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  • - En historisk roman
    af Sven Halse
    287,95 kr.

    Og stormfloden kom En historisk roman om stormfloden i 1872. Bogen handler om menneskets kamp mod havet, om bøndernes hårde slid med at grave grøfter og bygge diger i et forsøg på at fravriste land og muld fra det salte vand, der hele tiden siver ind over markerne og slår afgrøderne med misvækst. Gennem fire slægtled får vi oprullet historien om 1800-tallets mange forsøg på at indvinde jord fra Rødby Fjord. Romanen starter i 1808, hvor Reventlowfamilien omplanter to dygtige fæstebønder, Otte og Jerk, fra Als til Lolland. Sammen med deres familier giver Otte og Jerk sig i lag med det hårde arbejde i marken, og som årene går lykkes det for dem at gøre jorden mere frugtbar. Samtidig arbejder rige købmænd med store planer om at inddæmme og tørlægge hele fjorden – planer der møder modstand hos småbønder og fjordfiskere, der ser deres livsgrundlag truet. Den 13. november 1872 kommer stormfloden, der slår alle bestræbelser og drømme omkuld, men sætter liv i nye. I bogens sidste del fortæller ingeniøren Nikolaj Ottesen, Otte-slægtens 4. generation, om sit bidrag til den endelige tørlægning af Rødby Fjord i 1929. Og stormfloden kom er en barsk og bevægende roman om mennesker og deres livtag med naturens kræfter, om historiens hjul, der med nye kræfter ruller hen over gamle slægters møjsommeligt tilkæmpede landvindinger.

  • af Theodor Storm
    186,95 kr.

    Den lille, men vægtige, roman handler om digebyggeren Haike Hauens kamp mod naturen, med ham selv og med det omgivende samfund ved marsklandet i Sydslesvig, der lever i en evig angst for at blive opslugt af havet. En kamp mellem naturens mytologiske kraft og det rationelle menneskes forsøg på at bekæmpe den. Thomas Mann kaldte Theodor Storm ”en mester”. Nu genudgives hans hovedværk Skimmelrytteren, der samtidig er en klassiker i den tyske litteraturhistorie, på dansk. Bogen regnes til den tyske realisme, men har fået fornyet aktualitet i kraft af sin skildring af menneskets naturforhold og kamp mod stigende vandmasser.Theodor Storm levede 1817-1888 i Nordtyskland. Født i Husum, hvor han også senere vendte tilbage som advokat og forfatter.

  • - øjebliksbilleder fra 1960'erne
    af Bjarni Åkesson Filholm
    171,95 kr.

    Velkommen ombord på tidsmaskinen, der i form af denne bog tager læseren med på en rejse i ord og billeder tilbage til Rønne havn i 1960’erne. Her er mulighed for at se de gamle kajer, havneanlæg, bygninger og ikke mindst de kønne og specielle skibe, som lagde til i havnen i forbindelse med fiskeri, havneudvidelser, fragt- og passagersejlads. Meget er ændret siden dengang men ikke mere end, at man - ved synet af de mange samtidige fotografier i bogen - tænker: "Jamen, det var jo lige i forgårs". Vi ønsker en behagelig havnevandring.

  • af David Topp
    347,95 kr.

    David Topp succinctly explains how a city built on a flood plain will never be flood free.- Peter Spearritt: Emeritus Professor of History, The University of Queensland.Brisbane Breached: The Story of a Drought Defaulted Floodplain delves into the intricate historical chronicles of Brisbane, meticulously exploring the city's enduring struggle against the dual forces of severe flooding and prolonged droughts.The narrative unfolds, juxtaposing the recurrent major flood events between 1841 and 2022 with intermittent, yet impactful, periods of drought. Such occurrences, inherently linked to Brisbane's geographical position constructed within a flood plain, present profound policy challenges that have persisted over time.In dissecting the prevailing beliefs in the efficacy of dam constructions as a panacea for Brisbane's water-related vulnerabilities, this book confronts the prevailing misconceptions. The inadequacies of solely relying on dam infrastructure become apparent in the face of the city's unique topographical limitations, prompting a necessary paradigm shift in policy considerations.Foreseeing an imminent population surge, projected to add one million residents by 2032, this book's discourse posits the urgency of transcending traditional water management strategies. This paradigmatic shift becomes a pivotal policy proposition to avert the existential threat of complete water depletion in a city susceptible to both drought and flooding.David Topp is a Queensland Barrister. His previous book Tennyson Breach was published in 2012.

  • af Mrinal Kanti Sen
    382,95 kr.

    A natural disaster cannot be anticipated in any kind of form by humankind. These may occur in the form of floods, seismic, volcanos, and hurricanes. The menace of these occurrences cannot be stopped at will, but a robust framework can be created by applying the concept of resilience. Resilience means the strength of a community to resist the effect of any hazard and bounces back to that community's desired level of performance after the occurrence of the risk. Resilience is defined as a system's ability to withstand and recover from the effects due to natural or human-made hazards. In any community, the meaning of resilience can be taken as the time taken by the socio-physical infrastructure to bounce back to its original or functional state. The concept of resilience is well established in various domains, such as ecology, finance, engineering, and medical science. Infrastructure resilience mainly depends on four key factors for a particular, where systems' robustness is the ability to resist the effects of a disaster, redundancy is the availability of alternative resources ensuring operational requirements during/after a disaster, rapidity is the time taken to bounce back to its original/desirable position and resourcefulness is the availability of resources for recovery.Any system's performance loss and recovery profile are typically uncertain in nature, primarily due to the inherent uncertainty in natural hazards (related to system damage) and the time variation in the restoration process due to resource availability. Performance loss mainly depends on both robustness and redundancy. In most cases, recovery is modelled as a linear or stepped profile for critical infrastructure systems instead of nonlinear. The recovery profile mainly depends on the type of infrastructure system under consideration and resource availability. For instance, a stepped recovery pattern is typically followed in restoring road and bridge systems.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "Flood Control" is a comprehensive guide that delves into the multifaceted world of managing and preventing flood disasters, a critical aspect of civil engineering. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a deep dive into the historical evolution of flood control methods and underlining their significance in safeguarding communities and infrastructure.In its chapters, the book unfolds the intricate technical principles of hydraulic engineering, the backbone of flood control. It showcases the design and construction techniques of vital structures like dams, levees, and floodwalls, which act as frontline defenses against the ravages of floods. The text also introduces readers to cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the landscape of flood management, highlighting the blend of traditional practices with innovative solutions.A significant focus of the book is stormwater management. It covers the design of efficient drainage systems and retention basins, emphasizing the role of green infrastructure. These sections underscore the importance of sustainable practices in managing floodwaters, a theme that is woven throughout the book.The geotechnical aspects of flood control receive thorough attention. Understanding soil properties, foundation design, and soil stabilization techniques are crucial for the stability and effectiveness of flood control structures. The book provides in-depth knowledge on these topics, along with insights into slope stability analysis.Environmental impact assessment is another key theme. The book stresses the need to balance flood control measures with the preservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. It explores the environmental impacts of such projects and presents strategies for mitigation.Social aspects are not overlooked. The book delves into the social vulnerabilities and resilience of communities in flood-prone areas, advocating for community-based risk management and the importance of social factors in designing flood control measures.Community engagement is highlighted as vital. The text details the significance of stakeholder involvement, public awareness, and collaborative planning in making flood control measures successful.Economic and legal perspectives are also covered. The book offers insights into the cost-benefit analysis of flood control projects, long-term maintenance costs, and the economic benefits of reducing flood damage. It also examines the legal and policy frameworks that govern flood control and water management.Disaster preparedness and response are crucial chapters, emphasizing emergency planning, early warning systems, and the role of civil engineering professionals in ensuring disaster resilience. The book also discusses immediate and long-term response strategies for flood events, including infrastructure restoration.Case studies provide real-world insights into successful flood control projects, while a look into the future of flood control technology reveals emerging and sustainable innovations. Ethical considerations, often overlooked, are given due emphasis, discussing the social justice implications and environmental ethics of flood control measures.In conclusion, the book provides well-considered recommendations for future flood control projects, making it an invaluable resource for professionals, policymakers, and students in the field of civil engineering and environmental management. Its comprehensive coverage, from technical aspects to social and ethical considerations, makes it a unique and indispensable guide in the quest to mitigate the impacts of floods.

  • af Robert Dunham Short
    187,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af V. Ravikumar
    602,95 kr.

    This textbook is a comprehensive volume on sprinklers and drip irrigation and covers all the basic and fundamentals concepts related to these topics. It is the first book to consider  relative-flow-ratio as an evaluation criterion for both sprinkler and drip irrigation designs.  It also discusses various types of sprinklers (used for irrigation), their complex layouts, design methodologies, selection criteria explained with practical examples, and their operations and maintenance under different conditions. In addition to operation and maintenance of drip irrigation components, the book also explains the drip irrigation hydraulics and various design aspects and the effect of the same on their performance. It also has one important chapter on Rhizosphere modelling which introduces the state-of-the-art technologies in optimal irrigation and fertigation scheduling. Worked out examples and solved problems in the chapters would aid to learning and understanding of the topic among the students. Given the contents, the book will be extremely useful for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture engineering, irrigation engineering and civil engineering. This textbook will also be useful for researchers, engineers and professionals working in these areas.

  • af Arjun Sil
    1.732,95 kr.

    This book presents the select proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering (ICRACE) 2021. Various topics covered include theory and advanced technology of engineering structure, high-rise structure and large-span, structure, bridge and tunnel engineering, advanced concrete technology, durable structures, building energy conservation and green architecture, disaster management, smart structures and materials, soil and rock mechanics, geotechnology, hydraulic and hydro-power engineering, road & bridge engineering, and sustainable transportation infrastructures. This book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the area of civil engineering and allied fields.

  • af Albert Kimsey Owen
    187,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Peter Wynn
    384,95 kr.

    ICE Core Concepts: Hydraulics for Civil Engineers is an accessible introduction to the principles of hydraulics. Combining core theories with the need for sustainable solutions, the book covers all the fundamental areas in hydraulics, it is ideal reading for both student and graduate engineers seeking a concise overview of the subject.

  • af Min Cheng
    1.305,95 kr.

    This book shows an independent metering electro-hydraulic control system involving its flexible hardware layouts, complex software control, representative products and applications. The book includes one chapter introducing the background and motivation of the independent metering electro-hydraulic control system. It also includes one chapter to summarize various hardware layouts involving the utilized hydraulic components and circuits, as well as analyze their advantages and disadvantages. It emphatically consists of four chapters demonstrating the detailed multivariable control strategies from three levels: load, valve and pump, together with fault-tolerant control under the fault condition. It includes a last chapter, in which products of independent metering control valve and their applications in some typical heavy-duty mobile machinery are collective works of reviews illustrative of recent advances. This book is interesting and useful to a wide readership in thevarious fields of fluid power transmission and control.

  • af Arian Barker
    1.582,95 kr.

    A dam refers to a part of infrastructure system that comprises different structures designed to store, collect and manage water. There are different types of dams, such as buttress dams, gravity dams, embankment dams and arch dams. The reservoirs formed by dams not only prevent floods, but they also provide water for multiple purposes, including industrial use, irrigation, human consumption and aquaculture. Dam engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the problems associated with the building, planning and maintenance of dams. The development and building of dams has benefited the human civilization, by providing a supply of power and fresh water, as well as shielding it from calamities such as floods and storms. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in the field of dam engineering. It strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances within this field. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af United States Bureau of Reclamation
    367,95 kr.

  • af Oluwatobi Adeleke
    1.832,95 kr.

    This book describes the application of machine learning modelling approaches in atomic layer deposition and presents detailed information on modelling, optimization, and prediction of the behaviour and characteristics of ALD for improved process quality control.

  • af Anil Dhanola
    1.360,95 kr.

    The text presents the latest research and development, technical challenges, and future directions in the field of hybrid metal additive manufacturing. It further discusses the modeling of hybrid additive manufacturing processes for metals, hybrid additive manufacturing of composite materials.

  • af Patrick M (Glidepath McGuire
    365,95 - 914,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Chastre
    287,95 - 1.561,95 kr.

    The book presents the recent advances on testing and experimentation in civil engineering, especially in the branches of geotechnics, transportation, hydraulics, and natural resources. It includes advances in physical modelling, monitoring techniques, data acquisition and analysis, and provides an invaluable contribution for the installation of new civil engineering experimental facilities. The first part of the book covers the latest advances in testing and experimentation in key domains of geotechnics: soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, rock mechanics and rock engineering, and engineering geology. Some of the topics covered include new developments in topographic survey acquisition for applied mapping and in situ geotechnical investigations; laboratory and in situ tests to estimate the relevant parameters needed to model the behaviour of rock masses and land structures; monitoring and inspection techniques designed for offshore wind foundations. The second part of the book highlights the relevance of testing and monitoring in transportation. Full-scale accelerated pavement testing, and instrumentation becomes even more important nowadays when, for sustainability purposes, non-traditional materials are used in road and airfield pavements. Innovation in testing and monitoring pavements and railway tracks is also developed in this part of the book. Intelligent traffic systems are the new traffic management paradigm, and an overview of new solutions is addressed here. Finally, in the third part of the book, trends in the field and laboratory measurements and corresponding data analysis are presented according to the different hydraulic domains addressed in this publication, namely maritime hydraulics, surface water and river hydraulics and urban water. 

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