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  • af Ulrich Fredberg & Michael Rindom Krogsgaard
    616,95 kr.

    Opslagsværket for alle, der er engagerede og aktive i idræt!Når man er fysisk aktiv, risikerer man altid overbelastnings- og traumatiske skader. Når disse forekommer, er det vigtigt at reagere tidligt samt at sikre hurtig diagnostik og korrekt behandling, så skadesvarigheden kan reduceres mest muligt. IDRÆTSSKADEBOGEN er en gennemgribende opdatering af den populære førsteudgave fra 2007. I 27 kapitler gennemgås de væsentligste aspekter af idrætsskader ud fra den nyeste viden. Bogens første halvdel beskriver bl.a. de samfundsmæssige aspekter af idræt, funktionen af det muskuloskeletale væv, de enkelte komponenters reaktion på belastning og skader samt generelle diagnostiske og behandlingsmæssige principper, herunder genoptræningsstrategier og forebyggelse. I særskilte kapitler behandles også styrketræning, doping, forsikring og idrætsskader hos børn og unge. I bogens anden halvdel gennemgås specifikke skader i de enkelte anatomiske regioner, og slutteligt findes nu et nyt kapitel med en samlet oversigt over red flags, så læseren hurtigt kan orientere sig i akutte og subakutte idrætsskader. I tillæg findes en ordforklaringsliste over nogle af de hyppigst anvendte fagtermer.Bogen henvender sig til idrætsudøvere, trænere og behandlere på alle niveauer – fra fritidsidræt til konkurrenceidræt på højt niveau. Bogen er skrevet af et kompetent og fagligt specialiseret forfatterhold med vægt på en formidling, der gør stoffet tilgængeligt for både de idrætsengagerede samt læger, fysioterapeuter og kiropraktorer, herunder studerende.

  • af Annemari Munk Svendsen m.fl.
    77,95 kr.

    Bogen introducerer til mange forskellige måder at arbejde med bevægelse på i skolen. Til disse måders pædagogiske baggrund, samt til hvilke handlemuligheder lærere har for at inddrage bevægelse i skolen.

  • af Clifford Stott
    828,95 - 975,95 kr.

  • af Darrell (West Texas A&M University Lovell
    1.587,95 kr.

    This book examines the path that name, image, and likeness (NIL) has taken in the first years of the policy, how the expansion has led to differing approaches across state and universities, and how administrators in selected states are dealing with the rulemaking power they have.

  • af Gian Ege
    682,95 kr.

    Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.

  • af John Timothy Holden
    937,95 kr.

    The global esports industry has grown rapidly, giving rise to a range of new and interesting legal questions and issues. This guide addresses which laws govern esports and provides a comparison to traditional sports, touching on topics such as intellectual property rights, labor and employment issues, violent content, collegiate esports, gambling, and more.

  • af James N. (Northwestern University Druckman & Elizabeth A. (University of Massachusetts Sharrow
    242,95 - 853,95 kr.

  • af Bjorn Hessert
    1.526,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the analysis of coercive measures that sports federations are permitted to use as part of their investigations to investigate rule violations.

  • af Jacob Kornbeck
    1.464,95 kr.

    This is the first book to examine the significance of European Union antitrust law for the future of sport in Europe.

  • af Jacob Kornbeck
    424,95 kr.

    This is the first book to examine the significance of European Union antitrust law for the future of sport in Europe.

  • af Rob Wilson
    1.464,95 kr.

    For nearly forty years this book has been the most comprehensive and engaging introduction to sport and leisure management available to students at all levels. Now in its seventh edition, it is still the only textbook that covers all the key topics taught within contemporary sport and leisure management courses.

  • af Felice Raimondo
    237,95 kr.

    È nei dettagli che il diavolo nasconde la sua coda. Questa frase rappresenta perfettamente lo spirito con cui l¿avv. Felice Raimondo nel luglio 2016 ha intrapreso una strada precisa: creare un blog specialistico chiamato ¿L¿avvocato del diavolö in cui affrontare tematiche di natura giuridica ed economica che riguardano il calcio e in particolar modo l¿AC Milan. Dall¿esportazione dei capitali dalla Cina al fair play finanziario, fino alle vicende societarie riguardanti la proprietà cinese e il passaggio del Milan al fondo Elliott. Questa raccolta include i migliori articoli pubblicati fino a oggi, compresi altri approfondimenti inediti mai apparsi sul web.

  • af Felice Raimondo
    227,95 kr.

    Quando sei all'inferno solo il diavolo può aiutarti. Questo libro rappresenta il seguito de ¿Il diavolo è nei dettagli¿, opera prima dell'avvocato Felice Raimondo. La passione per l'approfondimento giuridico ed economico applicato al calcio, ed in particolare all'AC Milan, è rimasta intatta e rappresenta quel fil rouge che percorre i nuovi articoli scritti tra il 2018 ed il 2020, raccolti nel volume che avete tra le mani. In questo lasso temporale sono accaduti diversi avvenimenti che hanno offerto all'autore la possibilità di far luce su fatti di cronaca sportiva quali, ad esempio, il contenzioso tra Milan e UEFA, le dinamiche relative al calciomercato nazionale e internazionale, i meccanismi dinanzi al Tribunale Arbitrale dello Sport e il suo omonimo TAD, arbitrato portoghese, fino ad arrivare agli impatti del coronavirus sul Fair Play Finanziario e sulla contrattualistica.

  • af William Glover J. D.
    767,95 kr.

    William "Bill" Glover, J.D. - William H. Glover drafts forms, legal digests, and legal summaries for U.S. Legal Forms. He received his B.B.A. degree from the University of Mississippi in 1973 and his J.D. degree from the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1976. He joined the firm of Wells Marble & Hurst in 1976 as an Associate and became a Partner in 1979. While at Wells, he supervised major real estate commercial loan transactions and employment law cases. His practice also involved estate administration and general commercial law. Mr. Glover joined the faculty of Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi in 1996 as Assistant Professor of Business Administration and University Attorney, where he taught business law and business ethics in the BBA and MBA programs until 2004, before a short stay at Wells Marble & Hurst, PLLC as General Counsel. Mr. Glover retired as a Colonel and Staff Judge Advocate for Headquarters of the Mississippi State Guard. He was called to active duty during Hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, and Gustav. He received the Magnolia Medal from the Mississippi Army National Guard in 2010.

  • af Felice Raimondo
    227,95 kr.

    ¿Non entra nessuno se non esce nessunö con questa frase l¿ex amministratore delegato del Milan, Adriano Galliani, nell¿ultimo periodo di gestione spiegava ai tifosi rossoneri le dinamiche del calciomercato milanista. Probabilmente sarà stato questo ritornello a muovere la curiosità dell¿avvocato Felice Raimondo, che negli ultimi anni ha approfondito un argomento strettamente collegato alla frase iniziale: il Fair Play Finanziario. Il regolamento introdotto dalla UEFA nel 2009, infatti, ha completamente stravolto le dinamiche finanziarie dei club calcistici. Un corpus normativo varato per morigerare i debiti delle società che nel corso del tempo non solo ha moderato le passività dei clubs, ma purtroppo ha anche aumentato le differenze tra chi era già ricco e chi non lo era o lo sarebbe voluto diventare in breve tempo. Per la prima volta si potrà leggere in italiano gran parte dell¿ultima edizione del Financial Fair Play (2018) e del regolamento procedurale (2019), ma non solo. La normativa, inoltre, risulta impreziosita da dieci approfondimenti a firma dell¿avvocato Felice Raimondo, già pubblicati nel suo blogpersonale, frutto degli studi e dei ragionamenti del professionista.

  • af Antonio Rigozzi
    1.128,95 kr.

    The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and national courts significant international and domestic between 2018-2020. It is a must-have for sports lawyers, arbitrators, and researchers engaged in this field. From the ECtHR's landmark ruling in the Mutu & Pechstein case, through the Russian doping scandal, to the first Sun Yang award, it features in-depth articles on important issues raised by international sports arbitration, as well as independent commentaries by academics and practitioners on the most significant international and domestic decisions rendered in the period under review.Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague and heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre.Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.

  • af Source: Wikipedia
    154,95 kr.

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