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Alternative og fornybare energikilder og teknologier

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  • af Adam Carlson
    317,95 kr.

    Discover the ultimate guide to surviving off the grid. From generating your own electricity to growing your own food, this comprehensive book equips you with the skills and knowledge needed for self-sufficiency. Be prepared for any grid failure and learn to thrive independently.

  • af Peter Schwarz
    730,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

  • af Hanne Lehrskov, Rie Øhlenschlæger, Karin Kappel, mfl.
    217,95 kr.

    En bog om dansk byggeri (nybyggeri og renovering) med fokus på energi og arkitektur. Bogen præsenterer det bedste i ny dansk energiorienteret arkitektur, med fokus på de arkitektoniske - og energimæssige virkemidler i den integrerede designproces, der tilsammen resulterer i arkitektonisk kvalitet. Bogen er opbygget i to dele, bestående af først en indføring i problemstillinger og løsningsmuligheder eksemplificeret ved udvalgte projekter, og derefter et katalog som gennemgår en lang række projekter indenfor kategorierne boliger, erhverv, uddannelse, institutioner, idræt og kultur. Projekter er eksempelvis Århus Kommunes nye kontorbyggeri (C.F.Møller), børneinstitutionen Solhuset i Hørsholm (Christensen & Co.), Wides erhvervsbygger (White), Energimidts nye domicil (Årstiderne) og renovering af Hyldespjældet i Albertlund (Rubow Arkitekter m.fl.) Bogen er rigt illustreret med fotos. Ved udvalgte projekter tillige med energidiagrammer.

  • af Erhard Lanzerath
    196,95 kr.

    Test of a very new rotor technic to gain a multiple power of wind energy, so that the subpressure behind the rotor can converted into electric power too.

  • af Mohammadali Ahmadi
    1.514,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples presents a package for academic researchers and industries working on water resources and carbon capture and storage. This book contains fundamental knowledge on artificial intelligence related to oil and gas sustainability and the industry’s pivot to support the energy transition and provides practical applications through case studies and coding flowcharts, addressing gaps and questions raised by academic and industrial partners, including energy engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. This timely publication provides fundamental and extensive information on advanced AI applications geared to support sustainability and the energy transition for the oil and gas industry.

  • af Klaus Brun
    1.356,95 kr.

    Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy evaluates the transportation of fluids required in the decarbonized energy economy. The book will help researchers, design manufacturers, and those within government and academia to understand challenges and guide the design and development of systems, machinery, and infrastructure needed for a decarbonized energy economy. The book provides comprehensive insights on the implications of the energy transition for a critical aspect of commerce: the infrastructure central to energy transportation and the economy. This practical book highlights the unique systems central to the efficient transport of various forms of energy. After outlining the need for transporting energy, types of fluids used to transport energy, and various means of transportation, the book covers the importance of understanding the energy marketplace, global perspectives, and then moves into the transport of natural gas, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. The work concludes with coverage of technology gaps, research and development, future trends, and solutions. Led by professionals with decades of experience and collecting insights from expert contributors, this book begins with the essentials of energy transport, provides detailed coverage of modes of transport, considers critical questions of energy supply and economics, and looks at long-term environmentally sensitive, sustainable options for the transport thereof. A powerful tool for the energy transition, Energy Transport Infrastructure for a Decarbonized Economy offers expert analysis on sustainable energy transport and its impact on our future.

  • af Henrik Lund
    1.028,95 kr.

    Renewable Energy Systems: A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of Fully Decarbonized Societies Third Edition includes updates from globally recognized renewable energy researcher and professor, Henrik Lund, who sets forth a comprehensive methodology for comparing different energy systems' abilities to integrate fluctuating and intermittent renewable energy sources to achieve a fully decarbonized society. The book presents an energy system analysis methodology, providing the results of more than 15 comprehensive studies, examining the large-scale integration of renewable energy and presenting concrete design examples derived from a dozen renewable energy systems around the globe. The book also undertakes the socio-political realities governing the implementation of renewable energy systems by introducing a theoretical framework approach aimed at understanding how major technological changes, such as renewable energy, can be implemented at both the national and international levels. This is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, engineers, project managers, policymakers, consultants, and graduate students with an interest in planning, modelling, and implementation of renewable energy systems.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    346,95 kr.

    This road map shows how Bangladesh can swap diesel irrigation pumps for solar powered systems to reduce fuel imports, increase farmers' incomes, and support the country's clean energy transition.

  • af Edgar Allan
    297,95 kr.

    "Next Gen Inverters: Pioneering Efficiency in Renewable Energy" by Edgar Allan delves into the revolutionary advancements of power inverters, shedding light on their pivotal role in renewable energy systems. In this comprehensive exploration, Allan, a distinguished authority in the field of sustainable energy, navigates the intricate landscape of next-generation inverters with expertise and clarity.The book traverses the evolution of inverters, elucidating their transformation from conventional models to cutting-edge technologies that optimize energy conversion. Allan deftly examines how these new-age inverters enhance the efficiency of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources, fostering a sustainable future. By dissecting their functionalities and the integration into smart grids, he showcases their critical contribution to mitigating environmental impact and meeting escalating energy demands.Allan's meticulous analysis and lucid explanations make this book accessible to both seasoned professionals and enthusiasts keen on understanding the forefront of renewable energy technologies. Through insightful case studies and real-world examples, he illustrates the practical applications and potential ramifications of these innovative inverters, illuminating pathways toward a more eco-conscious energy infrastructure."Next Gen Inverters: Pioneering Efficiency in Renewable Energy" stands as an indispensable guide, offering a comprehensive understanding of these transformative devices, ultimately heralding a greener and more sustainable energy landscape.

  • af Soufiane Haddout
    1.989,95 - 2.199,95 kr.

  • af Ahmed Rachid
    692,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Marco Hahn
    203,95 kr.

    Deine neue Solaranlage ist Vertrauenssache.Willkommen in unserem Universalratgeber Photo- voltaik, einem umfassenden Buch rund um das Thema Solarenergie ¿ von der Theorie bis zur Praxis. In eine Solaranlage zu investieren, ist wohl die beste Entscheidung die du als Hausbesitzer im Moment treffen kannst. Lass mich kurz erklären, weshalb ich dieser Überzeugung bin. Zum Einen sind die Energiepreise unbe- rechenbar geworden. Etwas unabhängiger von Strom- oder Gasversorgern zu werden und gleichzeitig auch noch Kosten zu sparen, ist ein wich- tiger Aspekt. Andere wollen so autark wie möglich sein, um sich zum Beispiel bei einem Stromausfall selbst versorgen zu können. Darüber hinaus ist auch der Umweltgedanke wichtig: CO2-Emissionen einsparen durch selbst auf dem Dach produzierten, grünen Sonnenstrom. Und damit nicht nur dir selbst, sondern auch dem Klima etwas Gutes tun. Eine Solaranlage ist heute so preisgünstig und so einfach zu erwerben wie noch nie zuvor. Dieses Buch soll aufzeigen, worauf du achten solltest, wenn du mit einem Anbieter sprichst, damit du viele Jahre Freude an deiner neuen Anlage hast, unabhängiger bist und natürlich auch jede Menge CO2 einsparst. Für Dich, für deine Kinder und für deren Kinder.

  • af Ming Zhou
    1.307,95 kr.

  • af Roman Rodríguez Aguilar
    2.252,95 - 2.997,95 kr.

  • af Katarzyna Gromek-Broc
    1.392,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Ibrahim Dincer
    1.477,95 kr.

  • af Ionut Purica
    1.316,95 kr.

    Climate Change and Circular Economics: Human Society as a Closed Thermodynamic System aims to go beyond the concept of ‘fighting climate change’ to analyze the capacity of human society to evolve in relation to the environment based on a more complex approach. The book stresses the role of resource recovery by innovation in reducing the temperature increase, determined through an irreversible thermodynamic approach. Determining the speed of temperature increase contributed by selected economies and comparing these to environmental recovery time constants shows that emerging economies have a much greater speed and consequently a larger impact on environmental capability to recover.Chapters progress from an analysis of present society as a dissipative open system to a thermodynamics view of the need for a circular economy, a big data analysis of climate change and risk mitigation, economic indicators, including entropy and economics, risk maps of climate change events risks, and insights into the ‘Gibbs paradox’, which describes the connection of two separate systems (like society and environment).

  • af Claudia Martinez-Alonso
    1.563,95 kr.

    This book approaches biofuels from a new biotechnological perspective with the aim of equipping researchers with a thorough, up-to-date understanding of biofuel research and related technologies. Topics include biomethane, bioethanol, biobutanol, biomass, hydrolysis, bio-oil, microbiology, and many more. Biofuel research has evolved mechanisms to advance their utilization and their application in our system. The chapters will provide concise and up-to-date information to aid our understanding of biotechnology-related implications of biofuels development and its advancements. Readers in the areas of bioengineering, sustainability, renewable energies and biotechnology will find this work useful to widen their knowledge and perspectives on biofuels.

  • af Carlos Cruz
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book analyses issues surrounding the efficient integration of demand response programmes in residential communities. It also explores the benefits and energy efficiency co-ordination corresponding to demand response service in a cooperative system. The author explains how sensors, communication technologies, computational ability, and control can be effectively combined to create a demand planification system. Smart appliances (SAs) and other connected devices, together with smart communities (SCs)¿which enable energy consumers to pursue common goals through cooperation and coordinated behaviour within the framework of the Internet of things (IoT)¿have raised expectations regarding deployment of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) to encourage uptake of demand response (DR) energy efficiency programmes. DR programmes pursue a reduced carbon footprint, balanced supply and demand, and behavioural change in consumers. The book provides sustainable evidence of ICT-supported energy management that can help consumers flexibly manage demand through the formation of sustainable SCs that maximise renewable energy use through large-scale cooperative management mechanisms. SCs cooperating securely in identifying consumption patterns can foster sustainable and efficient energy use, with the outcome of benefits for the participants and for the environment.

  • af Suresh C Ameta
    1.661,95 kr.

    This second edition of the well-received Green Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications addresses a diverse selection of topics in green chemistry, highlighting the potential and scope of green chemistry for clean and sustainable development.

  • af Israel Sunday Dunmade
    1.349,95 kr.

    Sustainable Engineering: Concepts and Practices provides insights into current perspectives on sustainable engineering research. It highlights the drivers, motivations, and challenges affecting the development and adoption of sustainable engineering in various sectors of the economy and how they impact sustainable development. Contributions from researchers representing multiple branches of engineering in academia, government laboratories, and industry present alternative approaches to traditional engineering practices. These approaches effect change, making the design, construction, production, and management of products, processes, and systems more environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically profitable. The book will be a trusted reference for graduate students, practicing engineers, and other professionals interested in developing or using sustainable products and systems.

  • af Kerstin Forsberg
    2.337,95 kr.

    This collection presents papers from a symposium on extraction of rare metals from primary and secondary materials and residues as well as rare extraction processing techniques used in metal production. The collection covers the extraction of less common or minor metals including elements such as antimony, bismuth, barium, beryllium, boron, calcium, chromium, gallium, germanium, hafnium, indium, manganese, molybdenum, platinum group metals, rare earth metals, rhenium, scandium, selenium, sodium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, and tungsten. It also includes rare metals of low-tonnage sales compared to high-tonnage metals (iron, copper, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, or light metals such as aluminum, magnesium, or titanium and electronic metalloid silicon). Rare metal processing covers bio-metallurgy, hydro-metallurgy, and electro-metallurgy while novel high-temperature processes such as microwave heating, solar-thermal reaction synthesis, and cold crucible synthesis of rare metals are also addressed. Also included in this collection is the design of extraction equipment used in these processes from suppliers as well as laboratory and pilot plant studies.

  • af Sudarshan Kumar
    1.679,95 kr.

    The subject of this book pertains to the applicability of zero-carbon vector fuels, such as ammonia or hydrogen, in a practical scenario. This monograph extensively discusses the applicability or challenges associated with ammonia fuels for both IC-engine and gas turbine applications. It provides insights into ammonia cracking through catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen production. This book also discusses NOx mitigation techniques for ammonia combustion, such as MILD combustion, two-stage combustion, porous assisted combustion, plasma combustion, and high-pressure combustion. This book also provides details on the chemical kinetics of ammonia and hydrogen combustion. The book can be a valuable reference for researchers and professionals interested in green energy and allied fields.

  • af Peter Tavner
    1.612,95 kr.

    An account of the engineering history of extracting energy from our environment in sustainable ways, this book describes the status of energy usage, then reviews energy demands through history, covering science, engineering, and electricity, with graphical and schematic data presentation.

  • af Jan Wenske
    1.612,95 - 1.657,95 kr.

  • af Minaxi Sharma
    1.762,95 - 1.812,95 kr.

    Biofuels and Bioproducts from Lignocellulosic Materials: Biomaterials is Volume 3 of a comprehensive three-volume set that explores the various possibilities of adding value to lignocellulosic biomass materials by transforming them into bioproducts, biofuels and biomaterials. With an emphasis on microbial biotechnological solutions, each volume examines the use of renewable natural resources, agriculture waste management, and valorization of agro-wastes to sustainably produce energy and fuels, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and biomaterials. Volume 3 addresses all aspects of biomaterials production from lignocellulosic materials. The book examines recent innovative approaches for conversion and assesses the role of engineered microorganisms and their mechanisms of action for biomaterials production. The opening chapter of the book reviews the properties, types, production, and applications of various biomaterials. Following this, readers will find critical reviews of the latest developments and step-by-step guidance on key processes and methods, including novel, eco-friendly methods for biomass conversion that reduce waste. Finally, dedicated chapters review the techno-economic and LCA of lignocellulosic biomass conversion into different biomaterials such as bio-adhesives, biopolymers, bio-packaging materials, bioplastics, and value-added functional biomaterials. Biofuels and Bioproducts from Lignocellulosic Materials: Volume 3: Biomaterials is a valuable reference for students, researchers, and professionals involved in processing lignocellulosic materials for the production of bioenergy, biomaterials, and bioproducts.

  • af Chukwunwike Iloeje
    1.733,95 kr.

    This collection is focused on industrial energy sustainability and CO2 management, including processes that improve energy efficiency and reduce or eliminate industrial GHG emissions. Topics address technology areas such as clean energy technologies, innovative beneficiation, smelting technologies, process intensification, as well as CO2 capture and conversion for industrial applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:· Decarbonizing Materials Processing· Use of low carbon fuels, feedstock, and renewable energy resources for materials processing.· Emerging processes and techniques for industrial CO2 capture, conversion/upgrade· CO2 and other GHG reduction metallurgy in ferrous, non-ferrous and reactive metals processing, including rare-earth metals.· Energy Efficiency & Industrial Electrification· Electrification of industrial process heat and electrified production of energy carriers (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia)· Energy efficiency improvements for materials processing and smart manufacturing for optimized process control· System integration and thermal integration of process heat, waste heat recovery, and other technologies for industrial energy efficiency· Sustainability Analysis· Techno-economic life-cycle, resource efficiency and circular economy modeling of energy-intensive processes and associated material supply chains· The role of energy education and regulation in energy and materials sustainability

  • af Prodip K. Das
    2.712,95 kr.

    This book contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE2023) that was held on August 6-8 2023 in Singapore. ICEEEE2023 is organized by Beijing Jiaotong University and Newcastle University. This book provides an international forum for discussion and communication of energy and environmental engineering.It is expected to report the latest technological developments in the fields developed by academic researchers and industrial practitioners, with a focus on renewable energy technologies and systems, energy efficiency and conservation, environmental pollution and control, sustainable development, and green cities. The contents of this proceedings will be useful to researchers, professionals, and policymakers alike.

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