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Lovgivning om bevaring af naturen

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  • af John Lewis-Stempel
    117,95 - 125,95 kr.

  • - Bidrag til den nye naturtænkning
    af Tidsskriftet Paradoks
    297,95 kr.

    Jorden skrider under os – både i figurativ og bogstavelig forstand. Naturens mange kriser tvinger os til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved den måde, vi behersker og udnytter vores naturlige miljøer, andre dyrearter og andre menneskers livsformer, rettigheder og arbejdskraft. Under strømmen af naturkatastrofer vokser samtidig en afgrund af sorg, pessimisme og lammelse i både tænkning og handling. Vi har akut brug for nye og mindre besidderiske greb om vores natur, nye måder at se og behandle den på. Her kan den humanistiske og politiske tænkning være med til at skabe en intellektuel orientering og tænke tidens betingelser i nye konstellationer og mønstre, som ligger hinsides det, vi kender. Jordskred og dens 15 kapitler, skrevet fra vidt forskellige perspektiver og kritiske positioner, er et kollektivt led i tidens bevægelse mod at udfordre og gentænke menneskers forhold til naturen. Jordskred er redigeret af Paradoks – tidsskrift for filosofi og teori

  • - Beretningen om hundrede års naturfredning i Danmark
    af Kjeld Hansen
    355,95 kr.

    Er vi ikke blandt de rigeste nationer på kloden, og har vi ikke verdens bedste naturfredningslov? Hvordan gik det så til, at det yndige land alligevel endte med en natur, der er blandt de ringeste i Europa? Bogen afslører, hvordan millioner af kroner er spildt på nyttesløse fredninger som for eksempel i Tøndermarsken, Varde Ådal, Rold Vesterskov og Værnengene i Vestjylland. I dag har naturen det værre, end før de kostbare fredninger blev gennemført. Bogen konkluderer, at staten har spillet fallit som naturens beskytter, mens private fonde og naturforeninger i stigende grad tager ansvaret på sig.

  • af Elias Aliverti
    1.417,95 kr.

    »Law and Economics in all his facets«: The Festschrift pays tribute to Klaus Mathis' invaluable contribution at the interface of law and economics and constitutes a coherent reference work for the economic analysis of law. Fundamental thoughts on efficiency, justice and interdisciplinarity are followed by contributions in five areas of application of a law and economics perspective: corporate responsibility, environment, digitalization, economic and social policy, and consumer and insurance protection

  • af Jean Jacques Burlamaqui
    282,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • af Jean Jacques Burlamaqui
    332,95 - 492,95 kr.

  • af Scott Hershovitz
    354,95 kr.

    What is law, and why does it matter? Scott Hershovitz says that law is a moral practice¿a tool for adjusting our moral relations. This claim is simple on its face, but it has stark implications for the rule of law. At once erudite and entertaining, Hershovitz¿s argument engages with the most important legal and political controversies of our time.

  • af Samuel Pufendorf, Andrew Tooke & Jean Barbeyrac
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Nettelbladt
    442,95 - 592,95 kr.

  • af Eliane (Author) Brum
    135,95 kr.

  • af John Locke
    297,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Bentham
    410,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Fulvio Di Blasi
    177,95 kr.

    Nel volume si affrontano temi giuridico filosofici intesi a introdurre i lettori allo studio del diritto e alla comprensione dei canoni della scienza giuridica moderna. Si tratta di una lettura utile sia agli studenti di giurisprudenza, scienze giuridiche e filosofia sia ai professionisti del settore che vogliano confrontarsi con le domande fondamentali del fenomeno giuridico e politico. Temi principali sviluppati nei capitoli: senso del diritto e della giustizia; come studiare il diritto; norme e principi; amicizia come fondamento della comunità politica; felicità e giustizia politica; bene comune e democrazia; crisi della modernità.

  • af Ben Wood Johnson
    177,95 kr.

    This book discusses the concept of natural law. It explores the notion of morality and citizen obedience. It also examines the concept of authority. There is an ongoing debate between natural law and positive law. This book argues that natural is not understood as the law of the natural. Instead, it is understood as divine law. The principal argument echoed throughout the text is that if we understand natural law as God's law, then it is positive law, though disguised as the law of the natural. This is a short compilation. It does not delve in complicated philosophical concepts. This is a must-read for legal theorists, students of the law, and legal practitioners.

  • af Walter Raubicheck
    497,95 - 507,95 kr.

  • af M. Shane Coley
    237,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Raul Lopez
    195,95 kr.

    ¿SE ENCUENTRA PUERTO RICO MENCIONADO EN LA BIBLIA? ¿TIENE DIOS UN PLAN ESPECIAL PARA NOSOTROS? ¿CUAL ES LA RAÍZ DE LA PROSPERIDAD NACIONAL? ¿CUAL ES EL FUTURO DE LA NACIÓN NORTE AMERICANA? El propósito de este libro es presentarles un reto a los cristianos de Puerto Rico. Este reto es el de convertir a Puerto Rico en un país modelo, en un país verdaderamente cristiano, un país que sea una nueva Israel, una ciudad luminosa asentada sobre un monte que brille como un ejemplo en el mundo. Este es el reto que nos da el Señor Jesucristo en Mateo 5:14. Es algo que nunca se ha visto. En este tiempo de crisis e incertidumbre mundial, tenemos la oportunidad de un nuevo comienzo. No obstante, este comienzo tiene que ser iluminado por la Biblia, pues los modelos del pasado han fallado. Este libro es una visión en tres sentidos. Es una visión porque trata de predecir nuestro futuro por medio del análisis de profecías Bíblicas. Es una visión por ser un plan de trabajo para guiar el desarrollo de nuestra isla. Sin embargo, también es una visión porque presenta un deseo, que Puerto Rico sea usado por Dios para ser luz en el mundo. En cuanto a consumo eléctrico, ya somos esa luz. Desde el espacio Puerto Rico brilla como el diamante más brillante en la noche terrestre. Ahora necesitamos ser luz en el sentido espiritual y social. Le animamos unirse a nosotros en tratar de transformar a Puerto Rico en el primer país verdaderamente cristiano y así asegurarnos las ricas bendiciones que esto producirá. RAUL E. LOPEZ VERGE, (M.Div., Bob Jones University Seminary; M.D., University of Illinois, College of Medicine) practica la oftalmología en Puerto Rico y es un maestro de la Biblia. Está casado, y tiene tres hijos.

  • af Yves R. Simon
    181,95 kr.

    The tradition of natural law is one of the foundations of Western civilization. At its heart is the conviction that there is an objective and universal justice which transcends humanity's particular expressions of justice. It asserts that there are certain ways of behaving which are appropriate to humanity simply by virtue of the fact that we are all human beings.

  • af Charles E. Rice
    237,95 kr.

    Charles Rice, professor of the jurisprudence of St. Thomas Aquinas for the last twenty years at Notre Dame Law School, presents a very readable book on the natural law as seen through the teachings of Aquinas and their foundations in reason and Revelation. Reflecting on the most persistent questions asked by his students over the years, Rice shows how the natural law works and how it is rooted in the nature of the human person whose Creator provided this law as a sure and knowable guide for man to achieve his end of eternal happiness. This book presents the teachings of the Catholic Church in her role as arbiter of the applications of the natural law on issues involving the right to live, bioethics, the family and the economy. Charles Rice has produced a firmly grounded and accessible handbook which touches on the most important topics regarding natural law that will benefit readers of all backgrounds.

  • af Rainer J. Schröder
    562,95 kr.

    Aus Anlass des 85. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Werner Krawietz fand am 14. Dezember 2018 ein Symposium zum Thema »Multi-Level-Approach in Recht und Rechtswissenschaft« an der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität in Münster statt. Mit diesem Thema wurde sein Forschungsprogramm einer inter-, multi- und transdisziplinären allgemeinen Theorie von Gesellschaft und Recht auf den Punkt gebracht. Oder um es in seinen Worten zu sagen: Eine solche Theorie »bedarf in gegenständlicher und theoretischer Hinsicht - in historischer wie in (zeit-)geschichtlicher Perspektive gesehen - einer Analyse ihrer tiefgreifend gewandelten, auch politisch-funktionalen sozietalen Voraussetzungen und Implikationen. In den Rechtssystemen der modernen Gesellschaft kann diese moderne Problemkonstellation heute wohl am ehesten durch eine Mehr-Ebenen-Analyse (>Multi-Level-Approach

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