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Medicinsk genetik

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  • - Historier fra genetikkens overdrev
    af Lone Frank
    116,95 kr.

  • af Oluf Nielsen & Anni Springborg
    352,95 kr.

    BIOKEMI OG GENETIK er en lærebog, der er rettet mod sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. Bogens indhold og niveau gør den anvendelig på andre mellemlange videregående uddannelser. De emner, der behandles i bogen, er valgt ud fra forfatterens erfaring fra mange års undervisning i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen.Bogen er læsevenlig og forsynet med mange figurer, der gør det muligt at indlære faget ved en større eller mindre grad af selvstudium. Indledningsvist findes afsnit, der er en kort indføring i elementære kemiske begreber, så studerende med ringe forkundskaber i kemi kan få de færdigheder, der er nødvendige for at forstå biokemi og genetik. Bogen kan derfor læses uden særlige forudsætninger i biokemi og genetik. De enkelte kapitler er opbygget med en basal del, hvor der gives en generel indføring i og overblik over emnerne og en udvidet del, der kan læses af de specielt interesserede læsere, som har lyst til at gå lidt dybere i emnet.Biokemien er integreret med fysiologi og giver en uddybning og bredere indsigt i fysiologiske begreber. Desuden omtales nogle blodprøver og sygelige tilstande, så bogen på nogle felter understøtter sygdomslære. Genetikken giver et overblik over genetiske begreber og et indblik i forskellige sygelige tilstande, der er genetisk betingede.Bogen er femte udgave af bogen ”Biokemi”. Der er foretaget mindre justeringer i dele af bogens biokemiafsnit. Kapitlet om muskler er helt omskrevet og udvidet som et resultat af den større betydning, musklerne menes at have for sundhed og sygdom. Genetik er et nyt emne i bogen. Niveau om omfang af genetikken er tilpasset den begrænsede vægt faget har i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen.

  • af Mohammad Al-Mahdi Al-Karagholi, Amir Al-Saoudi & Sule Eraslan
    152,95 kr.

    Formålet med dette kompendium er at give læseren en letforståelig og velillustreret gengivelse af de fundamentale koncepter i medicinsk genetik.Kompendiet er målrettet studerende på de sundhedsfaglige uddannelser, særligt medicin- og odontotologistuderende, men kan anvendes af alle med interesse for faget.For at optimere læringsprocessen har vi i dette kompendium kombineret teori og en lang række flowcharts og illustrationer med opgaveløsning.

  • - Selvhelbredelsesteknikker som arbejder med den indre energi og øger virkningen af almindelig lægebehandlin
    af Helen E. Dziemidko
    148,95 kr.

    Her er bogen, som giver læseren en omfattende og letlæselig hjælp og vejledning til heling med energilægemidler. Bogen hjælper dig med at identificere din lidelse og vælge den terapi, der bedst fremmer helbredelse. En guide i homøopati, zoneterapi og massage - så du kan udforske de mange terapier, der bruger "energi" til at helbrede almindelige lidelser. Bogen beskriver over 50 forskellige energibehandlinger som akupunktur, yoga, kraniosakralterapi, massage m.m. Først for nylig er denne gamle forståelse af kropsenergi blevet videnskabeligt accepteret som et supplement og en videre udvikling i forhold til moderne medicin. Eller med andre ord… - som en selvhelbredende kraft snarere end på det materielle niveau. I kraft af, at sygdomme er mere almindeligt diagnosticeret som ubalance af legemsenergi, er energimedicin blevet det mest efterspurgte alternativ til den traditionelle vestlige medicin. I den komplette bog af energimedicin giver Dr. Helen Dziemidko os et omfattende kig på energilægemidler. Hun kombinerer det lægefaglige og videnskabelige synspunkt med en udtømmende viden om energihelbredende metoder - fra akupunktur og yoga til Bach Flower terapi og homøopati. Med klare, tilgængelige forklaringer leder hun læseren gennem mere end 50 komplementære terapier som adresserer de 20 mest almindelige kroniske lidelser. Bogen er en international bestseller - nu udgivet på dansk. Den giver en nem guide til at hjælpe læserne med at identificere deres lidelser og de mulige årsager, og derefter vise, hvilke energimediciner der giver den bedste vej mod helbredelse.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    2.812,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of cutting-edge science and technology, where the boundaries between imagination and reality are continually being redrawn. This book, "Introduction for Liver 3D Bioprinting," takes you on a fascinating journey through the intricate landscapes of cell biology, gene therapy, and the revolutionary field of 3D bioprinting. In the vast realm of biological sciences, the exploration of cellular mechanisms, genetic intricacies, and the architecture of living organisms has been an ongoing quest. As we delve into the microcosm of cell biology, this book unravels the mysteries of exocytosis, cell cycle regulation, and the delicate dance of molecular components such as tubulin, Bcl-2 proteins, and Notch signaling. It navigates through the complex choreography of cellular processes, from the formation of microtubules to the pivotal role of mitochondria and the orchestration of DNA repair mechanisms. The journey doesn't stop there. We seamlessly transition into the world of 3D bioprinting, where the boundaries between science fiction and reality blur. The chapters unfold the potential of 3D printing in the medical field, exploring the development of printed organs, gene therapy integration, and the materials that form the building blocks of this groundbreaking technology.The latter part of the book, specifically dedicated to liver 3D bioprinting, takes center stage. Liver, a vital organ with complex functions, becomes the focal point as we discuss the intricacies of its anatomy, the challenges in reproducing its structures, and the ethical considerations surrounding 3D printing of this organ. From disease-specific models to personalized bioprinting materials, we embark on a detailed exploration of liver 3D bioprinting and its profound impact on medical science. As the author, my aim is to provide both experts and enthusiasts with a comprehensive resource that not only delves into the depths of cellular biology and 3D bioprinting but also bridges the gap between theory and practical applications. This book is not just a compilation of facts; it's an invitation to witness the transformation of scientific theories into tangible, life-changing innovations. I hope you find this journey as intriguing and enlightening as I did while exploring the intricate tapestry of life at the cellular level and the groundbreaking possibilities that lie ahead with 3D bioprinting.

  • af Swati Srivastava
    382,95 kr.

    "miRNAs in MAPs Computational Analysis" by Swati Srivastava is a comprehensive book that explores the role of miRNAs in gene expression regulation, plant growth, and development, with a particular focus on MAPs (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants). The book describes the computational methods and tools used for analyzing small RNAs, mRNA, and their targets, including target prediction, differential expression analysis, and next-generation sequencing. Data mining and machine learning techniques are also discussed, as well as bioinformatics tools for gene ontology and pathway analysis.The book covers the impact of miRNAs on plant stress responses, including abiotic and biotic stress, and provides an overview of miRNA biogenesis and the molecular machinery involved, such as Argonaute, Dicer, and Drosha. The use of small RNA sequencing and high-throughput screening methods for the study of miRNAs is also highlighted.In addition, the book explores the role of miRNAs in plant-microbe interactions and immunity, and discusses the use of system biology and network analysis to understand miRNA-mediated gene regulation. The book also covers RNA interference, post-transcriptional gene silencing, in situ hybridization, qRT-PCR, RNA sequencing, deep sequencing, expression profiling, small RNA libraries, differential expression, evolutionary conservation, functional analysis, and gene function prediction.Overall, "miRNAs in MAPs Computational Analysis" provides a comprehensive overview of miRNA-mediated gene regulation and the computational methods used to study it, making it an invaluable resource for researchers and students in the field of computational biology and plant science.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    907,95 kr.

    In the vast tapestry of human experience, there exist realms beyond the tangible, realms that touch the core of our being and shape the essence of our existence. This book, "CONSCIENTIOLOGY, SPIRITUALITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS FOR AXILLARY AND UPPER LIMB LYMPH NODES," delves into the profound interconnection between the metaphysical dimensions of consciousness and the intricate network of axillary and upper limb lymph nodes.Within these pages, we embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of conventional understanding. We explore the depths of consciousness, contemplate the mysteries of spirituality, and illuminate the paths of self-compassion. This exploration is not merely a theoretical endeavor; it is a heartfelt endeavor to offer solace, understanding, and enlightenment to those traversing the intricate landscapes of emotional and spiritual challenges related to axillary and upper limb lymph nodes.From the contemplation of energetic self-regulation to the pondering of extraphysical helpers, from the reflection on the significance of cosmoethical partnerships to the exploration of alien abductions, this book weaves together threads of wisdom from diverse fields. It is an amalgamation of spiritual insights, metaphysical explorations, and scientific inquiry, offering a holistic perspective on the human experience.As we navigate the realms of conscientiology, we encounter profound concepts such as cosmoethical journalism, energetic vampirism, and serenitative arts. We unravel the mysteries of the mind-matter interaction, delve into the depths of parapsychosocial dynamics, and contemplate the role of spirituality in the face of anxiety and stress.Each chapter is a stepping stone, guiding the reader toward a deeper understanding of the self, consciousness, and the universe. It is an invitation to embrace the interconnectedness of all existence and to find solace in the wisdom that transcends the physical realm. The topics explored in this book are not mere abstractions; they are tools for self-discovery, pathways to healing, and beacons of hope.May this book serve as a source of inspiration, enlightenment, and empowerment. May it be a companion for those seeking meaning amidst challenges, and a guide for those exploring the boundless horizons of consciousness. Together, let us embark on this transformative odyssey, embracing the mysteries of the spiritual and the metaphysical, and discovering the profound harmony that exists between the soul and the cosmos.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    907,95 kr.

    In the grand tapestry of human existence, we find ourselves entwined in the threads of consciousness, spirituality, and the enigmatic realms of the metaphysical. As we embark on this profound journey together, we delve into the depths of understanding, seeking not only knowledge but also wisdom."CONSCIENTIOLOGY, SPIRITUALITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS FOR DOWN SYNDROME" is a testament to the boundless curiosity of the human spirit and its ceaseless quest to unravel the mysteries of our multidimensional reality. This book is a harmonious fusion of introspection, research, and contemplation-a tapestry woven with threads of insight, empathy, and wonder.In these pages, we embark on a voyage that transcends the boundaries of the physical world, exploring concepts that challenge conventional wisdom and beckon us to expand our horizons. We contemplate the nature of consciousness, the intricacies of spirituality, and the profound implications of the metaphysical on our lives. We touch upon topics that encompass the cosmic, the ethical, and the deeply personal, all in pursuit of a more profound understanding of ourselves and the universe we inhabit.This journey is both enlightening and humbling, as we encounter ideas that stretch the limits of our understanding and invite us to reevaluate our preconceptions. Through the lens of conscienciology, we explore the extraordinary possibilities of human potential, seeking to uplift not only our own lives but also the lives of those who face unique challenges, such as individuals with Down syndrome.Each chapter of this book is a stepping stone on our intellectual and spiritual odyssey, offering insights, reflections, and, above all, an invitation to contemplate the profound questions that have intrigued humanity for millennia. As we traverse the landscapes of consciousness, spirituality, and the metaphysical, may we find moments of clarity, inspiration, and transformation.This book is not the final destination; rather, it is an invitation to embark on your own exploration. The pages that follow are signposts, suggesting directions for further inquiry and personal growth. As you read, may you be inspired to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence, to seek your own truths, and to embark on your own journey of self-discovery.May this book serve as a beacon of illumination on your path, guiding you toward a richer, more profound understanding of consciousness, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all that exists.

  • af J. Calvin Coffey
    1.220,95 kr.

  • af Dragan Primorac
    940,95 kr.

    This book provides a practically applicable guide to the applications of pharmogenomics across medicine. Background information is provided on the mechanisms associated with membrane transporters, drug-metabolizing enzymes and their importance in pharmagenomics. Detailed guidance is subsequently presented on how to apply these techniques in disciplines including cardiology, gastroenterology, oncology, transplantation surgery, infectious diseases, anesthesia and analgesia, neurology, psychiatry, primary care, and public health. Clear easy-to-follow instructions are given on how to use big data technologies and public health databases in day-to-day clinical practice.Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Practice concisely covers how pharmacogenomic technologies and techniques can be applied in daily medical practice. It is therefore an ideal up-to-date resource for any medical practitioner, trainee or researcher across all medical disciplines who want to better understand how to use these techniques.

  • af Shihori Tanabe
    1.127,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    127,95 kr.

    "Angelman Syndrome Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is a compassionate and comprehensive resource offering invaluable insights into the world of Angelman Syndrome (AS). Dr. [Author's Name], an expert in the field, guides readers through the fundamental aspects of AS, from understanding the genetics behind it to recognizing and diagnosing symptoms. This guide delves into the daily challenges faced by individuals living with AS and their families, providing a biopsychosocial approach that encompasses the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of the syndrome. Covering topics such as family dynamics, myths versus reality, and transitioning to adulthood, the book empowers caregivers with practical strategies for supporting their loved ones. From preventive measures and complication management to therapeutic interventions, alternative therapies, and personal development strategies, this guide is a roadmap for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with AS. Navigating healthcare systems, coordinating multidisciplinary care, and understanding healthcare coverage are also thoroughly addressed, ensuring caregivers are well-equipped to advocate for their loved ones. With a focus on nutrition, personal safety, and independence, this guide is an indispensable companion for caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals, providing a holistic understanding of Angelman Syndrome and practical tools for improving the lives of those affected.

  • af Pejman Hajbabaie
    132,95 kr.

    In "Understanding CRISPR: A Simplified Guide," readers are invited on an enlightening journey through the revolutionary world of CRISPR-Cas9 technology. This guide is meticulously designed for those with little to no background in genetics or molecular biology, providing a clear and accessible introduction to one of the most groundbreaking scientific advancements of our time.Beginning with a brief history of genetic research, the book sets the stage for the discovery of CRISPR and its rapid development into a tool for gene editing. The author skillfully demystifies the complex science behind CRISPR, using layman's terms and relatable analogies to explain how this technology allows scientists to edit DNA sequences and modify gene function with unprecedented precision and flexibility.

  • af Xia Li
    879,95 kr.

    This book offers an in-depth and comprehensive review on current understanding of regulatory ncRNAs in complex diseases from a view of bioinformatics. It conveys state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools and methods for ncRNAs from computational detection, functional prediction, to their roles in diseases. Computational methods used to investigate uncharacterised ncRNAs in diseases are mainly summarized in seven aspects: DNA variation of ncRNAs in diseases, prioritization of disease-related ncRNAs, dysregulation epigenetic factors that regulate ncRNA misexpression (DNA methylation and histone-modification), complex crosstalk across ncRNAs, ncRNAs acted as competing regulators to mediate the expression of protein-coding genes, non-coding RNAs mediated risk pathways,and their contributions to drug target predictions. The generally used data resources of ncRNAs are also listed in the end. This book provides important information on the current progress in the fast-moving fields of bioinformatics for regulatory ncRNAs. It provides a timely and useful reference for computational biologists, specifically with RNA interests, and other related areas.Prof. Xia Li is a Professor and the Dean of College of Bioinformatics Science and Technology, Harbin Medical University, China. Dr. Yun Xiao, Dr. Juan Xu, Dr. Shangwei Ning and Dr. Yunpeng Zhang are from College of Bioinformatics Science and Technology, Harbin Medical University, China.

  • af Rudolf Happle
    940,95 - 1.272,95 kr.

    This second edition offers a fully revised and updated work on a rapidly growing field of knowledge, and was prepared by two experts whose goal was to explain the molecular basis of mosaic skin disorders in a language that is accessible for practicing physicians and medical students alike. It presents a timely and comprehensive overview of the strikingly manifold patterns and peculiarities of mosaic skin disorders in a straightforward, reader-friendly way that will help physicians to further improve genetic counseling and treatment outcomes.The first two parts of the book are devoted to the mechanisms and patterns of cutaneous mosaicism, and include an explanation of genomic and epigenetic mosaicism and a description of the archetypical segmental patterns including the lines of Blaschko and the flag-like, phylloid and lateralization pattern, the non-segmental pattern of large congenital melanocytic nevi, and the sash-like arrangement as noted in a particular type of cutis tricolor. The concept of lethal mutations surviving as mosaics has now been confirmed by molecular analysis in many sporadically occurring phenotypes. The difference between monoallelic and biallelic traits has deepened our understanding of hereditary mosaics, especially of multiple benign skin tumors. Moreover, recognition of the fundamental difference between the simple segmental and the superimposed types of mosaicism is important for the purpose of genetic counseling. In the third part, the various mosaic skin disorders are examined in depth, including nevi, didymotic disorders, other binary genodermatoses, mosaic manifestations of autosomal skin disorders, and nevoid skin disorders such as phenotypes reflecting functional X-chromosome mosaicism or a superimposed mosaic manifestation of common skin diseases with a polygenic background. Reader-friendly and clearly structured, Mosaicism in Human Skin will appeal to both experienced dermatologists and residents in training, as well as to medical geneticists and pediatricians.  

  • af Albert Jeltsch & Renata Z. Jurkowska
    2.199,95 - 2.337,95 kr.

  • af Alexander G. Haslberger
    1.073,95 - 1.391,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview on current trends and developments in precision nutrition and personalized health preservation, focussing on a field which is undergoing rapid change. Today, personalized strategies contrast generally accepted guidelines for specified groups and improved health and disease markers are shifting health care toward preventive strategies. At the same time, advances in food additives, nutraceuticals, functional, and medical foods are breaking down the traditional domains of health-related disciplines. This book aims to provide an overview on these processes, discusses arising problems, and provides an outlook on the future of personalized health care and the role of precision nutrition. It covers preliminary thoughts on what has been achieved and focusses on developments in the area of metabolic diseases, aging, and neurology. The book is intended as a primer in the field of precision nutrition and is aimed at researchers, clinicians, and students in health-related disciplines, who would like to get insights into current trends and developments in this area

  • af Rika Maruyama
    1.626,95 - 2.727,95 kr.

    This detailed book presents a comprehensive collection of state-of-the-art protocols on muscular dystrophy therapeutics, covering therapeutics using antisense oligonucleotides, gene replacement, genome editing, small molecules, stem cells, and antibodies. Written by leaders in the field, the volume explores techniques that are currently in use and are starting an exciting therapeutic revolution in muscular dystrophy. As a part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Muscular Dystrophy Therapeutics: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal resource to inspire readers and provide tips, strategies, and advice to develop new therapeutic technologies for this group of diseases.

  • af Reed E. Pyeritz
    1.097,95 - 1.155,95 kr.

    Emery and Rimoin¿s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Developmental Disorders, Seventh Edition is distinguished as the ultimate resource for clinicians integrating genetics into medical practice. This updated edition includes the latest information on seminal topics such as prenatal diagnosis, genome and exome sequencing, public health genetics, genetic counseling, and management and treatment strategies. This comprehensive yet practical resource emphasizes theory and research fundamentals related to applications of medical genetics across the full spectrum of inherited disorders and applications in medicine more broadly. Users will find comprehensive sections on medical genetics applied to a range of developmental disorders and an emphasis on understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying these disorders, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutics that make use of current genomic technologies and translational studies. Updated chapters on human developmental genetics as well as the genetics of sexual development, clefting, dental, and craniofacial syndromes, craniosynostosis, rasopathies, sex-chromosome abnormalities, and autosomal deletions, among other disorders are included.

  • af Hector B. Jacobs
    197,95 kr.

    Welcome to the pages of this book, a heartfelt exploration of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the unique journey it encompasses. Whether you're an individual with ADHD, a parent, a loved one, or simply seeking understanding, this book aims to shed light on the multifaceted nature of ADHD and its profound impact on lives.ADHD is more than just a diagnosis; it's an intricate tapestry of traits, strengths, and challenges that shape the experiences of those who possess it. In these chapters, we will embark on a voyage through the vast dimensions of ADHD, navigating the complexities and celebrating the remarkable qualities it bestows upon individuals.We recognize that ADHD affects people of all ages, and as such, this book seeks to provide insights and perspectives across the lifespan. From childhood to adolescence, from adulthood to the golden years, ADHD can present itself in various forms, influencing education, relationships, work, and self-perception.Throughout this journey, we will explore the common symptoms of ADHD, such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. But beyond these surface-level descriptions, we will delve deeper into the intricate workings of the ADHD mind. We will uncover the incredible creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and unique problem-solving abilities that often accompany this neurodivergent condition.Understanding ADHD is about embracing the diverse experiences of individuals who possess it. It's about acknowledging that ADHD is not a flaw or a limitation but rather a vibrant tapestry of neurological diversity. It's about shifting our focus from deficits to strengths and empowering those with ADHD to navigate a world that may not always understand or accommodate their needs.In these chapters, you will find personal stories of resilience, triumph, and self-discovery shared by individuals with ADHD. You will encounter practical strategies and tools that can enhance daily life and support personal growth. We will also discuss the importance of building a supportive network of understanding friends, family, educators, and healthcare professionals who can provide the necessary guidance and empathy.While this book cannot capture the entirety of the ADHD experience, it aspires to foster a sense of belonging, community, and validation. It invites you to join the conversation surrounding ADHD, dispelling myths and misconceptions, and opening the door to empathy and acceptance.So, whether you're embarking on this journey as a fellow traveler with ADHD, a caregiver, or a curious mind seeking understanding, I invite you to turn the page and embark on an enlightening and transformative exploration of ADHD-the remarkable minds, the extraordinary stories, and the power of embracing neurodiversity.

  • af Molecole Narrate
    292,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Mihai Nadin
    1.305,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    This book helps transform the awareness of the anticipatory perspective into actionable methods for practitioners of medicine. It provides guidance for those who design new means and methods inspired by epigenetics, in particular to those who advance sustainable alternatives.

  • af Stefan Jurga
    1.305,95 - 1.693,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the fundamentals and applications of messenger RNA (mRNA)-based therapeutics and discusses the strengths and key challenges of this emerging class of drugs. In the past 30 years, extensive research and technological development in many areas have contributed to the emergence of in vitro transcribed mRNA as a therapeutic that has now reached clinical testing. Formulations that protect the mRNA from nucleases and accelerate its cellular uptake, combined with improvements to the mRNA molecules themselves, have been critical advancements for mRNAs to become viable therapeutics. Though once regarded as a serious impediment, the transient nature of mRNA technology is now considered a major advantage in making mRNA therapies safe and, ultimately, a potential game changer in the field of medicine. This new book in the RNA Technologies series provides a state-of-the-art overview on the emerging field of mRNA therapeutics covering essential strategies for formulation, delivery, and application. It also reviews the promising role in cancer immunotherapy, respiratory diseases, and chronic HBV infection and discusses RNA vaccines in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. mRNA-based approaches have great potential to revolutionize molecular biology, cell biology, biomedical research, and medicine. Thus, this handbook is an essential resource for researchers in academia and industry contributing to the development of this new area of therapeutics.

  • af Rajender Singh
    940,95 kr.

    This textbook illustrates the importance and significance of molecular genetic testing in reproductive disorders. The present book covers the genetic testing in various reproductive system anomalies, including disorders of sexual development, male infertility (Y deletions, autosomal mutations, sperm DNA fragmentation), female infertility (PCOS and POF), mitochondrial DNA testing for oocyte quality, recurrent pregnancy loss, pre-term birth, endometrial receptivity, prenatal genetic screening, reproductive carrier screening, preimplantation genetic screening, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer and other related reproductive health disorders. Microbiome testing and its contribution to genetic testing in reproductive medicine are also discussed. Genetic testing in some of these has already come into practice, genetic testing for others is established but not clinically practiced, and genetic testing for others is yet in infancy as there is only limited data available. For the disorderswhere sufficient genetic data to undertake genetic testing is not available, we have tried to put together the evidence for proposing such tests in the near future. Apart from this, the book also covers ethical, moral and technical challenges in genetic testing in reproductive medicine. The book aims to set up a standard with regard to genetic testing in the reproductive medicine field, encourage further data generation, and provide food for thought in the areas of lacunae. The book serves graduate students, researchers, clinicians, professors, and patients in the field of reproductive medicine.¿

  • af Julius Rosenstirn
    187,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af James Wilson
    197,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Constance B. Hilliard
    274,95 kr.

    Race is a social reality, not a biological one. Yet African Americans are poorly served by even advanced genetic medicine because it is built on European DNA. Constance Hilliard explores the benefits and drawbacks of racial heuristics in medicine and argues for nonessentializing methods of harnessing genomic science on behalf of people of color.

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