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Folkeret: internationale organisationer og institutioner

Her finder du spændende bøger om Folkeret: internationale organisationer og institutioner. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 14 bøger om emnet.
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  • - Den totale institution socialt set - opdateret 2022 udgave
    af Erving Goffman
    317,95 kr.

    NY OG OPDATERET 2022 UDGAVE Anstalt og menneske må betragtes som et af tidens hovedværker inden for den sociologiske analyse af livet i den totale institutions lukkede verden, således som vi kender den fra f.eks. fængsler, kaserner, skibe, kostskoler, klostre, alderdomshjem, opdragelseshjem m.m. Anstalt som menneske skildrer, hvad disse institutioner »får ud af« klienterne, og hvad klienterne »får ud af« tilværelsen inden for murene – på godt og ondt, måske navnlig det sidste… Opmærksomheden rettes i særlig grad mod statshospitalet med udgangspunkt i forfatterens studier i marken gennem 1 år som medarbejder ved et stort amerikansk statshospital. Erwing Goffman fremlægger i bogen den hovedtese, at den mest betydningsfulde faktor i den sindslidende patients udvikling under opholdet ikke så meget er hans sygdom, men selve institutionen og alt, hvad den indebærer. Anstalt og menneske har derfor bud til enhver, som er beskæftiget – eller anbragt – i disse institutioner, samt til alle, der ønsker at vide besked med en af vort samfunds skyggesider.Bogen er senest udkommet i 14 oplag i oktober i en opdateret udgave.

  • af Jasmine-Kim Westendorf
    332,95 kr.

  • af Henry Gao
    1.601,95 kr.

    "This book provides an original systematic assessment of China's twenty years in the WTO. Combining insights from law, economics, political science, and international relations, it offers rich, multifaceted analyses of the opportunities and challenges China presents to the world trading system and the responses from other WTO Members. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core"--

  • af Jan Klabbers
    424,95 - 1.145,95 kr.

  • af Richard Clements
    1.209,95 kr.

    "Using an historical and theoretical approach, Richard Clements explores why global justice and management have become so intimately connected within the International Criminal Court. Mapping the ICC's management ideas and practices onto an accessible model, Clements highlights the impact of management on the global justice project"--

  • af Jeremy (Formerly Legal Counsellor Hill
    485,95 - 1.222,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Daase
    1.036,95 kr.

    "What forms of rule exist in international politics, how do they work, and what consequences do they have for our understanding? This volume assembles world leading International Relations scholars to demonstrate the ruled character of international politics and explains how IR students can study it"--

  • af Ezgi Yildiz
    1.125,95 kr.

    "Through legal and social science-based analyses, this book explains why international courts underutilize their power and traces how this impacts international norms. Using the norm against torture and inhumane or degrading treatment as an example, it systematically analyses c.2,300 judgements from the European Court of Human Rights, 1967-2016"--

  • af Janneke Gerards
    449,95 - 1.281,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Greenwood
    2.206,95 kr.

    Decisions of international courts and arbitrators, as well as judgments of national courts, are fundamental elements of modern public international law. The International Law Reports is the only publication in the world wholly devoted to the regular and systematic reporting in English of such decisions. It is therefore an absolutely essential work of reference. Volume 200 contains the 2019 International Court of Justice judgment on preliminary objections in Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), the 2021 Grand Chamber judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela v. Council of the European Union and the translation of 2021 judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice in Functional Immunity of Foreign Officials and Crimes under International Law Case.

  • af Tracy H. Slagter & John D. van Doorn
    434,95 - 1.159,95 kr.

  • af Peter Wejinya
    156,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: International Organisations, University of Benin, course: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, language: English, abstract: This paper x-rayed the origin of the United Nations. Also, of fundamental importance of this study is the administration of the organs of the United Nations and their roles and functions to the organisation and the international system in particular. This study also beamed its search light on some specialised agencies of the United Nations and looked at global events that informed and propel the formation and establishment of the United Nations. This paper adopted the secondary method of data collection and as well, adopted four theoretical frameworks for its analysis, such as: Elite theory, the principle of Balance of Power, Realism and Liberalism and structural functionalism. it was found that the UN six main organs carry out functions assigned to them by the charter establishing the body and they are tailored to stabilize and ensure peaceful relations among nations of the world, it was also found that the UN functions are hampered by issues of finance, member nations agitation for restructuring the world body and problem of enforcement. In conclusion, it was recommended that the UN do all within its power to listen and respond to agitation for restructuring of the world body if the agitation is coming from majority of its member. It should be responsive to the compelling and majority demand of its members. With this, the issue of insolvency will be mitigated as member will contribute more to success story and victories of the world body.

  • af Malcolm Evans
    210,95 - 1.156,95 kr.

  • af Jorg Philipp Terhechte
    457,95 kr.

    Die Textsammlung - in synoptischer Darstellung der drei Sprachfassungen in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch - soll den Nutzern den vergleichenden Zugang zum europäischen Primärrecht ermög­lichen. Sie ist der Erkenntnis geschuldet, dass jeder systematische Ansatz zur Auslegung des EU-Rechts den Formulierungsunterschieden der Amtssprachen Rechnung tragen muss und daher auf den Sprachenvergleich angewiesen ist. Die Textsammlung bietet somit eine erste Hilfe dafür, den "Sprung" über die eigene Sprachgrenze zu wagen. Damit eröffnet sie den Blick auf andere Rechtsordnungen und ermutigt dazu, die eigenen Rechtsansichten in der vergleichenden Perspektive kritisch zu hinterfragen.Die Rechtsordnung der Europäischen Union steht wie keine andere Rechtsordnung weltweit unter dem "Vorzeichen der Mehrsprachigkeit" und eignet sich daher besonders gut für einen rechtsvergleichenden Ansatz. Dies gilt ungeachtet der Tatsache, dass sich in den letzten Jahren die englische Sprache in den europäischen Institutionen immer stärker durchgesetzt hat. Fest steht gleichwohl, dass die unterschiedlichen Rechtssprachen der Euro­päischen Union ein echtes Hindernis für die effektive Rechtsanwendung darstellen können. Die Textsammlung soll helfen, dieses Hindernis zu überwinden.

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