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Bosættelse, bymæssig geografi og landlig geografi

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  • af Ben Wilson
    147,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - Yderområder, købstæder og det aparte København
    af Lars Olsen & Bjørn Brandenborg
    231,95 kr.

    Med helt ny statistik, underholdende cases, et samfundsvidenskabeligt fundament og stærke holdninger bidrager Bjørn Brandenborg og Lars Olsen til debatten om forskellene mellem by og land.De to forfattere skriver fra hver deres aldersgruppe – hhv. 32 og 69 år – og fra hver deres geografiske perspektiv – Bjørn Brandenborg er født i Svendborg, hvor han også bor, mens Lars Olsen er født og opvokset i København, men bor nu i Holbæk –  men de mødes i en enighed om, at vilkårene for at bo uden for de store byer er vanskelige og bidrager til unødvendig forskelsbehandling. Det handler om adgang til sundhedsbehandling, mulighed for realkreditlån, offentlig transport og meget andet.Bogen er dog langt fra en klagesang. Den er også en hyldest til livet i provinsen med natur, sammenhold og aktivt foreningsliv. Brandenborg og Olsen sætter fokus på mange af de fremmende initiativer, der er taget de senere år, bl.a. udflytning af arbejdspladser og undervisningsinstitutioner.

  • af Eric Hazan
    182,95 kr.

    Exploring Paris arm in arm with Balzac, nineteenth-century France’s most famous novelist and observer

  • af Ian Goldin
    147,95 - 180,95 kr.

  • af Martin Zimmermann
    967,95 kr.

    Angesichts einer fortschreitenden Urbanisierung und der ungeheuren Erfolgsgeschichte der Siedlungsform "Stadt" wird selten die paradoxe Kehrseite dieser Geschichte in den Blick genommen. Seit 5000 Jahren steht der Entstehung von Städten ihr Untergang gegenüber. Verlassene Städte sind ein geradezu allgegenwärtiges Phänomen aller Zeiten und Regionen. Die in den Band versammelten Aufsätze unterschiedlicher Disziplinen beschreiben, wie von der Antike bis in die aktuelle Zeitgeschichte Stadtruinen wahrgenommen wurden. Ihre Interpretation, Instrumentalisierung und symbolische wie inhaltliche Aufladung verrät sehr viel über die Kulturen, in denen diese Prozesse zu beobachten sind. In einem faszinierenden Spektrum, das vom antiken Nahen Osten, Kleinasien und Italien über das präkolumbianische Nordamerika und Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in den heutigen Oman, Palästina, die Mongolei, die USA oder nach Osteuropa reicht, wird die vielfältige Deutung von Ruinen und ihre Rolle in politischen, kulturellen und sozialen Verständigungen und Kontroversen thematisiert. Verlassene Städte erweisen sich auf diese Weise als ein zentrales und äußerst fruchtbares Thema der Kultur-, Kunst- und politischen Geschichte.

  • af Matt Hern
    192,95 kr.

    Modern "sub-urbs" as a place of vibrancy, conflict and resistance

  • af David Laurence Jones
    477,95 kr.

    An in-depth exploration of how a transportation company created a vision for a burgeoning nation and played a leading role driving immigration to the Canadian West.

  • af Lord Amonoo-Parker
    229,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Geography / Earth Science - Demographics, Urban Management, Planning, grade: 62, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, language: English, abstract: The high rate of urbanization and fast growing population of cities have impacted on land management. The main objective of this study which focused on Asawase being the first estate that was built in Kumasi was to know how land is managed in informal settlements. The study analyzed how land can be effectively managed in Asawase, challenges of land management and also the legal and institutional arrangements backing management of land and to come out with recommendation on how land can be managed effectively in Kumasi., GhanaThe study employed the cross sectional research design in which the case study method was used. The research made use of the participatory approach in order to have diverse views on the research topi.The research adopted the use of questionnaires and interviews to collect data from slum dwellers and institutions in charge of managing land within Asawase such as Town and Country Planning Department(TCPD), Lands Commission(LC), Asokore Mampong Municipal Assembly (AMMA).From the study, it was observed that, the conditions in Asawase had deteriorated considerably leading to poor sanitation, substandard of housing, lack of basic services and facilities and low generating income activities. It was further established that, the institutions in charge of managing land face a lot of challenges in undertaking their duties, some challenges are, political influence, delay in the release of funds, failure in reviewing plans and inadequate logistics, land litigation and disputes were also major challenges in the managing of land in Asawase.Efficient land administration in urban areas could promote development of communities and enhance socioeconomic growth. Lastly, human resource and logistics should be adequate to make land service delivery efficient and make clients comfortable in their transactions with the institutions.

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