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Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything is a groundbreaking book penned by the renowned physicist, Michio Kaku. Published by DOUBLEDAY & CO in 2023, this book delves into the fascinating world of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize our lives. The book is a must-read for those who are interested in the intersection of science, technology, and the future. Kaku, with his knack for simplifying complex scientific concepts, takes readers on an exciting journey through the quantum realm. He discusses how quantum supremacy - the point where quantum computers surpass traditional computers in computational ability - will change everything from medicine to cryptography. This English language book is not just for tech enthusiasts but also for anyone curious about the future of technology and its impact on society. Don't miss out on this intriguing exploration of quantum computing, brought to you by DOUBLEDAY & CO.
A scientist's journey from observation to discovery is anything but straightforward. It is littered with failure, unexpected diversions and joyous realizations. Science helps us to understand ourselves - but what we know about the world around us, what has already been explored and discovered, is only half of science's story. Dr Camilla Pang will look at some of the biggest mysteries facing science today and how some of the best, most cutting-edge scientists can illuminate our own approaches to observation, hypothesis, exploration, troubleshooting and discovery in our own lives.
"Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--
Citizens opens up a new way of understanding ourselves and shows us what we must do to survive and thrive - as individuals, as organisations, as nations, even as a species.Jon Alexander's consultancy, the New Citizenship Project, hashelped revitalise some of Britain's biggest organisations suchas the Co-op, The Guardian and the National Trust. Here, withthe New York Times bestselling writer Ariane Conrad, he showshow human history has moved from the Subject Story of kingsand empires to the current Consumer Story. Now, he arguescompellingly, it is time to enter the Citizen Story.Because when our institutions treat people as citizens ratherthan consumers, everything changes. Unleashing the powerof everyone equips us to face the challenges of economicinsecurity, climate crisis, public health threats, and polarisation.Citizens is an upbeat handbook, full of insights, clear examplesto follow, and inspiring case studies, from the slums of Kenyato the backstreets of Birmingham. It is the perfect pick-me-up forleaders, founders, elected officials - and citizens everywhere.
Det moderne samfund skaber ny information i et hidtil uset tempo, men også misinformation. Forskning og videnskab har en vigtig mission i at skelne mellem sandt og falsk i informationsstrømmen, men mange videnskabelige institutioner udbreder nu den forestilling, at der ikke kan skelnes mellem sandt og falsk, og bidrager til misinformationen med ideologisk farvet pseudoforskning. Bogens påstand er, at forskning ikke må underordnes ideologier, og den bringer eksempler på, at det er netop, hvad der sker på universiteter, hos offentlige myndigheder og i NGO’er. Bogen ser nærmere på nogle af woke-bevægelsens centrale tekster fra ind- og udland og viser, at de mangler videnskabelig gyldighed og – mest bekymrende – forsøger at sætte den videnskabelige selvregulering ud af kraft.
This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it.
"Davis addresses the "screen time" debate by recognizing that children's experiences of technology and social relationships are qualitatively distinct at different stages of development"--
Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran is internationally renowned for uncovering answers to the deep and quirky questions of human nature that few scientists have dared to address. His bold insights about the brain are matched only by the stunning simplicity of his experiments -- using such low-tech tools as cotton swabs, glasses of water and dime-store mirrors. In Phantoms in the Brain, Dr. Ramachandran recounts how his work with patients who have bizarre neurological disorders has shed new light on the deep architecture of the brain, and what these findings tell us about who we are, how we construct our body image, why we laugh or become depressed, why we may believe in God, how we make decisions, deceive ourselves and dream, perhaps even why we're so clever at philosophy, music and art. Some of his most notable cases:A woman paralyzed on the left side of her body who believes she is lifting a tray of drinks with both hands offers a unique opportunity to test Freud's theory of denial. A man who insists he is talking with God challenges us to ask: Could we be "wired" for religious experience? A woman who hallucinates cartoon characters illustrates how, in a sense, we are all hallucinating, all the time.Dr. Ramachandran's inspired medical detective work pushes the boundaries of medicine's last great frontier -- the human mind -- yielding new and provocative insights into the "big questions" about consciousness and the self.
Bestselling author Sam Harris dismantles the most common justification for religious faith--that a moral system cannot be based on science.
Smartphonen styrer vores hverdag. Den presser virkeligheden ind i sine platforme, så det, du ikke får i en app, ikke findes. Til gengæld får du adgang til et uendeligt univers af viden, kommunikationskanaler, tjenester og distraktioner. På bare få år har smartphonen gjort verden mindre og større, morsommere og kedeligere – mere nær og mere fjern. Livet er blevet friere og mere kontrolleret, mere socialt og mere asocialt, mens vi bliver både smartere og dummere. Det er en global, digital kulturrevolution, som savner sidestykke.I Appernes planet tager Thomas Hylland Eriksen os med på en rejse rundt i smartphonens verden. Hvis vi ikke skal blive slaver af mobilen, er det nødvendigt at forstå den for at kunne tage livet, kontrollen og ikke mindst tiden tilbage.
Startups og humanitære organisationer eksperimenterer verden over med ny, radikal teknologi i forsøget på at forbedre livsvilkårene for fattige og fordrevne. Håbet er, at nye digitale løsninger kan hjælpe folk til en bedre fremtid; at man med droner og biometriske registre kan levere mere effektiv nødhjælp, og at man med innovation kan understøtte den demokratiske udvikling og sikre menneskerettighederne.Men dataficerede tilgange til problemløsning er ikke garanti for fair eller objektiv behandling af hverken data eller mennesker. Når teknologien udvikles tusindvis af kilometer fra der, hvor den skal hjælpe mennesker i nød, har den ofte form af lappeløsninger, ligesom der sker læk med uoverskuelige konsekvenser for de mest udsatte.Vi har brug for en mere lige og kollektiv teknologiudvikling, der vender eksisterende hierarkier på hovedet og tænker i bredere forandring. Kun sådan kan vi sikre, at interventioner båret af ny teknologi er så relevante, effektive og bæredygtige som muligt.Adam Moe Fejerskov (f. 1987) er seniorforsker ved DIIS, hvor han beskæftiger sig med globale uligheders konsekvenser rundt om i verden, og hvordan uligheder formes af forhold som ny radikal teknologi.
Den teknologiske udvikling har længe handlet om at overvinde, udnytte og frigøre os fra naturen. Fremtiden handler om at forstå biologien og økosystemerne og om en økonomi, der fungerer i samarbejde og sammenhæng med naturen. For ét er sikkert: Vi kan ikke fortsætte, som vi plejer. Denne bog argumenterer for, at vi står overfor tre store omstillinger, som sker samtidig og indenfor de næste par årtier. Alle tre skal lykkes:- Vores forhold til naturen og de økosystemer, vi er del af, skal redefineres – og det skal gå stærkt.- Vi er på vej ud af industrisamfundet og ind i en ny tids logik, så måden vi organiserer arbejdet og deler goderne på trænger til en opdatering.- I takt med at teknologien bliver mere intelligent, liv-agtig og kompetent, skal vi gentænke menneskers og maskiners roller i forhold til hinanden for at bevare styringen. Omstilling til fremtiden ser på, hvad vi kan gøre for at sikre, at de enorme kræfter, der er på spil i de kommende års omstilling, vil bringe os fremgang frem for katastrofe. Bogen viser en fremtid, der er grundlæggende forandret – men til det bedre. Bogen er blandt andet baseret på interviews med en lang række af verdens førende forskere, økonomer og ledere i erhvervslivet og analyser for Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen.
"Den bedste bog jeg har læst om klimakrisen. Et fremragende og suverænt formidlet mix af videnskab, filosofi og et løsningsorienteret bud på håndteringen af klimakrisen." – Dansk Bibliotekscenter"I den sympatisk motiverede ambition om at forene naturvidenskabens og humanismens sprog mærker man tydeligt åndsfællesskabet med Bodins afdøde læremester, Peter Bastian" – InformationKlimakrisen truer. Alle ved det. Hvorfor handler vi ikke? Videnskabsfolk advarer om smeltende poler, medierne er fulde af klimadebat, og bekymringen vokser overalt i samfundet. Alligevel går den grønne omstilling alt for langsomt. Klimaet er blevet en folkesag, men reelt bevæger vi os med sneglefart.Problemet er fundamentalt: Klimakrisen har rod i selve vores måde at leve og tænke på. Den kan ikke afværges med overfladisk symptombehandling – elbiler, vindmøller og genbrugskaffekopper – men må føre til dybere samfundsforandringer. Klimakampen kan kun vindes, hvis moderne teknologi kobles med nye idealer for det lykkelige og meningsfulde menneskeliv. Klimakrisens rødder er på én gang et videnskabeligt overblik over klimakrisen, en filosofisk analyse af vores kultur, et manifest for et mere meningsfuldt samfund og en guide til, hvad du kan gøre for at komme ind i klimakampen. Anders Holst Bodin (f. 1988) er ph.d. i fysik og har forsket i bæredygtig energiteknologi i Danmark og USA. Desuden spiller han klarinet, har studeret på Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium og været i mesterlære hos forfatter og musiker Peter Bastian.
I "Maskinerne kommer indefra" forklarer Anders Søgaard, hvordan kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke – men han spørger også, hvorvidt kunstig intelligens lærer at se, tale og tænke på samme måde som os? Er der noget, mennesker kan, som kunstig intelligens aldrig vil blive i stand til? Og i hvilket omfang vil kunstig intelligens ændre, hvem vi er? Kunstig intelligens er blevet mere og mere intelligent, men er vi også langsomt ved at blive mere og mere kunstige?Om forfatteren:Anders Søgaard (f. 1981) er forfatter og professor på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, og er en af landets førende eksperter i maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens. Han er uddannet fra Forfatterskolen i 2002 og har udgivet seks skønlitterære bøger. Senest er udkommet "Iliaden" (2023).
Dynamic Relationality Theory of Creative Transformation: Grounding Machinic Ecosystems in Life Experiences introduces a visionary approach to understanding the evolving relationship between technology and human experiences. It delves into the transformative potential of Machinic Generalized Intelligence (MGI), where AI and human intelligence converge harmoniously, creating a new paradigm of interactive, machinic life experiences. This book challenges the traditional tech-centric view, advocating for a life and experience-first perspective. It presents the Dynamic Relationality Theory (DRT), a novel conceptual framework that redefines our interaction with technology, emphasizing cocreative, emergent experiences over mere digital platformization.Through an interdisciplinary approach combining philosophical insights and social theories with practical applications, this book navigates the complexities of digitalized life ecosystems, employing concepts and tools from assemblage theory, category theory, sheaf theory, differential topology, and gauge theory. For readers grappling with the complexities of AI and its societal implications, this book offers clarity and direction. It provides a robust theoretical framework to understand the changing landscape of human-technology interaction. Furthermore, it integrates philosophical insights and ethical considerations into the discussion of AI and technology, providing a well-rounded perspective that aids in ethical decision-making and responsible innovation. It also delves into practical applications and future implications of AI, aiding readers in applying these concepts in real-world scenarios.By moving beyond a purely technological focus, this book equips readers with the insights needed to navigate the ethical, philosophical, and practical challenges posed by the integration of AI into daily life. A crucial resource for academics, professionals, and policymakers, this book serves as a guide to making informed decisions and fostering responsible innovation in the age of AI.
Women make over 80 percent of healthcare decisions in the U.S. yet have been excluded from designing the health system for too long. It was only 1993 when women and people of color were officially included in clinical trials. Heart attacks are the number one killer of women worldwide, but women are 50 percent more likely to be given a wrong diagnosis. Only four percent of all healthcare research and development is focused on women's health issues. From periods and childbirth to menopause, female pain has been normalized, as society shrugs and says "Welcome to being a woman" instead of coming up with better solutions.In The Vagina Business, award-winning journalist Marina Gerner PhD takes an eye-opening-and often times shocking-look at the inequities when it comes to scientific research and the funding of female-focused health companies. She exposes the obstacles entrepreneurs around the world face in the boardroom and beyond. Most of all, she shows us that it doesn't have to be this way. From a life-saving bra to non-hormonal contraception and new takes on fertility and menopause, she shines a light on innovation that matters. Women should not be denied solutions to health issues just because people are embarrassed to talk about vaginas. We deserve much better.
The book provides an overarching perspective on sustainability from a historical, practical and legal perspective. It offers a holistic understanding of economic and ecologic concepts. Schools for sustainable business models are introduced and discussed. As a broader concept Life Cycle Assessments are discussed and examples for their application are provided with a focus on CO2 Footprints. Ecodesign as measures for reducing Carbon Footprints are introduced both for physical products and for service organizations. From an organizational perspective it is clear that managing the reduction of the sustainability-related impact is a matter that has to involve all stakeholders. Tasks for all involved are given and their contributions are described. As it is crucial to provide evidence for the activities reported audits are described as well methods to transfer information to the appropriate stakeholders. The book is targeted at practitioners and students who want to get to know the subject or need to implement the respective measures in companies.
"Today's tech has overtaken religion as the chief shaper of 21st-century human lives and communities. In this book, Greg M. Epstein, the influential humanist chaplain at Harvard and MIT, explores what it means to be a critical thinker about this new faith, taking readers on a journey towards reasserting our common humanity"--
An insightful exploration of Chat GPT and other advanced AI systems—how we got here, where we’re headed, and what it all means for how we interact with the world.In ChatGPT and the Future of AI, the sequel to The Deep Learning Revolution, Terrence Sejnowski offers a nuanced exploration of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and what their future holds. How should we go about understanding LLMs? Do these language models truly understand what they are saying? Or is it possible that what appears to be intelligence in LLMs may be a mirror that merely reflects the intelligence of the interviewer? In this book, Sejnowski, a pioneer in computational approaches to understanding brain function, answers all our urgent questions about this astonishing new technology.Sejnowski begins by describing the debates surrounding LLMs’ comprehension of language and exploring the notions of “thinking” and “intelligence.” He then takes a deep dive into the historical evolution of language models, focusing on the role of transformers, the correlation between computing power and model size, and the intricate mathematics shaping LLMs. Sejnowski also provides insight into the historical roots of LLMs and discusses the potential future of AI, focusing on next-generation LLMs inspired by nature and the importance of developing energy-efficient technologies.Grounded in Sejnowski’s dual expertise in AI and neuroscience, ChatGPT and the Future of AI is the definitive guide to understanding the intersection of AI and human intelligence.
From innovative solutions for securing IoT infrastructures against security attacks and privacy threats to advanced topics including responsible security intelligence, this comprehensive co-authored book offers a complete study of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for securing the internet of things (IoT).
"Bringing together ideas from philosophy and cognitive science, Distracted leverages a postphenomenological perspective to reveal how our smartphones make us such bad drivers. Robert Rosenberger shows that we have developed habits of perception regarding our compulsive technology use-habits that may wrest our attention away from the road-and contends that a better understanding of why this combination of technologies is so dangerous could effectively adjust both habits and laws"--
Big Tech has sold us the illusion that artificial intelligence is a frictionless technology that will bring wealth and prosperity to humanity. But hidden beneath this smooth surface lies the grim reality of a precarious global workforce of millions that labour under often appalling conditions to make AI possible. Feeding the Machine presents an urgent, riveting investigation of the intricate network of organisations that maintain this exploitative system, revealing the untold truth of AI.Based on hundreds of interviews and thousands of hours of fieldwork over more than a decade, this book shows us the lives of the workers often deliberately concealed from view and the systems of power that determine their future. It shows how AI is an extraction machine that churns through ever-larger datasets and feeds off humanity's labour and collective intelligence to power its algorithms. Feeding the Machine is a call to arms against this exploitative system and details what we need to do, individually and collectively, to fight for a more just digital future.
This book presents the systematic evolution of digitized education: trends, advances, challenges encountered and their solutions toward the use of advanced technologies. The book mainly covers variety of areas such as blended learning in modern education, flipped classroom, ICT-based education, digital transformation of education. Explosion of information and communication technologies has transformed the way we live, learn, work and socialize. This heavy intervention of technologies in the modern world has triggered us to think how we engage and interact with each other and how we make use of these digital tools and communications channels. And consequent upon which societies are transforming into digitized education where datafication, platformization and algorithmic governance are a common vocabulary.
Don’t let digital devices highjack your life—this inspirational guide shows you how to disconnect so you can reconnect with your loved ones and mental well-being.As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Lori Whatley has invested years into helping people manage their digital devices to live fuller, more vibrant lives.This book looks into the damage that disconnection and disengagement can have on our relationships with technology as its root cause. Many relationships suffer from overuse of technology. The result of which creates tension, sadness, and loneliness.Sharing from her one-on-one sessions with patients, Dr. Whatley reveals practical steps that will empower and transform one's relationships and your life.The inspirational message in each chapter will encourage you to: Create strong relational connections with the people closest to you Restore intimacy and person-to-person interaction Reduce the impact of technology on children and families Minimize the stress that comes from your digital devices Engage your world with renewed energy and confidence Find new passion, meaning and purpose Are you ready to connect with the people around you, engage in the world, and create a life that makes you feel alive?
"The internet as we know it is broken. Here's how we can seize back control of our lives from the corporate algorithms that have poisoned our digital information system and create a third-generation Internet that uplifts humanity-before it's too late"--
"Fantasies of Virtual Reality strips bare the tech industry's vision of a future dominated by immersive VR experiences, challenging the utopian promises of this technology, and the claims that it will revolutionize entertainment, communication, education, and business. While VR does hold significant potential, the overhyped expectations surrounding it, from achieving true empathetic understanding to transforming traditional education and office work, are often overstated -- not to mention fraught with issues of privacy, data security, and accessibility"--
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