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Kirurgiske teknikker

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  • af Jacob Rosenberg & Kristoffer Andresen
    397,95 kr.

    Mød velforberedt op på operationsstuen.Både som læge og sygeplejerske stifter man tidligt i karrieren bekendtskab med aktiviteten på operationsstuen, men det kan være vanskeligt at navigere i de hundredevis af kirurgiske instrumenter med forskellige navne samt de strenge hygiejniske forholdsregler."Kirurgiske instrumenter" er en gennemillustreret og opslagsvenlig guide til de mange instrumenter, der benyttes på forskellige kirurgiske specialer.Bogen indeholder:• Foto og beskrivelse af de mest brugte kirurgiske instrumenter generelt samt instrumenter til specialerne gastrointestinal kirurgi, urologi, gynækologisk kirurgi, plastikkirurgi og ortopædkirurgi. • En vejledning i adfærd og procedurer på operationsstuen, såsom steril påklædning og kirurgisk håndvask. Målgruppen for bogen er både læger og plejepersonale på operationsstuen.OM FORFATTERNEKristoffer Andresen, ph.d. Kristoffer Andresen forsker i behandlingen af lyskebrok med fokus på kroniske smerter og gener. Han har skrevet flere tidsskriftartikler inden for kirurgi. Jacob Rosenberg, Jacob Rosenberg er professor i kirurgi ved Københavns Universitet og overlæge ved Herlev/Gentofte Hospital. Han forsker i forskellige aspekter af kirurgiske sygdomme med fokus på optimering af kirurgiske behandlinger og patientforløb.

  • af Cody Bünger, Ivan Hvid, Kjeld Søballe & mfl.
    1.043,95 kr.

    ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI9. udgaveOver 1.000 illustrationer!Hermed foreligger 9. udgave af lærebogen ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI. Bogen markerer næsten 40 års udgivelse af standardværket, der for længst er blevet en klassiker inden for faget.Bogen giver en grundig indføring i ortopædkirurgiens diagnostik og behandling og omfatter også en systematisk gennemgang af både de generaliserede og de topografisk afgrænsede lidelser i bevægeapparatet.Den nye udgave er grundigt revideret med faglig viden inden for alle ortopædkirurgiske subspecialer og tværfaglige krydsfelter, bl.a. ortogeriatri, reumatologi, smertebehandling og troboseprofylakse. Bogen er rigt illustreret, og lettilgængelige tabeller og kliniske fotos understøtter patientundersøgelser og teknik inden for hver anatomisk region.ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI er skrevet af førende danske eksperter, og lærebogen egner sig for medicinstuderende og postgraduate yngre læger under ortopædkirurgisk speciallægeuddannelse. Herudover kan fysioterapeuter og sygeplejersker anvende den som opslagsværk.

  • af Jacob Steinmetz, Arne Borgwardt, Carsten Reidies Bjarkam, mfl.
    1.217,95 kr.

    Hermed foreligger den reviderede 3. udgave af den populære lærebog "Kirurgi"! Alle bogens kapitler er fagligt opdaterede med et øget fokus på de pædagogiske elementer, så studievenligheden er bedre end nogensinde før.Bogen er endnu engang opdateret og gennemrevideret, så den præsenterer den væsentligste viden inden for alle de store kirurgiske specialer, som er samlet i den afsluttende eksamen til lægestudiet. På en pædagogisk og overskuelig måde gennemgår bogen således de 8 hovedområder: traumatologi, abdominalkirurgi, urologi, thoraxkirurgi, karkirurgi, ortopædkirurgi, neurokirurgi og plastikkirurgi. Samtlige kapitler er blevet opdateret med nyeste viden og guidelines, og der er findes både faktabokse og spørgsmål/svar."Kirurgi" er oplagt for den studerende gennem hele studietiden fra den første prækliniske kontakt med patienter til den afsluttende eksamen i kirurgi - og efterfølgende som opslagsværk i arbejdet som læge. Bogen er tilstræbt pensumdækkende for medicinstudiet i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg.Bogens redaktører og forfattere er alle kirurgiske eksperter fra hele landet og blandt de undervisere, som den medicinstuderende vil møde i løbet af uddannelsen.

  • af Omar Yusef Kudsi
    1.273,95 kr.

    This atlas demonstrates how to perform each available extraperitoneal hernia repair via a set of high-quality annotated images showing step-by-step guidance on how to perform the surgery. Robotic extraperitoneal hernia procedures are considered great teaching procedures especially with a dual teaching console. The book bridges the gap between traditional hernia and laparoscopic hernia texts by combining both approaches to create a book with a unique visual approach. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative figures are integrated to highlight the importance of these step-by-step procedures, enhance skill and efficiency, and avoid surgical pitfalls. Detailed descriptive figures accompany step-by-step instructions and include specific anatomical annotations that describe the anatomy and layers of the abdominal wall during hernia procedures.Robotic Hernia Surgery provides a comprehensive, insightful and state-of-art review of this field, and serves as a valuable resource for surgeons, surgeons in training, and students with an interest in hernia and robotic hernia surgery.

  • af Omar Yusef Kudsi
    1.342,95 kr.

    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der roboterassistierten Hernienchirurgie werden in diesem Buch von einem internationalen Autorenteam in allen Facetten dargestellt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Schritt-für-Schritt-Beschreibungen der einzelnen Eingriffe bei unterschiedlichen Indikationen und die detaillierte Beschreibung der anatomischen Verhältnisse, wie sie sich beim roboterassistierten Vorgehen dem Operateur zeigen. Zahlreiche, eigens für das Buch erstellte Zeichnungen und Operationsfotografien veranschaulichen die Darstellung und werden durch insgesamt 15 Videos zu den Operationsverfahren ergänzt, die aus dem Buch mit der MoreMedia-App des Verlages aufgerufen werden können. Weitere Kapitel gehen auf die patientenbezogenen und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen ein und betrachten die Verfahren im gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Kontext.

  • af Reinhart T. Grundmann
    941,95 kr.

    This book is an introduction to quality initiative for vascular surgery and medicine. It will help to introduce the best available treatment options into clinical practice. For the 21 major vascular surgical diseases, this book enables targeted evidence-based treatment choice. Basics are the most recent published treatment results of open surgery and endovascular procedures. - What do international guidelines recommend?- Which treatment results have been published in recent Cochrane reviews, structured and systematic reviews, and meta-analyses? How are they to be interpreted?- Which new randomized trials exist?- What are the results in international registries?- How do the results in centres differ from those in medium and low volume hospitals?Analysis of the data leads to well-justified differentiated treatment recommendations that can be applied directly in hospitals, clinics and practices. The book will help to raise the level of patient safety, quality of care and training of junior vascular physicians.

  • af Sarfaraz Jalil Baig
    1.398,95 - 2.382,95 kr.

  • af Jude Ehiabhi Okohue
    457,95 kr.

  • af Jakob
    297,95 kr.

    Automation has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, allowing companies to streamline their processes, improve productivity, and achieve higher levels of efficiency. In recent years, the concept of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has gained significant traction, offering engineers a powerful tool to achieve excellence in manufacturing.RPA involves the use of software robots or bots to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within a manufacturing process. These bots can perform a wide range of activities, such as data entry, inventory management, quality control, and even complex decision-making processes. By taking over these tasks, RPA frees up human workers to focus on more value-added activities, such as innovation, problem-solving, and customer interaction.One of the key benefits of RPA in manufacturing is its ability to enhance accuracy and precision. Unlike humans, robots do not suffer from fatigue, distractions, or errors due to inconsistencies in performing repetitive tasks. This not only ensures consistent quality in products but also minimizes the risk of defects and rework, ultimately saving time and costs.Moreover, RPA enables manufacturers to achieve higher levels of productivity and efficiency. Bots can work 24/7 without breaks, leading to increased output and reduced cycle times. They can also handle multiple tasks simultaneously, enabling parallel processing and eliminating bottlenecks in the production line. As a result, manufacturers can meet customer demands faster, reduce lead times, and gain a competitive edge in the market.Additionally, RPA promotes flexibility and adaptability in manufacturing processes. With the ability to reprogram and reconfigure bots, engineers can easily modify production lines to accommodate changes in product design, volume, or customer requirements. This agility allows manufacturers to respond quickly to market fluctuations, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall operational performance.However, it is important for engineers to understand that RPA is not a replacement for human workers but rather a tool to augment their capabilities. While robots can perform repetitive tasks with precision, they lack the creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence that humans possess. Therefore, it is crucial for engineers to identify the right balance between human and robotic involvement in manufacturing processes, ensuring that humans are still at the forefront of critical decision-making and complex problem-solving tasks.

  • af Tobias Keck
    1.211,95 kr.

  • af Kwhanmien Kim, Seokjin Haam & Hyun Koo Kim
    858,95 - 1.191,95 kr.

  • af Kamal Gupta
    941,95 - 1.647,95 kr.

    This multidisciplinary book introduces all the known and unknown facts, tips, and tricks of laser procedures in various anorectal disorders including haemorrhoids, fistula in ano, anal fissure, pilonidal sinus, etc. It describes minimally invasive procedures, provides authoritative, in-depth presentations of all perspectives of this latest technique. Each chapter includes surgical anatomy, clinical evaluation, and the principle behind hybrid procedures, complications, and solutions that may arise while using Lasers. The book also discusses case presentations in various scenarios and a brief comparison of laser techniques with conventional procedures. It includes an up-to-date scientific and clinical data for quick reference. It emphasizes on "e;What to do, How to do and What not to do."e;This is a must-read book for all trainees and surgeons practicing anorectal disorders, providing an overview of the latest treatment options. This book empowers surgeons with in-depth knowledge and enhance their skills to manage common anorectal diseases. It will serve as a valuable guide for residents, clinicians, surgeons, researchers, and proctologists keen to use lasers as a futuristic approach to deal with anorectal disorders

  • af Theodore N. Pappas
    1.501,95 kr.

  • af William Tzu-Liang Chen
    332,95 kr.

    This is an open access book.The book focuses mainly on the surgical technique, OR setup, equipments and devices necessary in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). It serves as a compendium of endolaparoscopic surgical procedures. It is an official publication of the Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA).The book includes various sections covering basic skills set, devices, equipments, OR setup, procedures by area. Each chapter cover introduction, indications and contraindications, pre-operative patient¿s assessment and preparation, OT setup (instrumentation required, patient¿s position, etc.), step by step description of surgical procedures, management of complications, post-operative care. It includes original illustrations for better understanding and visualization of specific procedures.The book serves as a practical guide for surgical residents, surgical trainees, surgical fellows,junior surgeons, surgical consultants and anyone interested in MIS. It covers most of the basic and advanced laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery procedures meeting the curriculum and examination requirements of the residents.

  • af Reuben Setliff
    287,95 kr.

    Sinuses. Everybody has them. Nobody likes them.>With more than twenty years of experience as a sinus surgeon, Dr. Reuben Setliff wants patients to know as much as possible about their sinuses when facing the potentially life-altering choices of surgery and picking a long-term care routine. His tell-all book, Let's Clear Things Up, explains the differences between optional and necessary surgery, the benefits of minimally invasive procedures, and natural ways to correct sinus problems all on our own. Get informed so that when you walk into a clinic, the air between you and your doctor is clear enough to get you breathing right the first time.

  • af Yao Guo
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book outlines the global trends and new research directions of medical robotics, while also highlighting associated technical, commercial, regulatory, and economic challenges. In particular, it focuses on three areas of medical robotics: (i) robotic surgery, (ii) rehabilitation and personal assistance, and (iii) hospital automation. With improved safety, efficacy and reduced costs, robotic platforms will soon approach a tipping point, moving beyond early adopters to become part of the mainstream clinical practice, defining the future of smart hospitals and home-based patient care. This book provides an up-to-date, concise, focused, and effective overview of medical robotics, making the content suitable for readers with different technical backgrounds, including bioengineering, robotics, computer science, as well as clinical professionals. The clarity of the exposure of complex topics in simple way makes the book a unique resource for both experienced professionals and novices who approach medical robotics. As a reference for medical robot research, readers can select some chapters according to their own interests.

  • af Ahmed H. Al-Salem
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book is about the spleen, a mysterious organ, covering all aspects of its anatomy, physiology, and medical and surgical conditions affecting the spleen. It covers the most areas critical for decision making such as patient's presentation, diagnosis, and management. This book considers the recent developments in diagnosing and treating medical and surgical conditions affecting the spleen, including minimally invasive surgery. It is a quick reference book, well-illustrated, and easy to read and understand. This book should be helpful to medical consultants, surgeons, hematologists, and pediatric surgeons. It also benefits specialists, fellows, medical students, and nurses. The illustrations in this book are clear and include clinical, radiological, operative, pathological, and diagrammatic pictures. These illustrations are detailed, making them easy to grasp and understand.

  • af Enlan Xia
    996,95 - 1.288,95 kr.

    This book aims to provide readers with the latest information on application of hysteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological diseases. The first chapters systematically review current status, equipment and instruments, applied anatomy, preoperative treatment and anesthesia for hysteroscopic surgery. In the following chapters, details in aspect of hysteroscopy from diagnostic to hysteroscopic surgery are explained with clinical cases. After that, advanced techniques in hysteroscopy combined with laparoscopy and ultrasound monitoring hysteroscopic surgery are introduced with high-resolution illustrations. Written by experts with wealthy experience in the field, this book will be a valuable reference for gynecologists at hysteroscopy units, reproductive units, gynecological and oncological units.

  • af Sylvie Poignonec
    2.387,95 kr.

    Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging procedures in facial plastic surgery, as treatment has to be carefully tailored for each patient; nowadays the concept of preservation rhinoplasty is particularly sought-after, allowing to conserve cartilage bone structure, and avoiding secondary surgery with costal grafts. Thought for the young surgeon in training, this richly illustrated clinical cases atlas in rhinoplasty offers all needed tools to correctly classify the malformation and choose the best reproducible treatment. Chapters clearly illustrate the principal approach with closed technique, to which specific parts on transcolumellar approaches are added, beginning with the simpler cases and progressing stepwise to more complex cases. Each part is supported by the addition of high quality illustrations and surgical videos to foster the reader¿s understanding and preparation of practical steps and best choices, offering direct support in the operating room. The chapters move fromthe clinical examination, to photography, topography and deformation measurement (TDM) in 3D, computer simulations and the building of a dedicated preoperative check list to endure a careful patient approach and secure the best outcomes for the most frequent rhinoplasty cases. Plastic surgeons in training and ENT doctors alike will find this Clinical Atlas of Primary Rhinoplasty to be a handy guide to resort to, when wanting to improve their daily practice.Via app: download the SN More Media app for free, scan a link with play button and videos directly on your smartphone or tablet.

  • af Daisuke Aoki
    858,95 kr.

    This book shares cutting-edge evidence on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) treatment, delivering facts on breast cancer, gynecologic oncology, and basic research to contribute to clinicians' practices. Each chapter presents the latest clinical techniques, basic experimental results, and the best-chosen research findings. The book is based on the works presented at the Japanese Organization of Hereditary Brest and Ovarian Cancer (JOHBOC) and a special chapter delivers a study based on the extensive data from the Japanese HBOC patients registered in the society's database, presenting novel evidence for further advancement in the field. The practice for HBOC has been rapidly increasing due to the clinical development of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors and the spread of companion diagnostics. In addition, the insurance coverage of a part of HBOC treatment raised social awareness in Japan, and the book illustrates not only clinical efforts but also issues related to the social system and the efforts of the association of related organizations. Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer ¿ Annual meeting of JOHBOC will be of interest to breast surgeons, obstetricians and gynecologists, pancreatic cancer surgeons, and urologists engaged in HBOC treatment through the implementation of companion diagnostics for PARP inhibitors administration. Also, physicians occupied in genetic medicine who perform genetic testing and medical staff practicing HBOC will find this book insightful. It is also for HBOC patients and their families, medical administrators in the social system of HBOC practice. Editors and authors hope to contribute to the equalization and widespread of HBOC practice and serve as a foundation for future advances in the disease's treatment and medical practice.

  • af Zhiqiang Long
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book introduces techniques and methods of the lymphadenectomy and the angioplasty under thoracoscope. It also presents the latest 2 cm uniportal lobectomy, which represents the highest level of thoracoscopic lung surgery technique. Compared to traditional thoracoscopic surgery, the survival and quality of postoperative life of patients undergoing lung cancer surgery have been greatly improved. This book provides a brand-new vision for thoracic surgeons to understand and learn the latest and most advanced development status and direction of modern minimally invasive techniques in thoracic surgery. The video screenshots fully reflect the real process of the operation and unique surgical methods. Thoracic surgeons will benefit from this book and improve the level of minimally invasive techniques in thoracic surgery.

  • af Vikram Arun Mhaskar
    941,95 kr.

    This book covers innovative techniques of doing standard and advanced knee arthroscopic procedures. The techniques described are meant to simplify and improve the accuracy of the procedure based on experience and published innovative and original techniques. Arthroscopic surgery is a technical operation that takes time to master. There have been immense advances in operative arthroscopy with the advent of modern surgical instruments and implants. Existing books focused mainly on the theoretical parts with some operative matter. However, as a surgeon gets experienced, she/he identifies a fallacy in a standardised technique and improvises on it to make it simpler or doable with available resources. This is very important as many centres around the world may not have all the equipment required for a particular procedure and may not be aware that there is a variation to doing the same procedure that is being done by another experienced surgeon.Potential complications of doing the technique and how to avoid them have been discussed. The inventory to do the technique has also been provided. This book will assist arthroscopic surgeons of the knee as well as surgeons intending to learn arthroscopy and advance their skills in improving their repertoire of arthroscopic procedures. World-renowned surgeons have contributed to this volume to help everyone to learn from their experience.

  • af Dong Hwa Heo
    1.063,95 - 1.536,95 kr.

    Biportal endoscopic spine surgery has been rapidly developed recently, and Unilateral biportal endoscopic spine (UBE) surgery may be new stream in spine surgery. UBE surgery is a new concept of surgery that is different from the existing one portal endoscopic surgery, and has the advantage of being familiar with spinal surgeons as the surgical anatomy is similar to a general surgical method, and the learning curve period is short. The 4mm diameter endoscope provides a very clear image, and it can be safely operated under magnified and clear endoscopic view. It is also available to use general surgical instruments in addition to endoscopic surgical instruments during UBE approaches.  Currently it is being performed not only in the lumbar spine, but also in the cervical and thoracic spine. In addition, simple laminectomy, disc removal, and spinal fusion are possible. With the advancement of UBE surgery, spinal surgeons from various countries have been performing UBE in recent years, and it is gradually spreading to the world. This will be the first book summarizing from basic to advanced techniques with abundant illustrations and video aid for easy understanding. 

  • af Damir Kosutic
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book presents a comprehensive overview of all available surgical techniques for complex perineal reconstruction. Divided into 17 chapters and employing a multi-disciplinary approach, it provides valuable insights into the re- sectional aspects of this field, considerations in multiple organ removal (bladder, anus/colon, stomach), and the inclusion of radiology in preoperative planning for complex reconstructions, as well as anaesthetic aspects in perioperative patient care. Written by leading experts in the field, the respective chapters offer step-by-step descriptions of all available reconstructive options and detailed information on perineal and pelvic defects, together with valuable insights into surgical execution, indications, and common complications and pitfalls encountered when dealing with this challenging defect.Given its breadth of coverage, the book provides a practical and comprehensive guide for Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, and for surgeons of allied specialties involved in re-sectional aspects of perineal and pelvic surgery.

  • af Xishan Wang
    1.523,95 - 8.297,95 kr.

  • af Tony Costello
    2.763,95 kr.

    Robot-assisted surgery, soon to be incorporated into most surgical disciplines, can reduce postoperative complications by up to 50%, and has been shown to result in reduced blood loss, earlier hospital discharge, and faster return to normal activity for the patient. Edited by master surgeon Tony Costello, and with contributions from the world's best and most experienced robotic surgeons worldwide, Principles and Practice of Robotic Surgery is an up-to-date, all-in-one reference that provides step-by-step instruction for practicing surgeons and those who are entering robotic surgery training. This first-of-its-kind text discusses new technologies and their application in each surgical subspecialty, with hundreds of outstanding illustrations and high-quality videos-making this an ideal resource for the entire OR team. Covers every aspect of nearly all current adult and pediatric robotic surgeries in all surgical disciplines.  Includes key topics such as robotic anesthesia, operating room prep and positioning of the equipment, certification for robotic training, and the use of artificial intelligence and virtual reality in the present and potential future use of robotic surgery.  Discusses the evolution of robotic machines with a focus on new and emerging machines for surgery and education.  Provides specific docking instructions with tips and tricks for each robotic operation.  Offers comprehensive coverage in a magnificently illustrated, single-volume book, with contributions from an international Who's Who of the world's best robotic surgeons.  Offers numerous procedural videos, including Robotic Prostatectomy: The Patel Approach; Female Pelvic Organ Sparing (POP) and Male Nerve Sparing (NS) RARC; XiXi Operating Room and Surgical Cart setup for TORS, as well as various TORS procedures; Robotic Surgery in Pediatric Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; and more.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • af Jin Cheng, Takashi Takiguchi & Takashi Ohe
    1.733,95 kr.

  • af Linda Cardozo & David Staskin
    2.552,95 - 3.882,95 kr.

  • af Marco G. Patti, Alessandro Fichera, Francisco Schlottmann & mfl.
    941,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively covers minimally invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques suitable for use in abdominal operations. Chapters describe relevant techniques for abdominal wall reconstruction, esophageal, bariatric, hepatobiliary, and colorectal surgery. Detailed step-by-step procedural guidance is provided with relevant photographic illustrations.Techniques in Minimally Invasive Surgery is a vital resource for surgeons who perform minimally invasive gastrointestinal operations. The book is particularly addressed to trainees, fellows, and junior faculty.

  • af Hyeun Sung Kim
    996,95 kr.

    In the past, the cervical and thoracic vertebrae were areas that were not well performed by spinal endoscopy. However, with the rapid development of spinal endoscopic surgery techniques and instruments, various kinds of spinal endoscopic approaches are currently performing and developing in the cervical and thoracic spine. This is the first book covering the latest knowledge of cervical and thoracic spinal endoscopic surgery.This book will provide abundant illustrations and also surgical videos so that it can be easily understood by spinal surgeons who are learning and studying spinal endoscopy. In addition, the prevention of complications associated with endoscopic surgery will be discussed in detail.

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