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  • af Henry Reiss
    278,95 - 493,95 kr.

  • af Gilbert Achcar
    98,95 kr.

    Israel has seized the opportunity of Hamas's operation on 7 October 2023 to devastate Gaza, reducing it to rubble, massacring a huge number of its inhabitants and forcing the rest to flee. Another Nakba is underway 75 years after the creation of Israel. This booklet includes articles by Gilbert Achcar written as the Israeli onslaught started unfolding in Gaza. He explains why the population of Gaza is facing such 'massive extermination', and argues that the refusal of Western governments to call for a ceasefire is making them accomplices to crimes against humanity.

  • af Katie J T Herrington
    1.431,95 kr.

    The Boyce Papers give readers a rare insight into the milieu of the artists of the mid-Victorian period

  • af Elise Baker
    123,95 - 138,95 kr.

  • af Captivating History
    258,95 kr.

    A small country with a big heart and an incredible history!

  • af Ha Nguyen
    213,95 kr.

    R¿t tình c¿, sau nhi¿u n¿m chúng tôi b¿ xa cách nhau theo v¿n n¿¿c n¿i trôi, m¿i ng¿¿i l¿u l¿c theo m¿t chân tr¿i. Tôi t¿ tr¿i Tây ghé th¿m ng¿¿i anh em c¿, ¿ó là anh Nguyên Hà nhà báo ký gi¿ ngày x¿a ¿ Sài Gòn. Anh v¿n sinh ¿¿ng và t¿n t¿y trong tr¿¿ng v¿n tr¿n bút nh¿ khi chúng tôi còn chung h¿c V¿n Khoa ngày nào. Ngay c¿ khi ¿ã ra t¿i n¿¿c ngoài, anh c¿ng tham gia và tích c¿c theo ¿üi con ¿¿¿ng ch¿ ngh¿a "¿n c¿m nhà ¿i vi¿t chuy¿n thiên h¿", không màng t¿i l¿i, danh.Sau bao chuy¿n hàn huyên k¿ ni¿m, Nguyên Hà m¿ ra cho tôi ¿¿c qua m¿t cün sách do anh v¿a vi¿t : "Gi¿i H¿¿ng - Th¿m Ng¿¿c Gió Ngàn", tôi m¿i ¿¿¿c bi¿t ¿¿n m¿t v¿ n¿ tu còn r¿t tr¿ nh¿ng tài hoa và ¿¿c h¿nh h¿n ng¿¿i cùng nh¿ng lý t¿¿ng siêu vi¿t ¿ang theo ¿üi thì v¿ n¿ tu này ¿ang ¿ ngôi v¿ hàng ¿¿u : S¿ ¿i tu t¿ khi còn r¿t nh¿. T¿ ch¿n l¿y con ¿¿¿ng xüt gia. Kham nh¿n ch¿p nh¿n t¿t c¿ nh¿ng th¿ thách cam go thi¿u th¿n t¿ v¿t ch¿t ch ¿¿n tinh th¿n ¿¿ tr¿ thành m¿t ni cô ¿¿t t¿i h¿c v¿ cao c¿p khi tüi còn nh¿, v¿n ch¿¿ng thi phú h¿n ng¿¿i. Süt ¿¿i lo chuy¿n phát huy, xây d¿ng, chia s¿ v¿i m¿i ng¿¿i theo g¿¿ng ¿¿c h¿nh t¿ bi. T¿ thành l¿p và tr¿ thành ng¿¿i n¿ tr¿ trì m¿t ngôi chùa ¿ ngay gi¿a vùng sa m¿c hoang s¿ thanh v¿ng, th¿t là can ¿¿m xi¿t bao. R¿i v¿ Ni Cô này vi¿t bao nhiêu là cün sách, làm bi¿t bao nhiêu v¿n th¿ ¿¿o ¿¿c, làm nh¿c, gi¿ng pháp, phát tri¿n v¿ các m¿t tâm linh v¿i c¿ m¿t t¿ sách kh¿ng l¿...¿¿c xong cün sách, tôi "n¿" ng¿¿i vi¿t thì ít mà bái ph¿c v¿ n¿ chân tu ¿¿c h¿nh này thì nhi¿u.Tôi chân thành c¿u chúc s¿ có nhi¿u ng¿¿i may m¿n ¿¿c ¿¿¿c cün sách này ¿¿ có c¿ h¿i h¿c h¿i thêm v¿ giáo lý nhà Ph¿t, ¿¿ng th¿i noi theo ¿¿¿c t¿m g¿¿ng d¿c h¿nh c¿a v¿ n¿ chân tu tr¿ trì này ¿¿ th¿ng ti¿n thêm ph¿n h¿nh ¿¿o. Cám ¿n b¿n tôi, ngòi bút Nguyên Hà.Ti¿n s¿ Khoa Ph¿m

  • af Bastian Emil Goldschmidt
    178,95 kr.

    Siden barndommen på Sardinien har det været ­ Paolos drøm at blive jockey og deltage i det årlige, traditionsrige hestevæddeløb Palio di Siena. Han har trænet og hærdet sig i årevis, hans far har indviet ham i løbets århundredgamle historie, og han har både fysisk og åndeligt sat alt ind på at kvalificere sig til at være med. Det er lykkedes. Og nu er det august, det er tid for årets Palio.Matteo, en desillusioneret ung mand fra et helt andet miljø, er kommet til Siena for at overvære løbet. Han møder Paolo, undrende og mere og mere fascineret ser han til, både under forberedelserne i dagene forud og da løbet udvikler sig helt anderledes voldsomt og dramatisk, end nogen kunne have forestillet sig. Mødet med Paolos mod og styrke før, under og efter væddeløbet danner en hård kontrast til Matteos tilværelse og giver ham meget at tænke på. Måske var der for ham, Matteo, en anden måde at leve livet på.Bastian Emil Goldschmidt (f. 1992) er forfatter og cykelkommentator. Han har skrevet bøgerne Fremad (2021) og Verden af Vilje (2022) om sportens ­ idealer. Han skriver reportager i Politiken og står bag oversættelsen af Curzio Malapartes Coppi og Bartali (2024).Rytteren og den rejsende er Bastian Emil Goldschmidts skønlitterære debut.

  • af Joshua Folkerts
    874,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird erstens Hegels ideengeschichtlicher Beitrag zur Genese von Sozialstaatstheorien herausgearbeitet und zweitens seine politische Theorie für die politiktheoretische Modellierung von Sozialstaatlichkeit fruchtbar gemacht. Mit Hegel lässt sich ein Mittelweg zwischen vor allem ökonomisch orientierter Sozialpolitik und vor allem anerkennungsfokussierter Identitätspolitik einschlagen, der weder mangelnde Anerkennung nur als Epiphänomen ökonomischer Verhältnisse versteht noch freiheitsbeschränkende Armut durch die Einforderung von Respekt für prekäre Lebenslagen normalisiert. Im genuin modernen Konflikt des Auseinandertretens von Gesellschaft und Staat, von sich selbst verwirklichendem Individuum auf dem Markt und der Gemeinschaft, zeichnet sich eine neue zentrale Funktion des Staats ab: Die Garantie der Freiheit für seine Bürger. Der Sozialstaat als Mittel dieser staatlichen Freiheitsgarantie erfüllt somit nicht nur eine bedeutende Rolle in der Versöhnung von Individuum und Gemeinschaft, sondern bildet hierdurch zugleich ein zentrales Legitimationselement des modernen Staats.

  • af Patricia Paweletz
    228,95 kr.

    Dokumentation der persönlichen Auseinandersetzung einer "Kriegs-enkelin" mit den Aus- und Nachwirkungen des Holocaust.Anlass sind ihre Reisen zum Stammtisch jüdischer Emigrantinnen und Emigranten bei der Gastgeberin Gaby Glückselig in New York. Zeitlich parallel hat die Autorin bei der Recherche über ihren Großvater Teile der verschwiegenen Geschichte seiner SS-Mitgliedschaft entdeckt. Das Tagebuch ist persönliche Auseinandersetzung mit Schuld in der eigenen Familie und detaillierte Betrachtung von gesellschaftlicher Verflechtung.

  • af Harald Haarmann
    508,95 kr.

    In our psyche, kairos is firmly anchored. Research on the key concept kairos has opened the path for a solid assessment of an essential source in the realm of cultural history. The most significant connotation of kairos is experienced time as social construct and the energy flow released within the Self that makes kairos a navigator for an individual's self-identification.This self-identification reflects the synergetic interaction of the body, the senses and the mind and, in the search of the Self for social interconnectivity, kairos becomes a measure for the relationship in the sphere of the between-us. Experiencing cultural traditions and the connection with nature in the flow of time is the basis for making one's living-space meaningful, and this kind of experience is at the very core of the functioning of kairos.Discovering kairos as an organizing principle of the Self in the communal network of a civilization from the far-distant past - focusing on Old Europe (the Danube civilization, respectively) - may be compared with the discovery of a plant the nutritious value of which for everybody's diet and capacities for healing had been unknown and are secured by modern research results.

  • af Robert Boynton
    168,95 kr.

    During the 1970s and early 80s, dozens - perhaps hundreds - of Japanese civilians were kidnapped by North Korean commandos and forced to live in 'Invitation Only Zones', high-security detention-centres masked as exclusive areas, on the outskirts of Pyongyang. The objective? To brainwash the abductees with the regime's ideology, and train them to spy on the state's behalf. But the project faltered; when indoctrination failed, the captives were forced to teach North Korean operatives how to pass as Japanese, to help them infiltrate hostile neighbouring nations.For years, the Japanese and North Korean authorities brushed off these disappearances, but in 2002 Kim Jong Il admitted to kidnapping thirteen citizens, returning five of them - the remaining eight were declared dead. In The Invitation Only Zone, Boynton, an investigative journalist, speaks with the abductees, nationalists and diplomats, and crab fishermen, to try and untangle both the kidnappings and the intensely complicated relations between North Korea and Japan. The result is a fierce and fascinating exploration of North Korea's mysterious machinations, and the vexed politics of Northeast Asia.

  • af Marcus J. Wright
    243,95 kr.

    By: Marcus J. Wright, Pub. 1882, reprinted 2023, 130 pages, Index, ISBN #9781-63914-154-8. McNairy county was created in 1823 from Hardin County, Tennessee. It lies in the western portion of the state just above Tishomingo County, Mississippi on the state line. This book is similar to other county history books of the era with the one exception. This book is filled from cover to cover with mini biographies of these early settlers of the county. Surnames of these early settlers are: Adams (2), Anderson (2), Beard, Beavers, Beck, Bell, Braden, Browder, Brooks, Carter, Cason, Chambers, Chaney, Cloud, Cox, Cross, Crump (2), Denny, Devault, Dorion, Duke, Ferguson, Gooch, Gullett, Hamm, Harwell, Hill, Holt, Hooker, Houston, Huggins, Jackson, Jones, Jopling (2), Kendal, Kincaid, Lorance, Maxedon, McCann, McCuller, McKinney, McKissick, Meeks, Melugin, Newberry, Pace, Perkins (3), Prather, Rains, Randolph, Reed, Riggs, Saunders, Sells, Simonton, Smith, Stovall, Street, Sweat, Tatum, Walsh, Warren (3), Weaver, Wilkerson, Wisdom (4), Worthington, and Wright (4).

  • af Elizabeth Allen
    168,95 kr.

    Feisty Women Helping Feisty Women derives from my ongoing conversations with many women who have stopped by my table at fairs and festivals and revealed their stories because my first two books gave them good laughs and a voice. These feisty women come from varied walks of life and areas of the country, but they share similar experiences. They and their friends and colleagues have had to summon all their ingenuity and compassion in finding ways to cope with an ultimately move on from the "Mr. Wonderful" in their life. You know the feeling. You may have been expecting that dreaded call---and here it is. When you take the call, you may hear silence, crying, sighing. What to do next? Open this book and starting reading!With humor and not too much snark, this book shows that helping a friend move on with their life after a breakup can feel as rewarding for you as it does for her. These strategies provide yet another testament to the feistiness and strength off all women.

  • af Dennis Mario Beck
    136,95 kr.

    Quarries are an interdisciplinary research topic for scholars who are interested in technical organization, economy, work processes and supply chains. In antiquity, the quarrying and trade of stone were highly dependent on persons from a variety of legal status groups and their cooperation in networks and institutions. Research shows that during the high Roman Empire, some quarries both belonged to the Roman emperor and were operated by an administrative structure that was highly dependent on him. Although the administrations were organized in a strict hierarchy, they depended much more on the emperor and the officials he employed than on the legal statuses of individuals. Slaves and freedmen gained importance due to their specialization in business. Characteristic is the cooperation of these actors within different fields of work in the economy, but in many cases it cannot be determined in detail merely from the sources, and requires research models. By using the chaîne opératoire and analyzing the quarry at Simitthus as an example, the paper shows to what extent this methodology is suitable for identifying dependency relationships between individuals. In addition, interagency and spatial relations can serve as indicators of dependencies among the actors, and network analysis offers insights into administrations in imperial quarries.

  • af Richard Beck
    287,95 kr.

    "A groundbreaking argument on how the decades-long War on Terror changed virtually every aspect of American life, from the erosion of democracy down to what we watched on TV-by an acclaimed n+1 writer"--

  • af Captivating History
    238,95 kr.

    Did you know that Alaska is home to the oldest archaeological site in the US?If you're ready to take a journey that will explore the history of Alaska's Native heritage, then Alaska Natives: A Captivating Guide to the History of Indigenous Peoples of Alaska is the trail for you to follow the cultures that have thrived for generations against the breathtaking backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness.Alaska Natives is not merely a collection of facts and dates-it's a captivating narrative that explores the Alaska Native cultures and their journey into the modern era. Discover the pathways on the Bering Land Bridge, share in the contemporary celebrations that honor their heritage, and witness the continuity of traditions that are intertwined with tales of resilience, artistry, and their incredible connection with the land.In the pages of this book, you'll find a world where the past and present coexist. Explore the Aleutian Islands, where strong communities thrive against rugged landscapes, revealing how the land shapes tradition. The journey through the heritage of the Alaska Natives is a story where cultures have thrived against all odds.Are you ready to dive in? Here's some of what you'll discover in the pages of this guide:Learn where the early Alaskans came from and how they connected with EuropeUncover how they survived in such harsh conditionsLearn how the land shaped traditions and lifestylesDiscover how the native tribes survived the Russian invasionExplore where the Alaska Natives stood when the US gained controlAnd so much more!

  • af Elena Marushiakova
    1.918,95 kr.

    In their centuries-old history, the Roma (formerly known as Gypsies) experienced many difficult moments and cruel trials from their arrival in Europe until now. The history of the Roma in the USSR is no exception in this respect. Along with affirmative state policy towards them (at least until the end of the 1930s), they also fell victim to the massive political repressions of that time. In this book, the Roma victims of these repressions are made visible and the scale of the repressions against them is discussed. The authors describe the political repression of Roma not as an isolated historical phenomenon explicitly aimed at the Roma as a separate ethnic community but understand the events as a component of the mass terror and brutal against all Soviet citizens. In this way, the history of the Roma is inscribed in the general history of the USSR.

  • af Jonathan Adeyemi
    1.395,95 - 1.402,95 kr.

    This book brings together from four years of study on Nigerian contemporary art's internationalization. The monograph integrates voices of African (Nigerian) artists and art market players into the growing discourse on the emerging art markets in the global South. It explores the logic of competition and dynamics of power relations in the global markets, focusing on the internationalization of contemporary art forms from peripheral regions. The book confirms that the internationalization of contemporary art form from Nigeria is limited due to systematic marginalization in the artistic field, which in this case based on postcolonialism, and debilitating socio-economic factors such as outmoded art education, unstructured support system and weak mechanism for local validation, and an inefficient political framework for art governance.It will therefore be useful to students and researchers in the sociology of art, art market studies, art history and culture polity. 

  • af Annick Paternoster
    1.312,95 kr.

  • - Lykke i en krigstid
    af Dorte Kofoed
    206,95 kr.

    Kvinde – Fortæl din historie: Lykke i en krigstid er første bind i serien Erindringsglimt fra fortiden. Bogen er skrevet af journalist Dorte Kofoed.EN UNG BORNHOLMSK PIGES ERINDRINGSGLIMT OG ANDRE HISTORIER.Dorte Kofoed har en mission. Det er vigtigt, at vi får fortalt vores mødres, bedstemødres og oldemødres historier, før de forsvinder i glemslen. Der var ingen, der gik med deres mobiltelefon i lommen for 100 år siden og optog billeder og videoer i en lang uendelig strøm, som vi gør det i dag.Stig ombord i tidsmaskinen, og tag på din egen rejse med din mor, bedstemor eller oldemor. Det er ofte først, når vi bliver ældre, at vi forstår baggrunden for vores forældre eller bedsteforældres liv. Hvorfor blev vi opdraget, som vi gjorde, og hvorfor havde vi til tider svært ved at forstå dem og nå hinanden hen over generationskløften.I Kvinde – Fortæl din historie kommer Dorte Kofoed ind på:• Hvorfor er kvindehistorien vigtig?• Kvinderne i hendes egen slægt• Tips til, hvordan du selv griber det an

  • af John Wesley
    128,95 kr.

    John Wesley Powell was a U.S. soldier, geologist, explorer of the American West, and director of major scientific and cultural institutions. He is famous for the 1869 Powell Geographic Expedition, a three-month river trip down the Green and Colorado rivers that included the first passage of European Americans through the Grand Canyon. Sketch of the Mythology of the North American Indians by John Wesley Powell is about the various myths in Native American culture. Excerpt: "The wonders of the course of nature have ever challenged attention. In savagery, barbarism, and civilization alike, the mind of man has sought the explanation of things. The movements of the heavenly bodies, the change of seasons, the succession of night and day, the powers of the air, majestic mountains, ever-flowing rivers, perennial springs, the flight of birds, the gliding of serpents, the growth of trees, the blooming of flowers, the forms of storm-carved rocks, the mysteries of life and death, the institutions of society-many are the things to be explained."

  • af Laura S. Schor
    1.405,95 - 1.411,95 kr.

    This book is organized around the personal struggles of ten extraordinary French women activists: Eugenie Niboyet, Eugenie Foa, Suzanne Voilquin, Josephine Bachellery, Pauline Roland, Jeanne Deroin, Elisa Lemonnier, Desiree Gay, Adele Esquiros, and Marie Noemie Constant. Ranging in age from 52 to 20 in 1848, coming from different economic backgrounds, these women share a common quest to be included in the economic and political rights won by the revolt against the July Monarchy.Banding together in the face of exclusion from the right to work guaranteed to all men in February 1848, they write petitions to the Provisional Government, and create the first daily feminist newspaper, "e;La Voix des femmes."e; The newspaper is a forum for their demands: midwives who demand to be paid as civil servants, domestic workers who demand support while unemployed, teachers who demand opportunities for higher education and for higher wages. The right to vote and the right to divorce are debated in the newspaper. Seeking to widen their support, Niboyet and her cohort launch a political club, Le Club de femmes, which is ridiculed in the satiric press. The women activists of 1848 do not withdraw from the public sphere. They form workers' associations. Deroin and Roland are imprisoned for their activism. All continue to work for women's rights as teachers, writers, and artists.The women of 1848 inspire successive generations of women to continue their struggle. 

  • af Zvi Helmut Steinitz
    463,95 kr.

    Zvi Helmut Steinitz Memoirs for eternal remembranceFor years I was preoccupied with the thought of documenting the tragic fate of my family members, all of them perished in the Holocaust. Yet for almost my whole life, I tried to suppress the sorrowful past, wary of resurrecting the years of tears and suffering. I rarely spoke of the wartime atrocities. I never returned to the country where death resided, where streams of Jewish blood saturated the earth. I couldn¿t bring myself to stand before the silent mass grave in Belzec, where my parents, my brother and my aunt lie buried together with hundreds upon thousands of Jewish victims. I couldn¿t face the death of those I loved, couldn't look into their eyes. In my mind, they live on. Many years later, vivid images from the monstrous war years began to appear frequently, images that cast a shadow over my day-to-day life and burdened my mind. I gradually became aware of my age, too. I was no longer young, and already I felt under pressure to finally write down the story of my family. All my life I had been haunted by the question of how I had survived the war, where I had drawn the mental and physical strength that helped me to survive those tortuous years. There is no explanation for my survival, and yet I am certain that the upbringing that my parents gave me had a significant influence on my steadfastness and determination, particularly in critical situations. My parents brought my brother and me up with love and human values that I have carried with me through my life. In moments of deepest despair and deadly peril, hidden strengths awakened in me, strengths that sharpened my senses and saved my life. I strongly believe that the values installed in childhood will always stay with a person and develop into principles that a young person can take into independent life. Had I not possessed these principles, not even blind luck or sheer coincidence could have saved me. As the only surviving member of my family, I felt a moral obligation to immortalise in writing the fate of my family and their lives before and during the war up until their tragic deaths. I had the extraordinary fortune of surviving, and I have enough mental strength today to enable me to address the horrors of that time and to tell the story of my family. The Nazis will not succeed in their appalling attempt at erasing my family's existence from this earth. My parents and brother have no personal graves and no gravestone.

  • af Niels Silfverberg
    122,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Dette er en historie om Frelsens Hærs brass band: Gartnergade/Valby Musikkorps. Gartnergade Musikkorps blev etableret i 1924 som en del af Frelsens Hærs menighed i Gartnergade på Nørrebro. I 1983 flyttede menigheden til Valby.Musikkorpset var fra starten et reelt brass band, og fejrer i 2024 en ubrudt 100-årig historie, med rejser til bl.a. det krigshærgede Vesttyskland, Moskva, England og Norden.Legender som Dr. Emil Söderström og Erik Silfverberg (OF) er en del af musikkorpsets spændende fortælling. Bogen er et lille, men vigtigt kapitel i historien om Frelsens Hærs brass bands.

  • af Mona A. Taylor
    243,95 kr.

    By: Mona A. Taylor, Pub. 1985, reprinted 2023, 150 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-155-5. Gates County was created in 1778 from Hertford, Chowan and Perquimans counties, N.C. It is located in the Northeastern corner of the state bordering Virginia. It is surrounded by the counties of Camden, Chowan, Hertford, Pasquotank, Perquimans counties N.C. and by Nansemond County, VA. Many inhabitants of the "BURNED" counties of Hertford, N.C. and Nansemond, VA. which adjoin Gates County are mentioned in these early deeds. Deeds are one of favorite research tools of the genealogists due to the wide variety of family connections found within them. Not only will the reader find the deed transaction itself, but often times such things as: marriages, relinquishments of dower, divisions of family farms among heirs, remarriages of widows are just a few of the matters you can anticipate finding within records of deeds.

  • af Mona A. Taylor
    273,95 kr.

    By: Mona A. Taylor, Pub. 1986, reprinted 2023, 174 pages, index, soft cover, ISBN #9787-1-63914-157-9. Gates County was created in 1778 from Hertford, Chowan and Perquimans counties, N.C. It is located in the Northeastern corner of the state bordering Virginia. It is surrounded by the counties of Camden, Chowan, Hertford, Pasquotank, Perquimans counties N.C. and by Nansemond County, VA. Many inhabitants of the "BURNED" counties of Hertford, N.C. and Nansemond, VA. which adjoin Gates County are mentioned in these early deeds. Deeds are one of favorite research tools of the genealogists due to the wide variety of family connections found within them. Not only will the reader find the deed transaction itself, but often times such things as: marriages, relinquishments of dower, divisions of family farms among heirs, remarriages of widows are just a few of the matters you can anticipate finding within records of deeds.

  • af Ila Earle Fowler
    543,95 kr.

    By: Ila Earle Fowler, Pub. 1951, reprinted 2023, 468 pages, Index soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-164-7. This book is series of abstracts of Kentucky records containing data from Bibles, tombstones, obituaries, birth certificates, vital statistics, tax books, deeds, wills, and marriage and census records for the following counties: Bourbon, Bracken, Caldwell, Calloway, Christian, Fayette, Fleming, Franklin, Hardin, Hopkins, Jefferson, Jessamine, Larue, Lincoln, Livingston, Mason, Mercer, and Woodford. The author has also included genealogies or mini-family histories of the following surnames: Bartlett, Baskett, Bayles, Bourland-Reese, Brownfield-Brumfield, Caldwell, Carson, Cowgill, Cox, Cromwell, Denton, Denton-Leer, Earle-Dillingham, Elkin, Fristoe, Haley, Harrod, Laffoon, Land, Lauderman, Leer, Milam, Mitchell, Neal, Nichols, Randolph, Reed, Rees, Tribble, and Worthington. The Index mentions approximately 16,000 persons.

  • af The Captain Jeremiah Baker Chapter Dar
    213,95 kr.

    By: The Captain Jeremiah Baker Chpt. D.A.R., Pub. 1928, reprinted 2023, 112 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-159-3. Cecil County was created in 1674 from Baltimore County. This book contains a list of approximately 4,000 marriages, arranged chronologically from July 23, 1777 to June 1, 1840. The entries give the date of the marriage, the full name of the groom, full maiden name of the bride, and the names of officiating ministers. Due to the county's location in northeastern corner of the state, it can also be a good source for locating persons from Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania due to the common intermarriages of persons from this area.

  • af Mary D. Ackerly
    993,95 kr.

    By: Mary D. Ackerly and Lula Eastman J Parker, Pub. 1930, reprinted 2023, 840 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-147-0. This book begins with a short history of Bedford County, Virginia, which was created from Lunenburg County in 1753. This is followed by a section on Revolutionary Soldiers of Bedford County. The next 780 pages are genealogies of the following surnames: Ackerly, Bell, Beverley, Board, Bolling, Bond, Boone, Buford, Callaway, Chilton, Clark, Clayton, Davis (2), Dickerson, Douglas, Ficklen, Finley, Gilmer, Gist, Goggin, Gwatkin, Hamilton, Hatcher, Hawkins, Hobson, Jennings, Jetters (12), Johnson, Jopling, Jordan, Key, Lavell, Longwood, Lowrey, Martin, Mays, Meade, Moorman, Moulton, Otey, Parker, Penn, Phelps, Phillippe, Pocahontas-Wigginton, Poindexter, Reese, Robertson, Robinson, Rolfe, Rucker, Sagendorf, Slaughter, Sledd, Smith, Snead, Snow, Spinner-Burks, Stone, Talbot, Thompson, Turpin, Vaughan, Walker, Wharton, White, and Wright.

  • af Raymond Parker Fouts
    243,95 kr.

    By: Raymond Parker Fouts, Pub. 1983, reprinted 2023, 150 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-172-2. The city of New Bern is located in Craven County, NC. The city was founded in 1710 and served as the Capitol of the state from 1770-1792. Its earliest settlers were of Palatines and Swiss descent. These abstracts from this newspaper cover a wide variety of genealogical interest, such as: Crimes, Run-Away Slaves giving names of slave and master, Lands for sale including names of seller, physical description and amount of acreage, Marriages and deaths, Divorces, Revolutionary War data, court issues, businesses, and many, many other types of genealogical data. The data within this book covers persons not only from Craven County, but also persons from neighboring counties of Beaufort, Carteret, Dobbs, Duplin, Hyde, Jones, Pitt and other outlying areas. The Index mentions approximately 1,700 persons.

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