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The North American Wildlife Conservation Model (NAM) is the driver of a strong anthropocentric stance, which has legalized an ongoing, annual exploitation of hundreds of millions of wild animals, who are killed in the United States through trapping, hunting and other lethal practices. Increasingly, the American public opposes the killing of wild animals for recreation, trophies and profit but has little-if any-knowledge of the Model. The purpose of this book is to empower the public with knowledge about the NAM's insufficiencies and to help expedite the shift from lethal to compassionate conservation, an endeavour urgently needed particularly under the threats of climate change, human population growth and accelerating plant and animal species extinctions.With a focus on trapping, this book exposes the NAM's belief in human supremacy and its consequences for wild animals and their ecosystems, the same value that is driving the ongoing global destruction of nature and accelerating species extinction. Motivated by a deep concern for wild animals who suffer and whose lives are extinguished each year by 'sportsmen and women', this book exposes the violent treatment of wild animals inherent in governmental-promoted hunting and trapping programs, while emphasizing the importance of empathy and compassion for other animals in conservation and in our lives.
This book, sponsored by the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation Studies in the Middle East and North Africa (AARMENA), focuses on peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and shifts toward approaching the reconciliation process as an inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary field. The research presented in the series focuses on the Middle East and North Africa, highlighting contributions by practitioners and scholars alike.This volume showcases research on Heritage, Reconciliation, and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa. It reflects various inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary approaches applied both theoretically and practically, and explores conflict transformation and transitional shifts towards peacebuilding and reconciliation in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.The content is divided into five sections, the first of which examines the importance of reconciliation, peacebuilding, and social inclusion in contributions by experts in the field such as Martin Leiner, Wolfgang Dietrich, Mohammad Abu Nimer, Mohmmad Alshraideh and Iyad Aldajani. The second and third section explore digital humanities and the research sciences respectively, while the fourth turns to practices of heritage and reconciliation. The fifth section presents case studies on practices, conducted by expert researchers for heritage, reconciliation, and social inclusion in higher education.
Esther Fogiel et Jean-Marie Matisson furent parmi les quatre premiers plaignants pour crime contre l'Humanité contre Papon.Sans eux, jamais l'Etat français n'aurait été condamné pour son rôle dans la déportation des Juifs de France.Rabbin Yeshaya : " Non seulement Esther a vécu la déportation de sa famille, mais elle a été maltraitée, violée, c'est horrible ce qu'elle a vécu comme petite fille et on voit qu'elle n'a absolument aucune proctection, pour elle, la Shoah c'est vraiment une déchirure immense, elle ne s'en ait jamais remise. Son émoignage est particulièrement horrible, vraiment, et c'est important parce que dans toutes ces questions de procès sur la Shoah, forcément, le poids porte sur ceux qui ont été déportés et tués, exterminés et c'est effectivement à ce titre que Papon est jugé. Mais, on en parle moins parce que peut-être on ne peut pas accuser directement Papon de cela mais voilà le cas d'Esther Fogiel est absolument atroce, c'est une victime directe de Papon, ce n'est pas qu'un victime collatérale. Cela montre les dégâts en cercle qu'on fait des gens comme Papon.Jean-Marie Matisson : " Terrible culpabilité du survivant, monstrueuse saloperie infligée à une gamine de huit ans par des monstres dont le seul souci fut ensuite de se cacher, peinards, dans le confort de l'oubli général. Rien que pour cela, j'ai la haine.
What does it mean to be fair? Why do we feel unfairness so strongly? What has happened to us that we spend more time condemning each other's views than giving each other a fair hearing?
Awkwardness offers an overview of the psychology and philosophy of awkwardness, addressing questions like, Why do social interactions become awkward, and why does it matter? What can awkwardness teach us about the gaps in our understanding of the world and of each other? Drawing on the psychology of emotion and social norms, Alexandra Plakias posits a theory of awkwardness and explains how it differs from other self-conscious emotions like embarassment. Plakias explores the reasons why we find awkwardness so unpleasant, and shows how our desire to avoid it leads to negative moral and social consequences. Along the way, this book touches on topics like awkward pauses, cringe comedy, and the question of whether some people are more awkward than others.
Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Texte generieren kann, was sagt das darüber, was ein Text ist? Worin unterscheiden sich von Menschen geschriebene und mittels KI generierte Texte? Welche Erwartungen, Befürchtungen und Hoffnungen hegen Wissenschaften, wenn in ihren Diskursen KI-generierte Texte rezipiert werden und Anerkennung finden, deren Urheberschaft und Originalität nicht mehr eindeutig definierbar sind? Wie verändert sich die Arbeit mit Quellen und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus für die Kriterien wissenschaftlicher Textarbeit und das Verständnis von Wissenschaft insgesamt? Welche Chancen, Grenzen und Risiken besitzen KI-Textgeneratoren aus Sicht von Technikethik und Technikfolgenabschätzung? Und welche Kriterien sind für einen ethisch bewussten Umgang mit KI-Textgeneratoren im Bildungskontext anzulegen? Diese und ähnliche Fragen verdeutlichen die Komplexität und Tragweite der Herausforderung, die der stetig wachsende und zunehmend selbstverständliche Einsatz von KI-Textgeneratoren für das zukünftige Arbeiten mit und an Texten mit sich bringt. Hierbei kristallisieren sich Problematiken heraus, die sich an ein breites Spektrum von Disziplinen wenden, deren spezifischen Diskurse in diesem Band beleuchtet werden. Der Tagungsband geht zurück auf die im August 2023 gehaltene Tagung KI - Text und Geltung. Wie verändern KI-Textgeneratoren wissenschaftliche Diskurse? Einen Zusammenschnitt der Tagung finden Sie hier: https://zevedi.de/themen/ki-text#video-ger (optional mit englischem Untertitel).
By recognizing a kinship with the personified oaks, homeless groundhogs, or discarded milk cans of Phil Howerton's Ozarks world, readers may discover who they were or might become. Photographs and essays enhance the wordsmith's crafty work.
In God's Patience and our Work Ben Fulford argues that Hans Frei's theology and ethics offers unheralded but valuable resources for thinking about the social and political engagement of Christian communities in pluralistic societies in light of hope in Jesus Christ. He shows how Frei's project of recovering the conditions for and shape of a generous orthodoxy runs through his work, offering broad, flexible vision of Christian identity, ethical responsibility and humanistic witness, focused in the person and presence of Jesus Christ. In dialogue with liberation theologies, Fulford draws from Frei an account of divine patience and providence to frame hopeful, pragmatic Christian participation in work for dignity, justice and penultimate reconciliation, rooted in new and deeper contextual reading of his work.
Madison Powers addresses a cluster of causally intertwined ecological crises that threaten our ability to maintain a livable planet, which deplete natural resources, degrade the environment, and destabilize planetary systems. He explains how a targeted human rights approach can counteract global economic conditions that cause or exacerbate these crises. These human rights protect ecological conditions that sustain human life and make possible the satisfaction of basic needs, and they give right-holders more control over their ecological futures. These rights are strategically important for combatting ecologically unsustainable, economically predatory market practices, especially those involving the acquisition, control, and use of land, energy, and water resources.
Stort set alt, Foucault gør, gør han gennem en særlig form for kritisk filosofisk historieskrivning. Det gælder, når han skriver galskabens historie, den kliniske praksis’ historie, fængslets historie, humanvidenskabernes historie, styresystemernes historie og seksualitetens historie. Og det gælder, når han skriver kritikkens historie. Hos Foucault er kritikkens rolle uløseligt forbundet med friheden som problem og med ideen om at kunne skrive og tænke sig hen til horisonten af en mulig, endnu ikke realiseret radikal anden væren og viden. Foucaults foredrag “Hvad er kritik?” blev afholdt 27. maj 1978 for Det Franske Filosofiselskab. Foredraget samler på én gang op på den udforskning af forholdet mellem viden og magt, han har bedrevet i de hidtidige værker, og peger frem mod spørgsmålet om et etisk gentænkt selv.Louise Fabian har skrevet introduktion til Foucault og tekstens idemæssige aftryk. Introduktionen udfolder Foucaults kritikbegreb på tværs af hans øvrige forfatterskab og udforsker Foucaults genealogiske metode og kritiske gentænkning af begreberne “magt”, “seksualitet”, “galskab”, “frihed” og “kritik”. Fabian belyser Foucaults livtag med Immanuel Kant og Friedrich Nietzsche, og spørger til hvordan vi kan gentænke Foucaults kritikbegreb i dag.
This book offers a vision of politics that govern the womb; from antiquity ('be fertile and replenish the earth'), through the ages (hysterectomy, to extirpate women's 'hysteria'), up to the present time (abortion wars; assisted reproduction), and into the future (reprogenetics; the artificial womb). It explores how the womb has served humanity, either tacitly or explicitly, through the ages and examines how women have accepted and still perceive the rules created by men as natural - including the new anti-abortion laws in the USA - because 'that is the way things are.' The book also explores how the emerging of assisted reproduction technologies and novel genetic tools (reprogenetics) will pose additional challenges to womb bearers, as all women will be made to reproduce with IVF. What is more, the advent of the artificial womb is in sight; the gender and social implications of this development would be enormous. Certainly not just another organ, the womb has been and remains a powerful tool that cannot be left to the decisions of half of the population. This book engages a wide audience, including women and men, professionals and laypersons who are interested in gender, politics, legislation, women's health, and ethics.
In jüngster Zeit mehren sich die Anstrengungen, in der Rezeption post- und dekolonialer Theorien Gelerntes für das Nachdenken über Religion und Theologie fruchtbar zu machen - und sie lohnen sich: Theolog:innen aus dem globalen Süden liefern wichtige Impulse zur theologischen Reflexion und Dekonstruktion von Eurozentrismus, Macht und Selbstverständlichkeiten. Diese aufzunehmen, ist auch für die in Europa kontextualisierte Theologie ein Gewinn. Dies gilt umso mehr, wo sie als Selbstkritik notwendig ist, denn wenn Kirchen und Theologie Machtasymmetrien oder Rassismus kritisch hinterfragen, stellt sich die Anfrage an eigene Praxen umso dringender. Der Band versammelt Texte aus der Systematische Theologie, der Exegese, der Religionspädagogik und der Erziehungswissenschaft sowie der Christentumsgeschichte, ergänzt um wichtige Stimmen aus der kirchlichen Praxis und die der studentischen Perspektive der Initiative "Decolonize Theology".
Den forbandede del er Georges Batailles politiske økonomiske teori, hvori han indvarsler en kopernikansk vending: en omvending af, hvordan vi tænker økonomi, vores materielle grundlag, livets overflod og den energi, vi har til rådighed. En begrænset økonomisk tænkning tager afsæt i knaphed og mangel, i produktion, rationalitet og nytte, uden blik for den uomsættelige rest, der er en del af enhver produktion. Den forbandede del er netop den uproduktive rest, der ikke kan omsættes rationelt eller nyttigt, men som må ødsles bort, på strålende vis, ellers katastrofalt. Udgangspunktet for Batailles generelle økonomi er med andre ord livets overflod, hvis kilde er solens ødsle udskænkning af energi. Spørgsmålet er så, hvordan vi udløser vores rigdomme, den overskydende forbandede del af energien, om det sker gennem festivaler, gavegivning, erotik, rus, kunst eller sågar ødelæggelseskrige.Det er første gang, at bogens første del foreligger i dansk oversættelse.Den forbandede del (et uddrag) og Himmelske legemer er en del af bogserien AFTRYK, der samler korte og vedkommende filosofiske tekster med væsentlig virkningshistorie. Jon Auring Grimm har skrevet introduktionen til teksten, der gør den relevant for studerende såvel som andre læsere med interesse for soløkonomi, kosmisk filosofi og det unyttige.
This book provides insights into dynamic and complex interrelationships between professionalism and medical practice. It does so by looking into the most relevant and recent theoretical and practical frameworks and by systematizing and integrating extensive and growing literature on medical professionalism. Through honest and prudent contributions from very diverse backgrounds and contexts, this book provides an understanding of medical professionalism derived from a broader historical and cultural context in order to contribute to everyday professional life and practice ¿ the very place of its existence. The book presents the conflicting and sometimes irreconcilable demands and challenges physicians face in everyday practice. A better understanding of these fundamental issues is the only way for medicine to maintain and preserve its unique morality, the same one that enabled its existence in the first place.The book is relevant for everyone immersed and interested in the subject of medical professionalism as a resource, which may ease or guide them through the complexities of issues at hand. It will also contribute to the ongoing debate on medical professionalism, medical ethics, bioethics, and professionalism and ethics in general.
This book provides a scientific and ethical approach to all forms of fraud and misconduct focusing on a scholarly however practice-oriented description of the problems, roots and potential solutions.Organized in dedicated parts, an international team of experts systematically analyzes the most prevalent forms of misconduct, ghost writing, pseudo-science, dubious trials, predatory journals, fake news, mistreatment and harassment, in research, publications, at academic institutions, and in the professional and healthcare environment. A special focus is given to corrective interventions and the role of prevention, education and training. Comprehensive in its scope, the book offers an easy-to-read overview along with a number of real cases for experienced and novice personnel alike. The significance of scientific integrity and research ethics increased during the last couple of years and ethic committees and offices have become an integral part at universities, hospitals, research institutions, government agencies and major private organizations all over the world. Thus, this book provides an indispensable, comprehensive overview across disciplines and for everybody working in research and affiliated institutions.
This book examines the ethical responsibilities of engineers and scientists in light of new advances in science with a distinct reflection on quantum mechanics. This thorough coverage of these new advances will assist the reader in rethinking our place in the universe and broadening a sense of ethical responsibility for the planet. This book addresses an approach to integrating these changes and deal with issues such as global climate change and the sixth extinction. This book compares new ideas in engineering that extend ethical boundaries beyond our present understanding in which Engineering ethics is locked in the world view of the 18th and 19th centuries. This books coverage examines how our understanding of the world has changed due to developments in science and society to include green, humanitarian, social justice, and omnium approaches to the engineering profession. The coverage of societal and ethics in science and engineering practice are examined through four major areas. Green engineering is the design that promotes the use of processes and products that minimize pollution, promote sustainability, and protect human health without sacrificing economic viability and efficiency. Humanitarian engineering seeks to directly improve the well-being of poor, marginalized, or under-served communities, which often lack the means to address pressing problems. Engineering for social justice imagines a new kind of engineering firmly affixed to the common good. Finally, a new approach, omnium engineering, seeks to promote an engineering profession that considers the wants and needs of all life forms not only that of the human speciesThe scope of this treatise is to examine the premise that the earth is facing grave crises when confronting global climate change and the sixth extinction. Engineering may be the planet's last best hope, but it requires a new ethic that takes a much broader view of the profession's ethical responsibilities. Moreover, the engineering ethic is rooted in the science of the past (Newtonian mechanic). Science has changed (quantum mechanics) but the engineering world view has not. Embracing this new science will inevitably lead to a new story of our responsibilities towards the planet.
This book proposes an integrated and interdisciplinary approach recording and interpreting the human experience of illness, disability, care, and medical intervention. In our age of deeply technologically-driven medicine, it is crucial to re-establish and promote the neglected relationship between medicine and the arts. This textbook contains contributions by scholars in various fields, who offer their qualified insights in order to reflect on illness, medicine, and the role of physicians and nurses. All chapters overcome a reductive conception of a medicine that is only able to biologically explain illness.All three editors of this book are researchers in Padua, a city that has been described as the cradle of modern medicine. From Gabriele Falloppio to Girolamo Fabrici d'Acquapendente and Giovanni Battista Morgagni, human, normal and pathological, anatomy has taken big steps forward. Galileo Galilei taught for eighteen years at the University of Padua and developed the scientific method there. During the same period, Padua was also the "e;nursery of arts"e;, as Shakespeare wrote. In fact, Padua developed, especially in the XIV, XV, and XVI centuries, an impressive and unique artistic culture thanks to artists such as Giotto, Donatello and Titian. Finally, the city of Saint Anthony is a place where a religious feeling strongly oriented towards charity is deeply rooted and strictly linking its history to that of its hospital. For all these reasons a combination of medical humanities and Italian artistic heritage is of interest to anyone involved in bioethics and medicine. This textbook is a unique resource for students of medicine, nursing, bioethics, psychology, theology, and history of art.
Eddie S. Glaude Jr. weaves personal anecdotes and meditations to offer a positive vision for Black politics: the importance of ordinary people assuming the mantle of leaders and heroes our democracy desperately needs. To build a better world, we must cultivate our best selves, not rely on the professional politicians who purportedly represent us.
Philosophie als Wissenschaft, als Grundlagendisziplin und als interdisziplinäre Forschung: Ansätze, die sich eine zu Unrecht fast vergessene philosophische Schule zu eigen gemacht hat, nämlich die 1903 neu gegründete Fries¿sche Schule um den Göttinger Philosophen Leonard Nelson (1882-1927). Sie steht in der Tradition der Philosophie Immanuel Kants (1724-1804) und Jakob Friedrich Fries' (1773-1843). Der Nelsonkreis hält dem Vergleich mit dem Wiener Kreis stand. Die Anhänger des Nelsonkreises kamen u.a. aus der Mathematik, Physik, Philosophie, Psychologie, Theologie und den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Über sie wirkte die kantisch-friessche Philosophie teilweise in andere Disziplinen hinein. Zu nennen sind beispielsweise der Psychiater und Psychologe Arthur Kronfeld (1846-1941), der Biochemiker und Nobelpreisträger Otto Meyerhof (1884-1951), der Mathematiker Gerhard Hessenberg (1874-1925), die Philosophin und Physikerin Grete Henry-Hermann (1901-1984), die Pädagogin MinnaSpecht (1879-1961), der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Alexander Rüstow (1885-1963), der Theologe Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), der Soziologe Franz Oppenheimer (1864-1943) und der Sozialwissenschaftler Gerhard Weisser (1898-1989).Die Ausstrahlung des Nelsonkreises auf verschiedene Disziplinen sowie dessen Geschichte sind bislang noch nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Diese Forschungslücke soll mit dem vorliegenden Band geschlossen werden. Der systematische Forschungsband bietet zudem eine Einführung und einen Überblick zur Philosophie Leonard Nelsons.
Die meisten Ethik-Fächer in Deutschland sind als Alternativ- oder Ersatzfächer für den Religionsunterricht konzipiert. Eine Herausforderung betrifft die Verortung eines Teils dieser Fächer zwischen Philosophie, Religionswissenschaft und weiteren Disziplinen. Am Beispiel des Faches Werte und Normen diskutiert dieser Band Fragen, die sich für alle multidisziplinären Ethik-Fächer stellen: Was bedeutet es für die Konzeption, die Unterrichtspraxis und die Lehrkräftebildung eines Faches, wenn es an mehreren Bezugsdisziplinen ausgerichtet ist? Wie sollten die Bezüge verbunden oder abgegrenzt werden? Welche Konzepte für die Fachentwicklung gibt es?
This book focuses on some English-speaking women philosophers who have been major actors since the 20th century in the field of practical philosophy, namely political and social philosophy, feminist approaches to philosophy, moral psychology, the theory of action and ethics. The book explores topics linked to the main aspects of the thought of those philosophers, i.e. Elizabeth Anscombe, Judith Butler, Philippa Foot, Nancy Fraser, Carol Gilligan and Martha Nussbaum. Six women French commentators have written a chapter on each of those women anglo-american philosophers, creating a dialogue as they think with them, elaborating their own positions in their respective fields.
Trust the Confession is an examination of the true causes of our vast societal ills and a frank discussion of what can be done to resolve them. The chief cause of our societal downfall is a system of living that 1) has neglected and continues to neglect to educate toward the development of character and practice the qualities expressive of substantive character and 2) favors the achievement of personal meaning and purpose through external sources and promotes power, authority, and prominence as sustainable means to attain legitimacy. This system of living produces the symptoms for which our nation has suffered consistently since its inception: racism, injustice, socioeconomic inequality, discrimination, gender inequality, mass gun violence, hatred,political division, and more.Throughout the book, Mr. Leonard examines the various symptoms and issues surrounding this system of living-touching on several hot-button issues with respect. The author draws the reader to the conclusion that the only solution with any long-term viability begins with educating the populace toward the development, value, and practice of substantive character. This training will elevate who a person is intrinsically to an equivalent level of importance with what they are externally and possess materially. A much-needed treatise on the state of our nation, Trust the Confession will encourage every reader to examine their understanding of the world in which we live, challenge their own perspectives with thoughtful consideration, and conduct an honestappraisal of what they can do to make our world a better place to live for everyone.
This book surveys the distinctions that underlie the unbound potential and existential risks of life expansion and radical modifications posed by a transhuman world. Humanness is in flux as human bodies are being hacked and altered in their quest for super wellness, super intelligence and super longevity. Now is the time to discuss how best to think about dealing with bodies that have been hacked to exceed natural physical limits or more technically, species typical functioning. Enter the advent of transhumanism to take uncertainty by the horns. According to transhumanists, death is unnecessary and medical conventions undermine the possibility to radically evolve. To biohackers, there is no need to wait to explore the risks that conventional medicine dares not. This book is of interest to anyone interested in tapping into this growing movement of modifying the human body as it is right now.
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