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Oldtidens Ægyptiske religion og mytologi

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  • af Harald Voetmann
    73,95 - 151,95 kr.

    ”Da min far døde, kom jeg i tanke om tiden efter min mors død, at han tog mig på en rejse til Ægypten dengang. Jeg tænkte, okay, når du også skal dø nu, og hvis jeg ikke kan gøre andet, så må jeg tage dig til Ægypten” siger Harald Voetmann. Amduat. En iltmaskine er en sammenskrivning af to fortællinger. Den ene handler om den ægyptiske solguds rejse gennem dødsriget om natten. Den fortælling er malet på gravvægge i Kongernes Dal og kaldes Amduat, “det, som findes i underverdenen”. Den anden fortælling er om en mand, som dør af en lungebetændelse på Holbæk Sygehus. Bogen er skrevet i hånden af Harald Voetmann.

  • - myter og legender fra Egypten, Persien, Lilleasien, Sumer og Babylon
    af Rachel Storm
    226,95 kr.

    Oplev det gamle Egypten med dette enestående opslagsværk over mytologier og legender fra Egypten, Persien og Babylon.Bogen indeholder mere end 150 forskellige artikler, som beskriver de centrale mytiske figurer i hver religion eller kultur og deres betydning for folkeslagene i oldtiden. Læseren får fremragende billeder og illustrationer. De understøtter de spændende historier og behandler de særlige temaer og symboler som er helt centrale for hver kultur - se eksempler på hellige dyr, engle, underverdener og veje til guderne. Egyptisk Mytologi er skrevet i en levende og informativ stil af en af vor tids største eksperter indenfor området.En enestående og uundværlig håndbog om de spændende beretninger og gamle legender i denne del af verden. Bogen kan læses af både unge og ældre - og hvis ikke du allerede har en passion indenfor området, er dette vejen dertil.

  • af Jasmine Elmer
    145,95 kr.

    Wild, dark and divine... The first of its kind, Goddess with a Thousand Faces blends historical research with mythological retelling, taking an inspirational, enlightening and fiercely feminist deep dive into ancient goddesses to explore the modern concept of femininity.This is a historical journey like no other - unlike every other book on the subject, Goddess with a Thousand Faces transcends geographical boundaries and breaks down cultural barriers. From Rangda in Bali, to Freyja in Iceland and more recognisable faces such as the Greek goddess Artemis, it is a work of true inclusion - readers are invited to consider these dazzling goddesses as part of a cultural cannon of human femininity; regardless of race, sex, or gender.Goddess with a Thousand Faces asks us to interrogate our past through a fresh new lens. We're challenged to comprehend our relationship with the feminine within us, question the legacy of goddesses, and whether we might see them in the faces of us all.Embrace your inner goddess... Perfect for fans of Pandora's Jar by Natalie Haynes, Love in Colour by Bolu Babalola and Storyland by Amy Jeffs.

  • af Arcturus Publishing Limited
    182,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Deliver me from the Watchers who bear slaughtering knives, and who have cruel fingers. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is an ancient collection of spells, prayers and incantations designed to guide the departed through the perils of the underworld, ultimately ensuring eternal life. Written as part of funeral rites, these scrolls were often left in the sarcophagus of the deceased and now offer fascinating insight into Egyptian culture. This beautifully illustrated edition contains images from the exquisite Papyrus of Ani, an ancient Egyptian scroll narrating the journey of Theban scribe Ani through the underworld. Its accompanying hieroglyphic text has been translated by acclaimed Egyptologist E.A Wallis Budge, and includes spells addressed to ferryman, gods and kings to aid Ani on his way to the afterlife. This silk-bound hardback contains magnificent illustrations that complement the text and bring out its timeless beauty. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Silkbound Classics series brings together deluxe gift editions of literary classics, presented with luxurious silk binding, striking embossed cover designs and full-color illustrations.

  • af Eduard Tropea
    243,95 - 316,95 kr.

  • af Billy Wellman
    297,95 kr.

    Let's travel back in time to learn about ancient Egyptian mythology!

  • af Felix v. Bergen
    269,95 kr.

    Explore the intriguing realm of European creation myths and delve deeper into the diverse traditions that explain the beginnings of our planet and humans. This comprehensive book takes you on an enlightening tour through European myths, vividly showing how people have explained and interpreted their existence throughout the ages. From the ancient gods of Greece to the Norse creation of the world, and from the magical dragon stories of Celtic culture to the rich tapestry of Slavic and Baltic mythologies, this journey uncovers the fascinating ways in which different cultures have understood the genesis of life and the universe.

  • af Stuart B. Nerval
    321,95 kr.

    Nerval's book is a gripping excursion into the dark recesses of our cultural past, from the malicious spirits of the ancient civilizations to the hellish monsters of current pop culture. Join renowned scholar Stuart B. Nerval on a fascinating voyage across time and space to learn about the various and often surprising kinds of evil that have affected human consciousness since the beginning of time. Prepare for an exciting experience that will test your beliefs about demons and hell.

  • af Laila Schwab-Mansour
    360,95 kr.

    Explore the depths of Egypt and you'll come upon a world where the gods and humans alike danced together. Whispers in the pyramid's shadow and the eerie guards of forgotten tombs usher readers into a time when legends came to life and the fate of a whole kingdom hung in the balance. Give in to the allure of hieroglyphics and the secrets of the Nile.Outside of Egypt's magnificent landscapes, there are countless legends. Come with us as we go through barren regions inhabited by demons and along the great Nile, where the gods engage in human affairs. Each omen, puzzle, and promise tells us more about a culture that continues to fascinate and motivate us today. A journey that transcends space and time itself.Ancient Egypt's limitless sand dunes and stunning structures are the stuff of legend. This work explores the legendary tales of one of the most fascinating civilizations in human history, from gods with lofty ambitions to the pharaohs' strange curses. Discover the mysteries and secrets of the Nile as you step into a world where stories are more than words on a page.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    149,95 kr.

    Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.

  • af Marina Escolano-Poveda
    1.262,95 kr.

  • af W. G. Lambert
    2.042,95 kr.

    This volume is the first in a planned edition of the complete corpus of ancient Mesopotamian god lists. It contains the lists "An = Anum" (including its forerunners) and "An = Anu Sa ameli" along with several similar, more-or-less fragmentary lists. The god list An = Anum was, with its ca. 2000 entries, the most comprehensive list of its kind. It is systematically organized and contains explanations both of individual deities and of certain groups of deities. The textual witnesses also provide, to a varying degree, pronunciation and translation glosses. In this edition each list is presented as a composite reconstructed text with translation, critical apparatus, and synoptic table of the textual witnesses, followed in each case by a philological commentary. In addition, the textual witnesses are transliterated individually. Names, words, and glosses are made accessible through detailed indexes. Hand copies and photographs of previously unpublished sources conclude the volume.

  • af Amandine Marshall
    682,95 kr.

    ""In ancient Egypt, a woman's primary role was that of mother, and as such she ensured her place within both her household and her community. And so, gods, doctor-magicians, as well as ghosts were all called upon to help the woman become pregnant. Pregnancy was not without risks, and the many tests, prescriptions, and spells that have survived to this day help us to understand obstetrics as it was practiced in those distant times. Once the woman had eluded the ill will of Seth-who was held responsible for miscarriages-and had reached her term, she was faced with the much awaited and yet also feared moment of birth. The successful delivery of a child into the world was seen as a gift of the gods, but it did not mean that the parent's worries were over. Indeed, it has been estimated that a third of all children did not reach the age of five years despite the combined efforts of parents and doctor-magicians to protect them. Amandine Marshall draws upon a wealth of sources, including texts, images, iconography, artefacts, and children's bodies themselves, as well as medicine, anthropology, and ethnography, to examine these issues and more, and in doing so sheds unprecedented light on the experience of maternity and early childhood in ancient Egypt.""--

  • af Benedikt Hensel
    1.322,95 kr.

    Is the Hebrew Bible purely a product of Jerusalem or were there various social groups who each played a role in its development during the Second Temple period? This is the guiding question of the present volume, which fills a crucial gap in recent research by combining current literary-historical, redactional and text-historical analysis of the Hebrew Bible with the latest results pertaining to the pluriform social and religious shape of early Judaism. For the first time, the thirteen articles in this volume address the phenomenon of religious plurality by bringing together archaeological, (religious-) historical, and literary-critical approaches. The articles by internationally renowned scholars cover the panorama of currently known social groups of Yahwistic character and the impact of this phenomenon on the making of the Hebrew Bible - from the Persian period to the time of Qumran.

  • af Wilbur Smith
    215,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Ilin-Tomich
    1.647,95 kr.

    The Late Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period were the heyday for scarab seals with names in Ancient Egypt. During this time, names of kings and non-royal individuals occur on hundreds of scarabs and their impressions making scarabs one of the primary groups of written sources for the period. This book explores research paths opened by confronting the textual evidence provided by scarabs with the stylistic and typological traits observable on them in an effort to recontextualize these miniature decorative objects, most of which stem from mass-scale undocumented plundering in the late 19th and early 20th century.The book takes a new perspective on scarab production in Egypt showing that different types of scarabs were produced concurrently, and the production of scarabs was not limited to a single centre at a given period. It amends the methodology of studying Middle Bronze Age scarabs in Egypt to acknowledge that artisans purposefully reproduced certain scarab styles. The study contributes to the ongoing discussions on the chronology of the Second Intermediate Period, Egypt's interconnections with the Levant and the role of foreigners in Egypt in the Middle Kingdom.

  • af Wilbur Smith
    327,95 kr.

    Den dristige amatørarkæolog Nicholas befinder sig, sammen med den kvindelige arkæolog Royan, i Etiopien, hvor de leder febrilsk efter farao Mamoses grav. Til at hjælpe sig har de udskriften fra den syvende skriftrulle, som slaven Taita udformede 4000 år før i forbindelse med begravelsen.Men slaven Taita var klog. For at undgå, at gravrøvere skulle opdage den hemmelighed, som han og hans elskede Dronning Lostris af Egypten havde, er skriftrullen fyldt med gåder og forhindringer. Nicholas og Royan får deres sag for, når de skal finde Mamoses grav med konkurrerende og skruppelløse arkæologer lige i hælene."Den syvende skriftrulle" udkom første gang i 1995.Wilbur Smith er født i Zimbabwe (det tidligere Rhodesia) i 1933. Han er britisk statsborger og vidt berejst. Han har udgivet over 30 bøger, der i gennemsnit hver har solgt over tre millioner eksemplarer. Wilbur Smith er hjemme i sit stof, hvad enten han skriver om den oprindelige befolkning, de hvide afrikanere eller om stammetraditioner i Afrika. Han er kendt for sin utroligt omhyggelige research og for sine medrivende naturbeskrivelser.

  • af Paul M. Meyer
    392,95 kr.

    Paul Meyer bietet in dem hier vorliegenden Werk Erklärungen griechischer Texte aus den Papyri des Neutestamentlichen Seminars der Universität Berlin und der Ostraka aus der Sammlung Deissmann. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1916.

  • af Gillian E. Bowen
    662,95 kr.

    A fully illustrated catalogue and in-depth iconographical, technological and typological analysis of the entire corpus of cartonnage found at Kellis, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt

    1.867,95 kr.

    The Egyptian Book of GatesTranslated into English by Erik Hornung in collaboration with Theodor AbtThe Egyptian Book of Gates is the second large Pharaonic Book of the Afterlife after The Egyptian Amduat.The revised English translation is based on the German edition, edited by Erik Hornung. The hieroglyphs and transcriptions are given on the basis of a collation of the extant texts found in different tombs. The main illustrations of the text come from the sarcophagus of Seti I. The 100 scenes of the Book of Gates are furthermore represented with one or more colored illustrations, originating from different sources.With an Introduction by Theodor Abt. Contains Bibliography and Index.

  • af Joyce Tyldesley
    115,95 kr.

    The extraordinary mysteries of the pyramids - revealedFrom the development of monumental architecture around 3,000 BC to the fabulous edifices that rose up from the desert plains of Giza, these are amongst the most remarkable structures in world history. Their story has given rise to a set of incredible legends: spaceships, ley lines, mysterious goings on‿ Is it fact or fiction? Joyce Tyldesley, writer, lecturer and broadcaster on Ancient Egypt, cuts away modern myth and prejudice to reveal the truth behind these astonishing structures. The Old Kingdom pharaohs believed that death was the beginning of eternal life. To help them on their way they built pyramids; huge ramps or stairways charged with the most potent magic, leading directly to the sky. Pyramids chronicles how and why Egypt‿s pharaohs built on so grand a scale, and shows how the pyramids helped to build Egypt itself. ‿A fascinating survey‿ For anyone who wants to know about pyramids, this is required reading‿ Spectator‿Tyldesley sets out to fill the gap between Egyptologists‿ reserve, the excesses of tour guides and misinformed traditions‿ [she] should be required reading.‿ Sunday Times

  • af Joachim Menant
    227,95 kr.

  • af Plutarque
    227,95 kr.

  • af Renate Marian van Dijk-Coombes
    1.870,95 kr.

  • af Countess Of Carnarvon
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Alexandre Moret
    227,95 kr.

  • af Émile Clément Amélineau
    227,95 kr.

  • af Eleanor Dobson
    277,95 - 512,95 kr.

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