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Spiseforstyrrelser og terapi

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  • - Krop, mad og følelser hænger sammen!
    af Diane Jasmin
    227,95 - 566,95 kr.

    Bogen er en brugsbog til den som lider af bulimi eller tvangsoverspisning. Den er tænkt som en "hjælp til selvhjælp", og som et redskab der kan anvendes, uanset hvor i sin proces man befinder sig. På levende og inspirerende vis, tages læseren med på en rejse ind i sig selv. En rejse, hvor det bliver muligt at forstå og forløse de bagvedliggende årsager til sit misbrug af mad. Bogen kommer omkring følelsesmæssige, kropslige og hormonelle aspekter af det at have en spiseforstyrrelse. Alle understøttes de af konkrete øvelser og redskaber. Desuden inddrager forfatteren sine egne erfaringer med både bulimi og tvangsoverspisning (BED). Bl.a. med det formål, at give læseren mulighed for at spejle sine erfaringer og derigennem opnå en større forståelse af sig selv. Bogen er en guide og en kærlig rejsekammerat. Brug den som inspiration til at gå på opdagelse i dig selv. Du vil opdage, at kroppen er vejen, at når først du slutter fred med din krop, kan roen indfinde sig og forandringen ske!

  • af Tina Holm Nyland & Allan Blaabjerg
    327,95 kr.

    Bogen handler om behandlingen af anoreksi og bulimi i let til middelsvær grad. Den er målrettet klinikere, der er engageret i behandlingen af klienter i privatpraksis eller patienter i hospitalsregi. Anoreksi og bulimi har invaliderende konsekvenser for de personer, der rammes af lidelserne. Samtidig findes der fortsat kun begrænsede muligheder for specialiseret behandling. Bogen er tiltænkt klinikere, der ønsker at arbejde kognitivt adfærdsterapeutisk med spiseforstyrrede patienter. Foruden en indføring i den kognitive forståelse af anoreksi og bulimi, indeholder bogen metodebeskrivelser og praktiske vejledninger, der kan administreres fleksibelt på baggrund af reflekterede valg.Tina Holm Nyland har 10 års erfaring som autoriseret klinisk psykolog på specialafsnit for både børn/unge og voksne med middelsvære-svære spiseforstyrrelser. Hun har solid psykiatrisk erfaring, er specialist i psykoterapi med flere års videreuddannelse inden for kognitiv adfærdsterapi og driver praksis med speciale i behandling af lette spiseforstyrrelser". Allan Blaabjerg har 9 års erfaring fra en specialenhed for spiseforstyrrelser. Han har i en længere årrække beskæftiget sig med behandling af spiseforstyrrelser samt faglig supervision af psykologer, der behandler spiseforstyrrelser. Han er specialist i psykoterapi for voksne, supervisor, og han har bred psykiatrisk erfaring samt flere års uddannelse i kognitiv adfærdsterapi.

  • - Slip fri af spiseforstyrrelser og træningsafhængighed gennem trygge relationer
    af Mia Beck Lichtenstein, Cecilie Hermanni & Hanne Miris Møller
    257,95 kr.

    For første gang på dansk præsenteres en selvhjælpsbog, der med afsæt i tilknytningsteorien giver læseren redskaber til at arbejde med spiseforstyrrelser og træningsafhængighedDen traditionelle behandling af spiseforstyrrelser og træningsafhængighed har ofte fokus på regulering af maden, vægten og træningen. Men lidelserne kan være en måde at håndtere livet på, hvor kroppen bliver gidsel i forsøget på at komme væk fra følelsesmæssig smerte. Denne bog kan vise dig en vej ud af smerten og frem mod et friere og rigere liv. Har du eksempelvis tidligt i livet erfaret, at andre mennesker gør dig usikker og forvirret? Har du ikke lært at trøste og berolige dig selv, men skullet tage dig af de voksnes bekymringer og trivsel? Har du været nødt til at finde en strategi, hvor du kunne finde den tryghed, som du ikke har fået i dine tidlige nære relationer? Med kroppen som gidsel giver dig råd og vejledning til at komme ud af spiseforstyrrelsen eller træningsafhængigheden. Trin for trin får du en omsorgsfuld gennemgang af symptomer, forklaringer og redskaber. Som forælder står du mange gange alene og kan registrere at noget er galt, men hvordan tager du fat om problemet og hvad skal du gøre for at hjælpe dit barn. Gennem bogen får du hjælp til at forstå dit barn, og vejledning til at støtte helingen. Behandlere vil kunne finde redskaber til at arbejde tilknytningsbaseret. Bogens ene forfatter Mia Beck Lichtenstein er psykolog, ph.d. og forsker. Igennem 20 år har hun arbejdet med spiseforstyrrelser og træningsafhængighed og den psykiske smerte og længsel bag lidelserne. Mia har som fagperson deltaget i TV udsendelser om emnet, bl.a. indenfor sportens verden.Sammen med to tidligere klienter, Hanne og Cecilie, beskriver Mia en behandlingstilgang, der sætter fokus på de tidlige tilknytningserfaringer. Forfatterne deler, rørende og personligt, deres erfaringer med hungeren efter nærende relationer, livet med smerten, og vejen ud af kropsfængslet gennem trygge relationer. -- For nogle er det behov, som spiseforstyrrelsen dækker over, en dyb længsel efter at være forbundet til andre mennesker. En længsel efter at blive værdsat og elsket. Maden og træningen udfylder her et tomrum, hvor nære, tætte og trygge relationer skulle have været. Denne bog er den første af sin slags, fordi den går i dybden med, hvordan utryghed og mangel på omsorg i barndoms - hjemmet kan lægge kimen til en spiseforstyrrelse. - Anne Gaardmand & Morten Elsøe, MadroInstituttet---Privatpraktiserende psykolog Karin G. Rasmussen skriver om Med kroppen som gidsel: "Der har været megen 'berøringsangst' hos fagpersoner og i den offentlige debat de seneste mange år i forhold til at se på forældrenes rolle og ansvar ('skyld' og 'svigt') i udviklingen af psykiske forstyrrelser eller lidelser hos deres børn. Man har selvfølgelig ikke villet ende i 'Mor er roden til alt ondt'-grøften, men det har så betydet, at rigtig meget er blevet gjort til et spørgsmål om genetik og kemi, mens tilknytningens betydning er blevet negligeret."

  • af Lene Kiib Hecht, Loa Clausen, Birgitte Hartvig Schousboe & mfl.
    177,95 - 206,94 kr.

    Hvad er spiseforstyrrelser? Hvorfor udvikler man en spiseforstyrrelse? Hvordan foregår behandlingen? Og hvordan kan man hjælpe, hvis man er tæt på et menneske med spiseforstyrrelse? Mange har prøvet at være utilfreds med deres krop, ændre på kosten eller dyrke mere motion for at tabe sig. Men for nogle bliver forholdet til mad, vægt og spisning forstyrret eller ligefrem skadeligt, hvilket tærer på både krop, sind og omgivelser. KORT & GODT OM SPISEFORSTYRRELSER giver viden om de forskellige former for spiseforstyrrelser, behandlingen, og hvordan man skelner den almindelige utilfredshed med krop, kost og motion fra det, der er tegn på en alvorlig lidelse. Man får viden om ernæringens vigtige rolle for at få det bedre, og hvordan man håndterer kulturens kropsidealer, f.eks. på sociale medier. Bogen er skrevet til lærere, pædagoger, behandlere og andre, der i deres arbejde er i kontakt med mennesker med spiseforstyrrelser. Den er også til pårørende og til dig, der har en spiseforstyrrelse. Om forfatterne: Birgitte Hartvig Schousboe, autoriseret psykolog og specialist i psykoterapi. Har arbejdet med spiseforstyrrelser i over 20 år og været leder af Rigshospitalets anoreksiklinik. Loa Clausen, autoriseret psykolog og seniorforsker. René Klinkby Støving, speciallæge i hormonsygdomme, overlæge og professor ved Center for Spiseforstyrrelser, Odense Universitetshospital. Lene Kiib Hecht, afsnitsleder og ledende klinisk diætist i Psykoterapeutisk Ambulatorium for Spiseforstyrrelser, Psykiatrisk Center Ballerup.

  • - Er spiseforstyrrelser for mænd?
    af Asger Tobias Brodtkorb
    157,95 - 198,94 kr.

    Spiseforstyrrelser og overdrevet fokus på træning og sund mad grænsende til det maniske er ikke kun forbeholdt kvinder, fastslår Asger Tobias Brodtkorb i sin egen fortælling Selvbedrag – er spiseforstyrrelser for mænd? Han har i flere år kæmpet med ortoreksi, der modsat anoreksi ikke handler om at være tynd, men om en endeløs stræben efter at være “sund”. Prisen for Asger Tobias’ jagt efter den perfekte krop i et fedtfattigt legeme endte med et faretruende vægttab, diverse ubehagelige følgesymptomer og voksende isolering fra resten af omverdenen. Den afpillede Asger Tobias stod i grel kontrast til den ønskefigur, han så i spejlet. Men så tog han kampen op mod ortoreksien og selvbedragets selvdestruktive kurs.

  • - Et brud på anoreksiens lænker
    af Josefine Kleis-Olsen
    223,95 kr.

    Det vil ikke altid være sommer – et brud på anoreksiens lænker er skrevet af Josefine Kleis-Olsen. Den er skrevet fra et hudløst ærligt perspektiv, der i øjenhøjde skaber et troværdigt billede af et sygt menneskesind. Bogen beskriver, hvordan et utal af psykiske belastninger såsom mobning og overgreb kan påvirke et menneske. Den bryder tabuet om psykisk sygdom og skaber genkendelighed og håb for de syge og deres pårørende.Det var en konstant krig. Mit liv var en krig. Det lille forsvar, som jeg kaldte for mine tropper, var nedlagt. Fuldstændig sønderknust på slagmarken. Fjenden stod og kiggede på de faldne soldater, som var de døde fluer på en kogende varm sommerdag. Tilbage stod der et nøgent land. Et territorium klar til at blive erobret. Det var det, jeg var: klar til at blive erobret af fjenden. En fjende kendt som anoreksi, den mest usympatiske, løgnagtige og livsfarlige fjende, som jeg nogensinde har mødt.Lige som jeg troede, at jeg havde grebet om dæmonen, vendte den og drejede sig, så den blot blev endnu mere terroriserende. Endnu mere krigerisk. Jeg var træt, og jeg følte mig fuldstændig ødelagt indeni.

  • af Helly Barnes
    232,95 kr.

    When a restrictive eating disorder has had a destructive effect on your life or the life of someone you care about and you haven't been able to understand why it's so hard to overcome, Addicted to Energy Deficit is the book you need.Bringing in neuroscience and research evidence, as well as personal and professional experience, Helly Barnes provides an explanation for restrictive eating disorders that will resolve your unanswered questions and fit your experience.This includes:A credible explanation for restrictive eating disorders as a brain-based addiction to the state of energy deficit.The evolutionary, genetic and external factors that made you susceptible.The most effective methods to overcome the addictive pursuit of energy deficit.How to reprogram your brain through processes of deep learning and dopamine restoration.Why self-empowerment, support and connection are critical.The cause of extreme levels of hunger and why you need to respond to them.The importance of set point theory and fat overshoot.Why you are not as afraid of weight gain as you think.How to avoid relapse WHEN you find your free future.This informative and compassionate guide will give you a deeper understanding of yourself and the eating disorder. You will believe that you can overcome it and feel empowered to take the necessary steps to do so.A Review of the book by Eva Musby, author of 'Anorexia and Other Eating Disorders: How to Help Your Child Eat Well and Be Well':"Helly makes a strong case for tackling eating disorders as an addiction. She proposes that energy deficit (being underweight, eating insufficiently) leads to dopamine imbalances in those genetically vulnerable. And that restriction, as well as behaviours and rituals associated with it, brings relief from extreme fear and anxiety arising from abstinence.¿Using the addiction model, she explains tasks of recovery: nutrition, weight recovery, abstaining from behaviours, bringing back normality... She offers explanations for the mental hunger a person may feel even when their stomach is full, the need for overshoot, why the fear of becoming fat tends to disappear with weight gain.¿I enjoyed reading this book. It's very well written, and there is loads I recognise from the treatment of teens, as well as differences...¿If, in spite of Helly Barnes' scientific references, you disagree with the eating-disorder-as-addiction-model... you will still get loads out of this book. Models matter because they guide our actions as we make treatment decisions. What Helly proposes is infinitely more helpful than common models that an eating disorder is all about control, terrible parenting, social media, or a desire to be thin, or that it's a monster that we parents can hate and shout at. There's plenty to think about as you read Helly Barnes' engaging book. If you're reading it as a parent, it will increase your awareness of your child's experience. If your child is an adult then Helly is someone to follow and learn from. If you're an adult with an eating disorder, this book will give you clarity and courage for you to work towards complete recovery"

  • af Hadley Freeman
    132,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Simone Dahl
    117,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Genoptryk - udkommer 31. August Min bedste ven og værste fjende er Simone Dahls hudløst ærlige fortælling om at leve et liv med en spiseforstyrrelse, men nok så vigtigt er det en beretning, om hvordan hun kom fri fra spiseforstyrrelsens fangenskab. Simone fik som nyudsprungen teenager en spiseforstyrrelse, som hun gik hånd i hånd med i mange år. En spiseforstyrrelse kommer sjældent alene, og der fulgte en langvarig depression og flere selvmordsforsøg. Hendes liv som teenager blev en lang kamp med indlæggelser og en anbringelse uden for hjemmet. Uddrag af bogenDa mor gik fra afdelingen på Bispebjerg Hospital og lod mig være tilbage, faldt min verden fuldstændig sammen. Jeg fik en følelse af, at jeg rent fysisk kunne mærke smerten i mit hjerte. Jeg var totalt alene, hvordan kunne hun efterlade mig der? Var det, fordi hun ikke elskede mig mere? Jeg prøvede at være stærk for hendes skyld, og jeg fandt ud af, at den værste form for smerte er at smile bare for at holde tårerne væk. I starten var det rart, at nogen tog over, og at jeg kunne tillade mig at spise, men da jeg ugen efter havde taget et halvt kg på, gik jeg i alarmberedskab; jeg fik panikangst. Om forfatteren Simone Dahl (f. 1998) bor på Bornholm og fik i en alder af 12 år diagnosticeret anoreksi. Hun har igennem sine teenageår kæmpet for at blive rask og bor i dag i egen lejlighed. Hun driver sin egen blog og derudover er hun foredragsholder hos Landsforeningen mod spiseforstyrrelser og selvskade. Min bedste ven og værste fjende er hendes debutbog.

  • af Mario Waldecker
    93,95 kr.

    Food and emotions - you may be wondering what the connection is. It may not be immediately obvious to everyone, but for many people, emotions are closely linked to their eating behavior. Whether consciously or unconsciously, regular emotional eating often leads to a high level of suffering for those affected. Emotional eating usually manifests itself in the form of frustration or stress eating - in other words, eating is a way of compensating for a negative feeling. This can result in severe weight gain and eating disorders, which is why emotional eating should not be underestimated.Have you noticed signs of emotional eating in yourself or a relative? Then you've come to the right place. This guide aims to inform and educate you about the topic of emotional eating, because awareness is essential for change. Whether you are affected yourself or a relative, whether you suffer from uncontrollable binge eating or tend to eat too little - here you will learn how to assess and deal with your eating behavior. So read on and take the first step towards change.

  • af Inke Jochims
    207,95 - 229,95 kr.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    383,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Marya Hornbacher
    177,95 kr.

    A classic of psychology and eating disorders, now reissued with an important and perhaps controversial new afterword by the author, Wasted is New York Times bestselling author Marya Hornbacher's highly acclaimed memoir that chronicles her battle with anorexia and bulimia.Vivid, honest, and emotionally wrenching, Wasted is the story of how Marya Hornbacher willingly embraced hunger, drugs, sex, and death?until a particularly horrifying bout with anorexia and bulimia in college forever ended the romance of wasting away.In this updated edition, Hornbacher, an authority in the field of eating disorders, argues that recovery is not only possible, it is necessary. But the journey is not easy or guaranteed. With a new ending to her story that adds a contemporary edge, Wasted continues to be timely and relevant.

  • af Harrison Barlow
    182,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado, que a pesar de tus mejores esfuerzos, caes una y otra vez en malos hábitos alimenticios? ¿Sientes que la comida te controla a ti cuando debería ser al revés? ¿Sigues sin poder ver mejoras constantes respecto a tu peso? Entonces sigue leyendo..."La adicción te quita algo que amas. La recuperación te devuelve algo que amas aún más: a ti mismo". - AnónimoLas personas vienen en todas las formas y tamaños y tienen su propia historia con la comida. Pueden tener peso bajo, sobrepeso u obesidad. Independientemente, la única constante para todas las personas es que tienen que comer, pero la pregunta más importante es por qué una persona come de la manera en que lo hace.Los medios están inundados de consejos sobre cómo comer para formas corporales específicas, los mejores ejercicios y la última dieta, pero muchas personas aún tienen batallas alimentarias. En este libro, descubrirás:Cómo establecer el poderoso hábito de una alimentación consciente.Explorando la relación entre nosotros y la comida de manera saludable.Estrategias probadas para convertir la alimentación consciente en algo natural y cotidiano.Aprende a afrontar los desafíos cotidianos relacionados a la alimentación.Cómo utilizar la atención plena para conectar mejor con tu cuerpo y sus necesidades.Y mucho más...Estudios recientes demuestran que, el 65% de las personas que luchan contra la adicción a la comida también experimentan trastornos emocionales y diversos problemas de salud.La conexión entre la adicción a la comida y el estrés crónico ha sido científicamente probada, destacando la importancia de abordar ambos aspectos para una recuperación completa. El estrés puede ser uno de los catalizadores más fuertes hacia una salud y calidad de vida bajos.¡No estás solo en esta lucha! Descubre el camino hacia la liberación de esta frustrante adicción ¡desplaza hacia arriba y añade al carrito de compra!

  • af Karen Le Billon
    232,95 kr.

    The science of Taste Training will take your kids from "yuck" to "yum!"Teach your kids to eat, just as you teach them to read Mealtimes with kids are often a battleground, with parents trying to force one more bite and kids resisting and protesting. But it doesn't need to be this way. Getting to YUM guides parents in teaching their children?whether babies, toddlers, or big kids?to enjoy eating all kinds of foods. Tested by families across North America, this new taste-training method prevents and cures picky eating while putting the fun back into food! This fun, easy-to-use book includes: The seven secrets of successful taste training. Fun games and experiments based on hands-on education and the latest scientific research. 85 healthy, easy, tasty recipes for babies, toddlers, young children, teenagers?and even adults! A unique flavor ladder approach that teaches kids to love eating a wide range of foods. Real-life success stories from families who have used these techniques to train good eaters for life!

  • af Anna Miller
    232,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with Anna Miller in 'Healing Seeds: Transforming Health with Psyllium,' where she unveils the miraculous powers of psyllium seeds in revitalizing health. Plagued by persistent digestive woes and the shadows of irritable bowel syndrome, Anna's life was one of constant struggle and discomfort. But in these pages, she shares her groundbreaking discovery ¿ the humble psyllium seed. Witness her remarkable transformation, as she regains control over her health, experiencing newfound energy, regulated digestion, and an overall vitality. This compelling narrative is not just Anna's story; it's a beacon of hope for anyone seeking natural remedies to chronic health issues. 'Healing Seeds' is more than a personal account; it's a testament to the profound healing capabilities of nature, encouraging readers to embark on their own journey of health and rediscovery. Let Anna Miller guide you to a life of wellness and joy, proving that sometimes, the smallest seeds can yield the most significant changes.

  • af Keith E Williams
    204,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Steven Bratman
    222,95 kr.

    The first book to identify the eating disorder orthorexia nervosa-an obsession with eating healthfully-and offer expert advice on how to treat it.As Americans become better informed about health, more and more people have turned to diet as a way to lose weight and keep themselves in peak condition. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa-disorders in which the sufferer focuses on the quantity of food eaten-have been highly documented over the past decade. But as Dr. Steven Bratman asserts in this breakthrough book, for many people, eating "correctly” has become an equally harmful obsession, one that causes them to adopt progressively more rigid diets that not only eliminate crucial nutrients and food groups, but ultimately cost them their overall health, personal relationships, and emotional well-being.Health Food Junkies is the first book to identify this new eating disorder, orthorexia nervosa, and to offer detailed, practical advice on how to cope with and overcome it. Orthorexia nervosa occurs when the victim becomes obsessed, not with the quantity of food eaten, but the quality of the food. What starts as a devotion to healthy eating can evolve into a pattern of incredibly strict diets; victims become so focused on eating a "pure” diet (usually raw vegetables and grains) that the planning and preparation of food come to play the dominant role in their lives. Health Food Junkies provides an expert analysis of some of today's most popular diets-from The Zone to macrobiotics, raw-foodism to food allergy elimination-and shows not only how they can lead to orthorexia, but how they are often built on faulty logic rather than sound medical advice. Offering expert insight gleaned from his work with orthorexia patients, Dr. Bratman outlines the symptoms of orthorexia, describes its progression, and shows readers how to diagnose the condition. Finally, Dr. Bratman offers practical suggestions for intervention and treatment, giving readers the tools they need to conquer this painful disorder, rediscover the joys of eating, and reclaim their lives.

  • af Connor Whiteley
    181,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Caldwell Ramsey
    162,95 kr.

    In a world saturated with visual media, where magazines, commercials, and the vast expanse of the internet expose us to countless images, the insidious influence of filters and photoshop perpetuates an artificial standard that eludes easy detection. Consequently, our minds unknowingly assume these images are authentic, perpetuating a destructive cycle that erodes self-worth and engulfs us in self-loathing.The prevalence of body image issues affects as much as 50% of the population due to the immense societal emphasis placed on physical appearance. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), estimated to affect between 1.4 to 2.4% of the global population, leaves numerous individuals undiagnosed, grappling with the distressing burden as they navigate their lives.This book is specifically crafted for those who suspect they need guidance but are uncertain about the next steps to take. Addressing a sensitive subject rarely discussed in social circles, the book aims to empower readers to help themselves and, if necessary, seek professional assistance. It delves into the impact of the disorder on daily life and the lives of those around us, providing insights into the brain's role in contributing to the issue. By embarking on a journey of holistic living, readers will discover the transformative power of embracing authenticity, love, and acceptance, cultivating a more fulfilling and harmonious existence.Rather than solely fixating on external appearances, holistic healing encompasses all dimensions of life, recognizing that genuine happiness arises from the harmonious interplay of these aspects. Drawing from the author's personal experiences, readers explore the transformative potential of self-love, self-compassion, and a sense of self-worth. By adopting a mindset rooted in love and acceptance, they learn to reside in the present moment, fostering healthier thoughts and actions that pave the way to inner peace. The book also includes valuable self-assessment questionnaires, providing readers with meaningful insights to navigate their individual journeys, gain clarity, and chart a path towards self-compassion, acceptance, and personal growth.The time for action is now. Stand against negative thoughts and embrace the journey of self-love and acceptance. By reading this book, you have already taken a significant step on your healing path, and I commend you for your commitment to healing and living the life you deserve. I invite you to delve into the pages of "Body Dysmorphia (BDD): The Holistic Approach to Take Control of Your Obsessive Negative Thoughts, Stop Comparing and Learn to Love Your Appearance. Enhance Professional Help and Therapy."A radiant beacon of light for individuals grappling with body image challenges, this compelling book is an unyielding source of empowerment, inspiration, and transformation. It unveils a treasure trove of essential information and vigorous tools to heal wounds, unleash inner strength, and triumph over adversity. With its captivating message, it ignites the flame of authentic living, ushering in a life filled with resounding peace, unshakeable self-love, and majestic self-expression. Now is the time to seize this empowering journey and flourish in the splendor of your true essence.- VMN Publishing

    317,95 kr.

    Enhancing Eating Disorder Detection and Timely Intervention within Mental HealthCare" is a groundbreaking exploration into the critical intersection of mental healthcare and eating disorder prevention. This comprehensive work meticulouslyexamines the challenges, strategies, and innovations in identifying and intervening ineating disorders within the context of mental health services.The book delves into the complexities of early detection, emphasizing theimportance of timely intervention in mitigating the devastating effects of eatingdisorders. It explores innovative screening methods, leveraging advancedtechnologies and psychological assessments to identify potential risks andsymptoms. By examining the psychological, social, and biological factorscontributing to eating disorders, the book offers a holistic understanding of the issue.Furthermore, the work emphasizes the significance of a multidisciplinary approachwithin mental health care. It advocates for collaboration between psychologists,psychiatrists, nutritionists, and other healthcare professionals to providecomprehensive and personalized interventions. By integrating evidence-basedtherapies, cognitive behavioral techniques, and nutritional counseling, the bookoutlines effective strategies for supporting individuals struggling with eatingdisorders.The book also addresses the societal factors influencing body image and selfesteem,shedding light on the role of media, cultural norms, and social pressures inthe development of eating disorders. It advocates for awareness campaigns,education programs, and policy changes to promote body positivity and mental wellbeing.Ultimately, "Enhancing Eating Disorder Detection and Timely Intervention withinMental Health Care" stands as a vital resource for healthcare providers,policymakers, and researchers. It offers practical insights, evidence-basedapproaches, and best practices to enhance the detection and interventionprocesses, ultimately improving the quality of care and outcomes for individualsaffected by eating disorders within the realm of mental health services. Through itsthorough analysis and compassionate approach, the book contributes significantly tothe ongoing efforts to address and combat eating disorders within the framework ofmental healthcare.

    347,95 kr.

    The development of an Eating Disorder is a process that leaves many professionals,family members, friends, and sufferers perplexed. Typically emerging in late adolescence, Eating Disorders appear to stem from a multitude of risk factors in the childhood and adolescent years. But what exactly are the risk factors? When and how best should risk factors be addressed? The comprehensive Eating Disorder prevention program entitled Nourishing Self for Teens described herein, includes a substantial follow-up period, themes of media literacy, stress and trauma coping, interpersonal skills, body acceptance, and self-reflection. This book found that early intervention, especially around age 14 in the form of an interactive closed-group would likely be positively impactful in preventing Eating Disorders.

  • af Cathrine Kowal
    182,95 kr.

    El trastorno de la alimentación por atracón representa el trastorno alimentario más común en nuestro planeta hoy en día. Desde su inclusión formal en el DSM V, la investigación ha seguido moscando muestra lo destructiva y potencialmente dañina que es para la salud y el bienestar general. Los enfermos pierden el control sobre sus emociones y se vuelven hacia la comida para llenar una creciente brecha mental y emocional.Este libro, "ATRACONES; Una Guía Integral para Principiantes para Finalizar Permanentemente Comer En Exceso, Mantener la Vida Consciente Comer una Terapia de Pérdida de Peso" perfila y desmitifica completamente el trastorno. Deshacerse del trastorno de atracones requiere un conocimiento profundo del trastorno, sus desencadenantes, peligros potenciales, síntomas y la biología de la afección. Todas estas características de este libro junto con opciones de terapia y consejos prácticos útiles para lidiar con la alimentación emocional.Además, este libro;· Define el trastorno por atracones en los términos más simples· Aclara entre el hambre, el apetito y el antojo· Diferencia entre hambre física y emocional· Analiza el ciclo de atracones, incluyendo los roles de las emociones· Explica los factores subyacentes y precipitantes de comer atracones· Perfila los signos de comer atracones· Define claramente el diagnóstico de comer atracones· Aclara el vínculo entre la mala salud mental y el atracón· Explica cómo comer atracones conduce al aumento de peso· Propone una terapia para bajar de peso para comer atracones· Contiene capítulos sobre Terapia Cognitiva Conductual y Terapias Dialécticas Conductuales para profesionales· Consejos para controlar a un paciente con trastorno de atracón· Proporciona consejos prácticos para deshacerse del trastorno de forma permanente y,· Evitar una recaídaSiempre debes mantener el control sobre qué y cómo comes. La comida nunca debe convertirse en una espada de doble filo para ti. Comer definitivamente no debe ser una fuente de verguenza o culpa tampoco. Opaca los bordes de comer en exceso y deshazte de comer atracones ahora!!!

    337,95 kr.

    Deficits in emotion regulation and heightened negative affect have beenobserved across eating disorder diagnoses and are hypothesized to contribute to themaintenance of eating psychopathology. However, the extent to which emotionregulation deficits and elevated negative affect continue to persist after the cessationof eating psychopathology remains unclear despite the emergence of several noveltreatments that have been designed to target emotion regulation deficits and negativeaffect in eating disorder populations. The purpose of this study was to determinewhether individuals in recovery from eating disorders experience emotion regulationdeficits and heightened negative affect compared to those with active eating disordersand those without current or past eating disorders. Participants included 269individuals with active eating disorders (AED), 58 participants in recovery fromeating disorders (RED), and 143 participants without past or present eating disorders(COMP) who completed several online questionnaires. Results indicated that theAED group reported significantly more emotion regulation difficulties and greaternegative affect compared to the RED and COMP groups, who did not differ form oneanother with regard to emotion regulation difficulties and negative affect. Thesefindings support emotion regulation models of eating psychopathology and suggestthat emotion regulation deficits and negative affect may improve with recovery fromeating disorder psychopathology. Future research should examine facets of emotionregulation and negative affect using longitudinal designs to determine the temporalrelationship between improvements in eating disorder psychopathology, emotionregulation, and negative affect in order to inform treatment interventions.

  • af Stieg Hainz Haaland
    137,95 kr.

    ntroducing7 Ways Anxiety could be slowly eroding your life. It is natural to feel anxious, overthinking and obsessive thoughts, how our brains respond to anxiety, negative and unwanted thoughts, lack of self-esteem and fear of rejection, self-esteem and the fear of rejection, phobias and traumas, anxiety doesn't exist in isolation, workplace anxiety, the workplace is no exception, coping with anxiety at work, working towards creating a work-life balance, social anxiety, eating disorder

  • af Kay Toomey
    277,95 kr.

    Based on the 32 Steps to Eating created by Dr. Kay Toomey in her SOS Approach to Feeding, this card deck is designed to help children enjoy a more varied and nutritious diet by inviting them to interact with food in playful and nonstressful ways. Featuring 99 activities, this deck will help parents and therapists guide kids through six main steps - visually tolerating, interacting with, smelling, touching, tasting, and eating new foods - all while engaging in imaginative food-based games, songs, challenges, and art activities.

  • af Lene Bang
    177,95 kr.

    fede mor Fede mor går til Tupperware party, selvom hun aldrig har rester. Hun kan ikke lide Tupperware, men hun kan godt lide parties. ”fede mor” er digte om kroppen, parforholdet og hverdagen, når man er blevet for fed til at hoppe i trampolin og ens krop overhovedet ikke er et tempel. Lene Bang har skrevet en digtsamling, der som blålilla hud strækker sig fra det destruktive selvhad til grotesk selvironi. Fra det hjerteskærende til det komiske.

  • af Matthew Brakeson
    152,95 kr.

  • af Ellie Morrison
    1.452,95 kr.

    Food addiction refers to compulsive overeating, where a person engages in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating. Food disorders are associated with persistent behaviors of eating which affect the individual's health, their emotions and capability to function in their life. Binge eating is a food disorder characterized by a loss of control over eating. It is one of the most common chronic illnesses among adolescents. Individuals suffering from this disorder eat unusually large amount of food in relatively short periods of time. Some common symptoms of binge eating are feelings of distress, such as shame, disgust, or guilt. Purging behaviors, such as calorie restriction, vomiting, excessive exercise, or laxative or diuretic use are some other symptoms. There are several medical complications associated with binge eating disorders, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, severe dehydration and constipation. It can be treated with the help of nutritional assistance and medication. This book explores the challenges and concerns of food addiction and disorders. Researchers and students in this field will be assisted by it.

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