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Mange års frustrationer over den udvikling det offentlige sundhedsvæsen har gennemgået, blev fundamentet for overlæge i ortopædkirurgi, Steffen Jacobsens erindringsbog “Hvis De lige vil sidde helt stille, frue, dr. Jacobsen er ny på afdelingen”. Gennem selvoplevede anekdoter serverer overlægen et morsomt og til tider tragikomisk indblik i et sundhedsvæsen, der beskæftiger sig mere med regneark end med dets patienter.Det er tydeligt at mærke, at Steffen Jacobsen er en erfaren samfundsdebattør, og den debatterende forfatter og erfarne læge lægger ikke fingre imellem, når han leverer sin knivskarpe analyse af de danske sygehuse. Bogen er ikke bare god underholdning, den er fyldt med tankevækkende beretninger om et system, vi selv er med til at fastholde, og den kan klassificeres som vaskeægte samfundssatire.
Jane McLelland blev hårdt ramt af livmoderhalskræft og herefter af spredning til lungekræft stadie 4. Hun gennemgik adskillige konventionelle tilbud, men først da hun satte sig ind i kroppens evne til at bekæmpe kræft og fandt ud og gik i gang med en udsultnings diæt bestående af kosttilskud og en række ældre medicintyper lykkede det hende at blive kræftfri. Hun beretter om den modstand hun mødte fra det officielle sundhedsvæsen, som i stedet for at hjælpe hende modarbejdede hende. Men 15 år efter den første kræftdiagnose, er hun stadig her stadigvæk. Bogen fortæller og beskriver teoretisk, hvordan og hvad man selv skal gøre, hvis man vil tage sagen i egen hånd. Det gælderom at stoppe mulighederne for, at kræftcellerne kan overleve i kroppen. Der er vejledninger i, hvordan man kan bruge hendes metoder. Hun bruger både konventionelle og komplementære tiltag. Specielt inddrager hun kombinationer af medicin, der allerede er opfundet og godkendt til en anden sygdom. De kaldes Repurposed Drugs/ off label (genanvendt medicin) og undersøgelser har godtgjort, at de har kræfthæmmende virkning. Så de burde inddrages i kampen mod en kræftsygdom.
Heidi Honig Springs liv ændrer sig på et splitsekund, da hun på en løbetur bliver kørt ned af en højresvingsbilist. Hun overlever mirakuløst, og kæmper sig tilbage til livet i løbet af et langt hospitalsophold. Fortællinger fra stue 62 er Heidis hudløst ærlige, hjerteskærende og galgenhumoristiske beretning om at være patient i det danske hospitalsvæsen. Der er både stor taknemmelighed og inderlig ros, men også kritik – fx, når man som patient oplever at blive trængt i baggrunden af ressourcer, kultur og organisering, og når relationskompetencen hos de professionelle til tider lader noget tilbage at ønske. Bogen giver også læseren et billede af, hvad det vil sige at miste sit liv og sin værdighed – og alligevel kæmpe for at leve og finde håb i en håbløs situation. Der er noget at lære for os alle – sundhedspersonale, patienter, pårørende og alle andre, der interesserer sig for det enkelte menneskes erfaringer med identitetstab, sorg, krise og veje til bedring.
A moving, evocative account of a rural GP in a remote rural location.
NY DANSK LÆREBOGINTENSIVTERAPIBogen giver en evidensbaseret, praktisk anvendelig og sammenhængende indføring i observation, diagnostik, behandling og pleje af patienter i alle aldersgrupper med potentielt reversible svigt af et eller flere vitale organsystemer.Over 55 kapitler dækker bogen bredt det komplekse arbejdsfelt, og indholdet er organiseret efter fem temaer:DEL 1: Organisation, indlæggelse og kommunikationDEL 2: Vurdering og understøttende behandlingDEL 3: Tilstande på intensivafdelingDEL 4: Palliation, organdonation og følger efter intensivterapiDEL 5: Sygepleje og genoptræningBogen henvender sig primært til læger under speciallægeuddannelse i anæstesiologi, men læger fra andre specialer med interesse for intensivterapi, speciallæger på intensiv og anæstesiologiske afdelinger samt sygeplejersker under specialuddannelse i intensivsygepleje vil også finde indholdet relevant. Derudover kan den interesserede medicinstuderende også være med.Bogens 85 forfattere kombinerer høj faglighed og forsknings- og formidlingserfaring og inkluderer intensivlæger, anæstesiologer, intensivsygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter og ergoterapeuter såvel som speciallæger fra andre specialer i berøring med intensivterapi.
Det er ikke altid nemt at kommunikere med en patient, heller ikke for erfarne praktiserende læger. Som læge skal du ikke blot have blik for patienten som menneske, men også være bevidst om hvordan din egen position som læge og sundhedsprofessionel påvirker og former patient-mødet. Som medicinstuderende og nyuddannet læge kan det første patientmøde være omgærdet af tvivl og usikkerhed. Derfor har vi skrevet denne bog som en guide og håndsrækning til dig.Bogen er bygget op omkring seks kapitler, som centrerer sig om både patienten, lægens roller samt om det sundhedsvæsen, som danner rammerne for læge-patientkontakten. Du vil blive præsenteret for forskellige perspektiver på etik, den svære patientsamtale, samarbejde på tværs af sundhedsvæsenet, pårørendeinddragelse mv. Bogen indeholder også bredere, samfundsrelevante perspektiver på digitalisering, sundhedsadfærd, udbrændthed, sundhedssystemets struktur mv. Den indeholder både historiske oprids, teoretiske begreber og praktiske redskaber.
Louise Hansen er bogens praktiserende læge, hun har mange patienter, men ikke tid nok.Danskerne er efterhånden gode til at blive gamle, high five, men det øger presset på sundhedsvæsenet. Derfor skal vi blive bedre til at udnytte teknologi til at løfte opgaver fra lægen over på patienten selv.Hvad hvis vi bad fremtidens patient om selv at undersøge sin urin for bakterier, pode for halsbetændelse, måle blodtryk, hjerterytme og iltning af blodet? Ville det betyde dårligere behandling? Nej, tværtimod.Smartphones, apps, puls-ure og kunstig intelligens er fremtidens nyttige værktøjer i lægetasken – og de kan forbedre behandlingen, befolkningssundheden og lægens arbejdsvilkår. De to læger Andreas Pihl og Michael Hejmadi giver et underholdende kig ind i den almene lægepraksis, hvor både sundhedsvæsenet og den praktiserende læge er sat skakmat af dumme systemer og forældede organisationer.
-Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.
The weaving of the author's personal and professional life, along with his assessment of issues in the healthcare system, is masterfully handled in The Healing Connection. With a dry sense of humor which at times will bring you to laughter and at other times to horrified disbelief, Dr. Remignanti tells stories stemming from his 40-year career as a board-certified emergency physician and 50-year experience with a chronic autoimmune disease, involving 7 surgeries, 15 hospitalizations, and a major stroke at age 38. The book provides a research-based extended argument for the enduring importance of the patient-physician relationship which is currently threatened by its conversion to a less effective consumer-provider relationship.
"This haunting and propulsive debut follows a journalist's years-long investigation into his father's old classmate: former high school valedictorian Paul Volkman, who once seemed destined for greatness after earning his MD and his PhD from the prestigious University of Chicago, but is now serving four consecutive life sentences at a federal prison in Arizona. Volkman was the central figure in a massive "pill mill" scheme in southern Ohio. His pain clinics accepted only cash, employed armed guards, and dispensed a torrent of opioid painkillers and other controlled substances. For nearly three years, Volkman remained in business despite raids by law enforcement and complaints from patients' family members. Prosecutors would ultimately link him to the overdose deaths of 13 patients, though investigators explored his ties to at least 20 other deaths. This book is based on 12 years of correspondence and interviews with Volkman."--Provided by publisher.
Asthma is a Breath Problem in Sensitive persons to Factors in all Ages. This book is a complete guide for patients with this disease .Also as a good Guide for control attacks and Treatment of it by instructions and having a normal life. Air pollutions and other factors can cause Asthma and avoid from them to protect from attacks. As to have best Choice in life and control emotions and think in Right path to make progress in control disease and enjoy from goals to Reach an excellent Relations in your life .We explains the ways for Reach the goals and standard life among all diseases to have a best control and treatment of the diseases.
Insane medical cases as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Bizarre Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves.The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.
The healthcare industry has undergone significant changes since the introduction of consumer-directed health plans. As a result, an entire cottage industry in health tech was created to drive consumer involvement. Despite this, consumer engagement remains elusive.There is a clear need for "fan building" in healthcare. "Fans" are a critical engagement component of most industries; so how can healthcare remain the exception as it strives to be more consumer friendly? This book postulates that to have better (or more engaged) consumers in healthcare, we need to strive to build fans, followers, and friends.First, readers are initiated to the complexities in healthcare and necessary mindset changes to create fans and sustained engagement.Second, a model based on best practices from consumer disciplines provides a blueprint for building healthcare fans.Third, possible applications for Fandom in healthcare are illustrated with tools and templates to get leaders started on their journey for transformative engagement through Fandom.It incorporates wisdom based on interviews and discussions with healthcare leaders so Healthcare Fandom can become the oxygen needed for sustained healthcare engagement.
Organic skin care is generally defined as a skin care product which contains organically grown ingredients that are free from pesticides. Organic products are deemed to be more beneficial for the skin as it is presumed there are little to no harsh chemical ingredients, and are marketed thus.In the last 10 years, the market has seen a sizeable shift towards organic skin care as consumers are growing savvier and more conscious of what ingredients they're putting on their skin, thanks to studies revealing the long-term effects of using harsh, chemical-based products. In this book, you will: Learn everything about skin careMaster the art of making basic skin care products from scratchDiscover top tips and tricks to store homemade productsLearn the difference between creams and lotionsIdentify which products work best for various skin ailments and how to make them from scratchGet advice on how to package and label your goodies for retail saleIn this book, you will be equipped with necessary instruction about korean beauty products as well as the most effective skincare routine. Again, if you are a beginner to this new trend of beauty care, then it is very important to understand the basis for choosing the appropriate products to use. If you are among those beginners wondering how to have healthy skin with korean beauty products, this book is right for you!
The clinician-patient relationship is an unapologetic reminder that clinical practice is an applied science, and that clinical knowledge only becomes useful through human interaction and application. Through dialog, the relationship serves as a powerful conduit for information flow. This text, utilizing stories of successes and failures I have journaled over 44-years practicing medicine, argues that there is hidden knowledge important to patient care beyond technology's reach that can only be gained through mutual trust, rapport and the right questions asked. But there are many external factors that constrain and strain the clinician-patient relationship. Institutional and cultural restrictions foisted upon medical practice are laden with bureaucratic, political, and economic demands which impinge upon time spent with the patient. Correcting the situation is challenging because many of the causative factors are of a societal nature and not within one individual's influence. But nurturing the clinician-patient relationship and harvesting information from patients' stories that may explain conflict, impasse, resistance to plan of care and lifestyle changes is well within our scope and is in fact necessary for good care. As such, it is the clinician's job to develop skills for impasse resolution and interview techniques to explore the personal, family and cultural relational dynamics and nuances of meaning, lying within the illness narrative. While physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and others are well-trained to take inventory of the body's biological systems, practitioners often lack the skill set to ask "the right questions" for exploring psychosocial systems, and therein lies the pedagogic vacuum to be filled. It is the purpose of this text to introduce a meaning-based problem-solving approach, The Circle of Change, as a pragmatic map and compass for gathering and processing patients' narratives to uncover meaning and care for
One of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on breast cancer treatment and survival, completely revised and updatedThe seventh edition of The Breast Cancer Survival Manual provides essential updates on treatment and care, enhancing the basic information that has made this the most trusted guide for women diagnosed with breast cancer for the past two decades. This edition includes the most current advice on: · The genomic basis of breast cancer and recent changes in the genomic breast cancer types · The need for individual tailoring of a treatment plan, resulting in better outcomes and less toxic side effects · Less chemotherapy based on new genomic testing of the cancer · Changes in treatment sequencing, resulting in less surgery and systemic therapy · The development of blood tests to identify tumor DNA fragments, allowing for monitoring response to treatment and ongoing surveillance for recurrence · The continued importance of getting a comprehensive second opinion from breast cancer specialists, including a review of the diagnostic biopsies · Use of hormone replacement after breast cancer.Conscious of the rapidly evolving spectrum of treatment options, Dr. John Link, one of the world's leading breast cancer oncologists, outlines the latest findings and professional wisdom for patients in pursuit of the most effective treatment plan for them. The Breast Cancer Survival Manual continues to be a must-have for any woman seeking accurate and accessible information about managing breast cancer today. Includes black-and-white illustrations
This book details how ethical and professional behaviors are the essential key to nurturing the important trust bond with patients.
From ER to Hospital Discharge: Decode the hospital experience with Dr. Nugent's game-changing guide.When you're already sick, injured, or in pain, a hospital visit adds more stress to an already overwhelming situation. Every step is often too confusing, too opaque, and too cumbersome for patients to feel fully in control.With the right knowledge, your hospitalization can be a positive experience full of the comfort, communication, and compassion you deserve.In Prescription for Admission, hospitalist Dr. Monique Nugent simplifies acute hospitalizations to help you receive better treatment and improve your experience. Whether you're facing a trip to the ER, an unexpected inpatient stay, or a planned hospitalization for medical treatment, this complete guide provides the critical information you need to navigate the hospital-so you can stay calm, feel confident, and focus on healing after a health crisis.You'll discover:What to expect during an average four- to five-day hospital stay-and how to prepare for a future hospital visit today.A behind-the-scenes look at the healthcare system, including urgent care and emergency medicine.Tips to help you stay mentally grounded, communicate effectively with your doctor, and advocate for yourself.Advice for a stress-free hospital discharge, whether to a long-term care facility or home.A downloadable, fillable Quick Guide to the Hospital-your handy grab-and-go document in case of emergency.A hospital is meant to be a place for support, not frustration and confusion. Purchase Prescription for Admission now and prepare for your next hospital visit as an active participant in your healthcare!
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