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Adfærdsbiologi og dyrs opførsel

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  • - original version i dansk oversættelse
    af Charles Darwin
    242,95 kr.

    Charles Darwins banebrydende værk som ligger til grund for al biologisk evolutionsteori. Når man læser Darwins bog, forbavses man over hans alsidighed, viden og kombinationsevne. Han er naturhistoriker af det helt store format og så kendte han store dele af jorden". Få andre bøger har skabt en sådan storm af kontroverser som Arternes Oprindelse. Darwins teori om, at arter stammer fra andre arter ved en gradvis evolutionær proces – og at gennemsnitsniveauet for hver art øges ud fra grundtanken om at – kun den bedst egnede overlever (”the survival of the fittest”), hvilket fik debatten til at tage nye højder. Den senere accept af Darwins teorier, revolutionerede det videnskabens forløb. Darwins bidrag til den moderne videnskab, er altafgørende for, hvordan vi ser verden i dag - og næsten umulig at evaluere. Arternes oprindelse bør læses af alle med interesse indenfor biologi og for verdens evolution. Ligesom bogen har bidraget til heftig debat og fortolkning indenfor områder som filosofi og teologi. Bogen regnes for det vigtigste bidrag til biologien i videnskabens historie.Den originale version af Darwins "Arternes Oprindelse" udgives af Paludans Forlag, hvor bogen indgår i serien blandt klassiske historiske værker.

  • af Ed Yong
    105,95 kr.

  • af James Bridle
    125,95 kr.

    What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans - or do we share it with other beings? Recent years have seen rapid advances in 'artificial' intelligence, which increasingly appears to be something stranger than we ever imagined. At the same time, we are becoming more aware of the other intelligences which have been with us all along, unrecognized. These other beings are the animals, plants, and natural systems that surround us, and are slowly revealing their complexity and knowledge - just as the new technologies we've built are threatening to cause their extinction, and ours. In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny and multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world? From Greek oracles to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells a radical new story about ecology, technology and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand our definition of these terms to build a meaningful and free relationship with the non-human, one based on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.

  • af Tom Mustill
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af TURID RUGAAS & Stephanie Rousseau
    168,94 - 400,95 kr.

  • af Keith S Delaplane
    605,95 kr.

    What the honey bee can teach us about evolution--and ourselves.How did the honey bee evolve into the complex colonial species that exists today--and what does its evolution have to teach us about our own species? In Honey Bee Society, entomologist Keith Delaplane uses the humble but charismatic honey bee as a model of social evolution to highlight the many parallels a social insect colony shares with humans and other organisms. Delaplane shows how social processes drive evolution--for honey bee colonies, humans, and other animals.Each chapter spotlights a honey bee colony-level function such as group-level reproduction, task differentiation among cells, group decision-making, social immunity, defense behavior, senescence, anarchy, cancer, and more--all with stunning parallels to those of other organisms. These vivid comparisons, grounded in a practical context, emphasize how natural selection uses a common tool kit to solve similar problems across lineages.By revealing the complex hive of similarities between the honey bee's society and our own, Delaplane hopes to instill an ethos of solidarity with all organic life. The honey bee colony shows how evolution is more than selfish "survival of the fittest," but equally a story of the success of cooperation and altruism.

  • af David Hone
    252,95 kr.

    How scientists are unravelling one of the most tantalizing questions in paleontologyOur understanding of dinosaur behavior has long been hampered by the inevitable lack of evidence from animals that went extinct more than sixty-five million years ago and whose daily behaviors are rarely reflected by the fossil record. Today, with the discovery of new specimens and the development of new and cutting-edge techniques, paleontologists are making major advances in reconstructing how dinosaurs lived and acted. Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior provides an unparalleled look at this emerging field of science, presenting the latest findings on dinosaur behavior and explaining how researchers interpret the often minimal and even conflicting information available to them.David Hone begins by introducing readers to the fundamentals of dinosaur biology, diversity, and evolution, and goes on to describe behaviors across the whole range of species and groups, from feeding and communication to reproduction, sociality, and combat. Speculation about dinosaur behavior goes back to the earliest scientific studies of these “terrible lizards.” Hone traces how frontier science is opening a window onto prehistoric life like never before, and discusses future directions of research in this thrilling and rapidly growing area of paleontology.Written by one of the world’s leading dinosaur experts and featuring accurate color recreations by paleoartist Gabriel Ugueto along with a wealth of photos and diagrams, Uncovering Dinosaur Behavior is a foundational work on the subject and an invaluable reference for anyone interested in these amazing creatures.

  • af Tau Rebecca Mikkelsen
    125,95 kr.

    ”Tau har skrevet den fineste bog med fortællinger, der går lige i hjertet. Den har gjort stort indtryk på mig. En hjertevarme og berigende bog.” Marianne FlormanDenne bog er en hjertesag. Den er skrevet ud fra et ønske om, at vi mennesker bliver bedre til at leve i kærligt, respektfuldt og nysgerrigt partnerskab med vores dyr.I bogen deler jeg nogle af de oplevelser og opdagelser dyrene har beriget mig med. Dyrene lærer mig noget nyt hver dag. Både om dem selv, men i lige så høj grad om mig selv. De er mine bedste læremestre og et spejl, der peger tilbage på mig selv, hver gang noget er godt, og hver gang noget går i kludder.Begrebet “ven” er kernen i min tilgang til dyrene. Et venskab er en tovejs relation. I et harmonisk venskab kan jeg ikke være vigtigere end dig. Jeg kan ikke være mere værd end dig eller have mere taletid end dig. Et godt venskab bygger på gensidig respekt og forståelse.En stor del af dyrenes kommunikation foregår uden lyd. De kommunikerer via krop, billeder, følelser og energi. De bruger hele det sanseapparat, vi alle er udstyret med, men som vi mennesker har skruet ned for. For os er talesproget det altoverskyggende kommunikationsmiddel. Dyrene derimod spiller på mange flere tangenter, når de kommunikerer, og det skaber en meget præcis og autentisk kommunikation.I bogens fortællinger møder du bla. den traumatiserede hund Mina, hus-kyllingen Julius, den kloge empatiske hest Sir Price, den handikappede killing Bellis, de vilde firben i Peru og mange flere. Der er også en række øvelser, der kan hjælpe dig med at blive endnu bedre til at kommunikere, støtte og samarbejde med dit dyr.Uddrag fra bogen:"(Hunden) Mina virker dybt traumatiseret. Af sin tid på internatet i Bosnien, af sin rejse til Danmark, af sit nye og meget anderledes liv som indendørs kæledyr hos min mor. Da der er gået et år bor Mina stadig kun i sengen. Hun er bange for alle bevægelser, og når min mor nærmer sig sengen, skal det ske meget langsomt, med blikket væk og siden til, for at Mina ikke trykker sig angst ned i madrassen. Men lige meget hvor forsigtigt min mor nærmer sig, reagerer Mina altid med usikkerhed. Mina spiser i sengen, sover i sengen og er vågen i sengen.Det er ikke et godt hundeliv. Selv om Mina bevæger sig fra sengen og ud på gårdspladsen flere gange dagligt, bliver hun ved med at opleve turen gennem huset som en farlig tur. Hver gang. Ude på gårdspladsen er hun også stresset og bevæger sig hele tiden uroligt rundt. Når Mina skal ind igen, fjerner min mor alt, hvad der ligger på gulvet, så Mina ikke bliver forskrækket over uforudsete ting på sin rute tilbage til sengen. Det kræver rigtig mange tilløb for Mina at finde modet til at løbe ind ad døren, gennem huset og op i sengen. Ofte må labradoren Nanna hjælpe hende ved at stå i entreen. Så tør Mina bedre komme ind. Nanna er tryghed. Når Mina endelig kommer ind, spurter hun direkte op i sengen. Hun vælter næsten i svingene. Det kan ikke gå hurtigt nok med at komme tilbage i sikkerhed. Sengen er hendes safe space. Hendes tømmerflåde.Min mor elsker sin lille sorte Mina. Men hun er frustreret og ked af det over, at Mina ikke får det bedre. Hun overvejer mange gange, om det mest barmhjertige vil være at aflive hende. Mina har ingen livskvalitet. Der sker intet i hendes liv, og hun er totalt understimuleret. Enten må Mina få et større liv, eller også må hun aflives.Det bliver mit startskud. Jeg beslutter mig for at forsøge at lære Mina at komme ud i verden igen og gå ture. Hvis jeg kan. Jeg ved det ikke. Jeg har ikke prøvet det her før, men Mina skal have en chance. Selvfølgelig skal hun det.Første gang vi skal på tur, tager jeg hundeselen i hånden og nærmer mig sengen stille og roligt, mens jeg fortæller Mina, at vi skal på tur. Det kan vi godt det her, siger jeg kærligt men bestemt til hende. Ikke for at presse hende, men for at indgyde hende mod. Ligesom hvis jeg skulle lære et barn at cykle. Jeg siger hele tiden “vi” i stedet for “du”, for ligesom at tage presset af hende, så der ikke er en tung forventning til hende, noget hun skal præstere. Det her er noget, vi gør i fællesskab. Vi er sammen om det her. Jeg er med hende og skal lige så meget lære at gøre det her sammen med hende, som hun skal. Men jeg tror på, at vi kan.Selv om jeg nærmer mig meget forsigtigt og respektfuldt, kryber hun helt sammen. Hun flygter ned i den anden ende af sengen, da jeg tager selen frem, men vi skal det her, så jeg følger efter, selv om hun tydeligt siger nej tak. Jeg overskrider hendes grænser, men fortæller hende hele tiden kærligt og opmuntrende hvorfor. Jeg anerkender hendes angst, men støtter hendes samtidig i, at det her kan vi godt. Da hun får selen på går hele hendes lille krop i panik, og hun ryster fuldstændig ukontrollabelt. Jeg giver hende et øjeblik til lige at ligge lidt, mens jeg selv tager overtøj på. Så går jeg ind og taler roligt videre med hende og fortæller, at vi bare skal ud på en lille bitte tur. Ikke længere end vi kan klare. Vi går ud på grusvejen og så ser vi, hvor mange skridt eller hvor mange meter, vi kan gå. Vi gør kun det, vi kan.Mina er ude af stand til at bevæge sig, så angst er hun. Derfor tager jeg hende forsigtigt op og bærer hende gennem huset, hen over gårdspladsen og ud gennem porten til vi står på grusvejen. Jeg ved, hvor vigtigt det er, at jeg er en god støtte for Mina nu, så jeg må ikke slingre i min egen tro på, at vi godt kan det her. Min tro og ro er det eneste, Mina kan læne sig op ad lige nu. Labradoren Nanna følger glad med, hun elsker at gå tur. Hun er også en god støtte.Jeg sætter Mina ned, og hun tager et par hurtige skridt fremad og væk fra mig. Så stopper hun op og ryster sig. Det er som om, hun ryster alt det, hun lige har været igennem, ud af kroppen, for bagefter er hun klar til at gå. Jeg har hende i en lang line. Jeg ved ikke, hvor tæt på mig, hun har lyst til at være. Hun holder sig to meter fra mig. Ikke for tæt, men heller ikke for langt væk. Jeg er alligevel en slags livline. Mina er meget nervøs og kigger hele tiden op på mig for at blive bekræftet i, hvad vi skal. “Hvor er vi seje,” siger jeg og smiler til hende. “Vi er ude at gå tur. Det kan vi godt det her(...)”

  • af Marta Halina
    207,95 - 700,95 kr.

  • af Giorgio Vallortigara
    267,95 kr.

    "Based on his decades of experience working with newborn chicks and other species, Vallortigara gives us a clear and accessible account of behaviors that are considered to be innate or instinctive"--

  • af James O'Hanlon
    208,95 kr.

    An encounter with a spider will never be the same again …This warm-hearted book offers fascinating science and captivating storytelling to persuade readers to fall in love with—or at least tolerate—these eight-legged wonders.Eight-Legged Wonders unveils the remarkable lives of one of the most misunderstood and maligned creatures on the planet: the spider. With over 50,000 species, spiders play vital roles in our ecosystems and the vast majority are harmless to humans. With this in mind, shouldn’t we at least try to set aside our creepy-crawly associations, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for these truly wonderful beings?Eight-Legged Wonders helps us do just that. In this affectionate and surprisingly giddy ode to spiders, James O’Hanlon, a scientist and spider expert, introduces spiders that we may never have noticed before, including spiders that cosplay as ants, balloon through the air, and scuba-dive. He describes the peacock spider's colorful dances and the Portia jumping spider's cunning hunting techniques. He dispels bite concerns, highlights groundbreaking research using spiders for human benefit, and aims to shift perceptions, ultimately revealing spiders as truly remarkable beings worthy of our admiration.

  • af Diane K Boyd
    191,95 kr.

    A debut memoir from one of the first women in the United States to study wild wolves in their natural habitat—a story of passion, resilience, and determination.“The story of a woman in a career dominated by men, tracking wolves as they return to a world dominated by humans—Diane Boyd’s A Woman Among Wolves is, in more ways than one, a gripping and vital portrait of wolf repopulation. It is impossible not to root for her, or for the wolves.”—Erica Berry, author of WolfishCalled the Jane Goodall of wolves, world-renowned wildlife biologist Diane Boyd has spent four decades studying and advocating for wolves in the wilds of Montana near Glacier National Park. When she started in the 1970s, she was the only female biologist in the United States researching and radio-collaring wild wolves. With her two dogs for company, she faced the rigors of the Montana winter in an isolated cabin without running water or electricity.Boyd fearlessly forded icy rivers, strapped on skis to navigate thick stands of lodgepole pine, and monitored packs from the air in a tiny bush plane that skimmed the treetops so she could count wolves and see what they were feeding on. She faced down grizzly bears, mountain lions, wolverines—and the occasional trapper—as she stalked her quarry: a handful of wolves that were making their way south from Canada into Montana. Resilient and resourceful, she devised her own trapping methods and negotiated with locals as wolf populations grew from the first natural colonizer to more than 3,000 wolves in the West today.In this captivating book, Boyd takes the reader on a wild ride from the early days of wolf research to the present-day challenges of wolf management across the globe, highlighting her interactions with an apex predator that captured her heart and her undying admiration. Her writing resonates with her indomitable spirit as she explores the intricate balance of human and wolf coexistence.

  • af Rick McIntyre
    191,95 kr.

    Book Five in the Award-Winning “Alpha Wolves of Yellowstone” series“Rick’s writing is so vivid, so powerful, that I feel I have been right there with him among the wolves of Yellowstone.”—Jane GoodallFollowing eight major wolf personalities, Thinking Like a Wolf draws on decades of field notes to uncover the challenges and triumphs of Yellowstone’s wolf packs, from the “chief historian of the most famous wolf population in the world” (Washington Post).In his latest book, award-winning author and renowned wolf researcher, Rick McIntyre, explores the intricate world of wolf behavior in Yellowstone National Park and highlights the individual character traits that allow wolf packs to thrive.Unveiling power struggles, pack politics, the roles of family protection, inter-pack conflicts, and more, Rick skillfully follows the intricacy of packs and the unique attributes each wolf has. In these true stories, he celebrates the many lessons we can learn from wolf packs and the dynamic personalities that enable them to expand across new territories amidst adversity.Weaving an impressive web of politics and power, family cooperation and commitment, rivalry and resilience, Thinking Like a Wolf provides readers with a unique window into the fascinating inner workings of wolf packs.

  • af Teresa Mulhern
    939,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af George Bumann
    191,95 kr.

    From a Yellowstone wildlife guide, learn to tap into animal sounds and decode the secret conversations happening all around you.“An engaging guide to a world of wonders hiding in plain sight.”—Peter Wohlleben, New York Times bestselling author of The Inner Life of Animals and The Hidden Life of TreesHumans once relied on the calls of wild animals to understand the natural world and their place within it. Now, this remarkable guide reveals what our ancestors knew long ago—that tuning in to the owl in the tree, the deer in the gully, can tell us important information and help us feel connected to our wild community.Wildlife ecologist George Bumann shares fascinating stories and insights he has gained from leading animal intelligence tours in Yellowstone National Park alongside tips, tricks, and advice for readers living in urban, suburban and rural areas. As Bumann clearly shows, you don’t need an exotic vacation for wildlife encounters; listening to and observing creatures in your own backyard, on nearby trails, and in local parks, fields, and forests can lead to extraordinary experiences and a profound sense of belonging.Are you ready to eavesdrop on your wild neighbors? Are you ready to learn how to tell a warning call from a mating call, a purr of satisfaction from idle chatter? Then this book is for you!

  • af Tetsuo Kuwamura
    1.390,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive review of hermaphroditism in fishes. It focuses on the behavioral ecology of functional hermaphroditism in fishes and discusses its evolution.Approximately 99% of all vertebrate species consist of separate-sex individuals (gonochorists), i.e., pure males and pure females. The other 1% of vertebrate species are hermaphroditic, and almost all of them are fishes. Among hermaphroditic fishes, four major types of hermaphroditism are known: simultaneous (or synchronous) hermaphroditism, protandry (male-to-female sex change), protogyny (female-to-male sex change), and bidirectional sex change (or reversed sex change in protogynous species).The book examines the occurrence of hermaphroditism in relation to phylogeny and mating systems. It also reviews the hypotheses for the evolution of hermaphroditism, and the size-advantage model, which is the main theory for the evolution of sex change, tested in relation to the mating system. The appendix in the last chapter provides an annotated list of hermaphroditic fish species (ca. 500 spp.).

  • af Gillian Berry
    773,95 kr.

    Stepped Care 2.0: A Paradigm Shift in Mental Health, by Dr Peter Cornish, made a compelling argument for why the existing mental health care system has consistently struggled to meet the needs of clients from all walks of life, and laid out key principles and guidelines for how the system could be changed. But what challenges are involved in putting these ideas into practice? Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums features essays, interviews, and arguments from a wide range of contributors who have tried to do just that. The Power of Conundrums dives deep into the practical application of the Stepped Care 2.0 model (SC2.0), looking at the ways SC2.0 has succeeded, the difficulties administrators face when implementing it, and how it could be improved. Chapters touch on topics including: the evidence for stepped care, the way SC2.0 can be stymied by the Western cultural values that dominate mental healthcare, implementation science and SC2.0, the riskparadigm and SC2.0, the model¿s one-at-a-time approach to therapy, what co-design means in an SC2.0 context, a case study on how implementing SC2.0 can go wrong, the understanding of recovery put forward by the model, and how SC2.0 can work for clients experiencing complex, persistent, or chronic mental health issues. Each chapter is followed by a reflection from Cornish, and the book concludes with a roundtable discussion about how SC2.0 can evolve to meet the challenges it faces. This text brings theory and practice together by including an updated version of Stepped Care 2.0: A Paradigm Shift in Mental Health, as well as the full text of Stepped Care 2.0: The Power of Conundrums.

  • af Shintaro Nomakuchi
    878,95 kr.

    This book presents the discoveries made during nearly three decades of research on the parental shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis inhabiting Kyushu Island, Japan. P. japonensis has evolved a unique and fascinating life history, characterized by extreme behavioral and physiological adaptations that have culminated in a singularly dependent relationship with its lone host tree, Schoepfia jasminodora (Olacaceae), which is a generally scarce and unreliable resource.It is expected that the evolution of parental care behaviors in the strictly semelparous P. japonensis was more directly influenced by the benefit to females that arises from enhanced survivorship of current offspring, rather than any possible cost the females might incur in terms of reduced future reproductive success, because no future reproduction is possible. The authors explain how the different parental cares in this species enhance offspring survivorship in the context of the ecological conditions it has experienced over evolutionary time.The book begins with a recap of the earliest studies, the reports through 1991, and then introduces the many fascinating aspects of the life history, neurobiology, physiology and behavior of P. japonensis that have been newly discovered since, and those aspects that have been confirmed through experimentation over the past thirty years. This comprehensive review of information will be useful for comparative studies of parental care in other semelparous and iteroparous organisms experiencing both similar and different ecological constraints. The book will be of academic interest to undergraduate and graduate students of entomology, zoology, behavior, and behavioral ecology.

  • af Lori R. Kogan
    394,95 kr.

    Social workers play a critical role in the well-being of communities - trained to help individuals, families, and groups effect positive change and address barriers that stand in the way of optimal life and wellbeing.

  • af Susan Schneider
    207,95 kr.

    Las acciones tienen consecuencias, y la capacidad de aprender de ellas revolucionó la vida en la Tierra. Aunque es bastante evidente que las consecuencias son importantes (¿dónde estaríamos sin el reforzamiento positivo?), pocos saben que existe una ciencia de las consecuencias con principios que nos afectan cada día. A pesar de su variedad, las consecuencias parecen seguir un conjunto común de principios científicos y comparten algunos efectos comunes en el cerebro, por ejemplo, en los llamados "centros de placer". El sistema genética-ambiente siempre opera de forma integrada, y los científicos han demostrado que aprender de las consecuencias activa de manera predecible los genes y reestructura nuestro cerebro. Las aplicaciones posibles de esta ciencia de las consecuencias están en todas partes, en el hogar, en el trabajo y en el ámbito escolar, por mencionar algunos ejemplos. A nivel individual y social, por ejemplo, el autocontrol se enfrenta a menudo a las consecuencias a corto y largo plazo. Después de diez años de trabajo, "La Ciencia de las Consecuencias" narra una historia que abarca desde la genética hasta los neurotransmisores, desde la emoción hasta el lenguaje, desde la educación infantil hasta la política, adoptando un enfoque interdisciplinario inclusivo para mostrar cómo algo tan aparentemente simple puede ayudar a dar sentido a tantas cosas. Este título ha recibido numerosos elogios de expertos reconocidos en genética, neurociencia y economía, así como en psicología, análisis de conducta y entrenamiento animal en medios como Nature, The Scientist y Science News.

  • af Friederike Range
    963,95 - 989,95 kr.

    Various parallels have been drawn between wolves and humans from the perspective of their social organisation. Therefore, studying wolves may well shed light on the evolutionary origins of complex human cognition and, in particular, on the role that cooperation played in its development. Humans closely share their lives with millions of dogs - the domesticated form of wolves. Biologically, wolves and dogs can be considered to be the same species; yet only dogs are suitable living companions in human homes, highlighting the importance of cognitive and emotional differences between the two forms. The behaviour of wolves and dogs largely depends on the environment the animals grew up and live in. This book reviews more than 50 years of research on the differences and similarities of wolves and dogs. Beyond the socio-ecology, the work explores different theories about when and how the domestication of wolves might have started and which behaviours and cognitive abilities might have changed during this process. Readers will discover how these fascinating animals live with their conspecifics in their social groups, how they approach and solve problems in their daily lives and how they see and interact with their human partners.

  • af Peter Goodfellow
    256,95 kr.

    The essential illustrated guide to how birds design and build their nests—now fully revised and expandedBirds are the most consistently inventive builders, and their nests set the bar for functional design in nature. Describing how birds design, engineer, and build their nests, Avian Architecture deconstructs all types of nests found around the world using architectural blueprints and detailed descriptions of the construction processes and engineering techniques birds use.This spectacularly illustrated book features more than 300 full-color images and more than 40 case studies that profile key species worldwide. Each chapter covers a different type of nest, from tunnel nests and mound nests to floating nests, hanging nests, woven nests, and even multiple-nest avian cities. Other kinds of avian construction—such as bowers and food stores—are also featured.Now with more case studies and an updated foreword, this revised and expanded edition includes intricate step-by-step sequences, visual spreads on nest-building materials and methods, and insightful commentary by a leading expert.Illustrates how birds around the world design, engineer, and build their nestsFeatures architectural blueprints, step-by-step sequences, visual spreads on nest-building materials and methods, and expert commentaryIncludes more than 300 full-color imagesCovers more than 100 bird species worldwide

  • af Peter Kropotkin
    197,95 kr.

    Mutual Aid explore the role of mutually-beneficial cooperation and reciprocity in the animal kingdom and human societies both past and present. Supporting the theory and foundation for anarchist communism, Peter Kropotkin presents an altruistic view of society, comparing it to the natural laws of biology and evolution. Kropotkin argued that it is our innate instinct for mutual aid - rather than mutual struggle - which enables societies to survive and flourish. From the earliest days of evolution through to medieval guilds, indigenous nomads and modern voluntary organisations, Kropotkin's vision of small-scale, ecologically sustainable, collective communities challenged the orthodoxies of his age, whether individualism or Marxism. Mutual Aid offers instead a radical, and prescient, rewriting of the whole of human history.

  • af Michio Hori
    1.475,95 kr.

    This book presents the latest research findings on the laterality of fish and other animals. It describes all aspects of lateral asymmetry, including ecology, morphology, behaviour, dynamics of lefty and righty morphs, genetics and evolution, through field observations, experiments and modeling. Lateral asymmetry in scale-eating cichlids gives a simple and beautiful example of negative frequency-dependent selection and resulting oscillation of lefty and righty morph frequencies. Lateral dimorphism is found not only in scale-eaters but in all orders of fish, shrimps and cuttlefish. Lateral asymmetry interacts between species through "e;cross-predation."e; Contrary to fish, lateral asymmetry in snails acts as, in most cases, positive frequency-dependent selection and provides deep insights into speciation. Especially, snakes eating righty snails facilitate speciation of lefty snails.As a collaboration work of field ecologists and theoretical biologists, this book covers a variety of topics on lateral asymmetry, which are consistently related to predation. The topics include behavioral ecology, population dynamics, physiology, evolution, genetics, development, learning and neuroscience, statistics, with the subjects of fish, shrimp, prawn, and crayfish, crab, cuttlefish, and snake and snail. Chapters cover new research results such as cuttlefish laterality dynamics, interaction between laterality of snails and snakes, evolution of laterality genetic system, and statistical analysis of laterality oscillation. Readers will appreciate the simplicity and beauty of lateral asymmetry and its profound impact on ecology and evolution.

  • af Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Javier Suárez
    204,95 - 646,95 kr.

  • af Mikel Maria Delgado
    217,95 kr.

    "Millions of households in the United States have at least one cat as part of their family. Yet despite their popularity, cats continue to be misunderstood by their owners. This lack of understanding can lead to bored, frustrated, and under-stimulated cats, resulting in health and behavior problems. In Play with Your Cat!, animal behavior expert Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado shows cat parents what they may be missing: interactive play. Playfully written and with fun illustrations, Play with Your Cat! is an essential read for cat parents looking to understand their feline friend-and have some fun in the process"--

  • af Bernd Wursig & Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara
    1.475,95 kr.

  • af Erin Silver
    237,95 kr.

    "Learn about the wild, wacky and downright disgusting ways some animals react out of fear. Are you afraid of the dark? Of getting lost? Or of something you saw in a movie? Maybe someone laughed at you for being scared or called you a chicken. That's okay! In fact, it's how humans stay safe in scary situations. While people might run or scream, animals have amazing ways of protecting themselves when they're afraid. Fulmar birds vomit, Texas horned lizards shoot blood from their eyes and hagfish slime their enemies. Full of incredible and sometimes gross animal facts, Mighty Scared explores how mammals, insects, fish and birds around the world respond when scary predators are near." --

  • af Jeffrey R. Stevens
    1.219,95 kr.

    Dogs are a valued part of millions of households worldwide. They also serve many functions in human societies from herding livestock to detecting drugs, explosives, or illegal wildlife to providing physical assistance or emotional support to those in need. Yet, in terms of behavior and cognition, dogs have only become a serious subject of scientific study in the last 20 years. Similarly, we have recently witnessed a sharp increase in studies of canine-human interaction, exploring the motivational, emotional, cognitive, physiological, and neural mechanisms of dogs on human psychology and well-being. This book is a collection of chapters stemming from the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, which focused on Canine Cognition and the Human Bond. The primary goal of this symposium was to bring together researchers from psychology, biology, neuroscience, and anthropology to delve deeper into the canine-human bond. These chapters describe the current state of knowledge from international experts in the fields of canine cognition and canine-human interaction. Bridging these two areas can help us better understand the canine-human bond, potentially improving the lives of both dogs and people.

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