordan musikken kan undersøges i et tekstanalytisk perspektiv.

  • - Billeder fra danskernes hverdag 1901-2001
    af Asger Liebst
    297,95 kr.

    Gå på opdagelse i 100 års kulturskat sammen med Irma-pigen, Tuborgs tørstige mand, Polle fra Snave, Esso-manden, dukken Harry og en masse kendte skuespillere. Få forklaringen på, hvorfor kvinder gerne svæver en meter over gulvet med en flaske Ajax opvaskemiddel i hånden, hvordan hele familien klæder sig varmt på til en kold krig, og hvad man byder uventede gæster på Nørrebro. Og er det rigtigt, at industriens robotter tager vores arbejde, mens de drikker vores øl?REKLAMENS ÅRHUNDREDE fortæller Danmarkshistorie på en ny måde – set gennem de sjoveste og smukkeste, mest forbløffende og provokerende reklamebilleder, som har lyst op i danskernes hverdag fra 1901 til 2001.   Reklamens billeder præges af skiftende tiders mode og moral. Der er perioder med knaphed på varer og pludselig overflod. Vi ser menigmand komme til sin ret som forbruger, for til sidst at blive grint ud for sit bundesligahår. Billederne beretter om kvindernes forvandling fra pæne piger til pinups og viser dem smide forklædet til fordel for jakke og slips. Ungdommen sætter strøm til musikken og løber med al opmærksomheden. Alt det sjove kommer efterhånden fra Amerika, men globaliseringen stopper ikke der. Hele historien er fanget i reklamebillederne, som selv er med til at flytte grænser.

  • af Mehita (University of the Witwatersrand Iqani
    240,95 - 607,95 kr.

  • af Anna Covert
    260,95 kr.

    Target the right people, with the right message, at the right time.To win at any game, you need to understand the rules. The same is true when you buy online media. You need to know the strategies that will help you achieve your goals. You must understand how digital media works in order to pick the right partners, ask the right questions, and identify the best tactics for success.The Covert Code is your playbook for mastering the art of digital marketing. With digital marketing expert Anna Covert as your guide, you'll learn how to make smart, strategic decisions to optimize your marketing budget to reach the right people at the right time and achieve the right results. You'll also find tools to help you assess the cost of each new customer and to build a digital campaign designed to maximize your ROI.It's time to take back control of your online marketing. The Covert Code will equip you with the solutions you need to win every time you advertise online.

  • af Stefano Pascal
    251,95 kr.

    Éducation Financière: Deux Voies pour Transformer Votre Vie Financière Vous cherchez un guide complet pour débuter votre voyage dans le monde de la finance personnelle? Voulez-vous découvrir comment protéger et accroître vos ressources financières avec sagesse? Souhaitez-vous apprendre à naviguer en toute sécurité dans les dynamiques économiques mondiales complexes? Si vous êtes au seuil d'une transformation financière et souhaitez maîtriser l'art de gérer votre argent en toute confiance et de construire un avenir prospère, "Éducation Financière" est bien plus qu'un simple ensemble de livres; c'est véritablement un tremplin pour quiconque souhaite faire un bond qualitatif dans sa vie financière. Voici ce que vous apprendrez: Fondamentaux de la Finance Personnelle: Apprenez à gérer avec succès votre budget, à économiser intelligemment et à éviter les dettes accablantes. Investissements Stratégiques: Développez une compréhension approfondie des investissements, de la diversification du portefeuille aux stratégies de couverture des risques, pour maximiser vos retours. Préparation pour l'Avenir: Planifiez avec confiance pour les événements significatifs de la vie, de la création d'un fonds d'urgence à l'investissement pour la retraite. Gestion du Risque: Apprenez à identifier, analyser et atténuer les risques financiers dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus complexe. Durabilité et Éthique dans les Affaires: Explorez comment vos choix financiers peuvent avoir un impact positif sur l'environnement et la société. Ce bundle n'est pas seulement un point de départ pour ceux qui sont nouveaux à la finance personnelle, mais aussi une ressource précieuse pour ceux qui cherchent à approfondir leurs connaissances et à s'adapter aux conditions économiques changeantes. Avec ces guides, vous aurez les outils pour prendre des décisions financières éclairées, pour protéger et accroître votre patrimoine à long terme.Commencez Aujourd'hui Votre Voyage Financier, ne laissez pas votre avenir financier au hasard. Avec "Éducation Financière", vous avez l'opportunité de construire une fondation solide pour votre futur économique et de naviguer en toute sécurité à travers les défis financiers de la vie. Alors, qu'attendez-vous? Ajoutez "Éducation Financière" à votre panier aujourd'hui pour ouvrir la porte à un avenir financier plus riche et sécurisé.

  • af Stefano Pascal
    195,95 kr.

    Intelligence Financière: competenze essenziali per un futuro economico sicuroNel mondo caotico della finanza, dove le incertezze economiche e le opportunità di investimento si verificano, "Intelligence Financière" si rivela come una borsa indispensabile per chi vuole navigare con sicurezza verso un futuro finanziario prospero.Questo libro non è solo una guida, ma un percorso trasformativo che fornisce le competenze necessarie per prendere decisioni finanziarie chiare e giudiziarie, offrendo un'anteprima dettagliata e accessibile dell'immenso universo finanziario.Ecco alcune delle competenze che ti servono: Principi di strategia di investimento: imparare a discernere le migliori opportunità di investimento, equilibrando giudiziosamente il rischio e il rendimento. Gestion Avancée du Risque: sviluppare strategie efficaci per attenuare i rischi finanziari e proteggere i vostri investimenti contro gli imprévus. Comprendere l'impatto della globalizzazione: navigare con competenza nei mercati mondiali, comprendere l'influenza della globalizzazione sui rischi e sulle opportunità finanziarie. Durabilità ed etica negli affari: esplora i commenti sulle decisioni finanziarie che possono contribuire ad un'economia durevole e socialmente responsabile. Preparazione per l'Avenir Financier: apprendere le migliori pratiche per pianificare gli eventi significativi della vita e costruire un patrimonio durevole."Intelligence Financière" est plus qu'un livre; è un investimento nel tuo futuro. Ti guiderà attraverso le sfide del presente, sei dotato di conoscenze per fare la scelta dei finanziatori che arricchiranno non solo te ma anche le generazioni future.Non lasciare il tuo arrivo al finanziere al sicuro.Il successo finanziario è nel tuo porto.

  • af B. Vincent
    145,95 kr.

    Banner Blitz: Mastering the Art of Advertising with Eye-Catching Banners is a comprehensive guide to the world of banner advertising. In this book, readers will learn how to create effective banner ads that grab the attention of their target audience, drive traffic to their website, and achieve their marketing goals.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the power of visual advertising, the anatomy of an eye-catching banner, crafting effective ad copy, the dos and don'ts of banner design, the psychology of color, A/B testing, the impact of animation, maximizing ROI, creating a consistent brand identity, designing banners for mobile devices, effective banner placement strategies, social media advertising, analytics and metrics, and emerging trends and predictions.Readers will also find valuable insights and tips from top industry experts, including advice on call-to-action, high-quality visuals, responsive design, educational content, retargeting, conversion optimization, and more.Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or designer, Banner Blitz is the ultimate guide to creating effective banner ads that drive results. With this book, readers will gain the knowledge and skills they need to master the art of banner advertising and achieve success in today's competitive digital landscape.

  • af B. Vincent
    169,95 kr.

    AdWords Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Google Advertising Campaigns is a comprehensive guide for digital marketers who want to get the most out of their Google AdWords campaigns. This book covers all aspects of AdWords advertising, from the fundamentals of AdWords advertising to advanced techniques such as automation and machine learning.In this book, you will learn how to set up your AdWords account for success, choose the right keywords for your campaigns, craft effective ad copy that converts, understand Ad Rank and Quality Score, master AdWords bidding strategies, build effective landing pages, target the right audience with AdWords, create compelling display ads, measure the success of your campaigns, and optimize your AdWords campaigns for maximum ROI.The book also covers specific strategies and tactics for AdWords advertising in different contexts, such as for eCommerce businesses, B2B marketing, lead generation, branding and awareness, local businesses, and seasonal campaigns.Furthermore, the book explores the future of Google advertising and what changes we can expect to see in the coming years, including machine learning and automation, integration with other platforms, privacy and data protection, and new ad formats.Whether you're a seasoned AdWords advertiser or a beginner, this book has something to offer. With practical advice, real-world examples, and step-by-step guidance, AdWords Mastery will help you achieve your advertising goals and drive results for your business.

  • af Naomi Klein
    292,95 kr.

    The tenth anniversary edition of the international bestseller with an updated introduction by Naomi Klein.In the last decade No Logo has become an international phenomenon. Equal parts journalistic expose, mall-rat memoir, and political and cultural analysis, it vividly documents the invasive economic practices and damaging social effects of the ruthless corporatism that characterizes many of our powerful institutions. As the world faces another depression, Naomi Klein's analysis of the branded world we all live in proves not only astonishingly prescient but more vital and timely than ever.No Logo became "the movement bible" that put the new grassroots resistance to corporate manipulation into clear perspective. It tells a story of rebellious rage and self-determination in the face of our branded world, calling for a more just, sustainable economic model and a new kind of proactive internationalism. Since her book The Shock Doctrine was published last year, Klein, now thirty-eight, has become the most visible and influential figure on the American left-what Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky were thirty years ago.

  • af Carlos Alves
    2.132,95 kr.

    In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to connect with consumers through personalized and programmatic advertising has become a vital skill for global companies. As the market undergoes a paradigm shift towards consumer-centric approaches, the need for comprehensive knowledge in this domain is escalating every day. Connecting With Consumers Through Effective Personalization and Programmatic Advertising addresses a timely and pivotal theme that is crucial for companies and the academic community. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book equips readers with the tools and strategies necessary to make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. The book's invaluable content serves as a reliable resource for decision-makers in companies seeking to optimize their digital marketing strategies. It also delves into the depths of knowledge, skills, and processes behind effective personalization and programmatic advertising, offering valuable insights for researchers, teachers, students, and professionals alike.

  • af B. Vincent
    282,95 kr.

    Banner Blitz: Mastering the Art of Advertising with Eye-Catching Banners is a comprehensive guide to the world of banner advertising. In this book, readers will learn how to create effective banner ads that grab the attention of their target audience, drive traffic to their website, and achieve their marketing goals.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the power of visual advertising, the anatomy of an eye-catching banner, crafting effective ad copy, the dos and don'ts of banner design, the psychology of color, A/B testing, the impact of animation, maximizing ROI, creating a consistent brand identity, designing banners for mobile devices, effective banner placement strategies, social media advertising, analytics and metrics, and emerging trends and predictions.Readers will also find valuable insights and tips from top industry experts, including advice on call-to-action, high-quality visuals, responsive design, educational content, retargeting, conversion optimization, and more.Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or designer, Banner Blitz is the ultimate guide to creating effective banner ads that drive results. With this book, readers will gain the knowledge and skills they need to master the art of banner advertising and achieve success in today's competitive digital landscape.

  • af Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek
    198,95 kr.

    Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek, ein Meister seines Fachs in der Welt des Marketings und der digitalen Strategie, bietet mit "Digitales Marketing Meisterklasse: Der Weg zu mehr Umsatz - Komplettleitfaden für IT-Unternehmen" den Schlüssel für IT-Unternehmen, um in der heutigen dynamischen Digitalwelt nicht nur zu bestehen, sondern zu glänzen. Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur ein Leitfaden; es ist eine umfassende Expedition durch die facettenreiche Welt des digitalen Marketings, maßgeschneidert für die speziellen Bedürfnisse und Möglichkeiten von IT-Unternehmen.Von den Grundlagen bis zu fortgeschrittenen Strategien, Werkzeugen und Techniken, die speziell darauf ausgerichtet sind, den Umsatz von IT-Unternehmen zu steigern, bietet jede Seite dieses Buches praxisnahe Ratschläge und tiefgreifende Einblicke. Sedlacek entführt die Leser auf eine Reise durch das Content-Marketing, entwirrt die Geheimnisse von SEO und SEM, navigiert durch die Komplexitäten sozialer Medien und E-Mail-Kampagnen und vieles mehr."DIGITALE MARKETING MEISTERKLASSE" dient nicht nur als Wegweiser, sondern als Inspiration für IT-Unternehmen, die ihre digitale Präsenz verstärken und einen signifikanten Umsatzschub erfahren möchten. Durch Fallstudien, bewährte Methoden und leicht verständliche Erklärungen demystifiziert Sedlacek digitale Marketingstrategien und zeigt, wie sie erfolgreich in die Praxis umgesetzt werden können.Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, die digitale Marketinglandschaft zu erobern und Ihr IT-Unternehmen auf die nächste Ebene zu bringen. "Digitales Marketing Meisterklasse" ist der essenzielle Begleiter auf diesem Weg. Tauchen Sie ein in dieses Buch und entdecken Sie, wie Sie die digitale Welt nutzen können, um nicht nur zu überleben, sondern in der digitalen Ära außergewöhnlich erfolgreich zu sein.

  • af John Chance
    217,95 kr.

    Snap chat has over 100 million daily app users, and has become the hottest place for millennial to send pictures to their friends. It also happens to be the newest place for businesses to win over new customers. These Snap chatters watch over 10 Billion videos a day, making this a HUGE opportunity for marketing a product, service, or business via advertisements and digital marketing. With this kind of growth, using Snap chat to broadcast and share video is something EVERYONE must consider the most powerful current place to broadcast one's life.You're about to discover how to...Get started using Snap chatUse filters to bring attention to your businessIdentify a target audienceCreate Unique ContentStream live videosMuch, much More!At the time of writing almost 3 billion people worldwide are using the main networks Using social media as a marketing tool is nothing new and has been a preferred method for some time, but in this new book you may discover something different Snap chat is the New Black: The Unrivalled Guide to Snap chat Marketing looks at the way in which this growing Social Media outlet can work for your business.

  • af Rick Maurer
    247,95 kr.

  • af S. A. Soule
    177,95 kr.

    A 2024 Comprehensive Guide To Successfully Marketing Your FictionUnlock the secrets to successful promotion with this essential guidebook!This in-depth marketing guide is perfect for writers publishing their first novel or indie authors trying to gain a wider readership.Tailored for authors navigating the dynamic world of book marketing, this updated resource blends proven strategies with fresh insights. From social media savvy to mastering email campaigns, organizing captivating events to effective paid advertising, this guide covers it all.Whether you're a budding author or looking to invigorate your backlist, you'll find easy-to-follow, budget-friendly tactics that resonate. Packed with tons of advice, relatable anecdotes, inspiring tips, and practical wisdom, it's your roadmap to turning your literary dreams into reality.Dive in and discover how to make your book stand out in the ever-evolving digital marketplace!

  • af Bernice Kanner
    322,95 kr.

    While women make up 52.1 percent of the U.S. population, they control two-thirds of the nation's disposable income. In Pocketbook Power noted marketing expert and bestselling author Bernice Kanner describes how female spending power has radically transformed the face of advertising and marketing over the past several decades. Combining compelling demographic and statistical information with eye-opening and entertaining "tales from the trenches," she explores how the ad world has responded to a female-dominated marketplace. Industry sector by industry sector, Kanner describes successful approaches that have been used to reach women consumers of apparel, financial services, health care, technology, and more. An entertaining and informative look at how today's women-dominated marketplace is shaking up the status quo on Madison Avenue Anatomizes some of the most successful (and unsuccessful) women-oriented campaigns of all times

  • af Alex Hormozi
    307,95 kr.

    ** MÁS DE 500.000 EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS **¡Número 1 en ventas en Amazon durante más de DOS AÑOS!Me llevé a casa más en un año que los directores ejecutivos de McDonalds, IKEA, Ford, Motorola y Yahoo....combinados....cuando era un chaval de veinte años....utilizando el método de la oferta de 100 millones de dólares. Funciona. Y funcionará para ti.Sin embargo, no hace mucho, mi negocio había empeorado tanto que, literalmente, ni siquiera podía ofrecer mis servicios gratis. Al final de cada mes, miraba mi cuenta bancaria esperando ver progreso (pero no lo había). Sabía que algo tenía que cambiar... ¿pero qué?En los 48 meses siguientes, pasé de perder dinero a ganar 36 dólares por cada dólar gastado. En ese periodo de tiempo, generamos más de 120 millones de dólares en cuatro sectores diferentes: servicios, comercio electrónico, software y tiendas físicas.Pero, a diferencia de todos los demás, no teníamos grandes embudos, grandes anuncios, o un nicho rico. De hecho, ni siquiera enviamos correos electrónicos hasta que superamos los 50 millones de dólares en ventas. En cambio, fuimos capaces de hacer una cosa realmente bien: .... creamos ofertas tan buenas, que la gente se sentía estúpida diciendo que no.Esto es exactamente lo que este libro le mostrará cómo hacer:* Cómo Cobrar Mucho Más De Lo Que Cobras Actualmente...a- El Proceso de Pequeño Mercado y Gran Dinero que usamos para enfocarnos con láser en nichos de mercado rebosantes de dinero.b- La fórmula "injusta" de fijación de precios....cómo multiplicamos por 100 nuestros precios (y conseguimos que más gente diga que sí verdad)c- El Value Flip...para que nunca más te vuelvan a comparar precios (es una promesa)d- El ciclo virtuoso del precio... utilízalo para superar a tu competencia (para bien) mientras utilizas tu producto para atraer a los mejores talentos.* Cómo hacer que su producto sea tan bueno que los clientes potenciales encuentren la forma de pagarloa- La ecuación del valor imbatible....para que lo que vendas valga más de lo que tus clientes potenciales hayan recibido nuncab- El Cubo de la Entrega....para hacer que la entrega de sus productos y servicios cueste menos pero proporcione másc- The Trim & Stack Hack....para maximizar los beneficios utilizando los mejores métodos de entrega.* Cómo mejorar tanto tu oferta que los prospectos compren sin dudara- La Pila de la Escasez....cómo utilizar los tres tipos diferentes de escasez en cada oferta que hagas (sin mentir) para conseguir que la gente compre en el momento en que se lo pidasb- El Plano de la Urgencia "Cotidiana"... para conseguir que los prospectos compren AHORA MISMO, utilizando la vida cotidiana para crear una presión de tiempo real y éticac- Bonificaciones insuperables... ¡y observa cómo se disipan las dudas de tus prospectos mientras comienzan a leerte sus tarjetas de crédito antes de que termines!d- Garantías como Dios manda... tan buenas que hacen que cualquiera diga que sí (incluso gente que normalmente nunca consideraría comprar). Le mostraré cómo apilar y superponer los 4 tipos de garantías. Incluso le daré mis 13 garantías favoritas palabra por palabra para que las use usted mismo.e- Fórmula Mágica de Nombres para obtener las más altas tasas de respuesta y tasas de conversión de todo lo que haces para conseguir nuevos clientes y mucho más...Si quiere conseguir que más prospectos respondan a sus anuncios por menos dólares de publicidad y conseguir que digan SÍ a precios que quitan el aliento...entonces AGREGUE AL CARRITO, utilice su contenido y compruébelo usted mismo.

  • af Ope Banwo
    332,95 kr.

    The Entertainer Meets ChatGPTWhat happens When A Popular Entertainer Meets ChatGPT To Discuss How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming The Entertainment Industry?Dive into the captivating make-believe world of 'The Entertainer Meets ChatGPT,' where laughter meets innovation. Join an imaginary Chris Rock as he embarks on an insightful and hilarious journey, exploring the dynamic interplay between entertainment and AI technology. With witty anecdotes, expert insights, and practical strategies, this book is a must-read for entertainers and creators ready to revolutionize their craft. Get ready to embrace the future of entertainment!"

  • af Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
    207,95 kr.

    I'm sure you'll find it profitable reading. Don't forget to take a break to recharge, refocus, and relax. Since your competition may not be as disciplined and may not be establishing systems or processes to encourage consistent growth and development, and you are - taking a few well deserved weeks off each year will work wonders. It's good for your brain, your body, and your sanity. It's a great way to reward yourself for a job well done each year. It's also good for your business and your creative process. Your ideas will percolate even better while on vacation. At least, that's my story. I also know that once you firmly embed the process of being on the look out for creative or innovative ways to grow your business to the next level, 'even' in tough times, you'll succeed. I want you to work 'less' and be more 'profitable', by working smarter with better systems in place. Most of my writing, live consulting, motivational speaking and training programs are predicated on this belief. Keep a continual focus on capturing or generating ideas. Then implement these new ideas, systems or processes on performance, thinking, sales, and marketing. This will allow you to expand and unleash your 'business' potential. Three 'key' ways to strategically increase your business: Increase the number of clients you attract to visit and retain to deal with you - recruitment and retention. Increase the average size of the sale for each client - up-sell! Increase the frequency or number of times each client returns and buys from you again - turnovers and repeat business! To fully Unleash Your 'Business' Potential, you need to create a process that allows you to explore and engage each of these three areas. Each area will have its own challenges and opportunities for innovation and success. Take time weekly, to review one of my idea nudges, and see if you can apply it in your situation. Perhaps something even more innovative will come to you? Act on it to sensitize your team in helping your clients and your business succeed. Encourage and reward innovation as a business-building tool!

  • af Arun C Kumar
    307,95 kr.

    Uncover the intersection between data use and ethics.In The Data Deluge, Arun Kumar brings his digital and data development expertise and experience to start a needed and important conversation on how we should approach data and marketing. Data's explosion and targeted marketing has ushered in a new era of data use and analytics. Unfortunately, in today's world, neither marketers nor consumers are fully benefiting from this explosion of data.Without pulling any punches, Arun presents a set of principles to drive your data strategy. Despite what regulators and politicians would have you believe, it is possible to be ethical and data-driven to the benefit of brands and consumers. With easy-to-understand language, Arun explains the current state of affairs around data use, and he offers solutions you can implement in your own marketing strategy and your business as a whole.Featuring perspectives with experts across the industry, Arun shows how this situation is impacting more than just marketing teams. While CMOs should take heed, CEOs, CFOs, and other company decision-makers will do well to consider the impacts of data use on their bottom line. The surprising answer to making data work harder for marketers and people in the age of AI lies in the much-misunderstood world of ethics.

  • af Karen Nelson-Field
    298,95 kr.

    In this compelling sequel, The Attention Economy: A Category Blueprint, takes an in-depth look into the dynamic world of marketing and advertising, unveiling the pivotal role that human attention measurement plays in the present and future landscape. Designed for industry professionals, this book serves as a blueprint, offering profound insights and actionable advice.The book begins by reflecting on the whirlwind of transformations that have shaped the marketing landscape over the past three decades. It then examines the perfect storm of events that has propelled attention economics to the forefront of the industry's agenda. Throughout its chapters, the book catalogs cutting-edge research and tackles critical issues such as attention measurement, metrics, prediction, distraction, data quality and the ethical use of attention data ultimately piecing together the intricate puzzle and offering clarity for industry professionals.Industry leaders and early adopters contribute their insights, offering valuable perspectives on their own experiences and practical applications of attention data.The book's engaging style blends quick tips, simple explanations of complex concepts and humorous anecdotes to make the content accessible and enjoyable. By blending storytelling and practical advice, the book succeeds in demystifying the intricate world of attention economics.This book is a must-read for marketing professionals seeking to understand the evolving landscape of advertising. It offers a blueprint for change and foresight into the future of the attention economy. In doing so, it becomes an invaluable resource for anyone navigating the challenges and opportunities of today's marketing world.

  • af Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
    112,95 kr.

    My purpose in creating this mini-motivational book is to provide you with a positive daily dose of motivation or food for thought. A thought which will help you focus your mind on the positive as well as on looking for new opportunities to grow, to hone your skills, gain expertise and be better equipped to serve and sell prospective customers. A thought which will remind you to leverage your efforts in building long-term mutually beneficial relationships which generate both profitable repeat business and qualified referrals. "At its essence, success in any selling field is a 'mental' game."Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey Study the top selling professionals who consistently make the most money; build the largest referral network; and generate the most repeat business; and you'll find they have conditioned their minds for success. Selling is a series of conversations working towards gaining acceptance or generating a 'YES!" from your prospective customer. Along the way you'll encounter a lot of 'NO's' and a bit of negativity as well. "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." Tommy Lasorda If you are committed to growing and succeeding in this highly competitive and changing arena, it is critical to condition yourself to remain positive and push through to win your customers commitment. You need to re-condition your mind for success.My commitment in creating 'Secret Selling Tips - Pocket Wisdom for Sales Professionals' is to help equip and motivate you to grow, make more money and succeed in the selling game. Bob 'Idea Man' HooeyCreator and guardian of The Secret Sales Tips

  • af Roman Kmenta
    332,95 kr.

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