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Miljøpolitik og miljøprotokoller

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  • - til den nye klimabevægelse
    af Jørgen Steen Nielsen
    118,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Klimaændringerne rammer nu med ubønhørlig kraft. Samtidig eskalerer den økonomiske ulighed mellem mennesker i de fleste lande. Denne dobbelte har udløst to bevægelser: De unges klimaoprør for at få forældregenerationen til at tage ansvar samt et spirende socialt oprør med krav om retfærdig omfordeling – tilsammen et krav om grundlæggende forandringer af måden, vi har indrettet økonomien og samfundet på. I SOM GJALDT DET LIVET advarer Jørgen Steen Nielsen om de truende perspektiver, beskriver det nye oprør og appellerer om reaktivering af demokratiet og aktiv inddragelse af borgerne som eneste vej ud af den dobbelte krise. Er det muligt? ”Vi ved ikke, at det er umuligt,” svarer forfatteren. Jørgen Steen Nielsen (f. 1952) er biolog, forfatter, tidligere chefredaktør og mangeårig miljøjournalist på Dagbladet Information, hvor han har dækket den økologiske krise i mere end 30 år. Vinder af Cavlingprisen i 2003. Forfatter til Fra Frihedens slagmarker (2004), Den store omstilling – fra systemkrise til grøn økonomi (2012), På den anden side – en rejse i omstillingens grænseland (2015), og Hvad skal vi med landbruget? (2016).

  • - The Urgent Threat of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Our Health and Future . . . and What We Can Do About It
    af Trasande Leonardo Trasande
    155,95 kr.

    A leading voice in public health policy and top environmental medicine scientist reveals the alarming truth about how hormone-disrupting chemicals are affecting our daily livesand what we can do to protect ourselves and fight back.

  • af Martha C. Nussbaum
    147,95 - 195,95 kr.

    A revolutionary new theory and call to action on animal rights, ethics, and law from the renowned philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum.Animals are in trouble all over the world. Whether through the cruelties of the factory meat industry, poaching and game hunting, habitat destruction, or neglect of the companion animals that people purport to love, animals suffer injustice and horrors at our hands every day. The world needs an ethical awakening, a consciousness-raising movement of international proportions. In Justice for Animals, one of the world's most influential philosophers and humanists Martha C. Nussbaum provides a revolutionary approach to animal rights, ethics, and law. From dolphins to crows, elephants to octopuses, Nussbaum examines the entire animal kingdom, showcasing the lives of animals with wonder, awe, and compassion to understand how we can create a world in which human beings are truly friends of animals, not exploiters or users. All animals should have a shot at flourishing in their own way. Humans have a collective duty to face and solve animal harm. An urgent call to action and a manual for change, Nussbaum's groundbreaking theory directs politics and law to help us meet our ethical responsibilities as no book has done before.

  • - Klima, håb og handlekraft
    af Ida Auken
    161,95 - 192,95 kr.

    En personlig fortælling af en af Danmarks mest fremsynede miljøpolitikere.Efter en klimadepression sendte Ida Auken ned i et sort hul, da hun var i begyndelsen af 20’erne, tog Ida Auken en beslutning om at bevare håbet. Siden har hun været en aktiv del af kampen mod klimaforandringer. Hun var med, dengang verden stadig ubekymret skruede op for CO2-udledningen, og klimapolitik stod nederst på dagsordenen. Hun har præsenteret vantro amerikanske politikere for ultrabillig vindemøllestrøm, og hun har drukket gravøl efter det historisk mislykkede klimatopmøde i København. Frem til i dag, hvor verden langsomt er begyndt at bevæge sig i den rigtige retning, og klimadepression er blevet til klimakamp.Tro på det er en inspirerende beretning om at bevare håbet – også når det forekommer umuligt – og en opfordring til læseren om atgøre det samme.

  • - What Everyone Needs to Know (R)
    af Robert (Betty Freyhof Johnson Class of 1944 Professor of Political Science Paarlberg
    122,95 - 406,95 kr.

    In a lively and easy-to-navigate, question-and-answer format, Food Politics carefully examines and explains the most important issues on today's global food landscape.

  • - om marone-økologi og partisan natur
    af Andreas Malm
    140,95 kr.

    Det faktum, at de herskende idéer vedrørende vildnis er den herskende klasses idéer, er lige så lidt grund til ikke at beskæftige sig med begrebet, som det samme faktum gør sig gældende vedrørende demokrati eller frihed eller retfærdighed for den sags skyld. Selvfølgelig kan vi have en marxistisk teori om vildnis: Hvis marxismen er almægtig, fordi den er sand, så bør den også kunne indeholde denne del af verden. Kan der også være en kosmopolitisk teori vedrørende vildnis? Kan der være en vildnis-dyrkelse for fattige? Kan vi forestille os et sted, hvor vildnis og retfærdighed mødes? Er det muligt at redde en vildnis-politik og -æstetik fra de forgangene århundreders eller måske endda årtusinders klassekamp? Jeg mener, vi kan svare ja til alle ovenstående spørgsmål.

  • af Simon Sharpe
    182,95 kr.

    We need to act five times faster to tackle climate change before it is too late. A policy insider, Simon Sharpe provides compelling ideas on how to rethink our strategies and reorganise our efforts in the fields of science, diplomacy, and economics to speed up progress in addressing climate change.

  • af Naomi Klein
    195,95 kr.

    Explains why the environmental crisis should lead to an abandonment of "free market" ideologies and current political systems, arguing that a massive reduction of greenhouse emissions may offer a best chance for correcting problems.

  • - Hvordan kan en ø blive mere bæredygtig?
    af Knud Tybirk
    111,95 - 123,95 kr.

    Diskussion af fødevareproduktionen på Samsø fremover: Kan den blive mere bæredygtig? Kan den blive mere cirkulær så stoffet kører i kredsløb og bliver genbrugt? Behøver man skelne mellem økologisk og konventionelt landbrug?Knud Tybirk (f. 1960) er biolog, ph.d., med forskningsbaggrund og rådgiver om natur, landbrug, biomasse m.v. Ansat i Samsø Kommune som leder af et femårigt projekt om cirkulær økonomi og bæredygtig fødevareproduktion finansieret af VELUXFONDEN – Biosamfund Samsø. Efter en del år som fritidssamsing er han nu fastboende ’ny-samsing’ med biavl som hobby.

  • - Tekstilindustriens kompleksitet og fremtid
    af Esben H. Licht & Markus Hatting
    247,95 kr.

    De fleste af os er godt klar over, at hyppig udskiftning i garderoben kan være problematisk, og at farvning af tekstiler kan svine. Men hvorfor er det tilfældet? Og hvad får det helt konkret af konsekvenser for naturen og mennesker, der arbejder i industrien? Problemerne i tekstilindustrien er desværre meget komplekse, da der er virkelig mange aktører, der ud fra ganske forskellige dagsordener tilsammen udgør industrien. Det er endt med at give en lang række problemer, der ikke lader sig løse uden handling hos brands, forbrugere og lovgivere. Vi er ved at drukne i tekstiler, særligt dårligt producerede og ubæredygtige af slagsen. Men hvor skal vi begynde, og hvor skulle vi gerne nå hen, når vi skal ændre tekstilindustrien og få den i en ansvarlig og grøn retning? Vores tøj – verdens ressourcer er en fag- og debatbog om tekstilindustriens problemer, og hvordan vi kommer dem til livs. På baggrund af flere års faglig research giver tekstilentreprenørerne Markus Hatting og Esben Licht en let tilgængelig indsigt i den komplekse industri. Først gives et faktabaseret overblik over industrien. Derefter dykkes der ned i problemerne og de komplekse relationer mellem aktørerne, der forårsager dem, inden en række forslag til handling fremsættes. Til sidst i bogen er den en guide til, hvad du som forbruger kan gøre for at hjælpe tekstilindustrien i den rigtige retning.

  • - Et spadestik dybere i kampen for klimaet
    af Anders Holst Bodin
    297,95 kr.

    "Den bedste bog jeg har læst om klimakrisen. Et fremragende og suverænt formidlet mix af videnskab, filosofi og et løsningsorienteret bud på håndteringen af klimakrisen." – Dansk Bibliotekscenter"I den sympatisk motiverede ambition om at forene naturvidenskabens og humanismens sprog mærker man tydeligt åndsfællesskabet med Bodins afdøde læremester, Peter Bastian" – InformationKlimakrisen truer. Alle ved det. Hvorfor handler vi ikke? Videnskabsfolk advarer om smeltende poler, medierne er fulde af klimadebat, og bekymringen vokser overalt i samfundet. Alligevel går den grønne omstilling alt for langsomt. Klimaet er blevet en folkesag, men reelt bevæger vi os med sneglefart.Problemet er fundamentalt: Klimakrisen har rod i selve vores måde at leve og tænke på. Den kan ikke afværges med overfladisk symptombehandling – elbiler, vindmøller og genbrugskaffekopper – men må føre til dybere samfundsforandringer. Klimakampen kan kun vindes, hvis moderne teknologi kobles med nye idealer for det lykkelige og meningsfulde menneskeliv. Klimakrisens rødder er på én gang et videnskabeligt overblik over klimakrisen, en filosofisk analyse af vores kultur, et manifest for et mere meningsfuldt samfund og en guide til, hvad du kan gøre for at komme ind i klimakampen. Anders Holst Bodin (f. 1988) er ph.d. i fysik og har forsket i bæredygtig energiteknologi i Danmark og USA. Desuden spiller han klarinet, har studeret på Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium og været i mesterlære hos forfatter og musiker Peter Bastian.

  • af Klaus Brun
    1.363,95 kr.

    Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy evaluates the transportation of fluids required in the decarbonized energy economy. The book will help researchers, design manufacturers, and those within government and academia to understand challenges and guide the design and development of systems, machinery, and infrastructure needed for a decarbonized energy economy. The book provides comprehensive insights on the implications of the energy transition for a critical aspect of commerce: the infrastructure central to energy transportation and the economy. This practical book highlights the unique systems central to the efficient transport of various forms of energy. After outlining the need for transporting energy, types of fluids used to transport energy, and various means of transportation, the book covers the importance of understanding the energy marketplace, global perspectives, and then moves into the transport of natural gas, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The work concludes with coverage of technology gaps, research and development, future trends, and solutions. Led by professionals with decades of experience and collecting insights from expert contributors, this book begins with the essentials of energy transport, provides detailed coverage of modes of transport, considers critical questions of energy supply and economics, and looks at long-term environmentally sensitive, sustainable options for the transport thereof. A powerful tool for the energy transition, Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy offers expert analysis on sustainable energy transport and its impact on our future.

  • af Paul R Ehrlich
    276,95 kr.

    Legendary conservationists show us that we still have the power to prevent critical consequences of the sixth extinction in this game-changing book.Can we save threatened animals and ecosystems in the midst of a mass extinction? The answer is a resounding yes, and Before They Vanish shows us how. In their ambitious, impassioned, and wise new book, conservation scientists Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, and Rodolfo Dirzo urge us to shift our thinking rather than bow our heads, grieving over the losses that humanity faces. This comprehensive look at a crucial but often overlooked aspect of conservation--population extinction--urges us toward a new, hopeful path. While the extinction of species describes the global disappearance of entire kinds of organisms, population extinction represents the loss of fundamental geographic elements of species. The authors argue that conservationists have placed too much emphasis on the extinction of entire species, which occurs gradually enough that we only detect it in the direst of cases, by which time meaningful action may be impossible. By shifting the focus to identifying extinction threats at the more localized population level, we can intervene more rapidly and effectively to prevent broader declines--and the eventual extinction of entire species themselves. This shift represents a critical step in saving these vanishing species; early detection and intervention may be our last, best hope for stemming the tide of this global crisis. Using examples from the worlds of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, fungi, and microorganisms, the authors explain the concept of population extinction, its causes and consequences, and how to prevent the mass destruction of the amazing and unique creatures with whom we share our planet. This call to action is a must-read for anyone concerned with saving endangered and threatened species, our natural world--and ourselves.

  • af Richard Broinowski
    217,95 kr.

  • af Robert J Mayhew
    343,95 kr.

  • af David Fedman
    346,95 - 430,95 kr.

    "This study of Japanese "forest reclamation" in Korea during the period of Japanese colonial rule (1895-1945) holds the notion of conservation up for scrutiny, examining the roots of Japanese practices and ideas about the Korean landscape as well as the consequences and aftermath of the Japanese approach to "greenification" in Korea. The Japanese program for natural resource management included change in how woodland ownership rights were controlled at both the national and village level as well as efforts to change how Koreans cooked and heated their homes and to inculcate "forest love thought" among the Korean people, and culminated with an extreme increase in extraction during the Second World War. This project offers a compelling environmental approach to Korean history but also expands environmental thinking about Japan into colonized lands and contributes to broader conversations about colonial forestry globally"--

  • af Léa Lacan
    972,95 kr.

    Explores the ways in which human and forest futures are interdependent, and the need to recognize its multiple meanings equally with its wealth of natural resources.

  • af Emmanuel Martinais
    577,95 kr.

    De façon surprenante, la sociologie de l¿État et de l¿administration a tendance à ignorer les corps intermédiaires de fonctionnaires qui représentent pourtant le gros des effectifs ministériels et des rouages essentiels de l¿action étatique. En France notamment, les analyses se limitent le plus souvent aux deux extrémités des structures bureaucratiques, laissant systématiquement dans l¿ombre tous les acteurs administratifs du milieu, qui ne sont ni des hauts-fonctionnaires ni des street level bureaucrats. Qui sont ces fonctionnaires du milieu ? A quoi servent-ils exactement ? Que font-ils concrètement ? Dans quels espaces évoluent-ils ? Comment travaillent-ils ? De quoi décident-ils ? C¿est à ces différentes questions que ce livre propose de répondre, en suivant pas à pas le processus de réforme de la politique publique de prévention des risques industriels engagé il y a presque vingt ans suite à la catastrophe d¿AZF de septembre 2001.

  • af Moritz Pollath
    257,95 kr.

    Von Deutschland aus gesehen scheint der Pazifik in weiter Ferne zu liegen und unsere Lebenswelt nur wenig mit der auf den pazifischen Inseln gemein zu haben. Doch anders als diese Distanz implizieren mag, existieren in Geschichte und Gegenwart kontinuierliche Verbindungen zwischen Europa und dem Pazifik. Um diese Verflechtungsgeschichten zu vermitteln, traten Experten aus Schulen, Museen und Universitäten in den Dialog. Denn das Lernen über diese verflochtene Geschichte, aber auch die pazifischen Antworten auf die Umwälzung einer globalisierten Welt bergen eine hohe Relevanz für die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen sowie Bildungszielen an Schulen und öffentlichen Institutionen.

  • af Arthur C Brooks
    282,95 kr.

    To get ahead today, you have to be a jerk, right?Divisive politicians. Hateful pundits. Angry campus activists. Twitter trolls. Today in America there is an ?outrage industrial complex? that prospers by setting American against American, creating a ?culture of contempt??the habit of seeing people who disagree with us not as merely incorrect, but as worthless and defective. Maybe, like more than nine out of ten Americans, you dislike it. But, hey, either you play along or you'll be left behind, right?Wrong. In Love Your Enemies, the New York Times bestselling author and social scientist Arthur C. Brooks shows that abuse and outrage are not the right formula for lasting success. Brooks blends cutting-edge behavioral research, ancient wisdom, and a decade of experience leading one of America's top policy think tanks in a work that offers a better way to lead based on bridging divides and mending relationships.Brooks's prescriptions are unconventional. To bring America together, we shouldn't try to agree more. There is no need for mushy moderation, because disagreement is the secret to excellence. Civility and tolerance shouldn't be our goals, because they are hopelessly low standards. And our feelings toward our foes are irrelevant; what matters is how we choose to act.Love Your Enemies offers a clear strategy for victory for a new generation of leaders. It is a rallying cry for people hungry for a new era of American progress. Most of all, it is a road map to find the happiness that comes when we choose to love one another, despite our differences.

  • af Geoffrey O'Gara
    192,95 kr.

  • af Heriberto Araujo
    267,95 kr.

    "In the tradition of Killers of the Flower Moon, a haunting murder-mystery revealing the human story behind one of the most devastating crimes of our time: the ruthless destruction of the Amazon rainforest-and anyone who stands in the way"--

  • af Nick Engelfried
    182,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Movement Makers tells the behind-the-scenes story of how the youth climate movement grew into a true mass uprising, drawing on interviews with over 100 current and former activist leaders.

  • af Manuela Brocksieper
    324,95 - 391,95 kr.

  • af Lotte Hansen
    247,95 kr.

    FRONTLINJEBOGEN OM EN VOKSENDE GRØN LØGNGreenwashing betyder vildledende grøn markedsføring, hvor man praler med sine grønne løsninger. Greenwashing skaber en falsk tryghed om, at vi som forbrugere, borgere og virksomheder er på vej det rigtige sted hen.Det er vi ikke.Greenwashing er en grøn sovepude under samtidens største mareridt. Gennem levende beskrivelser af det grønne praleri trækker bogen dig ind i en verden af Greenwashing. Lotte Hansen dissekerer brutalt de initiativer og retssager, som EU’s kommende Greenwashing-direktiv og forbrugerombudsmanden har på bedding. Formålet er ikke blot at oplyse, men at ruske op i vores passivitet og kickstarte et paradigmeskifte i, som får os alle til at handle.LOTTE HANSEN er en af landets tungeste strategiske rådgivere inden for bæredygtighed med særligt fokus på effekt og mobilisering. Virksomhedsleder i 20 år og tidligere ministerrådgiver for 3 ministre, pressechef i Forbrugerrådet, journalist og erhvervsredaktør på Politiken.

  • af Charles J Moxley
    1.157,95 - 1.242,95 kr.

  • af Rosanna Xia
    165,95 kr.

    Now in paperback: a "deeply researched and reported" (San Francisco Chronicle) exploration of sea level rise in California that "breathes exquisite detail and dialogue" (Science Magazine) into the subject.2023 Golden Poppy Award Winner for Nonfiction, Chosen by the California Independent Booksellers Alliance"Viscerally urgent, thoroughly reported, and compellingly written—a must-read for our uncertain times." —Ed Yong, author of An Immense World"When do seawalls make sense? And when is it better to give in to the tides? [...] In California Against the Sea, Xia [...] writes about the difficult realities of trying to incorporate fairness into our tally of costs and benefits." —The New YorkerAlong California's 1,200-mile coastline, the overheated Pacific Ocean is rising and pressing in, imperiling both wildlife and the maritime towns and cities that 27 million people call home. In California Against the Sea, Los Angeles Times coastal reporter Rosanna Xia asks: As climate chaos threatens the places we love so fiercely, will we finally grasp our collective capacity for change?Xia, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, investigates the impacts of engineered landscapes, the market pressures of development, and the ecological activism and political scrimmages that have carved our contemporary coastline—and foretell even greater changes to our shores. From the beaches of the Mexican border up to the sheer-cliffed North Coast, the voices of Indigenous leaders, community activists, small-town mayors, urban engineers, and tenacious environmental scientists commingle. Together, they chronicle the challenges and urgency of forging a climate-wise future. Xia's investigation takes us to Imperial Beach, Los Angeles, Pacifica, Marin City, San Francisco, and beyond, weighing the rivaling arguments, agreements, compromises, and visions governing the State of California’s commitment to a coast for all. Through graceful reportage, she charts how the decisions we make today will determine where we go tomorrow: headlong into natural disaster, or toward an equitable refashioning of coastal stewardship.

  • af Siddharth Sareen
    172,95 kr.

    Available open access digitally under CC-BY licence. Portugal is among the best-placed European countries to take advantage of solar power, having achieved a five-fold increase in installed capacity during 2017-2023 despite financial constraints. In 2023, its National Energy and Climate Plan set an ambitious target for a further eight-fold increase from 2.5 GW to 20.4 GW by 2030. How can such fast-paced deployment secure sociospatial justice? What insights do political economic dynamics hold for future transitions? Drawing on long-term, multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork, this book is a one-stop resource for policymakers, practitioners, scholars, and anyone interested in just solar energy transitions. Siddharth Sareen won the 2024 Nils Klim Prize, recognising his exemplary work in the search for renewable and sustainable sources of energy.

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