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  • af George Monbiot
    108,95 kr.

    Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.

  • af Tina Werborg
    123,95 - 206,95 kr.

    ”Jeg elsker tøj. Jeg har altid været stolt af min garderobe. Af alle min støvler, toppe, kjoler, jeans og bælter. Men for nogle år siden skete der noget.” Sådan starter tøjaktivisten, Tina Werborg, bogen, der vil gøre vores klædeskabe til det næste store tema i klimadebatten. Med hjælp fra eksperter optrævler Tina Werborg alt, hvad der er galt med tøjindustrien og hvorfor den i dag er en af verdens mest forurenende industrier. Men lige så vigtigt; hvordan du selv skaber en mere bæredygtig garderobe uden at gå ned på stil og tøjglæde. Bogens 10 kapitler dykker i en let og humoristisk tone ned i vores tøjkultur. Den fortæller, hvordan du slår op med fast fashion, giver tips til at vaske klimavenligt og sy knapper fast – så de bliver siddende. Men bogen afslører også hemmeligheden bag det perfekte genbrugskøb, og hvordan du gennem styling og leg genfinder begejstringen for tøjet i dit klædeskab.

  • af Lars Holger Ehlers
    293,95 kr.

    Medical Market Access refererer til barrierer der findes i et land, ved introduktion af nye lægemidler til behandling af patienter. Denne lærebog introducerer læseren til medicinsk markedsadgang med stærkt fokus på Danmark og det danske marked for lægemidler; det beskriver karakteristika for det danske marked for lægemidler og dets interessenter og processerne af markedsgodkendelse og godtgørelse. Bogen tager også et virksomhedsperspektiv og forklarer hvordan branchen arbejder med medicinske markedsadgangsproblemer på dansk daglig praksis. For at sætte det danske marked i perspektiv forklares bogen også både samfundsmæssige dilemmaer og internationale medicinske markedsforhold. Bogen er udarbejdet til kandidat-niveau, men selve forståelsen af de nationale og internationale spørgsmål om medicinsk markedsadgang er i stigende grad vigtigt for både fagfolk, der arbejder i sundhedssystemet og den medicinske industri. Denne bog er den første af sin art, der introducerer et udviklende område af betydning ikke kun for industrien som helhed, men også for udbydere, patienter, investorer og tilsynsorganer i Danmark. Lars Holger Ehlers, Ph.D., er professor på the Danish Center for Healthcare Improvements, Institut for Erhverv og Ledelse, Aalborg Universitet. Han har skrevet et stort antal artikler om sundhedsøkonomi og underviser kurser på Aalborg Universitet.

  • af Seth Godin
    146,95 kr.

    When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere canaddress this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

  • af Vibeke Andersson Møller
    378,95 kr.

    Danske kunstnertapeter 1930-1965 fortæller om et særligt fænomen, derhavde sin storhedstid samtidig med modernismen. I denne periode gikkunstnere og tapetfabrikanter sammen om at højne kvaliteten i de dansketapetmønstre. Kunstnertapeterne udgjorde en niche, hvor der foregik enintens udveksling mellem kunstindustrien på den ene side og arkitekturenog kunsten på den anden side. Tapet er rumkunst, og de danskekunstnertapeter belyser periodens rumdannelser og interiører fra enanden side end den traditionelle arkitekturhistorie. Bogen beretter omtapetfabrikkerne, tapetproduktionen, tapettegnerne og brugen af tapeteri danske hjem.Vibeke Andersson Møller, f. 1963, i kunsthistorie 1991. Siden1995 museumsinspektør og seniorforsker ved Danmarks Nyere Tid,Nationalmuseet. Konstitueret overinspektør sammesteds 2007-2010.Forfatter til artikler om dansk arkitektur i det 18. og 20. århundredesamt til monografierne Stellings Hus (2003), Arkitekten Frits Schlegel(2004) og Farver i funktionalismen (2009).Danske kunstnertapeter 1930-1965 er udgivet i samarbejde med Nationalmuseet og Syddansk Universitetsforlag.

  • af Anton Pottegård & Tore Bjerregaard Stage
    378,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig guide til brug af lægemidler i praksis – nu i 3. udgave."Praktisk farmakologi" henvender sig til den sundhedsprofessionelle, der har brug for et overblik over den praktiske brug af receptpligtige lægemidler og håndkøbslægemidler – særligt farmaceutstuderende og farmakonomer, men også hjemmesygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og læger.Denne 3. udgave er blevet grundigt opdateret og væsentlig forbedret med den nyeste viden og et væld af erfaringer fra klinisk praksis. Bogen indeholder kort og præcis information om de 100 mest solgte lægemiddelgrupper i Danmark. Bogen giver dig: lægemidlernes navne, hvilke sygdomme de bruges til at behandle, hvordan de virker, de vigtigste bivirkninger, særlige oplysninger.Bogen gennemgår desuden de 25 hyppigste problemer, som kan løses ved brug af håndkøbslægemidler, samt de vigtigste fakta om naturlægemidler, lægemiddelinteraktioner, receptlovgivningen og reglerne for tilskud til medicin.

  • af Steven Kurutz
    278,95 kr.

    "The little-engine-that-could story of how a band of scrappy entrepreneurs are reviving the enterprise of manufacturing clothing in the United States"--

  • af Andrew Groves & Danielle Sprecher
    283,95 - 609,95 kr.

  • af Ian Anderson
    246,95 kr.

  • - Tekstilindustriens kompleksitet og fremtid
    af Esben H. Licht & Markus Hatting
    248,95 kr.

    De fleste af os er godt klar over, at hyppig udskiftning i garderoben kan være problematisk, og at farvning af tekstiler kan svine. Men hvorfor er det tilfældet? Og hvad får det helt konkret af konsekvenser for naturen og mennesker, der arbejder i industrien? Problemerne i tekstilindustrien er desværre meget komplekse, da der er virkelig mange aktører, der ud fra ganske forskellige dagsordener tilsammen udgør industrien. Det er endt med at give en lang række problemer, der ikke lader sig løse uden handling hos brands, forbrugere og lovgivere. Vi er ved at drukne i tekstiler, særligt dårligt producerede og ubæredygtige af slagsen. Men hvor skal vi begynde, og hvor skulle vi gerne nå hen, når vi skal ændre tekstilindustrien og få den i en ansvarlig og grøn retning? Vores tøj – verdens ressourcer er en fag- og debatbog om tekstilindustriens problemer, og hvordan vi kommer dem til livs. På baggrund af flere års faglig research giver tekstilentreprenørerne Markus Hatting og Esben Licht en let tilgængelig indsigt i den komplekse industri. Først gives et faktabaseret overblik over industrien. Derefter dykkes der ned i problemerne og de komplekse relationer mellem aktørerne, der forårsager dem, inden en række forslag til handling fremsættes. Til sidst i bogen er den en guide til, hvad du som forbruger kan gøre for at hjælpe tekstilindustrien i den rigtige retning.

  • - textiles from Norse Greenland
    af Else Østergård
    418,95 kr.

    Erik den Rødes efterkommere, de norrøne grøn­lændere, beboede det sydvestlige Grønland i et halvt årtusinde indtil midten af 1400-årene, hvor de sidste nordboere af endnu uopklarede grunde forsvandt. Den grønlandske jord har bevaret den unikke kulturarv efter nordboerne, og Woven into the Earth præsenterer et fuldstændigt katalog over de norrøne tekstilfund fra 28 lokaliteter udgravet af danske arkæologer igennem de sidste par hundrede år.

  • af Rajeev Jain
    2.045,95 kr.

    Green Analytical Methods and Miniaturized Sample Preparation techniques for Forensic Drug Analysis provides a comprehensive overview of GAMs in forensic drug analysis, including green sample preparation techniques, in-situ analytical platforms (such as DIC and µPADs), and on-site sample preparation. The book discusses not only eco-friendly GAM’s, but also methods which provide high sample throughput and cost-effective analysis, and are therefore of immense use in resource limited laboratories of developing countries. This is a comprehensive source of literature for analytical scientists in this developing area of sustainable and affordable analytical methods.

  • af Pedro Fonte
    1.187,95 kr.

    Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Healing explores the different delivery systems and drugs used in wound healing, outlining the many pharmaceutical approaches in wound healing and management. Bringing together interdisciplinary research on wound healing and management, this book offers the theory behind wound healing, but also has a strong focus on the practical approach where scientists involved in medication development can find suggestions. Where appropriate, clinical outcomes are given so the book can be useful as a guide for the choice by medication prescription or use. Topics in the book include types of drugs used in wound healing; types of carriers used in wound healing; clinical outcomes; biocompatibility and toxicity problems, and pipeline products. Researchers working in the pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences and engineering fields will find this a useful resource.

  • af Liviu Ghiuzan
    647,95 kr.

    "Manufacturing Excellence and Quality Management in Sustainable Fashion Apparel: Strategies for Lean Production and Environmental Responsibility" provides a comprehensive roadmap for optimizing apparel manufacturing processes while prioritizing quality, sustainability, and efficiency, with a specific focus on cut and sew garments. From design conception to the final product, the book offers practical insights into integrating lean manufacturing principles, quality control measures, and sustainable practices throughout the apparel production cycle.The book highlights the integration of lean manufacturing principles to optimize operational efficiency and resource utilization, including manufacturing setup and layout. By eliminating waste and non-value-added activities, and by carefully planning the layout of manufacturing facilities, manufacturers can streamline workflows, reduce production costs, and minimize environmental impact. Sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly materials and ethical sourcing, are seamlessly integrated into lean manufacturing strategies, aligning with consumer demand for ethically-produced fashion. Through a combination of lean principles and sustainable initiatives, the book provides a holistic approach to apparel manufacturing, empowering businesses to thrive in a competitive market while contributing to a more environmentally conscious industry.Beginning with product development and design, the book emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation in aligning with sustainability goals. It guides manufacturers through the stages of conceptualization, prototyping, and sampling, emphasizing collaboration between design and production teams to ensure garments meet both aesthetic and sustainable criteria. Leveraging advancements in sewing equipment and technology, manufacturers can streamline design iterations, reducing lead times and optimizing resources.Throughout the manufacturing process, comprehensive quality control measures play a pivotal role in maintaining product integrity and consistency. From material sourcing to final inspection, meticulous attention to detail ensures adherence to quality standards and sustainability objectives. By implementing robust quality management systems, manufacturers can identify and address issues proactively, minimizing defects and rework while enhancing customer satisfaction and brand reputation.In summary, 'Manufacturing Excellence and Quality Management in Sustainable Fashion Apparel' offers actionable strategies for achieving operational excellence, quality management, and sustainability in apparel manufacturing. By combining innovative design, rigorous quality control, lean manufacturing principles, and sustainable practices, the book provides invaluable guidance for professionals across the fashion business spectrum, from seasoned industry veterans to aspiring entrepreneurs and enthusiasts alike. With its comprehensive approach to integrating sustainability, quality, and efficiency into every aspect of apparel production, this book serves as an indispensable resource. Furthermore, readers benefit from a rich array of case studies, blending fictionalized scenarios with real-world examples, providing practical insights and inspiration for navigating the complexities of the fashion industry while driving positive change.

  • af Alberto Pais
    1.591,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence for Drug Product Lifecycle Applications explains the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery and development paths, including the clinical and postapproval phases. This book gives methods for each of the drug development steps, from the fundamentals to postapproval drug product. AI is a synergistic assembly of enhanced optimization strategies with particular applications in pharmaceutical development and advanced tools for promoting cost-effectiveness throughout the drug lifecycle. Specifically, AI brings together the potential to improve drug approval rates, reduce development costs, get medications to patients faster, and help patients comply with their treatments.Accelerated pharmaceutical development and drug product approval rates will enable larger profits from patent-protected market exclusivity. This book offers the tools and knowledge to create the right AI strategy to extend the landscape of AI applications across the drug lifecycle. It is especially useful for pharmaceutical scientists, health care professionals, and regulatory scientists, as well as advanced students and postgraduates actively involved in pharmaceutical product and process development involving the use of artificial intelligence in drug delivery applications.

  • af Pooja A Chawla
    1.515,95 kr.

    Novel Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of CNS Disorders offers a comprehensive source of information on delivering drugs to the central nervous system to treat various diseases and conditions. The book covers a wide range of CNS disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, autism, ALS, and others. The book begins by presenting the foundations of drug delivery to the brain and addressing the associated challenges. It then delves into clinical trials and explores the future potential of the presented technologies. This reference is designed for drug delivery researchers in academia and corporations, providing them with the essential knowledge about overcoming the Brain-Blood Barrier and achieving targeted drug delivery to the central nervous system.

  • af Prashant Kesharwani
    1.692,95 kr.

    Theranostics Nanomaterials in Drug Delivery presents the most recent advances in the development of theranostic nanomaterials for drug delivery. This book compiles reports and studies on the latest changes and improvements of theranostic nanocarriers such as nanoemulsions, liposomes, exosomes, polymeric micelles, PLGA nanoparticles, chitosan nanoparticles, dendrimer, quantum dots, silica nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, and many more, all of which can help in the sensitive diagnosis, precise targeting, and efficient and controlled delivery of nanomaterials to control various diseases at different clinical stages. Theranostics nanomaterials in drug delivery will serve as a solid foundation and reference for pharmaceutical scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and experts in the medical field involved in the development of advanced drug delivery systems.

  • af Bin Yu
    1.671,95 kr.

    Drug Discovery Stories: From Bench to Bedside presents a collection of cases on the development of highly successful pharmaceuticals. It delves into the realm of drug discovery, exploring the structural biology and biological functions of the sought-after targets. The book covers the identification of promising compounds, their transformation from hits to leads through meticulous optimization, and the elucidation of how key compounds interact with the target (in essence, providing invaluable insights for drug design). Additionally, it covers essential information such as the pivotal biological and PK data of lead compounds, any noteworthy clinical results, and a comprehensive overview of other candidate compounds. The field of drug discovery and development has experienced rapid evolution, with numerous new drugs receiving approval each year. While several books have been published on this subject, there is a pressing need for a new book series that accurately reflects the current advancements in drug discovery. This book aims to not only cater to the drug discovery community but also engage other communities involved in chemical biology, synthetic chemistry, and pharmacology.

  • af Anilkumar Parambath
    2.045,95 kr.

    Polymers for Oral Drug Delivery Technologies covers the fundamentals of oral drug delivery and various aspects of polymer technology in oral drug delivery, from classification and synthesis, to applications and regulatory factors. It presents the oral delivery¿of therapeutics for treating a number of diseases, along with the challenges of oral drug administration to assure a predictive and reproducible pharmacokinetic profile of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).Polymers play an important role to achieve the targeted release profile consistently of an API in vivo by various functionalities like drug protection from gastric juice, fast release and supersaturation or release within a targeted area of the GI tract.

  • af Viral Patel
    1.671,95 kr.

    Targeted Therapy for the Central Nervous System: Formulation, Clinical Challenges, and Regulatory Strategies presents research on various delivery methods of drugs to the central nervous system and brain. This volume examines targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders and succinctly outlines the future of drug delivery systems, highlighting significant advancements specifically relating to central nervous system delivery. This book will be of great interest to researchers working in the field of neuroscience and pharmacology as well as clinicians (pharmacists, radiologists, psychiatrists).

  • af Friedrich von Bülow
    1.206,95 kr.

    Given the limitations of state-of-the-art methods, this book presents a state of health (SOH) forecasting method that is suitable for lithium-ion battery (LIB) systems in real-world battery electric vehicle operation. Its histogram-based features can capture the higher operational variability compared to constant and controlled laboratory operation. Also, the transferability of a trained machine learning model to new LIB cell types and new operational domains is investigated. The presented SOH forecasting method can be provided as a cloud service via a web or smartphone app to fleet managers. Forecasting the SOH enables fleet managers of battery electric vehicle fleets to forecast and plan vehicle replacements.

  • af Ahmed Awaisu
    1.591,95 kr.

    Health Literacy in Medicines Use and Pharmacy: A Definitive Guide highlights issues related to medication literacy from the context of the pharmacist and other healthcare professionals. This definitive guide will undoubtedly serve as an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals in training and practice, fostering excellence in patient care globally. The book provides a clear explanation of medication literacy, presents different tools to assess health and medication literacy, readability, and comprehensibility of written medicine information (WMI), and elaborates on different approaches to develop customized and patient-friendly WMI. The book also covers health and medication literacy in special populations, including geriatrics, pediatrics, and pregnant/lactating patients. Written by experts in health communication, this book will help pharmacists, other health professionals, educators, students, and regulators, who need to develop customized educational materials that can be understood by a broad range of patients, especially those with low health literacy.

  • af Anna Moretti
    403,95 kr.

    This book explores the governance mechanisms and their implications for interorganizational relationships (IORs) in the context of disruptive technological change, with a focus on the automotive industry's transition to electric vehicles (EVs). It delves into the different forms of governance, including contractual and relational mechanisms, and the levels of codification within IORs. It addresses the gap in understanding the impact of disruptive innovation on IORs and highlights the need for strategies to effectively adapt and adjust relationships in the face of transformative changes. The research examines the interplay between disruptive forces and governance, providing insights into how firms can navigate and thrive amidst disruptions. By analysing the dynamics of governance mechanisms and their value in IORs, this book offers practical insights for organizations engaged in interorganizational relationships. It is targeted at researchers and scholars in the fields of strategic management, organizational theory, and innovation, as well as professionals involved in managing interorganizational relationships and navigating disruptive environments.

  • af Malathi
    273,95 kr.

    Pregnancy Fashion: Understanding Your Changing Body and Finding Flattering SilhouettesChapter 1: Understand Your BodyYour body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. You gain weight, your body shape and body type may change. Your bust, waist, and hips may grow. Your legs and arms may also grow.It is important to understand these changes in your body. This will help you choose clothes that fit you well.To understand the changes in your body, you can get a pregnancy body chart from your local prenatal clinic or medical center. You can also find charts online.To understand the changes in your body, you can ask yourself the following questions:· How much weight have I gained?· How has my body type changed?· How much have my bust, waist, and hips grown?· How much have my legs and arms grown?Answering these questions will make it easier for you to choose clothes that fit your body.Chapter 2: Choose Clothes That Fit YouAfter you understand the changes in your body, it is time to choose clothes that fit you well.You should consider the following factors:

  • af Patricia Brunkow
    825,95 kr.

    Patricia Brunkow gibt einen Überblick über relevante Barrieren bei der Einführung von IT-Anwendungen in Unternehmen und stellt zwei Instrumente zur Identifikation und Vermeidung von Barrieren vor. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bieten aufgrund der Datenerhebung in einem Automobilunternehmen besonders praxisnahe Erkenntnisse.

  • af Mangey Ram
    2.549,95 kr.

    Modern systems have become increasingly complex to design and build, while the demand for reliability and cost-effective enhancement continues. Robust international competition has further intensified the need for all designers, managers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers to ensure a level of reliability of their products and processes before release at the lowest cost. Developments in Reliability Engineering equips its audience with the necessary information to keep up with the latest original research and state-of-the-art advances in reliability engineering. The volume offers an excursus from historical theories and methods to the present-world practical utility of these concepts with worked-out examples.

  • af Loyd Phillipd
    153,95 kr.

    Total Systems Development, Inc. (TSD) wrote Lean Manufacturing: A Plant Floor Guide, which is a comprehensive inventory of the ingredients required for successful implementation. It gives an outline of your initiative as well as a detailed justification behind it. It's a quick reference to parts of lean that you might not have known about. It's a virtual toolbox of knowledge that may be used right away on the factory floor.Editors John Allen, Charles Robinson, and David Stewart take readers on a comprehensive,'street-level' journey through lean implementation, from the seven wastes and flow processes to developing a business case, using lean tools, and applying readers' newfound knowledge at greenfield and brownfield sites. Specific chapters on value stream mapping and policy

  • af Caroline J. Blackmore
    230,95 kr.

    The "Dresses Coloring Book" is a fabulous fashion journey, inviting adults and teens alike to bring their artistic flair to the world of haute couture. This book is more than just a coloring experience; it's an exploration of fashion through the ages, offering a delightful escape into relaxation and creativity.Why Fashionistas Will Love This Book:Catwalk of Color:Embark on a stylish journey with 35 unique dresses, each presenting an opportunity to make bold color choices and create your fashion statement.Endless Hours of Chic Fun:Dive into the joy of creativity and fun, spending hours adding your personal touch to each elegant design.Pristine and Stylish Pages:Enjoy high-quality coloring without the worry of bleed-through, as each illustration is printed on a separate page.Fashion Therapy:Discover the therapeutic benefits of coloring, as it's known for relaxation, mindfulness, and stress relief, making it the perfect fashionable retreat.Let your imagination run wild with the "Dresses Coloring Book". It's time to pick up your colors and start your fashion journey!Technical Details:Elegantly Spacious:Large-format pages provide ample space to explore intricate details and play with a wide range of colors.Glossy Fashion Statement:A high-quality glossy cover not only gives the book a chic look but also ensures durability for your fashion art journey.A Wardrobe of Creativity:With 71 total pages, including 35 exclusive coloring pages, there's a dress for every mood and inspiration.Tailored for All Designers:Whether you're a budding artist or an experienced colorist, this coloring book caters to all skill levels, offering a stylish and enjoyable coloring experience.Embrace Your Inner Fashion Designer with "Dresses Coloring Book"!This coloring book is a must-have for anyone who loves fashion, creativity, or simply enjoys the calming joy of coloring. It's a ticket to a world where your fashion fantasies come to life on paper.

  • af Caroline J. Blackmore
    230,95 kr.

    Il "Libro da Colorare degli Abiti" è un favoloso viaggio nella moda, invitando adulti e adolescenti a esprimere la loro vena artistica nel mondo dell'alta moda.Questo libro va oltre l'esperienza di colorazione; esplora la moda attraverso le epoche, offrendo un piacevole momento di relax e creatività.Perché gli Appassionati di Moda Ameranno Questo Libro:Sfilata di Colori:Inizia un elegante viaggio con 35 abiti unici, ognuno offrendo l'opportunità di fare audaci scelte di colore e creare il tuo stile.Ore Infinite di Divertimento Chic:Immergiti nella gioia della creatività e del divertimento, trascorrendo ore ad aggiungere il tuo tocco a ogni elegante design.Pagine Impeccabili e Stilose:Goditi una colorazione di alta qualità senza preoccuparti della sbavatura, poiché ogni illustrazione è stampata su una pagina separata.Terapia della Moda:Scopri i benefici terapeutici della colorazione, nota per il relax, la mindfulness e il sollievo dallo stress, rendendola la perfetta fuga di moda.Lascia correre la tua immaginazione con il "Libro da Colorare degli Abiti". È il momento di prendere i tuoi colori e iniziare il tuo viaggio nella moda!Dettagli Tecnici:Eleganza e Spaziosità:Le pagine in formato grande offrono ampio spazio per esplorare dettagli intricati e sperimentare con una vasta gamma di colori.Dichiarazione di Moda Lucida:Una copertina lucida di alta qualità conferisce al libro un look chic e garantisce durata per il tuo viaggio artistico nella moda.Un Guardaroba di Creatività:Con un totale di 71 pagine, comprese 35 pagine da colorare esclusive, c'è un abito per ogni stato d'animo e ispirazione.Progettato per Tutti i Designer:Che tu sia un artista alle prime armi o un colorista esperto, questo libro da colorare si adatta a tutti i livelli di abilità, offrendo un'esperienza di colorazione elegante e piacevole.Abbraccia il Tuo Designer di Moda Interiore con il "Libro da Colorare degli Abiti"!

  • af Caroline J. Blackmore
    230,95 kr.

    El "Libro para Colorear de Vestidos" es un fabuloso viaje de moda que invita a adultos y adolescentes por igual a dar rienda suelta a su talento artístico en el mundo de la alta costura.Este libro es más que una experiencia de coloreo; explora la moda a lo largo de las épocas, ofreciendo una encantadora escapada hacia la relajación y la creatividad.Por qué los Amantes de la Moda Amarán Este Libro:Pasarela de Colores:Embárcate en un elegante viaje con 35 vestidos únicos, cada uno ofreciendo la oportunidad de hacer elecciones audaces de colores y crear tu declaración de moda.Horas Interminables de Diversión Elegante:Sumérgete en la alegría de la creatividad y la diversión, pasando horas añadiendo tu toque a cada diseño elegante.Páginas Impecables y con Estilo:Disfruta de un coloreo de alta calidad sin preocuparte por la traspaso de tinta, ya que cada ilustración está impresa en una página separada.Terapia de Moda:Descubre los beneficios terapéuticos del coloreo, ya que se sabe que proporciona relajación, atención plena y alivio del estrés, convirtiéndolo en el retiro de moda perfecto.¡Deja volar tu imaginación con el "Libro para Colorear de Vestidos"! ¡Es hora de coger tus colores y comenzar tu viaje de moda!Detalles Técnicos:Elegante y Espacioso:Las páginas de gran formato proporcionan un amplio espacio para explorar detalles intrincados y jugar con una amplia gama de colores.Declaración de Moda Brillante:Una cubierta de alta calidad y brillante le da al libro un aspecto chic y garantiza durabilidad para tu viaje de arte de moda.Un Vestuario de Creatividad:Con un total de 71 páginas, que incluyen 35 páginas de colorear exclusivas, hay un vestido para cada estado de ánimo e inspiración.Diseñado para Todos los Diseñadores:Ya seas un artista novel o un experimentado coloreador, este libro para colorear atiende a todos los niveles de habilidad, ofreciendo una experiencia de coloreo elegante y agradable.

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