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  • - Med kommentarer
    af Susanne Karstoft
    1.154,95 kr.

    Den teknologiske udvikling i de sidste årtier har givet anledning til nye aftaleindgåelsesmåder, og der er kommet stadigt mere fokus på behovet for forbrugerbeskyttelse. Som følge heraf er forbrugeraftaleloven ændret flere gange siden 1978, hvor den første forbrugeraftalelov blev vedtaget i Danmark. Flere af ændringerne er udtryk for gennemførelse af EU-direktiver, senest ved implementering af forbrugerrettighedsdirektivet i dansk ret ved lov nr. 1457 af 17. december 2013, som trådte i kraft den 13. juni 2014.Denne lovkommentar indeholder en omfattende, opdateret og videnskabelig gennemgang og analyse af forbrugeraftaleloven, dens forarbejder, tilhørende retningslinjer, dansk og EU-retlig praksis osv. Også tilgrænsende regelsæt, f.eks. markedsføringsloven og e-handelsloven, samt almindelige formueretlige regler inddrages i fremstillingen.Fremstillingen følger lovens systematik. Kommentarerne er knyttet til de konkrete, sproglige udtryk i lovens enkelte bestemmelser, men er også problemorienteret. Indholdet af kommentarerne til lovbestemmelserne fremgår af en oversigt under hver enkelt paragraf.

  • af Ernest Lim
    2.023,95 kr.

    "This Cambridge Handbook is the first dedicated treatment of the interface between AI and private law, and the challenges that AI poses for private law. The Handbook brings together a global team of private law experts and computer scientists to examine the interface, identify the problems, and propose solutions"--

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    187,95 kr.

    "Medicare Made Easy" serves as the ultimate guide for American retirees seeking to understand and navigate the intricacies of Medicare. This comprehensive resource demystifies the federal health insurance program, breaking down its complexities into manageable and digestible sections to ensure that retirees make informed decisions tailored to their unique needs.Starting with the basics, the book offers a brief historical overview of Medicare, explaining its inception and evolution over the decades. It then delves into the core components-Parts A, B, C, and D-providing readers with clear explanations of benefits, coverages, and the potential out-of-pocket costs associated with each segment.One of the highlights of "Medicare Made Easy" is its practical approach to helping retirees select the most suitable plan. By presenting a series of scenarios and case studies, the book illustrates common situations that retirees might face, offering actionable solutions and advice for each.Further enhancing its utility, the book provides a step-by-step walkthrough for enrolling in Medicare, from the initial sign-up process to selecting supplementary plans. Recognizing the dynamic nature of health needs, it also provides guidance on making changes to one's plan during the annual enrollment period.With an entire section dedicated to debunking myths and misconceptions, "Medicare Made Easy" addresses common questions and concerns, ensuring retirees feel confident in their choices. Additionally, a glossary of terms and a list of valuable resources offer further assistance for those seeking deeper knowledge or facing unique circumstances.In "Medicare Made Easy," American retirees will find a reliable companion on their journey through the Medicare landscape, equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to secure their health and peace of mind during their golden years.

  • af Landmark Publications
    349,95 - 397,95 kr.

    THIS CASEBOOK contains a selection of U. S. Court of Appeals decisions that analyze, interpret and apply provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. * * * The FCRA provides for civil liability in 15 U.S.C. §§ 1681n and 1681o. Whether the violation was willful or negligent dictates the type of damages awarded. If a violation is willful, the defendant is subject to punitive damages. 15 U.S.C. § 1681n. However, if a plaintiff fails to show that the violations are willful, a defendant will only be held liable for the plaintiff's actual damages. See 15 U.S.C. § 1681o. If a plaintiff fails to demonstrate willfulness and actual damages, the claim must fail. According to section 1681n, a defendant commits a willful violation and is subject to punitive damages only if it engages in "willful misrepresentations or concealments." 15 U.S.C. § 1681n(a)(2); see also Stevenson v. TRW, Inc., 987 F.2d 288, 294 (5th Cir. 1993) (quoting Pinner v. Schmidt, 805 F.2d 1258, 1263 (5th Cir. 1986)). Noncompliance is considered willful when the defendant "knowingly and intentionally committed an act in conscious disregard for the rights of others." Pinner, 805 F.2d at 1263. A failure to adequately investigate and swiftly correct inaccurate information generally does not constitute a willful violation. See id. at 1262-63. Cameron v. Greater New Orleans Federal Credit Union, (5th Cir. 2018)

  • af Marius Bergermann
    560,95 kr.

    Der Autor entwickelt acht Thesen zur Anwendung des Verbraucherschutzes im sozialen Mietrecht. Mieter sind in aller Regel Verbraucher. Eine Unterscheidung zwischen Kleinvermietern und Großvermietern ist möglich. Die Unternehmereigenschaft einer Hausverwaltung ist dem Vermieter zuzurechnen. Einschränkungen des Verbraucherschutzes durch § 314 Abs. 4 BGB und den Ausschluss bestimmter Schutzinstrumente nach vorheriger Besichtigung der Wohnung sind abzulehnen. Die teleologische Reduktion des Widerrufsrechts bei Mieterhöhungen durch den BGH überzeugt nicht. Der Verbraucherschutz im Wohnungsmietrecht sollte vertragsbezogen sein. Mieter sollten informierte Entscheidungen auf Basis eines Produktinformationsblatts treffen können, die Nichtbeachtung von Informationspflichten muss sanktioniert sein.

  • af Gregory J. Durston
    503,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to provide a clear, succinct, and readable exposition of the law of contract in England and Wales, covering all aspects of the subject from the formation of a binding agreement to remedies for its breach. As such, it will be of value to both law students and those studying for business degrees and non-legal professional exams. It is hoped that the book will fill the (often neglected) middle ground between brief introductions and the major but lengthy works on the subject. As well as discussing historic but still important cases, the book considers a wealth of recent decisions to give a firmly contemporary feel to its analysis.

  • af Alain Servantie
    466,95 kr.

    Dans ce petit ouvrage, Michel Carpentier (1930-2022) raconte ses trentesix ans de vie dans les institutions européennes et sa contribution de visionnaire au lancement de plusieurs politiques. Michel Carpentier a intégré la Commission d¿EURATOM le 14 juillet 1959 à Bruxelles, où il fut désigné responsable du service des achats et des marchés. En 1967, lors de la fusion des Commissions, il a rejoint la Direction Générale desAffaires Industrielles, Technologiques et Scientifiques (DG III) où, en 1971, à l¿initiative d¿Altiero Spinelli, alors commissaire responsable de l¿Industrie, il rédigea la première communication de la Commission Européenne sur l¿environnement, « une donnée indissociable de l¿organisation et de la promotion du progrès humain ». Le Service de l¿environnement et de la protection des consommateurs qüil a dirigé jusqüen 1981 a préparé soixante directives visant à la prévention et diminution des pollutions de l¿eau, de l¿air et du bruit, récupération des déchets, protection du milieu naturel, notamment de la faune sauvage, la protection des mers et des fleuves, etc.

  • af Eva Kocher
    1.537,95 kr.

    Eine mehrsprachige interaktive Festschrift zu Konzepten sozialer Gerechtigkeit im Vertragsrecht. 40 Jurist:innen und Ökonom:innen aus 12 Ländern haben Kommentare geschrieben, auf die Reifner einzeln antwortet. Geld, sozialer Vertrag, Life Time Contracts, Social Finance, kollektive Rechtsdurchsetzung, Finanzaufsicht, finanzielle Allgemeinbildung sind Kapitel, die zeigen, wie interdisziplinär eine radikale Theorie mit einer pragmatischen Praxis einen sozialen Verbraucherschutz zum Eckpfeiler sozialen Wirtschaftsrechts machen könnte. Das Buch regt an eine Gesellschaft zu verändern, auf deren Diskriminierungstendenzen mit neuen Rechtskonzepten Antworten gesucht werden.Mit Beiträgen vonProf. Luisa Antoniolli | Ri Antônio Herman Benjamin | Prof. Karl-Jürgen Bieback | Edda Castelló | Olha O.Cherednychenko, PhD | Daniel Dönch, M.Sc. | Prof. Martina Eckardt | Prof. Rafael Encinas de Muñagorri | Prof. Giovanni Ferri | Damon Gibbons | Prof. Axel Halfmeier | Prof. Reinhold Hedtke | Prof. Geraint Howells | Prof. em. Nick Huls | Prof. Christian Joerges | Ass. Dr. Helena Klinger | Ass. Michael Knobloch | Prof. Eva Kocher | Prof. Wolfhard Kohte | Prof. Ulrich Krüger | Prof. Claudia Lima Marques | Prof. Brigitta Lurger | Prof. Matija Mayer-Fiedrich | Prof. Hans W. Micklitz | Prof. Doris Neuberger | Prof. Andrea Nicolussi | Prof. Johanna Niemi | Prof. Luca Nogler | Prof. Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira | Prof. Iain Ramsay | Dr. Christine Riefa | Prof. Peter Rott | Prof. Christoph U. Schmid | Sandra Schuster | Prof. Hans-Peter Schwintowski | Prof. Alessandro Somma | Asst.-Prof. Dr. Joseph Spooner | Prof. em. Klaus Tonner | Dr. Dirk Ulbricht | Prof. Alan M. White | Prof. em. Thomas Wilhelmsson

  • af J. H. Jennifer Lee
    1.992,95 kr.

    With the ever-changing landscape of consumer protection laws, this timely resource provides expert, high-level discussion of the rules governing consumer finance law and the complex federal agencies that enforce these laws. Topics range from the FTC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to Fair Credit Reporting Act, Consumer Deposit Accounts and Electronic Funds Transfer and more.

  • af Susie Ellis
    97,95 kr.

    This book is designed to help you learn the basics of food safety so you will be able to pass the Level 2 examination with ease.It is also intended as a reference book to keep handy in all kitchens so everyone, in a food business, large or small, understands the importance of complying with the law.

  • af Landmark Publications
    362,95 - 512,95 kr.

  • af Siva Prasad Bose
    80,95 kr.

    This book is an overview of electricity and power transmission aspects in India. We briefly summarise technical aspects related to the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. We also discuss the Electricity Act 2003 in India, which is the main act regulating the electricity supply in India.This book is divided into two parts: first is the technical part, covering technical aspects of the electricity power supply. The second is the electricity supplies laws part, dealing with the history of electricity supply, the electricity act 2003 and related matters.It is hoped that this book shall provide some introductory guidance to those who are interested in the areas related to electricity supply and regulation in India.

  • af Hans-W Micklitz
    615,95 kr.

    This book analyses the founding years of consumer law and consumer policy in Europe. It combines two dimensions: the making of national consumer law and the making of European consumer law, and how both are intertwined. The chapters on Germany, Italy, the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom serve to explain the economic and the political background which led to different legal and policy approaches in the then old Member States from the 1960s onwards. The chapter on Poland adds a different layer, the one of a former socialist country with its own consumer law and how joining the EU affected consumer law at the national level. The making of European consumer law started in the 1970s rather cautiously, but gradually the European Commission took an ever stronger position in promoting not only European consumer law but also in supporting the building of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), the umbrella organisation of the national consumer bodies. The book unites the early protagonists who were involved in the making of consumer law in Europe: Guido Alpa, Ludwig Krämer, Ewa Letowska, Hans-W Micklitz, Klaus Tonner, Iain Ramsay, and Thomas Wilhelmsson, supported by the younger generation Aneta Wiewiórowska Domagalska, Mateusz Grochowski, and Koen Docter, who reconstructs the history of BEUC. Niklas Olsen and Thomas Roethe analyse the construction of this policy field from a historical and sociological perspective.This book offers a unique opportunity to understand a legal and political field, that of consumer law and policy, which plays a fundamental role in our contemporary societies.

  • af Elie Nshimiyimana
    339,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Law - Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: In the traditional marketplace, consumers are aware of their legal rights, and it is relatively easier to get access to different methods of enforcing their rights such as through in-house complaint procedures or appealing to courts. Since every transaction is made under a single jurisdiction, redress is often available and effective. In contrast, in online transactions, access to redress is not easily reachable for consumers. Since e-commerce is borderless, the recourse to courts in disputes resulting from international electronic transactions is also complicated mostly due to the problem of knowing which courts shall have jurisdiction over such disputes.Following the ultimate purpose of this research, the research questions to which we attempted to respond are the following: To what extent is the existing legal framework adequate to guarantee effective e-consumer redress in Rwanda? To what extent does Rwandan law address the issue of the conflict of laws and jurisdiction in case of cross-border e-commerce vis-à-vis consumer redress? What can be done to ensure or improve the effectiveness and efficiency of e-consumer redress for cross-border disputes?This research is mostly intended to identify loopholes in Rwandan Laws with regard to issues that emerge time and again in e-commerce transactions. It specifically focuses on the availability and effectiveness of consumer redress, mechanisms thereof and institutions to put them in force. It as well tends to show failures of Rwandan Private International Rules concerning the protection of consumers, which are normally taken into account by courts while dealing with consumer-related issues consisting of a foreign element, which refers to contact with some system of law and jurisdiction other than those of the forum state.

  • af Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill & Marine Cornelis
    588,95 kr.

    How do ordinary people access justice? This book offers a novel socio-legal approach to access to justice, alternative dispute resolution, vulnerability and energy poverty. It poses an access to justice challenge and rethinks it through a lens that accommodates all affected people, especially those who are currently falling through the system. It raises broader questions about alternative dispute resolution, the need for reform to include more collective approaches, a stronger recognition of the needs of vulnerable people, and a stronger emphasis on delivering social justice. The authors use energy poverty as a site of vulnerability and examine the barriers to justice facing this excluded group. The book assembles the findings of an interdisciplinary research project studying access to justice and its barriers in the UK, Italy, France, Bulgaria and Spain (Catalonia). In-depth interviews with regulators, ombuds, energy companies, third-sector organisations and vulnerable people provide a rich dataset through which to understand the phenomenon. The book provides theoretical and empirical insights which shed new light on these issues and sets out new directions of inquiry for research, policy and practice. It will be of interest to researchers, students and policymakers working on access to justice, consumer vulnerability, energy poverty, and the complex intersection between these fields.The book includes contributions by Cosmo Graham (UK), Sarah Supino and Benedetta Voltaggio (Italy), Marine Cornelis (France), Anais Varo and Enric Bartlett (Catalonia) and Teodora Peneva (Bulgaria).

  • af Steven Skurka
    292,95 kr.

    Steven Skurka delivers a thorough, in-depth account of the controversial businessman's legal difficulties. Skurka offers analysis, insights, and personal anecdotes to present the clearest picture of the trials to date, featuring interviews with key members of the prosecution and defence, as well as with Black himself.

  • af Matthew Chapman, Sarah Prager & Jack Harding
    1.551,95 kr.

    This new edition of this leading work comprehensively revises and updates classic topics. Existing case law is placed in a practical context and the many new developments in the law are discussed in detail.

  • af Sebastian Polly
    692,95 kr.

    This book will be a best practice guide outlining the EU product liability and product safety framework with a focus on the automotive sector. With respect to product liability, the book will focus on the European Product Liability Directive and its strict liability regime. Furthermore, in order to provide a complete treatment of any product liability aspects, the book will also discuss product liability claims based on contract and general tort law principles.

  • - The Interplay Between Private and Public Enforcement
    1.306,95 kr.

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