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  • af Andre Agassi
    72,95 - 116,95 kr.

    Vi kender ham som en lille hidsig fyr med løvemanke (inklusive lyse striber), guldkæder og alt for stramme tennisshorts. Han gjorde fra start alt, hvad han kunne for at provokere etablissementet, og publikum elskede det. Andre Agassi er en af nyere tids allerstørste tennisspillere. Han har vundet otte Grand Slam titler og ligget nr. 1. på verdensranglisten. Alt det handler ”Open”, Agassis selvbiografi, selvfølgelig om: de afgørende kampe, der genfortælles i suveræn dramatisk stil, rivaliseringen på banen og i omklædningsrummene, træningen, opturene og nedturene – livet som professionel tennisspiller kort sagt. Men ”Open” handler også om en lille dreng, der fra start hader at spille tennis – og som stadig hader det. Om en psykopatisk far der tyranniserer Agassi til at droppe skolen og træne time efter time ud fra filosofien: ”Hvis du slår et par tusinde slag om dagen hele din barndom og din ungdom, bliver du verdens bedste tennisspiller”. Andre hader og frygter sin far, men faren får ret. Andre Agassi bliver nærmest mod sin egen vilje bedre og bedre. Hele vejen op ad ranglisten stritter han imod. Han drikker, fester, kommer op at slås, får hanekam og optræder i nogle mildest talt utraditionelle munderinger på banen. Det ligner et almindeligt teenageoprør, men det udspiller sig for øjnene af millioner af seere, og stikker langt dybere. ”Open” er en fortælling om kampen for at frigøre sig fra en ekstremt dominerende far og finde en måde at forvalte både sit talent og sin personlighed på, en personlighed der i mange år ikke er til at skelne fra den offentlige person, der skaber sig åndssvag i medierne. Om det i den sammenhæng er sundt for Agassi, at han konstant omgiver sig med en hær af rådgivere, der til forveksling ligner fadererstatninger, er tvivlsomt.

  • af Jørgen Leth
    72,95 - 130,95 kr.

    Jørgen Leths ikoniske digtklassiker fra 1967 om cykling og bordtennis. I nyt lækkert udstyr og med nyt digt fra 2018.

  • - om Dansk Tennis Club og tennisspilleren Leif Rovsing
    af René Kural
    182,95 kr.

    Et portræt af en fascinerende excentriker forenes i "Out!" med arkitekturhistorie og seksualpolitik. Tennisspilleren og rigmanden Leif Rovsing er hovedpersonen, den danske sportsverden er scenen, og Dansk Tennis Club er det monument, han selv rejser og som bliver et symbol på hans ukuelige kamp mod systemet. Udviklingen tager for alvor fart i 1917, hvor Rovsing – en af datidens mest talentfulde tennisspillere – bliver udelukket fra alle tennisturneringer under Dansk Boldspil-Union grundet formodet homoseksualitet. Unionen gør alt for at forhindre ham i at spille, men Rovsing tager til genmæle. Ikke kun med skabelsen af det meget originale stykke idrætsarkitektur – tennishallen på Rygårds Allé i Hellerup – som han lod pryde med ægyptiske og balinesiske udsmykninger, men også gennem foredrag, artikler, bogudgivelser, rejseskildringer og ikke mindst gennem en livslang kamp for at få homoseksualitet accepteret i sportsverdenen.Bogen er rigt illustreret med fotograf Torben Eskerods smukke billeder af tennishallens interiør og eksteriør, samt af Bali-landsbyen i Asserbo ved Tisvilde Hegn. Hertil kommer en række historiske sportsfotografier og arkitekturfotografier fra museer, samlinger og arkiver. Bogens forfatter, lektor, ph.d. René Kural er leder af Center for Idræt og Arkitektur samt selvstændig praktiserende arkitekt med René Kural Tegnestue. Siden 1996 har René Kural været involveret i forsknings-, formidlings-, rådgivnings- og udviklingsopgaver for danske og udenlandske kommuner, arkitekttegnestuer, styrelser og fonde.

  • af Andre Agassi
    132,95 - 407,95 kr.

    #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLERFar more than a superb memoir about the highest levels of professional tennis, Open is the engrossing story of a remarkable life.Andre Agassi had his life mapped out for him before he left the crib. Groomed to be a tennis champion by his moody and demanding father, by the age of twenty-two Agassi had won the first of his eight grand slams and achieved wealth, celebrity, and the game's highest honors. But as he reveals in this searching autobiography, off the court he was often unhappy and confused, unfulfilled by his great achievements in a sport he had come to resent. Agassi writes candidly about his early success and his uncomfortable relationship with fame, his marriage to Brooke Shields, his growing interest in philanthropy, anddescribed in haunting, point-by-point detailthe highs and lows of his celebrated career.

  • af Alvaro Enrigue
    43,94 - 235,95 kr.

    Sæt og match af den mexicanske forfatter Álvaro Enrigues overdådige historiske roman om sport, politik og menneskelig dårskab. Det er en fortælling om, hvordan Hernán Cortés sejrede over aztekerne i Mexico, og om hvordan en lurendrejer ved et tilfælde blev Pave Pius IV. Og så er der historien om, hvordan en bold skabt af hår fra Anne Boleyn, Henrik VIII’s halshuggede kone, blev omdrejningspunktet for en drabelig tennisduel mellem den nye og den gamle verden. Sæt og match er forfatterens første bog på dansk..

  • af Michael Werge
    137,95 - 240,95 kr.

    Alt om padel er en bog om netop dét – ALT om padel. Med udgangspunkt i utallige informative grafikker fører padelentusiast og grafiker Michael Werge dig sikkert gennem alle spillets facetter og uddeler generøst kyndige tips og tricks. Læs alt om: Banen og reglerne.Valg af udstyr.De 16 vigtigste slag.Taktik og dynamik.Niveauinddeling og makkersøgning.Lav dine egne hyggeturneringer.Skader og forebyggelse.Padel for børn.Padelrejser.Og meget andet! Bogen henvender sig primært til begyndere, nyere spillere og spillere, hvis udviklingskurve er fladet lidt ud og som trænger til at få et es eller to i ærmet. Erfarne spillere kan få deres erfaringer sat i perspektiv og læse om nøglepersoner i sporten og dens udbredelse. Læs den før din modstander!

  • af Taylor Jenkins Reid
    97,95 kr.

    Carrie Soto Is Back is a captivating novel penned by the renowned author, Taylor Jenkins Reid. Published in the summer of 2023, this book is a much-awaited addition to Reid's impressive repertoire. The story unfolds in a genre that Reid has masterfully crafted, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The publication of this book is courtesy of Random House UK Ltd, a name synonymous with quality literature. As the title suggests, the book marks the return of the beloved character, Carrie Soto, taking the readers on an unforgettable journey. The narrative, characters, and plot are skillfully woven together, making it a must-read for all literature enthusiasts. Get your copy today and dive into the world of Carrie Soto once again.

  • af Taylor Jenkins Reid
    110,95 kr.

    BLANDT TIME MAGAZINES 100 BEDSTE BØGER I 2022New York, 1994. Carrie Soto sidder på lægterne og er vidne til, at Nicki Chan er i færd med at overtage hendes trone som den mest vindende tennisspiller i historien. Carrie ser ingen anden mulighed end at fatte ketjseren og genvinde sin position som en legende på tennisbanen. Men i jagten på fortidens status synes livet at tilbyde hende andet og mere end den kolde ensomhed på toppen. Hvis blot hun tør åbne sig for det.Carrie Soto vender tilbage er en medrivende roman om at være den bedste i verden og den pris, man må betale for at nå dertil. Det er fortællingen om at blæse på alt og alle i ambitionens hellige navn og om at nægte at være en undskyldning for sig selv. Som professionel atlet, offentlig person og kvinde.

  • af Peter Feierabend
    396,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, EnglischFormat: 24,5 x 31,4 cm, 224 Seiten Konkurrenzlos: perfekte Verbindung aus Lifestyle, Geschichte und Celebrities in einem Bildband Eine Hommage an den Ballsport, der Legenden wie Steffi Graf und Roger Federer hervorgebracht hat Dank Angelique Kerber und Alexander Zverev ist Tennis auch in Deutschland wieder Trend Fortführung der Sport-Lifestyle-Reihen Das ultimative ... & The Stylish LifeTennis gehört zu den wenigen Sportarten, bei denen von Anfang an auch Frauen mitspielen durften - und es gehört zu den wenigen Sportarten, um die ein ganzer Lifestyle entstanden ist. Vielleicht, weil ein gewisser Flirtfaktor, eine Leichtigkeit immer dazugehörten? Tennis übt seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eine Faszination aus, auf Freizeitspieler wie auf Fans und Profis. Welche Dramen und Spektakel haben sich nicht auf dem Court abgespielt, vom tobenden John McEnroe über den Paradiesvogel Andre Agassi bis zur Tennisqueen Serena Williams, die auch mal mit 400 Diamanten an den Schuhen aufspielte!Das ultimative Tennisbuch widmet sich den Geschichten auf und neben dem Platz, es erklärt die Geschichte des Sports, bereist wichtige Austragungsorte, stellt die spannendsten Turniere und legendäre Sportler vor und befasst sich nicht zuletzt mit der Tennismode und dem Equipment.

  • af José María Illán Fernández
    89,95 kr.

    Este libro reúne los mejores y más celebrados escritos de José María Illán Fernández: piezas buenas y breves, escritas, en muchos casos, en partidos de tenis a cuarenta y cinco grados de temperatura al sol, y que dan cuenta de sus pareceres sobre la vida en general y de sus andanzas por las canchas de tenis en particular.A medio camino entre la crónica del juego de tenis, la reflexión sobre ser entrenador de este deporte, las tapas de los bares del club, la filosofía básica y la épica del deporte de nulo rendimiento estos textos harán las delicias no solo de aficionados al tenis, sino de cualquier aficionado a pasar un buen rato con un libro. Y si el aficionado ha practicado en alguna ocasión algún deporte de raqueta, aunque sea poco, miel sobre hojuelas.

  • af Chetna Maroo
    151,95 kr.

    Smuk og stemningsfuld debutroman om sorg, søsterskab og en teenagepiges kamp for at finde sig selv. 11-årige Gopi har spillet squash, siden hun kunne holde på en ketsjer. Da hendes mor dør, indrullerer hendes far hende i et hårdt træningsregime, og spillet bliver hendes verden. Langsomt vokser hun fra sine søstre, og hendes liv reduceres til sporten: serven, volleyen, drevet og skuddet. Men hun er ikke alene: På banen er hun sammen med sin far og den talentfulde 13-årige dreng Ged. Western Lane er en uimodståelig coming of age-historie, der hylder uskylden og familien. Om forfatteren: Chetna Maroo er født i Kenya og har boet Storbritannien, siden hun var et år. Hun er vokset op i Luton, i en søskendeflok på seks. Hun har fået udgivet noveller i bl.a. The Paris Review. Western Lane, som er hendes debutroman, var longlisted til Booker-prisen.

  • af Gustavo Espinosa Juarez
    232,95 kr.

    A Squash book can be an excellent way to encourage a passion for reading and the sport at the same time.This Squash book is an excellent tool to help people develop physical and technical skills. The book contains everything from the history of Squash, where it started, how it spread around the world and basic things like what you need to play (racquets, balls, courts) etc.The illustrations help to understand the basics of the game. The book also contains useful hints and tips to improve the game at different levels of play.Also included are training exercises for athletes to develop their endurance and coordination. In short, this book is an excellent way to help enjoy the sport with fun and enthusiasm.

  • af Gustavo Espinosa Juarez
    232,95 kr.

    "Aprende a Jugar Squash" Estoy emocionado de que hayas decidido embarcarte en este viaje de aprendizaje con nosotros. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionarte las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para que puedas desarrollar tu pasión por el deporte Squash. Esperamos que este libro le resulte ameno, interesante y práctico.¡Gracias por confiar en nosotros!

  • af John Coomer
    457,95 kr.

    Australia has a proud history on the world tennis stage. From pioneers like Jack Crawford, Nancye Wynne (Bolton) and Frank Sedgman, through the golden era of champions like Ken Rosewall, Roy Emerson, Rod Laver, Margaret Smith (Court) and John Newcombe, and on to more recent success stories like those of Ash Barty and Dylan Alcott. This book highlights the achievements of every Australian champion in singles and doubles at the 4 Grand Slam events in world tennis - Wimbledon and the Australian, French and US Opens - along with all the near misses by Aussie players who have finished as runners-up at those prestigious events. It's a must-read for any Aussie tennis fan.

  • af Andreas Ermertz
    206,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Cynthia Suzanne Sauer
    237,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Trey Sizemore
    172,95 kr.

    Dink! Erne! Bert! As pickleball continues to make noise, Pickleball: Match Tracker is the perfect partner for the player looking to better their game. It captures all the hits and misses of their latest match in style, making it a great tool—and gift—for picklers everywhere.

  • af William Wong
    287,95 kr.

    Why I Hate & Love Pickleball is a love letter to Pickleball and a prescription for an improved and more fulfilling relationship with it. This book explains and demonstrates the key elements of success both on a pickleball court and in life by sharing intimate stories of everyday players. Easy-to-understand graphics such as In the Zone Pyramid and frameworks such as Critical Communications and 7 H's of Partnership enhance the stories to help guide you on your journey. Why I Hate & Love Pickleball is a pickleball book that explores more than pickleball: becoming a better version of yourself through courage, commitment, communication, and community. We are all on a Hero's Journey. Through courage, commitment, communication, and community, we can strive to be more, do more, and help more.Approximate book length: two-hundred and forty-five pagesLearning frameworks: sevenCourt tactics color graphics: twenty-fiveCourt drills color graphics: ninePersonal pickleball stories: the perfect amountEndnotes: one-hundred and fifty-nine citations including more than one hundred academic papersAnd so many insights ***NOTE*** My distributor for Apple Books and Barnes & Noble can NOT print color books. My book was designed and written for color graphics. I discounted the price for a black & white printed book, but if you want a color printed book then go to Amazon. Sorry for any inconeneince.

  • af Joshua Aerhart
    162,95 kr.

    Discover the ultimate guide to mastering pickleball, designed specifically for beginners! This comprehensive book is your key to unlocking the joys and skills of one of the fastest-growing sports. Step into the world of pickleball with an engaging introduction to its history and allure, especially for newcomers. Each chapter methodically unfolds essential aspects of the game, from basic rules and equipment selection to advanced playing techniques and strategic gameplay.Beyond just skill-building, the book delves into fitness regimes tailored for pickleball and mental strategies to elevate your game. Engage with practical advice on etiquette and sportsmanship, and explore how to immerse yourself in the vibrant pickleball community. Whether it's for competitive play or leisurely fun, this book is your all-in-one resource to play, improve, and enjoy pickleball to the fullest!

  • af Bruce Miller
    142,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • af Karen Strine
    197,95 kr.

    Ready to join the Pickleball craze, the wildly addictive sport that is taking over the USA and world? Karen Strine, a confessed Pickleball junkie, invites you to explore the history of the sport and its hilarious effects on players' lives.

  • af Richard Sosis
    267,95 kr.

    Most Americans view ping pong as either a basement recreation or the focus of a fraternity-party drinking game. Yet table tennis is an Olympic sport and one of the most popular athletic activities in the world. The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a quirky memoir about the adventures of a Jewish anthropologist and his son, an elite player, in the colorful subculture of this extraordinary sport. The tale of their exploits in this hidden world is peppered with anthropological wisdom-the professor can't help himself-on a range of topics, including ethnicity, religion, sport, family, and how humans create and discover meaning in life. At its core The Ping Pong Player and the Professor is a heartwarming love story about the relationship between a father and son, two introverts who share a common bond over a nine-foot by five-foot table.

  • af Laura Siegemund
    322,95 kr.

    Pressure, stress, and the threat of losing control all have the power to inhibit a tennis player's professional, athletic, and sometimes even everyday performance. How can the athlete manage these challenges? Wild Card is the must-have guide for navigating these difficult moments. Though targeted specifically at the elite tennis player, it appeals to any athlete who has the ambition to perform at their best, who faces extreme challenges and wants to master them. Written from the perspective of world-class tennis player, Laura Siegemund, this guide equips the athlete with the tools to develop concentration, focus, resilience, the ability to handle mistakes, and self-regulation--all that the high-performance athlete needs to master the mental game. Guiding the reader through the highs and lows of a match, even an entire tournament, Laura Siegemund provides insight into extreme mental game situations and their complexity and resolves these situations together with mental coach and sports scientist, Prof. Dr. Stefan Brunner. With this book, the reader will feel empowered to win match point after match point.

  • af Jovica Ili¿
    142,95 kr.

    "Novak Djokovic's 23rd Heaven" is a captivating journey that delves into Novak Djokovic's remarkable path to his unprecedented 23rd Major crown at the 2023 Roland Garros. This book is more than merely recounting; it comprehensively explores Djokovic's victorious journey through seven Parisian encounters. Each page examines every point, game and set from the fortnight, offering readers an immersive experience in the heart of the action.Within these pages lies a treasure trove of data, providing an accurate breakdown of all 1454 points between Novak and tennis glory. The ebb and flow of each rally, quantified by the number of strokes, is presented alongside concise explanations of their outcomes. Accompanied by detailed tables, readers can grasp the pivotal elements behind Djokovic's incredible journey. A comprehensive table aggregates his performance across all seven opponents, vividly depicting his notable performance.Alongside the data lies a narrative that brings these statistics to life. The book is woven with illustrative stories, capturing the essence of every game's defining moments and critical shots. Djokovic's records and accomplishments are celebrated at the beginning of each round, acting as stepping stones toward his historic 23rd Major crown. "Novak Djokovic's 23rd Heaven" is not just a chronicle of triumph but an immersive exploration that invites readers to experience the exhilaration, tension, and glory of Novak Djokovic's exceptional journey to tennis immortality.

  • af Juan Bracho U. S. P. T. a.
    498,95 - 604,95 kr.

  • af Molla Bjurstedt
    207,95 - 251,95 kr.

  • af W Timothy Gallwey
    257,95 kr.

    The timeless guide to achieving the state of "relaxed concentration" that’s not only the key to peak performance in tennis but the secret to success in life itself—now in a 50th anniversary edition with an updated epilogue, a foreword by Bill Gates, and an updated preface from NFL coach Pete Carroll"Groundbreaking . . . the best guide to getting out of your own way . . . Its profound advice applies to many other parts of life."—Bill Gates, GatesNotes ("Five of My All-Time Favorite Books") This phenomenally successful guide to mastering the game from the inside out has become a touchstone for hundreds of thousands of people. Billie Jean King has called the book her tennis bible; Al Gore has used it to focus his campaign staff; and Itzhak Perlman has recommended it to young violinists. Based on W. Timothy Gallwey’s profound realization that the key to success doesn’t lie in holding the racket just right, or positioning the feet perfectly, but rather in keeping the mind uncluttered, this transformative book gives you the tools to unlock the potential that you’ve possessed all along. "The Inner Game" is the one played within the mind of the player, against the hurdles of self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses in concentration. Gallwey shows us how to overcome these obstacles by trusting the intuitive wisdom of our bodies and achieving a state of "relaxed concentration." With chapters devoted to trusting the self and changing habits, it is no surprise then, that Gallwey’s method has had an impact far beyond the confines of the tennis court. Whether you want to play music, write a novel, get ahead at work, or simply unwind after a stressful day, Gallwey shows you how to tap into your utmost potential. In this fiftieth-anniversary edition, the principles of the Inner Game shine through as more relevant today than ever before. No matter your goals, The Inner Game of Tennis gives you the definitive framework for long-term success.

  • af Rod Laver
    217,95 kr.

  • af Martin Knutsen
    227,95 kr.

    In novak djokovic: the inspiring story of one of tennis' greatest legends, you will learn the inspirational story of one of tennis' premier legends, novak djokovic. Novak djokovic has come a long way since reaching his first grand slam final in the 2007 us open. There was little doubt that even in his defeat to fellow legend, roger federer, that djokovic was going to be embarking on an illustrious tennis career. Here is a preview of this biography:Novak, tennis and serbiaThe german tennis academy2005 australian open qualifierWinning the 2008 australian openChasing federerRanked number 1 in 2011Battling federer, murray and nadalFinally gets the french openThis biography takes you on djokovic's journey, from his early successes to his most recent victories on the atp tour. You'll learn about the key moments of his career, his rivalries with other great players, and the values and qualities that have enabled him to become one of the most accomplished players of all time.Richly illustrated with unpublished anecdotes, this biography is a must-read for all tennis fans and for those interested in the career of one of the greatest athletes in history.

  • af Ryan P. Parker
    157,95 kr.

    Embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating world of tennis with "Beyond the Baseline: Triumphs and Trials." This gripping non-fiction masterpiece invites you to delve into the remarkable stories of three tennis legends, Jennifer Capriati, Mark Philippoussis, and Adriano Panatta, who won just a single Grand Slam in their lifetimes but left an indelible mark on the sport.In the heart-pounding introduction, you'll be introduced to these one-slam wonders, setting the stage for their unforgettable tales. But what truly sets this book apart is its exploration of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Dive deep into Jennifer Capriati's rocky path to success, where personal and legal challenges threatened to shatter her dreams, only to witness her triumphant comeback.Mark Philippoussis, the "Scud of Australian Tennis," promises a story of unfulfilled promise, plagued by the relentless pursuit of consistency amidst a storm of injuries.For lovers of clay court mastery, Adriano Panatta's journey unfolds, taking you from his roots in tennis to his epic French Open victory and the challenges of maintaining top form.But this book is not just about tennis; it's a lesson in resilience, perseverance, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Through their battles on and off the court, these athletes have become beacons of hope, advocates for mental health awareness, and symbols of triumph against all odds."Beyond the Baseline: Triumphs and Trials" isn't just a tennis book; it's an inspiring ode to the human experience, filled with courage, redemption, and the unwavering belief that greatness is forged in the crucible of life's challenges. This is a story of triumphs that will leave you in awe and trials that will touch your soul. Don't miss your chance to be a part of their incredible journey.

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