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Her finder du spændende bøger om Elektroteknik. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 3.221 bøger om emnet.
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  • af The Institution of Engineering and Technology
    905,95 - 977,95 kr.

    This Code of Practice provides a clear overview of EV charging equipment, as well as setting out the considerations needed prior to installation and the necessary physical and electrical installation requirements.

  • af Finn Lauritsen
    402,95 kr.

    Grundlæggende elektroteknik giver en grundig indføring i den fysik og matematik, der udgør den teoretiske basis for arbejdet med elektriske energiinstallationer. Målgruppen er primært studerende ved erhvervsakademierne og maskinmesterskolerne. Bogen giver en forståelse af de komponenter, apparater og maskiner, man som færdiguddannet skal arbejde med ved projektering, drift og vedligehold.Grundlæggende elektroteknik har mange gennemregnede eksempler, der hurtigt kan (gen)findes via en oversigt. Der er desuden en fortegnelse over fagområdets symboler med tilhørende forklaringer. Endelig beskriver det sidste kapitel det stigende problem, som højere harmoniske strømme i elektriske installationer udgør, og viser principperne for mulige løsninger.Forfatterens erfaring fra eget virke og mange års undervisning afspejler sig i den uhøjtidelige tone og den praktiske tilgang til emnet.

  • af Poul Høgh
    655,95 kr.

    Elinstallation Ståbi er først og fremmest et opslagsværk og en håndbog for den praktiske tekniker, som beskæftiger sig med bygningers elinstallationer, i alle typer af bygninger. Ståbien indeholder nærmest alle generelle oplysninger, der skal bruges ved projektering og dimensionering af elinstallationer.Opslagsværket er dermed designet til at være en let og hurtig hjælp til det daglige arbejde med de mange facetter inden for elinstallationer. Forfatterholdet består af eksperter fra industrien, konsulenter og rådgivere fra installationsbranchen samt undervisere fra elinstallatør- og maskinmesteruddannelser. Der er også repræsentanter fra flere standardiseringsudvalg, hvilket sikrer at stoffet er helt opdateret i forhold til lovgivning og gældende regler.Emner i bogen:Elektroteknik – Symmetriske komposanter – Magnetisme – Matematik – Fysik – Harmonisk strømme – Måleinstrumenter – Teknisk dokumentation – Elforsyning – El-tavler – Energiproducerende anlæg – Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) – ATEX – Drift af og arbejder på anlæg under spænding – Elektriske brugsgenstande og harmonisk støj – Sikkerhedsloven og installationsbekendtgørelsen – Fejlbeskyttelse – Beskyttelsesudstyr – Dimensionering og valg af kabler – Overstrømsbeskyttelse af kabler – Overspændingsbeskyttelse – verifikation af elektriske installationer – Bygningsautomatik.Fagredaktør: Poul Høgh Forfattere:Anders Dalum, lektor, Professionshøjskolen UCN Brian Riis Thøgersen, lektor, maskinmester og aut. elinstallatør, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole Danny Nuka Lynge, adjunkt, maskinmester, master i bæredygtig omstilling, Professionshøjskolen UCN Erik Andersen, lektor, Teknologi og Proces, UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole Finn Lauritsen, stærkstrømsingeniør Henning O. Lippert, ingeniør, Ingeniørfirmaet SKIPPER+LIPPERT Henrik Busk Grønning, Schneider Electric Jonathan Regin Canvin, lektor, Elinstallatøruddannelsen, KEA Københavns Erhvervsakademi Jørn Jørgensen, Elkonsulenterne Jørn Jørgensen ApS Poul Høgh, lektor, maskinmester, master e-MBA-MMT, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole Per Jørgensen, adjunkt, EA Erhvervsakademi Sydvest Peter Øls, lektor, elinstallatør, ingeniør, TD Stærkstrømsteknologi, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole René Nielsen, CE Compliance Advisor, GEA Niro Torben Bonde, lektor, SIMAC Svendborg International Maritime Academy Torsten Ørhøj, lektor, cand.scient., HD-R, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole

  • af Henry Sanderson
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Shreesha Chokkadi
    1.901,95 kr.

    This book comprises the proceedings of the select peer-reviewed papers presented during the 18th Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON 2021). This book highlights the latest trends in instrumentation, sensors and systems, industrial automation and control, image and signal processing, robotics, renewable energy, power systems, and power drives. The research works covered in the book are of high quality and contributed by experts in academia and industry to provide meaningful direction for prolific growth. The book also features a few chapters contributed by the leading policymakers, technologists, farmers, and doctors who help outline the roadmap from the need for technology to policy-making to effect and implement technological advancements for the nation-building process. The book will serve as a valuable reference resource for academics and researchers across the globe.

  • af Swapan Basu
    1.313,95 kr.

    Plant Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation: Volume II: Control and Monitoring Hardware and Software is an expansive four volume collection that reviews every major aspect of the intelligent automation and digital transformation of power, process and manufacturing plants, including specific control and automation systems pertinent to various power process plants using manufacturing and factory automation systems. The book reviews the key role of management Information systems (MIS), HMI and alarm systems in plant automation in systemic digitalization, covering hardware and software implementations for embedded microcontrollers, FPGA and operator and engineering stations. Chapters address plant lifecycle considerations, inclusive of plant hazards and risk analysis. Finally, the book discusses industry 4.0 factory automation as a component of digitalization strategies as well as digital transformation of power plants, process plants and manufacturing industries.

  • af Nicola Bellini
    312,95 kr.

    Le applicazioni dell'elettricità sono parte integrante della vita quotidiana di ciascuno di noi, tanto che nessuna parte dell'ingegneria che si occupi di progetto, realizzazione o manutenzione di qualsiasi manufatto può pensare di farne a meno. Il fine di questo libro è di integrare la formazione elettrica di base all'interno di un curriculum ingegneristico a carattere civile o industriale presentando i principi del metodo circuitale, le sue caratteristiche ed i vantaggi nella trattazione dei fenomeni elettrici.

  • af Ahmed Rachid
    690,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Bedell
    272,95 - 427,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Marco Hahn
    201,95 kr.

    Deine neue Solaranlage ist Vertrauenssache.Willkommen in unserem Universalratgeber Photo- voltaik, einem umfassenden Buch rund um das Thema Solarenergie ¿ von der Theorie bis zur Praxis. In eine Solaranlage zu investieren, ist wohl die beste Entscheidung die du als Hausbesitzer im Moment treffen kannst. Lass mich kurz erklären, weshalb ich dieser Überzeugung bin. Zum Einen sind die Energiepreise unbe- rechenbar geworden. Etwas unabhängiger von Strom- oder Gasversorgern zu werden und gleichzeitig auch noch Kosten zu sparen, ist ein wich- tiger Aspekt. Andere wollen so autark wie möglich sein, um sich zum Beispiel bei einem Stromausfall selbst versorgen zu können. Darüber hinaus ist auch der Umweltgedanke wichtig: CO2-Emissionen einsparen durch selbst auf dem Dach produzierten, grünen Sonnenstrom. Und damit nicht nur dir selbst, sondern auch dem Klima etwas Gutes tun. Eine Solaranlage ist heute so preisgünstig und so einfach zu erwerben wie noch nie zuvor. Dieses Buch soll aufzeigen, worauf du achten solltest, wenn du mit einem Anbieter sprichst, damit du viele Jahre Freude an deiner neuen Anlage hast, unabhängiger bist und natürlich auch jede Menge CO2 einsparst. Für Dich, für deine Kinder und für deren Kinder.

  • af Erwin Brosch
    856,95 kr.

    Bei der Erprobung prototypischer Antriebsstränge sind präzise Schadensfrüherkennungsmechanismen von höchster Bedeutung. Erwin Brosch deckt die Schwachstellen der heutigen Überwachungsmethodik insbesondere im Hinblick auf die elektrischen Antriebe auf. Im Weiteren zeigt er Optimierungen der Überwachungen und damit auch der Schadensfrüherkennung auf. Es gelingt dem Autor, Erfahrungswerte von Experten in Überwachungen zu transferieren. Trotz des geringen Detailwissens über die prototypischen elektrischen Maschinen kann er eine Methode zur Erstellung von thermischen Simulationen von sich stetig verändernden elektrischen Antriebssträngen erarbeiten. Bei allen gezeigten Methoden werden typische Abläufe und Prozesse bei der Erprobung berücksichtigt.

  • af Franklin Li Duan
    1.304,95 kr.

  • af The Institution of Engineering and Technology
    912,95 kr.

    This Code of Practice is an excellent reference for practitioners on the safe, effective and competent application of electrical energy storage systems. It provides detailed information on the specification, design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of an electrical energy storage system.

  • af Hassan Haes Alhelou
    1.475,95 kr.

  • af Stephen C. Thierauf
    1.672,95 kr.

    This leading-edge circuit design resource offers the knowledge needed to quickly pinpoint transmission problems that can compromise circuit design. Discusses both design and debug issues at gigabit per second data rates.

  • af Jitendra Kumar
    1.980,95 - 2.357,95 kr.

    The volume contains peer-reviewed proceedings of EPREC 2021 with a focus on control applications in the modern power system. The book includes original research and case studies that present recent developments in the control system, especially load frequency control, wide-area monitoring, control & instrumentation, optimization, intelligent control, energy management system, SCADA systems, etc. The book will be a valuable reference guide for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in advancements in the control system.

  • af Krishna Murari
    2.352,95 - 2.357,95 kr.

  • af Sebastian Kuhls
    343,95 - 403,95 kr.

  • af Yun Zhang
    1.571,95 kr.

    The book focuses on the topologies of non-isolated DC-DC converters with a wide voltage gain range for renewable energy systems. Both principles and engineering practice have been addressed, with more weight placed on principles. Each chapter presents a family of non-isolated DC-DC converters with advanced control methods for renewable energies. Modeling and experimental verification are also included to provide in-depth applications in fuel cell vehicles, electric vehicles with multi-sources, and photovoltaic systems. The book will benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of electric vehicles, photovoltaic systems, as well as electrical, and electronic engineering.

  • af Benjamin Garver Lamme
    367,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
    690,95 kr.

    This book provides a single-source reference for any reader requiring basic and advanced information on wide bandgap semiconductors and related design topics. Focusing on practicability, it explains the principles of GaN and SiC semiconductors, manufacturing, characterization, market and design for key applications.

  • af Friedrich von Bülow
    963,95 kr.

    Given the limitations of state-of-the-art methods, this book presents a state of health (SOH) forecasting method that is suitable for lithium-ion battery (LIB) systems in real-world battery electric vehicle operation. Its histogram-based features can capture the higher operational variability compared to constant and controlled laboratory operation. Also, the transferability of a trained machine learning model to new LIB cell types and new operational domains is investigated. The presented SOH forecasting method can be provided as a cloud service via a web or smartphone app to fleet managers. Forecasting the SOH enables fleet managers of battery electric vehicle fleets to forecast and plan vehicle replacements.

  • af Tomislav Keser
    1.475,95 kr.

    This book presents papers submitted at 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) held on December 12, 2023, at Osijek, Republic of Croatia.The objective of this conference is to promote, standardize, and support efforts to gain new knowledge in areas that are intimately tied to technical and social systems and where maintenance of any kind is of utmost importance. By bringing together experts from various fields, this conference aims to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas, ultimately leading to advancements in both technical and social systems. Additionally, it seeks to create a platform for discussing best practices and innovative approaches in maintenance, ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of these systems in the long run. Furthermore, the upkeep of technological and social systems, along with their accessibility and dependability, significantly influences the long-term sustainability and economic feasibility of their functioning. Periodic and condition-based maintenance are integral components of the various systems, influencing their operational efforts and outcomes. By providing a space for professionals to exchange ideas and experiences, this platform facilitates the identification and implementation of cutting-edge maintenance strategies. Moreover, it recognizes the importance of addressing emerging challenges such as digitalization and environmental impact in order to ensure the continued effectiveness of these systems.Conference topics will address maintenance challenges in the areas of machine design, maintenance technologies in general, organization and management of maintenance proposals and procedures, quality management in system maintenance, information systems, product life cycle management, design for maintainability, material and structural properties, diagnosis and prediction of failures and breakdowns, design optimization for maintenance, analysis of maintenanceefficiency and cost-effectiveness, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, etc.

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