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Brandingeksperten Martin Lindstrom, den moderne marketings Sherlock Holmes, har et blik for de detaljer, vi andre ikke bemærker. Han zoomer ind i stedet for ud og viser, hvordan man kan arbejde kvalitativt med data frem for kvantitativt. 300 dage om året tilbringer han som gæst i fremmede menneskers hjem verden over, hvor han roder i affaldsspanden, studerer mobilregningen, åbner køleskabet og rutineret graver sig vej gennem rodet i børneværelset. Disse detaljer, de små data, kan nemlig afsløre globale tendenser, de kan fortælle om drømme, vi ikke vidste, vi havde, eller de kan indeholde idéen til et produkt, ingen endnu havde opdaget, vi manglede.
Alle forholder sig hele tiden på kryds og tværs til virksomheders gøren og laden. Så hvordan kan ledelsen bruge kommunikation til at skabe bedre forretning? Og hvordan kan ledelsen skære igennem de utallige forslag om synliggørelse, politisk indflydelse, forandringsprojekter, sociale medier og kampagner? At balancere i alt dette er den nye strategiske udfordring for topledelsen. Når forretningens kommunikerer giver ledelsen i det private og det offentlige håndfaste anvisninger til, hvordan den skaber strategier på områder, som traditionelt opfattes som "bløde". Bogens mange instruktive modeller og eksempler viser skarpe scenarier og giver råd til, hvordan kommunikationsprocesser kan løfte hele organisationen ved at: - skærpe brandretning og innovation - få sine politiske interesser og relationer udviklet - få succes med forandringer Jesper Højberg Christensen punkterer en række myter og udfordrer blandt andet de paradigmer, hvor man i virksomheden tænker medier i stedet for forretning, discipliner i stedet for integration og central styring i stedet for netværk og empowerment. Jesper Højberg Christensen blev udnævnt til adjungeret professor på CBS den 12. maj 2010. Læs et gratis kapitel fra Når forretningen kommunikerer .
Et corporate brand er et af de vigtigste aktiver i mange virksomheder. I denne bog har forfatterne Majken Schultz og Mary Jo Hatch i dialog med ledere fra verdensbrands som fx LEGO Gruppen, Novo Nordisk, Nissan og Johnson & Johnson udviklet en model, der kan vurdere, hvor gode virksomhederne er til at håndtere deres brand. Casehistorierne i Brug dit brand er rige, og hvert kapitel har sine egne cases til at illustrere pointerne. Corporate branding: en dynamisk ledelseopgave for det øverste ledelseslag Schultz og Hatch’ corporate brand-arbejde placerer ledelsesansvaret for brandhåndteringen på højeste niveau. Ikke i marketing og HR-afdelingen! Hver enkelt stakeholder: medarbejdere, kunder, leverandører og ”brandtilbedere” spiller en vigtig rolle, når det gælder om at definere betydningen og skabe værdien af det brand, der knytter alle stakeholdere til virksomheden. Majken Schultz og Mary Jo Hatch er helt overbeviste om, at samtænkning mellem vision, kultur og image er altafgørende for at få succes med sit brand: ”Hver eneste gang man får øje på et vellykket corporate brand, kan man konstatere en sammenhæng mellem det, virksomhe-dens øverste ledelse ønsker at opnå i fremtiden (dens strategiske vision), det, som virksomhedens medarbejdere ved eller tror på (nedfældet i dens kultur), og det, som de eksterne inte-ressenter forventer af eller forbinder med virksomheden (deres forskellige billeder eller image af virksomheden)… – jo større samhørighed mellem vision, kultur og image, desto stærkere bliver brandet”. Grundbog: overblik og præcis vejledning Brug dit brand er grundbogen, der giver ledere, virksomheder, reklame- og kommunikationsfolk – og alle andre interessenter – overblikket over corporate brandledelse. Bogen tegner både de store linier inden for corporate brand-udvikling og giver præcis vejledning til, hvordan ledere kan begynde den omfattende og aldrig afsluttede opgave at lede virksomhedens corporate brand.
Med velsmagende specialøl og unikke etiketter har det danske bryggeri Mikkeler fundet vej til ganer i hele verden.Danmark har en stolt og lang tradition for ølbrygning. Bogen om Mikkeller tilføjer et nyt og spændende kapitel i dansk ølbrygningshistorie. Det er en fortælling om et enestånde og autentisk brand, som har placeret Danmark i toppen af specialølproduktion i verden.Det hele begyndte hjemme i et køkken på Vesterbro i 2006, hvor skolelæreren Mikkel Borg Bjergsø sammen med en ven begyndte at eksperimentere med humle, malt og gær. I dag er Mikkeller et millionforetagende, der sælger til 50 forskellige lande verden over. I bogen udfoldes hele historien om Mikkellers rejse fra mikrobryggeri til verdenskendt brand.
Skab sit eget unikke personlige brand, og brug det til at få succes i jobbet og igennem hele karrieren. Bogen handler om personlig ledelse, branding og kommunikation. Den beskriver personlig branding som et socialt og individuelt fænomen i tiden, et centralt begreb i personlig ledelse og udvikling, samt en professionel disciplin med henblik på at definere, iscenesætte, kommunikere og lede sit brand. Bogen bygger bl.a. på forfatterens 101 personlige samtaler med forskellige danskere over 2 1/2 år, heriblandt med en række kendte erhvervsledere, politikere, kultur- og mediepersonligheder, kunstnere, musikere, forfattere, idrætsfolk og mange andre. Forfatterens hovedbudskaber er bl.a.: 1) Uanset hvem du er, hvad du beskæftiger dig med, samt hvor du er og på vej hen i din karriere, har du allerede et brand. Det er i spil lige nu, alle vegne og i alle relationer. Praktisk talt alt om og ved dig kommunikerer. Både din faglighed og personlighed. Alt hvad du siger, syner og gør. Dit brand er lige netop det, som andre tænker, mener og siger om dig, og den, som de hver især kender og husker dig for. Dit brand er de indtryk, du sætter, og de aftryk, du efterlader.2) Dit brand er i spil lige nu, i alle relationer og alle vegne – i dit job og igennem hele karrieren. Dit brand kan styrke dig og øge din værdi, men det kan omvendt også svække eller måske ligefrem bremse dig. Vil du selv tage ansvar for at skabe og få succes med dit unikke brand, eller tør du overlade noget så vigtigt til andre? Sat på spidsen: Vil du være hoved eller hale?3) Din rejse i personlig branding starter inden i dig selv. Du skal vælge din unikke vej. Den vej, du er mest tryg ved, og hvor du bedst kan være dig selv og i balance. Du skal sætte din person før dit brand. Du skal ikke kun blive noget, men også være nogen. Først når du vil og har det, skal du vise det. Ved at træde ind og brænde igennem på de forskellige scener i dit arbejdsliv.
Decoding Global Growth is your comprehensive guidebook, offering a roadmap to navigate the intricate landscape of global expansion.
Boeing Max 737's twin crashes, Volkswagen's Dieselgate scandal, worms in Cadbury's chocolates, cyanide in Tylenol, the #MeToo movement... In the past 24-48 hours, chances are you have read about a brand believed to have transgressed in some part of the world. These and other transgressions - real or perceived - plague company brands and, as in the case of the #MeToo movement, human brands, routinely and globally. And they often come with serious consequences: consumer injury, billions of dollars in recovery and restitution, legal nightmares, bankruptcy, and damage to the brand. Despite their universal prevalence, negative outcomes, and the justified media frenzy around their occurrence, in-depth, thorough, and critical reflections on brand transgressions are scarce. Consequently, barring the lens of some quick-fix solution, managers lack a precise understanding of how to handle such potentially explosive situations. Managing Brand Transgressions: 8 Principles to Transform Your Brand presents over 25 case studies of brands like Boeing, Cadbury, Dolce & Gabbana, Fox News, Maggi, Starbucks, Stoli Vodka, and Tylenol in countries such as USA, China, India, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Latvia. Through these real-life stories, the book captures a snapshot of approximately 50 years of company responses to crises - some successful, some not - caused by brand transgressions. Most importantly, it provides managers with a roadmap of eight principles that companies must use to turn transgressions into opportunities and transform their brands from inside out. Thoroughly researched, gripping, and provocative, this book can guide a brand not only through its crisis but prevent it from becoming a dinosaur.
Branding er en central ledelsesdisciplin, som binder organisationers interne og eksterne kommunikation sammen, og som bidrager til at skabe kultur og identitet blandt såvel ledere og medarbejdere som blandt brandets kunder og forbrugere. Branding. Teorier, modeller, analyse er funderet i semiotiske og narrative tilgange til branding, men inddrager også en række andre tilgange og modeller undervejs. Ud over en grundig introduktion og en lang række levende eksempler og historier rummer bogen kapitler om: brandarkitektur, corporate branding, storytelling, storytelling som ledelsesværktøj, co-branding, celebrity branding, brandpersonlighed, oplevelsesbaseret branding, place branding, online branding, employer branding, brand equity og brandets byggeklodser. Denne grundbog er skrevet til studerende på videregående uddannelser, især til bachelorniveau. Den er samtidig både læseværdig og relevant for mange praktikere, der arbejder med kommunikation, marketing, salg og branding. DENNE TITEL ERSTATTES AF BRANDING 2. UDGAVE 9788759323953
Interactive marketing, as one of the fastest growing academic fields in contemporary business world, is the multi-directional value creation and mutual-influence marketing process through active customer connection, engagement, participation and interaction. Contemporary interactive marketing has moved beyond the scope of direct marketing or digital marketing, as the market is becoming a forum for conversations and interactions among connected actors or participants in platform ecosystems. The advancement of mobile technology with interactive content and personalized experience makes interactive marketing the new normal in the business world.This handbook contains the most comprehensive and cutting-edge knowledge in the interactive marketing field. The 41 chapters that are divided into eight sectionscover all aspects of contemporary interactive marketing realm, including social media and influencer marketing, big data and machine learning in predictive analytics, mobile marketing and proximity marketing, interactive digital marketing and Omnichannel marketing, AI, VR and AR in business applications. With a focal point on interactive marketing, this handbook takes a multidiscipline perspective, from new technology innovations, social media and platform application, economic and cultural impacts, social and psychological analysis, and management and information system.This book provides a timely and comprehensive textbook companion and/or course project resource for college educators and students used for variety of graduate and undergraduate marketing courses, such as Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, New Media Communication, Marketing Analytics and Marketing Management, etc. It offers valuable references for academic researchers who are interesting conducting and publishing in interactive marketing research. The state-of-art review and emerging new trends presented in the book are particularly useful for research idea generation and conceptual development. The book also putts forward insightful guidelines and practical tools for business management in the application of new interactive marketing strategies and applications in the real world practices.Chapter 41 ¿Ethical Considerations in Gamified Interactive Marketing Praxis¿ is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Préparez-vous à un tournant dans votre vie !Vous avez une compétence, un talent qui sommeille en vous ?Imaginez maintenant que cette compétence, aussi modeste soit-elle, soit la clé pour transformer votre vie financière.Avez-vous déjà rêvé d'être le maître de votre destin, de bâtir une entreprise à succès à partir de votre passion ? Que vous soyez un virtuose du graphisme, un amateur de la photographie, ou simplement passionné par des activités comme le dessin, la poterie, ou même le cake design, ce livre vous révèle les secrets de la monétisation des compétences.Loin des promesses vides, plongez dans la méthode DEC - une approche concrète qui guide votre compétence vers la réussite.Que vous soyez déjà expert ou que vous pensiez ne rien avoir à offrir, ce guide vous dévoile comment identifier, développer, et transformer vos compétences en une entreprise à succès .De la prestation de services à la création d'une marque ou d'une agence, chaque étape est détaillée, du décollage avec la prospection, à la croissance avec la délégation, jusqu'à la création d'un revenu passif.Votre voyage commence maintenant ! Devenez votre propre patron, surmontez les obstacles, et construisez une entreprise durable pour le succès et la liberté financière.Préparez-vous à conquérir le monde avec votre compétence !
What if you could fill your business with dream clients that naturally set you up for success? Enriched Marketing reverse-engineers ideal clients into the fabric of your business through innovative sales psychology and easy brand storytelling.
"Brand Brilliance: Elevating Your Business Identity" is an indispensable guide that illuminates the path to creating a distinctive and impactful brand in the competitive landscape of the business world. This comprehensive resource is designed to empower entrepreneurs, marketers, and business leaders with the insights and strategies needed to build a brand that resonates with authenticity, captivates audiences, and stands the test of time.The book begins by demystifying the concept of branding, emphasizing its pivotal role as the face and voice of a business. It explores the fundamental elements of a brand, from defining the core values and mission to crafting a compelling brand narrative. Readers are guided through the process of identifying their unique value proposition and understanding the emotional connection that their brand should evoke in customers."Brand Brilliance" goes beyond theory, offering practical advice on creating a visual identity that communicates professionalism, consistency, and innovation. From logo design to color psychology, the book provides actionable insights into crafting a visual language that reinforces the brand's personality and resonates with the target audience.A highlight of the book is its exploration of successful case studies and real-world examples, showcasing businesses that have achieved brand brilliance through strategic positioning and effective communication. These stories serve as inspiration and provide tangible lessons for readers to apply to their own branding endeavors.The guide also addresses the digital landscape, offering strategies for building a strong online presence and leveraging social media to amplify the brand message. It discusses the importance of adapting to evolving consumer trends and technology, ensuring that the brand remains relevant and resonant in an ever-changing market.Whether you are launching a new business or revitalizing an existing one, "Brand Brilliance" serves as a roadmap for creating a brand identity that not only distinguishes your business but also fosters customer loyalty. With its practical advice, creative insights, and emphasis on authenticity, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to elevate their business identity to new heights of success.
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Dies ist der Weg zur Selbstverwirklichung - erreichen Sie Ihr höchstes Potenzial als Unternehmerin!Beim Aufbau eines Unternehmens kann es überwältigend sein, wenn man sich das gesamte Untergangen vor Augen führt. Dieses Buch richtet sich an weibliche Unternehmerinnen, die sich eine komplette Markenerneuerung nicht leisten können. Ihnen kann Branding kann als Kompass dienen, der dabei hilft, das Schiff zu steuern und Selbstvertrauen zu gewinnen. Das Buch zeigt anhand persönlicher Anekdoten und eines praktischen Branding-Rahmens einen Weg zum Selbstvertrauen. Beispiele für Phasen innerhalb dieses Rahmens sind: > Finden Sie den Kern Ihrer Marke.> Ihr Netzwerk ist Ihr Nettovermögen.> und: Machen Sie es wichtig.Leser*innen können ihr Profil stärken und ihren Umsatz steigern, wenn sie diesem Rahmen folgen. Das modulare System und das stärkende Manifest können helfen, Schritt für Schritt eine Marke aufzubauen.
Turn Your Passion for Logo Design into a Thriving Career.Ever dreamed of making a livelihood out of your logo design skills? Let Ian Paget, acclaimed designer and host of the Logo Geek Podcast, be your guide. Dive deep into his candid tales of transforming a passion into a successful career. Through his personal anecdotes and tried-and-true strategies, Ian lays out the path he took-and you can too.Inside this enlightening read, you'll explore:The fundamental knowledge every logo designer should possess.A comprehensive look at the logo design process, from brainstorming concepts to flawless execution using professional tools.Strategies for attracting and effectively selling to potential clients.Navigating client relationships: presenting designs, managing feedback, and ensuring satisfaction.Essential tips to carve out a niche for yourself in the logo design world.The transition from designing as a hobby to a full-time entrepreneurial journey.Practical advice on time management and exuding professionalism in your work.An invaluable compilation of resources for continued growth and support.But this isn't your typical "how-to" manual. Instead, it's a deep dive into Ian's personal journey in the logo design industry, aimed at inspiring you to forge your unique path. As a complementary resource, the Logo Geek Podcast offers insights from other renowned designers and industry experts, broadening the spectrum of perspectives and experiences.Embark on your creative voyage in logo design. Whether you're looking to hone your skills or turn them into a rewarding career, Make a Living Designing Logos is your indispensable companion.
Powerful Brand Positioning Harnesses Key Building BlocksBrand Positioning with Power: Maximizing Your Marketing Impact is a new take on Al Ries and Jack Trout's original positioning concept. The book delivers measurable results because it: Is remarkably easy to useUses a proven, systematic positioning processLeverages exciting, practical real-world examplesYou'll see how the three essential building blocks of positioning lead organically to increased success, whether you are a sole proprietor or a Fortune 500 organization.Written in an enthusiastic, concise, and conversational style, Brand Positioning with Power offers ground-breaking insights, including the vital role emotion plays in effective positioning. This is the tool you need today to take your brand from where you are to where you want to go.
What people knew in the past, today's companies know even better in the face of increasing competition - advertising is essential, to survive in the market. Even if it may often sound like it - good marketing is not witchcraft. It's like darts.Every company in this world has the opportunity to reach the center of the market through targeted advertising efforts.The 50 marketing strategies presented in this book are probably the most widely used and significant in modern business - together we embark on an expedition through the marketing jungle that will finally bring some clarity to all the methods and practices out there. Are you ready to go?¿ 50 profitable and efficient marketing strategies¿ Each idea with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Includes templates for notes and your own tactics¿ Total book length 250 pages
Regarding the podcastHi there! We are Carlo and Roberto from Substract, a creative and marketing firm that specialises in developing distinctive and memorable brand identities. Get ready to embark on a journey to discover the mysteries of branding. In this series, we'll share success stories, conduct in-depth interviews with industry experts, and offer practical advice on breaking through the latest branding frontiers.
The internationally renowned design agency Turner Duckworth presents stories and advice gathered from 30 years of working with the world's biggest brands No other design company has worked with as many significant brands as Turner Duckworth, the company behind the visual identities of Amazon, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and even Metallica. Published on the occasion of their 30th anniversary, I love it. What is it? showcases Turner Duckworth's philosophies, learnings, and adventures from three decades of working with major brands and presents the firm's unique and optimistic outlook, along with hints, tips, and the inside scoop on what makes successful brands tick. The book, a fascinating anthology of essays, think pieces, and 150 color illustrations that explore the power of instinct in brand design, includes a selection of their familiar but captivating work alongside 20 contributions from leading voices of the design, business, and marketing worlds that explore creativity, instinct, failure, and more. Features texts from leaders in the fascinating but often-hidden worlds of design and branding, including: Moira Cullen (Former Design Director, Coca-Cola North America); Morgan Flatley (Executive Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Officer and New Business Ventures, McDonald's); Linda Lee (Chief Marketing Officer, Campbell Meals & Beverages); Stefan Sagmeister (Designer, Sagmeister Inc.); Jessica Spence (President of North America, Beam Suntory); and more. |The internationally renowned design agency Turner Duckworth presents stories and advice gathered from 30 years of working with the world's biggest brands| Turner Duckworth is a design agency that creates unmistakable identities for the world's leading brands. They have won countless top awards, including the inaugural Cannes Grand Prix for Design, the D&AD Collaboration Award, and induction into the Clio Hall of Fame. Gyles Lingwood is Professor of Business Creativity at the University of Lincoln, UK. Lingwood's creative client work has been awarded by D&AD, British Interactive Media Association, and the US Creativity Awards.
Dieses Buch denkt Marke und Branding neu und anders! Es rückt den Unternehmer, die Mitarbeitenden und die Kunden zurück ins Zentrum. Wie kaum jemand zuvor verknüpft Daniel Börnert konsequent und berührend Markencharakter mit Werten. Er beschreibt einen identitätsorientierten Ansatz, der zu einer einzigartigen Marken-Positionierung führt ¿ für große Marken, aber besonders auch für die vielen ¿Hidden Champions¿, KMUs und Startups, die niemand kennt, aber großes Potential haben.In gesättigten Märkten muss eine originäre Komponente die sachliche Markenleistung ergänzen: der Mensch ¿ insbesondere in Form der Markenmacher ¿ ist hier als identitäts- und beziehungsstiftendes Wesen der unverkennbare Faktor, der einen eindeutig differenzierbaren Markencharakter möglich macht. Es gilt also, diese unverwechselbare Charakteridentität zu entdecken und in den Alltag zu bringen. Die wirklichen Potenziale der Marke sind im wahren Markenkern bereits vorhanden,aber oftmals nicht klar fassbar oder wahrnehmbar. Mit Mut, Veränderungswillen und der Wegbegleitung in Form dieses Buches wird der Marken-Benefit sinnvoll und begehrenswert und kann konsequent kommuniziert werden. Besonders wichtig ist es Daniel Börnert, praktische Impulse zu geben. Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels findet der Leser konkrete Anregungen, die die Lese-Erkenntnisse ins konkrete Tun überführen. Motivierend und erhellend sind die Best-Practise-Interviews mit inspirierenden Unternehmern, die ungeschminkt ihre Erfahrungen teilen.Dieses Buch wird Ihnen als Unternehmer und Markenexperte neue Perspektiven eröffnen und Sie entscheidend weiterbringen.Aus dem Inhalt Was Ihre Marke braucht, um wirklich Kraft zu entfaltenDen Markencharakter solide auf Basis der Unternehmer- und Unternehmens-Identität aufbauenDen Markencharakter nachhaltig beziehungsstark im Unternehmen und am Markt entfaltenMit zahlreichen Empfehlungen und Leitfragen für einen wirkungsvollen, identitätsbasierten Markenprozess
In diesem Buch wird ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz für die Welt des Konsums gewählt, der verschiedene Themen abdeckt und soziologische, wirtschaftliche und marketingbezogene Aspekte einbezieht. Der Begriff "Konsum" ist vage, und selbst in den akademischen Disziplinen wird der Begriff auf unterschiedliche Weise verwendet. Die Konsumforschung fragt, wie Einkommen und Ausgaben miteinander zusammenhängen. Ganz allgemein untersucht die Konsumforschung, wie Menschen, soziale Schichten oder Gesellschaften ihre Konsumgewohnheiten realisieren. Häufig wird die Frage gestellt, wie konsistent Präferenzstrukturen aufgrund wechselnder empirischer Hintergründe von Zeit, Raum und damit verbundener Kultur sind. Welche Kontextvariablen (historischer Zeitpunkt, geographischer Rahmen, kultureller Hintergrund) spezifizieren die Praxis des Konsums und in welcher Weise haben Merkmale wie Alter, Geschlecht, Klasse, Beruf und Lebensstil eigene Auswirkungen auf die Art und Weise, wie Konsum realisiert wird?Das Buch ist für Forscher aus den Bereichen Ökonomie, Soziologie, Marketing, Ästhetik und Design, Anthropologie und Kommunikationswissenschaft von Interesse.
Brandingstrategi. Funktion, følelse og kulturel innovation er en indføring i brandingstrategi, som introducerer klassisk marketing, branding og reklameteori – og sætter begreberne ind i en ramme af nyere teoretiske strømninger. Bogen fremstiller brandingpraksis gennem et kulturstrategisk perspektiv og viser, hvordan branding kan blive en praksis der vover kulturel disruption og aktivisme.Bogens temaer spænder fra brandingstrategi baseret på produktfordele og pris til brandingstrategier baseret på følelser, ritualer, identitet, status, værdiforhandling, ′purpose’ og aktivisme. Løbende gennem disse temaer stiller bogen skarpt på, hvordan kultur og marketing hænger sammen, og hvordan brandet kan placere sig centralt i menneskers liv og projekter: hvordan brands kan tilbyde sig selv som redskaber til kulturel innovation.Kunne der tænkes en vej til bedre branding, der ikke blot er mere benzin på et bål af masseforbrug?Bogen tilbyder en sammenhængende indføring til brandingstrategi med praktiske analytiske tilgange og forslag til, hvordan branding kan gentænkes i en tid med udfordringer i forhold til bæredygtighed og stærke kulturelle spændinger.Bogen henvender sig til studerende, praktikere og alle andre, der er interesserede i sammenhængen mellem de strategiske og praktiske elementer af branding.
When a customer, employee, or investor is faced with a choice of companies amidst a sea of competitors, they increasingly consider how responsible that organization is. Customers want to buy ethical and sustainable; employees want to feel a sense of purpose at work, and investors need reassurance that their investments are good for the long term. To be competitive and valuable to society, firms need to develop an organizational conscience that drives key strategic decisions and spurs sustainable and responsible innovation. In this book, the authors argue that organizations need to think critically about their role and to use their conscience to guide actions. With plenty of concrete suggestions based on substantive research, it shows how firms can reconcile the competing interests of stakeholders, create an organization that is fair, open and transparent and do the right thing while building a profitable business.With integrated videos and international case studies featuring multinational companies as well as small firms, this book explains how firms can make the transition to becoming conscientious.
Does your brand need some TLC? Or a complete renovation?In the construction industry, reputation is everything.Whether you're a distributor, manufacturer, builder, or installer, you want the pride of building something that will last and make a difference. While you may be an expert in your craft, marketing your business may feel like trying to drive a nail with a tape measurer-it just doesn't work.In Building Better Brands, Elton Mayfield provides you with the tools and raw materials to plan and build a business marketing plan. Hailing from a construction background and with over twenty years of experience helping businesses build their brands, he understands the challenges of marketing within the construction industry. More importantly, he knows how to help you overcome those challenges.With simple, down-to-earth concepts and practical examples, he cuts through the noise to show how you Survey your business, draft a Blueprint, and then Build your brand through curb appeal and delivering on customer expectations. With topics covering how to handle negative reviews, crafting a strong mission statement, leveraging social media, and optimizing your web presence, this tactical manual for B2B marketing and operations strategy provides you with a foundation of tried-and-true methods.
This book focuses on how to succeed in China, the globe¿s largest consumer market, through the branding market strategy. What are the undisclosed recipes that brands can follow to capture the attention and emotion of consumers in China? What¿s the magical key to open the locked doors? The answer to these questions would be intriguing for many readers outside China, including but not limited to executives of global brands, owners of medium-and-small-sized businesses aiming for the global market, branding/marketing professionals, financial investors and analysts, business professors and researchers in universities and colleges, graduate and undergraduate students, and readers with an interest on these topics in the general public.In comparison with many case studies that focus on only a single or few cases, or else lean toward being a macro-discussions of Chinäs consumer market without in-depth analysis of representative cases, this book provides both. Many branding strategies, programs, and activities presented in this book are of the innovative type, which could be very fresh and interesting to readers. Many of the in-depth analyses and specific insights presented in this book are provided by well-recognized business analysts/writers, which may not be available in other publications. Overall, this book provides readers with the opportunity to receive some valuable new knowledge about how to succeed in the globe¿s largest consumer market, providing foodstuff for both thought and enjoyment.
This book explores a wealth of examples of this currently highly demanded kind of project, where designers tackle the challenge of revitalizing brands and crafting intelligent, flexible identities within ever-changing market landscapes, incorporating new strategic elements while ensuring the essence of the brand remains intact. In this comprehensive guide, now in paperback, renowned editor Wang Shaoqiang presents a wide collection of the best case-study examples of logo redesign from around the world. Through in-depth interviews with leading logo studios, designers share their creative processes, providing valuable insights into their unique approaches. The book delves into the fundamental questions that drive logo design: What is the brand's core challenge? How can the logo stand out in a crowded space? What emotions and messages should it convey? How can it continue to evolve over time? It displays the limitless possibilities of what a logo can be, presenting bold and innovative concepts, examining the relationship between form and function. With stunning images and thought-provoking content, it takes readers on a journey through the transformative power of logo redesign. Whether you're a designer seeking inspiration or a brand owner navigating the complexities of logo redesign, this book offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration and is an essential resource for anyone passionate about the art of logo design and its profound impact on the world of branding.
Who Is This Book For?This book is for those looking for a set of tools that can be used to create monumental increases in their businesses, by using principles that leverage the smallest activities into the biggest results. This can be applied to creating a new business from scratch, or can be used to turn your existing business upside down, creating a windfall of new profits.Who Is This Book Not For?This book is not for anyone looking for the latest get rich quick scheme, or short term hacks, that won't be useful in the coming years. Although we currently leverage Amazon.com as our main marketplace for private label products, this will also not be a technical guide to one specific platform or another. Instead, you should expect to learn the fundamental principles that can be applied to all businesses
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