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Det kan give mening at tage skæbnen alvorligt, mener psykolog og professor Svend Brinkmann, der i sin nye bog fortæller om livstrådens betydning for vores liv.En sommerdag i 2018 modtager Svend Brinkmann et håndskrevet brev fra en læser, Lili på 90 år. De to bliver pennevenner og begynder siden at mødes regelmæssigt i Lilis lejlighed. Her fortæller Lili sin livshistorie: Om forelskelser i tyske soldater under krigen, om angst, sorg, glæde og en stræben efter værdighed gennem hele 33 år i psykoanalyse.Lilis fortælling sætter tanker i gang hos Svend Brinkmann: Har vi glemt skæbnens betydning for vores liv? Er det langt mindre, der er op til os selv og vores frie valg, end vi har lært at tro? Hvad betyder dannelse og værdighed for et menneskes liv – og hvordan kan man forsone sig med sin fortid?Denne bog er på en gang en fortælling om Lilis lange liv og Svend Brinkmanns bud på en psykologi, der tager skæbnen alvorligt. Budskabet er, at vi ikke er enevældige herskere i vores liv. Vi er det liv, vi lever, og som Lilis fortælling illustrerer, får det liv en stor del af sit indhold fra andre menneskers livstråde og fra historiske betingelser og begivenheder.Bogen er således også en kritik af nutidens ideer om det autonome menneske, der kan, hvad det vil. En dosis skæbnetro kan være opbyggelig og dannende – også for moderne mennesker.
Enhver Harry Potter-fan ved, at troldmandsverdenen ikke bare er fuld af magi, men også af filosofi. Alle syv bøger i serien tager livtag med tilværelsens store spørgsmål om liv og død, had og kærlighed, godt og ondt. Harry Potter og filosofien er skrevet af en række filosoffer, der alle elsker J.K. Rowlings univers. Bogen udforsker de filosofiske dilemmaer, der ligger bag bogserien, og den giver stof til eftertanke for selv de største fans. Bogen giver et nyt perspektiv på seriens karakterer, plot og temaer. Den hjælper os til bedre at forstå de store spørgsmål, der er på spil i fortællingen om Harry Potter – og som mennesket altid har beskæftiget sig med:Findes der en skæbne?Har vi en sjæl?Skal vi frygte døden?Er kærlighed den største magi af dem alle?Hvad er magt, og hvorfor begærer vi den?Træk i din kappe, sæt dig til rette i storsalen, tag en ordentlig slurk af Baruffios Hjerneeliksir og forbered dig på et filosofisk festmåltid. Det bliver en magisk oplevelse.
Du bestemmer ikke alt, hvad der sker i dit liv. Nogle gange slår livet kolbøtter og du skal håndtere kriser eller en grad af modgang, du ikke selv havde drømt om. Andre gange er livet fyldt af uendelige pligter og rutiner, der er tæt på at fortære al livskraft.Ingen kan bestemme eller forudsige, hvordan livet vil arte sig. Men det er muligt at blive bevidst om, hvordan du vil møde det. Epiktet var i sit liv først underlagt en tilværelse som slave, før han blev lærer i filosofi. Som repræsentant for stoisk livsfilosofi tilbyder han leveregler, der giver styrke til at håndtere livets skæbnesvangre øjeblikke og oplevelse af kaos.Stoicismen er populær som aldrig før i en tid, hvor mange oplever at blive presset fra alle sider. Det er oplagt med Epiktets originale værk at gå direkte til kilden og finde tanker om overblik, fornuft og mod til at gå imod strømmen. Kort sagt at opbygge en evig gyldig sindsro, der kan dæmpe al larmen.Med forord af Niels Overgaard, forfatter til Det hele handler ikke om dig.
Forskere fra Nationalmuseet og Rane Willerslev fortæller menneskets historie.En historie om mennesket er fortællingen om den konsekvens, det havde for menneskeheden, da vi ved tærsklen til den moderne civilisation splittede vores verden op i leg og arbejde. Men det er også fortællingen om, at vi har alt at vinde tilbage.Bogen tager læseren med på en rejse i tid – i dyb tid – fra de tidligste medlemmer af menneskeslægten for millioner af år siden og frem til den neolitiske revolution, der fandt sted for cirka 11.500, til 2.500 år siden, hvor store dele af menneskeheden gik fra at være jæger-samlere til at være fastboende agerbrugere. Med agerbruget blev legen isoleret og adskilt fra arbejdet. Landbrugetshusdyr og afgrøder kom til at fylde alt.Men legen behøver ikke kun at finde sted i pauserne. Rane og forskerne peger på, hvordan legen kan lukkes ind i livet påny og levere et alternativ til det moderne menneskes jagt på status. Vi har gjort det før – da vi selv var børn – og vi kan med leg genfinde vores oprindelige jeg.
The essential guide to mental health from the bestselling author of THE SCHOOL OF LIFE. De Botton follows the arc from mental crisis and collapse to convalescence and recovery. Written with kindness, knowledge and sympathy, it is both a practical guide and a source of consolation and companionship in what might be our most anguished moments.
Jennifer McCartney er en af New York Times’ bedst sælgende forfattere. Hun har skrevet Den lille bog om dovendyrets filosofi og Den lille bog om odderens filosofi. Som den alpaka hun er, går hun fint i spænd med andre, er lettere behåret og styrer generelt fri af problemer.
Overalt omkring os er der tal, udregninger og algoritmer. I søgemaskiner og streamingtjenester, i biler og kaffemaskiner, i den nemmeste vej fra A til B - alt sammen noget, som mange af os bruger hver dag, og som ikke kræver, at vi selv kan regne. Det er allerede klaret.På trods af at de fleste af os nok har lagt hovedregning, talsystemer og integraler på hylden, er det alligevel nyttigt at forstå, hvordan tallene i vores liv fungerer. I bogen forklarer Stefan Buijsman, hvordan tech-giganter som Google og Facebook bruger de data, vi efterlader.Stefan Buijsman fortæller også om matematikkens historie, forskellige teorier og om teoretikeres mere eller mindre tilfældige opdagelser. Tallene tager os til London og Königsberg, Amazonas og det antikke Grækenland for til sidst at ende her og nu, hvor vi selv er omringet af tal og beregninger - om vi vil det eller ej.Hvad er det, vi skal bruge matematik til? Stefan Buijsman forklarer det kort: https://youtu.be/cyADO_BPXVA
BagsideDet er få bøger, som både evner at forandre en hel generation og blive en klassiker. Det gør Zen og kunsten og vedligeholde en motorcykel.Lige siden den udkom i 1974, har fortællingen om en mand og hans jagt efter meningen med livet solgt i millionvis og inspireret lige så mange verden over.Zen og kunsten og vedligeholde en motorcykel handler om en mand og hans rejse gennem USA med den 11-årige søn Chris på bagsmækken af en motorcykel. Bogen er en storslået rejseodyssé og skildrer det nordamerikanske kontinent set fra en 1966 Honda Super Hawk. Mens den varme asfalt forsvinder væk under de trillende motorcykelhjul, beretter faren om det nervesammenbrud, der ramte ham nogle år tidligere. Men turen, samværet med sønnen og erkendelsen af, at man som menneske nemt kan blive slået omkuld, bringer manden frem til en tættere forståelse af, hvad der er de virkelige kvaliteter i livet.
';It is only ideas gained from walking thathave any worth.'Nietzsche In A Philosophy of Walking, a bestsellerin France, leading thinker FredericGros charts the many different wayswe get from A to B the pilgrimage,the promenade, the protest march, thenature rambleand reveals what theysay about us. Gros draws attention to otherthinkers who also saw walking assomething central to their practice.On his travels he ponders Thoreau's eagerseclusion in Walden Woods; the reasonRimbaud walked in a fury, while Nervalrambled to cure his melancholy. Heshows us how Rousseau walked in orderto think, while Nietzsche wanderedthe mountainside to write. In contrast,Kant marched through his hometownevery day, exactly at the same hour, toescape the compulsion of thought.Brilliant and erudite, A Philosophyof Walking is an entertaining andinsightful manifesto for putting onefoot in front of the other.
'Visionary ... buy or borrow this book, read it, take it to heart' OBSERVER'In these hard times for liberty, On Freedom makes the case that freedom, once explored and understood, is the way forward' PRESIDENT ZELENSKYFrom the acclaimed, bestselling author of On Tyranny comes a brilliant exploration of freedom - what it is, how it's been misunderstood, and why it's our only chance for survival.Freedom is our great commitment, but we have lost sight of what it means - leading us into crisis. Too many of us look at freedom as the absence of state power: we think we're free if we can do and say as we please. But true freedom isn't so much freedom from, as freedom to - the freedom to thrive, to take risks for futures we choose by working together. Freedom is the value that makes all other values possible.Drawing on the work of philosophers and political dissidents, conversations with contemporary thinkers and his own experiences, Snyder identifies the practices and attitudes that will allow us to design a government in which we and future generations can flourish. Intimate yet ambitious, this book forges a new consensus rooted in a politics of abundance, generosity and grace.On Tyranny inspired millions around the world to fight for freedom; On Freedom helps us see exactly what we're fighting for. It is a thrilling intellectual journey and a tour de force of political philosophy.'Everyone who cares about freedom should read this book' ANNE APPLEBAUM'Passionate, intimate, compelling - a clarion call' PHILIPPE SANDS
An old cat considers himself as wise as can be, until he hears of a solitary ancient pine far away, under the boughs of which infinite insight can be found. So begins his journey to seek out this tree, along the way he meets a range of animals with their own stories to tell, each offering a piece of zen wisdom. Beautiful illutrated throughout.
'Everything he writes is an enlightening education in how to be human.' Elizabeth DayTo fix a machine, first you need to find out what's wrong with it. To fix unhappiness, you need to find out what causes it.That Little Voice in Your Head is the practical guide to retraining your brain for optimal joy by Mo Gawdat, the internationally bestselling author of Solve for Happy. Mo reveals how by beating negative self-talk, we can change our thought processes, turning our greed into generosity, our apathy into compassion and investing in our own happiness.This book provides readers with exercises to help reshape their mental processes. Drawing on his expertise in programming and his knowledge of neuroscience, Mo explains how - despite their incredible complexity - our brains behave in ways that are largely predictable. From these insights, he delivers this user manual for happiness.Inspired by the life of his late son, Ali, Mo Gawdat has set out to share a model for happiness based on generosity and empathy towards ourselves and others. Using his experience as a former Google engineer and Chief Business Officer, Mo shares his 'code' for reprogramming our brain and moving away from the misconceptions modern life gives us.
Dive into the enchanting world of 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story', a captivating book penned by the talented Charlie Mackesy. Published in 2022, this magical tale weaves a story that transcends the boundaries of genre. It's a unique blend of adventure, friendship, and life lessons, cleverly crafted to touch the hearts of readers across all age groups. Published by Random House UK Ltd, Mackesy's narrative prowess shines through every page, making this book a must-have addition to your literary collection. Experience the magic and wonder of 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story' - a true masterpiece from Charlie Mackesy.
Faith, Hope and Carnage is an enthralling work by the renowned author, Nick Cave. Published in 2023 by Canongate Books Ltd., this book is a remarkable addition to the literary world. The genre of the book is not explicitly mentioned, but knowing Cave's previous works, one can expect a blend of gripping narrative and profound thoughts. The title itself, Faith, Hope and Carnage, suggests a tumultuous journey, possibly a struggle between belief, optimism, and destruction. Cave, with his exceptional storytelling skills, is sure to take readers on an unforgettable ride. Canongate Books Ltd., known for its diverse and quality publications, has once again proved its discerning eye for excellent literature by bringing this book to the public. This book is a must-read for those who appreciate thought-provoking literature.
A brilliant study of violent self-defense in the struggle for liberation by an award-winning philosopher
Charles Taylor delves into the poetry of the Romantics and their heirs, a foundation of his distinctive philosophy of language. Taylor holds that Romantic poetry responded to disenchantment: with old cosmic orders depleted, artists groped to articulate new meanings by bringing connections to life rather than merely reasoning abstractly about life.
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Unapologetically optimistic and bracingly realistic, this is the most inspiring book on ';ethical living' I've ever read.' Oliver Burkeman, Guardian ';A monumental event.' Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind ';A book of great daring, clarity, insight and imagination. To be simultaneously so realistic and so optimistic, and always so damn readable well that is a miracle for which he should be greatly applauded.' Stephen Fry Humanity is in its infancy. Our future could last for millions of years or it could end tomorrow. Astonishing numbers of people could lead lives of great happiness or unimaginable suffering, or never live at all, depending on what we choose to do today. As we approach a critical juncture in our history, we can make profound moral decisions about how humanity's course plays out. We can create positive change on behalf of future generations, to prevent the use of catastrophic weapons and maintain peace between the world's great powers. We can improve our moral values, navigating the rise of AI and climate change more fairly for generations to come. The challenges we face are enormous. But so is the influence we have. If we choose wisely, our distant descendants will look back on us fondly, knowing we did everything we could to give them a world that is beautiful and just.
'A wit and wisdom that harkens back to an age of enlightenment' - RON PERLMAN, ACTOR'A meditation guide from a man with a mind most unlikely to be conducive to meditation' - MANCHÁN MAGAN, WRITER AND BROADCASTER'In this beautifully written story, Robert Sheehan shares his journey from chaos to stillness and how meditation can lead us to a place of connection and calm' - DEB DANA, AUTHOR OF ANCHORED From Robert Sheehan, star of Misfits and The Umbrella Academy, and host of hit podcast The Earth Locker, comes a heartfelt journey to inner peace.In Playing Dead, Robert Sheehan shares intimate reflections on his search for purpose, looking back at the adventures - and misadventures - of his life so far, and sharing the profoundly transformative lessons he has learnt along the way.Meditation is at the heart of Robert's route to spiritual awakening. In Playing Dead he reveals the turbulence in his life that led him to seek calm and tranquility within. A beautiful, meandering memoir reflecting a rich tapestry of experience, uncovering how spirituality has become his anchor in the constant moving tide. Combining storytelling with letters, poetry, childhood memories and thoughtful musings on fame.Through this compelling description of his quest for inner stillness, Robert shows us how we can welcome a practice of meditation into our own lives, with tools for soothing your nervous system and focusing a fretful mind. In a world where our attention is constantly up for grabs, Playing Dead shows how we can give our souls the deep rest we crave.
'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' TimeOne breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and nowIn this enlightening series, world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the foundations of mindfulness practice and meditation.By applying considered breath and meditation, How to Smile acts as a guide to show us how to transform hurt into healing, while also allowing us to explore the strong emotions of anger, sadness, regret and fear.This is the essential guide to help you heal.
'A rich and subtle exploration of the sacredness of nature, filled with a timeless wisdom and deep humanity' Guardian In this hugely powerful book, Karen Armstrong argues that it isn't enough to change our behaviour to avert environmental catastrophe - we must rekindle our spiritual bond with the natural world. From gratitude and compassion to sacrifice and non-violence, Armstrong draws themes from the world's religious traditions to offer practical steps to reconnect you with nature.Speaking to anyone interested in our relationship with nature, worried about environmental destruction, or searching for new actions to save our planet, Sacred Nature will uncover the most profound connections between humans and the natural world.'A lamentation in the key of Greta Thunberg, with undertones of Carl Jung' Wall Street Journal'Warm and witty... a challenge to think differently in the face of climate change' Tablet'Karen Armstrong is one of the handful of wise and supremely commentators on religion' Alain de Botton
"What's this you're writing?... asked Pooh, climbing onto the writing table."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied."The how of Pooh?... asked Pooh, smudging one of the words I had just written."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied, poking his paw away with my pencil."It seems more like ow! of Pooh,... said Pooh, rubbing his paw.
It demands a lot of reflection every day to understand life.Life consists of perception and action. Most people, however, only try to control their actions and do not realize the importance of perception for their lives. Every individual's actions at any given moment in time are determined by the way he or she perceives the world.This book is meant for all those who really want to understand life.Born in 1951 in Kagoshima, Japan, the author Kenjirô Yoshigasaki Sensei started to practise yoga when he was ten years old. Later, he began to practise Aikido and many other martial arts. He has also studied Zen Buddhism, new Shintôism, Catholicism and Islam. He devoted a year to the study of yoga in India in 1971 and in 1973 became an instructor of Aikidô. Teaching Ki and Aikidô in Europe since 1977, he is now in charge of more than 120 dôjô and 4,000 students in Europe, South America, and South Africa.
Banish burnout. Choose calm. Embrace life.One day at a time.'Full of wisdom and comfort ... a really important book about embracing truth and reality which will help a lot of people leave their fantasies and dive into real life' CHRIS VAN TULLEKEN, author of Ultra-Processed PeopleMeditations for Mortals takes us on a liberating journey towards a more meaningful life - one that begins not with fantasies of the ideal existence, but with the reality in which we actually find ourselves. Designed as a four-week 'retreat of the mind', it offers daily wisdom, solace and inspiration to aid a saner, freer, and more enchantment-filled way of living.Addressing fundamental questions about how to live, Oliver Burkeman proposes a powerful new guiding philosophy of 'imperfectionism'. How can we embrace our limitations? Or make good decisions when there's always too much to do? What if being truly productive means letting things happen, not making them happen?Reflecting on philosophy, literature, psychology, religion and self-help, Burkeman explores practical tools and shifts in perspective. The result is a bracing challenge to much familiar advice, and a profound yet entertaining crash course in living more fully.'Thoughtful, level-headed, and useful ... a book to meditate upon' THE TIMES'Oliver Burkeman has a way of giving you the most unexpected productivity advice exactly when you need it' MARK MANSON, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck'Meditations for Mortals offers a practical path toward personal transformation ... A must-read' CAL NEWPORT, author of Slow Productivity
Sterben und Tod neu betrachtet: Ein Blick jenseits verändert alles! Ist der Tod das absolute Ende? Kommt danach das große schwarze Nichts? Eine weitverbreitete Vorstellung in der westlichen Welt! Aber, ist sie auch richtig?Der Autor stellt in seinem Buch Erkenntnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aus wissenschaftlicher und ganz persönlicher Sicht zu einem neuen Blick auf das Leben und das Danach zusammen. Dabei bringt er westlich-materialistische Denkvorstellungen vom Tod ins Wanken und erweitert den Blick auch auf Gott und den Sinn unseres Seins hier auf der Welt. Dieses Buch ist gedacht für alle Suchenden, die sich spirituellen Fragen neu öffnen möchten. Oder vielleicht auch ganz neu entdecken wollen?
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