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  • af Helle Lykke Nielsen, Mehmet Ümit Necef, Torben Rugberg Rasmussen, mfl.
    247,95 kr.

    Det skulle have været fremtidens bydel, et sted, hvor det moderne liv kunne udfolde sig med alle dets bekvemmeligheder. I stedet blev det en ghetto med høj arbejdsløshed, kriminalitet og mange indvandrere. 1960'ernes Vollsmose begyndte som en drøm. Men i dag er den politiske debat om Vollsmose opdelt i skarpe modsætninger og præget af fjendebilleder.Virkelighedens Vollsmose er mere kompleks. Flere nuancer af livet i en ghetto formidles her af forskere fra alt fra kultur til medicin. De undersøger, om der findes en særlig Vollsmose-kultur, hvilken rolle islam spiller, og hvad ghettolisterne har betydet for områdets selvforståelse. Et spørgsmål er også, om mennesker i Vollsmose plages af andre sygdomsformer, og hvem der egentlig har ansvaret for indvandrerne, når de bliver gamle. Er det overhovedet realistisk at forestille sig, at de midler, der i disse år investeres i områdets infrastruktur, vil kunne løse Vollsmoses sociale problemer?Bogen henvender sig til socialrådgivere, lærere, pædagoger, sygeplejersker, kommunale konsulenter og andre faggrupper, der i deres daglige arbejde er i berøring med socialt udsatte boligområder. På videregående uddannelser vil studerende og undervisere ud fra den foreliggende research kunne inddrage Vollsmose som casestudie i deres projekter.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    363,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • - Forskning, brugerperspektiv, praksisviden
    af Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Hanne Peoples, Palle Larsen, mfl.
    358,95 kr.

    Evidensbaseret praksis er en lærebog, som giver en samlet indføring i evidensbaseret praksis inden for de social- og sundhedsfaglige professioner. Mange professionelle står dagligt i komplekse situationer og for-skelligartede kontekster, der kræver velovervejede beslutninger og handlinger. Bogen er forskningsbaseret og henvender sig bredt til undervisere og alle studerende på de social- og sundhedsfaglige uddannelser. Bogen kan bruges som gennemgående reference og grundbog, men kan også anvendes som håndbog til opslag af professionelle i praksis, der søger indsigt i, hvordan man arbejder med evidensbaseret praksis.Evidensbaseret praksis består af 9 kapitler, og den dækker emner som brugerperspektiver, klinisk ræsonnering, litteratursøgning, kvantitativ og kvalitativ forskning samt implementering af evidensbaseret praksis i uddannelse og praksis. Kapitlerne bygger på et samspil mellem teori, praksisviden og forskning med understøttende eksempler og cases.

  • af N. N.
    210,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Sharon Lindhorst Everhardt
    1.246,95 kr.

    This book connects clinical sociology to the food justice movement through gardens in incarcerated settings. Situated within the larger food justice movement, the authors highlight the shortcomings of the global food system and the inequalities produced by the lack of adequate nutrition, particularly in the context of marginalized populations, such as those in carceral institutions. The book provides an up-to-date overview of horticulture programs in different incarcerated settings in the US, including prisons and community correction units, and provides in-depth discussion on innovative best-practice models. It also features a detailed analysis of an ongoing multi-site research project on gardening in incarcerated settings for women at local, state, and federal levels. Unlike other literature on prison and jail horticulture, this book contextualizes gardening in incarcerated settings with critical historical analysis, presenting the theoretical background to sociological action research projects. Serving as a starting point for establishing gardening as an evidence-based practice in prisons and jails, it is essential reading for researchers and practitioners of clinical sociology and social work, criminologists, prison and corrective institution administrators, and citizen groups interested in therapeutic gardening and alternatives to industrial prison food.

  • af C. Standing
    538,95 kr.

    This book examines the developments in electronic markets in relation to three key areas: online retailing, electronic collaboration and electronic marketplaces. Each chapter is authored by leaders in their field providing cutting edge perspectives on how to take advantage of electronic markets.

  • af Sunita Reddy
    1.191,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Caroline Logan
    481,95 - 1.742,95 kr.

    The second edition of Managing Clinical Risk is an authoritative guide on how to engage in risk assessment and management practice in evidence-based, accountable and effective ways.

  • af Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen
    1.345,95 kr.

    This book develops an understanding of researchers' engagements with their subjects as a generative mode of knowledge production that takes place between researchers and their research fields. It promotes the idea that rather than value neutrality, caring may be helpful when a researcher makes suggestions for improvement and constructs interventions. The authors reflect on questions such as how researchers take can sides without taking a fundamental principle of action for granted. What tensions and obstacles do researchers meet while they strive to engage carefully? How do careful engagements affect academic work and output? What inequalities are produced especially when there is funding involved in the research? The contributions discuss a range of topics including responsibility (and response-ability), collaboration, proximity, ethics, bodily entanglements, values, and affective attachments in social research. The book brings together an impressive team of international researchers from different disciplines to nuance the discussion and provides a rich collection of empirical studies from healthcare, urban planning, environmental science, participatory design, and museums, among others. This is a very topical volume for all social and behavioural scientists engaging in research, particularly those engaged in ethnographic research.

  • af Naomi Smith
    1.068,95 kr.

    Researching Contemporary Wellness Cultures brings together scholars examining the various ways and spaces in which wellness is constructed and practices within various sociological sub-disciplines across and in related fields including anthropology, cultural studies, and internet studies.

  • af J. Michael Ryan
    490,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    This volume provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the relationship between cultures and institutions, examining important issues as the impact on health care workers, changes in the interaction order, linguistic access, social stigma, policing, new understandings of social class, and the role of misinformation.

  • af J. Michael Ryan
    488,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

    COVID-19: Surviving a Pandemic provides critical insights into survival strategies employed by communities and individuals around the world during the pandemic.

  • af Nick Banatvala
    425,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

    Focusing on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease, and their five shared main risk factors (tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and air pollution), this book provides a synopsis of one of the world¿s biggest challenges of the 21st century.

  • af Gabriele Ciciurkaite
    1.332,95 kr.

    Showcasing conceptually innovative work and cutting-edge methods related to the study of families, this volume presents not just a groundbreaking perspective on disability and family life, but also a new paradigm in disability scholarship.

  • af Adrian Roden
    624,95 kr.

    Verlust, Abschied und Trauer sind Themen, die in der heutigen Zeit gerne übergangen werden. Wenn man im Rahmen der physiotherapeutischen Arbeit regelmäßig damit konfrontiert wird, dann ist es für Lehrende als Pflicht anzusehen, diese Themen adäquat innerhalb der Ausbildung adressieren zu können. So geht es hierbei nicht nur um den Selbstschutz von Therapeut*innen, sondern auch um eine Befundung von Patient*innen auf allen Ebenen des bio-psycho-sozialen Modells der ICF und somit auch um eine zielführende Therapie. Der Großteil deutscher Lehrpläne umgeht die vermeintlich unangenehme Thematik oder spiegelt antiquierte Sichtweisen wider. Erklärtes Ziel der dreijährigen Ausbildung ist der Erwerb der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz. Zu dieser zählt der Autor unter anderem die emotionale Kompetenz. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt didaktische und methodische Ansätze auf, um die Themen Verlust, Abschied und Trauer im Kontext des bio-psycho-sozialen Modells in die Ausbildung zu integrieren und einen bestmöglichen Erfolg in Form einer Steigerung der emotionalen Kompetenz anzustreben.

  • af Jan Marie Fritz
    1.063,95 - 1.072,95 kr.

    The second and expanded edition of this award-winning book provides the most up-to-date and important efforts for improving the quality of life in communities around the world. It focuses on community improvements in relation to the interdisciplinary field of clinical sociology. The first part of the book includes updated analyses of important concepts and tools for community intervention. It discusses the importance of centrally involving community members in all phases of community development activities. Part II includes several completely new chapters and focuses on projects in a number of countries -- the United States, Brazil, South Africa, Canada, the Philippines and France. It covers topics such as establishing human rights cities; involving and empowering local communities; research in communities; the healthy cities movement; and climate change. This edition includes several new gender-focused chapters, addressing local level initiatives based on the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination and Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), women in prison, and gender factors in climate risk. The appendices include profiles of outstanding practitioners and scholar-practitioners over the last 100 years. This edition includes contributions from well-known scholars and practitioners in clinical sociology and is of interest to sociologists, social policy makers, social workers, and sustainability researchers.   The first edition of this book received the Distinguished Scholarly Book Award from the Clinical Sociology Division of the International Sociological Association.

  • af N. N.
    522,95 - 645,95 kr.

  • af Tammo Aaldyk
    238,95 kr.

    Hauptkommissar Fokko Wattfedder hofft auf ruhige letzte Monate vor seiner anstehenden Pensionierung im kleinen norddeutschen Bundesland Freie Havenstadt. Wattfedders Entspannungsprogramm würde voll aufgehen, wäre da nicht die nervenzehrende Corona-Krise. Der Mord an der impfbegeisterten Präsidentin der Havenstädter Ärztekammer reißt den Hauptkommissar gänzlich aus seinen ruhigen Tagen. Die prominente Ärztin wird tot aufgefunden und weist zudem drei Injektionsnadeln im Schulterbereich auf. Die Indizien sprechen für einen Täter aus dem Bereich der Havenstädter Impfgegner. Wattfedder muss sich bei seinen Ermittlungen immer wieder einer Landesregierung erwehren, die sich massiv in seine Arbeit einmischt. Unterstützung erfährt er von der an seiner Seite ermittelnden jungen Oberkommissarin Paula Dombusch-Maoate, die gedanklich schnell und körperlich absolut fit ist. Zwei Eigenschaften, die Wattfedder nach einem weiteren Mordfall das Leben retten. Bis die beiden ungleichen Kollegen die Fälle aber lösen, erleben sie hautnah moralische Abgründe des Karrierismus in der Medizin und die Polarisierung der Havenstädter Gesellschaft in der Corona-Pandemie, in der mit harten Bandagen und allen Tricks für eine vermeintliche wissenschaftliche Wahrheit gefochten wird.Eine Wahrheit, die tatsächlich mehrdeutig ist!

  • af Diana Susan Rose
    1.058,95 kr.

  • - Lup på sundhedspædagogik i praksis
    af Peter Thybo
    331,95 kr.

    Lær, hvordan du kan arbejde med "det hele menneske" i vores opdelte systemer inden for sundheds-, social-, beskæftigelses- og uddannelsesfaglige områder.Bogen bygger på den salutogene tænkning, men strækker sig ud over teorierne og fokuserer aktivt på sundhedspædagogik i praksis. Ved hjælp af cases og nyudviklede modeller som LUP-modellen og ReDi-modellen får du konkrete værktøjer til, hvordan du kan skabe en effektiv og empatisk indsats, der styrker det enkelte menneskes sundhed og trivsel – gennem læring, handlekompetence og evner til at mestre eget liv.Det hele menneske er mere end bare endnu en bog om sundhed og trivsel. Den udfordrer vores tilgang og har et kritisk blik på flosklerne - og viser konkret, hvordan du kan favne hele menneskers komplekse livssituationer, håb, drømme, mestring og potentialer i det sundhedspædagogiske arbejde.Bogen er en selvstændig opfølger til bogen Det Dobbelte KRAM og kan læses alene eller sammen med den.

  • af Aysel Sultan
    1.054,95 kr.

    Drawing together insights and provocations from diverse fields of inquiry, this important new book asks probing questions about the lived experience of substance use and misuse, health and recovery. What if we were to approach these experiences in terms of spaces and events, affects and relations rather than subjects and their settled identities? In charting this course, the book offers a powerful new social logic of health, wellbeing and recovery.¿ Cameron Duff, Associate Professor, RMIT UniversityThis is an important book which expands and deepens our understanding of recovery. It presents recovery as something made in practice, taking multiple forms in specific contexts. Drawing on qualitative research with young people in Azerbaijan and Germany, Sultan takes the concept of recovery beyond its more familiar and normative iterations and instead introduces the reader to a fascinating field of dynamic and unruly relations.¿ Helen Keane, Professor in Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National UniversityRecovering Assemblages offers an exciting new insight into the policies and practices of recovery and drug use bridging critical drug studies and the sociology of health and illness. The book investigates lived experiences of young people in Azerbaijan and Germany during their personal recovery from alcohol and other drug use and shows the contingency of 'real' experiences. The sociomaterial and ontological analyses unfold the interrelation of practices, spaces, bodies, and affects in experiencing recovery both within and outside of various treatment facilities. The book will appeal to a range of scholars, postgraduates, and undergraduates engaged in critical, methodological, and empirical studies of recovery, drug use, and policy.

  • af Jennifer L. Johnston
    485,95 kr.

  • af Taeyoung (Toyo University Kim
    534,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Heather A Brown
    521,95 kr.

    Weight stigma is so pervasive in our culture that it is often unnoticed, along with the harm that it causes. Health care is rife with anti-fat bias and discrimination against fat people, which compromises care and influences the training of new practitioners.

  • af Eva Slesingerova
    534,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Gian Luca Amadei
    539,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Phoebe (University of Connecticut Godfrey
    539,95 - 1.709,95 kr.

  • af Isabelle F Dufour
    1.712,95 kr.

    This book gives voice to justice-involved Canadian youth and young adults by sharing their views on their journey toward desistance from crime and social and community (re)integration.

  • af Lauren Hall
    1.705,95 kr.

    Trusting Recovery and Desistance synthesises and presents research on the social influences of recovery and desistance.

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