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Folkeret: sundhed

Her finder du spændende bøger om Folkeret: sundhed. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 33 bøger om emnet.
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  • - En guide til at skabe trygge sovevaner for dit 0-4 årige barn
    af Sine Ditlev Bihlet
    160,95 kr.

    Nogle børn sover igennem fra starten. De fleste gør ikke. Faktisk er det helt normalt for forældre til 0-4 årige børn at opleve en eller flere svære perioder:Udfasning af den vuggende bevægelseNedtrapning og afvænning fra mælkSove selvTidlige morgenerNår putningen bliver ved og vedDenne bog gør dig i stand til at håndtere situationer som disse, og klæder dig på til at møde dit barn i øjenhøjde når det er træt og skal sove. Redskabet Putteritualet giver dig ro i maven når dit barn skal puttes og når det vågner om natten. Måske du endda selv vil få mere søvn. Tilgangen til barnets søvn er baseret på den nyeste forskning indenfor området børn og søvn, Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger samt erfaringsbaseret praksis.Om forfatteren:Sine Ditlev Bihlet driver Søvnplejersken for at hjælpe forældre og dit børn til gode og trygge sovevaner. Udover privatkonsultationer afholder Sine mange foredrag, webinarer og kurser om børns søvn - for forældre, sundhedsfaglige og pædagogisk personale. Hun er aktiv på Instagram og Facebook, hvor hun også deler sin viden og erfaring om børns søvn. Anbefalinger: "Denne bog skiller sig ud ved at lade tilknytningen stå centralt i formidlingen af barnets søvn, og samtidig prioritere forældrenes trivsel i lige så høj grad. Det er enormt meningsfuldt, og jeg ved, at det gør – og vil gøre – en stor forskel for rigtig mange familier.” Lena Adalberth – Cand. mag. i sprogpsykologi og skaber af MOAR.”Sines vidensdeling giver masser af tryghed til alle familier. Relevant, autentisk og nærværende.” Karina Byrialsen Fragtrup, mor til Freja på 13 måneder.

  • - Sundhedsretlige perspektiver på sundhedsvæsen, sundhedspersoner og patientrettigheder
    af Mette Hartlev, Peter Jakobsen & Katharina O Cathaoir
    744,95 kr.

    Sundhedsret er vokset frem som juridisk disciplin siden 1980’erne og har gradvist udviklet en egen faglig identitet med særlige retsprincipper. Sundhedsretten har rødder i de menneskeretlige principper om det enkelte menneskes værdighed, integritet og autonomi. Samtidig har sundhedsretten tætte relationer til en række velkendte juridiske discipliner såsom forvaltningsret, strafferet, erstatningsret m.m.Bogen undersøger de retlige relationer og problemstillinger, der opstår mellem sundhedsvæsenets aktører. Dette er et bredt felt, som spænder over spørgsmål relateret til sundhedsvæsenets opgaver og opgavefordeling, statens ansvar for kollektiv sundhed og epidemihåndtering, sundhedspersoners rettigheder og pligter samt patienters rettigheder. Patienters rettigheder er en central del af sundhedsretten. Patientrettighederne vedrører en række forskellige temaer såsom patientens ret til behandling, patientens selvbestemmelsesret, det informerede samtykke, anvendelse af tvang, fortrolighed, aktindsigt, klage og erstatning. I bogen diskuteres også særlige emner som børns og voksne inhabiles selvbestemmelsesret, behandlingstestamenter, dødshjælp, organdonation, abort, assisteret reproduktion, sundhedsvidenskabelige forsøg, big data, personlig medicin og nye teknologier i sundhedsvæsenet. Bogens tre forfattere er alle jurister med tilknytning til Københavns Universitet. Mette Hartlev er dr.jur. og professor i sundhedsret. Katharina Ó Cathaoir er ph.d. og lektor i sundhedsret. Peter Jakobsen er chefkonsulent i Patienterstatningen og ekstern lektor i sundhedsret.

  • af Devi Sridhar
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af William Cunningham Glen
    176,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Deepti Meena
    112,95 kr.

    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, profoundly affected the global population, including India. This research delves into the multifaceted impact of COVID-19, the response of nations worldwide, and the legal dimensions of India's battle against the pandemic. Initially, India maintained relatively low death and infection rates due to its inherent immunity. However, as subsequent waves swept the world, challenges in public health infrastructure, medical preparedness, and legal frameworks emerged.This study comprises five key chapters. The first chapter introduces the research, outlining its significance, problem statements, and research methodology. It provides a conceptual distinction between an epidemic and a pandemic and sets the stage for the thesis.Chapter two conducts a comparative analysis of how various nations tackled the pandemic, highlighting the role of the World Health Organization (WHO). It offers an international perspective on how countries with different population sizes, climate conditions, and healthcare systems responded to the crisis.Chapter three delves into the legal dimensions of COVID-19 in India. It explores the pivotal role played by the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897, and the Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Act, 2020, along with other relevant legislation. This chapter also examines disaster management agencies at different government levels and their cooperative federalism approach.Chapter four explores India's national lockdown strategy as an embodiment of cooperative federalism. It analyzes the diverse actions taken by states to implement lockdown measures, emphasizing the cooperative role played by states of varying populations.The concluding chapter synthesizes the findings and offers suggestions for legislation, norms, and policies to better prepare India for future crises. It underscores the need for a more detailed framework to address unforeseen disasters comprehensively.This research provides a holistic understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on India, its legal response, and the lessons learned for future preparedness.

  • af Timothy Paterick
    497,95 kr.

    A comprehensive analysis of healthcare and employment laws, including HIPAA vulnerabilities, legal pitfalls, complexities of peer review, the importance of professional regulatory compliance, and the potential complications of NPDB review.

  • af Jessica L. Bailey-Wheaton
    1.737,95 kr.

    "The Health Law Essentials book was the brain child of the ABA Young Lawyers Division's Health Law Committee, whose leaders wanted to provide fellow young healthcare lawyers a starting point for a vast array of health law topics. The Committee is indebted to the ABA Health Law Section, whose staff and volunteer leaders provided the resources necessary to bring this dream to fruition."--ECIP introduction.

  • af Rebecca Oldmark
    107,95 kr.

    Imagine, interpret, sense and feel our world around us as if we are in it, and present among it, because at very many cases and very many moments we seem to forget we are human beings with great minds to explore and fulfil. I would for this book with its content to make one relate and comprehend our world in many different ways, forms and shapes to expand our everyday experiences and to expand our knowledge and our lives into something bigger than ourselves. There will be madness in my words but there will also be words seeking for help and support. There will be sentences and chapters which may feel confusing and there will be sentences filled with anger or frustration, but also there will be sentences filled with desire. This book is about reality. Nothing else.

  • af Constance D Burrell
    327,95 kr.

    78 vibrant colored illustrations jump off the page, stimulating the visual senses. To conclude the book, the reader counts globes scattered on each page, a coloring activity (Hardback ONLY), and journaling which is a form of self-expression!

  • af Caldwell G. Collins
    1.332,95 kr.

    A practical guide for lawyers who are either just starting out in practicing health law or handling a case in an unfamiliar area.

  • af Harry Nelson
    267,95 kr.

    Author Harry Nelson has been on the front lines of behavioral health and medical advocacy for 2 decades. He is the leading healthcare legal expert in the country addressing the worsening problems in how we treat pain and addiction. His insights have earned the attention of lead policymakers and regulators at every federal agency touching the opioid crisis. He has been one of the few voices in the room with direct experience of where we are going wrong. Read The United States of Opioids to join his campaign to stop talking about and start doing something about out-of-control overdose death rates, addiction, and chronic pain.The United States of Opioids explains: ¿why coverage of greedy drug companies and doctors has been reductive, missing the real story, shortchanging the American public and impeding progress; ¿the structural roots of the crisis in multiple points of health system failure ¿why healthcare industry and government efforts will never be enough to tackle the crisis; ¿how grassroots action can force a new conversation about the parallel crisis of rising suicide rates ¿why the opioid crisis, including spiraling overdose death rates, will continue to worsen until we take on root causes, including rising rates of anxiety, social isolation, chronic stress, and despair ¿practical steps we can take to address the opioid crisis. The United States of Opioids tells the real story of what went wrong. It offers a roadmap out of the crisis that empowers and offers practical resources for people, families, employers, and communities to connect, prevent, and intervene in addiction, chronic pain and the rising death toll. Harry¿s call to action has resonated and is leading to new conversations across America, including: ¿how religious communities can play a pivotal role in taking on the opioid crisis ¿how employers and employees can re-imagine workplace wellness in ways that detoxify the American workplace and lead to healthier workforce, with less stress and anxiety at work ¿how all of us can rethink what wellness means in our own lives and social circles to become more self-aware, more conscious of hidden shame and judgment that fuels substance abuse, and agents of prevention and intervention ¿how parents and schools can rethink our approach to early and elementary education to raise a generation of more resilient kids who are less prone to the plague of distress and substance use infecting middle schools and teens across America ¿how people can share their addiction and recovery journeys to inspire others and make a difference in the opioid crisis

  • af Landmark Publications
    387,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Rosser
    112,95 kr.

    Recent increases in health rights litigation in low- and middle-income countries triggered debates regarding the effects of such litigation on the equity and effectiveness of health systems. This study examines Indonesia's experience with health rights litigation and efforts promoting health rights in developing countries in general.

  • af U. S. House Republicans
    152,95 kr.

  • af Carl F. Stychin
    1.159,95 kr.

    This topical new book views the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of the law, history, ethics, technology, economics and gender studies. By focusing on the implications of the virus in a wider interdisciplinary context, and looking at responses to the virus in Europe, South America, Asia and beyond, these essays set out a framework for understanding the COVID-19 virus beyond its epidemiological constraints, asking us to question the very definition of what it means to be human.

  • - Market Access under the new EU Regulations - compact course for study, project and job
    af Wolfgang Ecker
    412,95 - 697,95 kr.

  • af June M. Sullivan
    1.597,95 kr.

    This revised and updated edition creates a useful guide for those who are new to HIPAA, as well as providing updates for seasoned veterans.

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