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Arbejdsret: diskriminering og mobning i arbejdslivet

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  • - med kommentarer
    af Tina Brøgger Sørensen & Heela Lakanval
    757,95 kr.

    I Whistleblowerloven med kommentarer af Tina Brøgger Sørensen og Heela Lakanval klædes din organisation på til det praktiske arbejde med etablering og administration af whistleblowerordninger i lyset af den nye whistleblowerlov, der blev endeligt vedtaget i 2021. Bogen er en praktisk håndbog, der i krydsfeltet mellem offentlig og privat ret, kan hjælpe dig med at sikre en korrekt implementering og anvendelse af en whistleblowerordning. Bogen henvender sig til arbejdsgivere og enhver, der måtte etablere og administrere whistleblowerordninger på både private og offentlige arbejdspladser. Ud over at henvende sig til arbejdslivets praktikere henvender bogen sig også til advokater og andre, der rådgiver om whistleblowerordninger.Om forfatterne: Tina Brøgger Sørensen: Advokat og partner i Kromann Reumert, herunder leder af Kromann Reumerts specialegruppe for databeskyttelsesret samt regler om og administration af whistleblowerordninger. Heela Lakanval: Senioradvokat og videnambassadør for specialet databeskyttelsesret og whistleblowerordninger ved Kromann Reumert. Ekstern lektor ved Københavns Universitet og underviser i faget "Beskyttelse af sundheds- og persondata".

  • af Franz Drucker
    197,95 kr.

    "Mit 50+ zum Traumjob" ist ein unverzichtbarer Wegweiser für alle, die sich in der zweiten Lebenshälfte beruflich neu orientieren möchten. In diesem Buch teilt der Autor seine wertvollen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus seiner erfolgreichen Karriere im HR-Bereich und als Coach. Er zeigt auf, wie man mit über 50 den Arbeitsmarkt erfolgreich navigiert, sich selbst optimal präsentiert und die Weichen für eine erfüllende berufliche Zukunft stellt.Mit praktischen Tipps, motivierenden Geschichten und strategischen Ratschlägen ist dieses Buch eine Quelle der Inspiration und ein praktischer Ratgeber für erfahrene Arbeitsuchende. Es macht Mut, die eigene Berufslaufbahn aktiv zu gestalten und den Traumjob zu finden, der zu den eigenen Fähigkeiten und Lebenszielen passt. "Mit 50+ zum Traumjob" ist mehr als ein Buch; es ist ein Begleiter auf dem Weg zu beruflicher Erfüllung und Erfolg.

  • af Tali J Lingam
    77,95 kr.

    In this detailed book, we take you on a never before inside view of Microsoft Integrity which details the steps that Microsoft publicly states as company's standards of business conduct which are applicable to all Microsoft employees irrespective of their seniority. What is said unfortunately is different from what is practiced? You will notice that in real practice, Microsoft goes to extreme extents to shield senior employees who are close to CEO Satya Nadella from facing any action against their unethical practices, and instead deploys all kinds of pressure and intimidation and threats including physical harm, publicly shaming and claim of ruining one's career to silence victims of harassment even if they are full time employees (FTEs) of Microsoft who should be protected in a lawful environment. We pull aside the curtains to expose the unethical business practices which are rampant within Microsoft with the hope that shedding light on misdemeanours inside Microsoft will pave way for a change and better days will follow with Microsoft Integrity (now) in People's Court.

  • af Christa Kordy
    262,95 kr.

    Mastering Conflict Resolution: Transform Challenges into OpportunitiesDiscover the art of transforming conflicts into opportunities with Christa Kordy's insightful book, "Creative Conflict Resolution in Private and Professional Life." This guide delves into the complexities of conflicts in both personal and professional settings, providing effective strategies for constructive resolution. Kordy demonstrates that conflicts, often seen as obstacles, are actually catalysts for growth, innovation, and deeper understanding.Learn to navigate disagreements with finesse, turning them into constructive dialogues. This book is not just a manual; it's a transformative journey towards empowerment, teaching you to harness conflicts for personal and professional development.Join Christa Kordy in redefining conflict resolution and turn every challenge into a stepping stone towards a harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • af Paulette Stout
    237,95 kr.

    Barbara's fairytale life has hit a brick wall. Worst part, she didn't see it coming.Barbara navigates the NYC corporate world as a confident Black lawyer, balancing sky-high career goals with heavy family expectations. But while her career thrives at 31, her engagement crumbles, leaving her heartbroken-and stuck with a non-refundable destination wedding.Arriving at her island paradise, Barbara is swept away by Sebastian-a hazel-eyed lawyer with a snake tattoo and a mysterious past. Their connection is so deep, Barbara feels seen for the first time in her life.For Sebastian, time stops when he's with Barbara. It doesn't matter that she's rich, and he grew up on food stamps. That her clothes are designer and his hide old gang tattoos. Even that he's white, and she's Black. None of their differences matter until he's handed the job meant for her.Jobless and stripped of her family's wealth, Barbara digs deep to find herself and her voice. Suspecting she faced racial discrimination, Barbara challenges her boss in court. It's a decision that puts Barbara and Sebastian on opposite sides of a battle they long to fight together.As their love and convictions are put to the test, one crucial question remains, how much are they willing to risk to find justice?Multi-award-winning author Paulette Stout returns with a bold and spicy story of love, social justice, and belonging that'll stay with you long after the last page. It's fast-paced contemporary fiction for lovers of strong heroines with something to say about the world.

  • af Chelsey Glasson
    207,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Montana Dept of Transportation Civil
    162,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Victor H. Green
    115,95 kr.

    2023 Reprint of the 1961 Edition. The Negro Motorist Green Book was an annual guidebook for African American road trippers. It was originated and published by African American mailman Victor Hugo Green from 1936 to 1966, during the era of Jim Crow laws, when open and often legally prescribed discrimination against African Americans especially and other non-whites was widespread. Although pervasive racial discrimination and poverty limited black car ownership, the emerging African American middle class bought automobiles as soon as they could, though they faced a variety of dangers and inconveniences along the road, from refusal of food and lodging to arbitrary arrest. In response, Green wrote his guide to services and places relatively friendly to African Americans, eventually expanding its coverage from the New York area to much of North America, as well as founding a travel agency.Many Black Americans took to driving, in part to avoid segregation on public transportation. As the writer George Schuyler put it in 1930, "all Negroes who can do so purchase an automobile as soon as possible in order to be free of discomfort, discrimination, segregation and insult." Black Americans employed as athletes, entertainers, and salesmen also traveled frequently for work purposes.Shortly after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed the types of racial discrimination that had made the Green Book necessary, publication ceased, and it fell into obscurity. There has been a revived interest in it in the early 21st century in connection with studies of black travel during the Jim Crow era.

  • - Om truslerne mod det gode arbejdsliv og kampen for en retfærdig fremtid i Europa
    af Marianne Vind
    227,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Arbejdsmarkedet bliver mere ulige og mere utrygt – flere bliver fattige. Statistikkerne maler et billede af et samfund, hvor forskellen på top og bund øges, hvor virksomhederne ansætter flere og flere i usikre stillinger uden fast timetal eller rettigheder, og hvor antallet af mennesker i arbejde, som alligevel er fattige (eller ligefrem hjemløse), bliver større og større. Men hvordan har det kunnet ske? Det europæiske samarbejde skulle skabe vækst og velstand, og vores sagnomspundne og gudsbenådede danske model skulle jo beskytte os mod ulighed, utryghed og fattigdom. Går vi en dyster fremtid i møde?Det forsøger Europa-parlamentsmedlem Marianne Vind at give svar på i denne bog. Hun kigger både på den teknologiske udviklings betydning for arbejdsmarkedet, på hvordan EU har omfavnet globaliseringen (og glemt at regulere den) og på, hvordan en svækket arbejderbevægelse har været ude af stand til at yde tilstrækkelig modstand. Men Marianne Vind kigger også fremad og ser på, hvordan vi kan bruge teknologien til fordel for alle, på hvordan vi tager magten tilbage fra markedet i EU, og på hvordan vi igen bliver i stand til at styrke arbejderbevægelsen. Bogen er skrevet til dig, der ser eller oplever uretfærdighederne på arbejdsmarkedet, og til dig, som gerne vil kæmpe imod.Det er en bog, der handler om, hvor altafgørende arbejdsmarkedet er for vores samfundsmodel og for hele Europas velstand. Men også om hvor ødelæggende arbejdsmarkedet kan virke, hvis vi ikke tager os i agt.

  • af Ceren Kas¿m
    939,95 kr.

    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über das Verhältnis von Antidiskriminierungsrecht und Kündigungsschutzrecht zu geben und hierbei vor allem das deutsche das türkische Recht in den Blick zu nehmen. Dazu werden zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen dargestellt, indem die Entwicklung, Ziele und Kritikpunkte des Antidiskriminierungs- und des Kündigungsschutzrechts analysiert werden. Es folgt eine Untersuchung des internationalen und supranationalen Arbeitsrechts im Hinblick auf den Schutz vor diskriminierenden Arbeitgeberkündigungen. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bilden der Vergleich der Rechtsordnungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Republik der Türkei in Bezug auf das Antidiskriminierungs- und das Kündigungsschutzrecht sowie die spannungsreiche Wechselbeziehung der beiden Rechtsgebiiete, zu der es bei diskriminierenden Kündigungen kommt.

  • af Philip V McHarris
    247,95 kr.

    "What better way to make the case for a police free world than to show a world where it's possible? For Princeton University's Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Philip V. McHarris, body cameras, de-escalation training, procedural justice, diversity among police, and other popular reforms will never stop police violence. And high emphasis on punishment in the United States has left many communities without the resources needed to keep them safe. Beyond Policing aims to provide a better understanding of the origins and functions of policing and the criminal punishment system in the United States. In this research-driven collection of essays, author and sociologist Philip V. McHarris charts the pitfalls of policing in the United States, from slave patrols, to the expansion of mass policing in the mid-1900s, and the epidemic of police violence today. Written in deftly precise, yet widely accessible language, Beyond Policing presents evidence, both data and anecdotal, that tackles the weight and toll of policing on people and communities and patterns that prove that police reform only leads to more policing. And for what seems like America's most oppressive institution, McHarris points to an exit from the current punitive paradigm, outlining strategies for responding to conflict and harm in ways that transform the conditions that gave rise to violence. This requires, he asserts, decriminalization, decarceration, and defunding punitive institutions that have created the current police and carceral state and a committed investment in community-based alternatives-mechanisms that actually provide safety"--

  • af Nazir Afzal
    117,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Aileen McColgan Kc
    2.076,95 kr.

    This textbook offers comprehensive coverage of the Equality Act 2010 and deals also with the equality aspects of the Human Rights Act 1998 and European Convention on Human Rights. It encourages critical analysis of equality law to equip the reader with an understanding of the enduring challenges that frame equality law and contemporary responses to those challenges. New content includes a chapter on age discrimination and analysis of the Public Sector Equality Duty.Structured so as to be accessible to the student approaching discrimination law for the first time, the book is also sufficiently detailed and analytical to appeal to the well-informed reader, and to provide those engaged in research with a solid base for further independent study. For the undergraduate student studying discrimination law as a free-standing subject or as part of a wider course, the book provides a one-stop shop. This book is also a key core text for any postgraduate discrimination law course.

  • af Brewton Berry
    267,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Bonard Ivan Molina Garcia
    835,95 kr.

  • af Deborah C. England
    422,95 kr.

    The Essential Guide to Handling Workplace Harassment & Discrimination is a practical, step-by-step guide for HR representatives and managers on creating effective harassment and discrimination policies, enforcing them fairly and consistently, and dealing with employee complaints about discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Creating a clear, reasonable, and consistent method of dealing with employee complaints can go a long way in developing employee morale and avoiding costly lawsuits.

  • af Patricia G. Barnes
    242,95 kr.

    "America has experienced a revolution in the past 50 years. Computers. Robotics. The Internet. But one thing has not changed. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 was weak and riddled with loopholes when it was adopted a half century ago, and it was further eroded by the U.S. Supreme Court. Workers today are more vulnerable to employment discrimination than any other "protected" class. As a result, age discrimination in employment is epidemic, especially in hiring."--Back cover.

  • af Graeme Newman
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Bergman
    297,95 kr.

    This book is Volume III in the Slaughter of the Dissidents trilogy, documenting severe discrimination against Darwin Skeptics. A must read for anyone interested in freedom of speech, religious discrimination, and freedom of religion.

  • af Kevin H. Wirth
    117,95 kr.

    A case study in the alleged discriminatory and illegally conducted firing of tenured professor Jerry Bergman from a College in Ohio

  • af Lena Larsen
    1.632,95 kr.

    How Muftis Think offers a wealth of new materials from the nearly unexplored field of contemporary women-related fatwas in Europe. Lena Larsen's interviews and readings provide fascinating insights into fatwa-giving as a contribution to developing a local European Islamic jurisprudence.

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