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En poetisk og livsbekræftende fortælling om tilværelsens skrøbelighed. Den jødiske smaragdsliber Pierre Levy falder død om med hjertestop, men vender mirakuløst tilbage til livet. Ingenting er som det var, men Pierre genoptager at spille skak med sin barndomsven, den muslimske juveler Youssef, og går i gang med det, som skal blive hans livs mesterværk: slibningen af en usædvanlig stor smaragd. Pierres fredelige verden i sliberiet står i stærk kontrast til hans datters liv. Zara rejser rundt i verden som kunsthistoriker, og under kortlægningen af gamle hulemarier kidnappes hun i grænseegnen mellem Georgien og Aserbajdsjan, mellem kristendom og islam.? Stillet overfor dødens nærvær kæmper både Zara og Pierre for at bevare blikket for skønheden i livet. Anne-cathrine Riebnitzsky Født og opvokset på Fyn, og uddannet fra Forfatterskolen i København. Sprogofficer, forfatter og foredragsholder. Hun modtog De Gyldne Laurbær for romanen Forbandede yngel 2013.
Denne bog er en dialog med mine læsere, men består først og fremmest af en stor mængde Jesuslære og visdomsord, som folk aldrig har fået lov at høre, takket være kirken. - De ligner en hund, der sover på oksens krybbe, for den hverken æder selv eller tillader oksen at æde. - (Thomasevangeliet) Det er noget frygteligt vås, teologerne kommer med i kirken og alle vegne. De aner ikke, hvad de taler om! Og så disse underlige vaner og ceremoni-er! Sikken et cirkus!! Hele kirken og den anskuelse, som de udbreder, er et verdensomspændende, kæmpe bedrag. Det er som ét stort komplot med det ene formål at skjule sandheden. De leder folk bort fra det sande og ægte og fører dem i stedet ud i noget religiøst, mærkværdigt noget, en slags overtro. Og indirekte tramper de det ægte hellige ned i skidtet. De har erstattet hans lære med deres egne anskuelser, fjernt fra sandheden. Læren om hvad vores indre består af, det er læren om Gud. Men pga. kirken og teologerne er folks opfattelse helt anderledes: De forestiller sig Gud som en mand (evt. med et langt hvidt skæg), der sidder oppe ovenover skyerne et sted og kigger ned gennem et lille hul. En slags politibetjent som har til opgave at gribe ind, når der foregår noget ondt og uretfærdigt!
14 år er gået siden min første bog ´Sandheden som folk ikke måtte høre´ er udkommet, og mange har siden skrevet til mig og jeg har også talt med mange. Den bog blev skrevet som en tænkt dialog med dig som læser. Denne nye bog er en ægte dialog. Denne dialog besvarer en stor del af de spørgsmål, læserne har stillet mig. Desuden indeholder denne bog en stor mængde Jesus-lære, som folk aldrig har hørt. ´Uden kærlighed er ingenting af værdi´. ´Fra deres hjerter, som tror på mig, skal der flyde strømme af vand; og det, som er indgivet i dem, skal de tale med kraft, og deres lære vil være som et livgivende vand.´
Nyhed! De kristne holder hårdnakket fast i deres dogmer. F.eks. dette: - Vi skal ikke holde budene, for dem har Jesus allerede holdt for os! - Disse dogmer har de selv skabt, og de er jo en behagelig sovepude. Men hvad gavner dette vel menneskeheden? Det fælles for alle dogmerne er, at de INTET kræver af dem! De erstattede hans lære med menneskers anskuelse og total åndelig dovenskab. De kristne taler Jesus lodret imod. - Kærlighed er lovens opfyldelse. Kærlighed er af Gud, og Gud er kærlighed. Den, som ikke elsker, kender ikke Gud. - Dette tror de heller ikke på. Derfor har de gennem tiderne skjult en mængde vidunderlige Jesusord, som folk aldrig har fået lov at høre. Find dem her i bøgerne!
The violent conflicts of recent decades in Southwest Asia, North Africa and adjacent regions are often read in terms of the conventional parameters of an international order of sovereign nation states. However, in recent years, non-governmental armed forces have emerged to play an increasingly significant role in the political, social and military fields of the region. These forces are usually analyzed as isolated actors, operating in their respective local or regional spheres, without attention to wider structural commonalities. The aim of this volume is to examine these groups not only as military actors, but also as forces of social significance, indicative of substantial historical shifts relating to notions of sovereignty, beyond the usual prioritization of the state. Comparing the nature, operation and discourses of such forces allows for new understandings of their social impact, beyond common reductionist approaches of securitized worldviews and essentializing lines of inquiry centered on religion.
Israel and the Nations: The Bible, The Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations explores the theological and legal (halakhic) aspects of Jewish thought relating to non-Jews. It analyzes biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and contemporary Jewish writings about gentiles and their religions. The book will interest both Jewish laypersons familiar with Jewish tradition as well as scholars of theology and interfaith relations
Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.
US$28.00 RELIGION / Eastern RELIGION / Spirituality RELIGION / Ecumenism & Interfaith RETURN TO THE CENTER The Discovery of India Bede Griffiths Introduction by Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam. ISBN: 978-1-62698-563-6 Cover photo (c) Fr. Douglas Conlan, used with permission Cover design: Michael Calvente ORBIS LOGO
The history of the relationships intertwined by the Taizé Community amongst Christians of Eastern European countries in the second half of the last century has not yet been written. Yet it is a fundamental chapter for understanding the unique international irradiation of the community. The encounter with the different faces of a Christian youth beyond the Iron Curtain who in Taizé experienced an European space at once unified, will become in particular one of the main directions of investment of the community from the early 1960s. It is on this story that the contributions of this volume intend to throw a first light, relying on a completely unpublished documentation and on the witnesses of many protagonists involved in the construction of this unique continental and ecumenical network.
This study draws on three original surveys conducted by the authors to understand the religious, social, and political factors that lead evangelical and born-again Christians to support the state of Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Our 'Gospel truths' are largely sourced and redacted from the Hebrew Bible. This book demonstrates how the Passion Narratives have little to do with 'Gospel truth' and how these stories, with their anti-Jewish polemic, hosted the unintended seedbed for the racial anti-Semitism of the nineteenth century, which in turn led to the Holocaust.
This book's central argument is that oral forms of collective memory in Christian-Muslim engagements in orally-oriented societies are more effective than interreligious dialogue through the dominant written text based on elite-based concepts. The approach has dominated interreligious interactions. From the perspective of the social scientific study of interreligious encounters & collective memory in folklore studies, this book explores how orality and social remembrance articulated through folksong, oral narrative, and ritual performance strengthen interreligious engagements in the post-conflict society. The approach proposed in this book reclaims interreligious engagements based on the local Indonesian dynamic preserved in ritual performance, oral narrative, and folksong. This method articulates a contextualized interreligious engagement grounded in local culture.
Two unprecedented, striking developments form part of the reality of many Latin Americans. Recent decades have seen the dramatic rise of a new religious pluralism, namely the spread of Pentecostal Christianity - Catholic and Protestant alike - and the growth of indigenous revitalization movements. This study analyzes these major transitions, asking what roles ethnicity and ethnic identities play in the contemporary process of religious pluralism, such as the growth of the Protestant Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal movements, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and the indigenous Maya movement in Guatemala. This book aims to provide an understanding of the agenda of religious movements, their motivations, and their impact on society. Such a pursuit is urgently needed in Guatemala, a postwar country experiencing acrimonious religious competition and a highly contentious debate on religious pluralism. This volume is relevant to scholars and students of Latin American Studies, Sociology of Religion, Anthropology, Practical Theology, and Political Sciences.
The second volume of the series "Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses" points out the roots of the concept of ''human rights'' in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It shows how far the universal validity of ''human rights'' opposes in some crucial points with religious traditions. The volume demonstrates that new perspectives are introduced to the general discussion about human rights when related to religious traditions. Especially the interreligious viewpoint proves that a new kind of debate about human rights and its history is necessary.
A resource for working through conflict with dialogue toward the goal of peace.
When people of different cultures and religious traditions are being constantly drawn closer together, interreligious dialogue becomes not only a strategy to understand the "Others," but also an attitude to deepen one's faith. Christian faith acknowledges other religious traditions as genuine "ways" and "channels" of salvation for their adherents and that religions have a place in God's universal plan of salvation for humankind. The plausibility of this assertion can be exemplified by the concept of "inclusive pluralism," a theological model developed by the Belgian-born Jesuit theologian Jacques Dupuis. This book expounds that concept and reflects on its implication for the Catholic Church's unwavering commitment to interreligious dialogue.
Devotion to Artemis dominated the religious culture of ancient Ephesos. But she was not alone. The city of Ephesos and its environs offered a rich panoply of religious options, domestic and public. Structures, statutes, coins, inscriptions, and texts testify to the remarkable diversity of religious ideas and practices in Ephesos. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Jewish religious traditions found loyal adherents among residents and visitors. Gods, goddesses, heroes, and emperors were worshipped. The contributions in this volume demonstrate that ancient Ephesos was a vibrant and competitive religious environment.
Der Band befasst sich mit der Geschichte des Anthropos Instituts, das durch die Zeitschrift Anthropos und ihren Grunder Wilhelm Schmidt gepragt ist. Das Buch ist in drei Abschnitte gegliedert. Der erste skizziert die Geschichte des Instituts, stellt die Mitarbeiter Schmidts vor, gibt eine Insiderperspektive der Entwicklung der ethnologischen Zeitschrift und eroffnet einen neuen Blick auf Schmidts Leitidee. Der zweite Abschnitt stellt Aktivitaten des Instituts in Japan, Indien, Brasilien, Ghana und Papua-Neuguinea vor. Schlielich geben einige Mitglieder Einblicke in ihre aktuelle Arbeit. Beobachtungen eines Auenstehenden runden das Engagement des Instituts ab. Beachtenswert ist die Liste aller Mitglieder des Instituts.
How is Acts of the Apostles - its form and features - to be understood in light of the work's ancient Mediterranean cultural context? In the present study, Eric C. Moore offers a fresh response to this much-debated question, arguing for the utility of ancient colonization as an analytic lens for reading Acts, a story about the origins and replication of early Christianity. He explores how in narrating his account, Luke draws on a common stock of "foundation" motifs employed by ancient sources, textual and material alike, to glorify community beginnings.
In the last two decades, increasing numbers of texts have been suggested as coming from or edited during the Persian period, but these discussions do not always reflect extensively on the assumptions used in making these claims or the implications on a broader scale. Earlier generations of scholars found it sufficient to categorize material in the biblical books simply as "late" or "postexilic" without adequately trying to determine when, by whom, and why the material was incorporated into the text at a fixed point in the Persian period. By grappling with these questions, the essays in this volume evince a greater degree of precision vis-à-vis dating and historical context. The authors introduce the designations early Persian, middle Persian, and late Persian in their textual analysis, and collectively they take significant steps toward developing criteria for locating a biblical text within the Persian period. Contributors:Reinhard Achenbach, Richard J. Bautch, Joseph Blenkinsopp, David M. Carr, Georg Fischer SJ, Raik Heckl, Yigal Levin, Jill Middlemas, Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Konrad Schmid, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
In recent decades, the debate on monotheism and religious pluralism has been strongly influenced by the idea that monotheism originating in the Old Testament is the root of intolerance and violence. In this study, Daniela Scialabba investigates inclusive tendencies in Old Testament monotheism, in particular theological principles motivating and supporting the possibility of a positive relationship between non-Israelites and the God of Israel. Thus, she examines three texts thoroughly: the Book of Jonah, Psalm 33 (MT and LXX), and the novel "Joseph and Aseneth". Despite their difference concerning genre, date of origin and provenance, these texts have important ideas in common: the relationship between the God of Israel and non-Israelites as well as the concept of God as a universal creator who has pity with all his creatures.
In this work, Paul Michael Kurtz examines the historiography of ancient Israel in the German Empire through the prism of religion, as a structuring framework not only for writings on the past but also for the writers of that past themselves. The author investigates what biblical scholars, theologians, orientalists, philologists, and ancient historians considered "religion" and "history" to be, how they understood these conceptual categories, and why they studied them in the manner they did. Focusing on Julius Wellhausen and Hermann Gunkel, his inquiry scrutinizes to what extent, in an age of allegedly neutral historical science, the very enterprise of reconstructing the ancient past was shaped by liberal Protestant structures shared by dominant historians from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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