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Analytisk kemi

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    af Jan Becher, Michael Christian Wamberg, Mogens Brøndsted Nielsen & mfl.
    566,95 kr.

    Denne bog behandler den organiske synteses planlægning, udførelse og efterbehandling. Fremstillingen dækker sit område i bred forstand og er tilpasset danske forhold..  Der er lagt vægt på at beskrive fremgangsmåder, praktiske tips og tricks, som er svære at finde digitalt.

  • af Johnny Lee
    364,95 kr.

    L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è presentare un modello meccanicistico convalidato sperimentalmente per prevedere il coefficiente di trasferimento dell'ossigeno (Kla) nelle vasche di aerazione per diverse temperature dell'acqua. Utilizzando i dati sperimentali creati da Hunter e Vogelaar, la formula riproduce con precisione i risultati sperimentali per il Kla standardizzato a 20°C, in modo comparativamente migliore rispetto all'attuale modello utilizzato dall'ASCE 2-06 basato sull'equazione Kla20 = Kla. (¿)(20-T) dove T è in 0C. Attualmente, i valori riportati per ¿ variano da 1,008 a 1,047. Trattandosi di una funzione geometrica, l'utilizzo di un valore errato di ¿ può comportare un errore elevato. La definizione di tale valore per un sistema di aerazione può essere effettuata solo attraverso una serie di test a fondo scala su una gamma di temperature necessarie. Il nuovo modello prevede i coefficienti di trasferimento dell'ossigeno con un errore dell'1% rispetto alle misure osservate. Si tratta di una svolta, poiché la corretta previsione del coefficiente di trasferimento volumetrico di massa (Kla) è un passo cruciale nella progettazione, nel funzionamento e nella messa in scala dei bioreattori, comprese le vasche di aerazione degli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue, e l'equazione sviluppata consente di farlo senza ricorrere a molteplici test su scala reale.

  • af Johnny Lee
    355,95 kr.

    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, ein experimentell validiertes mechanistisches Modell zur Vorhersage des Sauerstofftransferkoeffizienten (Kla) in Belebungsbecken für verschiedene Wassertemperaturen vorzustellen. Unter Verwendung von experimentellen Daten, die von Hunter und Vogelaar erstellt wurden, reproduziert die Formel die experimentellen Ergebnisse für den standardisierten Kla bei 20 0C präzise und ist damit vergleichsweise besser als das derzeit von ASCE 2-06 verwendete Modell, das auf der Gleichung Kla20 = Kla. (¿)(20-T), wobei T in 0C angegeben ist. Die derzeit angegebenen Werte für ¿ reichen von 1,008 bis 1,047. Da es sich um eine geometrische Funktion handelt, kann es zu großen Fehlern kommen, wenn ein falscher Wert für ¿ verwendet wird. Die Ermittlung eines solchen Wertes für ein Belüftungssystem kann nur durch eine Reihe von Tests im Maßstab 1:1 über einen bestimmten Temperaturbereich erfolgen. Das neue Modell sagt die Sauerstofftransferkoeffizienten mit einer Abweichung von bis zu 1 % im Vergleich zu den beobachteten Messungen voraus. Dies ist ein Durchbruch, denn die korrekte Vorhersage des volumetrischen Massentransferkoeffizienten (Kla) ist ein entscheidender Schritt bei der Planung, dem Betrieb und der Vergrößerung von Bioreaktoren, einschließlich der Belebungsbecken von Kläranlagen, und die entwickelte Gleichung ermöglicht dies, ohne dass mehrere Tests im Maßstab 1:1 durchgeführt werden müssen.

  • af Johnny Lee
    364,95 kr.

    L'objectif de cet article est de présenter un modèle mécaniste validé expérimentalement pour prédire le coefficient du taux de transfert d'oxygène (Kla) dans les bassins d'aération pour différentes températures de l'eau. En utilisant les données expérimentales créées par Hunter et Vogelaar, la formule reproduit précisément les résultats expérimentaux pour le Kla normalisé à 20 0C, comparativement mieux que le modèle actuel utilisé par l'ASCE 2-06 basé sur l'équation Kla20 = Kla. (¿)(20-T) où T est en 0C. Actuellement, les valeurs rapportées pour ¿ vont de 1,008 à 1,047. Comme il s'agit d'une fonction géométrique, une erreur importante peut résulter de l'utilisation d'une valeur incorrecte de ¿. L'établissement d'une telle valeur pour un système d'aération ne peut se faire qu'au moyen d'une série d'essais à pleine échelle sur une gamme de températures requises. Le nouveau modèle prédit les coefficients de transfert d'oxygène avec une erreur de 1 % par rapport aux mesures observées. Il s'agit d'une percée car la prédiction correcte du coefficient de transfert de masse volumétrique (Kla) est une étape cruciale dans la conception, l'exploitation et la mise à l'échelle des bioréacteurs, y compris les bassins d'aération des stations d'épuration des eaux usées, et l'équation développée permet de le faire sans avoir recours à de multiples essais en grandeur réelle.

  • af Johnny Lee
    364,95 kr.

    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um modelo mecanicista validado experimentalmente para prever o coeficiente da taxa de transferência de oxigénio (Kla) em tanques de arejamento para diferentes temperaturas da água. Utilizando dados experimentais criados por Hunter e Vogelaar, a fórmula reproduz com precisão os resultados experimentais para o Kla padronizado a 20 0C, comparativamente melhor do que o modelo atual utilizado pela ASCE 2-06 baseado na equação Kla20 = Kla. (¿)(20-T) onde T está em 0C. Atualmente, os valores reportados para ¿ variam entre 1,008 e 1,047. Como se trata de uma função geométrica, podem ocorrer grandes erros se for utilizado um valor incorreto de ¿. O estabelecimento desse valor para um sistema de aeração só pode ser feito por meio de uma série de testes em escala real em uma faixa de temperaturas necessárias. O novo modelo prevê os coeficientes de transferência de oxigénio com um erro de 1% em relação às medições observadas. Trata-se de um grande avanço, uma vez que a previsão correcta do coeficiente volumétrico de transferência de massa (Kla) é um passo crucial na conceção, funcionamento e aumento de escala dos bioreactores, incluindo os tanques de arejamento das estações de tratamento de águas residuais, e a equação desenvolvida permite fazê-lo sem recorrer a múltiplos ensaios à escala real.

  • af Dzhonni Li
    364,95 kr.

    Cel' dannoj stat'i - predstawit' äxperimental'no podtwerzhdennuü mehanisticheskuü model' dlq prognozirowaniq koäfficienta massoperenosa kisloroda (Kla) w aärotenkah dlq razlichnyh temperatur wody. Ispol'zuq äxperimental'nye dannye, poluchennye Hanterom i Vogelaarom, formula tochno wosproizwodit äxperimental'nye rezul'taty dlq standartizirowannogo Kla pri 20 0C, chto srawnitel'no luchshe, chem tekuschaq model', ispol'zuemaq ASCE 2-06, osnowannaq na urawnenii Kla20 = Kla. (¿)(20-T), gde T - 0C. V nastoqschee wremq zaregistrirowannye znacheniq ¿ war'iruütsq ot 1,008 do 1,047. Poskol'ku äto geometricheskaq funkciq, pri ispol'zowanii neprawil'nogo znacheniq ¿ mozhet wozniknut' bol'shaq pogreshnost'. Ustanowit' takoe znachenie dlq aäracionnoj sistemy mozhno tol'ko s pomosch'ü serii polnomasshtabnyh ispytanij w neobhodimom diapazone temperatur. Nowaq model' predskazywaet koäfficienty perenosa kisloroda s tochnost'ü do 1% po srawneniü s rezul'tatami nablüdenij. Jeto proryw, poskol'ku prawil'noe predskazanie ob#emnogo koäfficienta massoperenosa (Kla) - wazhnejshij shag w proektirowanii, äxpluatacii i rasshirenii masshtabow bioreaktorow, wklüchaq aärotenki ochistnyh sooruzhenij, a razrabotannoe urawnenie pozwolqet sdelat' äto, ne pribegaq k mnogochislennym polnomasshtabnym ispytaniqm.

  • af Nobuo Tanaka
    1.130,95 kr.

    In this second edition, most chapters of the first edition, which published in 2017, have been revised and recent advancement of electron microscopy such as differential phase contrast (DPC) STEM, sparse-coding image processing and quantum electron microscopy have been supplemented with further details. This book explains the basis of imaging and diffraction in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in the style of a textbook. The book focuses on the explanation of electron microscopic imaging of TEM and STEM without including in the main text distracting information on basic knowledge of crystal diffraction, wave optics, electron lens, and scattering and diffraction theories, which are explained separately in the appendices. The comprehensive explanation is provided on the basis of Fourier transform theory, and this approach is unique in comparison with other advanced resources on high-resolution electron microscopy. With the present textbook, readers are led to understand the essence of the imaging theories of TEM and STEM without being diverted by various kinds of knowledge around electron microscopy. The up-to-date information in this book, particularly on imaging details of STEM and aberration corrections, is valuable worldwide for today¿s graduate students and professionals just starting their careers.

  • af Egor P. Sobina
    1.320,95 kr.

    The book covers in particular state-of-the-art scientific research about product quality control and related health and environmental safety topics, including human, animal and plant safety assurance issues. These conference proceedings provide contemporary information on the general theoretical, metrological and practical issues of the production and application of reference materials.Reference materials play an integral role in physical, chemical and related type of measurements, ensuring their uniformity, comparability and the validity of quantitative analysis as well as, as a result, the objectivity of decisions concerning the elimination of technical barriers in commercial and economic, scientific and technical and other spheres of cooperation. The book is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of chemistry, metrologists, technical physics, as well as for specialists in analytical laboratories, or working for companies and organizations involved in the production, distribution and use of reference materials.

  • af Ps Publishing
    128,95 kr.

    Leveraging advanced optical instrumentation and spectroscopy for enhanced visual technology and scientific research.

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    442,95 kr.

    Bem-vindo a esta viagem pelo fascinante mundo da espetroscopia de absorção de raios X e do hexaaminecobalto. Este livro explora em profundidade a teoria das aproximações e a fórmula EXAFS, destacando a importância do acoplamento spin-órbita e o seu impacto nos níveis de energia em sistemas de transição. Também discutiremos a importância do fator de mudança de fase na fórmula EXAFS e a sua relação com as trajectórias de dispersão de electrões. Em suma, este livro é um recurso valioso para quem procura aprofundar os seus conhecimentos sobre estes temas complexos. Boa leitura!

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    442,95 kr.

    Benvenuti in questo viaggio attraverso l'affascinante mondo della spettroscopia di assorbimento dei raggi X e dell'esaaminecobalto. Questo libro approfondisce la teoria delle approssimazioni e la formula EXAFS, evidenziando l'importanza dell'accoppiamento spin-orbita e il suo impatto sui livelli energetici nei sistemi di transizione. Si discute anche l'importanza del fattore di spostamento di fase nella formula EXAFS e il suo rapporto con i percorsi di diffusione degli elettroni. Nel complesso, questo libro è una risorsa preziosa per chi vuole approfondire la comprensione di questi argomenti complessi. Buona lettura!

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    443,95 kr.

    Dobro pozhalowat' w puteshestwie po uwlekatel'nomu miru rentgenowskoj absorbcionnoj spektroskopii i gexaaminkobal'ta. V ätoj knige podrobno rassmatriwaetsq teoriq priblizhenij i formula EXAFS, podcherkiwaetsq wazhnost' spin-orbital'noj swqzi i ee wliqnie na änergeticheskie urowni w perehodnyh sistemah. My takzhe obsudim wazhnost' faktora fazowogo sdwiga w formule EXAFS i to, kak on swqzan s putqmi rasseqniq älektronow. V celom, äta kniga - cennyj resurs dlq teh, kto hochet uglubit' swoe ponimanie ätih slozhnyh tem. Priqtnogo chteniq!

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    633,95 kr.

    Willkommen auf dieser Reise durch die faszinierende Welt der Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie und des Hexaamincobalts. Dieses Buch untersucht die Approximationstheorie und die EXAFS-Formel eingehend und beleuchtet die Bedeutung der Spin-Borbit-Kopplung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Energieniveaus in Übergangssystemen. Wir diskutieren auch die Bedeutung des Phasenverschiebungsfaktors in der EXAFS-Formel und wie dieser mit den Diffusionswegen des Elektrons zusammenhängt. Alles in allem ist dieses Buch eine wertvolle Ressource für diejenigen, die ein tieferes Verständnis dieser komplexen Themen anstreben. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    528,95 kr.

    Welcome to this journey through the fascinating world of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and hexaaminecobalt. This book explores approximation theory and the EXAFS formula in depth, highlighting the importance of spin-orbit coupling and its impact on energy levels in transition systems. We will also discuss the importance of the phase shift factor in the EXAFS formula and how it relates to electron scattering paths. All in all, this book is a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of these complex subjects. Happy reading!

  • af Ghenadii Korotcenkov
    1.049,95 - 2.552,95 kr.

  • af Richard J. Simpson
    2.054,95 - 2.854,95 kr.

    This third volume provides comprehensive protocols on pre-analytical, analytical, plasma, and serum proteomics. New and updated chapters are divided into nine sections, detailing blood processing and handling strategies, discovery- and targeted-based mass spectrometry, including workflows to aid in discovery and targeted data analysis, in addition to software and bioinformatics for the plasma proteome. This edition further integrates emerging areas in the development of technologies for plasma proteomics and assay platforms in biomarker discovery and translational proteomics, enrichment and detection strategies to understand the plasma proteome, and peptide, lipid and metabolite targeted assays. We also detail the emerging analysis of extracellular vesicles isolated from plasma. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each of the 33 chapters includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and methods, includes hints and tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Serum/Plasma Proteomics: Methods and Protocols, Third Edition aims to be comprehensive guide for researchers.

  • af Yves Tondeur
    2.235,95 kr.

    Sustainable Quality Improvements for Isotope Dilution in Molecular Ultratrace Analyses: Fitness for Purpose, Performance-Based Criteria, and Measurement Uncertainty uses a novel Sustainable Quality Improvement (SQI) framework with the aim of helping to re-introduce much needed flexibility and restore accountability and integrity necessary for developing confidence in products obtained with these specialty assays. The book can also be used as a comprehensive reference text for data and information on matrix-specific target analytes detection/quantitation limits, and measurement of uncertainties for planning purposes, congeners profiles, multi-phasic, multi-component and multi-analyte samples processing flow charts, and useful definitions of the underlying technology-relevant terminologies. The SQI framework around which the book is constructed paves the way for the innovative technological solutions described in the book and is powered by three key elements: Fitness for Purpose (Data Quality Objectives), Performance-Based Measurement System (flexibility, latitude), and Measurement Uncertainty (accountability). Together, they facilitate the development and validation of advanced methodologies to resolve many of the contemporary issues associated with continuously evolving and demanding regulatory requirements. A stronger focus on effective performance feedback is demonstrated to help laboratories rethink their own approach to quality improvements.

  • af Thomas G Mayerhöfer
    1.620,95 kr.

    Wave Optics in Infrared Spectroscopy starts where conventional books about infrared spectroscopy end. Whereas the latter are based on the Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law, the cornerstones of this book are wave optics and dispersion theory.This gap between both levels of theory is bridged to allow a seamless transition from one to the other. Based on these foundations, the reader is able to choose which level of theory is adequate for the particular problem at hand. Advanced topics like 2D correlation analysis, chemometrics and strong coupling are introduced and viewed from a wave optics perspective. Spectral mixing rules are also considered to better understand spectra of heterogeneous samples. Finally, optical anisotropy is examined to allow a better understanding of spectral features due to orientation and orientational averaging. This discussion is based on a 4 x 4 matrix formalism, which is used not only to simulate and analyze complex materials, but also to understand vibrational circular dichroism from a (semi-) classical point of view.Wave Optics in Infrared Spectroscopy is written as a tool to reunite the fragmented field of infrared spectroscopy. It will appeal to chemists, physicists, and chemical/optical engineers.

  • af Abdelhafid Mimouni
    443,95 kr.

    Bienvenue dans ce voyage à travers le monde fascinant de la spectroscopie d¿absorption des rayons X et de l¿hexaaminecobalt. Ce livre explore en profondeur la théorie des approximations et la formule EXAFS, mettant en lumière l¿importance du couplage spin-orbite et son impact sur les niveaux d¿énergie dans les systèmes de transition. Nous discuterons également de l¿importance du facteur de déphasage dans la formule EXAFS et de la manière dont il est lié aux chemins de diffusion de l¿électron. En somme, ce livre est une ressource précieuse pour ceux qui cherchent à approfondir leur compréhension de ces sujets complexes. Bonne lecture!

  • af Jasmine Tripconey
    343,95 kr.

    This is the sixth in a series of volumes investigating, discussing and explaining the application of instrumental spectrometric and spectroscopic techniques to the determination of molecular structures.This volume concentrates on the analysis of twenty common medicines.The series is intended to bridge A-level (UK) and K12 (USA) courses and the first two years of university chemistry studies.Each chapter follows the same style with an introductory page discussing the application and history of the development of the medicine with a summary of the elemental data and the formula mass, leading to the determination of the empirical and molecular formulas of the compound. We then continue with the analysis of the infrared, mass and proton & carbon-13 NMR spectra.

  • af Dzhithendra Kumara K S
    444,95 kr.

    Kataliz w prisutstwii metallicheskih nanochastic - wazhnaq i bystro razwiwaüschaqsq oblast' issledowanij na granice gomogennogo i geterogennogo kataliza. Kniga "Peredowye nanokatalizatory dlq reakcii soedineniq ugleroda s uglerodom", napisannaq opytnymi himikami i awtorami, doktorom Dzhitendroj Kumaroj K S., predstawlqet soboj wseob#emlüschee rukowodstwo po wazhnejshim aspektam kataliza s pomosch'ü nanochastic, nachinaq s sinteza, metodologii aktiwacii, opredeleniq harakteristik i teoreticheskogo modelirowaniq i zakanchiwaq primeneniem w takih wazhnyh kataliticheskih reakciqh, kak reakciq soedineniq ugleroda s uglerodom.Kniga predlagaet chitatelqm obzor sowremennyh i äffektiwnyh instrumentow dlq sinteza nanochastic w rastwore ili na oporah. Osoboe wnimanie udelqetsq primeneniü metallicheskih nanochastic w wazhnyh kataliticheskih reakciqh, i w knigu wklücheny glawy, poswqschennye reakcii soprqzheniq Heka i sintezu benzimidazolow. Kniga Advanced Nano Catalyst for Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reaction, napisannaq mezhdunarodnoj komandoj weduschih specialistow w ätoj oblasti, qwlqetsq nezamenimym istochnikom informacii dlq issledowatelej i professionalow kak w nauchnyh krugah, tak i w promyshlennosti.

  • af Jithendra Kumara K S
    444,95 kr.

    La catalyse en présence de nanoparticules métalliques est un domaine de recherche important qui se développe rapidement à la frontière de la catalyse homogène et hétérogène. Dans Advanced Nano Catalyst for Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reaction, le Dr Jithendra Kumara K S., chimiste et auteur accompli, propose un guide complet des aspects critiques de la catalyse par nanoparticules, depuis la synthèse, la méthodologie d'activation, la caractérisation et la modélisation théorique, jusqu'à l'application à d'importantes réactions catalytiques, telles que la réaction de couplage carbone-carbone.Le livre offre aux lecteurs une revue des outils modernes et efficaces pour la synthèse de nanoparticules en solution ou sur des supports. Il met l'accent sur l'application des nanoparticules métalliques dans d'importantes réactions catalytiques et comprend des chapitres sur la réaction de couplage de Heck et la synthèse du benzimidazole. Rédigé par une équipe internationale de spécialistes du domaine, Advanced Nano Catalyst for Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reaction est une ressource indispensable pour les chercheurs et les professionnels du monde universitaire et de l'industrie.

  • af Raouf El-Mallawany
    1.602,95 kr.

    This book focuses on advanced optical properties and applications of tellurite glasses and tellurite glasses doped with rare-earth nanoparticles. The initial chapter presents the current state of the art in tellurite glass development, focusing on those compositions doped with nanoparticles based on rare-earth elements such as neodymium and erbium. The book then discusses various linear and nonlinear optical properties (e.g., refractive index, absorption, optical susceptibility) of these glasses in the visible and ultraviolet spectral regions. Finally, it looks at a selection of recent technological applications of doped tellurite glasses, such as highly efficient laser glass, novel temperature sensors, and advanced optical fiber material. Featuring comprehensive and up-to-date data sets, along with a topical discussion of promising new areas of application, this book is particularly suitable for researchers and industry professionals working in the field of glass manufacturing foroptics and laser applications.

  • af Rainer Kimmich
    1.023,95 kr.

    This book outlines the unparalleled potential of NMR relaxation experiments to elucidate molecular dynamics for undergraduates to academics and those in industry.

  • af K Bagavathi Sundari
    333,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan Yong
    1.690,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) theory, its applications, and advanced techniques to improve the quality and speed of NMR data acquisition. In this book, the author expands his outstanding Ph.D. thesis and provides a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and students in the field of NMR spectroscopy.The book covers quantum mechanics basics, and topics like density operators, pulse sequences, 1D pulse acquisition, INEPT (Insensitive nuclei enhancement by polarization transfer), product operators, and 2D NMR principles. It also explores innovative experiments like States HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence) and echo-antiecho HSQC with gradients.In the subsequent chapters, the author discusses Pure Shift NMR, including PSYCHE (Pure Shift Yielded by Chirp Excitation) and its optimizations, such as waveform parameterization and time-reversal methods. The 'Discrete PSYCHE' approach and Ultrafast PSYCHE-iDOSY (Diffusion-ordered spectroscopy) are also highlighted.This book presents the POISE (Parameter Optimisation by Iterative Spectral Evaluation) software for real-time NMR experiment optimization, including pulse width calibration and Ernst angle optimization, and demonstrates applications across various NMR experiments.Lastly, the book examines accelerated 2D NMR data collection and the NOAH (NMR by Ordered Acquisition using 1H detection) supersequences, emphasizing automated pulse program creation using GENESIS (GENEration of Supersequences In Silico). Covered NMR experiments include 13C sensitivity-enhanced HSQC, 15N HMQC (Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence), dual HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy), HMBC (Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation), and ADEQUATE (Adequate Sensitivity Double-Quantum Spectroscopy).

  • af Mohammad Jawaid
    2.235,95 kr.

    Deep Eutectic Solvents highlights well-established research and technology on applications of DESs in corrosion sciences, protein chemistry, and organic synthesis, as well as separation science. This book provides state-of-the-art research that will revolutionize modern practices. Neoteric solvents have been proposed as a better substitute to these harmful organic solvents, and scientists have come up with various neoteric solvents in the last few years like Deep Eutectic solvents (DESs). DESs are defined as a system formed from a eutectic mixture of Lewis or Brønsted acids and bases with various ionic species- whereas ionic liquids (ILs) consist of a discrete anion and a cation. DESs stand out as a greener and cheaper neoteric solvent as compared to ILs. DESs are denser than water and fairly polar, thus can be utilized as non-aqueous substitute to water in many separation processes. DESs have very high distribution coefficient of solutes, and even dissolves gases and metal oxides selectively. They also readily dissolve organic macromolecules, thereby becoming useful in pharmacological applications.

  • af Christopher M Riley
    3.056,95 kr.

    Specification of Drug Substances and Products: Development and Validation of Analytical Methods, Third Edition contains chapters discussing the unique requirements for the universal critical quality attributes, as well as the specific tests required to characterize and control different types of products, ranging in complexity from small molecules in immediate release oral dosage forms to complex products such as drug-antibody conjugates and mRNA-based products. This substantially expanded revision of the second edition will serve as practical comprehensive reference for scientists, managers, educators, and consultants involved in the development and regulation of pharmaceutical products.

  • af Sune Svanberg
    858,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

  • af Kon H. Leung
    1.717,95 kr.

    This thesis describes how the rich internal degrees of freedom of molecules can be exploited to construct the first ¿clock¿ based on ultracold molecules, rather than atoms. By holding the molecules in an optical lattice trap, the vibrational clock is engineered to have a high oscillation quality factor, facilitating the full characterization of frequency shifts affecting the clock at the hertz level. The prototypical vibrational molecular clock is shown to have a systematic fractional uncertainty at the 14th decimal place, matching the performance of the earliest optical atomic lattice clocks. As part of this effort, deeply bound strontium dimers are coherently created, and ultracold collisions of these Van der Waals molecules are studied for the first time, revealing inelastic losses at the universal rate. The thesis reports one of the most accurate measurements of a molecule¿s vibrational transition frequency to date. The molecular clock lays the groundwork for explorations into terahertz metrology, quantum chemistry, and fundamental interactions at atomic length scales.

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