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Bygningsfysik og energieffektiv konstruktion

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  • af Judith Resch
    397,95 kr.

    Versatile wooden windows In her book, the trained carpenter and architect Judith Resch looks at what scope still exists in modern window design and construction. The process of simplification is more difficult to achieve for windows than for most building components, since windows, due to their function, must meet high technical specifications. She presents a variety of window design projects that have one thing in common: they pursue a singular design concept using the simplest possible means. All projects are presented in detail with technical drawings and photographs. 10 simple wooden window designs From retrofitting historical windows to the possibilities of DIY design Precisely designed, handcrafted, highly repairable windows

  • af Vijayalaxmi J
    858,95 kr.

    This book highlights the various aspects of architectural research based on field studies and real-time data including the data collection methods and the methodology and materials required. The output of every study is knowledge based and informed decision that helps architects and designers in decision making process at an early stage. The output of the book bridges the architectural research methods and its application in contemporary world through a thorough understanding of sustainable building materials, construction techniques and its quantified consequences on thermal performance. This book is aimed at researchers and professionals to assist in understanding the strategies, tacts and methods of a scientific approach to assess building performance through real-life case studies from India. The implication of what is being done in the contemporary world is highlighted which will help practicing architects make design decisions.¿

  • af Marko Pinteri¿
    979,95 kr.

    This problem book is a companion volume to the 2nd edition of the book "Building Physics: From Physical Principles to International Standards". The primary book offers a comprehensive presentation of the most important phenomena in building physics: heat transfer, moisture/humidity, sound/acoustics and illumination. The problem book includes both problems and solutions. Most of the problems are as practical as possible, while remaining conceptual and avoiding overreach. Many of the solutions presented do not simply end upon determination of the correct answer, but include further explanations for a deeper understanding of the theory and/or connections to other everyday phenomena. These explanations can be of great value to lecturers who use the primary book for their courses. All solutions are cross-referenced to the formulas or explanations in the primary book. This establishes the connection between theory and practice and contributes to a more thorough understanding of the subject. The book is primarily intended for lecturers and students of all subjects related to building physics.

  • af Isabel Malico
    1.720,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive overview of the forest bioenergy, from feedstock production to end products. The book presents the state of the art of forest biomass production, assessment, characterization, and conversion into heat and power. It starts with forest sources of biomass and potential availability. Continues with the characterization of the forest stands and the availability of biomass for energy per stand structure, including stands managed for timber, non-wood products, and energy plantations. It follows with biomass evaluation and monitoring considering data sources, modeling methods, and existing models. are also addressed. After the initial focus on forest biomass production and estimation, this resource is assessed as a feedstock for energy conversion. Not only current, but also emerging biofuels obtained from forest biomass are considered. Established and emerging conversion technologies for the production of bio-heat and bio-power are examined and the impacts of the conversion systems presented.

  • af Hasim Altan
    2.387,95 - 2.392,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Read
    2.437,95 kr.

    This new proceedings discusses developments in air, gas and refrigeration compressors, vacuum pumps, and expanders. It is the 13th edition of the International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, a three-day conference organised by the Centre for Compressors Technology at City, University of London in collaboration with, among other, the MEchE, IIR, and IOR.The conference offers a platform to identify current challenges in the field and provide the essential content and direction to shape future research. The International Conference on Compressors and their Systems series began in 1999 as a result of industrial consultation and a need for academic collaboration. Initially, the conference was organised by the Fluid Machinery Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) with the support of Holroyd. From 2009, the Centre for Compressor Technology at City, University of London took over its management and the conference is now one of the main conventions,taking place biennially in the UK, becoming world-renowned for its place in industry and academia to gather and discuss a broad range of topical issues related to compressors and compression systems.This year's conference has the theme "Compressors and Expanders in Future Energy Systems¿ and will be of interest to researchers and engineers in industry.

  • af Jürgen Köberlein
    204,95 - 260,95 kr.

  • af Howard McKew
    941,95 kr.

    This book examines in great detail the D-B and IPD methods, while touching on D-B-B and CM project deliveries. In this vein, the discussion regarding IPD is a variation from ASHRAE Technical Committee TC 7.1, Integrated Building Design (IBD), with the focus herein on HVAC-Led IPD Opportunities by consulting engineers and mechanical contractors. This IPD variation is also described later in the book as a 21st-century version of what was 20th-century D-B project delivery although D-B project delivery is still widely used.

  • af Allan T. Kirkpatrick
    637,95 - 692,95 kr.

    This second edition builds on the foundation established by the previous first edition published in 2017. The first edition covered background information, description, and analysis of four major cooling system technologies - vapor compression cooling, evaporative cooling, absorption cooling, and gas cooling. The second edition has been expanded to include increased coverage of cooling system refrigerants, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and building cooling loads. With increasing climate change due to the buildup of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, there has been a worldwide impetus to transition to cooling systems and refrigerants that have a low or even zero global warming potential. The text is written as a tutorial for engineering students and practicing engineers who want to become more familiar with the performance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The goals are to familiarize the reader with cooling technology nomenclature and provide insight into how refrigeration and air conditioning systems can be modeled and analyzed. Emphasis is placed on constructing idealized thermodynamic cycles to represent actual physical situations in cooling systems. The book contains numerous practical examples to show how one can calculate the performance of cooling system components. By becoming familiar with the analyses presented in the examples, one can gain a feel for representative values of the various thermal and mechanical parameters that characterize cooling systems. 

  • af Chuzo Ninagawa
    1.527,95 kr.

    This book describes new energy service controls of VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) air-conditioners, i.e., distributed-type air-conditioners for commercial buildings in the near future, in the context of the energy savings for CO2 reduction and the reform of the electric power system. In other words, this book introduces the state-of-the-art technology of the next-generation distributed building air-conditioning energy service system, from IoT cloud control to AI optimal control, as well as standards for the smart grid supply and demand adjustment market. Rather than simple saving energy by On Off operations or shifting set- temperatures, the author proposes technology that sends numerical commands for the air-conditioner inverters directly from the cloud. By using this innovative IoT method, this book describes how to realizes the AI optimal cloud control as a cluster of air-conditioners while machine-learning of each air conditioner's situation.

  • af Rafael Amaya-Gómez
    941,95 kr.

    This book provides the most up-to-date, advanced methods and tools for risk assessment of onshore pipelines. These methods and tools are based primarily on information collected from ILI measurements and additional information about the soil surrounding the pipeline. The book provides a better understanding how the defects grow and interact (repulsion or attraction) and their spatial variability. In addition, the authors contemplate new defects that evolve between inspections and how they could affect the pipeline's reliability. A real-world case is presented to reinforce the concepts presented in the book. The book is structured into three parts: i) an introduction to onshore pipelines and the problem of corrosion, ii) a framework that deals with uncertainty for integrity programs for corroded pipelines, and iii) the applications of the methods presented in the book. The book is ideal for researchers and field engineers in oil and gas transportation and graduate and undergraduate engineering students interested in pipeline reliability assessments, spatial variability, and risk-based inspections.

  • af Tamara van Roo
    868,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird eine thermoplastische und hochorientierte kurzglasfaserverstärkte Prüfplatte konzeptioniert und vorgestellt. Ebenso wird der Einfluss der fräsinduzierten Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften während der Probenpräparation umfassend beleuchtet. Bisher existieren keine adäquaten Methoden zur Herstellung von spritzgegossenen Prüfplatten mit hoher und homogener Faserorientierung, die eine hinreichende Breite besitzen, um Proben in beliebigem Extraktionswinkel für die mechanische Prüfung herzustellen. Eine solche hochorientierte Prüfplatte wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit konzeptioniert und in einem Spritzgusswerkzeug realisiert. Mikrocomputertomographische Analysen der neuartigen Prüfplatte zeigen einen Faserorientierungsgrad von durchschnittlich 85.1 %. Um ein detailliertes Verständnis der Einflussfaktoren der Probenpräparation auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften zu gewinnen, werden Probekörper mit unterschiedlichen Fräsparametersätzen aus diesenhochorientierten Prüfplatten heraus gefräst. Es resultieren unterschiedliche Oberflächenrauigkeiten. Die Proben mit verschiedenen Faserorientierungen werden unter einachsiger Zugbelastung bei 23 °C (Raumtemperatur) und -10 °C untersucht. Für beide Temperaturen zeigt die systematische Analyse keinen signifikanten Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die mechanischen Kennwerte.

  • af Roberto Garay-Martinez
    1.613,95 - 1.622,95 kr.

    This book reviews the history and evolution of district heating networks, with a focus on current and future issues of the district heating sector. Novel developments in the field of low temperature district heating are studied, limitations for safe operation and avoidance of bacteria are considered, and the associated improved performance of the system with fewer network losses is presented.This book showcases how the evolution of district heating networks is linked to the increased use of renewables and de-carbonized heat sources with specific focus to waste heat streams and solar energy systems. Considering the novelty of these technologies, technological developments and funding schemes for these investments are still immature to some extent. For that reason, a comprehensive review of the main aspects of energy planning as well as district heating economics and financing schemes for large-scale investments in renewable energy systems for district energy systems is performed.In the light of digitalization, networks are increasingly monitored, allowing for a drastic change in the approach for network operation. This book also explores the increased digitization and monitoring of networks and how this impacts network operation.This book is of interest to engineers, academics and officials interested in energy systems, presenting readers with the key concepts and tools to adapt to the evolution of district heating into an integrated, digitized and higher performing system.

  • af Building Energy Research Center of Tsing
    332,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af The Society of Fire Protection Engineers
    775,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

    This engineering guide provides a methodology to define and quantify the fire development andensuing conditions within the room of fire origin from the fire's incipient stage through its fulldevelopment. The approach presented in this guide was developed using the framework set forthin the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection. 2nd ed., Quincy, Mass.:National Fire Protection Association, 2007.)It consists of three distinct parts:1. Approach selection2. Input definition and data collection3. Results computationSpecifically, this guide was developed for use as a means to implement the requirements presented in Chapter 10 of the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection. However, material within this guide has broader applicability and is therefore not limited to performance-based design applications.

  • af Saskia Windhausen
    900,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch führt verständlich und anwendungsnah mit über 320 Berechnungsbeispielen in die Hauptgebiete der praktischen Bauphysik ein. Beginnend bei den physikalischen Grundlagen, werden die bei Planung und Konstruktion auftretenden bauphysikalischen Problemstellungen erläutert und Lösungswege aufgezeigt. Zahlreiche Berechnungsbeispiele verdeutlichen anschaulich, wie sich bauphysikalische Anforderungen und Regeln auf die Baukonstruktionen auswirken und welche Maßnahmen für die einwandfreie Funktion eines Bauwerks erforderlich sind.Die 9. Auflage wurde umfassend überarbeitet und aktualisiert, besonders im Hinblick auf aktuelle Beispiele und gültige Normenbezüge und Verordnungen.

  • af Christopher Borg Costanzi
    1.335,95 kr.

    The presented book deals with the use of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) as a means of stiffening and reinforcing free-form sheet metal as an application in facade. The main focus of the research is developing a methodology for welding ontop of pre-bent sheet metal; including digitizing of arbitrarily-formed sheet metal, developing of process-parameters for welding on thin sheet metal and generating force-responsive welding paths.The research is focused on singly-curved sheet metal profiles, and is concluded by the production of a number of small-scale prototypes which illustrate the potentials for reinforcing sheet metal using WAAM.

  • af Sophie Nussbaumer
    136,95 kr.

    Die Studie erlaubt einen spannenden Einblick in die Wiederverwendung anhand des Beispiels von Betonverbundsteinen. Ein eigentlich unscheinbarer Gegenstand, welcher uns fast täglich begegnet, wird hier zur Darlegung, wie Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Schweiz funktionieren könnte, doch noch nie so vorgestellt wurde. Die praktische Annäherung an die Wiederverwendung von Bauteilen zeigt neue Wege, Blickwinkel und Möglichkeiten.

  • af David W. Yarbrough
    1.911,95 kr.

    This book offers a unique treatment of building insulating products and the integration of these products with building components. This book was written for all those involved in building design, specification, construction, and commissioning, providing them with an understanding of and appreciation for the wide variety of thermal insulation products and technologies available for use in all types of buildings. The book proceeds from basic definitions and discussion of heat-transfer topics and thermal insulation concepts, to the design and use of these products. The impact of thermal insulation on dynamic building performance, including factors other than heating and cooling, is also discussed.The book does not require an advanced mathematical background. The authors provide sufficient information to provide a qualitative understanding, with more mathematical sections included for those interested in modeling and analysis. The basic physics associated with heat transfer in buildings are presented, along with the steady-state and transient analysis techniques needed for the effective implementation of thermal insulation and assemblies.Modern building design involves the integration of comfort, safety, economics, durability and cost considerations, all of which impact the selection and use of thermal insulation materials in buildings. In addition to theoretical explanations of the underlying science, the book details the properties and application of new thermal insulation materials, including vacuum panels, gas-filled panels, aerogels, phase-change materials, and radiation control technologies.Given its scope, the book will be of interest to researchers and building engineers wishing to understand the latest technologies and materials available, so as to achieve reduced energy consumption in commercial and residential buildings.

  • af Kian Jon Chua
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book systematically discusses state-of-the-art dew-point evaporative cooling and provides key insights into current research efforts and future research interests. Novel energy-efficient and environment-friendly cooling technologies are essential to reduce the sharply rising energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. Conventional air-conditioners which adopt a vapor compression cycle are neither energy-efficient nor sustainable due to the use of compressors and chemical refrigerants, as well as their intrinsic coupling of sensible and latent cooling loads. With the merits of high energy efficiency and the ability to decouple cooling loads without using chemical refrigerants, indirect dew-point evaporative cooling provides an ideal alternative solution to air conditioning in a variety of applications. A comprehensive review of evaporative cooling and their underlying engineering challenges is included. Advanced engineering andmodeling experience critical to the development of dew-point evaporative coolers are highlighted. The effective analysis techniques for dew-point evaporative coolers are documented, and their intrinsic characteristics captured by these methods are reported. Lastly, advanced dew-point evaporative cooling systems in various energy-connected applications are discussed by providing multiple case studies. Specifically targeted at HVAC engineers, thermal scientists, and energy-engineering researchers, this book will balance fundamental concepts, industrial applications, and leading-edge research. As this book provides readers with depth and breadth of coverage, it can also be used by graduate-level students in relevant fields.

  • af Andreas Maier
    752,95 kr.

    Ausgehend von einer Entwicklung thermisch aktivierter Gebäudehüllelemente aus nahezu sortenreinen, zementgebundenen Werkstoffen, die jedoch aus einer tragenden Innenschale mit aufgebrachter Dämmung aus ultraleichtem, mineralisiertem Schaum sowie einer Vorhangfassade aus sehr dünnen, mikrobewehrten UHPC-Platten bestehen, wird die Frage diskutiert, inwiefern sich derartige Bauteile auch als tragende Sandwichelemente umsetzen lassen.Hierzu wird in einem ersten Schritt der mögliche Kerndämmstoff aus ultraleichtem, zementgebundenem Schaum mechanisch untersucht und die für eine Sandwichanwendung relevanten Werkstoffkenngrößen ermittelt. Für eine mögliche Berechnung von Sandwichelementen aus mineralisiertem, zementösem Schaum werden aus der Literatur bekannte Sandwichtheorien aufbereitet und im Hinblick auf ihre Anwendbarkeit bei einem derart schubweichen Kernmaterial sowie in Bezug auf den Rechenaufwand und die daraus generierte Genauigkeit der Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen und bewertet.Im Hinblick auf die Klimaschutzziele sollte bei allen neuartigen Konstruktionen immer auch die Frage des ökologischen Fußabdrucks gestellt werden. Dies erfolgt im Rahmen einer Produktökobilanzierung des mineralisierten Schaumes, durch die Ermittlung der herstellungsbedingten CO2 ¿ äquivalenten Emissionen sowie des Primärenergiebedarfs und eines Vergleichs mit anderen Kerndämmstoffen. Die sortenreine Trennung des Schaumes von den Deckschichten kann für die Kombination mit Stahlbeton nachgewiesen werden.Die Umsetzung als Sandwichelement erfolgt abschließend mit funktionalisierten Deckschichten aus Wabenplatten, die über eine Trägerschicht aus Gipsputz mit dem Schaum verbunden werden, wobei die hohe Schwindneigung des Schaumes sich aktuell als Hindernis für eine dauerhafte, robuste Umsetzung zeigt.

  • af Laura Marín-Restrepo
    1.563,95 kr.

    This book describes how comfort, energy and climate change in developing countries and vulnerable sectors of the population relate to buildings.The building sector is currently facing significant challenges connected to energy consumption, energy poverty and climate change effects. When studied in developing countries and vulnerable sectors of the population, these factors, which are commonplace in the tropics and the southern hemisphere, are interlinked and share a critical component: environmental comfort. Although progress has been made in environmental comfort through research and the development of standards and policies at the international level, in the Global South, where the countries with the highest levels of income inequality are concentrated, environmental comfort has its own characteristics and challenges that prevent a clear understanding from the established vision of the Global North.This book presents research, theories and techniques related to Thermal comfort, Indoor air quality, Visual comfort, and Acoustic comfort and its relationship with energy use and energy efficiency, seeking to address different barriers to environmental comfort. It shows how to improve the way buildings are designed and operated to promote healthier environmental conditions and more sustainable construction, by presenting studies and reflections carried out in the target geographical area: the Global South. In this way, this book contributes to developing the concept of environmental comfort, visualising how progress has been made in understanding it from a tropical and southern perspective, and posing common challenges.The book is intended for engineers, architects, and researchers of the built environment who are interested in environmental comfort and its influence on energy consumption, energy poverty, and other related factors in the Global South context. It is also a useful resource for decision-makers and public policy developers concerned with the indoor comfort of buildings. Moreover, the book aims to provide guidance for those in developing countries by gathering existing knowledge in the field for the tropics and southern hemisphere climatic and sociocultural contexts, allowing us to move forward in this subject with actions and proposed solutions that fit our particular needs.

  • af Bert Bielefeld
    237,95 kr.

    The construction sector currently accounts for a high proportion of CO2 emissions and gray energy use. This will have to change fundamentally if we are to prevent catastrophic climate change and make urban planning and construction fit for the future. In addition to a paradigm shift in how architects work, we need to rethink how they are trained in higher education. Based on a lifecycle approach and an awareness of resource consumption, this volume in the Basics series explains a wide range of climate-friendly concepts in an easy-to-understand way, inspiring readers to take a closer look at solutions and new approaches in their daily practice. The key factors involved in the various planning stages of buildings are presented and placed in the context of the overall planning. Explains a range of current sustainability concepts Foundational knowledge for all students of architecture Interdisciplinary and networked consideration of challenges and solutions in the area of climate protection

  • af Ann-Christin Siegemund
    267,95 kr.

    In these times of climate change, the effects of climatic conditions on the composition of building materials, components and structures are coming to the fore alongside the use of resource-efficient materials. Of particular importance is the role of thermal insulation in structural physics. Approaches such as reducing heat influx, using design features to prevent interior cooling in low outdoor temperatures, and the choice of materials can reduce the need for energy-intensive air conditioning. This volume looks at various objectives of thermal insulation, grounded in principles of structural physics, materials science, and structural design. A valuable addition to the Basics series on the theme of structural physics Foundational knowledge for all students of architecture Interdisciplinary view of structural physics, building materials, and structural design

  • af Ann-Christin Siegemund
    267,95 kr.

    In Zeiten des Klimawandels rücken neben dem Einsatz ressourcenschonender Materialien auch die Auswirkungen der klimatischen Bedingungen auf die Zusammensetzung von Baustoffen, Bauelementen und innerhalb der Baukonstruktion in den Vordergrund. Der Wärmeschutz als Bestandteil der bauphysikalischen Lehre spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Ziele, wie die Reduzierung des Wärmeeintrags in Gebäude und eine Verhinderung der Auskühlung von Innenräumen bei geringen Außentemperaturen durch konstruktive Maßnahmen und die Wahl richtiger Materialien reduzieren den Einsatz zusätzlicher Energien für die Klimatisierung. In diesem Band werden die weiteren Ziele des Wärmeschutzes ausgearbeitet, durch bauphysikalische Grundlagen hinterlegt und die Umsetzung im Rahmen der Baustofflehre und Baukonstruktion dargestellt. Ergänzung des Bereichs Bauphysik innerhalb der Reihe Grundlagenwissen für alle Studierende der Architektur Fächerübergreifende Betrachtung Bauphysik, Baustofflehre, Baukonstruktion

  • af Trygve Magne Eikevik
    1.724,95 kr.

    This book covers the fundamentals and applications of carbon dioxide vapor compression refrigeration thermodynamic cycles. In particular, it presents new application areas, such as making ice and snow in the Winter Olympic Games, food cooling and refrigeration. The book explores the physical and chemical characteristics of CO2 fluid, and the unique traits of its thermodynamic cycle. The contributors explain how CO2 refrigeration is a developing, eco-friendly technology, and emphasize its importance for refrigeration and air-conditioning in the current and future market.This book is a valuable source of information for researchers, engineers and policy makers looking to expand their applicable knowledge of high-potential refrigeration technology using carbon dioxide. It is also of interest to postgraduate students and practitioners looking for an academic insight into the industry¿s latest eco-friendly technologies.

  • af David Bienvenido-Huertas
    1.167,95 - 1.643,95 kr.

    This book presents contributions on new technologies in building and construction. Buildings are complex elements that impact environment significantly. The sustainability of this sector requires a holistic and multidisciplinary approach that allows adequate strategies to be established to reduce its environmental impact. This heterogeneity is represented in these chapters, which have been developed by researchers from different countries. The book is divided into three sections: (i) analysis, (ii) design and modeling, and (iii) solutions. The book chapters together represent an advance in current knowledge about new technologies in building and construction, crucial for researchers, engineers, architects, policy makers, and stakeholders.

  • af Joaquín Durán-Álvarez
    2.387,95 kr.

    Building engineering is a complex and constantly evolving branch. The needs of the XXI century society cause a constant change in construction industry due to the need to achieve sustainable and ecological buildings. This affects all levels and phases of this engineering. Given this circumstance, numerous researchers turn their efforts to find optimal solutions for building engineering. For this reason, in this book a holistic analysis of building engineering is carried out from the perspectives that have a greater weight for sustainability objectives. The book is divided into 6 sections: (i) Building materials, which deals with research related to the most innovative and sustainable building materials; (ii) Design and construction, which deals with existing methodologies and advances in design and construction in construction sector; (iii) Building repair and maintenance, which deals with building repair, maintenance and upkeep techniques; (iv) Energy efficiency, which analyses thelatest research on the energy efficiency of buildings and their behaviour in the face of climate change; (v) Sustainability, which analyses the establishment of measures to achieve a more sustainable built environment; and (vi) construction management, which compiles the latest studies in the field of Project manager. The 38 chapters of the book together constitute an advance for the topic of building engineering. The aspects covered in the book are of great interest to various sectors, such as researchers, engineers, architects, legislators and interested parties.

  • af Malka N. Halgamuge, Gonçalo Marques, Jagriti Saini & mfl.
    1.053,95 kr.

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