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  • - En praktisk guide til brug af massage og udstrækning til afspænding af din egen hest
    af Bettina Hvidemose Pedersen
    163,95 - 197,95 kr.

    "Hestemassage" er en bog til alle hestefolk, som gerne vil lære nogle simple teknikker til at frigøre spændinger på sine heste. Vores heste arbejder ofte på et niveau tilsvarende sportsfolk. Derfor er der ikke noget at sige til, at heste har brug for massage og fysioterapi, ligesom mange mennesker har det. I dag ved vi, at massage kan øge hestens trivsel og velvære. Ud over dette oplever de fleste, at hestens præstationer i ridningen forbedres markant ved regelmæssig massage. Nogle tilfælde kræver professionel hjælp, men ofte kan man gøre rigtig meget selv - og det behøver ikke at være svært. Denne bog hjælper dig i gang!

  • - Kæledyr til hygge og hobby
    af Mette Lybek Rueløkke
    227,95 kr.

    SMÅ DYR MED STOR CHARME Marsvin har længe været kendt og elsket som et godt kæledyr til børn, men især i de senere år har flere voksne taget det lille, sjove og finurlige dyr til deres hjerter. Denne bog henvender sig til alle, voksne og børn, som vil vide mere om marsvin. Giv dine marsvin et spændende og sundt liv. Bogen er spækket med den nyeste viden og dejlige billeder. Mange tips, teknikker vist skridt-for-skridt og gode tjeklister gør den til en praktisk og anvendelig guide til alle fans af marsvin.Køb af marsvinValg af race Marsvins adfærd Ordbog "Marsvinsk" - DanskDen daglige pasning Hyggelige aktiviteter Sundhed og sygdomOM FORFATTEREN:Mette Lybek Rueløkke er dyrlæge og en af Europas førende eksperter inden for marsvin og andre gnavere. I bogen øser hun af sin store erfaring og formidler den nyeste viden om marsvin på en enkel og klar måde.

  • af Thomas C. Krohn, Axel Kornerup Hansen, Klas Abelson, mfl.
    277,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en lærebog for personer, som skal uddannes i arbejdet med forsøgsdyr i Danmark og Europa. Bogen omhandler alle relevante emner såsom dyreetik og dyreadfærd, forsøgsdyrlovgivningen i Danmark, arbejdsmiljø og håndtering af forsøgsdyr og dyrenes avl, brug, fodring og sygdomme. Også anæstesi, smertebehandling og aflivning af forsøgsdyr gennemgås. Bogen er rettet mod veterinære bachelor studerende samt personer, som deltager i forsøgsdyrkurser i Danmark på EU function ad niveau.

  • af Lise Bang Hansen
    277,95 kr.

    Bør min hund kastreres? Hvad skal min kat have at spise? Skal kæledyr ikke vaccineres hvert år længere? Kan allergi helbredes? Hvad er homøopati – og hvordan bruges det til dyr?Giv din hund og kat et sundt liv henvender sig til enhver med kærlighed til dyr og interesse for deres sundhed og velfærd. Dyrlæge Lise Bang Hansen sætter fokus på, hvordan vi giver vores hunde og katte en sund livsstil, og giver samtidig et fyldestgørende indblik i de mange behandlingsmuligheder til dyr – både traditionelle og alternative.

  • - Personlig og åndelig udvikling for hest og rytter
    af Ditte Young
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    For mange år siden fik dyretelepatør, terapeut og clairvoyant Ditte Young at vide, at hun en dag ville få himlen og jorden til at mødes. Et arbejde, som hun ikke vidste, hvordan ville blive muligt. I arbejdet med hestene begyndte hun at forstå, hvor stor en udvikling der er i den sjælerejse, man som rytter gennemgår sammen med sin hest. En rejse, hvor to sjæle mødes og spejler hinanden på godt og ondt. Et udviklingsarbejde, som kan være smertefuldt og bekymrende, men også fyldt med latter, smil, sammenhold og kærlighed. Derfor gør det alt arbejdet og det hårde slid med hestene det hele værd. Med dem kan du opleve et NU og en mening med livet, hvis du er stille og lytter til, hvad hesten hvisker til dig. Bogen handler om, hvilken rolle hestene spiller i menneskets personlige og åndelige udvikling. Hvordan det kan lade sig gøre at kommunikere med dem uden sprog. Du vil også kunne læse om, hvad der sker med heste i forbindelse med en aflivning, om reinkarnation og om sjælens rejse til det evige liv. Du kan læse om evidens og også om den store modstand, Ditte Young mødte på sin vej i et for hende ukendt land, da hun ikke selv havde haft med heste at gøre, men som hun med årene fik et indgående kendskab til. I Ditte Youngs arbejde med hestene kæmper hun for, at du som rytter stoler på det, du mærker – alt, hvad du mærker, er netop sandheden for dig. Om forfatteren Ditte Young er uddannet psykoterapeut, clairvoyant, kranio-sakral-terapeut og healer og så er hun en af Danmarks mest anerkendte dyretelepatører. Hun holder foredrag, konsultationer, kurser og uddannelse både i ind- og udland. Hun arbejder med alle typer af hesteejere både fritidsryttere og eliteryttere fra landsholdet, inden for dressur, spring, military, western og meget mere og over det meste af verden.

  • af Lise Bang Hansen
    147,95 kr.

    At få en hundehvalp er en stor beslutning. Derer rigtig mange ting, man bør sætte sig ind i. Hvornår skal hvalpen til dyrlæge? Hvor tit skal hvalpen spise? Hvad skal man gøre, når hvalpen bider? Man kan bogstavelig talt have 100 spørgsmål.100 HURTIGE SPØRGSMÅL OG SVAR OM DIN NYEHVALP er en guidebog til dig, der skal have en ny hvalp. På en nem og overskuelig måde giver bogen svar på alt, man kan være i tvivl om, når manfår en hvalp i familien. Bogen er skrevet af dyrlæge Lise Bang Hansen, som er kendt for bogen GIV DIN HUND OG KATET SUNDT LIV.

  • af Jonathan Kennedy
    165,95 kr.

    A BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEKA TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEARA SUNDAY TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR'Powerfully argued... Fascinating and pacy' Sunday Times, Book of the Week'Superbly written... sure to please readers of Yuval Noah Harari or Rutger Bregman' The Times'Full of amazing facts' Observer'The book shines when it brings cutting-edge science to bear' Financial Times'A dizzying range of material' The Economist'A humbling story for humankind' SpectatorChallenges some of the greatest cliches about colonialism... A revelation' SATHNAM SANGHERA'Thrilling and eye-opening' LEWIS DARTNELL'Science and history at its best' MARK HONIGSBAUM'Unpicks everything we thought we knew... Mind blowing' CAL FLYNIn this revelatory book, Dr Jonathan Kennedy argues that germs have shaped humanity at every stage, from the first success of Homo sapiens over the equally intelligent Neanderthals to the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam.How did an Indonesian volcano help cause the Black Death, setting Europe on the road to capitalism? How could 168 men extract the largest ransom in history from an opposing army of eighty thousand? And why did the Industrial Revolution lead to the birth of the modern welfare state?The latest science reveals that infectious diseases are not just something that happens to us, but a fundamental part of who we are. Indeed, the only reason humans don't lay eggs is that a virus long ago inserted itself into our DNA, and there are as many bacteria in your body as there are human cells. We have been thinking about the survival of the fittest all wrong: evolution is not simply about human strength and intelligence, but about how we live and thrive in a world dominated by microbes.By exploring the startling intimacy of our relationship with infectious diseases, Kennedy shows how they have been responsible for some of the seismic revolutions of the past 50,000 years. Provocative and brimming with insight, Pathogenesis transforms our understanding of the human story, revealing how the crisis of a pandemic can offer vital opportunities for change.

  • af Rodney Habib
    245,95 kr.

    "In this guide, the authors of ... The Forever Dog show how to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and environment to help your dog live a longer, happier, and healthier life"--

  • af Andrea J. Fascetti
    1.020,95 kr.

    Applied Veterinary Clinical NutritionWell-referenced clinical resource for canine and feline nutrition, with expansions throughout and two new chapters covering birds and small mammals.Fully revised to reflect new advances and information throughout, the Second Edition of Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition presents current, authoritative information on all aspects of small companion animal nutrition. The book provides clinically oriented solutions for integrating nutrition into clinical practice, with introductory chapters covering the foundation and science behind the recommendations and extensive references for further reading in every chapter.With contributions from more than 25 leading veterinary nutritionists, Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition covers topics such as:* Integration of nutrition into clinical practice, basic nutrition, energy requirements, and pet food regulations in North America and Europe that also apply to many other regions* Using and reviewing pet food labels and product guides, feeding the healthy dog and cat, and abridged clinical nutrition topics for companion avian species & small mammals* Commercial and home-prepared diets, and nutritional management of body weight and orthopedic, skin, and gastrointestinal diseases* Nutritional management of exocrine, hepatobiliary, kidney, lower urinary tract, endocrine, cardiovascular, and oncological diseases as well as enteral and parenteral nutritionA valuable resource on the principles of small animal nutrition and feeding practices in health or disease, Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition is a widely trusted and practical daily reference for veterinary practitioners including specialists, residents, and students seeking expert information on feeding their canine, feline, avian, and small mammalian patients.

  • af Debbie Martin
    714,95 kr.

    Canine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians and NursesA complete and modern guide to the veterinary technician's role in behavioral preventive servicesThis fully revised second edition of Canine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses presents a comprehensive, up-to-date guide for veterinary technicians and nurses seeking to understand their patients on a deeper level, implement preventive behavior medicine, and assist veterinarians with behavioral interventions. The book provides a grounding in the behavioral, mental, and emotional needs of dogs and cats, and offers an invaluable daily reference for daily interactions with patients and clients.Along with brand-new coverage of Fear Free(r) veterinary visits, the authors have included discussions of animal behavior and development, communication, behavior modification, problem prevention, and behavior solutions. A companion website offers more than 50 video tutorials, multiple choice questions, PowerPoint slides, and appendices. This Second Edition also provides:* A thorough introduction to the role of veterinary technicians in animal behavior* Comprehensive explorations of canine and feline behavior and development* Discussion of the complexities and richness of the human-animal bond* Details on implementing emotionally protective practices into the veterinary and husbandry care* Practical strategies for learning and behavior modification, problem prevention, behavior solutions, and communication and connection amongst the animal behavior teamCanine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is an essential reference for veterinary technicians and nurses, and will also benefit veterinary technology and nursing students seeking comprehensive information about an increasingly relevant topic.

  • af James A. Budde
    1.427,95 kr.

    Plumb's(TM) VETERINARY DRUG HANDBOOKFind drug dosages and other critical information for prescribing drugs to animals quickly and efficiently in this fully updated new edition of this must-have veterinary resourceThe Tenth Edition of Plumb's(r) Veterinary Drug Handbook updates the most comprehensive, detailed, and trusted source of drug information relevant to veterinary medicine. Covering dosages, drug interactions, adverse effects, and contraindications, among other key drug details, this bestselling book is a must for practicing veterinarians and anyone requiring reliable information on the use of drugs in animals. Designed for ease of use, the book surveys an exhaustive list of drugs with applications for a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, and farm animals.This edition includes updates to all 738 drug monographs and adds 30 new monographs, including 9 new insulin monographs, to its exhaustive coverage of drugs used in the care of animals. This new edition:* Provides an extensively reviewed and updated version of the must-have veterinary drug reference* Includes 30 new drug monographs, including 9 new insulin monographs* Updates all 738 drug monographs, with robust citing of new information* Covers a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, and farm animals* Presents detailed dosing information for an exhaustive list of drugs used in animalsPlumb's(r) exhaustive coverage of drugs relevant to the veterinary field makes this book an essential reference for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary pharmacologists, pharmacists with veterinary patients, and libraries that serve these groups.

  • af Turid Rugaas & Stephanie Rousseau
    232,95 - 400,95 kr.

  • af Mathilde Denning
    192,95 kr.

    De fleste dyreejere vil svare ja, hvis man spørger, om deres dyr er blandt deres bedste venner. Og vi vil gøre meget for at glæde vores venner med pels, fjer, hove, skæl eller poter – men det er ikke sikkert, vi altid ved hvordan. Denne bog rummer svaret.I bogen, som er den første af sin slags på dansk, gives en dybtgående introduktion til healing af dyr: Hvad er det? Hvordan fungerer det? Og hvad kan det gøre for dyrenes og vores liv? Hele vejen igennem bogen lærer læseren simple, effektive og let håndgribelige teknikker til at hjælpe sine dyr i praksis.Forfatteren tager læseren med på sin egen rejse ind i healingens univers og besvarer løbende de mange klassiske spørgsmål om healing. Bogen beskriver 15 øvelser, som hjælper læseren til at finde sine egne healende evner og til at heale sig selv og sine dyr. Derudover er der beskrevet 9 healingsprogrammer, som giver en konkret trin-for-trin-plan til at afhjælpe klassiske problemstillinger hos vores kæledyr. Læseren får motivation og redskaber til at gøre en forskel for sine dyr og hjælpe dem i højere grad i hverdagen.Om forfatterMathilde DenningMathilde arbejder professionelt med telepati til og healing af alle slags dyr. Hun holder uddannelser, kurser og foredrag i både ind- og udland samt rejser rundt i hele Danmark for at kommunikere med dyr. Hun har siden 2014 drevet en succesfuld Facebook-blog med emnet: Dyrenes Univers. Hendes passion er at hjælpe andre med i højere grad at integrere telepati i dagligdagen med deres dyr. I 2017 udgav hun sin første bog, og i 2018 sin første lydbog samt telepati-trænings-CD.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Christina Matern
    740,95 kr.

    An at-a-glance review of all acupuncture points and channels for small animalsSkillfully integrating traditional concepts of Chinese medicine with clinical experience and modern scientific research, Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats brings together all current information in one convenient book. Its atlas-style format, highlighted by hundreds of full-color photographs and supporting text, makes it ideal as a quick, user-friendly reference in the clinic or training program.Special Features:An easy-to-use, double-page spread designed for fast retrieval of information--on the left, concise text describes the effects, indications, localization, technique, and depth of insertion for each acupuncture point; on the right, high-quality photographs demonstrate all concepts.Bones and muscles have been precisely drawn into each photograph, a valuable tool for localization of points.A comprehensive discussion of all acupuncture points in all channels ensures that you have full mastery of the field.A complete introduction to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), channel systems, TCM diagnostics, point selection, and point categories (such as Ting or Luo points) provide a strong foundation in the concepts of veterinary TCM.The only book to focus solely on acupuncture for small animals, this handy, pocket-size atlas is unique in the field. It offers a wealth of practical knowledge and a pictorial reference for veterinarians, animal acupuncturists, students, and trainees whose goal is to provide the highest level of treatment to the animals in their care.

  • af Gareth Steel
    87,95 kr.

    Gareth Steel wants you to understand vets in a way you never could have before.How it feels to watch a healed dog bound into their owner's arms. The joy of breathing life into the fluid-filled lungs of a newborn calf after a difficult labour. The satisfaction of rescuing a distressed sheep from the high-tide line.What it's like to work 100-hour weeks for less than the minimum wage. How it can scar your soul to euthanize a beloved puppy with its grieving family beside you. The pressure of having to know such a diverse range of medicine, that one hour you can be protecting yourself from a dangerously distressed horse and the next you can be performing delicate surgery on a tiny mouse. How all these pressures have built up to the extent that vets have four times the national suicide rate, and why.Gareth Steel has been a vet for nearly twenty years and has worked all over the UK, across both rural and city practices, dealing with all manner of household pets and farm animals. This is his fascinating raw account of just how involved the job is and the toll the extreme emotions that come with it can take, but it also a heart-warming and often humorous story of the desperate lengths we go to for the love of animals.

  • af Erik Eriksen
    477,95 kr.

  • af Yndyra Nayan T. C. Castelo Branco
    406,95 kr.

    Melatonin is an indolamine derived from the amino acid tryptophan, produced in the pineal gland and characterized by its ability to sequester reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of melatonin supplementation to Tris-Gema diluent on the cryopreservation of bovine semen. Fifty-four ejaculates from Guzerá bulls were used. The semen was diluted in TRIS-gema, with the addition of melatonin, at the following experimental concentrations: control group - 0¿M; Melatonin - 10¿M; Melatonin - 100¿M; Melatonin - 200¿M. They were then filled into 0.25mL straws and cryopreserved. After thawing at 37°C for 30 seconds, the aliquots were analyzed for the Rapid Thermal Resistance Test (RTT), plasma membrane (PM) integrity, acrosome (Ac), mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and sperm kinetics. The percentages of motility were higher (p

  • af Alamrsigere A. Murugeppa
    606,95 kr.

    A study was undertaken for the reproductive parameters of Malnad Gidda in its native tract to assess the response of repeat breeding Malnad Gidda cows to oestrus synchronization.Various reproductive and productive parameters of Malnad Gidda cows were studied in three taluks of Shivamogga district Tirthahalli, Sagar and Hosanagar. The parameters like age at puberty of 25.15±0.29 months, age at first calving of 39.32±2.99 months, dry period of 6.22±1.26 months, calving interval of 13.68±2.55 months, gestation period of 282.14±9.03 days, service period of 136.73±10.03 days, lactation length of 258.22 ± 10.95 days, milk yield per day of 3.69±0.32 kg, total milk yield of 227.19±8.31 kg, days to reach peak milk yield of 46.19±0.51 day, birth weight of the new born calf of 8.71±0.45 kg, time taken for expulsion of fetal membranes of placenta of 4.63±0.39 hours, onset of postpartum oestrus of 77.64±1.98 days, duration of oestrus period of 15.25±1.67 hours, time of ovulation of 15.15 ± 1.7 hours, and length of oestrus cycle of 22.63±2.96 days were recorded.

  • af Bárbara Laurice Araújo Verçosa
    378,95 kr.

    Visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic zoonosis in several countries, including Brazil. It is caused by Leishmania sp. and transmitted by the bite of Lutzomyia longipalpis. Apoptosis is a mechanism for the controlled elimination of cells and is important in resolving the inflammatory process. Apoptosis plays a role in the pathogenesis of many infections. The role of neutrophils in VL is still unclear, but it is known that parasitized neutrophils, like macrophages, are refractory to death by apoptosis. Thus, the survival of leishmania in neutrophils and their subsequent phagocytosis by macrophages seems to contribute to the progression of the infection. The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible relationship between apoptosis, inflammation and parasite load in dogs naturally infected with Leishmania.

  • af Simone Ballão Taques Wendt
    553,95 kr.

    Normalerweise werden in der tierärztlichen Praxis Wunden, die durch zweite Absicht heilen, mit künstlichen Verbänden geschützt, die im Wesentlichen aus Gaze bestehen, die mit erweichenden oder antiseptischen Substanzen imprägniert ist. Es wurden verschiedene Studien durchgeführt, um eine Substanz zu finden, die die Auswirkungen von Verunreinigungen verringert und den Heilungsprozess begünstigt. In Anbetracht des Anliegens, Alternativen zur Beschleunigung des Heilungsprozesses bei Kleintieren anzubieten, wurde in dieser Studie die Wirkung von zwei pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln untersucht: Ringelblume (Calendula officinalis) und Sonnenblumenöl (Helianthus annus) auf Wunden, die in zweiter Absicht geheilt wurden, indem die klinische Entwicklung sowie mikrobiologische und histopathologische Aspekte bewertet wurden.

  • af Adriano Oliveira Torres Carrasco
    555,95 kr.

    Newcastle Disease (ND) is a disease of viral aetiology that spreads rapidly and affects various species of domestic and wild birds. Among these species, the domestic pigeon (Columba livia) has been incriminated as a host and spreader of the disease not only to production birds, but also to wild birds. Little is known about the ability of pigeons previously infected with a pathogenic strain of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) to transmit the disease to chickens. In view of this, and considering that Brazilian poultry farming plays an important role in the country's trade balance, it is imperative to begin studies aimed at expanding knowledge about the epizootiology of NDV, linking pigeons and chickens subjected to experimental infection and vaccination against strains of NDV. With this information, the real role played by the pigeon in the epidemiological chain of ND can be measured, especially with regard to the spread of the disease to chickens, as well as adding information with regard to immunoprophylaxis measures, enabling better control of the disease.

  • af Simone Ballão Taques Wendt
    553,95 kr.

    Normally, in veterinary practice, wounds that will heal by second intention are protected using artificial dressings, which basically consist of gauze impregnated with emollient or antiseptic substances. Various studies have been carried out to find a substance that reduces the effects of contamination and favours the healing process. Considering the concern to offer alternatives to speed up the healing process in small animals, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two herbal medicines: calendula (Calendula officinalis) and sunflower oil (Helianthus annus) on wounds that healed by second intention by evaluating the clinical evolution, microbiological and histopathological aspects.

  • af M. Rajalakshmi
    760,95 kr.

    I cortili delle famiglie delle regioni rurali sono ricchi di alimenti naturali, che possono essere introdotti nella catena alimentare umana convertendoli in uova e carne di pollo nutrizionalmente equilibrati, adottando l'allevamento di pollame da cortile (BYP). L'allevamento di varietà di pollo migliorate, che sopravvivono e producono un maggior numero di uova, può aumentare la disponibilità di uova e di carne nelle aree rurali, incrementando così lo stato nutrizionale della popolazione. I volatili da cortile migliorati si sono dimostrati validi negli allevamenti di ricerca e i frutti di tali germoplasmi devono essere portati sul campo per una più ampia applicazione. Sebbene siano stati rilasciati per migliorare le popolazioni rurali, questi ceppi non vengono adottati dalla comunità agricola in generale, soprattutto a Puducherry. Lo studio è stato condotto con l'obiettivo di incoraggiare le famiglie rurali ad allevare il BYP migliorato e di verificarne l'impatto sulle famiglie.

  • af Mackenzie Wilde
    255,95 kr.

    Working with trauma for both horses and humans can be quite a complex matter, as everyone responds to trauma differently. Trauma impacts one's life in a way that can sometimes seem irreparable, but there is hope for healing. "Find Your Fight" is all about understanding the science behind horrific circumstances, techniques to use throughout the healing journey, comparing the horse/human recovery process, and learning how to live a healthy life after enduring traumatic experiences.

  • af Tiago Mendonça Oliveira
    554,95 kr.

    This study describes the main predisposing characteristics related to the presence of ectoparasites on poultry farms. Information from the environment, the birds and the ectoparasites was analyzed and results were obtained that made it possible to qualify them as important aspects in the epidemiology of these parasites on laying poultry farms.

  • af Stepan Veselowskij
    407,95 kr.

    Proweden prognoz zarazhennosti brucellözom KRS w Saratowskoj i Orenburgskoj oblastqh RF i Aktübinskoj i Zapadno-Kazahstanskoj oblastqh RK do 2030 g. Razrabotana inaktiwirowannaq wakcina Brucella abortus iz shtamma 82 s ad#üwantom biogennym gidroxiapatitom, zaschischaüschaq na 60% morskih swinok ot brucelleza. Posle wakcinacii u KRS antitela w reakcii agglütinacii wyrabatywaütsq s titrom 1:100, reakcii swqzywaniq komplementa 1/5, 1/10 sohranqütsq w techenie 3 mesqcew. Rekomenduetsq primenqt' wakcinu cherez kazhdye 3 mesqca posle perwoj wakcinacii dlq podderzhaniq titra antitel na wysokom urowne do polnoj likwidacii brucelleza. Ad#üwant bio-GA w kompozicii s inaktiwirowannoj wakcinoj protiw brucelleza iz shtamma Brucella abortus 82 ne obladaet wyrazhennymi reaktogennymi swojstwami, no harakterizuetsq dostatochnoj immunogennost'ü, chto pozwolqet ispol'zowat' ego dlq profilaktiki brucelleza KRS.

  • af Tarek Khenenou
    444,95 kr.

    In Algeria, the poultry sector is the animal production sector that has seen the most spectacular growth since the 1980s, thanks to government intervention (Alloui, 2011). According to the FAO (2009), poultry production in Algeria is the country's largest animal production sector. Developing this sector is the best way of meeting the population's growing need for animal protein as quickly as possible (Harkati et al., 2011). The aim of this document is to highlight the epidemiological situation of the main poultry diseases in the world, which will serve as a database for the various players in the sector, i.e. veterinarians, researchers, breeders and the authorities concerned.

  • af Dick Goebel
    667,95 kr.

    "The Profitable Vet provides tremendous and accessible insight into the often overlooked financial and managerial facets of veterinary medicine." Dr. Dave Nicol ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿A guide to help veterinarians, managers, and other practice leaders manage the business of veterinary medicine, this financial management tool provides a broad basis for understanding the business side of veterinary medicine. Its comprehensive scope offers insights and strategies for every stage of practice ownership.Discover how The Profitable Vet can transform your veterinary practice, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to achieve exceptional financial success. Don't just survive in the industry-thrive with the invaluable wisdom contained within these pages.

  • af Kate Perry
    257,95 kr.

  • af Allan B. Fredrickson
    142,95 kr.

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