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  • - Hunde, folk og signifikant andenhed
    af Donna Haraway
    188,95 kr.

    Forbundne arters manifest er en hyldest til hundene og til den fælles historie, som mennesker og hunde har. Igennem en udforskning af fællesskabet mellem vores arter bliver det tydeligt, hvordan gensidighed, kærlighed og ansvar er størrelser, der binder os tæt til vores pjuskede ledsagere og makkere. Forbundethed er et gennemgående tema i Donna Haraways forfatterskab, og i denne tekst udfoldes det til fulde gennem analysen af de blomstrende relationer mellemforbundne arter. ”Forbundne arters manifest er et personligt dokument, en videnskabelig ekspedition ind i for mange delvist ukendte territorier, en politisk håbshandling i en verden på kanten af global krig, og et arbejde der i princippet er i bestandig fremgang. Jeg tilbyder hundegennemtyggede rekvisitter og halvt afrettede argumenter for at videreudvikle nogle fortællinger, jeg holder rigtig meget af, som akademiker og som en person i min tid og på mit sted. Denne historie handler hovedsageligt om hunde. Som brændende engageret i disse fortællinger, håber jeg at føre mine læsere ind i kennelen på livstid. (…) Færdighederne og aktørerne i hundeverdenerne, både menneskelige og ikke-menneskelige, burde være et vigtigt anliggende for teknovidenskabelige studier. Det ligger mig endnu mere på sinde, at mine læsere ved, hvorfor jeg betragter det at skrive om hunde som en gren af feministisk teori, eller omvendt.” Forbundne arters manifest er en hjertelig og sjov gentænkning af Haraways tidligere arbejde, der tegner nye retninger i forfatterskabet.

  • af Nikolaj Bichel
    357,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book gets to the heart of trophy hunting, unpacking and explaining its multiple facets and controversies, and exploring why it divides environmentalists, the hunting community, and the public. Bichel and Hart provide the first interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the study of trophy hunting, investigating the history of trophy hunting, and delving into the background, identity and motivation of trophy hunters. They also explore the role of social media and anthropomorphism in shaping trophy hunting discourse, as well as the viability of trophy hunting as a wildlife management tool, the ideals of fair chase and sportsmanship, and what hunting trophies are, both literally and in terms of their symbolic value to hunters and non-hunters. The analyses and discussions are underpinned by a consideration of the complex moral and practical conflicts between animal rights and conservation paradigms. This book appeals to scholars in environmental philosophy, conservation and environmental studies, as well as hunters, hunting opponents, wildlife management practitioners, and policymakers, and anyone with a broad interest in human¿wildlife relations.

  • - En udlægning af Rudolf Steiners landbrugskursus
    af Nanna Juliussen
    248,95 kr.

    Velkommen til det moderne landbrugskursus og en indføring i Rudolf Steiners tanker, som stadig er lige aktuelle. Den filosofi, der ligger bag den biodynamiske dyrkningsmetode, blev udviklet af Rudolf Steiner. Steiners landbrugskursus fra 1924 består af otte foredrag om biodynamisk jordbrug, og netop det kursus har dannet grundlag for al snak om biodynamik i jordbrug lige siden. I denne bog bliver principperne gjort tilgængelige og forståelige for alle med interesse for den biodynamiske jordbrugs oprindelige principper. Steiner er evig aktuel, og aldrig har der været et større behov for, at vi tager vare på naturen, end der er nu. Hvorfor graver man kohorn ned i jorden, og hvilken indflydelse har planeterne på planternes vækst? Her får du masser af inspiration og svar på de store spørgsmål. Læs også om naturens fascinerende rytmer, det evige kredsløb og de mest intime sammenhænge. Bogen er relevant uanset om du blot har en lille have, er selvforsynende eller ligefrem landmand. Faktisk behøver du slet ikke selv at have fingrene i mulden for at interessere dig for naturen og dens dybere sammenhænge.

  • af Søren Holm & Thomas Ploug
    308,95 kr.

    ETIK OG MEDICINDen medicinske profession rejser, som så mange andre professioner, etiske spørgsmål og dilemmaer. At udøve den medicinske gerning indebærer en intervention i andre menneskers liv med en myriade af konsekvenser for den enkelte patient, de pårørende, den fagprofessionelle selv og samfundet. En medicinsk etisk bevidsthed er vigtig, da den fremmer forståelsen for de etiske aspekter af den medicinske profession og de dertil knyttede etiske pligter.Gennem bogens tre dele føres læseren gennem et bredt udsnit af det medicinsk etiske område, fra den filosofiske etik over centrale medicinsk-etiske principper til dødshjælp, reproduktionsetik, prioritering i sundhedsvæsenet, forskningsetik, kunstig intelligens m.m. Videnskabelige og teknologiske landvindinger sætter konstant aftryk på den medicinske verden i form af nye teknologier og innovative behandlingsformer. De politiske og økonomiske forhold i sundhedsvæsenet ændrer sig, og lovgivning revideres og udbygges konstant. I en hastigt foranderlig verden er et etisk kompas nødvendigt for at kunne tilvejebringe og fastholde en ønskværdig samfundsmodel.Medicinsk etik er tænkt som et sæt af værktøjer og redskaber, der giver læger og andre sundhedsfaglige læsere evnen til at navigere i tider med skiftende udfordringer. Bogen er derfor som udgangspunkt en lærebog rettet mod medicinstuderende og fagprofessionelle, men kan læses af alle, der har interesse for etik.

  • - Et svar på Heideggers 'Brev om humanismen'
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    148,95 kr.

    At domesticeringen af mennesket er det store utænkte, som humanismen fra antikken til nutiden lukkede øjnene for – indsigten heri er tilstrækkelig til at komme ud på dybt vand. Hvad tæmmer endnu mennesket, når humanismen slår fejl som skole for mennesketæmningen? Hvad tæmmer mennesket, når dets hidtidige anstrengelser i retning af at tæmme sig selv dog i hovedsagen kun har ført til dets magtovertagelse over alt værende?En moderne klassiker om den forældede humanisme og fremtidens bioteknologi

  • af Bernhard Bleyer
    1.395,95 - 1.404,95 kr.

  • af Kadri Aavik
    1.304,95 kr.

    This book explores the potential of men¿s veganism to contest unsustainable anthropocentric masculinities. Examining what it means to be a vegan man and connections between men, masculinities and veganism, it addresses exploitative human-animal relations, climate change, and social inequalities as urgent and interconnected global issues. Using conceptual insights from critical studies on men and masculinities, ecofeminism, critical animal studies and vegan studies, this book examines the potential of men¿s veganism and vegan masculinities to foster more ethical, caring and sustainable ways of relating to nonhuman animals and to contribute towards more egalitarian gender relations. This book is grounded in a qualitative empirical study of the lived experiences of 61 vegan men in Northern Europe. The themes explored include men¿s transition to veganism, the emotional and embodied dimensions of men¿s veganism, negotiating social and intimate relationships as vegan men, and links between men¿s veganism, gender equality and social justice.

  • af Mark Wicclair
    248,95 - 714,95 kr.

  • af Gregg D Caruso
    248,95 - 714,95 kr.

  • af Clifford Warwick
    2.023,95 - 2.813,95 kr.

  • af Bernard Faye
    1.415,95 kr.

    This volume gives a comprehensive review on dromedary camel handling and management by respecting its welfare, which is a global first. Beyond that, it provides a new welfare assessment tool.Expert authors lay the groundwork for understanding the animals by covering domestication, camels¿ behavioral repertoire and needs, as well as dromedary camel genetics and coping with production systems. Then, the reader is equipped with the latest expertise on good management practices in camel farms, including transport, feeding, housing from racing to dairy systems, and health and hygiene. Moreover, the impact of innovative reproduction techniques and, finally, slaughter are taken into account.Camels, long confined to desert areas and kept extensively, have recently faced changes in husbandry systems and their environment. Intensification and specialization for milk, meat or sport purpose, as well as new geographic conditions have had significant impact on camel welfare.This book is a must-read for all camel industry members, breeders, veterinarians, and researchers, who want to practice camel breeding and management while safeguarding the behavioral needs and welfare of these amazing animals.

  • af David N. Weisstub
    1.426,95 - 1.436,95 kr.

  • af Kimberly C. Moore
    1.037,95 kr.

    This book presents the case for legal protection for animals based on humanity¿s shared interests and destinies with the animal kingdom. To underscore the urgent need for legal reform, the book documents how animals are in crisis, with separate discussions on animals in entertainment, research, fashion, the food industry, and animals in our homes, as well as issues that impact wildlife and aquatic animals. In each of the foregoing areas, there is a discussion of major developments for animals across the globe, the objective being to demonstrate how the U.S. is out of step with other major countries in its legal treatment of animals. The importance of media as a driver of change is also considered. This background culminates to the heart of the book, which discusses and analyzes the link between human rights and animal rights, with nine areas explored (e.g., loss of biodiversity; environmental destruction; zoonotic diseases; world hunger; violence). Challengesto legal reforms are also explored, including issues associated with weak laws, the failure to enforce existing laws, and governmental agencies that tend to overlook the actions of industries. Finally, the book explores the development of animal law and the trajectory of current laws, with analysis of developing ¿rights of nature¿ laws and ¿legal personhood¿ status for animals.

  • af John Miller
    1.406,95 kr.

    This book explores the vast array of animals that populate detective fiction. If the genre begins, as is widely supposed, with Edgar Allan Poe¿s ¿Murders in the Rue Morgue¿ (1841), then detective fiction¿s very first culprit is an animal. Animals, moreover, consistently appear as victims, clues, and companions, while the abstract conception of animality is closely tied to the idea of criminality. Although it is often described as an essentially conservative form, detective fiction can unsettle the binary of human and animal to intersect with developing concerns in animal studies: animal agency, the ethical complexities of human/animal interaction, the politics and literary aesthetics of violence, and animal metaphor. Gathering its 14 essays into sections on ontologies, ethics, politics, and forms, Animals in Detective Fiction provides a compelling and nuanced analysis of the central role creatures play in this enduringly popular and continually morphing literary form.

  • af Asadeh Ansari-Bodewein
    728,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Band enthält eine Sammlung von Aufsätzen zum Thema Leihmutterschaft aus Blickrichtungen verschiedener Disziplinen, die allesamt jeweils an den aktuellen Forschungsstand anknüpfen. Das Buch wendet sich an Interessierte aller Fächer, die sich mit der kontrovers diskutierten Frage nach einer Liberalisierung von Leihmutterschaftsmodellen befassen und gibt dabei einen Einblick in die Grundlagen der Diskussion in den relevanten Fächern Philosophie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Rechtswissenschaft und Medizin.

  • af Awal Fuseini
    1.303,95 - 1.312,95 kr.

    This unique volume gives insight into the science of slaughter with in-depth discussion of neural communication and the welfare aspects of pre-slaughter handling and slaughter of livestock. The concepts of conscious perception, unconsciousness, stunning, slaughter and death are discussed to provide readers with an understanding of the different events that lead to the conversion of animals into carcasses and subsequently into meat. This accessible work is an excellent resource for learning about welfare issues of different techniques, as it includes historical aspects of religious and conventional slaughter with a focus on the developments around technologies. It comprises the advent of mechanical slaughter in the form of poleaxes to present day use of sophisticated stunning equipment.Moreover, the author covers key aspects of halal meat production and discusses the politics of religious slaughter with an emphasis on the increasing number of anti-halal movements across Europe, America and others. The slaughter of animals for consumption by people of faith is economically significant and has led to a race for market share by multinational retail enterprises. However, there are also ethical and political aspects of religious slaughter which have always divided opinion.The topic of this book provides an important link to the disciplines of animal welfare research, the meat industry and the food business. Scientists, students, as well as government agencies, veterinarians and professionals in food processing and slaughter technology manufacturing will find this an important account. Simplified summaries and practical notes make this reference highly readable.

  • af Anja Heister
    1.306,95 - 1.312,95 kr.

    The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (NAM) is the driver of a strong anthropocentric stance, which has legalized an ongoing, annual exploitation of hundreds of millions of wild animals, who are killed in the United States through trapping, hunting and other lethal practices. Increasingly, the American public opposes the killing of wild animals for recreation, trophies and profit but has little-if any-knowledge of the Model. The purpose of this book is to empower the public with knowledge about the NAM's insufficiencies and to help expedite the shift from lethal to compassionate conservation, an endeavour urgently needed particularly under the threats of climate change, human population growth and accelerating plant and animal species extinctions.With a focus on trapping, this book exposes the NAM's belief in human supremacy and its consequences for wild animals and their ecosystems, the same value that is driving the ongoing global destruction of nature and accelerating species extinction. Motivated by a deep concern for wild animals who suffer and whose lives are extinguished each year by 'sportsmen and women', this book exposes the violent treatment of wild animals inherent in governmental-promoted hunting and trapping programs, while emphasizing the importance of empathy and compassion for other animals in conservation and in our lives.

  • af Joel Faintuch
    1.221,95 kr.

    This book provides a scientific and ethical approach to all forms of fraud and misconduct focusing on a scholarly however practice-oriented description of the problems, roots and potential solutions.Organized in dedicated parts, an international team of experts systematically analyzes the most prevalent forms of misconduct, ghost writing, pseudo-science, dubious trials, predatory journals, fake news, mistreatment and harassment, in research, publications, at academic institutions, and in the professional and healthcare environment. A special focus is given to corrective interventions and the role of prevention, education and training. Comprehensive in its scope, the book offers an easy-to-read overview along with a number of real cases for experienced and novice personnel alike. The significance of scientific integrity and research ethics increased during the last couple of years and ethic committees and offices have become an integral part at universities, hospitals, research institutions, government agencies and major private organizations all over the world. Thus, this book provides an indispensable, comprehensive overview across disciplines and for everybody working in research and affiliated institutions.

  • af Ann M. Heesters
    565,95 - 574,95 kr.

    This book argues that legal theory provides a jumping-off point for the study of controversial topics related to the work of Practicing Healthcare Ethicists (PHEs). Healthcare ethics consultation has had a place in healthcare for many decades yet the nature of the work is not well understood by many of its critics as well as its defenders. PHEs have been described as compromised and ineffectual, politicised and undemocratic, and their promise to offer sound advice has been deemed irredeemably incoherent in the context of value pluralism.Legal theorists have long attended to the relationship between law and morality, and the supposed tension between democracy and the role of an expert judiciary. An appreciation that these debates are not unique to the practice of healthcare ethics can help PHEs to engage critics with a renewed confidence and some fresh approaches to perennial, and hitherto unproductive, arguments.This book will be of great interest to practicing healthcare ethicists, as well as those who rely upon their services (healthcare professionals and healthcare leaders, patients, and their families) as well as academics working in the broader field of bioethics.

  • af Ana Karoline Nobrega Cavalcanti
    462,95 kr.

  • af Dien (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences) Ho
    227,95 - 702,95 kr.

    This Element provides an overview of the different roles of placebos and a survey of significant studies, critically examines the concept of placebo offering a new definition that avoids the pitfalls of other attempts and highlights some impending challenges for placebo studies.

  • af Nima Rezaei
    1.739,95 - 1.748,95 kr.

    The contributed volume "e;Multidisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Health"e; is a health-centered volume of the Integrated Science Book series. Lack of confidence, lack of expertise, complexities of healthcare, the confusing nature of healthcare environments, and lack of organization and standardization can become obstacles to successful communication. This volume establishes how extensive is the interface between formal sciences and medical sciences on health-related issues. The book provides an overview of the value of the integration of formal, biological, and medical sciences and related products, i.e., health informatics and biomedical engineering, to frame a holistic approach to health systems, healthcare, medical practice, drug discovery, and medical device design. The book also focuses on innovative solutions to the most critical issues of different health crisis, including obesity, infectious outbreaks, and cancer that can be found by using an integrative approach. It also contains the fascinating crossroads between medical sciences, physics, and mind that is discussed from multiple perspectives on cognition, neuroscience, and psychiatry. These multidisciplinary considerations will expand the concepts of creativity, leadership, aesthetics, empathy and mental health.   

  • af Marvin Giehl
    672,95 kr.

    Marvin Giehl zeigt den im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs bislang unterrepräsentierten Konnex zwischen den ethisch motivierten Ernährungs- und Lebensformen des Vegetarismus und des Veganismus sowie deren biographischer Genese und bildungstheoretischen Überlegungen auf. Durch die Erhebung qualitativer Interviews und die Auswertung im Stile der dokumentarischen Methode entwirft der Autor mehrere datenbegründete Typiken, welche die Komplexität von ¿vegetarischen¿ und ¿veganen¿ Biographien rekonstruieren. Virulent wird dabei ein spannungsreiches Wechselspiel von erlebter Inkongruenz und Kongruenz. Mit dem Forschungsergebnis legt er eine neue Betrachtung von post-anthropozentrisch gedachten biographischen Bildungsprozessen vor, woraus auch praktische pädagogische Implikationen abzuleiten sind. Schließlich erweitert die Arbeit die Perspektiven im methodologischen Diskurs, indem sie bislang vorherrschende und reproduzierte Fokussierung auf konjunktive Wissensbestände und die damit korrespondieren Wissensformen durch die analytische Berücksichtigung von kommunikativem Wissen ergänzt.

  • af David W. Shannon & Jaro Kotalik
    1.437,95 kr.

    This book, written both for a Canadian and an international readership, provides a multidisciplinary review of the framework and performance of the Canadian Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program. In the first five years (2015-2021) of operation, this program delivered voluntary euthanasia and assistance in suicide to over 30,000 Canadian residents, presently representing a 30% annual growth. Looking back on these first five years, the 30 Canadian scholars and clinicians contributing to this volume raise important issues and attempt to answer key questions that have arisen in regards to its operation and its stated objectives. This volume strikes the most appropriate balance between the autonomy of persons who seek medical assistance, versus the interests and protection of vulnerable persons. Finally, the book makes suggestions on how the program can presently be improved. It identifies gaps in knowledge about MAID¿s operational program and its impact on individuals, families and society in order to stimulate the necessary research that is essential to the evolution of a healthy and well-balanced program. As a first, comprehensive examination of medically assisted deaths in Canada, this publication will be of great value to lay, professional, academic, political audiences both domestically and internationally, especially in jurisdictions that are examining their options of permitting assisted deaths.

  • af Fredrik Svenaeus
    1.203,95 - 1.213,95 kr.

  • af Mumtaz Anwar
    1.618,95 - 2.212,95 kr.

    This book serves as an introduction to the concepts of medical biotechnology, with great details about fundamentals and early disciplines of study as well as emerging fields and the latest research. The book follows a chronological order from the earliest discoveries and breakthroughs of medical biotechnology to the latest areas of study. The book contains up-to-date citations for each chapter and section, which makes it easy for the reader to understand the concept and also to follow the latest developments in the particular area. It is an ideal book for undergraduate and graduate students who aspire to derive basic knowledge and are also keen on learning about the latest advancements in the field of medical biotechnology. 

  • af Hans-Georg Dederer
    945,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

    This volume elucidates the pivotal ethical and legal issues arising from the use of brain organoids for research, therapeutic and enhancement purposes.The function of the human brain is still a mystery. Until recently, only post-mortem tissue was available for a structural examination of the brain. Consequently, the examination results could only reflect the state at the end of life. However, in order to better understand the development and function of the human brain, dynamic and functional investigations of different human brain cells are necessary. This is where brain organoids, artificially grown in vitro miniature brains, provide the opportunity for more flexible research scenarios.At the same time, however, the use of brain organoids in research and therapy raises the question of how these new entities are to be treated from an ethical and legal point of view. Against this background, this volume aims at clarifying the normative implications of the use of brain organoids in research and therapy.  The ethical reflections on the status of brain organoids, informed consent, human-to-animal chimeras and neuro-enhancement are mirrored by corresponding legal analyses. The ethical and legal assessments are preceded by an introduction to the scientific and medical background of the brain organoid technology. A final chapter will be devoted to the issue of whether international harmonization of normative standards for brain organoid research and therapy is feasible and advisable.

  • af Erick Valdes & Juan Alberto Lecaros
    1.037,95 kr.

    The Handbook of Bioethical Decisions Volume II addresses and analyzes the most important ethical concerns and moral quandaries related to scientific integrity and institutional ethics. It counts on two parts, Part One: Research Ethics, which addresses issues related to Scientific Integrity, Research Misconduct and Conducting Ethical Research, and Part Two: Institutional Ethics and Bioethics Committees, which explores Institutional Ethics issues, Ethics and Bioethics Committees¿ roles and scopes, and Bioethical Issues in Institutional Ethics. Consequently, the Handbook, Vol. II, offers a remarkable collection of works by outstanding international experts on institutional and research ethics, in order for bioethics practitioners to obtain better elements to address key issues related to integrity in research as well as to decision-making processes. In this fashion, this volume is a valuable resource for professionals working on different bioethical and biomedical fields, such as, ethics and bioethics committees, health care institutions, biomedical and pharmacological companies, and academic settings, among others.Chapter 26 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

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