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Truede arter og artsudryddelse

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  • af Ed Yong
    105,95 kr.

  • af Brendan Wenzel
    197,95 kr.

    Sig hej til HEJ! HEJ! er en smukt illustreret børnebog for de 2- til 5-årige, fuld af skønne dyr og sjove rim. En stor bog til de små om forskelle, ligheder og fællesskab – og et finurligt indblik i den mageløse og mangfoldige dyreverden. Og så er der vigtig pointe med det hele. For mange af dyrene er ved at forsvinde, og det er med at møde dem nu og forstå deres store betydning for kloden, hvis vi skal nå at handle og gøre noget.

  • af Ed Ikin & Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
    245,95 - 346,95 kr.

  • af Sophie Pavelle
    127,95 - 162,95 kr.

  • - En unaturlig naturhistorie
    af Elizabeth Kolbert
    252,95 kr.

    En skelsættende og central bog om verdens fremtid og masseudryddelsen af planetens artsrigdom, der udspiller sig for øjnene af os. I løbet af den sidste halve milliard år har der været fem masseudryddelser, hvor mangfoldigheden af liv på jorden er faldet pludseligt og dramatisk. Forskere verden over registrerer i øjeblikket en sjette udryddelse af arter, der spås til at blive den mest omfattende siden asteroide-nedslaget på Yucatanhalvøen i Mexico for 66 millioner år siden, da dinosaurerne blev udslettet. Men denne gang kommer katastrofen ikke udefra. Det er os, der skaber den: menneskeheden.I Den sjette masseuddøen formidler videnskabsjournalist og forfatter Elizabeth Kolbert feltarbejdet i biodiversitetens frontlinje, som snesevis af forskere inden for et halvt dusin discipliner har foretaget gennem de seneste årtier. Hun tager almindelige læsere med derud, hvor masseudryddelsen er i fuld gang: til bunden af dybhavet, hvor geologerne studerer borekerner og dokumenterer krisen i oceanerne; til trægrænsen, der klatrer højere og højere op ad Andesbjergene til stor bekymring for botanikerne; til Great Barrier Reef, hvor havbiologerne ser livet rinde ud i korallerne. På levende og øjenåbnende vis introducerer Elizabeth Kolbert også læseren til et dusin utrolige arter, som for nogles vedkommende allerede er væk, mens andre står over for udryddelse og kun holdes i live i unaturlige omgivelser, for eksempel den panamanske gyldne tudse, alkefuglen og sumatranæsehornet.Gennem sine beretninger fra felten leverer Kolbert en bevægende beretning om udryddelsen af arter, der finder sted overalt omkring os, og samtidig undersøger hun artsudryddelsens begrebshistorie, fra pioneren Georges Cuvier i Paris i 1800-tallet og frem til i dag, hvor det snart står klart for enhver, at udryddelsen er et faktum, og at menneskeheden bærer et hovedansvar. Det bliver næppe de syv vidundere, månelandingen og internettet, som vil stå tilbage som menneskehedens verdensarv, men den sjette udryddelse. Som Kolbert skriver, tvinger det os til at genoverveje det grundlæggende spørgsmål om, hvad det vil sige at være menneske.Elizabeth Kolbert vandt en Pulitzer Prize for Den sjette masseuddøen, og den er nr. 1 på The Guardians "100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time".

  • af Paul R Ehrlich
    276,95 kr.

    Legendary conservationists show us that we still have the power to prevent critical consequences of the sixth extinction in this game-changing book.Can we save threatened animals and ecosystems in the midst of a mass extinction? The answer is a resounding yes, and Before They Vanish shows us how. In their ambitious, impassioned, and wise new book, conservation scientists Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, and Rodolfo Dirzo urge us to shift our thinking rather than bow our heads, grieving over the losses that humanity faces. This comprehensive look at a crucial but often overlooked aspect of conservation--population extinction--urges us toward a new, hopeful path. While the extinction of species describes the global disappearance of entire kinds of organisms, population extinction represents the loss of fundamental geographic elements of species. The authors argue that conservationists have placed too much emphasis on the extinction of entire species, which occurs gradually enough that we only detect it in the direst of cases, by which time meaningful action may be impossible. By shifting the focus to identifying extinction threats at the more localized population level, we can intervene more rapidly and effectively to prevent broader declines--and the eventual extinction of entire species themselves. This shift represents a critical step in saving these vanishing species; early detection and intervention may be our last, best hope for stemming the tide of this global crisis. Using examples from the worlds of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, fungi, and microorganisms, the authors explain the concept of population extinction, its causes and consequences, and how to prevent the mass destruction of the amazing and unique creatures with whom we share our planet. This call to action is a must-read for anyone concerned with saving endangered and threatened species, our natural world--and ourselves.

  • af Valérie Bienvenue
    181,95 kr.

    The sixth mass extinction or Anthropocene extinction is one of the most pervasive issues of our time. Animals, Plants and Afterimages brings together leading scholars in the humanities and life sciences to explore how extinct species are represented in art and visual culture, with a special emphasis on museums. Engaging with celebrated cases of vanished species such as the quagga and the thylacine as well as less well-known examples of animals and plants, these essays explore how representations of recent and ancient extinctions help advance scientific understanding and speak to contemporary ecological and environmental concerns.

  • af Christopher J. Preston
    236,95 - 257,95 kr.

    "Conventional wisdom is that wild animals are being wiped out. But conventional wisdom skips some important details. Wildlife is rebounding. Not everywhere. Not every species. But a handful of wildlife populations have reached numbers unimaginable in a century. Red deer in Europe, bison in North America, humpback whales in the Atlantic. They have all seen their populations explode. They are back from the brink, numbering in the tens, or even hundreds, of thousands. Their return thrills those who have rooted for their recovery. It terrifies those who grew comfortable without them. This book tracks-and tries to understand-these dramatic rebounds. It shines a light on species returning to forests and farms, prairies and oceans, rivers and cities. It asks how these transformations can be happening and what they have to teach"--

  • af Saru Misa
    312,95 kr.

    The development of plant structures like prickles involves a complex interplay of genetic pathways and regulatory networks. In this book, author used molecular analysis to identify potential gene networks and transcription factors regulating prickle development in Solanum viarum, a prickly plant species.The prickleless mutant was used as a model system to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in prickle development. RNA sequencing and transcriptomic analysis were used to identify differentially expressed genes in the prickleless mutant compared to wild type plants. Further analysis of these genes revealed potential signaling pathways and genetic pathways involved in prickle development. Proteomic and metabolomic analysis were also used to identify potential protein-protein interactions and secondary metabolic pathways involved in the regulation of prickle development.To reconstruct gene networks involved in prickle development, gene co-expression and clustering analysis were performed, and gene ontology analysis was used to predict protein function. Pathway analysis was performed to identify potential pathways involved in prickle development, and the findings were validated by gene knockouts and other genetic manipulations.This book revealed the prickle development in Solanum viarum is regulated by a complex network of genes and pathways, including those involved in plant morphology, growth, and cell differentiation. Hormonal regulation also played a significant role, with plant hormones like auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid, gibberellins, ethylene, and jasmonic acid being involved in the regulation of prickle development.Additionally, plant defense and secondary metabolism pathways were identified as playing a role in prickle development. The identification of potential gene networks and regulatory pathways involved in prickle development provides important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of plant structures; the information in this book could be used to develop new strategies for improving plant growth and development, as well as for crop breeding and genetic engineering.

  • af Alian Hazel
    297,95 kr.

    In the sensitive woven artwork of biodiversity, certain species wind up roosted on the slope of elimination, wavering on the verge as dire preservation challenges continue. This basic point requests prompt consideration and purposeful endeavors to forestall irreversible misfortunes in our planet's organic variety. One of the essential variables adding to the unstable condition of these species is living space obliteration. As human exercises extend, normal living spaces shrivel, driving numerous greenery to the brink of endurance. Deforestation, urbanization, and environmental change have sped up this cycle, passing on species with decreasing spaces to flourish and satisfy their natural jobs. Unlawful untamed life exchange remains as one more imposing danger, pushing various species to the edge of annihilation. Poaching for colorful pets, conventional prescriptions, and fancy merchandise has wrecked populaces of notable and less popular species the same. The rewarding idea of this illegal industry energizes a constant attack on biodiversity, requesting prompt and hearty mediation to control its staggering outcomes. Environmental change arises as a pervasive hazard intensifying the situation of weak species. Modified weather conditions, increasing temperatures, and outrageous occasions disturb environments, putting extra weight on previously striving populaces. The criticalness of tending to environmental change as a protection challenge couldn't possibly be more significant, as its belongings pervade each feature of the regular world. Additionally, intrusive species present a slippery danger, outcompeting local greenery for assets and in a general sense modifying environments. The unrestrained spread of non-local species disturbs fragile natural adjusts, driving endemic creatures to the edge as they wrestle with new contenders. Despite these difficulties, critical protection activity is basic. Exhaustive living space insurance, reclamation drives, and reasonable improvement rehearses should be carried out to moderate the effects of natural surroundings obliteration. Hearty enemy of poaching measures, worldwide participation, and rigid policing vital for battle unlawful natural life exchange. Addressing environmental change requests worldwide obligation to decrease ozone harming substance emanations and execute versatile techniques to shield weak species. Also, controlling the spread of intrusive species requires careful checking, the executives, and rebuilding endeavors to safeguard local biodiversity. The species on the verge act as piercing tokens of the interconnectedness of all life on The planet. Their endurance relies on our aggregate liability to save and safeguard the rich embroidered artwork of life that supports our planet. Just through earnest and facilitated preservation endeavors might we at any point desire to steer the results for these endangered species and secure a more biodiverse and strong future.

  • af Alina Hazel
    297,95 kr.

    Silent Roar: The Predicament of Imperiled Creatures" is a piercing and reminiscent investigation of the fragile harmony among mankind and the collective of animals, revealing insight into the desperate conditions looked by a portion of the World's most jeopardized species. This narrative is an enthralling excursion into the core of preservation challenges, uncovering the quiet cries of creatures near the very edge of elimination. The book handily explores through different environments, catching the great excellence of animals presently wavering on the edge of insensibility. From the thick rainforests to the immense savannahs and the profundities of the seas, "Silent Roar" slyly uncovered the dangers these creatures face, going from environment misfortune and environmental change to poaching and human-natural life struggle. Through amazing cinematography and close narrating, the narrative acquaints us with the enthusiastic people and associations committing their lives to safeguarding these species. Their battles and wins structure a convincing story that fills in as a source of inspiration for watchers around the world. It prompts reflection on our aggregate liability to safeguard the rich biodiversity that supports our planet. The book doesn't avoid resolving the moral inquiries encompassing preservation, diving into the intricacies of human intercessions, for example, hostage rearing and renewed introduction programs. It provokes watchers to examine the moral problems innate in our endeavors to save species from elimination while wrestling with the potentially negative results of our activities. "Silent Roar " isn't just a documentation of despondency; it is a demonstration of the strength of nature and the unstoppable soul of those focused on protecting it. As the title proposes, the narrative catches the quiet thunder of imperiled creatures, a supplication for help that resounds through the regular world. Through its strong narrating and outwardly capturing symbolism, "Silent Roar" urges us to tune in and answer before it's past the point of no return, motivating a restored obligation to protection and conjunction.

  • af Sophie A H Osborn
    347,95 kr.

    The story of one woman's remarkable work with a trio of charismatic, endangered bird species--and her discoveries about the devastating threats that imperil them. In Feather Trails, wildlife biologist and birder Sophie A. H. Osborn reveals how the harmful environmental choices we've made--including pesticide use, the introduction of invasive species, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction--have decimated Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors. In the Rocky Mountains, the cloud forests of Hawai'i, and the Grand Canyon, Sophie and her colleagues work day-to-day to try to reintroduce these birds to the wild, even when it seems that the odds are steeply stacked against their survival. With humor and suspense, Feather Trails introduces us to the fascinating behaviors and unique personalities of Sophie's avian charges and shows that what endangers them ultimately threatens all life on our planet. More than a deeply researched environmental investigation, Feather Trails is also a personal journey and human story, in which Sophie overcomes her own obstacles--among them heat exhaustion, poachers, rattlesnakes, and chauvinism. Ultimately, Feather Trails is an inspiring, poignant narrative about endangered birds and how our choices can help to ensure a future not only for the rarest species, but for us too. "An intimate look at the wonder and effort needed for working with endangered species in the wild. [Osborn's] matter-of-fact writing style and wry humor make the reader part of the action."--Booklist (starred review)

  • af Christel Dyer
    277,95 kr.

  • af Sachin Pal
    287,95 kr.

    The BAM Framework: Understanding Species Distributions in a Dynamic WorldThe intricate interplay between species and their environment is a subject of immense fascination and ecological importance. In the face of climate change, habitat loss, and other environmental challenges, understanding how species distributions evolve in a dynamic world is crucial for effective conservation and management. Enter the BAM Framework, a groundbreaking approach that promises to revolutionize our understanding of this complex ecological puzzle.At its core, the BAM Framework stands for Biotic, Abiotic, and Movement factors, the three pillars upon which this innovative methodology is built. It recognizes that species distributions are not static but are shaped by a multitude of variables, including biological interactions, environmental conditions, and the mobility of the species themselves.Biotic factors encompass the intricate web of species interactions, from predator-prey relationships to competition for resources. Understanding how these interactions influence species distributions is a central focus of the BAM Framework.Abiotic factors delve into the environmental conditions that shape ecosystems, including temperature, precipitation, soil composition, and more. By integrating these variables into the analysis, the framework provides a comprehensive view of the ecological landscape.Movement factors consider the mobility of species, whether through migration, dispersal, or other means. This aspect of the framework acknowledges that species can adapt and respond to changing conditions by moving to more suitable habitats.What sets the BAM Framework apart is its holistic approach, integrating these three critical dimensions into a unified model. Researchers can now delve deep into the ecological dynamics of species distributions, uncovering hidden patterns and responses to environmental change.The BAM Framework is not just a theoretical concept; it has practical applications in conservation, land management, and ecological restoration. By providing a nuanced understanding of how species interact with their environment, it equips scientists and policymakers with valuable insights to make informed decisions for the protection of biodiversity.In a world where the challenges facing our ecosystems are ever-evolving, the BAM Framework offers hope and a pathway to a more profound understanding of the natural world. It is a tool that will empower us to navigate the complex and dynamic landscape of species distributions with precision and insight.

  • af Gareth Patterson
    217,95 kr.

    Gareth Patterson rediscovered the most southerly elephants in the world, the highly endangered and secretive Knysna elephants of the southern Cape, South Africa. It was during this time that he also made the startling discovery of a being even more mysterious than the Knysna elephants - a relict hominoid known to the Knysna forest people as the 'Otang'.Gareth was at first reluctant to blur the remarkable story of the Knysna elephants with his findings about the otang...That is, until now.The possible existence of relict hominoids is today gaining momentum world-wide with ongoing research into the Sasquatch in North America, the Yeti in the Himalayas, the Yowie in Australia and the Orang Pendek in Sumatra. Eminent conservationists and scientists - among them Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. George Schaller, Dr. Ian Redmond, Professor Jeff Meldrum and Professor Gregory Forth - have publicly stated that they are open-minded about the possible existence of these cryptid beings. In the course of his unannounced research into the otang Gareth heard many accounts - mostly spontaneous and unprompted - of otang sightings by others in the area over a number of years. These accounts, documented in this book, are astonishingly consistent both in the descriptions of the otang and in the shocked reactions of the individuals who saw them.Gareth Patterson's work supports the increasing realization that humankind still has much to learn about the natural world and the mysteries it holds. The possibility that we may be sharing our world with other as yet unidentified hominoids is today being viewed as something that should not be discounted. And as humankind, we need to reassess our role and responsibility towards all forms of life that coexist with us on planet Earth.Beyond the Secret Elephants continues the story of Patterson's search for and eventual familiarity with the remaining Knysna elephants, while also revealing...the presence of an even more legendary creature, a relict hominoid known to the indigenous people as the otang.Dr. Jeff Meldrum. Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology, Idaho State University is impressive when a renowned field researcher writes a book like Beyond the Secret Elephants - following in the erudite footsteps of the late Lyall Watson... Ian Redmond OBE

  • af Beth Pratt
    267,95 kr.

    Now updated with a new preface: a full-color celebration of coexistence with California's iconic wildlife.Wildness beats in the heart of California's urban areas, and across the state Californians are taking action to recast wildlife as an integral part of our everyday lives. In Los Angeles, residents rallied to build one of the largest wildlife crossings in the world because of the plight of one lonely mountain lion named P-22. Porpoises cavort in San Francisco Bay again because of a grassroots effort to clean up a waterway that was once a toxic mess. Yosemite's park staff and millions of visitors have mobilized to keep its famed bears wild. And after a near century-long absence, Californians are welcoming wolves back to the state, inspired by the remarkable journey of the wolf OR-7. When Mountain Lions Are Neighbors explores this evolving dynamic between humans and animals. Now updated with a new preface, these inspiring stories celebrate a new model for wildlife conservation: coexistence.

  • af Charles Foster
    127,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Keith Somerville
    385,95 kr.

    Africa's surviving rhinos are seriously threatened. This timely book considers all kinds of human interactions with these magnificent and enigmatic animals, offering a significant contribution to our understanding of wildlife in the African continent.

  • af Gisli Palsson
    233,95 kr.

    "The great auk is one of the most tragic and documented examples of extinction. A flightless bird that bred primarily on the remote islands of the North Atlantic, the last of its kind were killed in Iceland in 1844. Gâisli Pâalsson draws on firsthand accounts from the Icelanders who hunted the last great auks to bring to life a bygone age of Victorian scientific exploration while offering vital insights into the extinction of species."--

  • af Arizona Rain
    177,95 kr.

    Join Hamish The Eco Ninja on his second adventure as he learns all about bees and just how important they are for our planet. This is a story for younger readers that also contains up to date, highly factual information on bees.

  • af Thom van Dooren
    182,95 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Tom Jackson
    195,95 kr.

    Illustrated throughout with outstanding color photographs, Strange Animals presents the attributes of 100 of the most curious species. The selection spans a broad spectrum of wildlife, from the tallest land-living mammal, the giraffe, to the light, laughing chorus of Australian kookaburra birds, from the intelligence of the bottlenose dolphin to octopuses that change color when they dream to the slow pace of the three-toed sloth.

  • af Bo¿tjan Videm¿ek
    340,95 kr.

    This is the story of the last two northern white rhinos, Najin and Fatu, as the species has fallen victim to poaching, wars, climate change, and Asian economic boom to become functionally extinct, as well as the story of the scientists and conservationists around the world fighting to save the species through scientific innovation.

  • af Natalie Sanders
    220,95 kr.

    The Last Sunset in the West by Natalie Sanders is the story of Britain‿s only native pod of orcas, which are heading rapidly towards extinction. This captivating account takes the reader deep into the history of our relations with these beautiful and sentient creatures

  • af Maurice Maeterlinck
    307,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Scott Renyard
    227,95 kr.

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