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Markedsføring på internettet

Her finder du spændende bøger om Markedsføring på internettet. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 588 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Brug af sociale medier og onlineressourcer til markedsføring af produkter.
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  • - Sådan bygger du software uden at programmere
    af Jacob Bøtter
    330,95 kr.

    NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.

  • - Indholdsstrategi for sociale medier
    af Astrid Haug
    232,95 kr.

    "Sig du kan li' mig. Sig det, så jeg tror" ... på dig. På sociale medier er det indholdet, der tæller. Men hvad er egentlig godt indhold, som får folk til at kunne li’ens virksomhed? Og hvad kræver det af virksomheden at være til stede på sociale medier? Sig du kan li’ mig giver konkrete råd til, hvordan man får fat om roden på de sociale medier, redder sin Facebook-side fra at visne og sparker gang i samtalen på Twitter eller andre sociale medier. Det er det indhold, som folk deler og liker, der gør virksomheden synlig. Men likes alene gør det ikke. En indholdsstrategi er svaret på nogle af de udfordringer, mange små og mellemstore danske virksomheder møder, når de anvender sociale medier. Bogens fem kapitler har hovedbudskaberne: · Find jeres formål med at anvende sociale medier · Find ud af, hvor I har noget relevant at tilbyde brugerne · Lav det gode indhold, som brugerne kan tale om · Lav en indholdsplan og sæt konkrete mål op for indsatsen · Få organisationen og medarbejderne med i strategien.

  • af Jakob Hebsgaard, Anders Hingeberg & Camilla Kjærsgaard Pedersen
    437,95 kr.

    Online markedsføring er relevant for alle virksomheder. Der findes i dag mange muligheder for at målrette markedsføringen på nettet mod en given målgruppe, samt at gøre brug af forskellige teknikker og værktøjer for at tilegne en brugbar viden om forbrugerne. Hvis ikke du er i stand til at påvirke de ting, som foregår online omkring din virksomhed, mister du et vigtigt konkurrencemæssigt parameter. Det er derfor afgørende, at du begiver dig ud i den digitale verden, så du skaber de bedste vilkår for, at din virksomhed kan opnå succes.I denne bog vil du lære alt, hvad der er relevant for at kunne arbejde professionelt med online markedsføring.Du lærer, hvordan du skaber positive resultater i din virksomhed gennem flere forskellige redskaber og programmer.Bogen er udformet som en praktisk guide, som du kan have ved hånden, når du begiver dig ud i den digitale verden. I bogen vil du kunne læse og lære om blandt andet:- Online annoncering med Google AdWords- Søgemaskineoptimering- Webanalyse i Google Analytics- Konverteringsoptimering- Sociale medier- Kundeloyalitet og e-mail markedsføring- Strategiske råd om online markedsføring…og meget mere.Denne bog er relevant for alle, der gerne vil arbejde med online markedsføring. Hvis du er ny på området, er bogen et godt udgangspunkt for dit videre arbejde. Efter du har læst bogen, vil du vide, hvordan du kan forbedre din virksomheds online aktiviteter og skabe positive resultater.

  • af Nana Gaardboe Dall & Katrine Thielke
    241,95 kr.

    Sidder du med brugere på de sociale medier som er vrede eller frustrerede? Og mangler du redskaber til at håndtere situationen?Ved at læse bogen "Når tasterne taler", får du en forståelse af konflikterne på de sociale medier, hvorfor de opstår og hvordan du kan håndtere dem.Du får også et godt indblik i hvad dine brugere i virkeligheden efterspørger, og hvad der virker når bølgerne går højt i kommentarsporet. Bogen giver dig praktiske og implementerbare redskaber, der har afsæt i solid viden fra det konfliktteoretiske felt, samt det digitale univers.Desuden får du et indblik i DSBs arbejde med vores metoder og den gevinst de har haft ved at arbejde med dem.Det får du: En række praktiske metoder og modeller, som du kan bruge med det samme i dit arbejde med sociale medier - eller skriftlig kommunikation i det hele taget Den konflikteoretiske baggrund for at konflikter opstår så hurtigt på sociale medier Forståelse for blandingen af den skriftlige og mundtlige kommunikation, som er noget særligt for sociale medier En gennemgang af en håndfuld andre tilgange til at arbejde med moderation på sociale medierBogen er skrevet til kommunikationspraktikere og social media managers, som arbejder for virksomheder, organisationer eller medier.Men privatpersoner kan også have glæde af metoderne i bogen.

  • - Facebook og LinkedIn
    af Kenneth Dosanjh, Halfdan Moth Timm & Alberte Hall
    268,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en basisviden om sociale medier, så læseren kan udvikle og implementere marketingaktiviteter og kommunikationsstrategier, som er afpasset mediet, virksomhedens ressourcer og markedsbehovet.Bogen indeholder blandt andet: de sociale mediers udvikling inkl. både den generelle, danske og generationsbestemte adfærd kommunikationsteorierne, paid, owned og earned media, parametermix samt customer engament cyklus markedsføringsplanlægningen herunder mobil markedsføring principperne for influencer-markedsføring metrics – hvordan måler du resultatet af din markedsføring konkret gennemgang af hvordan du opbygger en kampagne på Facebook og LinkedIn inkl. eksemplerBogen indeholder også et særligt og unikt indblik i, hvordan en influencer (PlantBasedBirdie) har opbygget sin følgergruppe og arbejder i det daglige.Den er rettet mod videregående uddannelser i både marketing og kommunikation.

  • - Den sprængfarlige fortælling om Putins terrorregime
    af John Sweeney
    227,95 - 254,95 kr.

  • af Dorte Lytje
    297,95 kr.

    Feminin business med maskulint drive handler ikke om mænd og kvinder!Ved at bruge både de maskuline og de feminine værdier og egenskaber skaber man en business i balance. Her er dine handlinger i overensstemmelse med dine kerneværdier, så du både rykker på din drøm og samtidig har ro i sjælen.Bogen går bag facaden hos en ganske almindelig kvinde, der blev iværksætter ved et tilfælde, men som nu har været selvstændig i 20 år og gjort sin drøm til sin business.Det feminine siger: Stop op og mærk efter.Det maskuline siger: Sæt handling på og kom afsted!Forfatteren vendte tvivl, økonomisk tab og selvsabotage til succes, professionelt selvværd og 100 % ansvar for sin business ved at kombinere de feminine værdier med de maskuline.Du er ikke alene, når du oplever modgang og udfordringer på vejen vejen fra iværksætter til selvstændig.Jeg er Dorte Lytje, og hvis jeg kan, så kan du også!

  • - Roccamore-stifter, ceo, cirkusprinsesse, opfinder, kreativ direktør, hustler, debattør og feminist
    af Frederikke Antonie Schmidt
    122,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Frederikke Antonie Schmidt har sat sig for at hjælpe kvinder til at stå stærkere – i sko. Som hun siger: Man kan måle min egen usikkerhed på højden af mine hæle. Jo højere hæle desto mere usikker. Hun har derfor udviklet sko med hæle, som man faktisk kan holde ud at gå i. Her er historien om kvinden bag Roccamore, som insisterer på at bære lyserødt, at larme, og at gøre tingene på sin egen måde. En indsigtsfuld og morsom beretning om livet som kvindelig iværksætter.

  • - De Små Grå
    af Anders Krogh Møller
    116,94 kr.

    Hvilken rolle spiller tekst på nettet? Det adskiller sig nemlig fra andre medier. Med enkle guidelines kan bogen som sine søskende i serien fungere som overskueligt opslagsværk og tjekliste for alle, der kommunikerer i den digitale verden. Bogen er skrevet af Anders Krogh Møller Serien "De små grå"omfatter også "Styr kommaet", "Fjern fejlene!" , "Bliv hørt", "Skriv klart" og "Skriv artikler"

  • af Jim Stephens
    257,95 kr.

    Being smart about business means knowing what to expect. That means thinking ahead and preparing for the inevitable changes that will affect the way business is done. This allows businesses to be resilient and thrive in a changing environment. Digital marketing is no different.In fact, author Josh Kaufman discusses the value of comparison in his book The Personal MBA. It means imagining possible futures and then preparing for them.Let's say you have a large company that does well in a certain niche. Maybe you own a business that sells whey protein shakes. The mistake some big companies make is thinking they are too big to fail and sticking with it.But what if another company comes along and makes a better protein shake for less money? What if a new protein source is discovered? What if a study showed whey protein was bad for us? All of these things can happen and can seriously disrupt even the most established business.However, smart companies are already considering and preparing for these possibilities. It's a comparative simulation: you think about what's going to happen and then prepare for that eventuality.As a digital marketer, this means thinking about things that might change the face of marketing. And the one thing that probably had the biggest impact of all? AIAI and machine learning have the potential to completely change the face of internet marketing and even make many old strategies obsolete. Only by preparing for these changes can you ensure that your website can maintain its position in the SERPs, your ad campaigns remain profitable, and your services remain relevant.And a lot of this stuff isn't just speculation: it's happening right now. AI is already making waves, though you may not have noticed it yet.This affects how SEO works, the tools and software we use, and how ads are displayed. AI is capable of thinking faster and smarter than any human, and this is especially true for data-driven internet marketing. AI marketers can earn an unlimited amount Content per second - doing the work of hundreds of people. All of this content is perfectly adapted to the target group. AI will rule Google. This will advance the entire business model. AdWords will start. And it will play new instruments that we never even dreamed of. The uniqueness of digital marketing is just around the corner. This book will help you prepare and explain a number of concepts:¿ AI vs. machine learning¿ How to do SEO now that Google is the first AI company¿ Chatbots¿ Programmatic advertising¿ Great information¿ RankBrain¿ Digital assistant¿ Data Science¿ SQL¿ Hidden semantic indexing¿ The Future of Internet MarketingThis book will give you a crystal ball to look into the future of internet marketing and make sure you are prepared for all of these changes as they come. You end up being more prepared and in a better position than the other 99.9% of traders.

  • af Kim Buch-Madsen
    73,95 kr.

    Marketing Models is also available in Danish: MarketingmodellerIf you are missing a clear and concise guidebook with the best marketing models, look no further.Marketing Models is assembled by a team of experienced marketing experts, with specialized knowledge of the subjects they uncover. The authors present the 45 most important marketing models, outlining their strengths, weaknesses, and how you can use them to the fullest. The book addresses situations in which you might find yourself when considering a marketing model for an academic assignment or business use. The same basic template is used to describe all models: what is the model about, what can it be used for, and what are its shortcomings and weaknesses? Models are simplifications of the real world and form theoretical contexts. Based on research, they interact naturally with other models and theories. Therefore, Marketing Models is most effective when combined with a good basic marketing textbook or as a guidebook for business people and organizations with certain practical experience.Contributors: Ole E. Andersen, Christian Grandjean, Birgitte Grandjean, Heidi Hansen, Niels Kühl Hasager, Svend Hollensen, Sine Nørholm Just, Jan Kyhnau, David Juul Ledstrup og Michael Sjørvad

  • - Sådan bruger du sociale medier professionelt og autentisk
    af Camilla Stemann
    277,95 kr.

    I denne bog guider SoMe-eksperten Camilla Stemann læseren gennem de essentielle elementer til at skabe større synlighed, salg og trafik på en virksomheds sociale medier – alt sammen på letforståelig og pædagogisk vis. Læseren bliver udstyret med de nødvendige redskaber til at skabe stærke forbindelser til og indflydelse blandt sine følgere: Det drejer sig i høj grad om, hvor personlig man tør være – for jo mere personlig og autentisk profilerne fremstår, jo flere følgere resulterer det i.Camilla trækker på sin solidt forankrede viden, erfaring og data og præsenterer læseren for både teori og strategier og hands on-værktøjer, der er afgørende for at skabe overbevisende og konsekvent indhold. Vigtigst af alt lærer Camilla læseren kunsten at finde den perfekte balance mellem professionalisme og autenticitet. Bogen henvender sig til alle lige fra indehaveren af et personligt brand og den nyuddannede social media-manager til den ambitiøse virksomhedsleder. CAMILLA STEMANN er cand.comm. med speciale i autentisk brug af sociale medier og har mere end 12 års erfaring på området. Hun har hjulpet over 3000 personlige brands og virksomheder med at få succes på de sociale medier og er fast underviser på Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole med "Det ultimative SoMe-kursus". Camilla har 45.500 følgere på Instagram og flere end 10.000 abonnenter på sit nyhedsbrev.

  • - Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr
    af Mikkel Noa Klein
    157,95 kr.

    Der er vanvittigt mange gode historier at fortælle inden for turisme- og oplevelsesbranchen i Danmark.Men hvordan får du hul igennem til medierne? Hvilke historier er værd at satse på?Og hvordan kan du bruge pressearbejde i din turismevirksomhed til at få omtale og opmærksomhed fra medierne?Denne bog er en meget konkret guide til at fortælle dine historier på den rigtige måde, så journalisterne lytter. Det er ikke nogen videnskab - alle kan lære det.Pressearbejde i en verden af turisme og oplevelser henvender sig til alle iværksættere og aktører, der arbejder med at skabe fantastiske oplevelser for danske og udenlandske turister.Undertitlen på bogen er Få succes med omtale i medierne selvom du har travlt med tusind andre ting og kun har et budget på 0,- kr.Det koster nemlig ikke noget af lave pressearbejde udover din tid, energi og ihærdighed.Når det lykkes at opnå gode presseresultater, kan det gøre en kæmpe forskel for dig og din virksomhed.I bogen kommer du til at møde nogle af landets førende eksperter inden for PR i turismebranchen. Du kan også møde en række turismeiværksættere, der har forstået værdien af at prioritere pressearbejde, selvom der som turismeaktør altid er travlt med tusind andre ting.

  • - How to Successfully Promote Your Self-Published Book
    af Bill Vincent
    159,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to promote your self-published book? Do you find it overwhelming to navigate the complex world of book marketing? Look no further than "From Writer to Marketer."In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know to successfully promote your self-published book. From understanding the basics of self-publishing to crafting a compelling book blurb and synopsis, designing a professional book cover, and creating a strong author website and blog, this book covers all aspects of book marketing.You'll also learn how to identify and understand your target audience, set achievable marketing goals, leverage social media for book promotion, build an author platform and email list, navigate the world of book reviews and blog tours, and generate buzz with pre-launch strategies.But the book doesn't stop there. You'll also learn how to launch your book with a bang, expand your reach with book giveaways and contests, collaborate with other authors and influencers, advertise your book with Amazon Ads and other platforms, and maximize your exposure with book fairs and conferences.And that's not all. You'll also learn how to create a book trailer or video to boost sales, write and submit guest posts and articles, use podcasts and interviews to reach a new audience, host online and offline book events and readings, create branded merchandise to promote your book, offer discounts and bundles to encourage sales, build relationships with bookstores and libraries, translate your book for a global audience, stay motivated and productive throughout the marketing process, track your progress and analyze your results, handle negative reviews and criticism, know when and how to pivot your marketing strategy, and sustain your author career with ongoing promotion and marketing.Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned pro, "From Writer to Marketer" is the ultimate guide to book marketing success. With its practical tips, real-life examples, and actionable advice, this book will empower you to take control of your book promotion and achieve your marketing goals.

  • af Luan Wise
    136,95 kr.

    A practical review of actionable insights and guidance around common social media marketing business issues, to boost both profile and engagement.While 'social media' seems to be a simple concept to understand, the implications of using it strategically to enhance and complement marketing initiatives at work can be more of a challenge. Written by a recognised trainer for both LinkedIn and Meta (the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp), Smart Social Media is grounded in the insights gained from hands-on consultancy work, plus hours of personal research, observations and in-depth reviews of the platforms themselves. It's both practical and informative, while remaining closely connected to marketing fundamentals (which, however fast the social media landscape is changing, continue to underpin the concept of social media marketing) - including social media and changing consumer behaviour; getting to know your customers; planning for business growth; and the importance of branding. Whether you're studying marketing, are at the start of your marketing career, or are an established marketer tackling a new business challenge, Smart Social Media will help you to understand how social media marketing can drive growth for your business, how to build a strong brand presence on relevant social media platforms, how to use social media to guide buyers through their journey from awareness to advocacy, and how to recognise the benefits of collaborations, partnerships and online communities to support business growth.

  • af Anna Covert
    256,95 kr.

    Target the right people, with the right message, at the right time.To win at any game, you need to understand the rules. The same is true when you buy online media. You need to know the strategies that will help you achieve your goals. You must understand how digital media works in order to pick the right partners, ask the right questions, and identify the best tactics for success.The Covert Code is your playbook for mastering the art of digital marketing. With digital marketing expert Anna Covert as your guide, you'll learn how to make smart, strategic decisions to optimize your marketing budget to reach the right people at the right time and achieve the right results. You'll also find tools to help you assess the cost of each new customer and to build a digital campaign designed to maximize your ROI.It's time to take back control of your online marketing. The Covert Code will equip you with the solutions you need to win every time you advertise online.

  • af Ope Banwo
    270,95 kr.

    Unlock the doors to e-commerce success with 'Dropshipping Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Starting and Making Maximum Profits in E-commerce With Minimum Risk.' Discover the insider secrets and proven strategies to launch and scale your dropshipping business with confidence. Whether you're a novice entrepreneur or seasoned e-commerce enthusiast, this comprehensive guide provides practical steps and expert insights to maximize your profits while minimizing risk. Don't miss your chance to revolutionize your online business. Get your copy now and embark on your journey to financial independence!

  • af Cameron Fields
    202,95 kr.

    Step into the light with 'The Dark Secrets of Marketing That Could Put You Out of Business,' a no-holds-barred guide by Cameron Fields that's set to revolutionize your understanding of marketing. This book strips away the myths, revealing how misconceived notions of marketing as just sales or social media buzz can cripple your business's true potential. Fields delivers hard-hitting insights and strategies, empowering you to master customer relationships, market research, and value creation. By the end, you'll not only grasp the essence of effective marketing but also wield the tools to dramatically boost your revenue and outpace the competition. Get ready to transform your business approach and dominate your market.

  • af William Frye Sr.
    130,95 kr.

    Embark on a Journey to Social Media Riches!In the digital age where online connections are currency, a treasure map lies within your grasp, leading to a realm of untold riches. "Hashtag Hustle: Your Guide to Social Media Wealth" is your personal codex, packed with the secrets of transforming your online presence into a substantial income.Those initial steps into the world of social media monetization can be daunting. Yet, fear not. This comprehensive guide begins with the bedrock of building your social wealth, escorting you through various platforms bustling with earning opportunities. Discover how each virtual space-Facebook, Instagram, and the underexploited Threads-provides unique avenues to fill your coffers.Ever pondered over crafting a Facebook empire that yields more than just 'Likes'? Delve into strategies that convert your followers into a profitable audience. Be captivated by how Instagram's visual splendor can unlock streams of revenue. Join the frantic pace of TikTok, where mere seconds can lead to sizeable bank deposits. Furthermore, traverse the less chartered waters where Threads can weave you a golden tapestry of potential earnings.Perhaps the viral allure evades you? This guide lays out the blueprint for launching your content across the social seas, ensuring it catches the sails of viral winds. Equip yourself with the tools and know-how to create video clips that captivate and convert, mastering the art of engagement.As an added bonus, "Hashtag Hustle" delves into the nitty-gritty of doing it yourself versus the strategic move of outsourcing-an invaluable dichotomy for the solo entrepreneur. Explore the automation tools that let you reclaim precious time, as you earn passively. Lastly, prepare yourself with knowledge of legalities and brand-building, to establish not just income, but a legacy in the online world.With a resource directory in tow and a glossary to make you fluent in the lingo of likes and clicks, this is your definitive guide. Make "Hashtag Hustle" your companion, and transform your digital outreach into a personal gold mine. The era of social media wealth awaits you.

  • af Ope Banwo
    267,95 kr.

    Embark on your journey to freelancing success with 'Freelancing Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Starting & Maximizing Your Income From Freelancing With Minimum Risk.' This comprehensive guide reveals insider strategies and practical tips to launch your freelance career with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, this blueprint provides step-by-step guidance to help you maximize your income while minimizing risks. Don't miss your chance to turn your skills into a thriving freelance business.

  • af Maarja Hammerberg
    112,95 kr.

    "Unlock the Power of Instagram with 'Instagram 101'!Are you ready to harness the full potential of Instagram for personal or business success? Whether you're a novice looking to navigate the platform with confidence or a seasoned user seeking to optimize your presence, this comprehensive guide is your ultimate companion.Dive into the world of Instagram with ease as 'Instagram 101' takes you on a step-by-step journey through mastering the platform's features, from creating an engaging profile to crafting captivating content. Discover insider tips and tricks to enhance your visibility, grow your followers organically, and cultivate a thriving community around your brand.Explore the latest trends in Instagram marketing and unlock strategies to elevate your business to new heights. With practical advice and real-world examples, this book empowers you to leverage Instagram as a powerful tool for building brand awareness, driving traffic, and boosting sales.Packed with actionable insights and expert guidance, 'Instagram 101' is your go-to resource for unleashing the full potential of this dynamic social media platform. Whether you're an aspiring influencer, small business owner, or digital marketer, this book equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to succeed in the fast-paced world of Instagram.Get ready to transform your Instagram presence and achieve your goals with 'Instagram 101' - your essential companion for mastering the art of social media success!"

  • af Alessandro Gallo
    155,95 kr.

    Quante volte hai visualizzato un profilo IG curato e ricco di followers e hai desiderato averne uno così tutto tuo?Se la tua crescita su Instagram è lenta e senza successo, oppure vuoi creare un Personal Brand di tutto rispetto, è arrivato il momento di passare seriamente all'azione. Tutto ciò che devi fare sono alcuni steps fondamentali, ma che ti aiuteranno a vedere dei cambiamenti fin subito: in questa guida troverai le informazioni che ti mancano per confezionare il tuo brand e rendere i tuoi post virali. All'inizio sembra tutto complicato. Ed effettivamente creare contenuti coinvolgenti, utilizzare al meglio il nuovo ed esplosivo Reels, saper analizzare i dati statistici, non è cosa semplice se non hai esperienza. Anche i più esperti non sono esenti e commettono degli errori perché spesso vengono dati per scontato. "Instagram Marketing" di Alessandro Gallo vuole aiutarti nella realizzazione del tuo sogno nel cassetto: scoprirai le tecniche comprovate per far crescere in maniera organica il tuo profilo e ottimizzare il tuo brand. Dai un'occhiata a ciò che troverai all'interno:I 10 metodi testati per aumentare l'engagementCome creare il tuo Personal BrandLa guida sulle utility e le funzioni di InstagramReels e le sue potenzialitàL'abc per una caption coinvolgenteL'ottimizzazione dei post viraliGli esempi e i consigli pratici per migliorare il tuo Brand su IG... e molto altro ancora!Se vuoi dare una svolta al tuo profilo una volta per tutte... Attraverso questo libro imparerai a sfruttare il più potente social media del momento!

  • af Mark Salazar
    156,95 kr.

    You will learn how to professionally setup a Facebook page for your business, product or service, how to operate it and how to plan your content marketing campaign the right way. You will find out how to maximize your exposure using Facebook groups, how to select and use them to attract potential buyers to your Facebook page or even website. One of the best ways to reach the right audience for what you have to offer, is undoubtedly Facebook's ad campaigns. Using Facebook advertising campaigns, you can choose to display your ads on specific segmented target groups of your choice. That way, you are getting the best ROI for your marketing campaign, as your ads will be only offered to people that have already displayed an interest for what you are offering, dramatically increasing your chances of getting a lot of potential customers. What other advantages do I offer you with this book?You do not need any previous knowledge!You don't need thousands of dollars in advertising budget!You will learn how to "spy" on your competition and get better results than them!The knowledge is suitable for everyone! No matter whether you are a financial service provider, an affiliate marketer, online shop operator or a private person!The power of advertising on Facebook to launch or grow your business is truly incredible. And the great thing is you don't need a huge ad budget. You can start small and then scale what works. And with Val's advice on best practices for setting up your campaigns you'll be way ahead of your competitors! I loved doing this interview because it really brought home to me the power of Face book Marketing to bring in brand new customers and big profits quickly!

  • af Paul Barnes
    200,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Avinash Walton
    88,95 kr.

    Web Riches: The Roadmap to Online Earnings is a comprehensive guide that unlocks the secrets to earning money online and building a profitable digital business. Whether you're looking to supplement your income, start a side hustle, or establish a full-time online venture, this book provides valuable insights, strategies, and techniques to help you succeed in the ever-expanding digital landscape. From freelancing and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and passive income streams, discover proven methods to generate online wealth and achieve financial freedom. Packed with practical tips, real-life case studies, and actionable advice, this book equips you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the online business world and turn your digital dreams into reality.

  • af Bruteni&
    232,95 kr.

    This book is your one-stop guide to setting up a successful Employee Ambassador project on LinkedIn(TM) in just 10 hours

  • af Arno Schikowsky
    212,95 kr.

    Die Zukunft des Einkaufens beginnt jetzt - Sind Sie bereit?Das Einkaufen im Internet ist längst zur Routine geworden, doch eine bahnbrechende Veränderung steht bevor. In diesem visionären Buch erkunden Sie die Zukunft des Online-Handels, in der fortschrittliche Kundenbindungs- und Vergütungssysteme neue Standards setzen. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie durch Empfehlungen nicht nur kaufen, sondern auch verdienen können, und lernen Sie die Mechanismen hinter diesem revolutionären Ansatz kennen. Es werden sowohl die Chancen als auch die Herausforderungen dieses Modells beleuchtet, um eine nachhaltige und faire Kundenbeteiligung zu fördern. Tauchen Sie ein in diese faszinierende Welt und erfahren Sie, wie die E-Commerce-Branche kurz davor steht, in eine neue Ära der Kundenbindung und finanziellen Freiheit einzutreten. Sind Sie bereit, Teil dieser Revolution zu sein?

  • af Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek
    194,95 kr.

    Klaus-Dieter Sedlacek, ein Meister seines Fachs in der Welt des Marketings und der digitalen Strategie, bietet mit "Digitales Marketing Meisterklasse: Der Weg zu mehr Umsatz - Komplettleitfaden für IT-Unternehmen" den Schlüssel für IT-Unternehmen, um in der heutigen dynamischen Digitalwelt nicht nur zu bestehen, sondern zu glänzen. Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur ein Leitfaden; es ist eine umfassende Expedition durch die facettenreiche Welt des digitalen Marketings, maßgeschneidert für die speziellen Bedürfnisse und Möglichkeiten von IT-Unternehmen.Von den Grundlagen bis zu fortgeschrittenen Strategien, Werkzeugen und Techniken, die speziell darauf ausgerichtet sind, den Umsatz von IT-Unternehmen zu steigern, bietet jede Seite dieses Buches praxisnahe Ratschläge und tiefgreifende Einblicke. Sedlacek entführt die Leser auf eine Reise durch das Content-Marketing, entwirrt die Geheimnisse von SEO und SEM, navigiert durch die Komplexitäten sozialer Medien und E-Mail-Kampagnen und vieles mehr."DIGITALE MARKETING MEISTERKLASSE" dient nicht nur als Wegweiser, sondern als Inspiration für IT-Unternehmen, die ihre digitale Präsenz verstärken und einen signifikanten Umsatzschub erfahren möchten. Durch Fallstudien, bewährte Methoden und leicht verständliche Erklärungen demystifiziert Sedlacek digitale Marketingstrategien und zeigt, wie sie erfolgreich in die Praxis umgesetzt werden können.Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, die digitale Marketinglandschaft zu erobern und Ihr IT-Unternehmen auf die nächste Ebene zu bringen. "Digitales Marketing Meisterklasse" ist der essenzielle Begleiter auf diesem Weg. Tauchen Sie ein in dieses Buch und entdecken Sie, wie Sie die digitale Welt nutzen können, um nicht nur zu überleben, sondern in der digitalen Ära außergewöhnlich erfolgreich zu sein.

  • af Scott Orth
    217,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Hashem Aghazadeh
    875,95 kr.

    This book argues that digital marketing should benefit from emerging technologies to result in sustainable competitive values for businesses in both the digital and physical worlds. It not only explores digital marketing fundamentals, analysis, strategy, practices, and implementation but also explains the applications and relationships of marketing technologies (martechs) with digital marketing; as well as offers several real cases of practicing marketing technologies. It carefully describes how modern businesses offer their value propositions both digitally and physically applying emerging technologies specifically marketing technologies (martechs) and how consumers are using these new technologies particularly artificial intelligence (ChatGPT/ OpenAI). It investigates why consumers are so intrigued and interested in digital relationships, interaction, and shopping experiences. It critically examines and argues that digital marketing has become popular among businesses as they areattempting to serve their customers better by taking advantage of using digital marketing technologies (marketchs).

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