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Bogen omhandler idrætsskader fordelt på akutte skader og overbelastningsskader, sportsgrene hvor skadesfrekvensen er særlig høj, personlige og samfundsmæssige konsekvenser af idrætsskader samt vigtigheden af korrekt og hurtig skadesbehandling. Det vigtige forebyggelsesaspekt er også omtalt i bogen - bl.a. for at undgå pauser i planlagt træning og dermed for optimale præstationer, for at undgå øget risiko for reskader og ved meget alvorlige skader for at undgå følgegener som fx slidgigt.Målgruppen er de aktive, dem der bliver skadede og som selv skal forebygge dette samt deres trænere og hele behandlerteamet, dvs. fysioterapeuter, massører og læger.
Grundbog i idrætssociologi er en bredviftet introduktion til idræt i et større samfundsperspektiv, især i en skandinavisk kontekst. Den er opbygget i tre hoveddele med fokus på henholdsvis teori, metode og tematiske emner. Alle kapitler inddrager cases fra idrættens verden. Bogen er tiltænkt studerende på de videregående uddannelser, som har et idrætsfagligt sigte, men den kan med fordel læses af alle med interesse for samspillet mellem idræt og samfund. Det gælder også studerende på professionshøjskoler og på de gymnasiale uddannelser. Grundbog i idrætssociologi er skrevet af førende norske og danske idrætsforskere. Forfatterne beskriver blandt andet idrætten ud fra emner som integration, migration, doping, elitetræning, talentudvikling, kommercialisering, massemedier, globalisering, vold og hooliganisme, køn og seksualisering samt livsstil og fitness.
Dette er en uundværlig fagbog i træningslære. I bogen behandles træningslæren ud fra et helhedsperspektiv, hvor både fysiske, psykiske og sociale faktorer af betydning for udøverens idrætslige og menneskelige udvikling bliver inddraget. Bogen vil være en værdifuld håndbog for alle trænere, instruktører, idrætsudøvere, fysioterapeuter, idrætslæger, idrætslærere og ikke mindst idrætsstuderende, der ønsker et samlet værk om træningslærens mange aspekter. 2. udgaven er suppleret med to nye kapitler om idrætsmedicin og biomekanik.
Opslagsværket for alle, der er engagerede og aktive i idræt!Når man er fysisk aktiv, risikerer man altid overbelastnings- og traumatiske skader. Når disse forekommer, er det vigtigt at reagere tidligt samt at sikre hurtig diagnostik og korrekt behandling, så skadesvarigheden kan reduceres mest muligt. IDRÆTSSKADEBOGEN er en gennemgribende opdatering af den populære førsteudgave fra 2007. I 27 kapitler gennemgås de væsentligste aspekter af idrætsskader ud fra den nyeste viden. Bogens første halvdel beskriver bl.a. de samfundsmæssige aspekter af idræt, funktionen af det muskuloskeletale væv, de enkelte komponenters reaktion på belastning og skader samt generelle diagnostiske og behandlingsmæssige principper, herunder genoptræningsstrategier og forebyggelse. I særskilte kapitler behandles også styrketræning, doping, forsikring og idrætsskader hos børn og unge. I bogens anden halvdel gennemgås specifikke skader i de enkelte anatomiske regioner, og slutteligt findes nu et nyt kapitel med en samlet oversigt over red flags, så læseren hurtigt kan orientere sig i akutte og subakutte idrætsskader. I tillæg findes en ordforklaringsliste over nogle af de hyppigst anvendte fagtermer.Bogen henvender sig til idrætsudøvere, trænere og behandlere på alle niveauer – fra fritidsidræt til konkurrenceidræt på højt niveau. Bogen er skrevet af et kompetent og fagligt specialiseret forfatterhold med vægt på en formidling, der gør stoffet tilgængeligt for både de idrætsengagerede samt læger, fysioterapeuter og kiropraktorer, herunder studerende.
ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI9. udgaveOver 1.000 illustrationer!Hermed foreligger 9. udgave af lærebogen ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI. Bogen markerer næsten 40 års udgivelse af standardværket, der for længst er blevet en klassiker inden for faget.Bogen giver en grundig indføring i ortopædkirurgiens diagnostik og behandling og omfatter også en systematisk gennemgang af både de generaliserede og de topografisk afgrænsede lidelser i bevægeapparatet.Den nye udgave er grundigt revideret med faglig viden inden for alle ortopædkirurgiske subspecialer og tværfaglige krydsfelter, bl.a. ortogeriatri, reumatologi, smertebehandling og troboseprofylakse. Bogen er rigt illustreret, og lettilgængelige tabeller og kliniske fotos understøtter patientundersøgelser og teknik inden for hver anatomisk region.ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI er skrevet af førende danske eksperter, og lærebogen egner sig for medicinstuderende og postgraduate yngre læger under ortopædkirurgisk speciallægeuddannelse. Herudover kan fysioterapeuter og sygeplejersker anvende den som opslagsværk.
Together with its companion volume, Petty's Principles of Musculoskeletal Treatment and Management, this invaluable book provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of musculoskeletal practice for undergraduate physiotherapy students. This volume will help you competently examine and assess patients with a variety of issues. Each region is covered in detail, including muscles, nerves and joints. It offers an up-to-date, person-centred approach, based on clinical reasoning and latest evidence, with numerous learning aids, case studies and illustrations to help you apply theory to practice. Petty's Musculoskeletal Examination and Assessment is edited by leading experts Dionne Ryder and Kieran Barnard, with contributions by highly regarding physiotherapists from across the country, making this set a must-have for all students of physiotherapy. Petty's set follows the patient journey from assessment right through to treatment and managementEach chapter is written by leading physiotherapists in their fieldDesigned for students - logically structured and easy to readCovers each region of the body in detailUpdated evidence and research knowledge that underpins practiceFocus on communication, clinical reasoning and painDrawings and photographs enhance understandingReflective exercises to consolidate learningAncillary resources now include an image bank and a question bank New chapter on the power of communication New case studies for each regional chapter to consolidate learning Addition of learning outcomes and reflective exercises throughout the text
Now in one convenient volume, Atlas of Amputations and Limb Deficiencies: Surgical, Prosthetic, and Rehabilitation Principles, Fifth Edition, remains the definitive reference on the surgical and prosthetic management of acquired and congenital limb loss. Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Joseph Ivan Krajbich, MD, FRCS(C), Michael S. Pinzur, MD, FAAOS, COL Benjamin K. Potter, MD, FAAOS, FACS, and Phillip M. Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, it discusses the most recent advances and future developments in prosthetic technology with in-depth treatment and management recommendations for adult and pediatric conditions. With coverage of every aspect of this complex field from recognized experts in amputation surgery, rehabilitation, and prosthetics, it is an invaluable resource for surgeons, physicians, prosthetists, physiatrists, therapists, and all others with an interest in this field.
Mit Einführung der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) als bildgebende Methode für die klinische Routine in den 80er Jahren kann erstmals das Knochenmarködem (KMÖ) eindeutig diagnostiziert werden. Der lokale Nachweis eines KMÖ im Rahmen von orthopädischen, sportmedizinischen und unfallchirurgischen Erkrankungen führte zum Begriff des ¿Knochenmarködem-Syndroms¿ (KMÖS). Diese radiologisch-klinische Entität ist mit massiven Schmerzen und Bewegungseinschränkung verbunden. Während früher eine Anbohrung des ödematösen Bezirks als ¿Mittel der Wahl¿ galt, stehen heute effektive Medikamente, biophysikalische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapien zur Verfügung, die zu einer Ausheilung des Ödems führen.
Anabolic steroids have traditionally been controversial in the sporting arena. Today, research indicates a dramatic increase in the use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs outside of competitive sports. With evidence of widespread steroid abuse among the general population, health professionals are citing the emergence of an
In this issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, guest editors Drs. Volker Musahl and Al Getgood bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Precision ACL Reconstruction. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as the timing of ACL surgery; non-operative ACL injury treatment; avoiding graft failure: lessons learned from the STABILITY trial; the role of osteotomy in ACL reconstruction; revision ACL reconstruction and associated procedures; and more.Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including comprehensive clinical examination of ACL injury; value-based sustainable ACL surgery; complications in ACL surgery and how to avoid them; evaluation of outcomes after ACL reconstruction; rehabilitation and return to sport after ACL reconstruction; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on precision ACL reconstruction, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
Clinicians, physiatrists, and fitness trainers are daily faced with challenges regarding the diagnosis and management of microtraumatic knee injuries. These conditions are particularly complex and misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis may lead to performance limitations and a prolonged absence from sports activities. Knee Pain in Sports Medicine: Essentials of Diagnosis and Treatment helps readers accurately diagnose these conditions and provides effective guidance on management, allowing for prompt recovery and return to play.Contains numerous helpful illustrations, including patient photographs, anatomical drawings, and imaging results.Concludes each chapter with take-home messages that help readers remember key points regarding the specific pathology.Includes a valuable self-assessment section with clinical cases and multiple-choice questions that allow readers to evaluate their own work and learning progress.Consolidates today's available information on this timely topic into a single, convenient resource.
Bringing together the top elbow surgeons from around the world, this contemporary, up-to-date text presents surgical tips and techniques for the most common elbow procedures. Because authorship will be limited to leaders in the field, the emphasis will be on practical tips and techniques that can readily be implemented in the clinical and surgical environment.This text covers approximately 50 of the most common elbow surgical procedures, which are further subdivided into the following five categories: Trauma, Degenerative, Arthroscopy, Sports, and Neurologic. The focus of each chapter is on describing the precise clinical and surgical techniques used by the experts in each of these areas. Each chapter highlights a specific procedure and benefits from a consistent chapter approach: Description, Principles, Indications, Contraindications, Procedural Steps, Handling Difficulties, and Bailout and Salvage options. Given the international representation of the editors and authors, Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery will appeal to a very wide audience and will be of benefit to any surgeon who treats elbow injuries.
This is the second edition of a well-received, practice oriented, multidisciplinary book filling the gap between evidence-based knowledge on the benefits of physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and postpartum and the implementation of exercise programs and related health promotion measures in pregnant women.Readers will find up-to-date evidence on the psychological, social, physiological, body composition, musculoskeletal, and biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy and their implications for physical activity and exercise. Further, the authors equip the reader with the latest guidelines and detailed description of exercise testing, prescription, selection and adaptation for pregnant and postpartum women, including those with clinical conditions.This new edition has been thoroughly updated, and includes additional chapters focused on the pedagogical intervention in pre and postnatal exercise programs, exercise prescription and adaptation during postpartum and diet recommendations for the pregnant exerciser and athlete. Written by recognized experts in the field, the book aims to allay undue fears regarding the consequences of exercising during pregnancy. Moreover, it provides medical, sports, and fitness professionals both with the knowledge and the practical expertise needed to offer an optimal guidance on exercising to pregnant exercisers and athletes.
This book comprehensively discusses anterolateral rotatory instability in the ACL deficient knee, exploring anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics, clinics, surgical techniques as well as short and long term outcomes. The author also offers an historical perspective ranging from the birth of modern anterior cruciate ligament surgery to the renewed global interest towards the role of secondary restraints and extra-articular reconstructions. Step-by-step guidance throughout each surgical technique further equips the reader to handle this complex condition.Covering all theoretical and practical aspects, as well as future perspectives, this book is a must-read for all orthopedic surgeons and sports physicians wanting to gain insights into this promising field.
Injuries of the foot and ankle can be debilitating and lead to chronic instabilities that can impede the daily activities of patients. As a result, it requires a solid understanding of foot and ankle anatomy and pathology in order to diagnosis these types of injuries and establish a clear treatment regimen for the patient to be functional and prevent long-term complications. For the foot and ankle specialist, the understanding of the injury patterns and treatment algorithms continues to evolve with the addition of new information on non-surgical and surgical techniques that are continuing to be introduced to the medical community. However, it is important to determine how the latest developments and treatment advances are disseminated through an evidence-based approach, to allow for proper evaluation of their usefulness as well as how to properly initiate and perform these treatments during patient care. To that end, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and management of muscle, tendon and ligament injuries of the foot and ankle. Opening with a review of diagnostic and imaging procedures, focused, concise chapters then describe the current evaluation and management strategies for a wide variety of soft tissue conditions, including turf toe, Lisfranc injuries, acute and chronic later ankle injuries, subtalar joint injuries, peroneal tendon injuries, and Achilles tendon injuries, among others. Each chapter brings together and reviews the latest literature on the topic, offering evidence-based guidelines for foot and ankle specialists, orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists as well as residents, fellows and all staff involved in the treatment of these injuries and conditions.
This practical, unique textbook provides a foundation for the essential elements of patient safety and quality improvement (QI) for orthopaedic trainees, though the content covered will be of interest to veteran clinicians as well. Currently, there are few existing resources and didactics focused on this crucial yet often overlooked area of medical practice, which makes this the first true textbook on the subject within the field of orthopaedic surgery. Utilizing a user-friendly approach including generous figures, tables, and bulleted key points, the text presents comprehensive background information on QI principles, models, and patient safety. More specifically, it focuses on orthopaedic concerns, such as biologics and implants, registries, checklists, surgical site infection risk reduction, use of evidence-based medicine and care maps, simulation to improve care, and shifting from volume to value, among others. Related topics such as diversity and inclusion, provider wellness strategies, leadership strategies to develop an efficient and safe work culture, and innovation are also presented. Throughout, the aim is to demonstrate that QI is a multidisciplinary goal that can only flourish in an environment of supportive accountability. With contributions by leaders in the field, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Orthopaedic Surgery provides trainees and surgeons in the field a valuable and pragmatic toolkit for successful and sustainable clinical practice.
Comprised exclusively of clinical cases, this concise, practical casebook provides clinicians and surgeons with current reconstructive techniques for complicated manifestations of foot and ankle injuries as a result of trauma, neuromuscular disease and deformity. Presenting unique cases in forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot, and ankle surgery, it is sensibly divided into six sections: forefoot maladies, the varus foot and ankle, the valgus foot and ankle, Charcot neuropathy, tendinopathies, and ankle joint revision. Each section demonstrates the surgical techniques chosen in each case, supported by generous, detailed surgical and radiographic slides and diagrams. A consistent chapter format, outlining the case presentation, diagnosis, management, and pearls and pitfalls, ensures its utility and accessibility.Pragmatic and reader-friendly, Challenges in Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Surgery: A Case-based Approach is an excellent resource for foot and ankle surgeons, podiatrists and all clinical staff treating these common yet challenging conditions.
This book presents the current knowledge on the mechanisms by which exercise lowers blood pressure in hypertension and on its effects on the heart and arteries. In addition, it focuses on the optimal exercise protocols, the international consensus on clinical implementation, and the clinical indications for special populations (obese, diabetic etc). It also addresses possible drawbacks of exercise on left ventricular structure and function. Many experts in epidemiology, patophysiology and clinical research have contributed in preparing the chapters, with the main purpose of guiding clinicians in the optimal application of the present knowledge and to stimulate scientists to fill the gaps in knowledge by performing further research.The book is addressed not only to specialists in Hypertension, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Metabolism, and Nephrology, but also to general practitioners and all healthcare professionals working in the field of rehabilitation medicine.
Sports nutrition refers to the study and application of diet and nutrition to enhance athletic performance. Nutrition plays a significant role in many sports training regimens, particularly in endurance sports and strength sports. The study of sports nutrition focuses on the type and amount of food and fluids consumed by athletes. It also addresses the consumption of nutrients like supplements, vitamins, minerals and organic substances like fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The supplements such as protein and amino acid are frequently used by athletes to recover from exercise. The consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is the most efficient way to receive the natural nutrients required by the body for physiological performance and maximum health. The factors that can influence an athlete's nutritional requirements include gender, height, type of activity, body mass index, time of day, weight and stage of the activity or workout. This book provides comprehensive insights on sports nutrition. It covers the role of sports nutrition in training, recovery and performance. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.
Biomechanics refers to the study of the motion, structure and function of the mechanical components of biological systems. This can span various levels, from whole organisms to cell organelles, organs and cells by utilizing the methods of mechanics. Sports biomechanics involves quantitative study and analysis of sports activities and professional players. It includes a thorough analysis of sport movements to reduce the risk of injury and enhance athletic performance. The laws of mechanics are used in biomechanics for gaining a better understanding of the athletic performance through computer simulation, mathematical modeling and measurement. Biomechanics facilitates sports players to work on various areas, such as enhancing running technique to improve efficiency or speed, enhancing vehicle aerodynamics and enhancing swimming technique to maximize propulsion. This book contains some path-breaking studies in sports biomechanics. It aims to shed light on the researches focused on optimizing human performance through the application of the principles of sports biomechanics. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.
Physical education refers to a learning process that focuses on the knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes that are essential for students to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. It promotes physical literacy among individuals. Physical activity in the form of sports contributes in enhancing the strength, coordination, control, endurance, balance, and flexibility in an individual's body. It also promotes the health, capability, and well-being of participants. Sport performance analysis is a process that involves systematic observation, which gives valid, reliable and detailed information about the performance of players. Athletes and coaches obtain objective information using sport performance analysis techniques. Recent technological advancements have made it possible for teams to carefully monitor athlete performance throughout all competitions and sessions, which enables a better understanding of training techniques and this is advantageous to both athletes and coaches. This book outlines the concepts of performance analysis and monitoring within physical education and sports in detail. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.
This book is a practical guide to the evaluation and management of surgical problems associated with the ankle. Divided into six thematic sections, it opens with general considerations for the ankle, including discussion of the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the ankle joint, along with relevant radiography and evaluation of ankle pain. The subsequent sections focus on specific injury types, from soft tissue injuries of tendons and ligaments, to classification and management of the various types of ankle fractures, to diabetic and Charcot neuropathy and chronic problems such as infections, post-traumatic arthritis and osteochondral disorders. Detailed descriptions of surgical algorithms are complemented with intraoperative photos and radiographs, providing a well-rounded presentation utilizing the most up-to-date evidence and clinical guidelines.Written by experts in the field, Evaluation and Surgical Management of the Ankle will be an excellent resource for orthopedic and podiatric surgeons, residents, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
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