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Arkæologisk videnskab metodologi og teknik

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  • af Michael Zerjadtke
    233,95 kr.

    Der Leinenpanzer war der vorherrschende Brustpanzertyp im klassischen Griechenland. Er wurde von Hopliten, vielen Reitern sowie auch leichter ausgerüsteten Peltasten getragen. Aufgrund seiner vergänglichen Materialen ist kein Exemplar dieser Rüstung bis heute erhalten. Dennoch ist es dank der Informationen aus archäologischen und literarischen Quellen möglich, einige Aussagen über die Beschaffenheit und den Aufbau des Leinenpanzers zu tätigen. Genauere Information über seine Konstruktion und seine Schutzwirkung sind allerdings nur durch experimentalarchäologische Versuche zu erlangen. Seit mehreren Jahren werden entsprechende Experimente vom Hamburger Projekt "linothorax" durchgeführt. Der vorliegende Band liefert ein erstes umfassendes Zwischenfazit dieser Arbeit. Er enthält einen Überblick über den Hopliten als Träger der Rüstung, die wichtigsten Quellen, die Hamburger Experimente und die Schutzwirkung des Leinenpanzers. In weiteren Kapiteln werden detaillierte Beschreibungen der Herstellungen von Leinenpanzer-platten, Bronzeschuppen und Brustpanzern geboten. Somit dient das Buch nicht nur als einführendes Werk zum Leinenpanzer, sondern kann auch als Anleitung für weitere Versuche verwendet werden.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    165,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ tauchen Leser in die faszinierende und komplexe Welt der biblischen Entstehungsgeschichte ein. Dieses Sachbuch bietet eine tiefgründige, chronologisch aufgebaute Reise durch die Jahrtausende, beleuchtet die Wurzeln der biblischen Texte und enthüllt die vielschichtigen Prozesse, die zur Entstehung dieses einflussreichen Buches führten.Von den antiken Ursprüngen der Schriften im Nahen Osten bis zur Digitalisierung der Bibel im 21. Jahrhundert spannt der Autor einen Bogen über entscheidende Epochen. Beginnend mit den Frühformen der Bibel, erkundet das Buch die Rolle der Propheten, die Sammlung und Konsolidierung der Texte, und führt zu den bedeutenden Konzilen, die den Bibelkanon formten.¿Durch akribische Recherche und sachliche Darstellung entfaltet der Autor die Geschichte der Bibel in ihrer ganzen Komplexität¿, so die renommierte Religionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Anna Müller. Dabei werden auch kontroverse Themen wie die Apokryphen, die Reformation und die Herausforderungen der Bibelkritik eingehend behandelt.Die Leser entdecken, wie die Bibel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Geschichte der Menschheit beeinflusst hat ¿ von der Vulgata (Hieronymus) im Mittelalter bis zu aktuellen Debatten über ihre Interpretation. Das Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Bibel in interreligiösen Kontexten und untersucht, wie archäologische Entdeckungen den historischen Kontext der Bibel beleuchten.Mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Bibel und einer Zusammenfassung der zahlreichen Facetten ihrer Geschichte, bietet ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ nicht nur eine fundierte Analyse, sondern auch eine anregende Lektüre für alle, die tiefer in die Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Werkes eintauchen wollen.Dieses Sachbuch vereint wissenschaftliche Präzision mit einfacher Sprache und regt dazu an, die Bibel in einem neuen Licht zu betrachten.

  • af Carl Knappett
    438,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    Ancient Art Revisited develops new perspectives on ancient art by weaving together diverse strands within archaeology and art history, exploring it through recent developments in archaeological theory.

  • af Jennifer Galindo
    767,95 kr.

  • af Christian Schwochert
    147,95 kr.

    In ¿Der kleine Gatsby, Honor Blood, Indianer Joneson und das Rad der Scheiße¿ wird Jagd auf das gleichnamige Artefakt gemacht. Die Geschichte geht von Seite 3 bis Seite 84.Das restliche Buch enthält die Kurzgeschichten ¿Ein Entzug in Essen¿, ¿Ein Abend mit Harals Martenstein¿ sowie zwei schöne Gedichte und die Antwort von Sebastian Fitzek auf Schwocherts Mail, welche Sie in seinem Antwort-auf-Sebastian-Fitzek-Werk finden können.

  • af Mateusz Cwali¿ski
    593,95 kr.

    The present book takes up the long-debated subject of the presence of amber around the Adriatic during the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC). It offers an exhaustive review of the current state of knowledge about the use of amber by prehistoric communities living on the opposite sides of the sea. The author focuses primarily on the spatial and chronological aspects of amber¿s acquisition in Italy and the Balkans, form and function of the artefacts made of it, issues connected to their processing and ways of circulation of these products within the study area. Furthermore, attention is paid to material and symbolic statuses of amber among the local societies. Finally, the role of the circum-Adriatic zone in the long-range transfer of amber from Northern to Southern Europe is assessed.

  • af Natalia Ankusheva
    1.475,95 kr.

    The volume of Springer Proceedings in Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy contains selected papers presented at the 9th Geoarchaeology Conference, which took place during September 19¿22, 2022, at the South Urals Federal Research Center, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miass, Russia. The Proceedings unite studies in the fields of archeometry, geoarchaeology, and ancient technologies, based on cases from northern Eurasia, and include archaeometallurgy, stone tools investigation, exploitation of geological resources in the past, bioarchaeology, residue analysis, pottery and lithics investigation, use of the GIS in archaeology. A study of non-organic materials, rocks, minerals, ores, metals, metallurgical slags is a special focus of the book. Many papers also use modern analytical methods of isotopic, chemical, and mineralogical analysis to study the composition and structure of ancient materials and the technological practices of past human populations ofModern Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia. The volume is intended for archaeologists, historians, museum workers, and geologists, as well as students, researchers from other disciplines, and the general public interested in the interdisciplinary research in the field of archaeology and archaeological materials, strategies and techniques of past quarrying, mining, metallurgy and lithic technologies at different chronological periods in Eurasian steppe and adjacent forest zone.

  • af Korshi Dosoo
    1.722,95 kr.

    This volume is the first in a new series of editions of Coptic-language "magical" manuscripts from Egypt, written on papyrus, ostraca, parchment, and paper, and dating to between the fourth and twelfth centuries CE. Their texts attest to non-institutional rituals intended to bring about changes in the lives of those who used them - heal disease, curse enemies, bring about love or hatred, or see into the future. These manuscripts represent rich sources of information on daily life and lived religion of Egypt in the last centuries of Roman rule and the first centuries after the Arab conquest, giving us glimpses of the hopes and fears of people of this time, their conflicts and problems, and their vision of the human and superhuman worlds. This volume presents 37 new editions and descriptions of manuscripts, focusing on formularies or "handbooks", those texts containing instructions for the performance of rituals. Each of these is accompanied by a history of its acquisition, a material description, and presented with facing text and translations, tracings of accompanying images, and explanatory notes to aid in understanding the text.

  • af Jianzhong Song
    878,95 kr.

    This book initiatively and systematically presents the latest discoveries in the context of shipwreck archaeology in China, telling the exciting story of the wrecks' distribution, connotation and the research advances and empirically reconstructing the development of overseas trade and maritime cultures along the Maritime Silk Road, which flourished for more than 2000 years. The book features numerous high-quality images and comprehensively describes and reviews the development of the methodologies and technologies used in China's underwater archaeology and underwater cultural heritage administration in recent decades.

  • af Megan Lickliter-Mundon
    963,95 kr.

    This volume presents a subfield overview on current research, trends, and commentary on the state of aeronautical archaeology and its development, through selections from a session on aviation archaeology at the 2020 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference. It serves to highlight those practices and projects that take strides towards standard methodologies in aeronautical archaeology. This book involves the study of aircraft crash sites, airfields, battlefields, and buildings or structures related to aviation. High profile sites and topics in this book include Lake Mead¿s B-29 Superfortress, Tuskegee Airmen in Michigan, and patterns of preservation in WWII aircraft and their importance.A relatively new field, aeronautical archaeology is the sub-field of archaeology that examines past human interaction with flight. The authors aim to create more awareness for aviation cultural heritage projects and the associated community of scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts. This volume includes contributions from leading global scholars through varied scientific inquiries, summaries of site investigations, and conservation techniques of aeronautical heritage.

  • af Benjamin Irvine
    637,95 kr.

    People of Anatolia: Past, Current and Future Research in the Biological Anthropology of Türkiye brings together, in one complete volume, some of the current research foci and trends of biological anthropology in Türkiye. The papers within this edited volume cover a multitude of topics, many of which complement and enhance each other, helping to demonstrate the strength and variety of research currently being performed in Türkiye by both domestic and foreign researchers. Furthermore, several of these papers examine large scale diachronic changes and highlight the importance of such holistic approaches and methodological considerations, and new trends in modern research by considering large scale patterns through time and space and the 'bigger' picture. For example, the application of multiple, more traditional macroscopic, biological anthropological analyses in conjunction with more modern techniques, such as biomolecular analyses.Biological anthropology in Türkiye has developed markedly since the days of primarily analyzing skeletal and dental morphometrics of the skeleton and investigating race. This is particularly true since the 1990s when studies have examined skeletal remains from Anatolia within wider bioarchaeological contexts and research questions. Research agendas have accelerated particularly in the last decade with the introduction and application of new methodologies, including quantifiable scientific techniques which has increased the ability to not only tackle existing and earlier research questions with more specificity and in more depth, but also enables us to tackle a greater variety of research questions, as well as stimulating new ones.This volume demonstrates how complementary, as well as large-scale diachronic studies enhance our knowledge not only of changes in human behavior and human-environment interactions through time, but also how these changes affected people at the individual, population, regional and pan-regional levels. One of the key messages from this edited volume, as a whole, is that multi-faceted and holistic approaches to exploring particular research agendas are both important and essential. While the individual papers in this volume may not necessarily always employ a multi-faceted or holistic approach, the combined reading of them does so. The types of data and information contained in the papers of this edited volume, therefore, will be of great interest and importance to the wider archaeological community in general. But particularly to Turkish students of archaeology, as well as Turkish/Türkiye-based and research focused archaeologists and specialists of biological anthropology and bioarchaeology and its sub-disciplines.

  • af Lotte Riedler
    347,95 - 437,95 kr.

  • af Giulio Fanti
    938,95 kr.

    This book examines this startling relationship between the image on the Shroud of Turin and the "Miracle of the Holy Fire." As this amazing relationship becomes more broadly known, the world will be shocked and inevitably changed.

  • af Marcos Martinon-Torres
    717,95 kr.

    This volume presents detailed results on the manufacturing technology and elemental composition of some 136 objects in the collections of six European museums, with discussion of the findings in historical and cultural contexts. The starting point was the remarkable jewelry buried with a woman and a child who lived about 1650-1550 BC at Qurna, the West Bank of ancient Thebes in Upper Egypt. The questions generated from this find led to investigation of assemblages and individual artifacts from earlier periods in varied social contexts, from the rural environment of Qau and Badari, to sites connected with urban or royal centers, such as Riqqa, Haraga and Lahun.

  • af Stefan Altekamp
    1.547,95 kr.

    Karthago florierte fast sieben Jahrhunderte als punische, weitere sieben Jahrhunderte als eine römische Metropole. In der Nachantike zerfiel es, seine Bauten wurden bis auf den Erdboden abgetragen. Schauplatz eines Kreuzzugs im 13. und eines europäischen Feldzugs im 16. Jahrhundert, wurde es nach 1800 Objekt archäologischer und imperialistischer Begehrlichkeiten. Sitz eines kolonialzeitlichen katholischen Erzbistums, entwickelte sich Karthago im 20. Jahrhundert zu einer kleinstädtischen Kommune, in der der tunesische Präsident seine Residenz hat. Verstärkt seit Beginn einer internationalen Grabungskampagne 1972 hat die Archäologie aus den reduzierten Überresten Merkmale der Stadtgestalt im zeitlichen Wandel herausgearbeitet. "Karthago" schreibt die archäologische Geschichte der Stadt und entfaltet mit Blick auf die großen stratigraphischen Herausforderungen zugleich eine karthagische Geschichte der Archäologie. Für die Fachöffentlichkeit bietet es eine kritische Zusammenschau auf Grundlage der neuesten Forschung, für interessierte Laien einen fundierten Einblick in die Geschichte einer antiken Metropole und die Potenziale moderner archäologischer Analyse.

  • - Letters, Administrative Documents, Scholarly Texts, Inscriptions, and Seals. Scientia Danica, Series H, Humanistica 4, vol. 11
    af Troels P. Arbøll
    367,95 kr.

    In The Cuneiform Texts from the Danish Excavations of Ḥamā in Syria (1931-1938) Troels P. Arbøll offers the first complete publication and examination of 20 unique clay tablets and objects inscribed with cuneiform writing from the Syrian city Ḥamā, known in the Bible and ancient times as Hamath. Among the most significant finds are the remains of political correspondences and manuscripts with medical prescriptions, magical recitations, and birth omens from the 9th century BCE. The latter group can be classified as ancient scientific texts, and they are interpreted as the remains of a scholarly library. Overall, the texts represent a substantial contribution to the very limited corpus of manuscripts from the Levant dated to the early first millennium BCE. Furthermore, the surprising discovery of ancient scientific cuneiform tablets from this period necessitates a reevaluation of prevailing understandings of the transmission of cuneiform knowledge in the western periphery of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.Forfatterbeskrivelse: Troels Pank Arbøll, Ph.D. (2017) from the University of Copenhagen, is Assistant Professor in Assyriology at that university. His first monograph, Medicine in Ancient Assur (2021), was an innovative microhistorical study of the training and career of a healer from the 7th century BCE in the city Assur (located in northern Iraq), and he has published articles on ancient conceptions of illness, the reality behind medical ingredients, zoonosis, as well as the iconography of demons and animals. He is currently engaged in research on Mesopotamian medicine, magic, epidemics, the transmission of knowledge in the ancient world, and the study of ancient DNA. By combining traditional and interdisciplinary approaches, his research aims to increase the temporal depth of humanity’s scientific history while broadening our understanding of early therapeutic practices, disease conceptualization, and knowledge production.

  • af Alak Paul
    2.199,95 kr.

    This handbook offers epistemologically and ontologically important personal accounts of academic and professional researchers having long-term intensive, comprehensive and ethnographic fieldwork in various social settings and versatile regional contexts across the globe. The accounts are cross-disciplinary including anthropology, sociology, geography, political sciences, gender studies, forestry and environmental studies, economics, and international relations. They are also trans-regional, covering the globe including South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America. The book offers a comprehensive portrait of multifaceted challenges that social researchers experience while doing fieldwork in various social settings. The accounts provide both challenges of doing fieldwork in the 21st century and the ways how to address/redress them in the field by complying with the codes of ethics, and the politics of fieldwork. Readers will benefit from the handbook by understanding methodological issues from both disciplinary relevance and regional specificity across time and spaces.

  • af T. Douglas Price
    1.207,95 kr.

    This volume provides a state-of-the-art presentation and discussion of procedures, especially what works and what doesn¿t ¿ on isotopic proveniencing, learned over the last 30 years. The volume focuses on application, not method, to emphasize to the reader the wide range of questions that can be addressed using isotopic proveniencing. Topics covered include samples, baselines, isoscapes, and place of origin.Isotopic proveniencing has become almost standard procedure in the analysis of archaeological burials as a means of distinguishing locals from foreigners. The combination of isotopic proveniencing and DNA has moved archaeological interest in migration and mobility to the fore, but there is very little synthetic work published for either technology.The field has evolved and new procedures and guidelines have emerged that have not been widely heard and this volume seeks to rectify this. The contributors have been selected from among the leaders in the field, those with active research and hands-on experience with the technology. This volume is of relevance to archaeologists.

  • af Simon Hillson
    547,95 kr.

    "Hillson provides a biological context for human teeth, a guide to key skills, and an introduction to current issues. Designed to be the core textbook for courses on bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and palaeoanthropology, this is the definitive manual for tooth identification, variation, histology, wear, and disease"--

  • af Vibeke Bischoff
    617,95 kr.

    This volume presents the reconstructing of the Norwegian Viking-Age ship from Oseberg. The reconstruction process led to radical changes in the hull form, and the subsequent test‐sailing revealed that the Oseberg Ship was technically advanced and seaworthy. The former skepticism regarding the original ship's sailing abilities can now be disproved.

  • af Maria Elena Castiello
    1.760,95 - 1.978,95 kr.

  • af Jim Cassidy
    1.209,95 kr.

  • af Tom (University of Oxford) Brughmans & Matthew A. (Arizona State University) Peeples
    424,95 - 1.220,95 kr.

  • af Gina L. Barnes
    912,95 kr.

    The effects of tectonic processes on archaeological sites are evidenced by earthquake damage, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami destruction, but these processes also affect a broader sphere of landform structures, environment, and climate. An overview of tectonic archaeology is followed by a detailed summary of geoarchaeological fieldwork in Japan.

  • af John J. (State University of New York Shea
    326,95 - 975,95 kr.

  • af Bernd Liesen
    1.112,95 kr.

  • af Alex (Historic England (United Kingdom)) Bayliss
    713,95 kr.

    This volume holds details of 1202 radiocarbon results produced between 2006 and 2010 for English Heritage. It contains supporting information about the samples and the sites producing them, and discussion of the character and taphonomy of the dated samples and the methods used for the analyses reported and their calibration.

  • af Cat Jarman
    1.554,95 kr.

    ”Flodernes konger” er en medrivende historie om vikingerne og de metoder, vi bruger til at forstå dem. Ved at følge sporene efter denne lille perle rejser vi tilbage til Bagdad og Indien i 700-tallet, og vi får ny viden om vikingernes mytologiske rejser og en overraskende global middelalderverden.Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

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