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Vådområder, sumpe, moser

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  • af Susanne Jansson
    117,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Der findes steder, hvor de døde aldrig forsvinder. Mossmarken på grænsen mellem Dalsand og Värmland er et øde moselandskab med tågede vidder, krogede fyrretræer og bundløse mosehuller. Engang ofrede man til guderne her, og det siges, at folk stadig forsvinder sporløst, hvis de vover sig ud i tågen. Her slår den unge biolog Nathalie sig ned for at lave feltforsøg til sin afhandling. Snart står det dog klart, at hendes virkelige ærinde i Mossmarken er af langt mere personlig karakter. Da man finder et lig nedsunket i mosen, bliver det en skræmmende anledning til at grave dybt i fortiden – for både politiet og Nathalie selv. Hendes vej krydses af politifotografen Maya, og for dem begge bliver det en rejse indad og ned i mindernes og mosens allerdybeste lag mod chokerende opdagelser og fortrængte sandheder. Offermosen er en atmosfærefyldt krimi om moser, biologi, barndom og død, der griber og fastholder læseren til sidste side. Pressen skriver: »Den intense spænding holdes ved lige hele vejen igennem, og Offermosen er foruden at være velskrevet en fin skildring af et uhyggeligt landskab. En flot debut.« - Københavneravisen »For med sin debutroman skriver Susanne Jansson sig ind i rækken af svenske krimiforfattere, som vi forhåbentlig kommer til at høre mere fra.« – **** Nordjyske Stiftstidende »Krimi med en mystisk mose og en nyligt gravet grav.« – Lokalavisen Nordsjælland »Lovende svensk krimidebut.« - Lektørudtalelse

  • af Samantha Rezentes
    182,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey McKinnon
    236,95 kr.

    "An introduction to the biodiversity of ancient lakes, explaining the surprising, often controversial findings ancient lake research is yielding about the formation and persistence of species"--

  • af Andreas Elser
    542,95 kr.

  • - A Short History of Peatland Destruction and its Role in the Climate Crisis
    af Annie Proulx
    117,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Sibylle Schumann
    362,95 kr.

    På engen er der mange dyr at se, hvis du kigger efter. Du kan se en lille græshoppe springe fra strå til strå. Køer græsser med deres kalve. Og hvor har de små kaninunger mon lagt sig til at sove? Kigge-finde-bog for de allermindste, hvor de undervejs selv kan kigge med og finde de dyr, der bliver fortalt om. På sidste side skal børnene hjælpe dyrene med at finde deres egen føde.

  • af Andrew Biro & Alice Cohen
    285,95 - 606,95 kr.

  • af Hans Joosten
    1.212,95 kr.

    The European continent features an impressive variety of mires and peatlands. Polygon, palsa, and aapa mires, concentric and eccentric bogs, spring and percolation fens, coastal marshes, blanket bogs, saline fens, acid, alkaline, nutrient poor, nutrient rich: the peatlands of Europe represent unique ecosystem biodiversity and harbour a large treasure of flora and fauna typical of peat forming environments. Europe is also the continent with the longest history, the highest intensity, and the largest variety of peatland use, and as a consequence it has the highest proportion of degraded peatlands worldwide. Peatland science and technology developed in parallel to exploitation and it is therefore not surprising that almost all modern peatland terms and concepts originated and matured in Europe. Their massive degradation also kindled the desire to protect these beautiful landscapes, full of peculiar wildlife. In recent decades attention has widened to include additional vital ecosystem services that natural and restored peatlands provide. Already the first scientific book on peatlands (Schoockius 1658) contained a chapter on restoration. Yet, only now there is a rising awareness of the necessity to conserve and restore mires and peatlands in order to avoid adverse environmental and economic effects. This book provides - for the first time in history - a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of mires and peatlands in biogeographic Europe. Written by 134 authors, the book describes mire and peatland types, terms, extent, distribution, use, conservation, and restoration individually for each country and integrated for the entire continent. Complemented by a multitude of maps and photographs, the book offers an impressive and colourful journey, full of surprising historical context and fascinating details, while appreciating the core principles and unifying concepts of mire science.

  • af Wendelin Wichtmann
    1.032,95 kr.

    Peatlands cover some 4 million km² worldwide. Approximately 15% of this area - particularly in the temperate zone and the (sub)tropics - is drained, largely to be used for conventional agriculture and forestry. Drainage leads to irreparable damage to peatlands. Subsidence and soil degradation frustrate long-term peatland utilisation and are responsible for almost 6% of the total global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Soil degradation and greenhouse gas emissions can be strongly reduced by rewetting. Rewetting, however, makes conventional land use impossible. In contrast, paludiculture on wet and rewetted peatlands allows for permanent, sustainable cultivation of peatlands. The volume introduces paludiculture as a novel land use practice for the production of biomass, which is further able to reactivate or sustain a wide variety of ecosystem services impaired by peatland drainage. Biomass from wet peatlands is useful for various applications: as fuel and raw material, food, fodder and medicine. The authors discuss and evaluate the ecosystem services and economic feasibility of various land use options. Practical recommendations for and legal aspects of implementing paludicultural methods are presented as well as experiences with its worldwide application. The historical development of peatland utilization, including its increasing intensification, the resulting soil degradation, and the recent development of paludiculture as an alternative, balanced land use approach are described. The book provides extensive information for practioners and scientists as well as decision-makers in politics, management, and explains the principles of wise peatland management, encouraging the worldwide implementation of paludiculture as a unique form of sustainable utilisation of organic soils. This book is also available in German language: Paludikultur - Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore

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