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Privatliv: lov og ret

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  • - Med kommentarer
    af Peter Blume
    308,95 kr.

    Den retlige regulering af adgangen til at foretage tv-overvågning og under hvilke betingelser dette kan ske har betydning for os alle og både i den offentlige og den private sektor. Tv-overvågning er blevet en del af dagligdagen i nutidens samfund. Danmark er et af de mest tv-overvågede lande. I 1982 blev den første lovregulering gennemført i lov om forbud mod tv-overvågning. Siden er loven ændret på en række punkter, og ordet »forbud« er forsvundet. I 2007 blev der gennemført en større lovrevision, der var baseret på Betænkning 1483/2006. Siden er andre ændringer gennemført, senest i 2018, hvor bl.a. de supplerende persondataretlige regler blev indsat i loven. Nye ændringer er blevet bebudet i regeringens trygheds- og sikkerhedspakke, men deres skæbne kendes ikke endnu. Siden den tidligere fremstilling (2008) er der således sket en række væsentlige ændringer, som begrunder denne bog, der tilsigter at klarlægge den nu gældende regulering. Ud over selve loven har det betydning, at persondataretten er ændret som følge af persondataforordningen med den supplerende databeskyttelseslov. Den teknologiske udvikling, herunder brugen af ansigtsgenkendelse, har ligeledes interesse for forståelsen af tv-overvågningens faktiske virkninger. Bogens har til formål at gøre nytte både for praktikere og for dem, der i almindelighed interesserer sig for denne del af retssystemet.

  • af Timo Pulat
    585,95 kr.

    Am 25.05.2018 ist die europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) in Kraft getreten. Mit Artikel 15 DSGVO wurde ein Auskunftsrecht für betroffene Personen hinsichtlich der sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, welche durch einen Verantwortlichen verarbeitet werden, eingeführt. Bereits kurze Zeit nach Inkrafttreten der DSGVO entstanden ¿ insbesondere auch im arbeitsrechtlichen Kontext ¿ grundsätzliche Fragestellungen zur rechtlichen Reichweite und praktischen Umsetzung des Auskunftsrechts nach Art. 15 DSGVO. Unter Heranziehung der aktuell existierenden Rechtsprechung sowie Meinungen innerhalb der juristischen Literatur setzt sich der Autor vertieft mit diesen grundsätzlichen Fragestellungen auseinander. Ziel des Autors war es hierbei, die juristische Methodik mit stetigem Blick auf eine praxisfreundliche Lösungsfindung anzuwenden.

  • af Francesco Modafferi
    578,95 kr.

    Il libro raccoglie gli articoli e i commenti alle sentenze pubblicati dall'autore sulle riviste Comuni d'Italia e Risorse umane, edite da Maggioli, nel periodo 2017-2023 nell'ambito della rubrica "Noi siamo i nostri dati".Nella prima parte sono raccolti gli articoli che illustrano le norme del Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (RGPD); hanno un taglio divulgativo e sono stati scritti per un ampia platea di lettori che, seppure interessati dalla materia, non la conoscono in modo approfondito.Nella seconda parte sono riportate le sentenze della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea, della Corte costituzionale, della Corte di cassazione, civile e penale, dei giudici amministrativi e contabili che hanno affrontato tematiche di interesse per coloro che si occupano di protezione dei dati personali, in particolare nel settore pubblico. Le sentenze rispondono a una scelta personale dell'autore e seguono l'andamento del dibattito giurisprudenziale negli anni di riferimento e sono anticipate da brevi note dell'autore che aiutano il lettore nell'individuazione degli aspetti più rilevanti delle pronunce.Per la sua impostazione, il testo può rappresentare un valido strumento didattico nei percorsi formativi e di aggiornamento in materia e un utile supporto per l'attivita di consulenti e RPD.

  • af Mariel Irvine
    853,95 kr.

    Data insecurity can cripple businesses. The Information Commissioner makes large organisations pay fines of millions of pounds for data security breaches. Google and others have had to face the possibility of representative actions claiming compensation for data breaches on behalf of millions of users.This book is written for both organisations and individuals. It brings together the legislation, policies and procedures needed to navigate enforcement in data protection law when things may have gone wrong.ABOUT THE AUTHORMariel Irvine is a solicitor and qualified data protection practitioner. She was a partner in an insurance litigation firm in the City before founding her firm twenty years ago. This is her third legal textbook.She acts as an external Data Protection Officer for companies and advises businesses in a number of different sectors, particularly when taking over other companies, setting up and merging websites and obtaining consent for marketing from customers. She provides data protection training in both the private and public sector.CONTENTSChapter One - IntroductionChapter Two - PreliminariesChapter Three - Enforcement Against the Information CommissionerChapter Four - Information Commissioner's Regulatory Action PolicyChapter Five - Commissioner's Investigative Powers: Information and Assessment Notices: Warrants to Enter PremisesChapter Six - Commissioner's Corrective Powers: Enforcement NoticesChapter Seven - Commissioner's Corrective Powers: Penalty NoticesChapter Eight - Procedure for Appeals to the TribunalChapter Nine - Enforcement by Data Subjects in the CourtsChapter Ten - Conclusion

  • af Dennis Desmond
    128,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Splittgerber
    1.213,95 kr.

  • af Danielle Keats Citron
    146,95 kr.

    'Devastating and urgent, this book could not be more timely' Caroline Criado Perez, award-winning and bestselling author of Invisible WomenDanielle Citron takes the conversation about technology and privacy out of the boardrooms and op-eds to reach readers where we are - in our bathrooms and bedrooms; with our families and our lovers; in all the parts of our lives we assume are untouchable - and shows us that privacy, as we think we know it, is largely already gone.The boundary that once protected our intimate lives from outside interests is an artefact of the twentieth century. In the twenty-first, we have embraced a vast array of technology that enables constant access and surveillance of the most private aspects of our lives. From non-consensual pornography, to online extortion, to the sale of our data for profit, we are vulnerable to abuse -- and our laws have failed miserably to keep up.With vivid examples drawn from interviews with victims, activists and lawmakers from around the world, The Fight for Privacy reveals the threat we face and argues urgently and forcefully for a reassessment of privacy as a human right. As a legal scholar and expert, Danielle Citron is the perfect person to show us the way to a happier, better protected future.

  • af Rachel Leow
    670,95 kr.

    Looking at key questions of how companies are held accountable under private law, this book presents a succinct and accessible framework for analysing and answering corporate attribution problems in private law.Corporate attribution is the process by which the acts and states of mind of human individuals are treated as those of a company to establish the company's rights, duties, and liabilities. But when and why are acts and states of mind attributed in private law? Drawing on a wide range of material from across the disparate areas of company law, agency law, and the laws of contract, tort, unjust enrichment, and equitable obligations, this book's central argument is that attribution turns on the allocation and delegation of the company's own powers to act. This approach allows for a much greater and clearer understanding of attribution. A further benefit is that it shows attribution to be much more united and coherent than it is commonly thought to be. Looking at corporate attribution across the broad expanse of the common law, this book will be of interest to lawyers across the common law world, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Singapore.

  • af Paul De Hert, Ronald Leenes & Dara Hallinan
    453,95 kr.

    This book brings together papers that offer conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy, data protection and enforcing rights in a changing world. It is one of the results of the 14th annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), which took place online in January 2021.The pandemic has produced deep and ongoing changes in how, when, why, and the media through which, we interact. Many of these changes correspond to new approaches in the collection and use of our data - new in terms of scale, form, and purpose. This raises difficult questions as to which rights we have, and should have, in relation to such novel forms of data processing, the degree to which these rights should be balanced against other poignant social interests, and how these rights should be enforced in light of the fluidity and uncertainty of circumstances. The book covers a range of topics, such as: digital sovereignty; art and algorithmic accountability; multistakeholderism in the Brazilian General Data Protection law; expectations of privacy and the European Court of Human Rights; the function of explanations; DPIAs and smart cities; and of course, EU data protection law and the pandemic - including chapters on scientific research and on the EU Digital COVID Certificate framework.This interdisciplinary book has been written at a time when the scale and impact of data processing on society - on individuals as well as on social systems - is becoming ever starker. It discusses open issues as well as daring and prospective approaches and is an insightful resource for readers with an interest in computers, privacy and data protection.

  • af Janos Pletka
    326,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Politik - Thema: Frieden und Konflikte, Sicherheit, Note: 1,3, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Politikwissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit Tendenzen zur Biometrisierung in der europäischen Asylpolitik auseinander. Sie stellt sich dabei grundlegend die Frage, ob Schutzsuchende in Europa unter Generalverdacht stehen. Denn so oder so ähnlich warnen Menschenrechtsorganisationen vor den weiter zunehmenden Befugnissen der EU-Datenbank EURODAC.Die Speicherung der Daten von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden dient nicht nur dem Asylverfahren an sich. Sie birgt auch die Gefahr, dass nationale Sicherheitsbehörden sie zur großflächigen Überwachung nutzen. Flüchtlinge und Asylsuchende sind gefährdet, als Kriminelle stigmatisiert zu werden und ihre Grundrechte zu verlieren.Die Erfassung durch EURODAC ist rechtlich umstritten, da sie ein großes Überwachungspotenzial bietet, Grundrechte außer Kraft setzt und sich potenziell entgrenzen kann. Prinzipiell können dann alle Einwanderer der EU erfasst werden. Es scheint sich eine ¿Datenkrake¿ zu bilden mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen für Strafbefugnis und polizeiliche Verfolgung.

  • af Alan F. Westin
    263,95 kr.

  • af John Cartwright, Birke Hacker & Ángel M. López Y. López
    670,95 kr.

    This book explores a range of comparative issues in, and in the relationship between, property law and contract law in English and Spanish law. It also draws on other jurisdictions. The purpose is to give readers access to discussions of these areas of private law that are not easily accessible elsewhere. It goes further, however, than simply setting out similarities and differences: it provides an insightful analysis of key points of interest in the comparison of the legal systems discussed.

  • af Moritz Hennemann
    1.278,95 kr.

    Beck internationalHennemannGlobal Data Strategies*A HandbookEdited by Prof. Dr. Moritz Hennemann, MJur (Oxon.), Passau2023Approx. 220 pages. Hardcover##approx. Euro 99,-ISBN 9783406782947A co-publication of C.H.BECK, Munich, Hart Publishing, Oxford, and Nomos, Baden-Baden.The BookThe paramount role of data as a resource and driver for innovation within modern digitalised societies is increasingly being acknowledged by policymakers. Consequently, states, supranational institutions, and international organisations (e.g. OECD) find themselves in a global 'competition' to devise risk-sensible approaches of data governance and thereby promote innovation to the benefit of societies. Said competition manifests in the form of Global Data Strategies, ranging between priorities of global standard-setting and suitable legal frameworks. The strategies do and will shape the political discussion and determine both the usage of data and the associated societal value. In particular, the legislative initiatives launched under the EU Data Strategy are likely to evolve into benchmarks with a global outreach.The Advantages at a Glanceconcise insights in global developments in data policycomparative and interdisciplinary perspectives on data strategiesglobal economic and social effects of data governanceThe Target GroupFor academics, politicians, policymakers, members of national and supranational public authorities as well as international institutions, attorneys, company and business association lawyers.

  • - Lovgivningens grænser i et menneskeretligt krydsfelt
    af af Tanja Kammersgaard Christensen
    288,95 kr.

    I dag vedtages der flere og flere love, som hjemler politiets overvågning, hvilket fra lovgivers side begrundes i et ønske om at styrke trygheden og sikkerheden idet offentlige rum. I takt med at overvågningsteknologierne og de systemer, der efterfølgende behandler de indsamlede data, bliver mere sofistikerede, tegnes der meget præcise billeder og mønstre af den overvågedes adfærd. Danmark er forpligtet gennem hhv. den europæiske menneskerettighedskonvention og EU’s charter om grundlæggende rettigheder til at beskytte privatlivets fred, hvorfor det kan være problematisk, når lovgiver hjemler indgreb i retten til privatlivets fred i form af politiets øgede overvågning."Digital overvågning – lovgivningens grænser i et menneskeretligt krydsfelt" behandler denne problemstilling, som bygger på afhandlingen af samme navn. Formålet er først at fastslå reguleringsstrukturen mellem den europæiske menneskerettighedskonvention og EU’s Charter om grundlæggende rettigheder, herunder hvordan det indbyrdes hierarki mellem de to retskilder er. Det primære formål i afhandlingen er dog at udlede krav til lovgivning, der hjemler digital overvågning i de to retskilder og hertil hørende retspraksis.Disse krav er bl.a. med til at sikre, at lovgiver kan vurdere og prøve om love er proportionelle og holdt inden for det strengt nødvendige, således at overvågningen ikke medfører et større indgreb i den grundlæggende ret til privatliv, end det er nødvendigt for at opnå målet med overvågningen.I bogen udledes med udgangspunkt i ovenstående retspraksis specifikke krav til indholdet af lovgivningen. Det betyder, at lovgivning, der hjemler politiets digitale overvågningen skal indeholde oplysninger om formålet med overvågningen ud frafølgende:– Nødvendigheden og proportionaliteten af overvågningen– Hvilken form for overvågning der er tale om– Omfanget af overvågningen– Afgræsningen af overvågningen– Hvilke lovovertrædelser der kan give anledning til overvågningen– Hvilke betingelser der er for at iværksætte overvågningen– Hvem der behandler og har adgang til de indsamlede data, og hvor denne adgang gives– Opbevaringen af de med overvågningen indsamlede oplysninger– Egen adgang til og berigtigelse af de indsamlede oplysninger.Bogens overordnede konklusion er, at det er lovgivers ansvar at sikre sig at love, der hjemler politiets digitale overvågning, er i overensstemmelse med den grundlæggende ret til privatliv. Bogen giver samtidig et bud på, hvordan dette kan gribes an og ud fra hvilke procedurer.

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