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  • - og hoved-hals-kirurgi
    af Ulrik Pedersen, Knud Larsen, Niels Rasmussen, mfl.
    619,95 kr.

    Lærebog i øre-næse-halssygdomme - og hoved-hals-kirurgi er en helt ny lærebog, der afløser den klassiske lærebog af Thomsen og Jepsen. Bogen baserer sig på et nyt koncept, der bl.a. rummer et bredt forfatterpanel og en ny vægtning af stoffet med fokus på nationale retningslinjer, klassifikationer og danske universitetshospitalers procedurebeskrivelser. Bogens centrale del består af de organspecifikke afsnit, der hver især har en ny og konsekvent struktur og nyt billedmateriale. En mindre del af bogen præsenterer dels undersøgelsesteknikker, en symptomorienteret indgangsvinkel til patienten samt de akutte ørenæsehals-tilstande. Målgruppen er primært medicinstuderende, introduktionslæger i specialet og praktiserende læger. Bogen suppleres af et interaktivt læringssite på forlagets hjemmeside med bl.a. undersøgelsesvideoer og kliniske cases.

  • af Marianne Fjordgård & Per Bennicke
    239,95 kr.

  • - Om høreforstyrrelsen APD - Auditory Processing Disorder
    af Helle Overballe Mogensen & Dorte Bisgaard
    187,95 kr.

    APD er en hyppigt overset lyttevanskelighed, der påvirker barnets og den unges læring, udvikling og trivsel. Denne bog giver viden om, hvordan APD kommer til udtryk, hvad der forårsager problemerne, og hvad man som forælder, pædagog, lærer eller anden professionel kan gøre for at støtte barnet og den unge med dårlige lyttefærdigheder.APD skyldes ikke nedsat hørelse, men at hjernen ikke formår at skelne lydene, zoome ind på relevant lyd, sortere lyde og skabe mening. Børn med APD har derfor ofte svært ved at forstå det talte sprog og kan have besvær med fx læse-stave-tilegnelsen.Når hjernen ikke lytter giver en teoretisk gennemgang af hørelsen og hjernens processering af lyd samt den viden, der findes om APD’ens karakter. Bogen indeholder casebeskrivelser, en praksisdel, der giver forslag til forbedringer af de fysiske rammer i læringsmiljøet, pædagogisk understøttende tiltag, viden om behandlingsmuligheder samt screeningsark, der kan anvendes til at vurdere om et barn har en indikation for APD.

  • - Oftalmologi - ØNH - Dermatologi
    af Divan Gabriel Topal, Bahar Balci, Simon Johannessen, mfl.
    447,95 kr.

    CASES I SANSEFAGOFTALMOLOGI | OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGI | DERMATOLOGIMed CASES I SANSEFAG kan du træne dine kliniske evner med udgangspunkt i specialerne, der beskæftiger sig med øjensygdomme, øre-næse-hals-sygdomme og hudsygdomme. Bogen tager det vigtigste og hyppigste fra fagområderne og tilføjer en ny læringsdimension: Den kliniske, casebaserede tankegang som brobygning til virkelighedens diagnostiske landskab.At træffe den rette lægefaglige beslutning kræver teoretisk viden og klinisk erfaring. Den gode case kombinerer og formidler begge dele i systematiseret form, som er afgørende for øvelse og læring af mønstergenkendelse, en analytisk tilgang og kritisk refleksion – fra patientmodtagelse, over udredning til behandling og plan for det videre forløb.CASES I SANSEFAG er tilpasset medicinstuderende, som læser på landets medicinske fakulteter i København, Odense, Århus og Aalborg, og postgraduate yngre læger under KBU-, intro- og HU-uddannelse. Bogen er skrevet af speciallæger indenfor deres respektive fagområder.

  • af Myron Yanoff
    1.440,95 kr.

    Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry reviews the year’s most important findings and updates within the field in order to provide ophthalmologists and optometrists with the current clinical information they need to improve patient outcomes. A distinguished editorial board, led by Dr. Myron Yanoff, identifies key areas of major progress and controversy and invites preeminent specialists to contribute original articles devoted to these topics. These insightful overviews in ophthalmology and optometry inform and enhance clinical practice by bringing concepts to a clinical level and exploring their everyday impact on patient care.Contains 30 articles on such topics as visual snow syndrome; current management of nystagmus; same-day bilateral cataract surgery; management of dislocated IOLs; distinguishing papilledema from pseudopapilledema; multidisciplinary orbital tumors; periocular aesthetics; and more.Provides in-depth, clinical reviews in ophthalmology and optometry, providing actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information in the field under the leadership of an experienced editorial team. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.

  • af Ben Barsties von Latoszek
    505,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt die modernen multidimensionalen-quantitativen Verfahren in der Stimmdiagnostik, auf der Basis wissenschaftlicher Evidenz und schlägt einen evidenzbasierten Minimalstandard in der Stimmdiagnostik vor. Damit liefert es den notwendigen wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund verbunden mit der praktischen Umsetzung.Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre geben Logopäd*innen, Stimm- und Sprachtherapeut*innen sowie Ärztinnen und Ärzte in der HNO und Phoniatrie neue Möglichkeiten bei der medizinischen und therapeutischen Versorgung von Patienten mit Stimmstörungen. Die Stimmdiagnostik und die unterschiedlichen Stimmbehandlungen von heterogenen Stimmstörungen können somit besser verzahnt werden, um ein Clinical Reasoning für die Stimmbehandlung strukturiert anzuwenden. Plus: Zahlreiche Videos, Audios und Arbeitsmaterialien zum Download erleichtern die Umsetzung in die Praxis.

  • af Albert Henry Buck
    397,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Pak-Hin Kong
    1.274,95 kr.

    This comprehensive volume provides balanced and easily readable chapters on contemporary topics around discourse production in patients with neurogenic disorders. Discourse broadly refers to a unit of language longer than a single sentence, typically used in a spoken or written format to express ideas, feelings, and opinions or to interact with others. As the field of research in speech-language pathology, aphasia and related neurogenic disorders, and clinical decision-making to manage neurogenic impairments is rapidly expanding, there has been an increased focus on discourse analysis and therapy to enable patients to speak well again. Various user groups and people with lived experience (e.g., aphasia, dementia, traumatic brain injury, right hemisphere damage, etc.) are also increasingly focused on the impact of neurogenic impairments on domains of conversation and changes in language skills beyond the smaller linguistic components of single words and sentences that are traditionally supported by speech-language therapy. The first part of this book details and discusses the basic principles, historical perspectives (history and developmental milestones), neural basis, and recent evolutions and advancement of discourse analysis in speakers with acquired communication disorders. The second part of the book outlines and illustrates current methods for discourse elicitation and analysis across different clinical populations. Recent leaps forward in technology that can assist in the recording, processing, and analysis of discourse will be highlighted. The final part of book reviews and summarizes key developments of various evidenced-based training strategies, interventions, and treatment programs, as well as utilization of innovative technology to clinically improve neurogenic disordered discourse.¿This is an ideal guide for researchers, clinicians, and students in the field of communication sciences and disorders, speech and language therapy, gerontology, (neuro-)linguistics, psychology, and related fields in clinical medicine.

  • af Itzhak Brook MD
    217,95 kr.

    H¿¿ng d¿n c¿t thanh qün cung c¿p thông tin th¿c t¿ có th¿ h¿ tr¿ ng¿¿i b¿ c¿t thanh qün v¿ các v¿n ¿¿ y t¿, nha khoa và tâm lý. Nó ch¿a thông tin v¿ tác d¿ng ph¿ c¿a x¿ tr¿ và hóa tr¿; ph¿¿ng pháp nói; ch¿m sóc ¿¿¿ng th¿, l¿ thoát khí và gi¿ng nói gi¿; ¿n và nüt; các m¿i quan tâm v¿ y t¿, nha khoa và tâm lý; hô h¿p; gây tê; và ¿i du l¿ch. H¿¿ng d¿n này không thay th¿ cho vi¿c ch¿m sóc y t¿ chuyên nghi¿p.

  • af Vivien Schmeling Piccin
    858,95 kr.

    Providing good quality sleep to people with sleep-related breathing disorders is a major challenge for respiratory physiotherapists and other professionals working in the field. These patients chronically suffer from the negative effects of interrupted sleep, a consequence of increased respiratory effort, disturbing arousals and constant hypoxias. Using positive pressure equipment every night goes far beyond simply programming a device and choosing a mask.This book provides a deep analysis and interpretation of the respiratory flow curves during sleep in patients using pressure therapy. It also helps the reader to understand the influence of the physiological and pathophysiological processes on the respiratory pattern during sleep. Consisting of multiples figures, graphics and case examples, this practical work offers a comprehensive and didactic approach to using pressure therapy for sleep apnea treatment. The target audience is Sleep Medicine clinicians,as well as physicians from different specialties (Otolaryngologists, Pulmonologists, Neurologists), Physical Therapists, Dentists, Speech Pathologists, and all other professionals who work with sleep-disordered breathing field.

  • af Mohammad Javed Ali
    8.377,95 kr.

    The 2nd edition of this successful Atlas provides an updated and comprehensive guide to the evaluation and management of lacrimal drainage disorders. Lacrimal disorders are one of the most common conditions encountered not only by oculoplastic surgeons and general ophthalmologists, but also by otorhinolaryngologists in their daily practice. It is authored by a world renowned expert in the field. The 2nd edition consists of 90 chapters addressing the basic anatomy and underlying pathology, patient evaluation, and the surgical procedures currently performed in managing various lacrimal disorders. Surgical modalities including the endoscopic approaches are thoroughly and succinctly captured in pictures with detailed legends to aid understanding and offer a visual treat. The book discusses how to deal with surgical complications and failure in detail since familiarity with a surgical technique is incomplete without the knowledge of risk factors and red flags.The 2nd edition of the Atlas of Lacrimal Drainage Disorders is an essential companion to the author¿s previous work `Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery¿.This detailed guide is an indispensable resource for practicing ophthalmologists, oculoplastic surgeons, dacryologists, ophthalmology residents, ophthalmology fellows, practicing otorhinolaryngologists, otolaryngology residents and rhinology fellows.

  • af Philippa Thomson
    1.315,95 - 2.417,95 kr.

  • af Alan Roger Santos-Silva
    690,95 kr.

    Die genaue Diagnose der unzähligen Krankheiten, die die Mundregion befallen können, die korrekte Beratung der Patienten und die kompetente Behandlung sind eine ständige Herausforderung für Zahnärzte und medizinisches Fachpersonal. Oft wird die Diagnose dieser Krankheiten vernachlässigt oder falsch gestellt. Dieses kompakte Buch ist ein Leitfaden für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe bei der klinischen Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich der oralen Erkrankungen. Es hilft nicht nur bei der Diagnose und Behandlung von Erkrankungen im Mund- und Kieferbereich, sondern auch bei der Einschätzung, wer die Erkrankung behandeln und vor allem wer behandelt werden sollte. Das Werk bietet klare Leitlinien, die auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen beruhen und durch die kritische Analyse der Autoren bereichert werden. Das Buch ist in acht Hauptabschnitte unterteilt, die achtundzwanzig Kapitel umfassen. Die meisten von ihnen haben nicht mehr als 5 Seiten und folgen dem gleichen Format, um den Leserneine bessere und standardisierte Orientierung zu geben. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einer Zusammenfassung des Themas, einer kurzen Beschreibung der wichtigsten Krankheiten, die in diese diagnostische Kategorie fallen, und ihren wichtigsten Definitionen. Anschließend werden die klinischen Merkmale, die Möglichkeiten der Diagnosestellung und ein Behandlungsprotokoll für jede Läsion vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erörtern die erfahrenen Autoren, wie sie den Patienten schlechte Nachrichten überbringen. Der letzte Abschnitt ist speziell der zahnärztlichen Behandlung von medizinisch komplexen Befunden und wenig bekannten Erkrankungen wie dem Burning-Mouth-Syndrom und COVID-19 gewidmet. Mehr als 140 hochauflösende klinische Bilder illustrieren das Buch. Klinische Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin richtet sich an Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Ärzte verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die sich für Krankheiten mit systemischen Auswirkungen auf den Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtskomplex und für die oralen Auswirkungen von Behandlungen komplexer Krankheiten wie Kopf- und Halskrebs interessieren. Auch für Studierende der Zahnmedizin ist es ein interessantes Buch.

  • af Marco Kesting
    1.616,95 kr.

    Literatur über die Chirurgie der Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalten ist in der Regel sehr spezifisch und für Experten auf diesem Gebiet geschrieben. Ein chirurgisches Handbuch zum Erlernen der basalen chirurgischen Techniken bei Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalten fehlt bisher auf dem Markt. Spaltchirurgische Atlanten enthalten nicht alle operativen Schritte und machen es Anfängern schwer, das didaktische Konzept im Operationssaal zu verstehen. Die Technik der Spaltchirurgie wird daher oft direkt vom Lehrer an den Schüler weitergegeben, ohne dass ein systematisch ausgearbeitetes Lehrkonzept vorliegt.Das vorliegende Buch schließt genau diese Lücke. So wird die Chirurgie der Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalten systematisch dargestellt - mit ersten Schritten an einem innovativen Ausbildungsmodell, didaktisch sinnvoll und mit zahlreichen detaillierten Abbildungen. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit Informationen zum historischen Hintergrund. Zunächst wird kurz beschrieben, wie die etablierten Operationstechniken zum Standard wurden und welche Überlegungen zu diesen Konzepten führten. Anschließend werden anatomische Grundlagen sowie präoperative Überlegungen vorgestellt. Hierfür werden aufwendige Schemazeichnungen und Abbildungen verwendet. Jede Operationstechnik wird dann Schritt für Schritt mit zahlreichen Bildern erklärt und gezeigt. Ein einfaches Trainingsmodell bietet die Möglichkeit, die Techniken der Lippenplastik Schritt für Schritt zu simulieren und zu üben. Abschließend gibt es Expertentipps und Empfehlungen für weiterführende Literatur. Das Buch stellt einen internationalen Standard für alle Chirurgen dar, die die die Chirurgie der Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalten erlernen möchten. Es kann aber auch für Experten auf dem Gebiet hilfreich sein, z. B. zum Nachschlagen von Konzepten bei selteneren Spalttypen wie den lateralen Gesichtsspalten.

  • af Richard B Berry
    1.081,95 kr.

    Master the basics of sleep medicine with this easy to read, award-winning text! Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner, and Scott M. Ryals, is an ideal resource for sleep medicine fellows and trainees, sleep technicians, and sleep medicine practitioners as a concise, clinically focused alternative to larger references. Beginning with core content, it then proceeds to information useful for everyday practice-all written in a clear, direct style designed for quick and easy access.Features video content that demonstrates common sleep disorders.Includes more than 350 updated multiple-choice questions and answers for self-assessment and board preparation.New! Offers concise Key Points at the end of each chapter, expanding on information from Drs. Berry and Wagner’s popular book Sleep Medicine Pearls to enhance your understanding.Provides updated references to AASM scoring guidelines and diagnostic criteria for sleep disorders.Illustrated with numerous diagrams, charts, and polysomnograms (sleep studies) to clarify complex concepts.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Yongxin Li
    867,95 - 1.609,95 kr.

    Having been found in 3%-21% patients with congenital sensorineural deafness, cochlear nerve deficiency (CND) is defined by a small or absent cochlear nerve. This book describes the updated information on the embryology, pre- and post- operative auditory, electrophysiology and vestibular aspects of CND. What's more, the cochlear implantation (CI) strategy and CI outcomes as well as comparison with normal patients will be discussed in details with selected cases and high resolution illustrations. It will be a valuable reference for otologists, audiologists and practitioners who would like to understand more about CND and choose optimal clinical strategy of CI surgery for CND.

  • af Rod J. Rohrich
    3.492,95 kr.

    "The first edition of Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters published in 2002 compiled the knowledge and concepts developed in large part by the original faculty of the Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium led by Jack P. Gunter, MD. Now in its fourth edition, this widely acclaimed textbook has become the global educational rhinoplasty source and Nose Bible for Rhinoplasty! Edited by world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeon Rod J. Rohrich, with Jamil Ahmad and William P. Adams, Jr., the completely new edition features advances and innovations in rhinoplasty-from preservation to precision structural rhinoplasty finesse and techniques to proven problem-solving methods to get the best and most consistent results in rhinoplasty"--

  • af Astrid Jensen
    262,95 kr.

    Plants are an essential part of our planet's ecosystem, providing us with food, oxygen, and numerous other resources. However, just like humans and animals, plants are also susceptible to diseases. Understanding the importance of plant health and the field of plant pathology is crucial for students interested in the field of botany.Plant health refers to the overall well-being of plants, including their ability to resist diseases, pests, and environmental stresses. Healthy plants not only yield higher crop production but also contribute to a balanced and sustainable environment. As students delve into the world of botany, they will realize that maintaining plant health is of utmost importance for the future of agriculture and the planet.Plant pathology is the study of plant diseases and the science behind their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Disease detectives, or plant pathologists, play a crucial role in identifying and managing plant diseases to ensure the health and productivity of crops. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and transmission of plant diseases, students can help protect plants from harmful pathogens and work towards sustainable agriculture.Plant diseases can have devastating effects, leading to significant yield losses, economic hardships, and even famine in some regions. By learning about plant health, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage these diseases effectively. They can recognize early signs of disease, implement proper disease management techniques, and develop innovative strategies to combat plant pathogens in a sustainable manner.Moreover, plant health is not only essential for agriculture but also impacts the natural environment. Healthy plants contribute to the biodiversity of ecosystems, supporting a wide range of organisms, including insects, birds, and mammals. By preserving plant health, students can contribute to the conservation of natural habitats and promote sustainable practices.

  • af Pedro Luiz Mangabeira Albernaz
    968,95 kr.

    Die Neurotologie ist ein Teilgebiet der Medizin, das sich mit der Diagnose und Behandlung neurologischer Erkrankungen des Innenohrs und der damit verbundenen Strukturen befasst. In jüngster Zeit wurden zahlreiche Fortschritte in der Neurotologie erzielt, die in Fachzeitschriften für Allgemeinmedizin, HNO-Heilkunde und Neurologie veröffentlicht wurden. Dieses umfassende Buch fasst diese Informationen zusammen, um ein vollständigeres Bild vom Stand des Fachgebiets zu vermitteln, und bezieht die eigenen klinischen Erfahrungen der Autoren ein. In letzter Zeit hat das Interesse an der Neurotologie deutlich zugenommen, was sich in den klinischen Erfahrungen und den Forschungsarbeiten und Veröffentlichungen von HNO-Ärzten, Neurologen, Neuro-Ophtalmologen, Audiologen und Physiotherapeuten zeigt. Es handelt sich also um ein Werk auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik, das alle aktuellen neurophysiologischen Daten über das vestibuläre System enthält.Man schätzt, dass 10 % der Patienten, die sich in einer Notfallklinik vorstellen, vestibuläre Störungen, einschließlich Schwindel, haben, und diese Störungen sind häufig eine Ursache für Stürze bei älteren Patienten. Andererseits behandeln viele Ärzte ihre Schwindelpatienten mit Vestibularisblockern, die zwar die Symptome behandeln, aber die Störungen nicht heilen. Wir halten es für wichtig, eine Informationsquelle zum Gleichgewichtssystem und zu Gleichgewichtsstörungen bereitzustellen, und dieser Titel wird dies auf umfassende Weise tun. Dieser Titel ist ein ideales Nachschlagewerk für HNO-Ärzte, Neurologen, Neuroophtalmologen, Audiologen und Physiotherapeuten für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Gleichgewichtsstörungen. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

  • af Russell E Ettinger
    1.060,95 kr.

    In this issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, guest editor Dr. Russell E. Ettinger brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Gender Affirming Surgery. Top experts in the field discuss key topics such as 3D and virtual treatment planning, surgery complications, the upper, middle, and lower aspects of the face, and more.Contains 10 relevant, practice-oriented topics including facial feminization: middle third of the face; post-operative complications and pitfalls of facial gender affirming surgery and how to avoid them; preoperative radiology and virtual surgical planning; facial feminization: upper third of the face; facial feminization: lower third of the face; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on gender affirming surgery, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Wolfgang Grisold
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book presents a complete summary about the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (CN). They control much of the motor and sensory functions of the head and neck such as smell, sight, eye movement, and feeling in the face. The CN also control balance, hearing, and swallowing.The examination of the CN is an important part of the clinical neurological examination. Additionally, to the anatomy, extensive knowledge about further diagnostic tools are necessary such as neuroimaging, and electrophysiology. The book is divided into three parts: a general part with anatomy and imaging, a systematic part grouping the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and a part describing cranial nerve functions in specific conditions and diseases.

  • af Abdulaziz A. Alqahtani
    1.261,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

    This comprehensive book is divided into 6 parts that cover all topics related to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF ) rhinorrea. It provides in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, and includes teaching material as well as evidence-based scientific content.The introductory part presents the skull base anatomy, CSF physiology, pathophysiology of skull base defects as well as the role of imaging in this condition. The second and third parts provide details of different diagnostic features and conservative management. The fourth and central part thoroughly illustrates surgical approaches for this clinical condition and follows a similar structure, describing each surgical procedure step-by-step.  The fifth part sheds light on the postoperative management and the long-term follow up, while the last part addresses miscellaneous topics, such as quality of life, outcome measures, and medico-legal issues. The book is enriched by a wealth of high-quality figures and online videos that illustrate real-world clinical cases, and each chapter features a summary box, key points and a conclusion. The contributors are leading experts in the field and include authorities and inventors of skull base surgical approaches and reconstruction techniques. The multidisciplinary panel of authors - from 6 continents - consists of neurosurgeons, radiologists and anesthesiologists. The book is intended for medical, surgical and paramedic professionals, and is a valuable resource for all levels - from medical students to consultants.

  • af Arthur Logan Turner
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Francis Randolph Packard
    272,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af John Madison Fletcher
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Lothar Von Frankl-Hochwart
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Abdul-Latif Hamdan
    983,95 - 1.357,95 kr.

    This book reviews the interface between the traits of civilization and voice. It addresses concepts such as where the human voice stands in society and what the impact of civilization is on voice as a means of communication across diverse cultures, social hierarchies, and religious practices.Understanding voice disorders in the context of civilization traits and changes, and analyzing the impact of those traits is invaluable for otolaryngologists, speech language pathologists, voice teachers and others engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and/or training of patients with dysphonia. The book highlights cross-cultural variations in voice acoustics and self-perceived dysphonia, and the impact of religious observance on voice. This information is crucial in differentiating the normal voice from the abnormal, given differences associated with various civilizations and cultures.Traits of Civilization and Voice Disorders provides a far-reaching perspective on the interface between the human voice and its surroundings; as a result, this book is situated as an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists, speech language pathologists, and voice teachers in the diagnosis, treatment and training of patients with voice disorders.

  • af Jonathan
    262,95 kr.

    The Importance of Pathology in MedicinePathology, often referred to as the "backbone" of medicine, plays a crucial role in diagnosing and understanding diseases. It is a specialized field that explores the causes, effects, and progression of various illnesses, providing invaluable insights to healthcare professionals. In this subchapter, we will delve into the significance of pathology in medicine and shed light on its various aspects.First and foremost, pathology is instrumental in the accurate diagnosis of diseases. Through meticulous examination of tissues, cells, and bodily fluids, pathologists can identify and analyze abnormalities, enabling them to pinpoint the exact nature of an illness. This knowledge is essential for designing appropriate treatment plans and ensuring optimal patient care. Pathologists work closely with other medical specialists, providing them with indispensable information that guides their decision-making process.Additionally, pathology is indispensable in the field of research and development. By studying diseases at a cellular and molecular level, pathologists contribute to the discovery of new treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic techniques. Their work aids in understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases, leading to advancements in medical science that benefit patients and society as a whole. Without pathology, medical progress would be severely hindered.Moreover, pathology plays a pivotal role in the field of forensic medicine. Through autopsies and careful examination of evidence, forensic pathologists can determine the cause and manner of death, assisting law enforcement agencies in solving crimes. Their expertise is also crucial in cases of medical malpractice, providing objective analysis in legal proceedings.Pathology is not limited to the laboratory or the autopsy room. It extends its reach to public health as well. By studying patterns and trends in disease occurrence, pathologists contribute to the prevention and control of epidemics. They play a vital role in monitoring the spread of infectious diseases, ensuring the safety of the population through effective surveillance and intervention strategies

  • af Reuben Setliff
    287,95 kr.

    Sinuses. Everybody has them. Nobody likes them.>With more than twenty years of experience as a sinus surgeon, Dr. Reuben Setliff wants patients to know as much as possible about their sinuses when facing the potentially life-altering choices of surgery and picking a long-term care routine. His tell-all book, Let's Clear Things Up, explains the differences between optional and necessary surgery, the benefits of minimally invasive procedures, and natural ways to correct sinus problems all on our own. Get informed so that when you walk into a clinic, the air between you and your doctor is clear enough to get you breathing right the first time.

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