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Kommunikationsteknik / telekommunikation

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  • af Frank Bettger
    257,95 kr.

    Hvis du er sælger, eller godt kunne tænke dig at leve af at være sælger, så kan det altså godt betale sig at få fingrene i "En sælgers vej til succes". Denne bog giver dig alle de råd, du har brug for i dit arbejde. Uanset om du sælger huse, annoncer, IT, design, ideer eller noget helt andet, er denne bog til dig. Den vil gi dig anvisninger, eksempler og på inspirerende vis hjælpe til fremgang i dit salgsarbejde og dit forhold til andre mennesker. Uanset om du står overfor at skulle arbejde professionelt med salg, er erfaren sælger eller ønsker at forstå, hvordan du opnår succesrigt salg, vil Bettger’s erfaringer og anbefalinger være guld værd for dig. Når du har læst bogen vil du forstå ”kraften af ​​entusiasme” – ”sådan overvinder du frygt” – ”sådan skaber du troværdighed omkring dit produkt og budskab”, ”nøgleordet for at gøre en skeptisk klient til en entusiastisk køber” - ”den hurtigste måde at vinde tillid”, sådan leverer du et overbevisende salgsbudskab - til ”syv gyldne regler for at lukke et salg " Bogens forfatter deler de sælgende hemmeligheder, der førte til uovertruffen succes og berømmelse som en af ​​de højest betalte sælgere i Amerika!! Han deler instruktive anekdoter og trinvise retningslinjer for, hvordan man udvikler stil, ånd og tilstedeværelse af en vindende sælger. Efter udgivelsen er bogen blevet anerkendt i hele verden som et af de absolut vigtigste værker til at forstå og eksekvere professionelt salg. Her hjemme i Danmark er bogen nu udgivet i 11. oplag. En sælgers bibel til sælgere og forretningsfolk der vil forså kunsten at opnå succesrigt salg.

  • - Komplet guide til brug af VHF.
    af Tim Barlett
    197,95 kr.

    VHF Håndbog indeholder vigtigt baggrundsviden som enhver, der tager eller ønsker at tage prøven til VHF/SRC certifikat har glæde af. Bogen opfylder Søfartsstyrelsens krav til undervisningsmateriale til kurset. Kombinationen af letlæst tekst, råd fra eksperter, gode farveillustrationer og opdaterede dækningskort sikre at stoffet bliver enkelt og interessant. Bogen udkommer i serien med titler fra Royal Yachting Association (RYA)

  • - relæteknik og digital elektronik
    af Thomas Heilmann
    119,95 kr.

  • af Bob LeVitus & Edward C. Baig
    225,95 - 317,95 kr.

    The iPhone boot camp for getting the most out of your device iPhone For Dummies is the ultimate user-friendly guide to the iPhone! Whether you're new to the iPhone or just want to get more out of it, this book will show you the essentials you need to know to take full advantage of the major features.

  • af Niels Erik Christensen
    108,94 kr.

    PLC Styring gennemgår opbygning af PLCen og hvordan programmeres. PLCen er kernen i langt de fleste automatiserede fabriksanlæg og findes i mange forskellige fabrikater og udgaver fra priser på få tusind kroner. Bogen giver eksempler på anvendelse af en PLC til forskellige opgaver, og kan inspirere de mange mennesker der i kraft af deres arbejde møder den.

  • af Mohammad Afaneh
    482,95 - 612,95 kr.

  • - Lobbyistens drejebog i den ny medievirkelighed
    af Peter Mose & Benjamin Rud Elberth
    388,95 - 417,95 kr.

    Påvirk politik på alle platforme er din guide til at erobre opmærksomhed i en ny medievirkelighed og slå igennem med din mærkesag. En politisk værktøjsbog, der favner over klassiske lobbydiscipliner og går i dybden med digitale påvirkningsteknikker, herunder mulighederne inden for kunstig intelligens. Påvirk politik på alle platforme er skrevet af den erfarne rådgiverduo Benjamin Rud Elberth og Peter Mose, forfattere til en række bøger om politik, kommunikation og indflydelse. Påvirk politik på alle platforme klæder dig på til at træffe de strategiske og lavpraktiske valg, der giver adgang til magtens maskinrum, hvor beslutninger forberedes og tages – med konsekvenser for lønmodtagerorganisationer, virksomheder, NGOer og brancheforeninger.Påvirk politik på alle platforme er ikke alene fyldt med tips, tricks og tjeklister, men også med konkrete eksempler på, hvordan de dygtige lobbyister arbejder.

  • - Forebyg nu!
    af Bente-Ingrid Bruun
    57,95 - 75,95 kr.

    Trådløse signaler med modulerede og pulserende radioogmikrobølger er en ny form for luftforurening, og strålernerammer os døgnet rundt fra alskens sendere. Vi deltageralle i et globalt trådløst eksperiment!Stråler kan ikke ses, høres eller mærkes af de fleste, mende er en helbredstrussel for sårbare grupper som gravide,børn og el-overfølsomme mennesker.Det kan være nødvendigt med afskærmning mod stråler.Det må være ansvarspådragende, når WHO og Sundhedsstyrelsenfrasorterer dokumentation fra biofysisk forskningom biologiske skadevirkninger og accepterer ”no risk”propaganda ud fra manipuleret kræftmobilforskning.Sundhedsstyrelsen svigter befolkningen og især sårbare grupper,når der undlades forebyggelse af skadevirkninger vedbestråling. Der skal forebygges Nu!Det trådløse marked udbygges og styres af EU direktiverog forordninger, og lige nu gælder det mobile bredbåndssenderesom WiFi og Wlan, der giver internet adgang.Vi borgere kan ikke indhente oplysninger om, hvor dissesendere sættes op i kommunen, men selvfølgelig skal vivide, hvilke bestrålinger vi udsættes for, og hvor vi bestrålesfra.Børn skal ikke bestråles med mikrobølger i hverken skoler,daginstitutioner, tog eller busser.Der findes allerede el-overfølsomme miljøflygtninge!

  • - Myter & fakta
    af Bente-Ingrid Bruun
    254,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Dagligt fristes vi af store annoncer om trådløse produkter. Med mobile bredbånd kan der surfes på nettet med smartphones og en bærbar computer, og de unge føler sig usårlige.Døgnet rundt udsættes vi for trådløs forurening. Er trådløse markeder vigtigere end sundhed og miljø? Vi misinformeres om sikre grænseværdier, som ikke findes. Vi fodres med forskningsskabte myter, fakta frasorteres og lægelige advarsler ignoreres.Det er på høje tid med forebyggelse. Børn kan ikke beskytte sig selv imod en usynlig og ukendt fare.

  • af Shrikrishna Nandkishor Joshi
    1.901,95 - 2.352,95 kr.

  • af AV Satyanarayana Murty
    335,95 kr.

    In the vast blue ocean, ships of different navies operate far from each other and are generally not in visual range. However, a ship can be uniquely identified based on a number of emissions that are characteristic to each and are called signatures. These include acoustic signature from machinery and flow, heat or infrared signature from exhaust, radar cross section from hull surfaces, magnetic signature from hull material, electric signature from corrosion protection systems etc. These signatures are used by surveillance and tracking sensors for attacking ships in general and warships, in particular. Survivability at sea requires management of all platform signatures to produce a net effect of reduced vulnerability. Anti-ship missiles pose the greatest threat to ships at sea. Prior to the Second World War, studies were carried out in parallel on the use of radar and infrared seekers in missiles for detection, identification and homing. For the materials available in the 1940s, radar seekers gave better results and hence, have become the standard fit. Over the years, advances in material sciences have improved the capabilities of infrared seekers and today, missiles have several guidance/seeker options that include radar, electro- optical camera and infrared imaging. Infrared homing is preferred for terminal guidance because of its inherent immunity to jamming techniques. A stealthy naval platform remains undetected and therefore can be deployed closer to the target to fulfill its mission with lesser risk of damage and associated causalities. Signatures used for ship detection include both underwater and above water. Signatures used by underwater weapons like torpedoes and mines are acoustics, magnetics, wake homing and extremely low frequency emissions (ELFE). Anti-ship missiles use above water signatures that include laser cross section (LCS), radar cross section (RCS), air borne noise and infrared (IR).

  • af Sukumar Mishra
    1.749,95 kr.

    This book discusses key concepts, challenges and potential solutions in connection with established and emerging topics in advanced computing, renewable energy and network communications. Gathering edited papers presented at MARC 2018 on July 19, 2018, it will help researchers pursue and promote advanced research in the fields of electrical engineering, communication, computing and manufacturing.

  • - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers (ICSINC)
    af Songlin Sun
    1.304,95 - 3.597,95 kr.

    This proceedings book presents the latest research in the fields of information theory, communication system, computer science and signal processing, as well as other related technologies. Collecting selected papers from the 3rd Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers (ICSINC), held in Chongqing, China on September 13-15, 2017, it is of interest to professionals from academia and industry alike.

  • af P. P. Vaidyanathan
    718,95 kr.

    An innovative introduction to the foundations of signals, systems, and transforms, emphasising discrete-time concepts, and smoothing the transition towards study of Digital Signal Processing (DSP). With real-world examples throughout, and over 325 end-of-chapter problems. Ideal for sophomore and junior students in electrical engineering.

  • af Federal Highway Administration
    1.112,95 kr.

    Traffic control devices (TCDs) are very critical for the safe and efficient transportation of people and goods. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), by setting minimum standards and providing guidance, ensures uniformity of traffic control devices across the nation. The use of uniform TCDs (messages, locations, sizes, shapes, and colors) helps reduce crashes and congestion, and improves the efficiency of the surface transportation system. Uniformity also helps reduce the cost of TCDs through standardization. The information contained in the MUTCD is the result of years of practical experience, research, and/or the MUTCD experimentation process. This effort ensures that TCDs are visible, recognizable, understandable, and necessary. The MUTCD is a dynamic document that changes with time to address contemporary safety and operational issues.

  • af Morse Code Publishing
    191,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    282,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Dinesh Kumar R
    293,95 kr.

    Modern communication systems use hybrid techniques which involves both radio frequency (RF) and optical systems to transport information. Optical fiber is widely used to transport microwave signals because of its low loss and wide bandwidth. A hybrid communication system consists of a coaxial cable network and optical fiber network. Coaxial cables are used for RF communication whereas optical fibers for optical communication. This integrated RF and optical solution will give more speed, higher bandwidth and better mobility. RF to optical and optical to RF conversion are the key techniques used in any hybrid communication system. We have developed a multipurpose versatile device for hybrid communication system. Utilizing RF and optical techniques, a smart system was also developed for measurement and data transfer for health care applications.Convergence of optical and RF communication systems result in the transmission of high speed microwave signals over optical fiber. Radio over fiber technologies supports the distribution of broadband RF/wireless signals. Present hybrid communication system is essentially a combination of RF coaxial cable network and optical fiber network. RF to optical and optical to RF conversion is the main techniques used in hybrid communication system. Objective of the present work is to develop RF to optical (optical transmitter) and optical to RF converter (Optical Receiver) modules for various applications in communication systems and its measurements. We have designed and developed a low cost intensity modulated transmitter using DFB laser for analog optical communication link. Optical receiver was developed with a high speed PIN photodiode. Appropriate impedance matching circuit is designed for both transmitter and receiver to achieve wide band frequency response. Transmitter and receiver were designed by modelling the circuits with microwave simulation tool called Ansoft designer. Performance of the system was verified by analyzing transmission and reflection characteristics.

  • af John Bloom
    297,95 kr.

    "How the largest man-made constellation in the heavens was built by dreamers in the Arizona Desert, targeted for destruction by panicked executives, and saved by a single Palm Beach retiree who battled Motorola, cajoled the Pentagon, wrestled with thirty banks, survived an attack by Congress, infiltrated the White House, found allies through the Black Entertainment Network, and wooed a mysterious Arab prince to rescue the only phone that links every inch of the planet."

  • af Saravanan
    327,95 kr.

    At present, the communication systems in Aircrafts involve messy wiring. Such wiring systems require more time for construction and leads to considerable time delay in faulty location. In addition to the cost of lengthy wires, many accidents have been reported due to faulty wiring in aircrafts. To overcome these difficulties, researches are carried out all over the world to develop an efficient wireless communication system. In this book, it is proposed to develop a design procedure for wireless communication system for aircrafts using space division multiple access. Noise from external sources interfere the signals transmitted and the quality of the communication gets degraded. The major aim of this book is to identify and eliminate the additive white Gaussian noise in the communication channel and thereby enhance the quality of wireless communications in the Aircraft.

  • af Amin Shokri Gazafroudi
    980,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

  • af Nathanial Morrison
    164,95 kr.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, mobile applications have revolutionized how we live, work, and interact. With the ability to connect us to the outside world and simplify daily tasks, mobile apps have become a vital component of our digital lives. With millions of apps available on different platforms, there is more competition than ever to make outstanding mobile experiences. Welcome to "Unleashing Mobile App Innovation: Mastering Mobile App Development - Advanced Techniques and Best Practices," the starting point to unlocking the secrets of crafting outstanding mobile applications. Mobile app development has advanced significantly since the original launch of Google Play and the App Store. Nowadays, users expect excellence in design, performance, security, and user experience; it is no longer sufficient just to produce a functional app. This e-book will help you become proficient in the innovative techniques and industry best practices needed to achieve these expectations and enhance your knowledge of developing mobile apps. You are already aware of the potential and strength of mobile apps, whether you are a seasoned developer or an aspiring app maker. You've mastered the fundamentals of creating mobile apps, giving you a base to grow. With the aid of this e-book, you will be able to go beyond the fundamentals and get the skills and knowledge necessary to produce exceptional apps that stick out in the crowded app store.

  • af Haibin Duan, Liang Yan & Xiang Yu
    4.897,95 - 5.462,95 kr.

  • af Mariusz Nowostawski
    856,95 kr.

    This book provides a guide for those looking to understand the potential of blockchain technology and its impact on various industries. The book provides an in-depth exploration of blockchain technology, its use cases, and the opportunities and challenges it presents. From digital currencies and smart contracts to supply chain management and decentralized finance, the book covers all the key aspects of blockchain technology. The authors also go beyond the technical details, providing valuable insights and practical advice on how to navigate this new era of decentralization and trustless transactions. The book is an ideal read for researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, or anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the future of blockchain technology.

  • af Firoz Khan
    1.390,95 kr.

    This book presents Blockchain technology and its various applications in educational environments. The authors show how Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the field of education by creating decentralized and secure platforms for connecting students and educators across borders. The book also discusses the challenges and limitations of implementing Blockchain in education, such as technical complexity, lack of standardization, and regulatory issues. The authors provide several examples and case studies that demonstrate how Blockchain technology can be used to improve various aspects of education. The authors also recognize that Blockchain technology evolves rapidly and address the potential impact of the technology on the field of education in the future. In addition to general educational applications, the authors also provide a global perspective, addressing the potential impact of technology on education in various countries and regions.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    357,95 kr.

    "Satellite Networking Essentials: Building Blocks for Modern Communication" is a comprehensive guide that provides readers with a foundational understanding of satellite networking principles, technologies, and applications. This authoritative book serves as an essential resource for students, engineers, researchers, and professionals seeking to navigate the complex landscape of satellite communication and networking.Written by experts in the field, "Satellite Networking Essentials" offers a holistic overview of satellite networking, covering key topics such as orbital mechanics, satellite orbits, link budgets, modulation techniques, error control coding, multiple access schemes, and network management. The book delves into the fundamental concepts, principles, and protocols underlying satellite communication systems, providing readers with a solid grasp of the theoretical foundations and practical considerations involved in designing, deploying, and managing satellite networks.With its clear explanations, illustrative examples, and real-world case studies, "Satellite Networking Essentials" equips readers with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle the challenges of modern communication infrastructure. Whether you are a student exploring the fundamentals of satellite networking or a seasoned professional seeking to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field, this book serves as a valuable reference guide and educational resource."Satellite Networking Essentials: Building Blocks for Modern Communication" is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in understanding the essential components and principles that underpin satellite networking in the modern era. Whether you are exploring the basics of satellite communication or delving into advanced topics in satellite networking, this book provides the guidance and insights you need to succeed in the dynamic and evolving field of satellite communication.

  • af Priyadarshini Kiran
    382,95 kr.

    Radio is the technology of using radio waves to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating the properties of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. Radio communication touches the sky day by day. Today the concept of communication has totally changed because of the advancement of internet technology. Internet radio is a baby of this millennium holding the hands of an older technology. Internet radio touches all the possible perspectives of media convergence. Internet radio is also called web radio, net radio, streaming radio, and online radio. It is a digital audio service transmitted via the internet. Broadcasting on the Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless.It can either be used as a standalone device running through the internet, or as software running through a single computer system. A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download and listen to. It is often available for subscription, so that new episodes are automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user's own computer or mobile phone. On the other hand live streaming refers to online streaming media simultaneously recorded and broadcast real time. The context of the present thesis is about how the idea of internet radio/audio has taken root in the field of education, entertainment and information.The internet radio, was in its infancy at the beginning of this millennium, when it was adopted only by people in the developed nations. Of late, it has become affordable in the developing nations like India and other Countries as well. The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed the power of radio broadcasting in the field of development of communication India's Green Revolution in the 60's and 70's, owe a lot to Radio.

  • af Alvaro Rocha, Carlos Hernan Fajardo-Toro & José María Riola Rodríguez
    2.199,95 - 3.537,95 kr.

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