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Landbrug og madproduktion

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  • - En fortælling fra de engelske bjerge
    af James Rebanks
    228,95 kr.

    Nogle mennesker har frihed til at vælge deres egen vej i livet. Det gjaldt ikke for James Rebanks. Han er fåreopdrætter på en gård i Lake District i England, der har været i familiens eje i mere end seks århundreder.James Rebanks bog, The Shepherd’s Life: A Tale of the Lake District, er allerede en stor succes hos både anmeldere og læsere. Hans skildringer af livet som fårebonde er både engagerende, rørende og ærlige. I en stemningsmættet tekst guider Rebanks os gennem et får-år. Bogen er en unik fortælling om livet på landet – et liv, som er fjernt for de fleste af os. Det er en historie om Rebanks arbejdsliv og menneskene omkring ham, hans barndom, hans forældre og bedsteforældre. Det er historien om at være vedholdende på trods af et vanskeligt erhverv, og den er fortalt med stor kærlighed til naturen.For Rebanks og hans familie danner vejret og årstiderne de altafgørende rammer om livet. Om sommeren er fårene på bjerget og høet i laden, om efteråret går man på markedet og bringer nye dyr til besætningen, om vinteren skal dyrene holdes i live, og med foråret kommer nye lam.

  • - Så det kan smages, ses og mærkes...
    af Carsten Graff & Niels Stokholm
    188,95 kr.

    Måske kender du allerede landmanden fra den prisvindende dokumentar ”Så meget godt i vente”. Med denne bog får du lejlighed til at komme længere ind i denne pioners fascinerende tankeverden. Bogen er vokset frem af en lang række samtaler mellem Niels Stokholm og filosoffen Carsten Graff og indeholder også kapitler af kokkene Claus Meyer, Rasmus Kofoed fra Geranium og klimakokken
Jesper Møller. Niels driver sit landbrug ud fra en særlig indsigt i jorden, dyrene og planterne og lever i overensstemmelse med dem. Udgangspunktet er en kærlighed til alt levende, og det kan både ses, mærkes og smages i de grøntsager og dyr, han fremelsker på gården Thorshøjgaard. Dette betyder blandt andet, at verdens bedste restaurant, Noma, og mange af de bedste danske kokke henter inspiration og råvarer hos Niels.Ifølge kokken Claus Meyer er Thorshøjgaard hjemstedet for Danmarks lykkeligste ko, og ifølge klimakokken Jesper Møller laver Niels verdens bedste mælk.”Menneskeheden er i puberteten. Vi er i oprør imod naturen, vil ikke samarbejde med den og i stedet spejder vi imod fjerne planeter, imens vi drømmer om at ytte væk hjemmefra.” Niels StokholmMere om Niels Stokholm

  • af Tim Spector
    126,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Mathilde Walter Clark
    69,50 - 73,95 kr.

    "Det blev en slags besættelse for mig at se de svin som levede i min skygge ...”I ET MIDTJYSK landskab går Mathilde Walter Clark rundt og undres. I verdens mest dyretætte land, hvor er så alle dyrene? I det vidt læste og diskuterede essay Hvordan man laver dyr kommer vi tættere på det der foregår inde i industrianlæggene når dansk landbrug ”laver dyr”. Hvilke liv lever dyrene? Hvad bruges dyrene til? Og hvordan taler vi om dem?

  • af George Monbiot
    108,95 kr.

    Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.

  • af Kjeld Hansen
    178,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Flæskfødevarer skal ikke længere produceres for enhver pris. Produktionen skal bidrage til at løse klimakrisen, ikke forværre den, vende naturens nedtur til optur og forsyne os med fødevarer uden at frembringe livstruende virus. Sundhed, klima og biodiversitet står øverst på dagsordenen for fremtidens agroindustri.Den helt store disruption af den traditionelle agroindustri kommer i løbet af det næste tiår. Vi står over for den dybeste, hurtigste og mest konsekvensskabende forandring af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen, siden de første planter og dyr blev domesticeret for 10.000 år siden.Til trods for at vi kan købe stort set alle fødevarer til lavere priser fra udlandet, fortsætter vi med at højglanspolere myten om Danmark som et landbrugsland. Erhvervet selv går til yderligheder, som når Tulip i Randers sender sine svin til Tyskland for at få dem opskåret af østarbejdere på sulteløn, for derefter at reimportere de samme svin, nu forklædt som Tulip Danish Bacon.Vi holder stadig fast ved masseproduktionen af billigt flæsk og mælk i stedet for at bevæge os opad i værdikæden, som et højtudviklet land burde være i stand til. Ikke mindst økonomien taler for at ophøre med en 120 årgammel tradition for at eksportere bacon og smør til lave udsalgspriser.At det blev netop coronavirus, der lagde en hel verden ned, betragter virologerne som en tilfældighed. Den næste pandemi er allerede under opsejling, og det bliver en influenza A-virus. Med al sandsynlighed vil den spredes fra svinefabrikkerne, og ingen kan forudsige, hvor dødelig den kan blive. Sidst den ramte verden, kostede den 500.000 mennesker livet. Prisen for billigt flæsk kan blive skæbnesvanger høj, hvis vi tøver for længe. Velkommen til fremtidens bedste landmænd.

  • af Will Harris
    255,95 kr.

    "From a pioneer of the regenerative agriculture movement, a memoir-meets-manifesto on betting the farm on a better future for our food, animals, land, local communities, and our climate. Featured in Food and Country, premiering at Sundance 2023. Raised as a fourth-generation farmer, when Will Harris inherited White Oak Pastures he was a full-time commodity cowboy who played hard and fast with every tool the system offered - chemicals, antibiotics, steroids, and more. His ancestors had built a highly profitable, conventionally-run machine, but over time he found himself disgusted with the excess, cruelty, and smalltown devastation this system entailed. So he bet the farm on forging a different way of doing things. One that works with nature not against it, and bridges the quickly widening delta between consumers and their food. Armed with tenacity, conviction and an outsized tolerance for risk, Harris called his approach "radical traditional" and it made him the pioneer of regenerative agriculture long before the phrase existed. At once an intimate, multi-generational memoir and a microcosm of American agriculture at large, A BOLD RETURN TO GIVING A DAMN offers a pathway back to producing food the right way. At a time when food supply chains are straining, climate-induced catastrophes are playing havoc with harvests, and concern around who owns America's farmland are more prescient than ever, Will Harris urges us to consider where the food we eat really comes from, and to re-connect to the places and people who raise what we eat each day. With keen storytelling, a good dose of irreverence, and an unflinching willingness to speak truth to power, Harris shows us why it's never been more important to know your farmer than now"--

  • af Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
    168,95 kr.

    Levedygtigt Landbrug er et bud på, hvordan vi kan løse de ­økologiske, ­økonomiske og sociale kriser, som det ­danske ­landbrug står i. I bogen skildrer Den Grønne Ungdoms­bevægelse en fremtids­vision for et jord­forbundet og retfærdigt ­land­brug og præsenterer de ­konkrete politiske tiltag, der kan føre os dertil. Et utopisk opråb for alt det, vi har at vinde.

  • af David Asher
    648,95 kr.

    With recipes for over 80 natural cheeses and complimentary ferments, this groundbreaking, comprehensive book guarantees high-quality results and perfect flavors for every season. Cheese is milk's destiny. In Milk Into Cheese, cheesemakers at every scale will learn to produce a broad range of traditional cheeses, entirely naturally. Experienced educator, activist, and celebrated natural cheesemaker David Asher introduces the reader to the cultures and practices of cheesemakers, the role our agricultural practices play in making cheese, the biological evolution of cheese, and the transformation of milk into cheese through fermentation. A perfect companion to David's The Art of Natural Cheesemaking, Milk Into Cheese expands the cheesemaker's tool kit through an exploration of cheesemaking styles from around the world. These natural cheesemaking processes are made simple, in contrast to the complicated, controversial, and confusing world of industrial cheesemaking, with its reliance on freeze-dried cultures, chemical additives, and ever-expanding use of expensive technology. Milk Into Cheese also celebrates the world's most delicious seasonal hand-made cheeses, including alpine, blue, and milled cheeses. Through gorgeous photography, helpful illustrations, and detailed recipes, David prepares the reader for their own journey into traditional natural cheesemaking. He also shares simple recipes for fermented foods that complement and help us understand cheesemaking better, including pickles, sourdough bread, butter, and salami. For home, small-scale, and larger-scale cheesemakers, Milk Into Cheese delivers a sophisticated look at the biological science that informs--and the ecological principles that guide--natural cheesemaking. Praise for The Art of Natural Cheesemaking "The wisdom [Asher] shares is complex in nature, but satisfyingly simple in practice." --Edible Manhattan

  • - Brødet og øllets historie
    af Åsmund Bjørnstad
    290,95 kr.

    Åsmund Bjørnstad er professor emeritus i planteforædling i Norge. I Kornbogen – brødets og øllets historie bygger han på det seneste tiårs indsigter indenfor genomforskning, arkæologi, kulturhistorie og bæredygtighedsforskning.Vi tæmmede kornet, og det os! Åsmund Bjørnstad formidler med kulturhistorisk spændvidde kornenes – det vil sige majsens, risens, hvedens, sorghums, hirsens, havrens og rugens – historie, fra vi begyndte at tæmme de vilde frø - og de tæmmede os. For ti, tolv, fjorten tusind år siden. Gennem denne kultivering opstod skriftsprog, tidsregning, religioner og klassesamfund – og den mangfoldighed af mutationer, som vi dagligt, uafvidende sætter på tallerkenerne. Eller svinger kruset med øl!Korn nok? Det var spørgsmålet for stenalderkvinden, som tæmmede kornet og frem til spørgsmålet ligesom gik i glemmebogen, og så lød det: Kød nok? Men nu er kornet igen kommet på den internationale dagsorden: Korn nok? At hver andet korn i dag går til dyrefoder eller til bioenergi, beskriver den nuværende udvikling. Kan den mon fortsætte – i et ændret klima, i en ny verdensorden?Bogens billedside er i absolut særklasse. Omkring 300 illustrationer rummer bogen.

  • af Chris Smaje
    146,95 kr.

    âEUR¿If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.âEUR(TM) John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland âEUR¿[A] timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system.âEUR(TM) Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra VivaâEUR¿Brilliant and compelling âEUR¿ at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.âEUR(TM) Dan Barber, chef at Blue HillNamed the Inc. Non-Obvious Book Awards 'Best Books of 2023'Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a powerful and timely response to the ongoing search for our sustainable food future. In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book, he explores the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing that we should not divorce ourselves from rural living and must embrace a future that includes farming. Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future passionately argues for scaling up the pro-nature principles of low-energy, biodiverse and agroecological farming, and for putting the power back into the hands of small-scale farmers and producers, and the local communities that support them. âEUR¿A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planetâEUR(TM). Jake Fiennes, author of Land HealerâEUR¿Everyone in the food business needs to read this âEUR¿ lively and superbly written polemic.âEUR(TM) Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm

  • af Charlotte Tveen Hansen
    408,95 kr.

    TAG MED TIL DUE PAPAVERIDenne bog er en autentisk fortælling om landbrug, have, mad, kultur og livet i de italiensk bakker i Emilia Romagna.En fortryllende rejse i selskab med Charlotte Tveen Hansen og hendes mand Luca Madonia der inviterer ind i livet på det italienske agriturismo Due Papaveri i Emilia Romana.En uendelig opdagelsesrejse, der fylder hjertet og sanserne med nye indtryk, naturskønhed, vidunderlige dufte og dejlige smagsoplevelser.Nyd Maden og vinen, dvæl i roen og landskabet, forstå traditioner og kulturen og oplev det søde liv gennem årets 4 årstider med parret, der i fællesskab driver Due Papaveri, og begge har boet i området i mange år. Kom med til juleaften og nytår, byens karneval, gårdens mark- og havearbejde, kokkeskole, lavendelhøst og trøffeljagt og besøg parrets naboer og producenter, der leverer de bedste råvarer til Due Papaveri som parmesan, balsamico og skinke og mange andre himmelske italienske delikatesser.Bogen indeholder en lang række årstids opskrifter fra restauranten, der hylder de italienske traditioner og de bedste af Charlottes egne opskrifter med inspiration fra det italienske køkken, samt parrets plantebaserede vintermad.Velkommen til Due Papaveri-La dolce vita

  • af Bodil Pedersen
    368,95 kr.

    Kan du spotte afgrøderne på marken?Vi farer Danmark rundt på kryds og tværs. Fra bilruden ser vi marker, gårde, siloer, maskiner og dyr på markerne. Men hvad er det, vi ser, og hvad er det, der sker?Denne bog er din guide til landbrugslandet, som giver dig svar på, hvad du ser. Du følger årets gang. I vækstsæsonen lærer du afgrøderne at kende, som de ser ud måned for måned. I vintermånederne er der mere fokus på stalde, siloer og andre elementer i landbrugslandskabet.Storlandbrug og fritidslandbrug. Konventionelt og økologisk landbrug. Traditionelle afgrøder og nye trends som dyrkning af bælgfrugter og skovlandbrug. Hestehold og produktion af vin. Dit blik kan møde det hele og med bogen i hånden – undervejs eller hjemme i stuen – kan du få sat ord på dine oplevelser eller blive opmærksom på, hvad du kan opleve på din næste tur.Bogen rummer mange billeder, som gør det nemt at identificere, hvad du ser derude. Teksterne giver dig indblik og trækker tråde mellem landbrugsproduktion, biodiversitet, klima, natur, miljø, fødevarer og energi. Med udgangspunkt i det, du konkret kan se derude, kommer bogen omkring udfordringer, dilemmaer og nye takter for fremtidens landbrug.Guiden er til dig, som er nysgerrig på, hvad du kan se i landskabet. Så marker, gårde og maskiner ikke bare er et baggrundstæppe, men en levende fortælling. Så det bliver sjovt og konkret at snakke om, hvad familien ser fra bilen. Eller fra toget, bussen, cyklen, motorcyklen, hesteryggen eller vandrestøvlerne. God tur!

  • - Samarbejde om klima, migrationsforhold og bæredygtig fødevareproduktion i verdens brændpunkter
    af Ole Stokholm Jepsen
    288,95 kr.

    I den vestlige verden har vi stor tradition for at sendeudviklingsbistand til verdens brændpunkter, og det er selvfølgelig både vigtigt og nødvendigt. Men hvis du spørger Ole Stokholm Jepsen, skal det gribes anderledes an, hvis vi reelt vil gøre en forskel.Som landbrugsrådgiver har han rejst i det meste af verden, og med en finger i jorden vil han nu give sine anbefalinger til, hvordan vi kan løse nogle af de største globale udfordringer: migration, ligestilling, fødevare-sikkerhed og ikke mindst klimaændringerne.Vi har brug for et forpligtende langtidssamarbejde i forhold til ligestilling, aktivering af ungdommen og en styrket privat-sektor for at sikre økonomisk vækst, stabilitet og en bæredygtig fødevareproduktion

  • af Scott Gillespie
    208,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Zach Loeks
    289,95 kr.

    Searching for efficient, cost-effective ways to level up your growing? The Garden Tool Handbook is the essential guide to choosing the right tool for the right job at the right time. Covers must-have equipment, supplies, and techniques for every task from planting to harvest for farms, homesteads, or market gardens.

  • af Vaclav Smil
    166,95 kr.

    'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' BILL GATESIn this ambitious, myth-busting book, leading scientist and internationally bestselling author Vaclav Smil investigates many of the burning questions facing the world today:Why are some of the world's biggest food producers also the countries with the most undernourished populations?Why is food waste a colossal 1,000kcal per person daily, and how can we solve that?Could we all go vegan and be healthy? Should we?How will we feed the ballooning population without killing the planet?How Food Really Works shows how we misunderstand the essentials of where our food really comes from, how our dietary requirements shape us, and why this impacts our planet in drastic ways. Ultimately, this data-based, rigorously researched guide explains how we will survive and thrive long into the future.'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GUARDIAN

  • af Jasem Nassar
    133,95 kr.

    Dive into the luscious world of chocolate with "Decadence Unwrapped," a captivating exploration that goes beyond the mere taste of cocoa and sugar. From the captivating history of chocolate's origins in ancient civilizations to its contemporary global dominance, this book is a tantalizing journey through the fascinating realm of the chocolate business.Unravel the historical tapestry that weaves through the ages, tracing chocolate's evolution from an esteemed commodity of ancient cultures to its refinement in European courts, revealing its cultural significance and culinary allure. But this book isn't just a stroll down memory lane-it's a comprehensive guide that navigates the complex landscape of the modern chocolate industry.Explore the intricate inner workings of chocolate production, from the cultivation of cocoa beans to the meticulous craft of turning them into delectable treats. Delve into the diverse spectrum of businesses, from small-scale artisanal chocolatiers to global corporations, understanding their unique approaches and the market forces that shape their success."Decadence Unwrapped" isn't just about business-it's a narrative that immerses readers in the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Dive deep into sustainability issues, ethical sourcing dilemmas, and the technological innovations reshaping the way we perceive and produce chocolate.But this book isn't all logistics and business strategies-it's also a celebration of the artistry and storytelling behind chocolate. Discover the secrets of effective branding that captivates not just taste buds, but also emotions and aspirations.More than a guidebook, "Decadence Unwrapped" is a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business minds alike. It's a roadmap that leads through the present while envisioning a future where chocolate continues to enchant, innovate, and remain an indispensable part of our lives.Whether you're a chocolate aficionado, a budding entrepreneur, or simply curious about the secrets behind this beloved treat, "Decadence Unwrapped" promises a delightful, informative, and immersive journey into the irresistibly sweet world of chocolate business.

  • af Drausin Wulsin
    358,95 kr.

    This is Volume I of A Farmer's Almanac Series, Fascination of Discovery. Drausin Wulsin's initial venture on the land was developing one of the first grass-based, New Zealand-style dairies in Ohio. The next enterprise entailed creating a wetlands mitigation bank on 200 acres. The third was developing a grass-based meat business, involving beef, sheep, laying hens, broilers, turkeys, hogs, and a certified commercial kitchen. Wulsin wrote blogs over ten years describing the rewards and challenges of these enterprises. These blogs are assembled into four volumes of passionate, insightful, well-written, and entertaining stories, entitled A Farmer's Almanac, Stories about Land, Food, and Life.

  • af John Lok
    132,95 - 280,95 kr.

  • af Eskil Halberg
    193,95 kr.

    Genudgivelse af Eskil Halbergs Madpakker til revolution,hvori det vises, at kapitalismen har taget kontrol over maden til skadefor klimaet og alt levende, og at vi derfor står i en livsnødvendig kamp for at skabe en anden økologi.I vores del af verden, men i stigende grad overalt i verden, er mad i dag formidlet gennem verdensmarkedet. Vi er, paradoksalt nok,livsvigtigt afhængige af det system, som samtidig smadrer vores egnelivsbetingelser.— Eskil HalbergHalberg tager os med ud pålandet. Vi har vist ikke lyst til at blive derude, som det ser ud ligenu. Men det kan vi ændre på. “Det er næsten umuligt at gøre oprør fra en rapsmark.” Men det kan gøres fra et vildnis, fra et landbrugskollektiv, fra en byhave. Jeg fristes til at slutte af med et kampråb: Ingenklassekamp uden madkamp!— Mikkel ThorupMadpakker tilRevolutionen er lige præcis det øko-kommunistiske manifest vi har brugfor til at orientere os i kampen mod kapitalismens destruktiveorganisering af vores fælles naturgrundlag. En enestående analyse fra en af vor tids mest interessante kommunistiske tænkere!— Søren Mau

  • af Bodhi Castillo
    248,95 kr.

    Understanding Aging and NutritionIn the quest for lifelong vitality, one cannot underestimate the crucial role that nutrition plays in the aging process. As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes that can impact our overall health and well-being. By understanding the intricate relationship between aging and nutrition, we can make informed choices to support our bodies and maintain a high quality of life.Aging is an inevitable part of life, and it brings about several physiological changes that can affect our nutritional needs. As we get older, our metabolism slows down, leading to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat. This shift in body composition requires a shift in our dietary habits to ensure we are getting the nutrients we need.One of the key aspects of understanding aging and nutrition is the concept of nutrient density. As we age, our bodies require fewer calories, but they still need the same amount (if not more) of essential nutrients. This means that every bite we take should be packed with vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds. Opting for whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains ensures that we are maximizing our nutrient intake while minimizing empty calories.Another crucial consideration is the impact of nutrition on age-related chronic diseases. Research has consistently shown that a high-quality diet can help prevent or delay the onset of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. By focusing on whole foods and limiting the consumption of processed foods, trans fats, and added sugars, we can greatly reduce the risk of developing these debilitating diseases.Moreover, the role of nutrition in cognitive health cannot be overlooked. As we age, our brain function naturally declines, but certain nutrients have been shown to support brain health and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and B vitamins are just a few examples of nutrients that have been linked to improved brain health. By incorporating foods rich in these nutrients, such as fatty fish, berries, and leafy greens, into our diet, we can potentially protect our brain from age-related decline and enhance our cognitive abilities.

  • af Brian Leonard
    598,95 kr.

    Whether you're deciding to try your hand in the kitchen for the first time or are a seasoned chef, Brian's Cooking has you covered. The author, Brian Leonard, takes you on a journey through his life and the dishes that kept him anchored to his mantra, Live, Love, and Spread Kindness, along the way. From standards like Tuna Salad and Spaghetti Sauce to elevated dishes like Crab Imperial and Rum Buns, Brian is confident you have what it takes to be the sort of creative cook whose dishes bring everyone together (and leave people begging for the recipe!).

  • af Lex Fullarton
    248,95 kr.

    The authors take an in-depth look at an accepted practice of classifying ALL animals held in a business of primary product in Australia as revenue assets regardless of the function they perform in that business. This practice denies retiring farmers tax concessions granted to other businesses. They describe the practice as unfair, and after a deep examination of the circumstances that gave rise to the generally accepted accounting and tax interpretation, they find that it is not true. They report their story and point their fingers at a glaring tax injustice.

  • af Rachael B
    88,95 kr.

    Highly Effective Sheep Farming Strategies: What It Takes To Raise Healthy, Strong And Highly Productive Sheep is a comprehensive guide that unveils the art of sheep farming with a focus on achieving healthy, robust, and productive flocks. This enlightening book explores sustainable and innovative strategies for managing your sheep, covering everything from nutrition and wellness to effective marketing. This book provides a well-rounded approach to sheep farming, ensuring you're well-equipped to excel in this endeavor.Discover the secrets to successful sheep farming as the book delves deep into nutrition and forage management, offering insights into balanced diets and pasture practices. Learn how to recognize and manage common sheep ailments, becoming a flock health detective equipped to safeguard your sheep's well-being.This book also guides you through the art of marketing, helping you showcase your high-quality sheep and their products effectively. By nurturing strong customer relationships, you'll not only raise exceptional sheep but also find an appreciative audience eager to share in the fruits of your labor.Herein, you'll find an invaluable resource that combines practical wisdom and innovative techniques to nurture healthy, strong, and highly productive sheep. Whether you're an experienced shepherd or just starting your farming journey, this book's unique and original content will empower you to create a thriving and sustainable sheep farming operation that stands out in the market.With focus on quality, care, and effective strategies, this book is a must-read for anyone passionate about sheep farming, offering the keys to a prosperous and fulfilling endeavor.

  • af Grover Gerhardt Huebner
    398,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive examination of the system of agricultural commerce in America. It explores the organization, challenges, and opportunities of trading agricultural commodities, such as crops and livestock. Drawing on extensive research and practical insights, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of American agriculture and commerce.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Henry Ludwell Moore
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Italy Commissione Reale Per Le Tonnare
    298,95 - 438,95 kr.

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