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Historisk geografi

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  • Spar 19%
    af Henrik Dupont
    488,95 kr.

    Den fantastiske historie om kortlægningen af Jordens største og mest utilgængelige ø. Grønland er enestående - også når det handler om kortlægning. Skønt den store ø har været beboet i mere end 4000 år, er der ikke fundet nogen kort produceret af lokale, før Hans Egede i 1721 bosatte sig på vestkysten og begyndte en primitiv kortlægning. Indtil 1700-tallet var de få eksisterende kort udfærdiget af folk, der sjældent havde været i land. Sparsomme kilder blev suppleret af gætværk. Efter Egedes ankomst blev korttegningen fortsat af missionærer, handelsfolk og kartografer på de mange forskellige grønlandsekspeditioner.Kortlægningen af Grønland fortæller om grønlandskort gennem tiderne - fra 1500-tallets fantasifulde kort op til det 19. og 20. århundredes gradvist mere korrekte gengivelser. Undervejs præsenteres mere end 100 historiske kort fra Claudius Clavus' nordenskort fra 1427, hvor en lille del af Grønland for første gang optræder på et kort, og op til den officielle dansk-grønlandske kortlægning næsten 600 år senere.

  • Spar 18%
    af Peder Dam
    370,95 kr.

    Dette pragtværk med mere end 200 smukke historiske kort fortæller, hvordan konturerne af Danmark tog form på kort fra 1400-tallet til starten af 1800-tallet. Da var landet efterhånden blevet fuldstændigt opmålt af Videnskabernes Selskab.Bogen giver et overblik over kartografiens historie og præsenterer de centrale opmålingsmetoder, personligheder og kort. Ud over danmarkskort vises kort over danske byer, kolonier, Slesvig-Holsten, Skandinavien samt de nordatlantiske besiddelser.I bogen beskrives også de politiske, kulturelle og teknologiske rammer, som kortene må forstås indenfor. De historiske kort bliver dermed på mere end én måde et billede af Danmark i evig forandring.

  • af Tim Marshall
    285,95 kr.

    Originally published: London: Elliot and Thompson Limited, 2015, with the subtitle Ten maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics.

  • af Jacob Mikanowski
    106,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Johannes Steenstrup
    228,95 kr.

    Man kan lære meget om et sted, dets historie og geografi blot ved at se nærmere på dets navn. Historiker Johannes Steenstrups studier over danske stednavne var banebrydende, og i sin bog om danske stednavne præsenterer han eksempler på, hvordan man kan forstå Danmarks historie og lokalhistorie ud fra forskellige steder og byers navne. Samtidig gør forfatteren med denne bog fra 1920 læseren i stand til selv at drage konklusioner om de steder, hun eller han støder på, ud fra deres navne. Johannes Christoffer Hagemann Reinhardt Steenstrup (1844-1935) var en dansk historiker og professor ved Københavns Universitet og søn af naturforsker og zoolog Japetus Steenstrup. Han skrev en lang række bøger, artikler og afhandlinger om historiske emner. Han beskæftigede sig hovedsageligt med danmarkshistorien og særligt udviklingen af de jævne folks vilkår gennem tiden. Johannes Steenstrup opnåede flere hædersbevisninger og var både Ridder af Dannebrog, Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad og fik endvidere Storkorset kort før sin død i 1935.

  • af John Julius Norwich
    378,95 kr.

  • af Ben Miles
    196,95 kr.

    A photography book that is a vital accompaniment to the many fans of Hilary Mantel's bestselling Wolf Hall Trilogy, now a major TV series

  • af Palle Lauring
    433,95 kr.

    Palle Lauring tager os med på en rejse rundt i Norge, det land, der i over 450 år var den anden part af vores "Tvillingriger". Det fascinerende ved Norge er for danskerne, at selvom det er meget anderledes end Danmark, så er vi alligevel helt fortrolige med landet og dets folk. Bogens mange illustrationer er med til at føre læseren helt med op til landet mod nord.Gateway /title /head body center h1 502 Bad Gateway /h1 /center /body /htmlPalle Lauring (1909-1996) var en dansk forfatter og historieformidler, der skrev dusinvis af bøger om dansk og europæisk historie. Palle Lauring er blevet tildelt adskillige legater og hædret med prestigiøse priser. I 1960 modtog han De Gyldne Laurbær for Historiske portrætter.

  • af Élisée Reclus
    178,95 kr.

    I 1869 og 1880 udgav den franske geograf, forfatter og anarkist Élisée Reclus (1830-1905) Historien om et vandløb og Historien om et bjerg, der nu begge foreligger på dansk i Troels Hughes Hansens oversættelse. De to bøger havde i sin tid en bred appel og stærk indvirkning på den almene forståelse af naturen. Elisée Reclus plæderede for et vildt og harmonisk naturbegreb, hvilket stod i skarp kontrast til den industrielle civilisations udvikling i slutning af 1800-tallet.Bogen er i høj grad relevant i dag, fordi den tilbyder os et frisk og bejaende blik på natur­en som noget, der ikke ligger uden for os selv. Naturen hos Reclus er ikke den store Anden, som man enten kan passe på eller ødelægge. Den er ikke udelukkende et objekt, men optræder i menneskets historie og kultur som en drivende kraft. Bjerget og vandløbet er som resten af naturen evigt forbundet med mennesket på godt og ondt, og det løber som en understrøm i bogen, at det er essentielt for mennesket at vedligeholde denne forbindelse.På den led flyder Reclus’ poetiske projekt sammen med hans politiske over­bevisning. Den geografisk præcise og poetisk sanselige indoptagelse af naturen bliver en modstandskamp for digteren. Naturen er både et middel til at genoplade batterierne og samle kræfter til den store kamp for frihed og retfærdighed, men den har også en iboende værdi for os som del af vores fælles historie og udvikling.

  • af Ronnie Joyner
    166,95 kr.

    The Bermuda Triangle is commonly regarded as one of the biggest mysteries of the present time, but what is it exactly? The mystery itself stems from several aircraft and ships that mysteriously disappeared inside the Triangle under strange circumstances. The nature of the phenomenon lends itself to a myriad of theories, hypotheses, and explanations. These range from the religious and superstitious to the scientific and mundane.Unfortunately, records of Bermuda Triangle events are often rife with false information, deceptive reports, and spun tales. Studies of the area are often performed with a bias towards one particular theory, leading to the unwarranted dismissal of hard facts or the acceptance of unreliable data that is then forcefully declared as truth.This book explores the mysterious and captivating world of the Bermuda Triangle. The author, an experienced adventurer, takes readers on a journey through this infamous region. Through personal anecdotes, historical accounts, and scientific theories, the author provides a comprehensive look at the Bermuda Triangle and its many secrets. The story is filled with twists and turns, and raises questions about the nature of our choices and their consequences.

  • af Mihailo St. Popovi¿
    254,95 kr.

    Aus Anlaß des 80. Geburtstags von Johannes Koder (*1942) bringen Freunde, Wegbegleiter, Schüler und Kollegen diese Festschrift dar, deren Beiträge sich inhaltlich auf jene Forschungsinteressen des Jubilars beziehen, die er als Professor für Byzantinistik an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (1978-1985) und ordentlicher Professor der Byzantinistik an der Universität Wien (1985-2010) stets mit großem Eifer, Enthusiasmus und Originalität in Lehre und Forschung vertreten hat. Dazu zählen im wesentlichen Aspekte der historischen Geographie, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Archäologie, Gräzistik und Philologie sowie Hymnologie des Byzantinischen Reiches, womit er die Beitragenden aus dem In- und Ausland während seiner aktiven Laufbahn auf verschiedene Art und Weise inspirierte.Aus diesem Grunde finden sich in diesem Band archäologische, toponomastische, historische, philologische, historisch-geographische und kunsthistorische Themen. Vom wachen schöpferischen Geist Johannes Koders zeugt auch seine Beschäftigung mit vermeintlichen "Randthemen" der Byzantinistik und Balkanforschung, wie zum Beispiel dem Kordax - dem "Tanz der Slawen", der für die Festschrift namensgebend ist.

  • af Albino Galuppini
    227,95 kr.

    Con la prefazione di Eddie Alencar. Ecco il terzo volume della nota serie bibliografica di Albino Galuppini. L'illusione del globo cade senza scampo assieme alla Storia con le sue truffe. > Qual è il nome di Dio? > L'epopea dei giganti > Enoc, I Vigilanti: esegesi comparata > Alla crocifissione del Messia > Letteratura predittiva > Le radici del Male > Il Titanic e le sue gemelle > Segni dal Cielo > Città perdute in Antartide > Mille anni mai trascorsi.

  • af Arnau Garcia-Molsosa
    476,95 kr.

    Explores mountain regions as cultural landscapes that have been shaped by long-term human-environment interactions.

  • af Chalermpol Intha B. Arch (Hon)
    248,95 kr.

    In Memory of Muntana (Sunthornrat) Intha who lived at 92 Rambuttir Road (Banglumpoo) during the school years at KemmaSiris Anusorn: a school of Artchitecture, Chulalongkorn University; and worked at BMA. Banglumpoo is known as the Thai Market since 1900 (during King Rama the 7th); whereas the Chinese and Indian Markets are somewhere else. It has been preserved as a historic place and continues to be a unique and lively place for the citizen and visitors to enjoy daily shopping, mostly food. Anyone who wishes to learn Thai or English, the book provides readable content to accomplish either language. The outline displays a unique style; a page of Thai is juxtaposed against a page of English, making language learning easier. Each page is designed with graphics and text to please your eyes, like visual poems play out in front of you!

  • af George Rawlinson
    208,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Dana Richard Henry
    248,95 kr.

    Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea' is an enchanting memoir written by Richard Henry Dana, Jr., an American lawyer, and author. The book provides a vivid and firsthand account of Dana's experiences as a common sailor aboard a merchant ship during the early 19th century. Furthermore, the book offers valuable insights into the social and economic conditions of the time, highlighting the labor exploitation faced by sailors and the power dynamics aboard ships. Dana's observations on the natural world and the maritime landscapes add depth to the narrative, painting a vivid picture of the awe-inspiring yet perilous environments he traverses. This book is not only a gripping adventure tale but also a significant historical document that sheds light on the realities of maritime life and the hardships endured by seafarers. It remains a timeless classic, captivating readers with its rich storytelling and providing a unique perspective on the maritime history of the United States.

  • af John Bulkeley
    353,95 kr.

    This is a thrilling adventure story about the loss of His Majesty's ship, the Wager, on a desolate island in the South Pacific in 1740-1741. Bulkeley and Cummins recount the harrowing experience of being stranded on the island for months and their eventual rescue. It's a must-read for anyone who loves survival stories and nautical history.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Mike Duggan
    188,95 kr.

    From cave paintings to Google, a thought-provoking investigation of how maps do not just reflect the world around us, but shape the way we live. Maps go far beyond just showing us where things are located. All Mapped Out is an exploration of how maps impact our lives on social and cultural levels. This book offers a journey through the fascinating history of maps, from ancient cave paintings and stone carvings to the digital interfaces we rely on today. But it's not just about the maps themselves; it's about the people behind them. All Mapped Out reveals how maps have affected societies, influenced politics and economies, impacted the environment, and even shaped our sense of personal identity. Mike Duggan uncovers the incredible power of maps to shape the world and the knowledge we consume, offering a unique and eye-opening perspective on the significance of maps in our daily lives.

  • af Jonn Elledge
    198,95 kr.

    Praise for The Compendium of (Not Quite) Everything'Jonn Elledge is a charming and outstandingly nerdish guide. A big, generous, fascinating book' Robert Webb'I love Jonn Elledge's brain'Marina Hyde'Joyous, mind-expanding, laugh-out-loud funny, and full of nerdy gusto.Ian Dunt'Consistently both entertaining and fascinating'Ahir Shah

  • af Ian Goldin
    153,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Fletcher
    198,95 kr.

    Brimming with life and drama, this is the first book to explore two thousand years of European history through one the greatest imperial networks ever built'A delightful, novel and authoritative history from the ground up' JUDITH HERRIN'Epic and witty ... Fletcher is a thoroughly enjoyable narrator because she peppers her learned prose with wry humour' TOBIAS JONES, Observer'Fletcher is a rare thing: an academic who writes beautifully and accessibly about big subjects ... utterly riveting, filled with golden nuggets' CHARLIE CONNELLY, New European'All roads lead to Rome.' It's a medieval proverb, but it's also true: today's European roads still follow the networks of the ancient empire, as Rome's extraordinary legacy continues to grip our imaginations.Over the two thousand years since they were first built, the roads have been walked by crusaders and pilgrims, liberators and dictators, but also by tourists and writers, refugees and artists. As channels of trade and travel, and routes for conquest and creativity, Catherine Fletcher shows how the roads forever transformed the cultures, and intertwined the fates, of a vast panoply of people across Europe and beyond.Reflecting on his own walk on the Appian Way, Charles Dickens observed that here is 'a history in every stone that strews the ground.' Based on outstanding original research, and brimming with life and drama, this is the first book to explore two thousand years of history through one of the greatest imperial networks ever built.

  • af Daryl Mackey
    213,95 kr.

    The hurricane season is here, and you have to be prepared. This book offers advice on what to do ahead of time to stay safe and precautions during an hurricane. All that's left to do is survive. The hurricane has swept through the city, destroying buildings and uprooting trees.Hurricanes are terrifying and dangerous. If you live in the path of a hurricane, you should be prepared. Follow these hurricane safety tips in these book to keep you and your family safe. Here is a preview of what you'll learn...Stocking up on basic items and emergency suppliesReview (and adjust) your insurance coverageBattening downCreating an evacuation planStaying updatedMuch, much more!In this book, peterson exposes hurricanes for the one-eyed monsters they truly are and provides crucial knowledge on how to survive them as they approach, occur, and leave a wake.The relationship between man and hurricane is simply illustrated in this book by melvyn peterson, a freelance investigative journalist who has covered us natural disasters for 18 years. He discusses everything from using a digital swiss army knife in saving your life to being prepared for the uncertainty brought on by hurricanes.

  • af John V Parachini
    408,95 kr.

    Weapon exports and the provision of security and military services abroad by China and Russia serve as a means for both countries to extend their influence around the globe. How do such activities affect India--an emerging great power--and what do they mean for India-U.S. security cooperation? A conference held on June 30 and July 1, 2022, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, was part of an ongoing project focusing on these questions. Participants explored Indian and U.S. views on important security issues across the Indo-Pacific and sought to identify areas of mutual interest and disagreement. Discussions were informed by six papers--three from the RAND Corporation and three from the Observer Research Foundation--that discussed common approaches to bilateral security cooperation, Russian arms sales to India, and the challenges posed by China to regional security. This report contains those papers, along with a summary of the issues discussed.

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