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Historiske kort og atlas

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  • af Peder Dam
    337,95 kr.

    Dette pragtværk med mere end 200 smukke historiske kort fortæller, hvordan konturerne af Danmark tog form på kort fra 1400-tallet til starten af 1800-tallet. Da var landet efterhånden blevet fuldstændigt opmålt af Videnskabernes Selskab.Bogen giver et overblik over kartografiens historie og præsenterer de centrale opmålingsmetoder, personligheder og kort. Ud over danmarkskort vises kort over danske byer, kolonier, Slesvig-Holsten, Skandinavien samt de nordatlantiske besiddelser.I bogen beskrives også de politiske, kulturelle og teknologiske rammer, som kortene må forstås indenfor. De historiske kort bliver dermed på mere end én måde et billede af Danmark i evig forandring.

  • af Diccon Bewes
    372,95 kr.

    A truly magical and engrossing journey across Switzerland's historyA map is the perfect pictorial way to explain and entertain. This book achieves both of these goals and provide a detailed picture of Switzerland. Diccon Bewes' search for original maps led him through official archives and private collections. The results are presented here, along with the fascinating stories behind them: from the circular island map of 1480 to the birth of modern Swiss cartography; from the British rail plan for Switzerland to a Soviet map of Basel during the Cold-War; from the 1970s Zurich map for men to the vision of a Greater Switzerland with 40 cantons.Map by map, we understand how Switzerland came to be and possibly where it is going. A truly magical and engrossing journey.Diccon Bewes is the most Swiss of all Englishmen. Before becoming a best-selling author, he worked as a travel journalist in London and as a bookseller in Bern.

  • af George Rawlinson
    217,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Mike Duggan
    182,95 kr.

    From cave paintings to Google, a thought-provoking investigation of how maps do not just reflect the world around us, but shape the way we live. Maps go far beyond just showing us where things are located. All Mapped Out is an exploration of how maps impact our lives on social and cultural levels. This book offers a journey through the fascinating history of maps, from ancient cave paintings and stone carvings to the digital interfaces we rely on today. But it's not just about the maps themselves; it's about the people behind them. All Mapped Out reveals how maps have affected societies, influenced politics and economies, impacted the environment, and even shaped our sense of personal identity. Mike Duggan uncovers the incredible power of maps to shape the world and the knowledge we consume, offering a unique and eye-opening perspective on the significance of maps in our daily lives.

  • af John R. Miles
    392,95 kr.

  • af Neal Asbury
    372,95 kr.

    A stunning journey through the Holy Land, as told by the rare maps and prints that have long inspired Jewish, Christian, and Muslim pilgrimages. From the earliest days of the Roman Empire to the current war between Israel and Hamas, mapping the Holy Land has been a never-ending source of high aspirations and bitter conflict. Sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, the Holy Land has always inspired Christians to walk in the footsteps of the Bible, to imagine the route of the Exodus, or discover the places of Jesus' ministry. Muslims, too, longed to see the geographical contours of the ummah, the greater Muslim community, while Jews remembered the days when Jerusalem was the destination for three holy festivals. In response, cartographers from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age drew their inspiration from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim pilgrimages to depict, with growing confidence, the exotic locations of the Holy Land. Mapping the Holy Land is the first book to tell the thrilling story of these travels and the incredible prints and maps they spawned, up to the wars of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Illustrated with rare, hand-colored maps and engravings throughout and riveting scene-setting history, this remarkable volume from rare maps collector Neal Asbury, CEO of The Legacy Companies and host of Neal Asbury's Made in America, and National Geographic best-selling author Jean-Pierre Isbouts, coauthors of Mapping America, shows how the faithful overcame impossible odds to reach the Holy Land, and dives deep into the historical understanding of these elusive lands from Roman times up to the modern Israeli-Arab conflict.

  • af Michelle H. Wang
    448,95 kr.

    A study of early Chinese maps using interdisciplinary methods.  This is the first English-language monograph on the early history of maps in China, centering on those found in three tombs that date from the fourth to the second century BCE and constitute the entire known corpus of early Chinese maps (ditu). More than a millennium separates them from the next available map in the early twelfth century CE. Unlike extant studies that draw heavily from the history of cartography, this book offers an alternative perspective by mobilizing methods from art history, archaeology, material culture, religion, and philosophy. It examines the diversity of forms and functions in early Chinese ditu to argue that these pictures did not simply represent natural topography and built environments, but rather made and remade worlds for the living and the dead. Wang explores the multifaceted and multifunctional diagrammatic tradition of rendering space in early China.

  • af Martin Gilbert
    317,95 kr.

  • af Peng Shepherd
    117,95 - 172,95 kr.

    'Exquisitely written ... Be prepared to be swept away on an incredible journey' Brad Thor, #1 bestselling author of Black Ice'A story about magical maps that lead to your heart's desire [and] the people who would do anything to find them ... A vastly rich experience' Charles Soule, author of The Oracle YearThere are some maps you can lose yourself in...Nell Young has lived her life in and around maps. Her father, Dr. David Young, was one of the most respected cartographers in the world. But this morning he was found dead - or murdered? - in his office at the New York Public Library. Nell hadn't spoken to her father in years, ever since he fired her after an argument over a seemingly worthless highway roadside map. A map which was mass-produced - and every copy of which is now being found and destroyed. But why? To answer that question, Nell will embark on a dangerous journey into the heart of a conspiracy beyond belief, the secrets behind her family, and the true power that lies in maps . . . THE CARTOGRAPHERS is a story about Art and Science: where they meet, how they both enrich our lives, and how each defines the other. And it's a book about the mystery, history, and ineffable romance of maps.

  • af Darrell K. Jackson
    107,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Warren
    177,95 kr.

    Mary Draper Ingles lived in Virginia in the mid-1700's when relations between settlers and Native Americans were strained. Shawnee warriors attacked Mary's home and took her captive. The warriors hauled their prisoners and plunder on horseback to a Shawnee village, hundreds of miles away. While traveling with the warriors, Mary noted that they always followed the rivers. While in captivity, Mary worked hard and gained the respect of her captors, but when an opportunity arose, Mary escaped. Following the same rivers that had brought her to the Shawnee village, Mary traveled 850 miles on foot for 42 days through forests and wilderness to find her way back home. Listen to the River recounts Mary's story of courage, strength and determination in a simple, child-friendly manner.

  • - Plakat 70x100cm - Købes: 4 stk i kasse
    427,95 kr.

    Et smukt klassisk verdenskort i stort format 70x100 cm, der passer til en normal plakatramme. Kortet, der er helt opdateret, er af typen fysisk verdenskort, hvor man kan se landenes og kontinenternes fysiske karakteristika med ørken, is, skov, slette, bjerge m.m. Salgs-isbn: 9788775372263

  • - Plakat 70x100cm - Købes: 4 stk i kasse
    422,95 kr.

    Et smukt klassisk Danmarkskort i stort format 70 x 100 cm, der passer til en normal plakatramme. Rundt om kortet er vist våbenskjolde fra Danmarks 98 kommuner i farver.Salgs-isbn: 9788775372256

  • af Maciej Górny
    1.407,95 kr.

    Can geographers actually create their fatherlands? The story of the territorial reconstruction of East Central Europe in the wake of WWI gives an affirmative answer.The protagonists of this book were a cohort of young, talented and exceedingly ambitious people fascinated by the modernity of late 19th century German geographical sciences. During wartime they proved particularly successful in scholarship and in scientifically based national propaganda. Some of them succeeded in influencing the spatial idea of 'just borders' that allegedly corresponded best to geographical and ethnical realities. They offered ready-made solutions to questions of the self-determination of nations formulated by US President Wilson. But already during the Paris Peace Conference, geographers moved to concepts of a 'natural', 'biological' border, to ideas of the subjugation of entire ethnic groups. They now cherished visions of a demographic and geographical utopia of states that were ethnically homogeneous.

  • af Edward Brooke-Hitching
    382,95 kr.

    Zu schön, um wahr zu seinKalifornien als Insel, versunkene Königreiche und das irdische Paradies - diese und andere gefühlte Fakten haben Kartografen quer durch die Jahrhunderte fein säuberlich in ihren Atlanten festgehalten. Dabei hatten manche dieser Phantome ein erstaunlich langes Leben. Nach einer im 17. Jahrhundert der Phantasie entsprungenen Insel im Golf von Mexiko etwa hat man bis 2009 gesucht. Dann gab man sich geschlagen. Wo nahm der Irrglaube seinen Anfang? Warum wurden geografische Orte aufgezeichnet, die es gar nicht gab? Und was faszinierte die Menschen an all den bizarren Geschichten und Gestalten? Die hier vorgestellten historischen Karten präsentieren neben mancher tatsächlichen Entdeckung von Reisenden und Forschern vor allem Erfindungen und Irrtümer. Zusammen mit spannenden Begleittexten ergeben sie ein amüsantes Buch zum Blättern, Staunen und Wundern.

  • af Eberhard Knobloch & Cosima Möller
    1.497,95 kr.

    Den Schriften der römischen Feldmesser wird seit etwa 20 Jahren verstärkt Interesse verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen entgegen gebracht. Die Texte der Gromatici veteres geben zu Fragen Anlass: Welche rechtsgeschichtlichen Schlüsse lassen sich ziehen? Welche Welt- und Raumvorstellungen liegen zugrunde? Wie sind sie geschichtlich zu kontextualisieren und wie wurden sie rezipiert? Die hier vorgelegten Beiträge ergeben ein facettenreiches Bild, dem modernste Forschungen und erste Werkstatt-Ergebnisse der Forschergruppe B-I-1 zugrunde liegen. Der neue Blick auf die Texte führt oft zu neuen Interpretationen. Es werden mathematische Hintergründe und ihre Rezeption, die Rolle bei Grenzstreitigkeiten von Gemeinwesen und in der diokletianischen Steuerreform, die Rezeption griechischer Geographen, die Prägung des Wegesystems und der frührömische Hintergrund der Landnutzung behandelt. Die Rolle in der antiken Fachliteratur wird beleuchtet und das Vokabular terminologisch analysiert.Das reiche Sach- und Quellenregister ermöglicht dem an Einzelproblemen interessierten Leser einen schnellen Zugriff.Der Band ist unverzichtbar für jeden, der sich mit den römischen Feldmessertexten beschäftigt.en beschäftigt.

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