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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025
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  • - Sådan undergraver islamister de vestlige samfund
    af Florence Bergeaud-Blackler
    258,95 kr.

    Broderisme er en islamistisk ideologi, der er vokset ud af Det Muslimske Broderskab, og som har opnået en betydelig magtstilling i Europas islamiske landskab. I bogen beskriver den franske antropolog Florence Bergeaud-Blackler broderismens ideologi, udvikling og opbygning. Der er tale om et intellektuelt politisk-religiøst projekt, som har til formål at etablere en islamisk verden. Det sker ikke kun, når de troende låses stadig mere fast i en muslimsk identitet, hvor broderismens halal- og haram-system har indflydelse på stadig flere dele af livet. Broderismen er også et handlingssystem, hvor tro og spiritualitet udleves i form af en politisk aktivisme, som promoverer kønsopdeling, halalmad og bederum, som stempler enhver kritik af islam og islamisme som ’islamofobi’, og som skal gøre Europa sharia-kompatibelt. Bogen er resultatet af mange års antropologisk feltarbejde i muslimske miljøer i Frankrig kombineret med et kritisk nærstudium af broderismens førende ideologer og nøgletekster. Forfatteren udpeger og afdækker broderismens organisatoriske netværk, og hun dokumenterer grundigt, hvordan broderismen systematisk har infiltreret centrale statslige og ikke-statslige institutioner, så dens indflydelse i dag når ind i hjertet af de vestlige samfund. Florence Bergeaud-Blackler afdækker en bevægelse, der er opsat på at islamisere ikke-muslimske lande igennem en strategi, der omfatter så forskellige områder som økonomi, uddannelse og økologi, og som undergraver menneskerettigheder og ‘islamiserer’ viden. Og afdækker, hvordan ideologiens tankegods spredes blandt menige muslimer, der ofte uforvarende bliver en del af denne bevægelse.Om forfatteren: Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, f. 1964 i Bordeaux, er fransk antropolog og forsker tilknyttet CNRS, det nationale franske forskningsinstitut. Hendes speciale er islamisk normpres i sekulariserede samfund, islamistiske indoktrineringsmetoder, halalmarkedet og Det Muslimske Broderskabs voksende indflydelse i Europa. Hendes bog om broderismen toppede i 2023 de franske bestsellerlister, skabte intens debat og fik den fornemme franske pris ”Prix Science et laicité”. Men den medførte også dødstrusler mod forfatteren, der i perioder måtte leve med politibeskyttelse.

  • af Helle Merete Brix & Lars Vilks
    206,95 kr.

    Hvordan er det at leve et liv, hvor man konstant er omgivet af livvagter?Hvad drømmer livvagter mon om på de langevagter? Hvilket liv har Salman Rushdie haft i de 30 år, hvor han har været dødsdømt?Og hvorfor får kineserne lov at storme frem i verden, når styret bliver mere og mere brutalt?Det er nogle af de temaer, Helle Merete Brix kredser om i 30 meget forskellige og personlige tekster. Der er både tale om fiktive, satiriske breve fra bin Laden-familien til forskellige blasfemikere, poetiske essays om de samtaler, troende og ateister kan have med hinanden, og refleksioner over historiens turbulente gang tilbage fra inkvisitionens kætterbål.Den verdensberømte tegner Lars Vilks har illustreret hvert kapitel med en tegning. De er lavet som "blindtegninger", hvor kunstneren udfører sin idé uden at se på papiret imens. Dermed bliver tegningerne andet og mere end rene illustrationer. Resultatet er overraskende, utraditionelt og inspirerende for betragteren, der selv kan digte med på, hvad tegningen forestiller.Både Helle Merete Brix og Lars Vilks er overlevende fra angrebet på Krudttønden i 2015. Allerede i 2007 udstedte al-Qaeda en fatwa mod Vilks og satte en pris på hans hoved. Det er første gang siden fatwaen blev udstedt, at Lars Vilks har fået mulighed for at udgive nogle af sine værker.Uddrag af bibliotekernes anmeldelse:"Helle Merete Brix bevæger sig ubesværet rundt i de emner, der optager hende, og skriver både satirisk, alvorligt, fagligt og fiktionsorienteret om politiske emner og om tro og ateisme og ikke mindst om at bibeholde den indre frihed."

  • af Raphael Israeli
    193,95 kr.

    Religion Between Commercialization and Political Trade-offs: The Case of Islam marks the author's 100th published book.This volume is the product of a conference on Commercialization of Religion convened jointly by the Universities of Vienna and Nicosia, and held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in September 2023, where author Raphael Israeli spoke about Islam."I challenged the conventional wisdom, which posited a material and pecuniary interpretation of commercialization of religion in terms of buying and selling deals, but I suggested to expand that interpretation into a wider trade-off of values, assets, and political interests, and I gave examples of those deals of commercialization within the Arab-Israeli dispute, including the horrifying rampage and murder on October 7, 2023, by the Palestinian Hamas terrorists of over 1,500 Israeli innocent civilians, including babies, the elderly, and women at dawn in their beds, and abducting another 240 as hostages to Gaza."(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of 100 books and 100 articles.

  • af Nicolas Prodromou Aghnides
    428,95 kr.

  • af Charlie Fergusson
    148,95 kr.

    Friends. business partners. Lovers?Laura Willis is busy planning their wedding when Ryan is exposed as a cheater. Again. this time, she was with her close friend. She strikes him with her fist and her wedding band before starting work at Brenda's House of Hair. There is a lot of commotion at the salon as a result of Brenda's shortcuts and rampage, though. One of Laura's coworkers, the hairstylist Matt Stephenson, is looking for a new home and career. Taking a chance, he decides to start his own salon and asks Laura to work alongside him. Will their joint endeavor turn out to be more than either of them expected, or can their friendship endure the strain? Joint Venture, which occurs a few years before Wisdom to Know, tells readers about the relationship between recurring characters Matt and Laura. Get your copy today and experience their romance for yourself.

  • af Khalifah Khairy Bahar
    358,95 kr.

    Over the past four decades Islamic finance has experienced a tremendous growth and most major financial institutions are now involved in one way or another in this particular form of finance.1 Islamic financial institutions are now operating in at least105 countries,2 and more countries have introduced, or are considering introducing,legislation that complies with the regularity framework of this industry.3 The total assets held globally under Islamic finance in 2010 reached $1 trillion,4 and in 2015 $2 trillion,5 showing that the global assets of Islamic finance grew by 18% during that period.6 They are expected to reach $2.7 trillion by the end of 2018 and $3.5 trillion by 2021

  • af Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
    88,95 kr.

    Riba is a most mysterious subject. Even to our great predecessors it proved to be a very enigmatic prospect. Where does Riba manifest itself? How? Where does one draw the line? How does one know whether a transaction is Riba, or just looks like it?Sometimes it is clear, and other times it is like being in a hall of mirrors. One wonders whether it is a true reflection, or just an illusion.It is an action that practically every human has done in his lifetime. Changing money. Not the changing into another currency, but getting change for larger bills.What rules govern this type of transaction? What are the pitfalls of which to be careful? What are the views and disputes of scholars?

  • af Joseph Von Hammer-Purgstall
    228,95 kr.

  • af M. Kabir Hassan
    1.195,95 kr.

    The impact of COVID-19 has exposed major cracks in the global financial system and has severely undermined global financial stability. Never have the shortcomings of universal financialization - the dominant principle of the global financial system for the past thirty-odd years - been more obvious or more painful.Islamic finance provides ways forward: based on commercial and social modes of risk-sharing and financing, it offers radical structural solutions to the health, human and financial crises faced in this unprecedented time. In Towards a Post-Covid Global Financial System: Lessons in Social Responsibility from Islamic Finance, an international team of experts explore how COVID-19 has affected the most vulnerable parts of the global economy; how it has been met by Islamic banking and finance specifically; and how the principles of Islamic social finance could be used to have a fairer, more resilient Islamic finance system for all.

  • af Hidaya Al Lawati
    2.363,95 kr.

    Islamic finance is one of the fastest-growing sectors in international banking and finance. Owing to the increasing availability and ease of access to Islamic services, Islamic finance has become increasingly important not only in Muslim countries, but around the world, making it a global industry. Under the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as well as in some regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa, a dual financial system is implemented, where Sharia-compliant products are marketed alongside conventional financial systems.In this thoroughly researched collection of chapters, researchers from around the world examine the role of Islamic finance in the economies and prospects of different companies. They discuss Islamic finance literature from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The theoretical section of the book consists of conceptual chapters that enable readers to critically evaluate and expand their understanding of accounting and finance. The chapters in the empirical section of this handbook discuss and interpret empirical evidence to provide clear implications for practice, research, and society. This section bridges the gap between theory and practice and offers suggestions for future research. Islamic Accounting and Finance is geared towards scholars and students, but it is also of use to banking and finance practitioners.

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