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  • af Tim Spector
    125,95 - 330,95 kr.

  • - Hvordan allergi opstår, hvordan behandling sker, og hvad du selv kan gøre!
    af Ole Larsen & Torben Frank Andersen
    307,95 kr.

    ”Min videnskabelige nysgerrighed er i den grad pirret! Både min datter, flere andre familiemedlemmer og venner har prøvet det med gode resultater. Alle store nye opdagelser udfordrer vores menneskelige intellekt og skepsis. Metoden, som er beskrevet her, er en klar kandidat til en større videnskabelig undersøgelse. Det ville være fantastisk, hvis vi står over for et gennembrud i forståelsen af allergi – og samtidig en enkel og effektiv behandlingsmetode til at fjerne allergien.” Jan Utzon, Speciallæge i Samfunds- og Miljømedicin”Torben Frank Andersen og Ole Larsen har skrevet en meget udførlig bog om allergi, der i den grad inddrager et helhedsperspektiv, som allergibehandling har brug for. WHO har forudsagt, at 70 % af alle sygdomme i 2020 vil være stressrelaterede. Bogen illustrerer på udmærket vis sammenhængen mellem stress, allergi og sygdom. At allergi er psykosomatisk/en programmeringsfejl, er helt i tråd med, hvordan vi forstår hjernens tolkning af sensoriske inputs fra omgivelserne – og endnu et spændende perspektiv på chok/traume-behandling. Jeg hilser bogen velkommen og håber, at mange flere vil tage det forebyggende og helhedsorienterede perspektiv til sig.” Jesper Peter Rasmussen, Stressambassadøren og Københavns Gestalt Institut

  • - Helt uden mælk og gluten
    af Karina Villumsen
    81,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Vafler til morgenmad, frokost, aftensmad og dessert? Det er lettere, end man kan forestille sig. I dag kan man få vaffelforme til ovnen. Det gør vaffelbagning meget nemmere og med mindre rengøring og ventetid.Alle opskrifterne i denne bog er mælkefri og glutenfri.Gør det let for dig selv, når du er på en glutenfri og mælkefri diæt. Opskrifterne kan også laves uden æg.Velbekomme!Bogen indeholder 32 opskrifter på vafler med flotte farvefotos og nemme løsninger.

  • af Jesper Brandt Andersen
    190,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Ifølge Astma-Allergi Danmark har hver femte dansker allergi. Mange mennesker lever hver dag med gener og belastninger, som kan forringe livskvaliteten. Flere er ramt af gentagen nysen, eksem, kløe, tilstoppet næse, tør hud etc. Allergi er en overreaktion i immunsystemet på ellers normalt uskadelige stoffer, og både voksne og børn rammes af sygdommen. Med en så stor gruppe af mennesker, der er berørt af allergi, er det kun naturligt, at myter om sygdommen florerer. Derfor laver vi nu bogen 100 myter om allergi for at finde hoved og hale i de ofte modstridende udsagn om sygdommen. Myterne er f.eks.: OPVÆKST I ET HJEM MED PELSDYR ØGER RISIKOEN FOR UDVIKLING AF ASTMA OG ALLERGI ALLERGI KAN UDLØSES AF STRESSALLERGI ER LIGESÅ ALMINDELIGT PÅ LANDET SOM I BYEN. 100 myter om allergi er den tiende bog i myteserien fra FADL’s Forlag. Den går mere ind i det sundhedsfaglige felt end de seneste udgivelser om mad, sex og kærlighed. Forfatteren bag bogen er børnelæge Jesper Brandt Andersen, der tidligere har skrevet bøgerne Børnelægens store bog om barnets sygdomme og biografien om den danske anatom Thomas Bartholin.

  • - En selvhjælpsbog
    af Karina Villumsen
    177,95 kr.

    En dysbiose er en overvægt af skadelige mikroorganismer, svampe og sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier, hvor svampe, bakterier eller parasitter har svært ved at indgå i det harmoniske fællesskab, der findes i kroppen. Det kan ødelægge tarmfloraen og forårsage inflammation, øget tarmgennemtrængelighed og medvirke til udviklingen at fødevareallergier, fødevareintolerancer og sensitivitet over for fødevarer.Bogen giver en god indsigt i, hvordan du kan bringe kroppen i balance, på et sprog, som er let at forstå med mange gode forklaringer og lækre opskrifter.

  • - Forebyg allergi og allergisymptomer hos dig og din familie
    af Joan Tønder Grønning
    159,95 kr.

    "Bogen om Allergi" er for danskere, der har allergi – eller som gerne vil undgå at få allergi hos dem selv eller deres børn.Bogen er en opslagsbog og dens særlige, brugervenlige opbygning gør sammen med over 250 fotos og letforståelige tekster, at alle – uanset allergi’erfaring’ og læselyst – nemt og hurtigt finder frem til præcis den information, de mangler. Her er både grundlæggende fakta til dem uden allergi, mere uddybende til dem, der lige har fået konstateret allergi, men også særlige fif til dem, der har haft allergi i mange år."Bogen om Allergi" beskriver alle allergityper, er målrettet 'forebyggelse' og dens faglige indhold er gennemgået af 10 førende allergieksperter. Den kombination er aldrig set før, og derfor er "Bogen om Allergi" helt unik og uundværlig i den moderne danske familie.Forfatteren har også skrevet "Bogen om Tvillinger 0-10 år" og "Uge-for-uge-kalender - til dig, der venter tvillinger".

  • af Anne Catherine Færgemann
    161,95 kr.

  • - Min rejse med hudsygdommen Rosacea
    af Karina Villumsen
    177,95 kr.

    Dette er en meget personlig beskrivelse af en ung kvindes rejse, hvis fysiske reaktion på svære oplevelser især kommer til udtryk via hudens reaktion og både bliver en udfordring, men også anledning til selvhealing.De, der aldrig har været generet af hudproblemer, uanset om det er pletter, bumser, pigmentpletter, eksem, akne, dermatitis eller rosacea, kan måske have svært ved at sætte sig ind i, hvor meget det kan fylde i én. Nogle gange ser folk det slet ikke så meget, som man selv tror, men det kan fylde i ens opmærksomhed og dominere i en grad, at det tager fokus fra, hvad man ellers gør. Rosacea er en tricky hudreaktion og to helt identiske udgaver findes ikke, men der er mange fællesnævnere, som på en let og overskuelig måde bliver introduceret i bogen.Må denne bog blive en inspiration til dig, uanset om det handler om at finde løsninger til samme udfordring eller selve det at få inspiration til ikke at give op og blive ved med at søge livsglæde og livskraft – og få opmærksomhed på vores organisme som en helhed og ikke adskilt. Alene det at kunne spejle sig i Karinas modige deling af sin historie og ikke føle sig alene om det.

  • af Haur Yueh Lee
    1.314,95 - 2.352,95 kr.

    Cutaneous adverse drug reactions are common and range from the benign to those which are life-threatening. The clinical presentation of these dermatoses is varied and many may mimic common skin conditions. Consequently, diagnosis in drug-induced skin disease is challenging and the treatment considerations are complex.     This book aims to bridge the divide between dermatology and allergy by providing a comprehensive review on the pathomechanisms and clinical features of cutaneous adverse drug reactions. Broken up into three distinct sections: General Considerations, Reaction Patterns, and Special Drug Categories, these chapters cover the common and rare adverse skin reactions and provide information on recent advances - particularly immunopathology and pharmacogenetics - as well as highlighting new adverse drug signals and novel therapies. Drug Eruptions is a must-have resource for dermatologists, allergists, internal physicians and general practitioners.

  • af Vladimir V. Klimov
    690,95 - 857,95 kr.

    Allergies are a significant health issue, yet few books exist on allergen tolerance of separation; here the author classifies allergen tolerance breakdown in specific types, according to the possibility that the autonomic breakdown of allergen tolerance in the unified airway depends on a deficit of pro-tolerogenic neurotransmitters at the local level. This paradigm, which explains the pathogenesis of allergic disorders, opens to new approaches to allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT). While focusing on the new atopic disorders of the unified airway, such as local allergic rhinitis, "e;dual"e; allergic rhinitis, local allergic asthma, and local allergic conjunctivitis, the work combines clinical examples of allergic diseases and their treatment with their immunological background. The topics range from the specific immune-derived maintenance of allergen tolerance and the role of the neuroimmune network in allergic inflammation to conventional atopic diseases and more particular issues of local atopic disorders in the unified airway, oral tolerance, and its breakdown, and its translation in genitourinary aspects of allergic inflammation. Specific chapters are also devoted to allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) and anti-allergy treatments. Thought for upper graduate students, it will also be a valued resource for allergy practitioners, pulmonologists, ENT specialists, pediatricians, and translational researchers. Textbook of Allergen Tolerance includes classical didactic features such as abstracts, keywords, background notes, discussion points, and Q&A., as well as 20 audio files Text-to-Speech for the visually impaired, and 10 video to support the readers.

  • af Cemal Cingi
    857,95 kr.

    The book offers a comprehensive overview of ENT diseases during pregnancy, postpartum and lactating period. It brings together the experience of authors from more than 25 countries  and aims to provide a broader  understanding of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the ENT pathologies in pregnant and lactating women. The book is organized in 7 main parts according to the ENT subspecialties, and each chapter features a reader-friendly, uniform structure. It includes developments about COVID-19 infection. ENT Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment during Pregnancy and Lactation will appeal to a wide readership, from ENT practitioners through allergists and pulmonologists, to trainees and students in ENT, obstetrics/gynecology.

  • af Ralph Junckerstorff
    1.272,95 kr.

    This textbook assembles the wealth of clinical experiences across multiple medical specialties and offers clinical pearls that will result in better patient care and are highly relevant to daily practice. This book has been compiled by many renowned clinicians, medical educators, and researchers who are experts in their respective disciplines across Australia, New Zealand and the United States. The chapters provide multiple cases in vignette format, illustrating the clinical pearls, and finish with a discussion and practical tips. This format will allow the reader to easily understand how the clinical pearls can be applied in clinical practice. Evidence-based medicine and clinical guidelines help us choose the best management and treatment options for our patients. However, many questions in medicine have not been researched or are not readily amenable to research. In fact, there is more to the art and mastery of practicing clinical medicine than the evidence-based approach. Information gained over years of reflective clinical practice and cumulative wisdom adds value to evidence-based clinical medicine. With experience and clinical gestalt playing an equal, if not a more prominent role than what evidence can offer in a physician¿s approach to solving clinical problems, this book offers unique perspectives on the practice of medicine.Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine: Clinical Pearls from Experienced Physicians will be valuable for later-year medical students, medical educators, doctors in training, and consultant physicians alike. Aiming to improve the day-to-day medical practices of professionals, the Editors have invited experienced physicians to share their expertise culminating in a unique book with broad applicability and appeal.

  • af Kirsten Perrett
    266,95 kr.

    Expert advice from world-leading child allergy specialists + 100 recipes from Australia's No.1 food siteAustralian families affected by common food-related allergies can now rejoice with this ground-breaking cookbook developed with expertise provided by Australia's leading child health specialists at Murdoch Children's Research Institute, with a wealth of easy, family-friendly recipes from Australia's number one food platform, The Allergy Friendly Family Cookbook will revolutionise family kitchens and school lunchboxes everywhere, with helpful and practical tips drawn from the latest research by paediatric and allergy specialists at Murdoch Children's Research Institute. This essential resource includes easy-to-understand, evidence-based advice and is packed with tried and tested allergy-friendly recipes the whole family will enjoy, from breakfast, lunch and lunchbox ideas through to dinner, dessert and special occasions. Complete with handy 'at-a-glance' icons and extensive indexes, the Allergy Friendly Family Cookbook will be a voice of reassurance for families navigating the often-dangerous waters of food allergies.

  • af Andreas J. Bircher
    1.314,95 - 2.352,95 kr.

    This book covers all aspects of hypersensitivity to drugs, providing practical information for non-specialist physicians as well as addressing issues of interest to practitioners in different specialties and presenting the expert knowledge required by specialist allergists and immunologists. The opening, general section discusses basics such as clinical manifestations, histopathology, mechanisms, risk factors, drug hypersensitivity in particular populations, and the full range of diagnostic methods. The second part of the book provides concise information on the most important drug classes and guides the reader on how to proceed when patients present with a suspected reaction. For each drug class, the current level of evidence for use of the different diagnostic tools, including skin tests, provocation tests, and in vitro tests, is clarified, and management options, outlined. The inclusion of helpful tables and algorithms is designed to aid in decision making. Drug hypersensitivity is among the more complex allergological issues, and this book will meet the needs of general practitioners, internists, and specialists.

  • af Magdalena M. Gorska
    1.023,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

    This volume details a collection of laboratory protocols to study asthma in mice and humans. Chapters cover animal models of asthma, methods to measure asthma-related molecules, protocols to detect, isolate, culture and stimulate cells that contribute to asthma in mice and humans, methods to deplete these cells in vivo and study responses of intact airway tissues ex vivo. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Asthma: Methods and Protocols aims to be a foundation for future studies and to be a source of inspiration for new investigations in the field.

  • af Beatriz Cabanillas
    2.337,95 kr.

    This detailed volume provides a comprehensive collection of methods and protocols in food allergy and food allergens studies. The selected protocols explore the study of food allergens, from recombinant production, purification procedures, IgE and T cell epitopes characterization, to allergen structure description, cellular responses, and tolerance induction, through a variety of techniques and animal models. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Food Allergens: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal reference for scientists at all stages involved in the study of food allergy and allergenic components.

  • af Graham A. W. Rook
    1.561,95 kr.

    This edited collection of 12 chapters by research workers from a wide range of disciplines resolves the confusion that currently surrounds the "e;hygiene hypothesis"e; by considering the human need for exposure to microorganisms from an evolutionary point of view.  The book explains why we evolved a requirement for exposure to microbiota from our mothers, from other people, and from the natural environment. It also explains the physiological roles of these exposures, what goes wrong when the exposures are distorted and how human lifestyles and activities, including degradation of the natural environment, are leading to this distortion.  Particular attention is given to the range of pathologies associated with inappropriate microbial exposures and inappropriate colonization, including immunoregulatory problems such as allergies and autoimmunity, metabolic problems such as obesity and diabetes, and problems of central nervous system function and neurodegeneration.  This book is of profound relevance to most medical disciplines, but also to those concerned with preserving the natural environment and with developing healthier urbanisation.

  • af Austin Chiang
    167,95 kr.

    Become body literate with Gut: An Owner's Guide, the next book in The Body Literacy Library, an enlightening series that will democratise health for a new generation of readers. Gut: An Owner's Guide is an informative, practical, and engaging introduction to this hidden-away part of the body. We tend to only pay attention to our gut when it tries to tell us something - when it feels uncomfortable or something goes wrong. This myth-busting book focuses on all aspects of gut health, so you can steer clear of Dr Google and find out what will really make your gut happier and healthier. Dr Austin Chiang is a world-renowned expert in gut health and TikTok star, who believes everyone has a right to know and understand their body. He translates medical jargon into simple, clear prose, answering frequently asked patient queries, and investigating what we fear, and most misunderstand about our gut. From what you should eat (or not) to how often you should poo, to the microbiome and the brain/gut connection - this taboo-tackling book applies science to the everyday, with simple illustrations, checklists, FAQs, and myth busters, all supported by the latest medical research. Gut: An Owner's Guide won't just help you to understand your body, it might even change your life.

  • af Walter Gottlieb Land
    1.687,95 kr.

  • af Massoud Mahmoudi
    1.189,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive review of allergy and immunology, specifically dedicated as a board review preparation. The book is a collective effort and participation of over 90 well known allergists, immunologists, and rheumatologist who are academician and or practitioners. Chapters are presented in a "e; Case-Based"e; format. Each chapter presents 2 cases; each case is followed by multiple choice questions/ answers and discussions. Each chapter also offers a list of specific references used in the text, that will enhance the readers' portfolio of resources. Allergy and Immunology Board Review is a must-have resource for allergy & immunology fellows-in-training and all allergy practitioners as well as any medical provider including residents, medical students and allied health who rotate in allergy divisions. 

  • af Torsten Zuberbier
    857,95 kr.

    Urticaria is one of the most common diseases in dermatology and allergy. Unlike many other diseases, the ? eeting nature of the wheals makes ? rst diagnosis by both patients and phy- cians in many cases easy. However, this only refers to the ordinary wheals. The disease itself is highly complex in nature, with variety of clinical manifestations ranging from pinpoi- sized wheals to extensive angiodema. Complexity is also seen in the diversity of possible eliciting factors, the many different clinical subtypes and the therapeutic responsiveness. Only in recent years has a better understanding of the diversity in the different subtypes led to new classi? cations and new evidence-based guidelines for diagnostics and mana- ment of the disease. While mast cells are in the center of most urticaria reactions, it is now clearly understood that the responsible mediators are not only limited to histamines. The current book appears in a series of books by Springer. In 1986, the ? rst monograph was edited by Professor Henz nee Chanewsky. Since then, two updates of the book have appeared in the German language with Professor Henz as ? rst editor and T. Zuberbier, J. Grabbe, and E. Monroe as the co-editors of the most recent English version, published in 1998. All these books have been written as a joint effort of Professor Henz together with her team at the Department of Dermatology at the Virchow Clinic, Humboldt University, Berlin.

  • af Theresa MacPhail
    245,95 kr.

    Allergic, a captivating novel by Theresa MacPhail, is a recent publication from 2023. This book, published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), delves deep into the complexity of human emotions, making it a must-read for any literature enthusiast. MacPhail, known for her eloquent writing and deep character development, has once again proven her talent in this latest offering. The book was published on the 25th of May, 2023, and has already garnered positive reviews from readers worldwide. Written in English, this book is a testament to MacPhail's ability to weave a compelling narrative that resonates with readers across the globe. Grab your copy today and immerse yourself in the world of Allergic.

  • af Catherine Quequet
    195,95 kr.

    In The Complete Guide to Allergies, author and allergist Dr. Catherine Quéquet explores the world of the most common allergies and introduces readers to the strangest and newest allergies that have impacted large numbers of the population in recent years.

  • af Kelley Richardson
    172,95 kr.

    The Very Stuffy Nose is the story of a boy who starts breathing through his mouth after getting a cold. His habitual mouth breathing leads to long term nasal congestion which also affects his ability to smell. Join Finn on this journey as he discovers how to unstuff his stuffy nose and that his nose is for smelling and breathing.This story educates on the consequences of mouth breathing and the benefits of breathing through the nose. In addition to being a decongestion suggestion, the author, Kelley Richardson, details her own experience as a parent struggling to help her young son with chronic congestion, inflammation, poor sleep and restlessness. Kelley hopes to spark awareness of how simple changes in breathing and sleep can result in positive improvements in behavior, growth and development.

  • af S. Mitsuhashi, V. Krcmery & L. Rosival
    879,95 kr.

  • af Matthijs Blankesteijn
    1.374,95 kr.

    Inflammation in Heart Failure, edited by W. Matthijs Blankesteijn and Raffaele Altara, is the first book in a decade to provide an in-depth assessment on the causes, symptoms, progression and treatments of cardiac inflammation and related conditions. This reference uses two decades of research to introduce new methods for identifying inflammatory benchmarks from early onset to chronic heart failure and specifically emphasizes the importance of classifying at-risk subgroups within large populations while determining the patterns of cytokines in such classifications. Further, the book details clinical applications of the pathophysiological mechanisms of heart failure, diagnosis and therapeutic strategies. Inflammation in Heart Failure's breadth of subject matter, easy-to-follow structure, portability, and high-quality illustrations create an accessible benefit for researchers, clinicians and students.

  • af Otto G. Bier, Wilmar Dias Da Silva, Dietrich Götze & mfl.
    452,95 kr.

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