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  • af Majken Matzau & Christina Bølling
    86,95 kr.

    Alt for mange kvinder tror fejlagtigt, at det er deres egen skyld, at de går ned med stress: „hvis bare jeg havde sagt fra" og „hvis jeg ikke var perfektionist!". Erhvervspsykolog og stressekspert Majken Matzau og journalist Christina Bølling har sammen skrevet bogen „Stressfri på 12 uger - eller mer'" om, hvorfor dette syn på stress faktisk er usandt - og blot gør kvinder endnu mere stressede. Her er den første solidariske bog til kvinder, der kæmper med stress. Gennem bogen, som er et opgør med vor tids quick fix kultur, guides du mod et liv fri af stress; på tolv uger eller mer'.

  • - Arbejdsbeskyttelse og arbejdsmiljø gennem 150 år
    af Kurt Jacobsen
    272,95 kr.

    Vi ved alle, at det kan være farligt at gå på arbejde, og siden 1800-tallet har det været en samfundsmæssig opgave at sikre arbejderne mod ulykker og arbejdsbetingede sygdomme.Med Fabriksloven fra 1873 fik Danmark sin første arbejderbeskyttelseslov. Siden har spørgsmålet om arbejdsmiljø og sikkerhed været en kilde til stadige diskussioner og interessekonflikter mellem lønmodtagere, arbejdsgivere, sagkundskab og politikere.I Velfærdens pris sætter historikeren Kurt Jacobsen fokus på samspillet mellem industrisamfundets udvikling og sikkerheden og arbejdsmiljøet på virksomhederne, og han undersøger, hvorfor ulykkes- og sundhedsfarer øjensynlig er en permanent skyggeside ved Danmarks vækst og velstand.Med sit fokus på danskernes arbejde og arbejdsforhold er bog-en en historie om det moderne Danmark set gennem arbejdsmiljøets prisme. Bogens omdrejningspunkt er indsatsen mod arbejdsulykker og arbejdssygdomme fra midten af 1800-tallet til i dag. Bogen viser, hvordan lovgivning og andre arbejdsmiljøtiltag konstant har været genstand for politisk-ideologiske opgør og er en afgørende parameter – ikke blot for virksomhedernesøkonomiske interesser og arbejdernes vilkår, men også for befolkningens sundhedstilstand og samfundsudviklingen.Kurt Jacobsen (f. 1954) er professor i historie på Copenhagen Business School. Han blev i 1994 dr.phil. på biografien om SF's stifter Aksel Larsen og har bl.a. udgivet FOSS (2008), en biografi om industrilederen og politikeren Aleksander Foss, og Ve og Velfærd (2007) om det danske sundhedsvæsens historie 1800-2007.

  • - for tandfagligt personale
    af Ann Wenzel & Mie Wiese Petersen
    208,94 kr.

    Strålebogen – for tandfagligt personale beskriver forekomst og virkning af ioniserende stråling samt stråledoser, stråleskader og strålebeskyttelse i forbindelse med røntgenundersøgelser, der ofte udføres i odontologisk praksis. Bogen indeholder desuden et kapitel om den relevante lovgivning på området og giver detaljeret information i oversstemmelse med Sundhedsstyrelsens og Styrelsen for Patientsikkerheds retningslinjer for klinisk odontologisk praksis.Bogen henvender sig til tandlægestuderende og bruges ved undervisningen i radiologi på de to tandlægeskoler i Danmark. Desuden er den en uundværlig håndbog i enhver tandlægepraksis.Strålebogen – for tandfagligt personale er en videreførelse af den tidligere udgivelse Stråledoser, stråleskader, strålebeskyttelse.

  • - en brugervejledning
    af John Graversgård
    243,94 kr.

    Bogen fokuserer på de elementer, der udgør det psykiske arbejdsmiljø. Og på, hvorfor det er så vigtigt at værne om det. Den beskriver og diskuterer en lang række centrale begreber, som giver overblik over de mange faktorer, der spiller ind på det psykiske arbejdsmiljø, samt den nyeste forskning på området. Sundt psykisk arbejdsmiljø er ifølge arbejdsmiljøloven en rettighed - det ligger fast. Men hvad, mange glemmer, er, at der med det sunde arbejdsmiljø også frigøres enorme ressourcer og kreativitet. Hvis man slipper medarbejderne fri, anerkender deres kompetencer og giver dem indflydelse på deres arbejdsopgaver og deres egen hverdag, vil det både give glade medarbejdere og gode resultater på bundlinjen. Læs om: - Hvad er psykisk arbejdsmiljø? - Stress - et nøglebegreb - Overbelastning/underbelastning - Frihed og indflydelse på arbejdet - Særligt belastede brancher - Vold og trusler på arbejdspladsen - Mobning - Udbrændthed - Arbejde og arbejdsløshed - Ligestilling og arbejdsmiljø - Arbejdstiden og livet uden for arbejdet - Nye måder at organisere arbejdet på - Det gode og udviklende arbejde - Demokrati og arbejdsmiljø - Et 10-punktsprogram for et bedre arbejdsmiljø - Aktions- og handlemuligheder - Arbejdspladsvurderinger - Anerkendelse af psykiske arbejdsskader Bogen er skrevet både til den enkelte medarbejder, til ledelsen og til konsulenter på området. Den er let tilgængelig i sit sprog og overskuelig i sin opbygning. Det kan naturligvis være en hård kamp at forbedre arbejdsmiljøet, men med Graversgårds mange gode argumenter er man helt sikkert bedre rustet til at komme i gang. John Graversgård er arbejdspsykolog og ansat i Arbejdstilsynet.

  • - Vaccinernes historie og historier om vacciner
    af Lars Peter Nielsen & Anders Fomsgaard
    273,95 kr.

    VACCINER ER VORES VENTakket være vacciner frygter vi i dag ikke sygdomme som kopper, mæslinger, stivkrampe eller børnelammelser. Det er en sundhedsrevolution.I denne bog følger vi de to erfarne overlæger og virologer Anders Lars Peter i en rejsevaccinationsklinik, og det går ikke stikke for sig. Du kommer sprøjtende igennem vaccineimmunitet og alle vaccinerne - fra de dræbte og de levende til de nye genetiske og alt derimellem - deres særlige historier, anvendelse (for og imod) samtid fortid og fremtid.Bogen er en hyldest til de videnskabelige triumfer der har formet vores sundhed gennem årtier. Et lille stik, det er ikke noget at være bange for.

  • af Viruti Satyan Shivan
    289,95 kr.

    Mastering the Frontiers of Health in Air and Space In the vast expanse where the sky meets the stars, aerospace medicine specialists stand as pivotal guardians of human health and performance. "Aerospace Medicine Specialist - The Comprehensive Guide" is your definitive resource for navigating the intricate and thrilling world of aviation and space medicine. This comprehensive guide peels back the layers of medical practice in extreme environments, offering readers an in-depth exploration of the challenges and innovations that define this cutting-edge field. From the physiological impacts of microgravity to the nuances of providing remote medical care during long-duration space missions, this book offers a fascinating journey through the science that enables humans to fly higher, faster, and farther than ever before. Without relying on images or illustrations, this guide dives deep into the core principles and practices of aerospace medicine. It is crafted with an unwavering focus on providing the reader with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this demanding specialty. Through vivid narrative, engaging hypothetical scenarios, and richly detailed personal anecdotes from those at the forefront of the field, this book captures the essence of aerospace medicine. It addresses not just the 'how' but the 'why', inviting readers to think critically and creatively about the future of human health in the final frontier. Whether you are a medical professional aspiring to specialize in aerospace medicine, a student curious about this multidisciplinary field, or simply an enthusiast fascinated by the intersection of medicine, aviation, and space exploration, this guide is an indispensable companion on your journey.

  • af Sophia M. Johnson
    192,95 kr.

    Dive into the invisible world we breathe, where tiny particles disrupt the air, impacting our health and the planet. "Clearing the Air" is an illuminating exploration of the pervasive PM2.5 pollution, unravelling its historical roots, global repercussions, and the intricate dance between technological innovation and public activism.From the smog-choked streets of industrial revolutions to the far-reaching consequences on ecosystems, this book traverses the evolving narrative of air quality. Discover the silent health threats lingering in every breath, as renowned experts dissect the links between PM2.5 and respiratory ailments, cardiovascular issues, and the long-term health implications that affect us all.Step into the future as you explore visionary technological solutions, clean energy initiatives, and international collaborations aiming to restore the balance between progress and planetary well-being. The journey doesn't end there - witness the transformative power of community-driven advocacy and public awareness campaigns in the battle for cleaner air."Clearing the Air" is not just a book; it's a call to action, a rallying cry for individuals, communities, and nations to stand united against the silent intruder in our air. Whether you're an environmental enthusiast, a health-conscious reader, or someone seeking a deeper understanding of the world we live in, this book promises a compelling narrative that goes beyond statistics and charts, bringing the urgent reality of PM2.5 pollution to life. Uncover the untold stories, explore the science, and join the global movement to breathe cleaner air for a healthier tomorrow.

  • af Fidaa Karkori
    358,95 kr.

    This book has been written to account for improvements in the regulatory regime for shipboard health, safety and welfare. It considers the various regulations and statutory requirements for sanitation, the provision of potable and non-drinkable water, food and provisions, disease and infectious transfer, management of vectors and general health and safety onboard modern merchant and cruise ships.

  • af Paul-Alexander Beckerburg
    206,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie in "Über den Einfluss des Klimas auf den Menschen" von Dr. Z. Oppenheimer und Paul-Alexander Beckerburg, wie das Klima unsere Gesundheit, Psyche und Kultur prägt. Dieses bahnbrechende Buch enthüllt die verborgenen Verbindungen zwischen Umwelt und menschlichem Wohlergehen, untersucht die Auswirkungen von Luftqualität, Sonneneinstrahlung und saisonalen Veränderungen auf unser Verhalten und beleuchtet die globalen Herausforderungen durch den Klimawandel. Mit einer Mischung aus klassischer Weisheit und moderner Forschung ist dieses Werk ein dringender Weckruf zur Reflexion und Aktion im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel ¿ ein Muss für jeden umweltbewussten Leser.

  • af Rayan Musk
    382,95 kr.

    Gas, both in its regular state and as a fundamental part of different modern cycles, assumes a multi-layered part in the domains of nature and industry. In nature, gases are unavoidable, containing a huge piece of Earth's environment. The essential gaseous petrols incorporate nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, comprising most of the air, while follow gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water fume add to the sensitive equilibrium that supports life on our planet. In the regular world, gases are major to processes like photosynthesis, breath, and the water cycle. Plants use carbon dioxide and daylight to create oxygen through photosynthesis, a pivotal system that upholds life by producing the breathable air we rely upon. In the mean time, creatures, including people, participate in breath, a cycle that consumes oxygen and deliveries carbon dioxide. The water cycle includes the change of water between its fluid, gas (water fume), and strong (ice) states, driven by the sun's energy and air conditions. In the modern scene, gases take on an alternate yet similarly essential job. Modern cycles frequently depend on gases for assembling, energy creation, and different synthetic responses. For example, hydrogen fills in as a feedstock for the development of smelling salts, a critical part in composts. Gaseous petrol, a combination principally made out of methane, is a flexible energy source utilized for power age, warming, and as a natural substance in the development of synthetic compounds and plastics. Carbon dioxide, frequently connected with natural worries, likewise assumes a significant part in different modern applications. For instance, carbon dioxide is utilized in the food and refreshment industry for carbonation, as well as in processes like dry ice creation and cooling applications. Moreover, carbon catch and capacity advancements mean to alleviate the effect of modern emanations on the climate by catching carbon dioxide before it is delivered into the environment. Gases are indispensable to the idea of cryogenics, which includes the investigation of very low temperatures. In businesses, for example, medical care, cryogenic gases like fluid nitrogen track down applications in protecting natural examples, freezing and moving clinical items, and supporting operations. Besides, gases like oxygen and acetylene are fundamental for welding and cutting cycles, adding to development, creation, and fix exercises across different ventures. While gases are characteristic for the normal request of our planet, their essential usage in industry drives mechanical advancement and financial turn of events. The sensitive harmony between the regular job of gases in supporting life and their groundbreaking applications in industry highlights the significance of understanding and mindfully dealing with these fundamental components as we continued looking for feasible turn of events.

  • af Simona
    187,95 kr.

    Start a new way of cooking with "Food Revolution: Eating in a way that is good for you and the environment." Simona, the author of this groundbreaking book, looks at how personal health and environmental sustainability are connected. She reveals the keys to a mindful and healthy food change.Find out how powerful it is to make choices that are good for you as Simona talks about the secret health and environmental costs of conventional food production. This book will show you the way to a better, more environmentally friendly life, from the effects of industrial farming to how important it is to read food labels.Simona gives readers the power to make decisions about their own health and the health of the world by teaching them about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Discover useful tips for making smart selections at the grocery store and farmers' markets, and learn more about how a plant-based diet can help your health and the world.Simona's book has everything a person looking to change their diet to fit in with the food revolution needs. It has delicious and healthy plant-based meals and busts some common myths about plant-based eating. This book isn't just about trends; it takes a more complete look at things and focuses on what's best for people and the planet in the long run.Join the Food Revolution right now to take care of your health and the world. One bite at a time, Simona's wise and important book is your ticket to a healthier, more sustainable future.

  • af Cary L. Cooper
    424,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

    This book looks at the ways living through the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened our understanding of the crises people experience in their relationships with work. Leading experts explore burnout as an occupational phenomenon that arises through mismatches between workplace and individuals on the day-to-day patterns in work life.

  • af James J. Walsh
    162,95 kr.

    "Medieval Medicine" is a book written by James J. Walsh that explores the history and practices of medicine during the medieval period. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the theories of the ancient Greek physician Galen, to the development of hospitals and surgical techniques in the Middle Ages.Walsh provides fascinating insights into the beliefs and practices of medieval medicine, which were often based on a mixture of superstition, religion, and empirical observation. He describes the use of herbs and other natural remedies, as well as the use of bloodletting, which was a common treatment for a variety of ailments. The book also explores the role of women in medicine during this period, including the work of midwives and healers.Overall, "Medieval Medicine" is a comprehensive and engaging look at the history of medicine during a fascinating period of human history. With Walsh's clear writing style and wealth of knowledge, this book is sure to be an informative and enjoyable read for anyone interested in the history of medicine or the Middle Ages.

  • af Mogana S. Jr. Flomo
    207,95 kr.

    Malaria remains a formidable global health challenge, particularly in West Africa, where it continues to impede socio-economic development. This book examines the impact of malaria on the region, focusing on prevalence, health consequences, productivity losses, and social implications. It identifies the most affected countries and regions, emphasizing the factors that contribute to high transmission rates. The book investigates the health consequences of malaria, specifically its effect on mortality rates among children and pregnant women, as well as the long-term implications of recurring infections on individual health and well-being. Furthermore, it explores the economic ramifications, including productivity losses, agricultural and food security concerns, healthcare costs, and indirect expenses related to education and tourism. The social consequences of malaria, such as stigma and discrimination, are discussed, along with an examination of the disease's gender dimensions. The book provides an overview of existing malaria control interventions, analyzes their challenges and limitations, and investigates innovative strategies and technologies for malaria control in the region. Additionally, it explores international efforts, highlighting key initiatives such as the Roll Back Malaria Partnership and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The importance of collaboration between governments, NGOs, and the private sector is underscored. The book identifies countries or regions that have made significant progress in malaria control and investigates the factors contributing to their success. Finally, it draws lessons learned and presents policy recommendations for improving malaria control strategies. The book advocates for increased investment in research, healthcare infrastructure, and capacity building to combat malaria effectively and promote sustainable socio-economic development in West Africa.

  • af Cynthia Broze
    417,95 kr.

    A group of pilots and nurses in 1936 battle against the national nursing organizations, the Red Cross, and the military as they attempt to form the first air ambulance specialty in the U.S.-the Air Evacuation Flight Nurse.

  • af Jessica Sierra
    227,95 kr.

  • - Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
    af Heinz Mehlhorn
    937,95 - 950,95 kr.

    This textbook provides an up-to-date overview of the most important parasites in humans and their potential vectors. For each parasite, the book offers a concise summary including its distribution, epidemiology, life cycle, morphology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapeutic measures. Numerous tables, diagrams and over 200 colorful illustrations highlight the main aspects of parasitic infestations and present suitable control measures. 60 questions help to test readers' theoretical knowledge of the field. In short, the book is highly recommended for anyone looking to delve into the field of human parasitology. It is intended for students of biology and human medicine, medical doctors, pharmacists and laboratory staff alike. Furthermore, persons who plan to visit or live longer in endemic regions will find essential information on necessary preventive and control measurements.

  • af Austin Mardon
    317,95 kr.

    Water is often seen from one perspective. It is visible all around the world, nevertheless we tend to view water frivolously or take it for granted. Instead, this book focuses on how crucial and various perspectives exist in water. We explore the various ways that our institutions use to improve our health and fitness. Similarly, we also explore how this practice is used among our international communities and how they recycle water. Then we explore how various cultures view water and how important it is surrounding socio-political issues. Water contamination is a necessary issue that we also discuss that water is a restricted resource. We additionally explore property practices of water along with commercialisation and privatization of water. Water is all around the world, however, we frequently do not apprehend the importance of water. We hope this book helped to elucidate and apprehend the important troubles and elements that surround our limited world resource - water.

  • af James Kinross
    114,95 kr.

    From a world-leading microbiome scientist and surgeon with over two decades of experience comes Dark Matter, a pioneering guide to hacking your microbiome for a healthier life.Our microbiome - the complex ecosystem of bacteria, viruses and other microbes inside us - is critically important to our health and wellbeing. It is given to us by our mothers at birth, adapts with us as we age, influences our mood and appetites, determines how fast we run and even affects who we choose as a partner.In this ground-breaking book, expert on the microbiome James Kinross, takes us on a guided tour of our extraordinary inner universe, showing how our relationship with microbes may hold the key to why we are increasingly succumbing to diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer and autoimmune conditions. He highlights the disastrous consequences of our war on germs, the effects of globalisation and our addiction to antibiotics, showing how it is only now, as we are beginning to discover the microbiome's enormous potential, that we are realising it is in grave danger.Drawing on cutting-edge research and years of clinical experience, Kinross shows us how to protect this vital inner world before it's too late - providing practical tips on how to optimise the microbiome to protect your health, boost your immunity and safeguard your mental wellbeing. His illuminating, urgent book shows that if we work with, not against our microbes, we can live better, healthier lives.'Will change your life' Chris Evans'Important and devastating' The Times'Addictive and illuminating' Dr Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, gastroenterologist and bestselling author of The Kitchen Prescription

  • af Pedro M. Arezes
    1.732,95 - 1.978,95 kr.

    This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different industries, such as construction, chemical and healthcare. It emphasises challenges posed by automation, discusses solutions offered by technologies, and reports on case studies carried out in different countries. Chapters are based on selected contributions to the 18th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO 2022), held on September 8-9, 2022, in Porto, Portugal. By reporting on different perspectives, such as the ones from managers, workers and OSH professionals, and covering timely issues, such as implications of telework ,issues related to gender inequality and applications of machine learning techniques in occupational health, this book offers extensive information and a source of inspiration to OSH researchers, practitioners and organizations operating in both local and global contexts.

  • af Frédéric Perrel
    527,95 kr.

    The Diver Medic Technician is responsible for the care after a diving accident. Because his decisions will affect the life of the injured diver, the DMT must be well trained and ready to respond in a variety of situations.This book covers the IMCA DMT training requirements which are delivered during the DMT training at the Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle (INPP) in Marseille, France.All concepts in this book follow the IMCA DMT training programme in a format that is easy to take on dive missions.Chapters cover from DMT principle to the How to section explaining the great principles of first aid and advanced care giving with all the concepts and laws in between.

  • af Mary Jo Lampard
    152,95 kr.

    An in-depth look at the many various aspects of alternative medicine and how they might benefit you. Concise, easy to read, and comprehensive. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more.

  • af W. J. R. Simpson
    197,95 kr.

  • af Cyrus Hank
    1.562,95 kr.

    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of bacterial and parasitic diseases commonly found in various nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. NTDs are caused by different kinds of pathogens and transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes and black flies. Some of the common NTDs are schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis, mycetoma, onchocerciasis, trachoma, etc. There are several factors such as the lack of accessibility to clean water and hygienic sanitary conditions that contribute to the spread of NTDs. These diseases mainly affect the poor and are a source of tremendous suffering because of their disfiguring, debilitating, and sometimes deadly impact. NTDs also impair physical and cognitive development. This book investigates the neglected tropical diseases and their impact on global health in detail. Its aim is to present researches that have transformed the study of these diseases. The book will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

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